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DuBRIDGE NOMINATIONS AT ASSEMBLY FOR ASCIT TOMORROW C'lllfJRNI' TECH FEBRUARY 9 C61illlnil Instltllte fJl TechnfJlQIY Volume LlI ______Pasadena, California, Thursday, February i, 1951 ______No.15 Nominations to be February Ninth DuBridge To View Draft . ' ~~~:J ~s~~:n;~ate Duties of Three More ASCIT ORicers Described AI Assembly Tomorrow All aspirants for candidacy in Secretary Second Rep Rolly Commissioner the coming ASCIT elections The office of ASCIT secretary The office of ASCIT second The rally commissioner plans Capitol Conferences Give Latest should contact Ulrich Merten, should interest any member of representative requires a person and sponsors Friday student ASCIT president, or some mem- the student body who wants to to hold the office during his soph· body assemblies. He plans and Information on Manpower Situaion bel' of the Boa rd of Directors on know what's going on around omore year. A second require· directs the annual Pajamarino. The , Techman's present foremost w orry, the draft situaiion or before next Thul'sday to re- campus. menl, I might add, is time. He usually can recruit consid- as il concerns himself, will be the subject of a talk by President ceive detailed information about He is a member of the Board The second rep is the only erable help for this affair, and Lee A. DuBridge a t Ihe assembly tomorrow morning dt II :00 the nominations assembly, Fri· of Directors, the Board of Con- sophomore elective office on the get the necessary knowledge in Culberlson. day, Feb. 9. trol, and the Student Faculty Board of Directors. His most im- from previous rally commission- Since Dr. DuBridge has recently returned from a series of The elections themeslves will Relations committee, In return portant duty is being a voting ers' reports. manpower conferences with government leaders in Washing­ be held on Thursday, Feb. 22, for these privileges, he must member of the Board. With this He also is responsible for 01'­ ton, he is well informed with the latest facts cmd indelinile but with the traditionally lively cam· keep the student body informed membership go any extra jobs ganizing football rallies and hopeful clues on the subiect of student deferment. paign week running from Mon· of the important transactions of that the Board feels can best be half-time activities. In fact, most • Techmen day, Feb. 19, right up until the these groups. handled by the second rep. of the first term program is tak- Y's /)fJinls In a statement issued by Dr. elections themselves. Candi- Records Jobs en up with football activities. DllBridge to the Tech last week, dates' statements will be run in Besides making the proceed· Besides the duty of .being a Aid and Abet he emphasized that every indi­ the Feb. 22 issue of the Tech_ ings known, the secretary must Board member, the office has the The rally commissioner picks cation pointed toward deferment Offices Open keep a faithful record of the following time-consuming jobs: a committee of six, approved by If Drafted--What? for a lall ge number of scientifiC, meetings a nd activities of the the keeping of the weekly ASCIT the Board of Directors, to aid The following offices are open two boards. These records are calendar in Lower Throop, the him with aU his work. technica l, and medical students, Faculty and Vets and that "Caltech men should for nomination: preSident, vice· important for the smooth run- keeping of a running calendar in He is also a member of the president, secretary, treasurer, fare pretty well" in case of adop. ning of the slUdent body. the California Tech, being in Board of Directors, ASCIT's tion of a UMS plan. athletic manager, rally commis- Boal'tl of Contl-ol Duties charge of the students' car re- governing body. He attends in· Give True Clue sioner, publicity manager, first The secretary is the only mem- pair lot in back of the student tercollegiate conferences to ex- A Y forum on the topic "The USit 'lljght" and second representatives, a nd bel' of the student body, except shop, cleaning up the Board cha nge ideas and assemblies Draft and Its Relation to You­ By way of advice, he offered editors· in -chief and business the vice'president, who has ac· room, and keeping its calenda r with the other local coll eges After You Get In; or The Worst "Sit tight . . . Do not neglect managers for the California cess to the records of the Board up to date. ( S cripps includ ed ). -Then Wha t" is planned for college work," and recognize Tech and the Big T. According . C that, while you should expect to of .ontrol. He is then entrusted Liason Off. crc{l-Reward Feb. 6 a t 7:30 p.m., tentative l~ y to the ASC.lT by-laws, all candi- serve your country some time in with the responsibility of a The second rep also does some The. of.flce rew. ards the rally. I scheduled for 119 K. Ian Camp- dates for the positions of busi· working knowledge of the past of the Board's purchasing; he is commlSS IOner wlth the ex-pen· I bell, professor of geology Dean the near ,f uture, the chances are ness managers must first receive actions that the Board as well parliamentarian of the Board; he ence of dealing with many va- Eaton, George Tanham 'Master good that your duties w ill make the approval of the ~oard of Di· as accurately recording the pro· is a liason between the Houses ried personalities. Also he has of Student Houses, and several full use of your scientific and rectors before .they can run. cee d ings, w h ic h includ es tria. 1s of and the Board on matters of so- t h e opportunIty . to use hI. S .lm ag- veterans will speak on the best engineering talent, either in mili­ l'l'ocooure the present Board of Control. cial events; and lastl but definite- ination in conceiving and carry- use of your opportunities in the tary or civilian capacity. At the nominations assembly Being the official correspond· ly not least, Is his job of being ing out his ideas. Army. "Druukard" all candidates and their nomina· ent of the student body, the sec· a member of the Honor Point He has the satisfaction of be- National l\ ssem bly Last week's assembly featured stage talent from the Hollywood tors wtli be seated on the stage" retary also gets a good idea of committee, ing instrumental in bringing the During the Christmas vacation cast of "The Drunkard," in an with the nominators stating the relations between the stu· ·These jobs may seem to be students extra-curricular enter­ Lee Baggerly went to the Y Na­ qualifications of their nominees, dent corporation and its dealings fa irly routine, and in some ways tainment as an in tegral pal't of tional Assembly as the delegate hour of old time vaudeville. The company of six actors and three and t he nominees merely accept· with others. they are; but they give the sec· their college work. from Caltech. About 1300 people ing the nomin ations. Further in· If you are interested in run- and rep a chance to meet people \V o t~hwhne Office attended, students, faculty, pro­ oo·la-la actresses put forth an hour of frivolous a nd amusing formation about this assembly ning for the office that enables whom he would probably never I think the office is a very fessional Y staff and several fra· l entertainment including a song can be found in the Little T. you to get the inside word on have a chance to meet otherwise. worthwhile one, and I enjoy it. ternal delegates from 25 foreign Anyone interested in running campus activities, I'll be very The friendships and experience I hope some undergradua te will countries. and dance routine, a male old­ for some office should see the glad to talk to you and discuss gained are well worth the time be interested in running for it, "Controversial subjects were time trio, instrumental numbers, man presently in that position any questions that you may spent in performing the duties and I will be glad to talk to him not ignored ... and debate was and as a highlight a melodrama advises Merten, and also the se- have. of this office. in my room (Dabney 40). sometimes less than gentleman­ in which the cast was augment­ ries of articles on the duties of Respectfully submitted, Respectfully 8ubmitted, Respectfully submitted, ly," says Leo. The stand was reo ed by three of Tech's own un· each office presently being run Stan Groner, Pat Fazio, Frank Ludwig, newed against universal military sung thespians. in the Tech. ASeIT Secretary ASCIT Second Rep Rally Commissionel' training and a resolution was prepared to be forwarded to Con­ Dramatists Present (ultuffll TfflnslusiDh: gress and the President urging ASME to Hold recognition of the Peoples' Re­ public of China. Roman Comedy Two weeks from tonight and Lecture, Tour Carnegie Grant Manifested In Public tomorrow night, Thursday and 15 16, Meeting next Monday at 11 Friday, Feb. and will be a.m. in Room 206 Engineering, Mead Composes the annual presentation of the the cES will hear a taik on com­ Affairs Ro·om, Lectures, Art Classes Drama Club, once again under t he inspired direction of Shirley bustion controls and regulators. By Mike Mecherikoff Aesthetics Book Speaker for the' meeting, which Although everyone realizes that Caltech is pri­ Dean. ·"The range of esthetics is much The play this year is an old is sponsored by the ASME, will marily a technical school, it can never be said broader than what is heard in he George A. Johnson, field en­ that students here do not have every opportunity Roman comedy (suitably reno­ the concert hall 01' seen on vated) chronicling the misunder­ gineer in this area for the heat­ for cultural development. It has been the polic.v walls." Of this Dr. Hunter Mead, standings when one twin acci­ ing controls division of Minneap­ of the administration t.o require that at least a Cal tech professor of philosophy dentally replaces the other. Writ­ olis-Honeywell Regulator Co. quarter of the time spent academic9. 11y be spent and psychology, hopes to con­ Topics to be covered include in Humanities. In addition to this the Humani· ten originally by Plautus, tbe ef­ vince the readers of his new fort is titled "The Two Menaech­ the need for such equ~pment and ties Division has sponsored such extra·curricular book, " Esthetics and the Philoso­ its use In various applications. programs as the Musicale and the Chamber Music muses." phy of Art," which the Ronald Anyone interested in a bit part To illustrate his talk, Mr. John­ series. Press of New York will bring son will use a model of an in­ is urged to contact Jesse Weil, Long-Terlll Stipend out sometime this spring. Dabney, or George Abell. dustrial control system as well Noting the intere:;;t in Humanities here, and Incl'c:lse }jsthclic Rauge as slides and diagrams. realizing their importance to students of science The vo lume, which Dr. Mead Studebakcl' Tour and engineering, the Carnegie Corporation of describes as an attempt to in­ Interview Schedllle Scheduled for tomorrow at 1 New York has recently made a grant of $30,000 crease the range of esthetic ex. February, 1951 p.m. is a SAE-ASME tour of the per year for five years available to the institute pel'ience, is divided into three THURSD ... V b FRID"'Y, 1 b 2-41S v up/ Studebaker Paclfic Corp. Those "to supplement and strengthen the work in Hu· ChE, ME, CE, EE. Un'on Oil Co .. l os An­ sections. The first is an "analy· geles. J . P. Rockfellow, Jr. Eng. Field attending have been promised manitles and Social Sciences here," to quote Dr. sis of the na ture of esthetic ex­ Dept . (Production Dept.) and Mfg. Dept. that they will see the au to as· Hallett Smith, chairman of the Humanities Di- IRefinery· Process and Deve lopment En­ 1 i pel'ience, in itself and in relation oineering I. sembly operation in detail. A Th P t THURSDAY Cr fRID ... Y, 1 Cr 2-Nat. Bur. v son. J to other types of experience with of Standards,t Wash .. '0 . C. Group talk. point of particular interest is I' . I'ee ro ec S which esthetics is usually con- 4 :15 p.m., lui Dabney. 8S, MS, PhD/ fE, said to he the new V -8 stUde- I The offictal announcement of the grant was f d " ME, Ph, Ma. National Bureau of Stand ­ ards, F. D. Wilimeke. Dr. Harold Gold­ baker engine. made by Dr. DuBl'idge during the Commence· I u~eh' d . t d f berg. Intervie...... ment exercises last June. Since then three dis. . e secon Is.a s u y a es­ MONDA V " TUESDAY, 5 b 6-8S, MS/ EE, A sign-up list has been posted ME. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. l os An­ In the Engineering building. Of­ tinct projects have crystallized-the a rt class, the t ~e~l c v~l~ es , ~hell' s ourct~s, and geles. R. D. Moody, Di s trict Mor., R. l. ficers of the societies have urged public affairs room, and a lecture series. 111e lr re a Ion 0 one ana er. Enge l, E. C .R05S. Primuily a Graduate Flow, '.rheol'ics of Art Tra ining Course. that those planning to go regis' Composel' Leotul'es MOND"'Y v TUESDAY, 5 6- 6-85 MS, The third part of the book is PhD/ A., ME, EE , CE MOl, Ph. Chance tel' Immediately. The first project now under way features a Vought Ai rcraft. Dallas, Texas. Mr. W. concerned with the four most in­ C. Schoolfield. series of lecturers of which Ross Finney, com· flu ential esthetic philosophies reo TUESD",Y, 6-8S/ tE, EE, ME. U. S. Coast poser and instructor of music at the University & Geodet ic Survey, Commander Whelan. garding the purpose or function Men selected will be commissioned. Tech Radio Hams of Michigan, is the first. After the present series Comdr. Whelan is speaking on the Sur­ on uHow the Composer Thinks," there will be of art. The first of these is the vey at II :30 the morning of the inter­ Representational Theory, which views, in 010 Eng. You arc invited to To Meet Monday other lectures on branches of the social sciences attend. holds that art is and should be TUESD",V, WEDNESD ... Y 6- THURSDAY, 6, The Caltech Radio C.lub will not represented in the curriculum. 1 Ct 8-A" degr.es/ ME, CE EE, ChE, Ch. a copy of life. The second atti· The Procter & Gamble M g . Co., l ong Amateur Art Class I hold a meeting Monday at 11 tude, often closely reiated with Beach, Calif. Mills S. Hodoe. Industrial The second of these, the art class, is conducted Relations Superintendent. and C. B. a.m. in 401 Bridge, the radio HRomanticism:' would have emo­ Hedrick. shack. Matters to be discussed on a strictly self·expression basis. Mr. Beaman, WEDNESDAV, THURSD ... V 6- fRID"'V, 1, tional expression as the motiva­ 8 Ct 9-Group Talk, Food Machinery & will include a new antenna for the instructor, is imported from Redlands Uni­ Chemical Corp., San ose, Calif. W. W. versity each Saturday to guide, encourage, and Uon behind all a rtistic creation. Bolton, Adm. Assistant, 4 :30 p.m_ , 10 1 Ca ltech station W6RRO, keys to I' According to the Formalistic Dabney. 7 February. Interv iews to be the radio shack on top of advise the small but ambitious group of amateur held 8 and 9 February. Theory, art is nothing but for· MONDA V b TUESD ... Y, 12 b 13-85, MS, Bridge, and new equipment for artists. PhD/ Ch, Ph, ME, thE, fE, Ga, CEo Oak­ The group meets at nine o'clock on Saturday mal design, while the propo­ ridljle Nat. lab., Carbon Chemical Div .• the station, according to Bill nents of the Social Theory con­ Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., Oakridoe, Gardner, club president. morning in room 04 Mudd. This room has been Tenn .. Dr. James l . Gabbard. tend that the function of art is TUESDA V, 13_ME, Ge n. Engr'l. (Techni­ assigned exclusively to the art class, and anyone cal Sales-all of U. S. Offices); ME is welcome to come down and develop his artistic to propaga te social values. (Technical Researc,!- DetrOit, Michigan) . Mend's Theory Ethyl Corp., R. R. "aller, Mgr. ot Train­ C6mpIIs ClJlend6f knowledge a nd talent. Ing. In the conclusion to the book, TUESDAY Ct WEDNESDAY, 13 & 14--85, THURSDA v fEB. 1 The class offers almost any kind of medium of MS, PhD/ EE, ME Ph, Ma, Chi MS, PhD/ 7 :15 Board of Direct ors meeting, expression to the student. Part of the class is Mead presents his own view of CE, A.. North American,f Downey, Callt. l ower Fleming. art, a composite of the four phil· R. K. Holborook, Personnel DIrect or, fRIDAY, FEB . 2 working on landscapes and water color, while Ae rophyslcs & Atomic Enorgy Res. Di· 4 :15 Varsity basketball , Cal tech vs. osophies mentioned above, al· vision. Cal Poly at P.C.C. other members experiment with oils, sketch ing, THURSD ... Y IT FRD"'V, 15 6- 16-85 S"'TURDAY, FIB. 3 though he admits he leans "a lit· c.. 9 :00-12:00 Art Class for all students or sculpture. Mr. Beaman hopes that his class up/ AE, EE, ME. Wright Patterson Air tle toward the formalistic view· Force Base, OaytonbOhio. Mr. Beckham, 04 Mudd will he able to contribute to the art exhibit which Civilian Personnel l,.,ision. 6 :30 Frosh Basketball--Cal tech at point." Chapman is under consideration, and which will display THURSD ... V " FRID"'V, 15 6- 16-AE'.. 8:00 ' Varsity Basketball--Caltech at lockheed Aircra ft, Burbank, Calif. Mr. the artistic endeavors of students and faculty. Non-Historic.'ll Mattson. Chapman MOND"'V, 19-MS/ ..... Cooperative Wind SUND"'Y, fEB. 4 Current Events Room The approach lhroughout the 7 :30 Film Classics Assemb ly--Cul. volume is non·historical, the uni· MciND'tt J TJES~7~h 6n~~D~S::~, 19, bertson The Public Affairs Room, on the first floor of 20 6' 21-Gene ra l Electric Company, l os Dabney. is almost unique in this country. The fying principle being theory ra· Anoeles, H. C. Hill and Mr. Sscarfe. 85, MO~~~ V~ iI~I8Cl :sslcs Assembly--Cul­ MS/ U ME ITralnlng Program) 85, MS/ bertson Tech students view PubUc AJralrs Room. (Continued on Page 4) (Conlinued on Page 4) Ch, ChE, Meta llurghh (Oi,ect Hiring) . Two ______T HE CAL IF 0 R III I ATE C H ______Thursday, FebruarY 1, 1951 South must play his ace and The California Tech Who Dealt king of trump immediately, in CE ·Prof Pens There's a an effort to draw all of West's Published every Thursday during the> col~ ~~~~~c~~!v;!~~~~~!n!'!!fsportsmanshiP, I lege year except during examin.tlons and a difference that was displayed strikingly at last Saturday's bas· This Mess low hearts. For, if East gains the holiday periods, ketball game. Sure, there was plenty of spirit-but as is remarked lead and is able to lead a club Fishing Boo:k Californl. Institute of T.chnolon by John Rogers 1201 East California Street, P.udena, Cal. in Thorne Butler's column in this issue, and as has reached our while West still has a trump, By Jon Goerke Subscription rates: $1.50 per ye.r. ears from the Athletic Office, booing the refs, using noisemakers South will lose one more club There used to be a time, 'way Entered as second-clan matter Nov. 22, trick. 1947, at the Post Office In PasadenaJ. C.Ii· and sirens, and otherwise trying to rattle the opposing team's 1.'he }<"'lncsse back in the days of Walton and fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1B19. player during his free throw, is not spirit and is certainly no~ good 1i.lthough the mechanics of fi· Count Cards Thoreau, when a man could go Offices: Lower Fleming sportsmanship. Telephone: SYcamore 6-7121 Ext. 180 nesseing are fairly simple, the Dealer, therefore, leads the out and catch himself a mess of Caltech participated last October in a conference designed to Bob Kurl.nd, Editor decision to finesse or not is by ace, king, and four of hearts, giv­ trout with only the barest essen· further spectator sportsmanship at SC.IAC games; now, let's try no means obvious. This week's tials of tack)e. Times have EDITORIAL STAFF and help increase sportsmanship and spirit ourselves. We can't ing East the lead with the queen. Managin~ Editor...... Budd LeTourneau column illustrates the reasoning East now leads the jack of · changed though, Prof. William News Editor...... Duane M .. rsh.U hope that those who use noisemakers and sirens and who boo every Sports Editor ...... J.sae W.II behind two choices which de­ monds; West wins with the ace W. Michael assures us; and just Feature Editor ...... BiII Whitney decision of the ref will stop, just because they're told that it's un· clarer must make concerning fi­ to prove his point ,he has writ­ Copy Chief . Chuck. B.nJemln sportsmanlike; we can hope that the rest of us will not be such and returns another diamond. News Staff ...... Tony M.I.noskl, nesse plays. South, having lost three tricks, ten a book on the subject. It is AI Jackson, Jim Crosby, Don Tierney, sheep as to follow them, though. • Frank. Hester, Mike Mecherikoff NORTH must now guess correctly con­ being published by McGraw·Hill Sports Staff ...... Pete Mason, ] n short. let's show Spirit AND Sportsmanship. to be issued about March 21 and Thorne Butier, Sam Vodopia, Nick Nich­ S K,lO,7,4 cerning the spade finesse. olson, Ray Greutert is entitled, appropriately, Dry H A,K,4 A little reasoning will show Fly Trout Fishing C~~urt~~f(j~~y: ··io·~· · co;;~·oiiy·:~~~ ~i~~~~: D 10,3,2 that West, with two aces, would Dale Burger The Dry Fly Trout Special Writers ...... Bob Cobb, C Q,10,3 have bid if he had possessed five Bill Whitney, John Rogerl, St.n Groner, WEST EAST Knowing that I was interested George Abel I T~E SQUARES' CIRCLE I or more diamonds. Since West Photographers...... Ed Bryan, S Q,8,5,3,2 S 9 did not bid, he must have four in fishing, Editor Bob Kurland Bob Spencer H 6,3 H Q,8,5 or less. But previous play indi­ asked me to drop in on Prof. BUSINESS STAFF The Squares' Circle is a· column conlposed of letters sent to the D A,8.6,4 D J,9,7,5 cates that West had only two Michael and get a few details I B~sines~ Man .. ger ...... Ch.rli. St.. .. IDdltol' by the readers of the CaUfornia Tech, It should be onder· ntering the Circulation Manager ...... Dlck Whit. C A,7 C 9,6,5,4,2 hearts and two clubs. b t the book So e stood t.hat. the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily express a au " fACULTY ADVISER SOUTH West, therefore, has a mini­ new Engineering Building, I Prof. G. R. MacMinn those of the California Tech editorial board. went to the new author's office S A,J,6 mum of five spades, and East a demonstrate the 97% deg. cone Maybe it's all for the best H J,10,9,7,2 maximum of one. If declarer, in Room 109. There, amid the Polk Again trappings of the new building, of vision of a fish, types of cur­ You don't cover our house, lest D K,Q then, first plays the ace of spades rent and their relation to food Simple Beak of peasant wit Ricketts standard be debased C K,J,8 and follows with a finesse to­ scores of engineering books, and pictures of Montana's Gallitan and fly drift, casting methods, Know that Polk's not out of it. To the Brewin's writer's taste. BIDDING ward the wing, he can lose no and other sidelights. You it is that's of such kind, Best you don't wail "sour grape" more tricks. (The ace must be River, I got the following de· N E S W scription of Dry Fly Trout Fish. \\1here They Bite Sterile, infantile of mind, In response to this, dul1 ape. tH P played first in order to insure Three weeks running you Truth I speak, and if you doubt, against loss to a singleton queen lng, This is no dry text on the sci- 18 P 2H P Scientific Flsblng entilic method, though, for Prof. propound Come and ask 'Us, otiose lout! 4H P P P in East's hand). This, your thesis false, unsound. Rumor has it that I file "I've attempted to deal with Michael has gone to the stream Gushing phrase of flow'ry Brewin's weekly. I compile The Opening IJcad ToW-Dament the subject from the scientific for examples a~d applications phrase These malodorous sheets 'tis West leads the ace of clubs Next Tuesday, February 6, oint of view" said Professor Mi· and returned WIth accounts of Week by week your stuff true, and follows with the seven, there will be a bridge tourna­ ~hael; and h~ listed for me the I hi.s adventures on the Firehole decays. Here's what I propose to do: thereby preparing himself for a ment in Fleming Dining Room chapter heads, which should ap· RIver in Yellowstone Par k Woeful Thursday of each week To Dabney HaII I'II take my possible trump trick. Declarer I at 7:30. Everybody is welcome. pear striking to students of the ("perhaps the best dry fly Brings the nauseating reek store, must realize that this is the only Teams whicH will play in the Arts and Sciences here at Tech. stream left in America"), on the Of the tripe you deign to write. The first door right, the possible reason for West's lead Intercollegiate Tournament will They read: Mechanics, Hydrau· Madison River below Hebgen Wake up, egghead! See the light! second floor, and must alter his ·play of the be chosen on the basis of results lics, Entomology, Chemistry, Op. Dam, and on the fabled Never· Nothing new from Ricketts, eh? In hopes they'll find a better trump suit to meet the situa· in this, and other, tournaments. tics, Psychology and Meteorol· sink and Beaverkill of New York Brother, that's just what you use. tion. But even if you are not inter· ogy. State, as well as New England, say! (I trust my meaning's not Instead of trying the normal ested in intercollegiate play, All of these are illustrated by Michigan and Pacific Co a s t Shut your eyes, (you no doubt obtuse.) finesse for the heart queen, come anyway. line cuts and photographs which (Continued on Page 4) do) As for the rest, I hope you To its active splendor. You choke Eh? Say It With •.• Deal with petty, trivial scoop. On your own drivel. Hyman, Tracy and Brown are Also in their element were How low, sonny, can you stoop? Signed, Ted Polk. now experienced in the ways of Godfrey Gutierrez, Xavier Szabo life, which show that all is in- and Lester Levy, who were able 26 years' work for the com· deed complex. Attracted recent· to conV-erse with 90% of the poser, was the realization of ly by the squeals of eager an- crowd who couldn't speak Eng· Wagner's most coveted ambi. tlclpatlon from three PCC ado· !ish (figure this one out your· tion. It was the g rea t est CAMPUS lescents, our heroes, never to be self). Blanchard spoke a differ· achievement of his life, and By George Abell caught short in an unusual posi- ent but equally successful Ian· one of the great achievements tion, rallied to the cause in true guage. \Vagner's URing" of all time In the world of mu· BREWINS gentlemanly fashion. T h r e e Saturday dawned, and, as us­ Richard Wagner's colossal trio sic and drama. dates later, all started under ual the aftergame dance that logy of music dramas, "Der Cast for Next \Veek somewhat similar circumstances, .nig.ht was drenched in black· Ring des Nibelungen" is being The cast for "Die Walkure," the three young beauties were, ness. Neil Huntley made an ap· performed and broadcast this the opera for this Saturday, in· last seen being forcibly ushered pearance with a wholesome year by the New York Metro· cludes Kirsten Flagstad; Gunther to the north, midst anguished blonde who obviously never politan Opera Company, on four Trepto, Blanche Thehom, Ferdi· What 81'C w e? And whence mellow Eastside. screams and colorful exclama- missed her breakfast with Cham. successive Saturdays, beginning nand Franz and Astrid Varney. came we? What shall be our McCormick choked on his tions which had little effect on pions. The high-fidelity sound last Saturday, January 27. Among the other great artist!; ultimate existence'? \\rhat's our flamer (Class "C."), in spite of ! anyone but the inmates of our wave (B. Laff) , sans snapper, Opportunities to hear these present'? (lnestions an· Offi' Cl b (H ,was also present, casting pearls appearing in future broadcasts ~"re the fact that his luscious Oxy I own cers u armon s hither and yon. great works in succession, espe· are Hans Hotel', Svet Svanholm swcl'less, anti yet incessant. date was observed warming the ' Happy Home). H, T and Bare cially with such splendid casts and Helen Traube!. -Byron. jug of "flamer·fluid" shortly be· I now indeed wordly wise. Gads, Amplexus! as the Met has mustered this The time for the Metropolitan The highlight of the evening, f ore t.e h }wo·ounce marathon. I Good ue.'ghbors . year, are rare, and we are indeed broadcasts is 11 a.m. on Station Briefly genuflecting before Our Th I '''' however, was Bob Lynam m arn- fortunate that one is offered us KEJCA. private altar, we don our rough e Ricketts Crew won the . The Beak now sets down to plexus. His spectacular perf orm- at this time at no greater cost Philharmonic Concerts housecoat of woven wire and crew race, sparked by "Sewer- the edification of the' multitudes. ance was easily the most capti- than the effort required to flip Pianist Robert Casadesus ap· hyper-tweed, and, essaying a Pipe" Polk, w~o w~ are happy . Sample banter of Friday last, vating event of the evening. on the radio. peared with Alfred Wallenstein fandango steps across the pol· to announce, IS now no longer which took place at the Dabney How two people can so complete. FOUl' Operas and the Los Angeles Philhar· ished floor, we land at the feet out of it. exchange, in a dimly.lit(1) lounge ly occupy a divan so efficiently The trilogy consists of the op· monic Orchestra last Thursday of our readers. We fawn de· Odds and Ends (Footnote: Murmurs of Thank with so much pretzel·like grace eras, "D i e Walkure," "Sieg· evening to perform the Brahms voutly. The spirit of Interhouse com- God!) Operator: Here's my is beyond the conception of this fried," and "Gotterdammerung," Second Concerto. By the third At CIT Nearly Everybody •.• petition moved to new fields be- chance to show the kinda right humble observer. 'Zounds! preceded by the prologue, I

More People Smoke Camels 914 East California than any other cigarelle! SY. 6·6705 459 East Colorado, Pasadena Four ______THE CALIFORNIA TECH ______Thursdoy, February 1, 1951

CULTURAL TRANSFU'SIONS Blacker Ties Rowdies [ FROSH ROUNDUP Caltech Fellowship State CS Exams (Continued from Page 1) Blacker retained possession of (Con tlllued from Page 3) NOTICE only other thing of its kind is a the Discobulus with a 2-2 soccer candidates for the tennis team Buildings and Grounds has an­ similiar project at D'artsmouth, lie w ith Ricketts. Ricketts held have been working toward .their nounced new regulations, ef­ T~heDla~t~~ S~,r~~ r!llow. To Be Held for New Hampshire--a project which the lead for the first half with a first meeting for the last three fective February 1, for cars ship is presenting Dr. Charles has been functioning success' goal by Capt. Ernie Weber. Swa- weeks. They meet. Redlands on which have remained perma· J. Woodbridge in a talk Monday, Sanitary Engrs fully for many years. The idea roop Banj Deo put Blacker into I Feb. 24 . Some of the players nently parked in Tournament Februar.Y 51 at 11 a.m. in Dab­ of the thing is to present a di- the lead in the second half with I are George Patl'uw, who played pa rk parking lot. ney Lounge. "The World's Great­ A civil service examination gest of current events from the two goals, one of which was :1 1in a New Mexico high sC ho.oJ A copy of the new regulations est Persona lity" will be the s ub· w ill be held on Saturday, Feb. origina l news sources. penalty kick. E rnie Weber came tournament last 'year, Ben DaVI S, fo llow: ject. 24, to seJect candidates for th e position of Junior Sanitary En· T o thIS end, the Humanities back with a goal in the last few Phil Potter, CJluck Sargent a nd Par king Uules Dr. W oodbridge has held sev· Division now subscribes to a minutes of the game to give Bill KelT. Places on the team gineer for service with the Ca li­ Any vehicle which remains eral pas torates, has been in the multitude of foreign and Ameri· R ic ketts a tie. haven't yet been assigned, foreign mission field and is now fornia State Department of Pub· in this parking area for a lic Heallh in San F rancisco a nd can publications. Included in Ricketts Blacker period of more than thirty in a teachi ng position. He holds these are ' two New York pa,pers MEAD'S BOOK a B.A., M.A. and a Th.B. from Los Angeles, and with the Divi­ -the conservative Times and Ha nna ...... L \ V ...... Kam el (Continued from Page 1) (30) consecutive days will be s ion of Fish a nd Game in San Princeton and a Ph.D. from the more liberal Herald-Tribune. \ Vcbcl' ...... ltI...... (;att ( ~ l' li n ther than his torical development. presumed to have been left for Duke and is now professor of Francisco. I nglis C Ban.l· Dco storage and such vehicle will These two papers, plus the San ' ...... \ VrittCII in Yose mite practical theology a nd homolet· Dut ies Francisco Chronicle and the 8t. \\',·,lkcl· ...... L I ". I>ilkington be m oved by the California In­ Most of the firs t draft of "Es· st itu te of Technology to a spe­ ics at the Fuller Theological The public health program re- Louis Post Dis patch, are sent I ~ l · i c" ...... R\ V Chong thetics and the Philosophy of '1 '1 cial parking area reserved for Seminary. qUlre. s tl le serVI' ceo", f graduatos dal y b' y air mal , so th a t paper~' H ousel' ...... CH ...... Salkeld Art" w as written in Yosemite in . th f' ld r 't y l)u bll' C . t f th Cl'i chtoJi ..... U H .. . l\J id(Ucbrook that purpose and located at Small discli ssion groups of the J Il1 e Ie s 0 sallI a 1' from varIOUS par s 0 e coun- .. · the summer of 1945, although it the south end of this parking fe lolwship w ill be study ing the h ea It I1 , CI l emlca,. I or CI. VI' 1 ellgl' . try are aval'1 a bl e t h e d ay a f tel' lNob{aras3le w3 .,....L H .. . St.cpha n id es '(has been rewritten three times eigh th chapter of Mark's gos pel. neering. A Junior Sanitary En· they a re published...... RF ...... Dryd en s ince then." While not written lot. Here Christ is concerned with gineer makes surveys for the E ngUsh .Tourna ls na tc~, P ...... LF...... BaggeI'l l' primaril y as a text, "the book St.orage Cha rge ~TI e n' s physical food as well as treatment of sanitary and water From England come the week· 1\1 0$:0; .... G ...... Bates, C. actually is a text, a nd could be Thereafter a storage charge s piritual fo od. The campus is in. pollution problems, and enforces Iy air·mail editions of the Lon- . used III the classroom i" sa Id Dr of one doll al' ($1.00 ) for each vited to join in on these discus­ State laws pertaining to sanitary don Times and the M~ n c h ester ern History. There are w.eekly I Mead, "bu t It is hoped more tha t ciay 01' fraction thereof will ac­ f; ions in Rooms 210, 211 and 202 and public health i'egulations. Guardian, together With three exhibits of the texts of ~lgl1l~ " It W Ill have an appeal to the in- crue as long as such vehicle is Dabney on next Tuesday and Seniors in any of the above magazines: New Statesman a ncI can t documents, speeches, edl- I tE'lhgent lay reader." allowed to remain in such s pe· Thursday noons from 12:30 to fields will be allowed to take the Nation, Spectator, .and .ECOnO· ton als, etc., . pertaini.ng to the N]) tl t · C cial parking area. 12:55. .. F b 24 d ml· st. U. S. Magazmes mclude p"oblems beIng studied by the l OS le ICS OUl'Se If such vehicle is allowed to exam illatIOn on ~ e. ,an suc- 1 OJ' Mead is not cons ldermg cessful applicants will be noti· Newsweek, Time, Life, and Seniors, remain in such special parking CE PROF AUTHORS BOOK fied of employment btfore grad- many others. For eign Interest I the possibility of teaching a area for a ·period of s ix ty (60) (C.ontinued from Page 2) uation. Applications should be In addition to these news-and- course ll1 esthetics at Cal tech III days without payment of such made before Feb. 3 by filing on editorial publications, Caltech Foreign students and faculty the near future. "People have streams. storage charge, such vehicle official forms. These and infoI" subscribes to much of what members are particularly inter- such varied backgrounds and FOl'ewol'd by Famo us Anglel' w ill be sold pursuant to the malion may be obtained from m ight in a sense be call ed propa· ested in this project because of dissim'i1al'ity of interests that it The foreword to D I'Y 1~' I .v provisions of Chapter 1 of Di­ the Recruitment Section of the I ganda literature, that is, it reo the wealth of foreign literature if; almos t impossible to present TI'out Fishing has been written vision 8 Of. the vehicle code of ~ tat e Personnel Board offices, flects the .views of that group available. The project is not as esthetics to them," said Dr. by the author's good friend, Ray the State of Cailfornia. 305 State Building, Los Angeles. which is responsible for the pub- yt:t complete, but it is certainly Mead, speaking "from previous Bergman of Nyack, N.Y., a con­ The California Institute of Details ma'y be obtained at the lication. Examples of this are well under way, and the in terest experience." s iderable tribute to the value of Technology assumes no reo Placement office. the bulletins and periodicals of shown in it by the Secon d Book the book, as Mr. Bergman is s tudent~more s pons ibility for loss or damage the C.. I.O., the A.F.L., the ArneI" than justifies its continuation Mead is also the author of well known both as an angler ------­ to any vehicle parked in this ican Friends Service Committee, and growth, "Types and Problems in Philoso· and as au thor of several works area or in said special parking BUTTIN' IN the National Committee for a Dr. Hallett Smith declined to phy," published by Henry H olt on fishing and is also Fishing area. (Continued from Poge 3) Free Europe, the World Affairs say anything about future proj- & Co., which fi rst appeared in Editor of Outdoor Life magazine. knowing that they are in for a Council of Nor thern California, ects, because there is as yet noth· April, 1946, and is still being Inform ation P r of. 0 11 1.'\7 trouncing, and still can put up and the Citizens' Committee for in g definite on them. However, widely used throughout the Information r egarding these ] n connection with the writing a good battle, has true competi­ the H oover Repor t. he indicated that plans are being country. regulations can be obtained at of his book, Prof. Michael has tive s pirit. And it is that kind PI"Ol)aganda St.ocked made. Part of the plans include ------Room 200, Buildings a n d made several television .and ra­ of s pirit that makes intercollegi­ To give the other side of the relieving certain people in the Di- Gad! Grounds Building. dio appearance. He has appeared ate athlelics fun. In fa ct, if I picture, the Public Affairs Room vision of some of their teaching "J essie J ames, you're a ..drinkin Effective February 1, 1951. on KFI -TV's For Sportsmen was a track man, I think it receives a Communist Chinese duties, so as to plan in integra- too much," said his girlfriend. Buildings a nd Groullds. Only (5·6 Saturdays on Channel would be an interes ting experi­ pictorial magazine similia r to tion of work in Economics and " Ifin you wa nt to marry me Californi':l Institute of Technology 9) and on CJlannel 13 in Fish­ ence to compete against fellows our Life magazine, and a pamph- History. This new approach will you'll have to choose between ______ing's Fun, where he will appeal' that might make up the next let entitled People's China, which be noticed at present in the sen- the saloon and me. Remember, again in about a month. Oly.mpk team. is strictly Red propaganda. ior Modern History course, and the saloon 'has n't got any brown A Toast From this point the interyiew· Let's Keep It S1.I'OJlg The Public Affairs Room co· in Modern Amel'ica (H 19) , a eyes." "No," l'eplied Jessie. "and Here's to Hell- may we have er a nd the author left the realm operates closely with the instruc· senior elective taught by Dr. you haven't got any swinging as good a time there as we've of the li terary world to journey We have a great conference, tors of the Senior course in Mod· Paul and Dr. Sweezy. doors." had getting there! in fact, maybe one of the bes t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __~ ______~ __~ ______~ __~ ______~ __~ ______on several verbal fi shing trips, which would have been enjoyed small college conferences in the by anyone traveling along with nation. Sal I hope the ·powers to P rof. Michael be will tr'y to strengthen the SCIC by giving the fans good \ Vatch at Bookstol'c competitive contests and forget­ T hose wielders of the Fan ting their petty injuries. \Ving Royal Coach man a nd Light Cahill among us, I am sure, will Ch a pman a ll want copies of D.,1' F ly T I'O u t This Saturday the Bea ve rs F is h ing, which will be available travel to Los Angeles to face in the Ins ti tute Book Store when the Ch apman fi ve. Year in and it comes out ... a n autographed year ou t the Chapman club has cop'y to go a longs ide T he Com­ had the "Indian sign" on Car l pleat A ng lm', Shy's fi ve. Maybe this time the Engineers will forget witchcraft TRAC.K CHANCES TOLD and bring home the victory (Continued from Page 3) bacon. J ohn has a best o f 5ft. 9\Hn. Cllapman is located immedi­ Competition includes Thorsen ately east of LACC on Vermont, and Beckman of Redlands with just north of Melrose. 6ft. 114 in. and 6ft., respectively, and a \Vhittier man, \~T in c he s t e r , up from the ,frosh, who has a WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY best of 5ft. 9%in. WHEN YOU ARE THIRSTY Broad-jumping for Tech are ., Waid with 21ft. lin., Veazey with 19ft. 4in., a nd Fazio with 19ft. WHEN YOU JUST 5% in. Aga inst us there are NEED RELAXATION Schlegel of Oxy with 23ft. 3'l

881 E. Open Colorado at Fri. Nights Lake " Men's Distinctive Fashions" L.S./M.F.T.-Wdo/ Strike Means Fine Tof>ao;o