Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
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Saturday, June 8 IDLEWILD PARK 5ANDCASTLE KENNYWOOD U.S. Route 30 1000 Sandcastle Dr. 4800 Kennywood Blvd. FAMILY PICNIC D AY FOR MASONS Ligonier PiHsburgh West Mifflin ACROSS THE STATE Please send me the tickets indicated below: Saturday, June 8, is Family Picnic D ay for M asons and their #OFTICKETS #OF TICKETS #OF TICKETS friends across Pennsylvania. Fun and fellowship is planned at _ Rides & Adm.@ $10 _ Slide All Day@ $11 _ Gen'l Adm. @ $4.95 each o f seven amusem ent parks- in A llentown, Hershey, tow ard _ Gen1Adm . @ 57 All You Can Eal@ 511 _ All Day Ride @ 18.95 the East and Ligonier, Pittsburgh, West Mifflin and Erie in the _ Fun Money @ $.90 _ Slide, Eal All Day@ $19 West. Detailed i nformation for each park is included in the accompanying coupons. Complete the coupon for the location of For Idlewild Park For Sandcastle For Kennywood y our choice and m ail it with your check according to the Total TICkets Tolal TICkets Tolal TICkets directions on the coupon. Ami. Enclosed Ami. Enclosed Ami. Enclosed Opens 10:00 a.m . 1 1:00 a.m. - 6:00p.m. Noon - 10:00 p.m . Please invite family, friends, neighbors, Masonic ladies, youth groups and D ORNEY PARK. fellow workers. Consider becoming a Masonic uncle or aunt by buying a WALDAMEER PARK. ticket for a Job's daughter, Rainbow Girl or DeMolay. AllENTOWN Presque Isle State Park For Information, call (412) 461-2572 or (412) 461-4700 Lakeview Section, Erie PARK OPEN: 10 A.M.1 0 P.M. Make check payable to: " Masonic Picnic" and send to: Masonic Picnic, c/o ~ he Masons ?f FOOD SERVED: 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. PARK OPEN: NOON- 10:00 P.M. Bill McCracken Marine, 11 43 Brierly Lane, Munhall, PA 151 20. FOOD SERVED 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. (Fried chicken. hot dogsisauerkraut hamburgers. ~ Pennsylvania baked beans. potato salad. Pepsi produciS, (AU-you-can-eat: hot dogs. hamburgers. pouuo Phi la. pre12els, pcanuiS.) Name --- ---------------------------- - - -- are answering salad. macaroni salad. baked beans, chips. ice PRICE $24 cream, co !Tee. Pepsi. Diet Pepsi. Orange. 7-up.) Address ------- --- ------- ---- - the call of history at Sr. (60.._) & child under -t8" - SI-t PRICE $11 Children under -t - Free Valley Forge in 1996! Children 4 & under- $3 .50 (I nc l. parking. admission to Park. Rides and Wildwater Kingdom. Food) In ceremonies at noon on Rides: All-Day TickeiS 8\'ailable at Park at Lodge or Organization --- - ----- --------- No coolers ollowf!d Ach-ise us ifyoullt'Rll a March 15, R.W. Grand Master $9/each. - Ride-A-Rama I p.m. - I 0 p.m. DEADLINE MAY 28, 1996 cooler for medical reasom. We must make EdV'{ard 0 . Weisser signed an 0/Tangme/lls prior to l 1111e 7. Send me: AduiiS Child tickets i' !r'" ' Send me: AduiiS Child tickeiS agreement with the• N nal Amount Enclosed: S ____ COMPLETE COUPON; -~ Amount Enclosed: S ____ i· I Park SetvJce at VaJiey Make check payable to: " Masonic Picnic" Clip and send with check & self aadre:ssed ' ~estore the4Jational Memorial Make check payable to: ~M asonic Picnic" and send to: Office of the Grand Master and send to: Richard E. Lawhead. DDGM. No. 10 envelope with two 32¢ sfamps. ...J·~ Arch tbat dominates the Masonic Temple, One Nonh Broad SL R..D. ;H, 3D-I. Cochranton. PA 163 1-l-9371. t t 1. Philadelphia. Pa 19107-2598 lanBscape overlookLng the - historic winter camping area Name _________ _ ~....... Name __________ KNOEBEL$ PARK, HERSHEY P ARK, for beleagueretf Revolutionary A ddress _______ _ _ Elysburg HERSHEY War soldiers. Address ------ --- (Rt. 487 be twee n Elysburg & Cataw issa) PARK OPEN: 10 A. M.-10 P.M. The ~onal Memorial Arch ~~ PARK OPEN: 10 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. FooD AND RIDES L odge o. __ District __ has stooC'i for more than 80 Lodge o. __ District __ PICNIC 11 A.M. - 8 P.M. Food smed noon to 3 P~~ DEADLINE: MAY 20, 1996 (Charbroiled boneless chicl.en brea:. " roll. years as a tr-i.,bute to Brother DEADLINE: MAY 28, 1996 PACKAGE #l $20/ PERSON Hershey hot dogs, charbroiled all -beef~amburger. and General George Washing FOOD & Rl.DES lenuce. tomato, sliced cheese. chips. ;odas.) ton and his army as a symbol --.~~ Hand stamp good for all rides noon to 8 p.m.: 1111 THE GRAND LODGE F. & A.M. PRICE $27/PERSO~ 9 & UP of the triumph they achieved --=-_, Second Class two meats - Lunch (noon) Hamburger BBQ. Children 3 to 8 - $24'Person OF PENNSYLVANIA hot dogs'sauerkraut: Dinner (5 p.m.) 112 BBQ there. Today, the Arch, which POSTAGE PAID chickert baked beans, cole slaw. chips, rolls, Children under 3 - Free M asonic Homes is 60 feet high and 30 feet wide, ~~• Lancaster, PA 17604-9998 butter. ice cream. co !Tee. iced tea.) Please in,ite famil). friends. and n.:~ ghbor> One M asonic D rive and Additional Offices Masonic ladies, )Outh groups and fello\\ \\or\.ers. stands in disrepair and is Elizabethtow n, PA 17022-2199 PACKAGE #2 PACKAGE #3 Consider becoming a Masonic uncle or lunt b) $10/ PERSON $10/PERSON buying a ticket for a Job's Daughter. cordoned off, closed to the RmES0NLY FoooO LY Rainbow Girl or DcMoay. public for safety reasons. Send me: A dullS Child tickeiS Children -1 & under - Free (this poclng• Onl)) Freemasons will restore the Send me: Adults Child rickeiS Amount Enclosed : S _ _ _ _ Arch to the grandeur it Amount Enclosed: S ____ Make check payable to: " Masonic Picnic~ and send to: Office of tbc G rand Master deserves. It will be rebuilt, Make check pavable to: " Masonic Picnic~ Masonic Temple, One onh Broad SL and send to: ·Hugh A. Jones. DDG~ I . virtually stone-by-stone. 150 Pocahontas Lane. Elysburg, PA 17824 Philadelphia, Pa 19107-2598 Numerous facade stones Name _ _ ______ weighing more than one ton arne ----------------- each will be removed and A ddress ------- A ddress ___ _______ refurbished for return ; the Lodge o. _ _ District __ underlying brick work will be reconstructed, and the DEADLINE: JUNE 1, 1996 Lodge o. District ornamentation and lettering TICkets ordered on ot near deadline will not be DEADLINE: MAY 20, 1996 mailed, but distributed at picniC. will be restored and enhanced. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to above. Memorial Arch continued on page 3 Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. Memorial Arch will be an integral part of the official Vall ey Forge National Park tour. continuedji·om page 1 The The ceremony for the signing of the " Masonry has always been there to $1 .5-million agreement was con Grand Master Speaks ••• answer the call," said R.W. Grand ducted beneath the Arch. Master Weisser. "Certainly, Brother Superintendent of the Valley Forge Washington and his embattled National Historical Park, Arthur L. I troops did when they endured that Stewart, presided and explained Brethren: brutal winter encampment in 1777 enthusiastically about how the and 1778." Masons of Pennsylvania have come Having served several months as benefits our fraternity offers them forward to meet the need to pre that you have good friends who r In his address to those gathered on your R.W. Grand Master, I have and their families. Remember, a man serve an important part of our would desire to share the fraternal the hillside upon which the Arch found th e position to be challenging suspended for non-payment of dues nation's heritage. Congressman fellowship of your lodge. You can stands, Grand Master Weisser said: and a very interesting experience. cannot receive an application to our and Bro. Jon D. Fox, of the 13th make it happen. Help your lodge " One may ask, 'why would Masons Thank you all for the courtesies and Masonic Homes for himself or his District where Valley Forge is locat grow in membership because you of Pennsylvania spend $1 .5-million expressions of confidence extended family; ca nnot take advantage of the ed, was present to express apprecia care about your fraternity - a frater to repair this Arch?' The answer is to me through calls, letters and thousands of dollars offered in schol tion to the Masons. nity that helps society every day. easy: It is because we, as Masons, fellowship of the fraternity. I will do arships for his children; and cannot We trust that each of you has taken believe our children, and their Marie Rust, Field Director for the my utmost to fulfill your trust in me. continue his membership in the coor the opportunity to attend the family children, need to know that the men Northeast Area of the National Park R. W. Grand Master We isser (second from dinate bodies. During my inaugural address, I programs being offered across the in 1777 cared about freedom and Service, represented the office of right} exp lains to R. W. Grand Secretary announced that my time would be During the first three months state. We look forward to meeting that the Masons in 1996 still care the U.S. Secretary of Interior, and Thomas W. Jackson (left) and Committee devoted to Pennsylvania Masonry, signed the agreement on behalf Chairman Dean E. Vaughn, that it was Bro. as your Grand Master, I have you as you attend the family about freedom and remember those Hemy Cole, P.M. (right), of Southampton visiting Schools of Instruction and contacted by telephone more than 25 entertainment prog ra ms in the who encamped here." of the government. Addressing the Radiant Star Lodge No .