Reference Number: 101004089358 Response provided under: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request & Response: Request in bold: Response in plain text: I should be very grateful if you would send me, by return-email, a copy of the public register schedule specifying the names, addresses, number of pitches, email addresses and contact details etc, of all Static, Touring & Camping Parks as well as all Residential Parks in your area. Please see attached PDF. Please note that email addresses and contact details have been withheld under Section 40 (2) (Personal Information) of the Act. We are withholding this information as release could potentially identify individuals, third parties or personal information relating to an individual. Section 40 (2) applies where disclosure of third party personal information would breach any of the Data Protection Act 2018 principles. The Council has a legal requirement under the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA”) to process personal data fairly and lawfully. The Council considers that releasing third party personal information would be unfair and as such a disclosure that would breach Principle One of the DPA. Please could you also let me have the name and contact details (email and phone number) of the person dealing with this matter and the name of the department responsible (probably environmental health and/or licencing). Sharon Beynon Senior Licensing Officer – 0300 1234 212
[email protected] Information provided by: Neighbourhoods & Public Protection Date of response: 18 October 2018 REFVAL TRADING