Issue no: 1087 • SEP. 28 - OCT. 1, 2018 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

In this week’s issue... Latest Report on Air Quality in , Kutaisi, Batumi NEWS PAGE 3

Shevtsova on the Tsunami of Change in Russia POLITICS PAGE 5 FOCUS National Bank of ON OCCUPANT Tightens Lending Regulations 25 years since Georgia lost Abkhazia, and BUSINESS PAGE 9 Georgia-Russia relations PAGE 4-7 Will We Ever Get There? SOCIETY PAGE 12 Nicolas Namoradze – First Georgian to Win Honens Niels Scott Rounds Up his International Piano Competition 5-year Tenure at the UNDP CULTURE PAGE 15


iels Scott, the UN Resident Coor- dinator and UNDP Resident Rep- resentative and UNFPA Repre- sentative in Georgia of the past fi ve years, has ended his tenure and this Georgian Judoka Tushishvili Nweek headed off to his next position in Tripoli, Libya. Becomes World Champion We caught up with him quickly prior to his SPORTS PAGE 15 departure to get his take on Georgia past and pre- sent, and his outlook for the future of the country. “I was looking out the window as I was heading to work this morning at about 8:30 in the morn- ing. What I saw looked like a really modern, bus- tling city, which unfortunately comes with a lot of traffi c, but people were heading off to work and moving with a sense of purpose, thinking about the day ahead. That’s what symbolizes the biggest change for me of the past fi ve years: Georgians have become more business-like in their approach to life but have still retained their poetic and romantic character. Continued on page 7 Source: GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 Georgian Fine Arts Museum to Opposition Accuses Regulatory Open to Public from October 2 The exhibition space is of 7,000 square BY THEA MORRISON meters and consists of three fl oors and Commission of Censorship 31 exhibition halls. The museum also has a storage facility equipped with the lat- BY THEA MORRISON he Georgian Fine Arts est high-standard technologies that can Museum had a soft opening keep 6,000 pictures. The building has a on Rustaveli Avenue on 120-room conference hall and an exhibi- September 26. tion space for temporary expositions. eorgia’s opposition parties Over 3500 works of well- The museum, which was built in the have criticized Georgia’s Tknown Georgian artists of the last 80 place of the former Artist's House on National Communications years will be exhibited in the museum, Tbilisi’s main artery road, besides the Commission (GNCC) after which have been collected by collectors promotion of Georgian modern art, gives it requested the removal Gia Jokhtaberidze and Manana Shevar- artists an opportunity to conduct research. Gof the opposition’s pre-election videos dnadze in the family private collection Periodically, new works will be added about the presidential candidate Salome over 20 years. to the existing, permanent exposure. Zurabishvili, saying they were “inappro- Art pieces belong to the period from An “Art House” complex has also been priate and insulting.” 1945 to the present day. Among the exhib- designed for guests of the museum, which Zurabishvili is supported by the ruling its, visitors can see the works of Apolon combines restaurants, cafes, swimming Georgian Dream (GD) party, and the Kutateladze, Korneli Sanadze, Natela pools, sauna, exercise hall and boutiques. opposition believes that by restricting Iankoshvili, Edmond Kalandadze, Sergo There is also a three-story garage for 155 videos about her, the GD is trying to Parajanov, Jibson Khundadze, Albert cars. prevent society from seeing the reality. Dilbarian, Zurab Nizharadze, Lev Bai- Income received by the "Art House" The three videos depict Zurabishvili on the authorities not to prevent them tion] want to take the presidential elec- kakhiev, Givi Toidze, Tengiz Mirzashvili, will be spent on the development of the running away from reporters, making from carrying out their pre-election tion in a destructive direction,” he stated. Radish Tordia, Temo Japaridze, Gaiane museum. mistakes while talking in Georgian, and campaign. Kakha Bekauri, the chairman of the Khachaturiani, Tamaz Khutsishvili, Gogi People can visit the Georgian Fine Arts using inappropriate words and expres- The European Georgia opposition also Georgian National Communications Chagelishvili and Irakli Parjiani. Museum from October 2, 2018. sions. held a press-conference, accusing the Commission, said that the GNCC had The GNCC sent letters to all broad- GNCC of breaking the law. The party demanded the withdrawal of several casters, demanding the removal of the says it is censorship when they ask to political advertisements from TV com- videos. remove only the videos where Zurabish- panies due to “unethicality.” “The clips contain obscene content, vili is portrayed in a negative context. He says the decision of the commission regulated by Paragraph 4 of Article 54 “The GNCC is a tool in the hands of is not connected to politics. of the Broadcasting Act, which prohibits the ruling party, in order to help them “Three of the four political advertise- pornography and violation of human accomplish their political aims and make ments contain unethical expressions that dignity. The clips are considered inde- Zurabishvili President…This is political are prohibited by Georgian legislation. cent,” the GNCC stated, adding that if censorship,” Giga Bokeria, member of This is a political advertisement, and the TV stations to not obey their demands, European Georgia, stressed. according to the Law on Broadcasting, they will be fi ned. “Any broadcaster which obeys this it is prohibited to launch inappropriate The United Opposition, which has their absurd decision of the commission will advertising. That is why we said that own presidential candidate, held a brief- restrict free political speech and become these advertisements cannot be broad- ing to say that the advertisements were a supporter of Zurabishvili’s election casted anymore,” said Bekauri. not inappropriate as they depict the campaign,” he added. Rustavi 2 TV says they will not obey reality. Member of the GD majority, David the decision of the GNCC and call on “The videos show Zurabishvili speak- Matikashvili, says he agrees with the the other broadcasters not to remove ing and using the words herself. We only decision of the Regulatory Commission. opposition’s advertisements. showed this and nothing more…The Matikashvili believes that the opposition “The Regulatory Commission exceeded decision of the GNCC means that the parties are trying to discredit Zurabish- their powers and tries to impose censor- GD majority is doing their best to help vili, which, according to him, is wrong. ship. This is why we will continue to Zurabishvili win,” Giorgi Vashadze, Chair “Salome Zurabishvili is the target of a show videos,” Nika Gvaramia, Director Photo source: 1TV of the New Georgia party stated, calling black PR campaign... They [the opposi- General of Rustavi 2 TV station, stressed. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 NEWS 3 Latest Report on Air Quality in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi ously. An online air quality monitoring gia has had over recent decades has been BY SAMANTHA GUTHRIE information portal is currently being completely unacceptable and brought developed where the public will be able us to very serious consequences. The to get daily information about air quality main focus of the Green Economy con- he National Environmental immediately and consistently. Due to cept is to protect the environment to Agency (NEA) of the Min- high public interest, the weekly survey improve the ecology of the country and istry of Environment Pro- will continue until the end of the current maintain natural resources for future tection and Agriculture of year. To determine the concentration of generations,” said Bakhtadze when he Georgia conducts continu- potentially harmful particles in Tbilisi’s announced the concept. Tous monitoring of atmospheric air qual- air, including lead, specialists will select As part of the Green Economy, starting ity using automated measurement sta- locations for samples to be taken in August 1 Georgia began implementing tions. The most recent tests measured advance, and the results will be refl ected a standard air monitoring system mod- the concentration of eight pollutants in in a single weekly report. eled after European practices. The eval- the atmosphere in Tbilisi, Batumi and The National Environmental Agency uation is based on the automatic moni- Georgia Ranked Kutaisi. The NEA found the presence of will publish its data on concentrations toring network that was previously in all measured substances to be within of contaminants in atmospheric air in place and is being expanded. A web normal levels, except for nitrogen diox- Tbilisi daily on the agency's website: portal will also be developed to allow ide (NO2) and solid particle (PM10) On a weekly basis, citizens to receive regularly updated concentrations. details about atmospheric air quality online information on the air quality in 7th in Economic Specifi cally, concentrations of nitrogen across Georgia will also be available. certain locations. dioxide were observed in Tbilisi on Air quality is a continual subject of Last week, the Georgian environmental Tsereteli Avenue to be 1.4 times the concern for residents of Georgia, espe- non-profi t EcoVision presented the results annual average. On Abuseridze Street cially in cities. The World Health Organ- of their research on air quality in Tbilisi. in Batumi, the NO2 was 1.5 times the ization's (WHO) 2018 report ranked EcoVision teamed up with the Commit- Freedom 2018 annual average. The solid particle (PM10) Georgia 70th in the number of deaths tee on Environmental Protection and concentration was observed on Tsereteli caused by air pollution – the worst in Natural Resources of the Parliament of Avenue in Tbilisi to be 1.4 times the Europe. In July, Prime Minister Mamuka Georgia to conduct a study on atmos- the world," said Deputy Economy Min- BY SHAWN WAYNE annual average, on Kazbegi Avenue and Bakhtadze announced his new green pheric air conditions in Tbilisi, fi nding ister Ekaterine Mikabadze after the pres- Asatiani streets in Kutaisi at 1.1 times the economy concept. “The policy that Geor- dangerously high levels of small particles. entation of the rating. annual average, and on Abuseridze Street The assessment of Georgia is a "respect- in Batumi – 1.2 times. eorgia has been ranked 7th able rating," she added, and an "impor- The NEA is working to expand the among 162 countries in the tant signal for investors and the inter- scope of monitoring of lead in atmos- "Economic Freedom in the national community." pheric air. Specialists have already started World" rating carried out When creating the rating, fi ve main a weekly survey to determine a baseline by the Fraser Institute, an indicators of countries were analyzed: quantity in Tbilisi. Last week, air sam- Gindependent non-partisan research and the size of the government; protection ples were taken in four locations around educational organization based in Can- of property rights and court; a fi rm mon- the city: near the Philharmonic building, ada. The annual overall rating was devel- etary policy; freedom of international on Tamar Mepe and Kazbegi Avenues, oped by the Canadian institute along trade; regulation of loans, and employ- and in Gldani’s fi rst micro-district. The with independent researchers and edu- ment and business. air samples were sent to a laboratory for cational institutions from more than 100 Leading in the ranking of "World Eco- evaluation. Results revealed that the lead countries. nomic Freedom" in 2018 is Hong Kong, content in the samples taken in all four "This positioning of Georgia in inter- followed by Singapore and New Zealand. locations did not exceed the permissible national ratings is very important. We The top ten also includes: Switzerland, norms. have been improving for years; it is Ireland, the USA, Georgia, the Republic Air quality monitoring is a priority for Image source: National important that we steadily maintain our of Mauritius, the United Kingdom and the NEA, and it is carried out continu- Environmental Agency position among the freest countries in Australia. GEORGIA TODAY 4 NEWS SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 White Taxis to Be Mandatory in Tbilisi from 2019


Photo: Time Out rom October 1, 2019, all taxis in the capital of Georgia must be white. The decision was Tbilisi’s Sololaki Named made by the City Hall and announced by Mayor Kakha KaladzeF on Wednesday. “Some visual standards for taxis in the among 50 Coolest capital will be mandatory from October 1, 2019. We have had a lot of discussions about the color. We decided on white as Neighborhoods the mandatory color for Tbilisi taxis from October next year,” he said, adding that It also says that visitors can experience three-door vehicles as well as right-hand- BY THEA MORRISON Georgian polyphonic singing in the street, drive vehicles will not be allowed to pro- adding it is unlike anything else in the vide this service. The Mayor called on and afterwards The applicant will then receive an world, or see a performance on Sololaki’s all taxi drivers to apply for the mandatory pay a one-year permit fee of 50 GEL for invoice stateing the registration fee, ime Out editors and experts vibrant jazz scene. registration launched on August 1, which hybrid vehicles, 100 GEL for ordinary which can be paid online or at the bank. have revealed the 50 neigh- “Sololaki is home to many famous must be completed by November 2018. cars. There is no charge for eco-friendly The permit will be issued only in elec- borhoods in the world, landmarks and tourist attractions, its “More than 6,200 licenses have been electronic vehicles. tronic form, upon payment of the fee. which travelers should visit cobblestone streets maintain an air of issued. Providing the service without a A permit-seeker who has already passed The permit certifi cate, which the driver this year. mystery,” the article says. license will be impossible from October authorization then needs to indicate the receives electronically, contains the fol- TAlong with the neighborhoods of Lon- The media outlet gives recommenda- 1. There will be a very strict attitude unique taxi code and registration num- lowing data: the driver's photo, driver's don, , , Seoul, Strasbourg and tions to visit famous sulphur baths on towards those who do not have the license ber of the vehicle, after which the vehi- name and surname, permit number, date many others, Tbilisi’s Sololaki is also Meidani Square, some of which are open – a 200 GEL fi ne,” Kaladze said. cle will be refl ected in the applicant’s of issue of the permit and validity period, listed as one of the most attractive places almost 24 hours for late-night soaking. Taxi drivers who want a permit to taxi personal space, creating an electronic state number of vehicle, model of trans- to visit in 2018. It also suggests visiting the restaurant need to fi ll in the online application at application for permission. port, and a fast feedback code (QR code). “Bars, restaurants and even clubs pop Ezo, which serves delicious, traditional up in the neighborhood’s countless court- Georgian dishes in one of Sololaki’s yards, letting the locals (often artists and characteristic Italian yards, or checking musicians) add their personal touch. out the bar Zoestan, owned by a French Locals and travelers alike frequent the musician who has lived in Georgia for “The Other Way” in Inclusive Dance many whimsical apartments-turned- over a decade, which is a comfortable, cafés, which often double as live music no-nonsense bar famous for live music, Zazanashvili and several wheelchair theaters. Recommendations prepared BY MARIAM MERABISHVILI venues,” the article reads. reasonable prices and quirky decor. users were actively involved in the by B. Lisicki will help to improve acces- British Council program "Unlimited sibility for disabled audiences as well as opportunities: Taking the right step” for disabled artists. he British Council continues aiming to raise awareness about disa- 22 September 2017 - Lisicki conducted to cooperate with the Tbilisi bled people. British Council’s Culture a workshop for theater professionals in Twenty-Five Years Since International Theater festi- & Development: Unlimited in Georgia, Georgia. The aim of the workshop was val and with its support, the Armenia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine aims to share the UK experience in the area Tbilisi Inclusive Dance to explore models of good practice and of venue accessibility. the Fall of Sokhumi companyT presented its fi rst performance develop partnerships to (a) create a 30 September 2017 - Deaf Men Danc- ‘The Other way’ on September 27 at the network for disabled arts practitioners ing, an all-male deaf dance company Marjanishvili Theater. The troupe con- and presenters/producers and (b) with a fusion of different dance styles sists of persons of limited capabilities as establish a series of cross-country pub- incorporating British Sign-Language, well as able-bodied dancers. lic platforms (including digital) for performed at the TBS International. The main idea of the performance is disability arts development, production 31 October - 2 November 2017 – Can- the expression of experiences, and the and training which will bring disabled doco’s Dance Lab 1 for Georgian danc- stages of inner transformation resulting people to the center of the planning ers interested in inclusive dance was from traumas and diffi culties, through and policy-making processes, challenge organized in partnership with Marjan- dance and motion. A synthesis of improv- social attitudes by exposing audiences ishvili Theater, Tbilisi. isation, dancing and live music is used to integrated arts practice and, ulti- 18 - 20 April 2018 – Candoco’s Dance in the staging. mately infl uence social policy and leg- Lab 2 (as above). After the performance, the audience islation. “We hope that submission of integrated was able to talk not only with the troupe Events implemented within the pro- art models to the audience will contrib- and ended with the fall of Sokhumi on members and the choreographer Keti gram so far: ute to changes in social approaches, BY THEA MORRISON September 27, 1993. Zazanashvili, but with Ellie Douglas, the 21 September 2017 - Barbara Lisicki, a which will positively affect the public's On September 27, Georgian soldiers Candoco Dance Company Learning Pro- trainer from Shape, the disability-led attitude and ultimately infl uences social were forced to leave the city. Abkhaz ducer who was invited especially for the arts organization, conducted an access policy and legislation,” the British Coun- wenty-fi ve years have passed forces stormed the government building occasion. audit at the Rustaveli and Marjanishvili cil states. since Georgia lost control and took members of the local govern- over its Russian-occupied ment as hostages. Many of them were territory of Abkhazia shot shortly after. (Sokhumi). This day has Abkhaz forces took full control of the Tdifferent meanings for Georgians and territory on September 30. In the lead Abkhazians, as the latter celebrate the up to the fall of Sokhumi, part of the “day of gaining independence from Geor- civilian population fl ed the city by sea, gia” and the former commiserate a loss while the majority fl ed by foot through by lowering fl ags on state institutions the Kodori Gorge in the mountains, across the country. where many died of cold and starvation. In September of 1993, the Abkhazian Around 10,000 civilians died as a result Guards, an armed formation created by of the ethnic cleansing, and more than the Head of Abkhazia’s High Council, 300,000 became refugees. Vladislav Ardzinba, violated the ceasefi re The confl ict remains unsolved, and the agreement and opened fi re on the National regime in Abkhazia refuses to allow for Guards of Georgia, who had entered Abk- the return of the refugees to their homes. hazia in order to protect the Sochi-Inguri At present, the Russian Federation is part of the Georgian railway. exercising its power in breakaway Abk- The State Council of Georgia decided hazia, after occupying 20% of Georgian to send the National Guards to Abkhazia, territories in the wake of the Georgia- with Ardzinba’s consent, on August 11, Russia August war in 2008. 1992. Georgian ministers and offi cials visited In spite of the agreement, the Abkhaz- the Memorial of Fallen Heroes in Tbilisi ian Guards confronted Georgia’s National and paid tribute to those soldiers who Guards and war soon followed. Military lost their lives for the unity of their activities lasted 13 months and 13 days homeland. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 POLITICS 5 Georgia: Geography & Relations with Russia Georgia developed the way it did, espe- BY EMIL AVDALIANI cially so in its relations with Russia and other neighboring countries. Although the majority in Georgia regard Russia ooking at Georgia’s position negatively, its geographic proximity to from a larger, regional per- Georgia forces the country into economic spective, one could think that relations. Georgia’s location allows Tbi- the country is in most part lisi to be a regional transit hub, and it defended by large geographic can’t afford to be oriented towards only features.L On both the western and east- one country. This also does not preclude ern sides, you have the Black and Caspian Georgia and Russia from talking to each seas (although Georgia does not border other and fostering said economic rela- the latter), which have served Georgia tions. The non-existence of diplomatic well, as no foreign invader ever came by relations as well as fundamental differ- sea (well, aside from the legendary Greeks ences regarding Abkhazia and Samach- searching for that golden fl eece). To the ablo (South Ossetia) does not stop the north, there are the Caucasus Mountains, Georgian government from creating through which it is extremely diffi cult closer economic contacts with Russian to enter. Thus, the only natural invasion businesses. route into Georgia has been to the south, It could be argued that Georgia is pur- where the Lesser Caucasus Mountains suing a clever strategy of positioning lie but do not represent an insurmount- itself not as an anti-Russian state, but able geographic feature. also not abandoning its pro-western This might suggest that Georgia’s posi- course. The ideal scenario for Tbilisi is tion is actually enviable, but the reality when all the neighboring countries have is different. Although no-one thus far a stake in the security of Georgia. In has invaded from the Black and Caspian addition, large players such as China, seas, the two have been essentially closed with its Belt and Road Initiative, the EU, to larger transoceanic trade. This did the US and others are also involved in not create a need on the Georgian side the economics of the country, creating to ever create a trade fl eet (the defense a certain balance in the region. Image source: of which might have later resulted in the This is a strategy that Georgian rul- creation of a military fl eet) and as such, ers have pursued throughout centuries: cannot ignore economic cooperation. nevertheless shows that Tbilisi and Mos- ciple pushing for keeping its territorial Georgia has historically remained cut playing one big dominant neighbor Economic interconnectedness through cow have much to talk about. Both could integrity. Moreover, Russia has issues off from European naval developments. against the other. The history of Geor- supply chains eventually breaks down cooperate in the security realms as well with Georgia’s pro-western course, as it The seas and mountains also diminished gia also teaches that the country might large geographic and Man-made bar- as deepening economic ties. endangers Russia’s geopolitical goals in the ability of the Georgians to gain more be enemies with a neighboring state, riers like those, for instance, created However, this potential limited coop- the Caucasus. territories, as there was simply no land but geopolitics can at times mean between Samachablo and the rest of eration doesn't guarantee a rosy picture These fundamental problems will cap to expand to except for a rugged south- Georgia still has to maintain relations. Georgia. for the future of Russia-Georgia relations. any improvements in relations, which ern fl ank. This is especially so nowadays, in an What is the future of Georgian-Russian Moscow is very unlikely to give up on brings to mind the current essentially This context is important for under- era of increasing interconnectedness relations? How far could cooperation its policy towards Samachablo and Abk- frozen state of relations between the two standing why, throughout the centuries, where neighboring rival countries go? These are too big to answer, but it hazia, while Tbilisi will remain on prin- countries. Shevtsova on the Tsunami of Change in Russia

to Crimea [a previous holiday desti- EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY nation] and choose Georgia instead, VAZHA TAVBERIDZE but not Abkhazia, as it's too contro- versial. They say Georgia is the most hospitable nation. I’ve been to Geor- n September 11-12, 2018, gia twice with my children. Georgian the McCain Institute and hospitality changes the moods of Rus- the Economic Policy sians towards Georgia and that’s Research Center (EPRC) important. co-hosted the 4th annual TbilisiO International Conference in the THIS MIGHT CHANGE THE Georgian capital. This year’s title was PERCEPTION OF RUSSIAN “World in 2018: Upside Down?” TOURISTS BUT HOW The conference brought together MUCH CAN IT AFFECT THE regional experts on security issues, PERCEPTION UP THERE Georgian policymakers, civil society IN THE KREMLIN? activists, and representatives in the I’m not sure that the Georgians, Ukrain- private sector “with a view toward keep- ians nor Russians themselves can change ing Georgia high on the transatlantic the Kremlin’s view of the world much agenda and keeping Georgia on track but we have to understand the logic: in its democratic progress and transat- Putin cannot backtrack on what he has lantic aspirations.” done and you understand the cycle of At the conference, GEORGIA TODAY such dictatorial people: if you backtrack, spoke to Dr Lilia Shevtsova, an Associ- you lose face. ate Fellow with the Russia and Eurasia Program at Chatham House, a promi- WOULD YOU AGREE HIS nent and worldwide respected scholar REFUSAL TO BACKTRACK IS when it comes to Russia and the former WHAT HOLDS HIM IN POWER? USSR. She was also the founding chair I would agree but at the same time look of the Davos World Economic Forum at the Russian President: he seems to Council on Russia’s Future. We quizzed of Russians, in this year of sanctions war as shown on Russian TV. Now, MARKET IS UNRELIABLE, me, I'm using the term “impotent omnip- her on that future, what it will take for and anti-Western hysteria, demand a though, only around seven or eight per- THAT ANY CHANGE TO OUR otence,” meaning that while he has the Russia to get there, and how Georgia normal relationship with the West, and cent of Russians considers Georgia an RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA CAN control, at the same time he's constantly will fi t into it. the Russian attitude towards Americans enemy; so people do change their atti- NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE WINE shooting himself in the foot. Take the has become much better. Before, it was tudes and when I walk on Tbilisi streets, OR TOURISM MARKETS HERE Skripal case- he lost so much; the pen- AT THE CONFERENCE, YOU a 20% positive attitude, but this August I see many tourists from Russia. Rus- I do believe that Georgians are much sion reform in fact killed his own elec- MENTIONED HOW THE 42% showed a positive attitude to the sians are occupying Tbilisi but these smarter in this policy than Russians torate base; Ukraine - how to get out of PERCEPTION OF GEORGIA HAS West and, in this context, the percep- are Russian tourists, not tanks. because they open their borders, air- that? Syria - supporting Assad. So, on CHANGED OVER THE YEARS tion of Georgia has changed. In 2009, ports, restaurants, apartments, and the one hand his policies give tactical IN RUSSIA. HOW AND WHY? 62% [of Russians] thought of Georgia SOME PEOPLE ARE ANGRY houses to Russians, and so the percep- gains but on the other hand they bring Russians have become less anti-Western as an enemy; of course, the result of the SEEING RUSSIANS HERE; tion has changed. In Russia, I know strategic disaster. and for me it was a puzzle because 68% hysteria, the Kremlin policy and the SOME SAY THE RUSSIAN several families who don’t want to go Continued on page 7 GEORGIA TODAY 6 POLITICS SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 A Law-Breaker or a Simple Researcher? Tokarev on his Deportation

able to us. I cannot tell you that I fully EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY support the Kremlin's policy in these VAZHA TAVBERIDZE regions; on the contrary, I have critical opinions and some advice on how this policy could be better implemented. t the beginning of the month, the South Caucasus Media WOULD YOU SAY THAT WHAT Forum organized by the RUSSIA IS DOING IN GEORGIA Russian Presidential Foun- AMOUNTS TO OCCUPATION? dation in Tbilisi became a What we have here is the recognition of hotA topic, not least because a large part two independent states by Russia, which of society labeled the event a tool of happened following military confl icts Kremlin propaganda, with many of the and after a period of Russia fi rmly sup- Russians set to speak notorious for openly porting Georgia's sovereignty for 25 years. supporting the Kremlin narrative. No less I certainly would not call it occupation. furor was caused by the fact that three If the fact that I do not agree with the No, because Georgia is a sovereign coun- fact that afterwards, this regime won the go to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, espe- Russian speakers were refused entry to term occupation, that I emphasize that try and it is fully entitled to decide who main war of Mankind and 16 years later cially if you want to be a good researcher Georgia, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia has recognized Abkhazia after 25 it wants to allow entry to or not. No-one sent the fi rst person into space. This is and understand the position of both sides. stated, due to the violation Article 3 of years of unsuccessful support for Geor- can deprive you of this right and I do not the glory of the Soviet Union that we the Law on Occupied Territories. One of gia's sovereignty, after the blockade of have any complaints here. As for the cannot ignore. As for the fact that you do WHY DID YOU AND YOUR those speakers is a scholar from the Mos- Abkhazia, only after yet another military Soviet Union, there is a good Soviet Union not deny this past, I disagree. You have COLLEAGUES NOT ENTER cow State Institute of International Rela- confl ict - if all this makes me a Kremlin and a bad Soviet Union. I will give the the Museum of Soviet Occupation, where ABKHAZIA VIA GEORGIA? NO tions, Alexei Tokarev, who claimed that propagandist, then I agree to be presented example of stupid Soviet provincialism a photo exhibits how the Bolsheviks ONE WOULD HAVE REFUSED his deportation had no connection to law as a disseminator of the Kremlin propa- - one of the Georgian journalists, I will demolished the Cathedral in Kutaisi. I YOU, AND YOU WOULD NOT or politics and that the border guards ganda. not mention his name here, fi rst alerted cannot justify this action and the same HAVE HAD TO BREAK THE LAW merely confused him with an NTV jour- the authorities about my supposed “wrong- thing happened here: in 1934, the Cathe- I can only answer for myself: it is a mat- nalist. GEORGIA TODAY spoke to Toka- 25 YEARS OF SUPPORT OF doings”, and then came over all swash- dral of the Savior in Moscow was destroyed. ter of principle from the perspective of rev to fi nd out more. THE GEORGIAN SOVEREIGNTY buckling onto my Facebook page and But in the same museum, there was no the Georgian authorities. For the fi rst “Of course, I knew the forum was funded FROM RUSSIA? DO YOU NOT insulted me and my country - this really place for the photo showing Mikheil time in fi ve years I was not let in, for a by the Russian Presidential Foundation, THINK THAT WHAT RUSSIA is Soviet provincialism. Saakashvili's government demolishing made-up reason. After this incident a something I personally have nothing to ACTUALLY DID WAS UNDERMINE the memorial of the Soviet soldiers in the number of Georgians, whom I did not do with: I represent the Moscow State GEORGIA’S SOVEREIGNTY? DO NOT YOU FIND IT IRONIC same Kutaisi in 2006. Why? It was the know, swamped my Facebook page: an Institute of International Relations From 1991 to 2008, all Russian offi cials WHEN THE REPRESENTATIVES war in which we all fought together. The ill-mannered, rude crowd insulting me, (MGIMO); I am a scholar. As far as I know, confi rmed that they recognized Geor- OF THE COUNTRY CONSIDERED photo where the Bolsheviks destroy the my country and its government. They the foundation does not force anyone to gia's sovereignty over these territories. BY THE DEVELOPED WORLD cathedral found its place in this museum, rejoiced at the fact I was not let in and talk in favor of or against anything, includ- There are complaints about us: for AS THE IDEOLOGICAL HEIR and it tells us about the horrors of the also had a bit of a fascist lean about them. ing Kremlin policies. The funds of the example, we have distributed passports OF THE SOVIET UNION, Soviet era, and the photo where Saakash- It’s nothing but foolishness to attack a foundation are spent on fl ights, hotels and it is mentioned in the Tagliavini ACCUSE OTHERS OF HAVING vili and the Nationals destroy another person who does not spread propaganda, and similar organizational issues, but report as one of the factors that con- A SOVIET MENTALITY? monument is nowhere in sight. This makes who has never said that Georgia should nobody is instructed on what to say and tributed to the confl ict. On the other I cannot judge Mr. Malashenko's state- it a propaganda museum. I do not think be divided, who has never expressed what not to. Paramount is the fact that hand, yes, we supported the Georgian ments - he said what he thinks. As for the that the destruction of the past and mon- opinions against you, who does not call this foundation does not carry out anti- sovereignty - an example of this is Abk- Soviet Union, I think it is appropriate to uments is the right thing to do. for the invasion of Tbilisi with tanks. You Georgian propaganda. And while some hazia's blockade, and the Abkhazians mention President Vladimir Putin's cannot fi nd any such statement in my of my colleagues might support what still remember it and it remains a black famous quote here: “Whoever does not LET’S RETURN TO YOUR writings. you’ve called ‘the Kremlin narrative,’ in spot in the Russia-Abkhaz relations. In miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Who- DEPORTATION AND THE my opinion, journalism – the issue we addition, Russia committed itself to ever wants it back has no brain.” This REASONS FOR IT. WERE THERE ARE SCREENSHOTS ON were going to talk about – makes it pos- being a true peacekeeper and Russian phrase perfectly expresses my position. THEY EXPLAINED TO YOU? YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT sible to listen to different sides, different peacekeepers were stationed there. I I do not think Russia wants to restore the I don’t know why they didn’t let me in. WHICH SHOW YOU IN opinions. I thought we would have dis- remember the photo in which President Soviet Union because the Soviet Union As far as I know from my sources, the SOKHUMI AT THAT TIME. cussions about this with the representa- Yeltsin is holding the hands of both cannot be restored. opposition party European Georgia THIS IS THE SAME FACEBOOK tives of the Georgian media. I don’t think President Shevardnadze and President demanded that Alexander Tokarev, NTV PAGE WHERE YOU EXPRESSED this event should have become a mouth- Ardzinba and I think it is a very sym- DO YOU CONSIDER THE journalist, not be allowed to enter Geor- YOUR FRUSTRATION OVER THE piece of the Kremlin policy.” bolic and powerful image. In addition, COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET gia. Afterwards, madness ensued: no one DEPORTATION AND WHERE, I would like to highlight another impor- UNION A TRAGEDY? checked anything and ultimately it was AS YOU SAY, GEORGIANS HOW CAN A DISCUSSION tant fact that no one seems to bring up This was a huge tragedy for my people: me, Aleksey Tokarev, who was not allowed VERBALLY ASSAULTED YOU. BE HELD BETWEEN PARTIES anymore: Russia was the mediator in 25 million Russians broken into pieces to enter Georgia instead of Alexander I congratulate Georgian social media WHO HAVE OPPOSING OR AT the process of transferring power dur- by the collapse of the Union. Of course, Tokarev. We have the same surnames, users if they have nothing better to do LEAST DIFFERENT POSITIONS? ing the Rose Revolution; Igor Ivanov, there were black spots in Soviet history, but I do not know the man. The Geor- than dig into my Facebook account. I am THE FORUM BROUGHT the Russian Foreign Minister, made such as the Stalin repressions, but at gian policemen who carried out our overwhelmed by your attention to my TOGETHER HARDCORE AND Saakashvili, Zhvania and Burjanadze on the same time, it was a country that won deportation were very polite. They even Facebook status. I, personally, am more SOFT PROPAGANDISTS WHO, the one hand and Shevardnadze on the the most important war in human his- apologized and I have no complaints interested in how to maintain the rela- IN GENERAL, VOICED THE other, sit at the negotiating table. tory and was the fi rst to open the win- about them. They themselves had no tionship with those Georgian people who KREMLIN'S VISION AND POLICY. Ivanov rooted for Georgian statehood dow into space. History does not consist idea what was going on. I have the impres- have in the past met me with open arms. Can I ask you back? Where do you think when Aslan Abashidze left for Moscow of black-and-white images: it should be sion it was a political gesture, but I can- I belong - to the Kremlin’s hardcore with him. Russia also contributed to perceived as a whole. I accept the his- not understand what I am guilty of DID YOU BREAK THE propagandists or the soft ones? strengthening Georgian sovereignty in tory of my country as it is; you, the because I have never been detained LAW OR NOT? Adjara. I’m sure you remember the situ- Georgians, are trying to cut out the before, I was not involved in propaganda Georgian media and Georgian politicians THAT WOULD NOT BE HARD ation in Adjara back then – they did not Soviet past and I don’t think it's right. and I have traveled nine times to Geor- are knotting up a big lie about this. An TO FIND OUT. WHAT DO pay taxes, the customs service answered In my opinion, Armenians go about it gia without any issue and have met a lot NDI survey shows that only 12% of the YOU THINK ABOUT RUSSIA'S only to Abashidze, who had his own in a much more reasonable manner: of people there. population is concerned about the rela- POLICY IN ABKHAZIA AND Armed Forces, and Adjara was actually they had the fi rst republic, then the tionship with Russia and the recognition SAMACHABLO [TSKHINVALI not a region, but a fi efdom of sorts. second, the Soviet republic and now THE MINISTRY SAID THE of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Their REGION, “SOUTH OSSETIA”]? they have a third republic. They do not REASON FOR YOUR main concern is poverty, unemployment There are many issues on which I per- MANY A GEORGIAN, AND turn a blind eye to their own past. DEPORTATION WAS A and a weak economy. sonally disagree with the Kremlin. LIKELY MANY CITIZENS OF VIOLATION OF THE LAW ON As to the law, I do not consider it a law, Myself, alongside other experts such as OTHER NATIONS, WORLD I DISAGREE THAT GEORGIANS OCCUPIED TERRITORIES. DID because I've been to Georgia nine times Sergei Markedonov, Nikolai Silaev, and SAY THAT RUSSIA WAS ARE TRYING TO CUT OUT THE YOU VIOLATE THIS LAW OR and no-one was worried about it. The Andrei Soushentsov, are all adequate, NOT A MODERATOR BUT SOVIET PAST OR ARE IGNORING WAS IT ALEXANDER TOKAREV? fact that an academic researcher is asked dare I say, competent people and we AN ARCHITECT IN THESE IT. ON THE CONTRARY, WE First of all, there is no such law: what you where he has been in order to study a study the topic of Georgia. And, of PROCESSES. BUT MOVING TRY OUR BEST TO REMIND have is a legal norm that you use for confl ict is complete idiocy. Do you want course, we examine this policy critically ON. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE NEXT GENERATIONS political purposes. When any political to severe the remaining threads between in our research. Imagining that I, as an MR. MALASHENKO, ONE OF OF WHAT KIND OF EVIL party wants to score political points, it is two peoples? Yes, from a tactical perspec- MGIMO scholar, would go out to a rally THE KEY SPEAKERS OF THE THE SOVIET UNION WAS then this leverage is used and people are tive, it is bad for me and I feel very bad and start screaming “Russia without RECENT FORUM, WHO QUIPPED As I said, the Soviet past has its black not allowed to enter the country. A law because of this, but from a strategic per- Putin, the Kremlin is deceiving us!” and THAT THE DEPORTATION OF period, such as when the Soviet machine is something that is mandatory for eve- spective, it will be Georgia’s loss. The so on is nonsense. We are academic YOU AND YOUR COLLEAGUES destroyed its own people. This was mad- ryone and is applied to everyone: this is relationship between the two countries WAS AN ACT OF SOVIET- researchers and we criticize what we ness and a totalitarian regime and there not a law. Second: one cannot study Geor- will worsen by tearing even this one STYLE PROVINCIALISM? disapprove of in forms that are accept- is nothing good in it. But you ignore the gia and post-Soviet confl icts and not to thread. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 POLITICS 7 Niels Scott Rounds Up his 5-year Tenure at the UNDP Continued from page 1 accept the fact that it isn’t necessarily hugely productive, being mainly made as easy as you might think to implement up of small-holdings. They realized that It made me think of the Mediterranean it. With the current state of affairs, like to turn it around, they would have to combined with the Northern-European. the Geneva International Discussions, offer those in the countryside compen- There’s a real sense that development we need to ease off on the political side sation. You only need one person and is happening, and changes can be seen.” and look at new ideas moving forward. a tractor to work a hectare, not seven. The old formulas don’t work. We’ve got So agricultural processing was encour- ON THE POLITICS to start thinking in terms of some sort aged, and tax incentives were given to Territorial integrity is one issue that of reconciliation process where people companies to train and then benefi t needs to be dealt with sooner rather take responsibility and admit their mis- from a new labor market. The Irish than later- we can’t just keep throwing takes but also start to engage in solu- government focused a lot on vocational around the blame; people must assume tions, like trade. The government has education (VE), introducing a plan that some responsibility and then try to work come up with a very good packet of everyone subscribed to. You can have together to solve the issues. We’re already measures for encouraging trade across the best plan in the world, but it will at a point now where the political agree- the boundary lines. It would be great fail if no-one believes in it. ments being looked at are subsidiary to to have that happen. My main concern VE is one area that Georgia has yet to actual livelihoods, to the people who is with the people. It’s simply not fair achieve in. In Switzerland and Germany, have been caught up in it for 25 years that they should be isolated or internally VE is common currency. One obstacle now. The time has come for change. It’s displaced or marginalized. is that parents need to accept that their To address environmental challenges, why you’re doing it, they will come to not the fault of the 250,000 people who children might want non-academic jobs. there comes a need to pool together in see that in the long run it makes sense. were displaced or marginalized, and ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Parents may not understand IT, for exam- a sectoral way- not health, education, And a big argument for change is the while not everyone is still aspiring to I remember one head of state, when ple, but they have to trust their children, or economic growth, but a unity of all. next generation. return, I’d say the good majority I’ve met at the plane by President Margve- and trust the educational system to pre- Around one in four people in Tbilisi met do. But they need guarantees of lashili, asked him: “Do you want to be pare them adequately for employment are under 20 – it’s a very young popula- ON THE FUTURE security, decent living conditions, tol- rich or do you want to be happy?” The that might not necessarily be in an aca- tion. And upper respiratory tract infec- The UN’s Sustainable Development erance. Given those guarantees, they logical answer was, of course, “both.” demic direction. It’s a big ask right now, tions are suffered more by the young Goals is a pledge we have made to the would go back and begin their lives But it’s not always that easy. and such professionalism is not valued here, likely as a result of unprocessed next generation. It’s a very compelling anew. People in Abkhazia don’t wake Poverty, be it in Georgia or any coun- as highly as it should be. Employers also car emissions. Such infections mean argument here in Georgia and I think up in the morning and think: “We want try, is a substantial barrier to sustain- need to realize the value of VE, and to the youth miss school, don’t get the people understand that. It applies to to make a political agreement today,” able development. There are differences appreciate the gains that come from qualifi cations they need, can’t get the the little things as well as the large – the they think “we’ve got to get bread on in the standards of living between those investing in employee training. jobs, and this affects the economy and plastic bags, water management, sub- the table to feed our families.” We need established in Tbilisi and those who I see more and more small businesses the means to address the root cause of regional energy cooperation, and always to make sure the gains can be safe- live in the countryside. If we see no seeing the value of VE, though. Lots of the environmental issues. education, education, education. guarded- livelihoods, economy and changes, migration will continue, eat- market research is being done, good busi- A lot is being done; there are a lot of Georgia fought very hard for its free- trade- so that the people will one day ing away at the point of life. Migrants ness plans made, employers engaging in new ideas in terms of creating green dom. Georgia has every incentive to be willing to take a more positive look live on the edges of society and don’t trying to develop their staff. I wouldn’t spaces, good initiatives to address the maintain that freedom – not only ter- at that political agreement. I’m looking have the same opportunities. We need say there’s been a massive overhaul to urban sprawl. Parking in the city center, ritorial freedom but the freedom for at a 5-year span for this. to develop the countryside to make it date, but there is clear progress. the development of public transport- people to aspire to have decent lives, It’s been a pleasure to be a back-seat a place they would want to live in. The UN has invested massively in VE. these are issues still needing to be balanced growth, to make sure nobody driver in advice-giving. The Georgian I’ll give the example of Ireland here. Study tours to Switzerland, for example, addressed, and it is an expensive is left behind, that people in remote government is fi rmly in the driving seat, The GDP per capita before it joined the open the eyes of Georgian businesses endeavor. mountain areas aren’t forced to go to as it should be, and of course can take EU was the same as that of Georgia of the need to train and develop employ- Change needs courage and you have towns to work because they have no and use the advice we give as they will. today- it had the same kind of popula- ees. The EU is also contributing to make tough decisions. You can’t other choice, to make sure people, It’s very diffi cult running a country and tion made up of the same agrarian soci- immensely to providing sound techni- please everybody all the time. To achieve regardless of where they’re born or is something I’ve never done myself. ety engaged in non-industrialized farm- cal advice to Georgian institutions, the balance mentioned above- not just where the come from, have the same You need to appreciate the multiple ing. There came a realization that a based on its own experience. rich, not just happy, but both, you have access to healthcare. demands on those running the country, large amount of people was employed to make changes that may be painful I leave optimistic that Georgia is head- and when you give advice, you have to in agriculture, and that agriculture wasn’t ON THE ENVIRONMENT for people. But if you explain to them ing in the right direction. Shevtsova on the Tsunami of Change in Russia Continued from page 5 This kind of power and system doesn't don't have an answer but at the same THEY PICTURE AS THE NEW OSSETIA ARE INDEPENDENT tolerate any kind of old king-young time are very skeptical about many RUSSIA, THEY MIGHT POINT STATES, THAT CRIMEA YOU ONCE COMPARED prince system. There will be no new things regarding Russia’s trajectory. TO NAVALNY. IS HE THE MAN SHOULD HAVE RETURNED PUTIN TO THE ROMAN Medvedev because Medvedev was a Looking at the younger generation last TO BRING THE CHANGE? TO RUSSIA. THESE ARE EMPEROR NERO. IT WAS temporary solution, while the new Rus- Sunday on Moscow’s streets and look- I belong to the generation of liberals QUESTIONS OF PARAMOUNT COMMON PRACTICE FOR sian President, to legitimize his power, ing on the web at these teens and peo- who have apparently been too idealistic, IMPORTANCE TO GEORGIANS ROMAN EMPERORS TO will need to pull down the past and offer ple in their twenties in Ekaterinburg, looking for the perfect man, but I have Navalny is a hypothetical option, but in PICK A SUCCESSOR WELL it up as a sacrifi ce, as all Emperors did. in Petersburg, I do believe that there is to admit that even thinking critically your question I see some concerns and BEFORE ABDICATION OR [Answer edited for clarity]. a new Russia. I don't know how big it about some of Navalny’s rhetoric, I do worries that I share. As yet, Navalny ASSASSINATION. WE’RE is but even this 68% of Russians who recognize that he is the only represent- has not been leading the tide; he's try- NOT SEEING THAT TREND FOR A DECADE OR SO WE’VE want good relations with the West could ative of their position who has the cour- ing to understand what is popular. He’s IN PUTIN’S REIGN. WHY? BEEN WAITING FOR A NEW be the soil for it. The problem that has age and charisma to become the leader a populist and he’s trying to press the New times have brought some modifi - RUSSIA TO EMERGE FROM emerged is the elite, which has always of the new tribe, of the new tsunami buttons of nationalism, which is of cation to this kind of reproduction of THOSE RUSSIAN PEOPLE WHO been the engine of change: in Russia, that is coming, and he's the only person course disastrous. This is the problem power. Putin is likely wondering who FEEL THEY DESERVE BETTER the elite is much worse than general who can create a network across Rus- that we have to deal with, but it seems can secure his tenure and guarantee his THAN THE GOVERNMENT society and is blocking all change, it's sia: so far he's the only player on our to me that he is evolving, and he doesn't legacy after he is gone. But he is reluc- THEY HAVE; A NEW RUSSIA the most cynical of them all and is not lonely stage and he has to be supported. know how to react to many challenges. tant to point at any one person, most THAT WILL BE INCLINED TO ready for something new. He may change his views, and other likely to avoid the potential loss of sup- FRIENDLIER RELATIONS WITH WHAT SHOULD GEORGIA options may come along. A tsunami is porters who would gather around his GEORGIA. WILL IT HAPPEN? IF YOU WERE TO ASK AN EXPECT FROM NAVALNY? HE going to rise, and god knows who will chosen successor after his doing so. This is the million-dollar question. We AVERAGE WESTERNER WHAT SAYS ABKHAZIA AND SOUTH be driving it. SUBSCRIBE!


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[email protected] +995 32 229 59 19  Tel: (995 32) 2 45 08 08 10 Galaktion Street E-mail: [email protected] GEORGIA TODAY 8 BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 ADB to Expand $1.5 Bln Investment Portfolio in Georgia

“In fact, this sum makes up 10% of our BY THEA MORRISON GDP. The ADB is still planning to expand this portfolio – we discussed the possi- bility of increasing the ADB participation he Asian Development Bank in our energy sector as well as its sup- (ADB) is to expand its 1.5 port in the pension reform and PPP Law billion investment portfolio implementation,” he stated. in Georgia. The issue was The sides also discussed active support raised at the meeting of the of the ADB towards SME development MinisterT of Economy and Sustainable in Georgia. Development, Giorgi Kobulia, and the “The ADB will provide technical and ADB Resident Mission Country Director, fi nancial assistance to the SMEs in the Yesim Elhan-Kayalar on September 26. regions in order to improve connectivity Kobulia stated later that the meeting between the different businesses – for was very positive since numerous key example, between the hotels and pro- issues were covered during the conver- ducers of the food and beverages. The sation. According to him, the ADB’s ADB will also allocate money for the investments in Georgia amount up to S3 SMEs, allowing them to produce differ- billion while at this point, the investment ent product or even build new hotels,” portfolio is $1.5 billion. he added. Ex-PM Kvirikashvili Becomes EBRD Advisor The Information was released by the 2015 to June 13, 2018. BY THEA MORRISON media outlet BMG. Prior to that he was the Minister of As Kvirikashvili told BMG, he will help Economy and Sustainable Development the Uzbek government create a dialogue from October 25, 2012 until September eorgia’s ex-Prime Minister platform between public and private 1, 2015. Giorgi Kvirikashvili was structures. According to him, the con- He was also a Minister of Foreign Affairs appointed as an interna- tract with EBRD has been signed several from 1 September 2015 until 30 Decem- tional adviser to the Euro- weeks ago. ber 2015, and Deputy Prime Minister pean Bank for Reconstruc- Kvirikshvili held the post of Prime from 26 July 2013 until December 30, Gtion and Development (EBRD). Minister of Georgia from December 30, 2015. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 BUSINESS 9 National Bank of Georgia Tightens Lending Regulations


rom November 1, 2018, the decree of the President of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG) enters into force, which means the additional restric- TBC Bank Signs tionsF will be activated on issuing loans in the country. The NBG says that after tightening rules on lending, the banks will not be allowed to give their clients loans if they are not Loan Agreement sure the client will be able to pay back. The regulations apply to any entrepre- neurial entity where more than 20 indi- viduals have a loan or credit obligations. The project reads that it is unaccepta- Photo source: ble that the fi nancial institution issue a 30 mln with EIB loan without a detailed analysis of the client’s solvency, while the loan-to-value amount of lending must not exceed 25% revenue, expenses and liabilities of the ratio must not exceed 50 percent. of the monthly income. According to the BC Bank and the European Georgia,” said the Bank's General Direc- borrower in order to assess if the bor- Depending on the provision of loan for draft project, with incomes from 7,000 Investment Bank (EIB) tor, Vakhtang Butskhrikidze. rower is capable of paying back the debt. individuals, the maximum amount of to 10 000 GEL, the loan amount should signed a loan agreement of With the fi nancing of TBC Bank, the According to the changes, fi nancial loan coeffi cient will be determined by not exceed 30% of the income. EUR 30 million. Resource EIB promotes the implementation of the institutions should issue loans based on the monthly income of the borrower. In case the borrower’s income exceeds maturity is fi ve years and goal of EU foreign policy to stabilize and a client solvency study. In addition, loan For example, if a person has GEL 1000 GEL 10,000 a month, then it is up to the itT will be used to fi nance small and support the private sector in the Eastern services (PTI) and provision (LTV) coef- salary, he/she should not spend 20% of fi nancial organization to decide what medium businesses. Partnership region. “With this transac- fi cients should not exceed the maximum the salary to be able to pay back the loan, amount of loan to allocate. “We are pleased to have such a suc- tion, support for long-term fi nancing for norms established by the National Bank. i.e., the loan amount coeffi cient should According to the provisions of the cessful partnership with the European Georgian small and medium-sized enter- The total amount of loans must not not exceed 200 GEL. regulations, it tightens rules for lending Investment Bank. This is the fourth prises is on the up, which will have a exceed 25% of the supervisory capital The same rules apply to customers by guaranteeing real estate. In particular, transaction our institutions have imple- positive impact on their growth and of commercial banks and the total amount whose income is from 1000 to 3000 GEL such a loan is issued if the borrower mented since 2012. Resources will be competitiveness; more jobs will be cre- of loans guaranteed by real estate must or GEL 3000-5000. owns more than one residential property used for fi nancing small and medium ated and the Georgian economy will not exceed 15 percent of the bank’s super- However, if the borrower's income is and, at the same time, these properties enterprises, which will further strengthen grow,” said EIB Vice President Vazil visory capital without an analysis of the between 5,000 - 7,000 GEL, the maximum are not on lease. TBC Bank's position in this segment in Hudakim. GEORGIA TODAY 10 BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 Phasis Oil Refi nery in Kulevi: Innovative Tech will Tackle Environmental & Ecological Problems

located near a seaport in order to be able BY MARIAN SIDAMONIDZE to handle huge volumes of raw materials and products. Two years ago, we learned that, under an investment agreement, a HASIS Oil company plans to territory of 60 hectares had been allo- build a high-technology oil cated to SOCAR Georgia Investment in refi nery in Kulevi. Intense Kulevi. We bought this territory after negotiations are underway negotiations with SOCAR and launched with Spanish Technicas Reu- the project implementation. nidasP regarding the construction, as it has participated in the building of more WHAT PHASE IS THE PROJECT than 300 refi neries worldwide. PHASIS AT? WHAT PRODUCTS OIL has also signed a memorandum on WILL THE OIL REFINERY operating and management of the refi n- MANUFACTURE AND WHO ery with another experienced Spanish WILL BE YOUR CLIENTS? company, CEPSA, which owns three oil The main idea behind the Kulevi oil refi neries in Spain. The oil refi nery con- refi nery is the fact that Georgia does not struction will have no harmful impact have its own oil resources, completely on the environment because PHASIS depending on imports. This refi nery will OIL plans to make use of the Isotherm be able to supply premium class prod- technology of the world’s recognized ucts to the market at competitive prices. chemical concern DuPont, a process Preparatory works have been fi nished. whereby crude oil is 100% processed, According to legislation, the minimum leaving no solid waste and resulting in annual output of this type of refi nery is ecologically clean EURO5 standard pet- 2 million tons. However, the refi nery has rol and diesel. The company developed quite serious infrastructural expenditures this technology especially for oil refi n- which an output of 2 million tons could eries several years ago and established not remunerate. Consequently, accord- it in the USA. The Kulevi oil refi nery ing to our estimations, the minimum will enable Georgia, as an oil importer, output will be 4.2 million tons of light to become an independent country in crude oil. We have scrupulously explored terms of oil products and, moreover, to the 60-hectare land in Kulevi. The pro- launch exports to a number of other ject was prepared by our engineers and countries. we hired Deloitte to examine the fi rst PHASIS OIL director Gia Shavdia spoke business plan- they gave a positive con- about the project with Versia newspaper. clusion. Under our investment agree- utors, available to take even a cistern of ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS? only satisfy the refi nery’s need for elec- ment, we are authorized to manufacture fuel by truck or supply it ourselves. Major We hired international company Eco tricity, but will also supply 20 megawatts WHAT GOT YOU INTERESTED only EURO 5 standard products. This distributors will take fuel by train and Specter, which cooperates with the World to the network. IN THIS PROJECT? WHAT signifi es that our refi nery will manufac- we will export our products by ship. Bank and Asian Development Bank. The EXPERIENCE DO YOU ture only EURO5 standard petrol and Georgia’s annual fuel consumption is 1.3 company has explored the ecological HOW MANY INDIVIDUALS HAVE IN THE FIELD AND diesel. Under this standard, the main million tons of oil products, while our condition in Kulevi and prepared a 1000- WILL BE EMPLOYED AT WHO WILL BUILD THE and most hazardous product contained refi nery will produce 4.2 million tons of page conclusion and environmental KULEVI OIL REFINERY AND KULEVI OIL REFINERY? in fuel, sulfur, must be under 10ppm. The oil products and this factor will enable impact assessment. As to environment HOW MUCH WILL YOU PAY I’ve been in the oil products business technologies that we will introduce in the export of 2/3 of our products abroad. impact, Isotherm technology from our TO THE STATE BUDGET? since 1992, living in Switzerland until our refi nery will reduce the sulfur con- major partner DuPont will see the crude About 400 persons will work at the oil 2014. In 2015, the Government of Georgia tent to only 5-6ppm in EURO5 standard WHO WILL CARRY OUT oil processed in a closed cycle into refi nery on a permanent basis and they announced a tender and I was interested fuel. THOSE EXPORTS? NAFTA, diesel and aviation fuel JAT A1. will receive high salaries. In the construc- in it. I applied to Multiplex investment Our products will be targeted on vari- We will buy oil on the free market and After this, the dissolved oil will be tion process, which will start in spring company for partnership, one of the ous consumers, from ordinary vehicle export it by sea. Our products will be returned to the DuPont cleaning machines 2019 and last three years, we will employ strongest and most reliable fi nance owners to trucks and other transport. also sold on the free market by interna- for hydro cleaning. The hydrogen ejects many more citizens. Under the agreement, groups, founded by Levan Kacharava, Naturally, under the antitrust legislation, tional traders. I believe this refi nery is sulfur content and reduces its concen- 70% of the employees will be local resi- who has also operated in the oil products we will not be able to supply the market of crucial importance, because Georgia tration in the whole product to 5-6ppm. dents. We will attract young personnel fi eld for many years. He was one of the 100%, but we have conducted negotia- will become an independent country in The received petrol or NAFTA, purifi ed, and during the fi rst six months we will founders of the Silk Road Group and tions with all major distributors in Geor- terms of fuel. After inauguration of this will be processed anew through isomer- teach them English. After this, we will several years ago this group operated in gia and they expressed a lot of interest. refi nery, major, medium and small dis- ization to get an octane of 95. This is a refer them to the refi neries of the CEPSA the oil business. We initially offered the Moreover, according to the investment tributors will save considerable funds premium-class petrol. After this process, managing company to receive practical government to fully rehabilitate the agreement, we will supply our products on transportation. another product, purifi ed and clean gas skills and experience. The government Batumi oil refi nery, but after a year, they at 10% lower tariffs to satisfy State needs. LPG, will be manufactured. Other gases has granted the status of free industrial decided that Batumi should be a resort We also want small and medium dis- WHAT INNOVATIVE also remain (the so-called Fuel Gas). zone to us for a period of 5 years, but after zone and the oil infrastructure should tributors to buy our products, as they TECHNOLOGIES WILL YOU They’re not our key products, but we 5 years, when the refi nery launches oper- be developed elsewhere. often do not have the resources to import INTRODUCE IN THE OIL will have two 25-megawatt steam power ations, we will pay taxes in the ordinary In general, an oil refi nery with scope high-quality fuel to Georgia. Our refi nery REFINERY TO PREVENT plants and these facilities will work on regime. The state budget will receive about on the international market should be will be loyal to all categories of distrib- ENVIRONMENTAL AND this gas. This existing volume will not $40-50 million a year from us.

SOCIETY A Round-Up of Campaign "Clean Air, Safe Movement"

lation will be more responsible for these environmental awareness and healthy BY MARIAM MERABISHVILI issues and together will try to overcome lifestyles. The organizers called on the the challenges faced in the area." public and business sector to participate The campaign week ended in Batumi in the campaign which was marked by eptember 17 kicked off a week and Lanchkhuti on September 21, fol- numerous citizens choosing to walk or of awareness-raising within lowed the next day by the Car-Free Day ride bikes instead of driving in the cap- the "Clean Air, Safe Environ- event in Tbilisi aimed at promoting ital that day. ment," campaign. The cam- paign was organized by NGO SCIDA, Georgia's Alliance for Safe Roads, and Poti Port. In order to increase public awareness about road safety, the week included events in 10 regions besides the capital: Kakheti, Racha, Kvemo Kartli, Shida Kartli, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Samtskhe- Javakheti, Imereti, Guria, Samegrelo and Adjara. In these regions, campaign organ- izers held work and informational meet- ings with drivers and the general popu- lation. “Never before has such a large-scale mote road safety. This campaign was the tional meetings with drivers and local campaign been held in Georgia,” said largest of its kind so far in the number residents in these 10 regions. Overall, Executive Director of CIDA, Salome of people that were informed, especially about 1000 people received information Zurabishvili. “The aim of the campaign with NGOs and private sectors uniting on the signifi cance of air pollution, road was to help citizens understand how their efforts around this specifi c social safety and technical inspection of trans- each one of them can take steps to pro- issue. We had quite interesting informa- port in Georgia. We hope that the popu- GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 SOCIETY 11 The First UN High- Level Meeting on the Fight to End TB

fi nished the six-month treatment and itize human rights issues such as the BY SHAWN WAYNE have been “cured,” however they will be stigma that still prevails around TB in kept under close observation for signs many parts of the world,” the WHO said. of relapse for a further 18 months. The President of the General Assembly he UN held a meeting to “It is a revolutionary regimen; it’s unbe- of the United Nations, María Fernanda discuss the growing rate of lievably simple and short, every patient Espinosa Garcés, noted that ending TB multidrug-resistant Tuber- has responded quickly, showed high is both “a moral and a political respon- culosis (TB), or MDR TB. effi cacy and tolerability … [and] none sibility,” and that TB is “not egalitarian” Georgia has one of the high- have shown serious side effects. If suc- in its impact, as it primarily affects the Test rates for drug-resistant TB in Europe, cessful, this is the future treatment for poorest and most marginalized commu- and is currently working on the fi ght hundreds of thousands of patients suf- nities. against it. fering from one of the most dangerous After adopting the political declara- In July, the launch of SimpliciTB took diseases in the world,” said Mikiashvili. tion on TB at the start of the meeting place at the National Center for Tuber- The ZeNix trial focuses on patients (PDF at, Garcés called on culosis and Lung Disease in Tbilisi, a with highly-resistant TB, however, the heads of state to “move from words to trail which combines four new medica- SimpliciTB trials’ focus lies on those deeds.” Lucica Ditiu, executive direc- tions and aims to shorten treatment times with both ordinary TB and MDR-TB. tor of Stop TB Partnership, a key body to six months instead of 24. World lead- The trial is testing a regime of four drugs, mentioned in the declaration, said that ers and senior representatives came all of which can be taken orally, known the fi nal document is suffi cient in terms together at the fi rst United Nations high- as BPaMZ, to see whether it can cut and of its targets, but it could be stronger level meeting on TB in New York on simplify the treatment process down to on accountability and access to medi- Wednesday, where heads of state adopted four months for those with drug-sensitive cines. In addition to the main commit- a political declaration with commitments TB, and six months for those with more ments in the political declaration, Aaron to accelerate action and funding to end resistant strains. Current treatment times Motsoaledi, Minister of Health of South the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030. for MDR-TB can be up to two years. Africa and Chair of Stop TB Partner- According to the World Health Organ- Marika Eristavi, who is leading the ship, added two more. One is that “heads ization’s latest TB report, it killed 1.6 SimpliciTB trial, said patients are of state should speak spontaneously million people in 2017, which makes it responding well to the new treatment. on TB, without referring to their pre- the most deadly infectious disease world- If successful, it could “reduce the rate pared remarks,” and the second is that wide, and experts say progress is not of TB in Georgia as well as worldwide,” when asked if there is enough money happening fast enough. she said. to end TB, heads of state should respond Drug-resistant TB (MDR TB) has TB Alliance, a nonprofi t that works to with the question: “Can we afford not become a growing problem, with the accelerate the development and afford- to?” majority of new Tuberculosis patients ability of new TB drugs, is managing Bill Gates, business luminary and classed as having it, meaning that they both trials. founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates are resistant to more than one fi rst-line “As resistance to current TB treatments Foundation, gave the keynote address drug. Treatment in these cases can be continues to grow, we need to introduce during the fi rst multi-stakeholder panel lengthy, complex, and expensive, with all-oral drug regimens that can treat of the meeting, noting that there has severe side-effects. As a result, only 55% every person with TB in six months or been progress, but also highlighting a of MDR-TB patients are cured, accord- less, regardless of their resistance profi le. major challenge: that some 40% of peo- ing to WHO. If proven successful in SimpliciTB, the ple with TB still remain undiagnosed. Georgia has the highest rates of drug- BPaMZ regimen would represent a major “The private sector has the skills to resistant TB, but infection rates have step toward this goal,” said Mel Spigel- play a key role in this effort, particularly been increasing rapidly in parts of Africa man, President and CEO at TB Alliance. pharmaceutical companies,” said Gates. and Southeast Asia. The Tbilisi drug The recent high-level meeting has been He also called for increased engagement trials offer hope for patients with drug- described by WHO as an unprecedented with private sector health providers, as resistant TB by giving them access to step forward by governments and all a key strategy to expanding access to combined oral-only regimens in place partners engaged in the fi ght against TB. diagnosis and treatment. of older, injection-based treatments, “Heads of state and government attend- During the fi rst multi-stakeholder panel, which are less toxic and require a shorter ing this fi rst-ever UN High-level meeting the representative from the German treatment time. on TB agreed to mobilize $13 billion a mission to the UN noted that it is eve- Patients on the ZeNix trial, which year by 2022 to implement TB preven- ryone’s shared responsibility to achieve started last year and is set to run for four tion and care, and $2 billion for research. the ambitious targets that are in the years, are already showing promising They committed to take fi rm action political declaration and that without results, according to lead clinician Lali against drug-resistant forms of the dis- strengthening the health system, they Mikiashvili. Eight patients have now ease; build accountability and to prior- will not stop TB. GEORGIA TODAY 12 SOCIETY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 Will We Ever Get There? success unconditionally (and sober- would Georgia be a bigger winner – if OP-ED BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE mindedly too for that matter). His poetry Magradze energetically promoted his has been translated into several languages own poetry in the international arena and recognized by a number of nations. or if he dedicated his talent and capacity have written before that Georgia Last Monday, September 24, was marked with the same vigor to the cause of is a land of poetry. Almost every the continuation of his fl ourishing poetic upholding the genuine sovereigns of Georgian is a poet. Poetry is in career thanks to his book of poesy, titled Georgia’s poetic thought and fl air like our blood and verve. The word Footprints on Water. The edition marked Galaktion Tabidze and Vazha Pshavela, ‘poetic’ would be the fi ttest epithet the propitious debut of the lucky Geor- or others of that enormity, especially if Ito describe Georgia as a nation. One can gian in the United States, a man who has we already have the translation of some hardly imagine a Georgian who has not already earned international acclaim, of their works ready to be presented to written at least one verse in his or her including: the Europe International Medal the world for appreciation, like the recent lifetime. Some of those poetically-minded from Pope Benedict XVI for his collec- outstanding translation of Galaktion people become qualifi ed poets and earn tion ‘Salve’; the Golden Feather from the Tabidze by professor Innes Merabishvili. fame and make money by effectively International Federation of Journalists In other words, should the world know marketing themselves. Some remain in in 2005 for his text of the Georgian Georgia more via Poet Dato Magradze the shadows forever. Those who are national anthem; and an international or Poet Galaktion Tabidze? I mean, what luckier successfully feed their poesy to medal from the Academy of Culture of would make the nation stronger? the public, leaving a noticeable trace in Verona for his work promoting free I understand that men value their own their hearts and minds. Some of the tal- speech. skins more than those of others, but we ents even manage to get the word beyond Obviously, his own nation is also cel- are now talking about the chance to have the boundaries of their motherland. They ebrating its poet son and his works the world think of Georgia the way this manage to do so because they have because he has taken Georgia’s name nation needs and deserves. Dato managerial talent in addition to their and fame beyond its modest limits. I Magradze defi nitely has my considera- poetic gift. Some of the greatest poets can’t be happier than this because my tion but I can’t escape the burning query of Georgia have never become known countryman has made it and will go even of my lifetime – what is it that our little to the world because nobody has both- further as soon as another opportunity darling Sakartvelo needs most in order ered to translate them from the Georgian pops up. And I am more than certain for it to swing its intellectual power to language, spoken by only several million that the chance will come again, know- the fullest possible extent? Well, poetry people, into English, used by most of ing how professional Magradze sounds is just a drop in a bucket – I just came Mankind. Nobody has tried to promote in his poetry and how adamant he hap- across the issue and trivially dwelt upon them commensurately with the extent pens to be in his determination to have it. What hurts my soul and pricks my and degree of their poetic aptitude. translated his creative output into other conscience is not that! It is my doubt as Georgia truly has some world-level tongues and to get his poetic word across to whether this nation remembers or not poets who will never be known to human- to peoples other than Georgian. that ‘fi rst things fi rst’ really matters and ity in the way and dosage they deserve I only have one straightforward and precisely answers the most common- to be. Among the lucky ones is poet Dato unassuming question to ask: in which place rhetorical question in Georgia – Magradze. As a Georgian, I welcome his particular case, out of the given two, ‘will we ever make it?’ Jerrymandering: Etseri, Svaneti


ne of our more unusual guests appeared recently. He was on foot, with a small backpack, American, alone, for lunch initially. DuringO the course of the acquaintance process he let drop that he was a car- penter and general handyman who would work for room and board. He also had no fi rm plans to be anywhere by any time, so if we needed his services, we might be able to come to an arrangement. My wife and I talked. Such a person could certainly make himself useful around our place; we were writing the mental lists already. If he proved able to do what we needed, with the tourist season winding down anyway, there was much he might do to help winterize the place and also accomplish some special projects. Drill a hole through our bedroom wall through which to insert the satellite dish- to-TV cable? (Without damaging the new stucco more than the hole itself!) Check, once I’d borrowed the required foot-long masonry bit from my neighbor. Weatherproof the new concrete win- dowsills so that water wouldn’t get into them, freeze, and damage them? There are a couple of options we’re batting around, of which the most likely to suc- ceed seems to be a simple waterproof paint job rather than the also suggested sheets of galvanized steel, which might be unsealable, thus keeping moisture in where we don’t want it rather than shield- ing against it. Make a small test run gazebo! Not the full-size one seating 20 or so which we want on the south side of the house, but a separate one near the main gate, to see what he can do, and it’d also be really useful there as a stop point for passers- by, local or tourist. and available (between ferrying the last projects, somewhere to which I might (done by locals as he doesn’t weld) or Tony Hanmer has lived in Georgia since He had plenty of good wood of all sizes of the season’s guests around). attach my vise at last! Protecting the concrete block? Even some little roofs 1999, in Svaneti since 2007, and been a and shapes to choose from, and pretty The thing is fi nished now, the 5th struc- 1000L water container in the garage from to cover those entrances so you no longer weekly writer for GT since early 2011. He well all the power tools he could want. ture on our land which originally only cold with a small insulated enclosure get rained or snowed on while entering, runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook (The circular saw would better have had house and barn, and all of them now which we could heat with a simple incan- and so the snow doesn’t build up there group, now with over 1900 members, at been replaced by a bandsaw or table saw, corrugated metal-roofed. Solid, heavy, descent light bulb (before those are all in the fi rst place? Oh, we can certainly but it would do.) We talked dimensions, elegant but also rustic enough to fi t in gone off the shelves). Re-doing the main put him to use in these couple of months sance/ height, materials at hand and needed, to its setting. A fi ne addition. entrance steps to the house, removed by max before the snow arrives and changes He and his wife also run their own guest house power needs, and so on, and it began to Next? Maybe a workbench for me in the stucco guys last month as a neces- everything. Jerry, welcome to your new in Etseri: come together. I helped when necessary the garage, somewhere to do further light sary part of their work… in wood, metal home away from home. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 CULTURE 13 Eastern Promotions & TBC Status Present “Jazz & Wine Kakheti” Festival

their music. Bahama Soul Club, Aglio Olio & Swing BY MARIAM MERABISHVILI and the New York Brass Band also kept the festival pumping, with jazz, blues, funk and almost every genre in between. And for the night stage, DJ here is nothing better than spending Machaidze was invited to entertain. an autumnal weekend in Kakheti, Besides the concert, the days were spent in the where the tiring process of harvesting bosom of wine-related activities, with nine Geor- grapes and dipping churchkhelas is gian wine companies arranging their own wine accompanied by the unforgettable tastings and harvesting, allowing guests the chance Tperformances of prominent artists. On September to absorb the true harvest culture of the region. 21-23, Kakheti region became the most attractive Participant companies were: Zakro, Chateau Nekresi, place for Jazz and Wine lovers with the second Shalo’s Cellar, Artana Wines, Tanini, Stori Marani, annual festival of Jazz and Wine Kakheti held at Kai Winery, Chotiashvili Marani and Sasmuri. the Lopota Lake Resort & Spa within the Check in Guests also got to try wine-making, dipping Georgia government project. churchkhela and tasting mtsvadi (Georgian barbe- The whole month, Kakheti had been knee-deep cue). Two top Italian Chefs were also present, sur- in harvesting, but true autumn could not begin prising guests with cooking demonstrations of the until the annual Jazz and Wine festival kicked off. tricks behind the perfect Italian style risotto and The festival offered guests the chance to meet pasta dishes. and listen to world-renowned musicians while The sponsors of the Jazz and Wine Kakheti Fes- enjoying traditional dishes and wine throughout tival are offi cial representatives of Lexus in Geor- each performance. gia – Lexus Tbilisi and Chronograph Georgia. Dur- It’s an old and true story that good wine always ing the event at Lopota Lake Resort & Spa, guests goes well with great music. This year, the main got to give the new Hybrid Lexus 2018 a drive and headliner was well-known LA vocalist Judith to look through the latest collections of leading Hill, an author-performer of jazz-funk, soul and brand watches and jewelry as presented by Chron- R&B. ograph. Over the three days of the festival, guests saw The Jazz and Wine Festival was not only about headliners of various genres, like the new wave fun, music and wine, as a charity component was Zydeco blues, with its best-known artist Dwayne added as a result of the partnership between East- Dopsie, a legendary accordionist and one of the ern Promotion and the Solidarity Fund this year. most famous representatives of modern Zydeco At the event, a stand of the Solidarity Fund was blues, gracing the Kakheti stage with his band arranged for guest to be able to fi nd out more about Zydeco Hellraisers. Sugarpie & The Candymen the fund and make their contribution to the cause headed the festival as one of the most uplifting with the motto “Kindness is Contagious.” bands, offering covers of well-loved hits. The group Taking every component into consideration, the comes from Italy, where the band was founded in organizers excelled in making the 2018 edition of 2008, having since traveled around the world with the Jazz and Wine Festival truly unforgettable. GEORGIA TODAY 14 CULTURE SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATER English Subtitles RAMONA (Info Above) Performers: Start time: 18:00 Revaz Gabriadze Language: English Mondrian Ensemble (Switzerland): Venue: Royal District Theater Directed by Revaz Gabriadze Start time: 20:00 Ivana Pristasova- violin, Petra TBILISI INTERNATIONAL English Subtitles Language: Russian Akerman- viola, Carolyn Oman- FESTIVAL OF THEATER September 30 Start time: 20:00 Start time: 22:30 cello, Tamriko Kordzaia, piano, DIALOGUE IN SKIN Ticket: 20, 30 GEL Ticket: 14-19 GEL Peter Konradin Zumtor- drums September 28 South East Asia Music, (Switzerland), Nino Kasradze- THE OVERCOAT Contemporary Percussion September 29, October 3 MUSEUM piano (Georgia), Nino Jvania- Nikolai Gogol Directed by Bernar Go STALINGRAD piano (Georgia), Tamar Jvania- Directed by Nikoloz Sabashvili Writer, adaptation: Khelebis Ritmi Revaz Gabriadze GEORGIAN NATIONAL piano (Georgia), Mariam Language: Georgian Directed by Revaz Gabriadze MUSEUM SIMON JANASHIA Abramishvili- piano (Georgia) English Subtitles Georgian, English Subtitles English Subtitles MUSEUM Start time: 16:00 Start time: 13:00 Start time: 20:00 Start time: 20:00 Address: 4 Rustaveli Ave. Ticket: 50 GEL Venue: Tbilisi Giorgi Mikeladze Ticket: 15-30 GEL Ticket: 20, 30 GEL Telephone: 2 99 80 22, 2 93 48 21 State Professional Venue: Marjanishvili Theater October 1 Puppet Theater TBILISI ZAKARIA September 30, October 2 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS- An animated documentary fi lm SWISS-GEORGIAN FESTIVAL September 28 PALIASHVILI OPERA AND Exhibitions: BALLET THEATER REZO GEORGIAN COSTUME AND Concert 4 “Antinomies” PASSPORT Directed by Leo Gabriadze Performers: Directed by Mikheil Charkviani Address: 25 Rustaveli Ave. WEAPONRY OF THE 18TH-20TH Telephone: 2 99 04 56 Start time: 20:00 CENTURIES Ensemble ‘GEORGIA MODERN’ Composer: Erekle Getsadze Ticket: 15 GEL (Georgia): Language: Georgian October 2 NUMISMATIC TREASURY Lela Mchedlishvil- violin, English Subtitles CINEMA Teimuraz Kharadze- viola, Sandro ABESALOM AND ETERI Start time: 18:00 Chidjavadze- cello, Shota Gogodze- 67 Season Opening STONE AGE GEORGIA Venue: Beri Gabriel Salosi I Turn 2, AMIRANI CINEMA clarinet, Nino Jvania- piano, Z. Paliashvili Former Elektrowerk. Address: 36 Kostava St. Tamar Jvania- piano, ‘MONDRIAN Dedicated to Zurab Sotkilava ARCHEOLOGICAL TREASURE Telephone: 2 99 99 55 ENSEMBLE’ (Switzerland): Starring: Teimuraz Gugushvili, September 28 www.kinoafi Ivana Pristasova- violin, Petra NEW LIFE TO THE ORIENTAL TARTUFFE Khatuna Chokhonelidze, Sulkhan Akerman- viola, Carolyn Oman- COLLECTIONS Moliere Gvelesiani, Irina Aleksidze, Gocha Every Wednesday ticket: 5 GEL cello, Tamriko Kordzaia- piano, Directed by David Doiashvili Datusani, Marika Machitidze,Tamaz September 28-October 4 Sabina Meyer- light & space Language: Georgian Saginadze, Gia Makharadze, Manana UNKNOWN COLLECTIONS OF Start time: 16:00 English Subtitles Iordanishvili, Givi Peikrishvili A SIMPLE FAVOR THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL Ticket: 10 GEL Start time: 20:30 Music Director of the Production- Directed by Paul Feig MUSEUM– INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN Venue: Vaso Abashidze Music and Zaza Azmaiparashvili Cast: Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, October 2 Drama State Theater Director - Gizo Zhordania Henry Golding May 26 – September 30 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS- Start time: 20:00 Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC SWISS-GEORGIAN FESTIVAL September 28 Ticket: 10-70 GEL Language: Russian OF GEORGIA - 100 YEARS Dedicated to experimental music HOUSE/BORDER Start time: 22:00 With participation of: Fundacja Art Junction MUSIC AND DRAMA STATE Ticket: 15 GEL September 27- October 7 Zagareli & Strings (Georgia), Directed by Bernar Go THEATER THE EXHIBITION OF AURELIEN Klaus Lang- organ, (Austria), Based on stories collected from the Address: 182 Agmashenebeli Ave. THE NUN VILLETTE'S Ivana Pristasova- violin people of Shida Kartli Telephone: 234 80 90 Directed by Corin Hardy ‘RESOLUTION OF SILENCE – (Switzerland), Carolina Omani- Created by Dariusz Błaszczyk/ Cast: Bonnie Aarons, Taissa ABKHAZIA’ Cello (Switzerland), Tamriko Zbigniew Olkiewicz / Barbara October 2 Farmiga, Jonny Coyne Kordzaia- piano (Switzerland/ Pradzynska/Jarosław Siejkowski. WELCOME TO GEORGIA Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller IOSEB GRISHASHVILI Georgia), Peter Konradin Zumthor- Music: Andrzej Izdebski & A musical, theatrical play and Language: Russian TBILISI HISTORY MUSEUM drums (Switzerland), Reso collective romantic comedy telling a story Start time: 19:30 - KARVASLA Kiknadze- electronics (Georgia), Start time: 19:00 about Georgia and its people by Ticket: 13-14 GEL Address: 8 Sioni St. Kordz/Aleqsandre Kordzaia- piano Venue: Sioni Str. 13/40, yard of combining song, dance, culture, Telephone: 2 98 22 81 (Switzerland/Georgia) seminary traditions, history, national CAVEA GALLERY Start time: 16:00 costumes and local cuisine. Address: 2/4 Rustaveli Ave. September 18- October 4 Ticket: 5 GEL September 29 Musical Telephone: 200 70 07 Exhibition WHEN THE WORLD IS ENDLESS Language: English, some Georgian ‘MUTUAL FRUSTRATION’ BY MTKVARZE Irakli Gurgenidze, Koba Shonia (with English subtitles) Every Wednesday ticket: 8 GEL ETER METREVELI Address: N. Baratashvili Left Bank Directed by Irakli Gurgenidze Start time: 20:00 September 28- October 4 Language: Georgian Ticket: 50-80 GEL September 19- October 4 September 30 English Subtitles JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN Exhibition CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Start time: 18:00 SHALIKASHVILI THEATER Directed by David Kerr UNITY IN DIVERSITY. BRISTOL NIKAKOI, NATALIE TBA Venue: Tumanishvili Film Actors’ Address: 37 Shota Rustaveli Ave. Cast: Rowan Atkinson, Olga Kurylenko, & TBILISI: 1988 -2018 BERIDZE, LUNA999, Studio Theater Telephone: 595 50 02 03 Emma Thompson, Jake Lacy The exhibition showcases the ANUSHKA CHKHEIDZE and Genre: Comedy, Action, Adventure development of the cultural, FREDERIC ROBINSON, PERSIAN September 29 September 28 Language: English educational and civic relationship EMPIRE and KODRZ THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA CHRIST Start time: 22:00 between the two cities from the Start time: 16:00 After Jean-Paul Sartre Start time: 20:00 Language: Russian beginning to the present day. Ticket: 10 GEL Directed by Ioane (Vano) Ticket price: 20 GEL Start time: 22:30 Khutsishvili Ticket: 16-19 GEL September 22- October 6 TBILISI CONCERT HALL Address: 1 Melikishvili St. Language: Georgian September 28 Exhibition Telephone: 2 99 00 99 English Subtitles LULLABY A SIMPLE FAVOR ‘EVERY RELATION HAS ITS Start time: 19:00 Start time: 20:00 (Info Above) OWN IDEOLOGY’ September 28 Venue: Liberty Theater Ticket price: 15 GEL Language: English BY ILIKO ZAUTASHVILI Within the "Check in Georgia" Start time: 14:30 GALLERY project, the state academic September 29 GABRIADZE THEATER Language: Russian ensemble of Georgia folk music and DEMONS Address: 14 Shavteli Str. Start time: 21:45 THE NATIONAL GALLERY songs ‘Abkhazeti’s’ concert Lars Noren Telephone: 2 98 65 93 Ticket: 15-19 GEL GEORGIAN GENI Directed by Mikheil Charkviani Address: 11 Rustaveli Ave. Telephone: 215 73 00 Famous Georgian national folk Language: Georgian September 28 THE NUN music and songs September 11 – November 25 Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 10-15 GEL EXHIBITION BERNINI'S SCHOOL AND THE TURTLE LAKE ROMAN BAROQUE Address: Turtle Lake After the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, September 28 Botticelli, Titian and other great STEPHANE MGHEBRISHVILI Italian artists, the Georgian Start time: 20:00 National Museum and the Embassy Ticket: 25 GEL of Italy in Georgia present the exhibition REPUBLIC MUSIC Address: First Republic (Rose Revolution) Sq.

TBILISI STATE September 28 CONSERVATOIRE AZYMUTH Address: 8 Griboedov St. Band: Alex Malheiros, Ivan Conti, Telephone: 2 93 46 24 Kiko Continentino Start time: 20:00 September 28 Ticket: 70-300 GEL CLASSICAL MUSIC COGNITIVE PROGRAM IN THE DENSE FOREST Classical Music Program Address: Tskneti, The last stop Start time: 16:00 Telephone: 514 07 50 00 Ticket: 50 GEL September 29 September 30 CES STUDENTS DAY IN CLOSE ENCOUNTERS- THE DENSE FOREST SWISS-GEORGIAN FESTIVAL Start time: 16:00 Concert II Ticket: 15 GEL GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 1, 2018 CULTURE 15 Nicolas Namoradze – First Georgian to Win Honens International Piano Competition

tions. The New York Times coined his jump-start one’s career; it includes man- EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW performances as “sparkling … sensitive agement, mentorship and incredible BY LIKA CHIGLADZE and coloristic” whereas the Wall Street performance opportunities. My upcom- Journal labeled the pianist “simply gor- ing activities as part of this program geous.” include debut recitals at Carnegie Hall n September 7, young Geor- Born in Georgia, he grew up and formed in New York, Wigmore Hall in London gian pianist Nicolas Namo- as a professional musician in Budapest and the Konzerthaus Berlin, recordings radze won the world’s larg- where he moved with his family as a lit- on the Honens and Hyperion labels, est prize for piano $100,000 tle boy. Over the years, he has given performances with orchestras such as (CAD) and an Artist Devel- recitals at prestigious venues in several the London Philharmonic, and residen- Oopment Program valued at a half-a-million countries around the world and has cies at leading festivals and music cent- dollars. What makes his achievement appeared as a soloist with renowned ers around the world such as the Banff even more special is that he is the fi rst orchestras and conductors in Europe Center for Arts and Creativity. Georgian to receive this extremely impor- and the United States. tant award. Within the Artist Develop- Highlights of his current season include YOU ARE FROM GEORGIA ment Program, the musician will be able appearances at the Chelsea Music Fes- BUT GREW UP AND STUDIED to deliver debut recitals in some of the tival (New York) as a featured composer IN BUDAPEST. WHAT world’s leading concert houses as well as and pianist, recitals in New York, New MEMORIES STILL CONNECT have concert opportunities with leading Jersey, and Connecticut as Artist-in- YOU TO GEORGIA? orchestras. Namoradze is a pianist of Residence at The Drozdoff Society, as Despite having never lived in Georgia, international standard who stands out well as commissions for ensembles such I grew up speaking Georgian at home among the world's musicians for his indi- as the Barkada and Verona Quartets and YOU WON THE HONENS the competition in Calgary. We all had and visited the country regularly. In viduality and interpretative performance a series of concerts with violinist Rolf INTERNATIONAL PIANO to play two rounds in the semifi nals: one addition, Georgian folk music is very skills. By winning such an important Schulte. Namoradze also recently earned COMPETITION. PLEASE TELL US solo round, where I played Bach, Schu- close to my heart, and has been one of competition and receiving top prize, he the Fidelio Fortissimo Prize for young WHAT IT LIKE TO BE THE 2018 mann and some of my own music, and the most signifi cant infl uences on my once again proves that he is unbeatable composers in Budapest. He has taken HONENS PRIZE LAUREATE? a chamber music round, where we per- voice as a composer. I hope to return to and a truly rare talent. music to the next level, known for com- It’s a remarkable feeling. One puts so formed with baritone Philip Addis and Georgia to perform as soon as possible! The Honens International Piano Com- posing personal pieces that are consid- much work, dedication, heart and soul violinist Jonathan Crow. Three pianists petition takes place every three years ered both progressive and extraordinary. into one’s art, and to have it so well were subsequently picked for the fi nals, APART FROM BEING A and is considered one of the world’s most You can check out some of his composi- received by a jury of some of today’s where we had two more rounds – another VIRTUOSO PIANIST, YOU prestigious events of its kind. Established tions on leading pianists and musicians is very chamber music round, this time with ARE ALSO A COMPOSER. in 1991 in Calgary, Canada, its mission is lasnamoradze. Last season he also com- special. The opportunities that lie ahead the Azahar Ensemble, and the concerto WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT to discover new bright talent capable of posed and produced the soundtracks for as a result of winning the Honens are fi nals with the Calgary Philharmonic OCCUPATION AND WHAT thoughtful, expressive music-making Walking Painting, a fi lm by Fabienne just incredible, and I can’t wait for what’s Orchestra under the baton of Karina ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS? and to create opportunities for their Verdier, and Nuit d’opéra à Aix, a short to come. Canellakis, where I played Brahms’s As well as performing and composing, growth and exposure. “The Honens dis- fi lm made in association with the Festi- Second Piano Concerto. It was a lot! I I also teach at Queens College and pur- covers, nurtures, and presents Complete val d’Aix-en-Provence. The musician WHAT STAGES DID YOU had to prepare more than four hours of sue my doctorate at the CUNY Graduate Artists—21st century pianists for 21st received a Master’s Degree at The Juil- PASS TO REACH THE FINAL music for the rounds in Calgary. Center – it all keeps me very busy! Given century audiences,” reads the statement liard School and is now pursuing his AND CLAIM FIRST PLACE? the win at Honens, however, I will be of the competition. Doctorate at the CUNY Graduate Center Out of hundreds of applicants, 50 pianists HOW WILL YOUR PRIZE AND focusing most of my enery on my con- Even though Namoradze is only 26, he (New York). were selected to perform at the interna- THE PROGRAM HELP YOU cert career from now on. I’m based in has already managed to earn interna- The celebrated pianist talked to GEOR- tional quarterfi nal rounds that took place ADVANCE IN YOUR CAREER? New York, but hope to divide my time tional recognition and catch the atten- GIA TODAY about his accomplishment in Berlin and New York. Following this, The three-year Artist Development Pro- a bit more evenly between North Amer- tion of world’s leading media publica- and career. ten candidates advanced to the rest of gram is an absolutely invaluable way to ica and Europe in the future. SPORTS UEFA Awards Georgian Football for Contribution to Sport’s Growth The Amateur League has been held in BY SAMANTHA GUTHRIE Georgia since 2016 and its aim is to engage as many people as possible, using their love of football, in a healthy and active EFA has recognized the lifestyle. Georgian Football Fed- There are 400 Amateur League teams eration with the silver across the country, represented in every medal in its Grassroots municipality. This means that the stand- Award for signifi cant con- ard 11-on-11 format generally has more Georgian Judoka Tushishvili Utributions to the popularization of foot- than 8000 amateur players. ball and a healthy lifestyle and increas- The Grassroots Award is given annu- ing the number of people engaged in the ally to national associations or federa- Becomes World Champion sport. Specifi cally, the Georgian Football tions in different categories, including Federation’s Amateur League project the Best Leader, Best Club, and Best Iakiv Khamo. In the ¼ fi nal, Tushishvili BY THEA MORRISON was awarded the 2018 UEFA Grassroots Grassroots Project. It was fi rst award in competed against Roy Mayer from The Award in silver for Best Grassroots Pro- Photo: Ministry of Education, Science, 2010. Netherlands. ject. Youth, and Sport The Best Grassroots Project award Last year, Tushishvili won the European This is the fi rst time Georgia has received is especially signifi cant to the Georgian aims to distinguish initiatives that are eorgian Judoka Guram championship. He also won the Grand the award, seen as especially signifi cant Football Federation. Several times we innovative, have a social component, and Tushishvili, who was com- Prix in Tbilisi and in 2018. He as UEFA is one of the top priorities for have mentioned that the initial point of serve to increase and sustain public peting in the over 100 kg took gold at the Grand Slam in Baku in Georgian football. the ‘football pyramid’ is youth football, engagement in football and support the category, has become a 2017. Moreover, he is the World Cadet "The Georgian Football Federation has and we should start developing from campaign UEFA RESPECT. world champion. Champion of 2011. received the silver prize for the fi rst time that stage. The UEFA Award is proof First place for the UEFA Grassroots GTushishvili defeated Ushangi Kokauri, Before Tushishvili, other members of in the history of the Grassroots Award. that the project, which embraces the Award in the Best Grassroots Project a Georgian national who participated in the Georgia’s National team also As you know, the number of people whole country, plays an important role category went to Iceland’s FC Sækó for the championship for Azerbaijan, held won medals: Varlam Liparteliani (100), involved in football in today's reality is in the development of football in Geor- undertaking “impressive work to help in Baku. captain of the Georgian team won Silver the main challenge for [football in] East- gia,” said Nika Jgharkava, Vice-President improve the mental and physical health Earlier, Tushishvili defeated his Roma- Medal on September 25 and Amiran ern Europe. Accordingly, this recognition of the Georgian Football Federation. of people through football.” nian rival Daniel Natea and Ukrainian Papinashvili (60) - the Bronze Medal.

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