Rohu-456 Faf

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Rohu-456 Faf 3rd Restricted Call for Proposals – Full Application Form Project code ROHU-456 FAF Project title EASYDOOR - Easing Access to Systemic Discovery of Our Origins and Resources Priority PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources axis (Cooperating on common values and resources) Investment SO6/c - Sustainable use of natural, historic, and cultural heritage within the priority eligible area Implementation period 28 months (01 October 2020 – 31 January 2023) BP: Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (Hungary) PP2: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Regional Development and Environmental Management Agency Nonprofit Ltd (Hungary) Partners PP3: „KÖLCSEY” Television Program Service Nonprofit Limited Liability Company (Hungary) PP4: Satu Mare County Administrative-Territorial Unit (Romania) PP5: Satu Mare County Museum (Romania) Total 12,504,461.95 EUR, out of which ERDF 10,622,264.99 EUR LB: 4,762,620.39 EUR ERDF, 560,252.26 EUR national co-financing TOTAL Budget PP2: 2,587,717.97 EUR ERDF, 304,406.97 EUR national co-financing PP3: 1,877,368.47 EUR ERDF, 220,844.80 EUR national co-financing PP4: 1,081,412.63 EUR ERDF, 165,384.61 EUR national co-financing PP5: 313,145.53 EUR ERDF, 47,889.17 EUR national co-financing Sustainable development of the target region by organizing a single, Objective coherent cross-border touristic area, based on natural, historic, and cultural heritage resulted in the increased number of visitors. Contribution to CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to indicators supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions: 30.000 The project areas main challenge addressed by the project: the touristic initiatives and attractions are mainly isolated from each other, their operators are rarely cooperating, and the attractions are covering smaller areas or less members of the target groups. Project main outputs: Summary The Programme Output Indicator is CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions. Project ROHU-456 contribution will increase by 30,000 the number of visitors in the supported site, by creating an integrated touristic pool of attractions, 3 media/ Partnership for a better future marketing centres and 3 inter-active exhibitions; by renewing and refurbishing museum and tourist centres spaces, and also by online and offline marketing activities. Investments: LB: developing cultural, historic and religious tourist destinations by refurbishing and restoring 15 churches and a historical walk (promenade), situated in 16 different locations in Szabolcs-Szatmár- Bereg county: Kállósemjén, Kisvárda (2 locations), Nagykálló, Eprejeske, Nagyar, Nyírbogát, Nyíribrony, Nyírtass, Székely, Ajak, Fényeslitke, Gávavencsalka, Mátészalka, Tarpa, Nyírbátor. Investment value: 5.44 mil. EUR. PP2: develop cultural and historic destinations by establishing three interactive exhibitions. The interactive exhibitions in Baktalórántháza and Érpatak are introducing the noble-life, serf-life and the literature heritage of the cross-border region, while Literary Museum in Nyíregyháza helps in getting to know both Romanian and Hungarian authors in an interactive, modern way. Investment value: 2.41 mil. EUR. PP3: Investment activity will be carried out as a second phase of the Eco-Centre (Nagykálló-Harangod), exhibiting natural values of the region and protecting the common natural heritages and values of Main results the region. The size of the protected area, including the Nagykálló- Harangod Pond, can be measured in several hectares, and the investment contributes in attaining better conservation status of the nature. Investment value: 0.9 mil. EUR. Developing a media network that will provide media content on the local cultural events with focus on the mutual cultural heritage, establishing three cross-border media and marketing centers in Kisvárda, Fehérgyarmat and Mátészalka, to promote the tourist destinations of the target region. Investment value: 0.6 mil. EUR. PP4, PP5: general refurbishment of the main building of Satu Mare County Museum, monument of architecture, in order to make the buildings suitable for satisfying the needs of visitors on high quality standard as a 21st century museum. Investment value: 1.3 mil. EUR. Soft elements: Development of a mobile phone application, IT background (integrated access point), and ‘umbrella’-type marketing initiatives for tourism attractions of the target area; development of interactive content of exhibitions, museum; marketing and communication plan. Project code: ROHU-349 Implementation period: 01 October 2018 – 30 November 2019 Concept note Total budget 348,825.98 EUR, out of which ERDF 296,502.07 EUR. Preparation activities for developing the Full Application Form. Partnership for a better future .
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