Relations Between Georgia and Iran - Challenges and Perspectives Guram Ptskialadze

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Relations Between Georgia and Iran - Challenges and Perspectives Guram Ptskialadze VISIT WEBSITE & READ DAILY NEWS FEBRUARY 15, 2016 N12 yovelkvireuli orenovani gazeTi saqarTveloSi WEEKLY BILINGUAL NEWSPAPER IN GEORGIA THE MAIN MESSAGES OF RELATIONS BETWEEN GEORGIA AND GEORGIA TO THE IRAN - CHALLENGES AND EUROPEAN UNION P. 3 PERSPECTIVES P. 5 NATO STRENGTHENS The newly stated step is definitely a catalyst to advance DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN relations. Leaving the USSR, Georgia faced plenty of domestic and foreign problems and challenges. Rus- EUROPE P. 4 sia’s presence placed Georgia in considerable dan- ger and Russia’s external interests had a great impact ANAKLIA PORT - TRADING on Georgia`s foreign policy. Georgia commenced the balancing of its foreign policy and turned to the West, ZONE BETWEEN CAUCASUS aiming at integrating into its organizations and having deeper contacts with the US. AND CENTRAL ASIA P. 8 “CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES” IN MORE PEOPLE INFECTED SYRIAN CONFLICT P. 7 WITH SWINE FLU THAN One of the main considerations here is that Russia ANNOUNCED conceptualizes the Syrian “moderate opposition” as ter- P. 11 rorist forces while the West condemns the Kremlin for propping up Bashar al-Assad’s regime by destroying its MATVEY WEISSBERG: TO BE opposition. Some politicians state that if Russia will not halt its air strikes on opposition forces in certain areas, AN ARTIST IS FATE any ceasefire is deemed to be a failure. The international community can’t ensure aid provision in case of Rus- P. 13 sian airstrikes. Despite being so explicitly important, the issue is not negotiated with Russian representatives, FC DINAMO TBILISI IN GOOD as Sergei Lavrov argues that the Russian military cam- paign will continue. SHAPE P. 15 2 FEBRUARY 15, 2016 WWW.OBSERVER.COM.GE POLITICS 3 FEBRUARY 15, 2016 WWW.OBSERVER.COM.GE POLITICS THE MAIN MESSAGES OF GEORGIA TO THE EUROPEAN UNION ANA ZANKALIANI Prime Minister Giorgi Kviri- its firm support for the territorial “productive and friendly.” kashvili visited Brussels on Feb- integrity of Georgia within its “We are close to the final deci- ruary 9 and10. The PrimeMi- internationally recognised bor- sion,” said the European Com- nister set the meetings with the ders. “I share Georgia’s concerns missioner for Migration, Home leaders of EU countries and about the continued implemen- Affairs and Citizenship, Dimi- Commissioners. Foreign Minis- tation of the so-called “treaties” tris Avramopoulos. He said this ter Mikheil Janelidze and State between Russia and Abkhazia within his joint statement with Minister for European and Eu- and South Ossetia,” he added. Mr. Kvirikashvi and Mr. Hann. ro-Atlantic Integration Davit The Prime Minister also met the The European Commission Bakradze were accompanying President of the European Com- highlighted in its December re- Kvirikashvili as part of the Geor- mission, Jean-Claude Juncker. port that Georgia fulfilled all un- gian entourage. The main topics of the meeting at dertakings envisaged by the Ac- Prime Minister of Georgia, the European Commission were tion Plan on Visa Liberalisation Giorgi Kvirikashvili, met the the timely finalisation of the visa and achieved positive results. President of the European Coun- liberalization process and the The Prime Minister also con- cil, Donald Tusk, on February new priorities of the association ducted meetings with the EU 9 in Brussels. According to Mr. agenda. Mr. Kvirikashvili and Special Representative, Herbert these projects will guarantee the Tusk, the President of the Euro- Tusk’s press statement, the two Mr. Juncker also discussed the Salber. The parties emphasised deepening of the economic part- pean Commission, Jean-Claude politicians talked about the up- DCFTA. The Prime Minister the importance of joint efforts nership, reinforcement of energy Juncker, and the European Com- coming parliamentary elections noted that trade relations with and expressed their hopes for the security, economic development missioners. We convinced them in Georgia and agreed that a free the EU were reinforced during creation of constructive environ- and stability of the region. that Association Agenda-related and pluralistic media, environ- the previous year and a half. ments during the next round of Discussions concerning the de- reforms in Georgia are proceed- ment, as well as an open and vi- Mr. Kvirikashvili thanked Mr. Geneva negotiations. velopment of Georgian energy ing at full speed and this process brant political environment are Juncker for his strong support to Development of the Georgian sector were continued at the cannot be hampered,” he noted. prerequisites for the country’s the territorial integrity and sover- energy sector and becoming a meeting between the Prime Min- Secretary General, Jens Stolten- success. “Continued reforms eignty of Georgia and expressed member of the EU Energy Union ister of Georgia and the Vice- berg, briefed the media on Tues- of the judiciary, rule of law and hope for his personal support in were the main discussion topics President of the European Com- day the 9th of February on the human rights are important pri- successful finalisation of the visa between Mr. Kvirikashvili and mission and Commissioner for topics of the week’s Defence orities and I underlined the EU’s liberalisation process. the Climate and Energy Com- Energy Union, Marosh Shevcho- Ministers’ meeting. readiness to assist. It is crucial Minister and Commissioner missioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, vich, which ended the two-day The Secretary General under- that criminal investigations and for the ENP and Enlargement during their meeting. Pursuant trip to Brussels. lined NATO’s commitment to prosecutions be evidence-based, Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, to Mr. Kvirikashvili, the Gov- Mr. Kvirikashvili summarised helping Georgia move towards transparent and impartial, in line approved of the successful im- ernment of Georgia encourages his visit to Brussels during the membership in the Alliance. with the commitments of the As- plementation of the Visa Lib- projects directed to production Cabinet’s meeting. “We briefed “Georgia is pursuing domestic sociation Agreement,” said Pres- eralisation Action Plan by the of renewable energy, the aim of the commissioners on the pro- political and security reforms, ident Tusk. country and noted that Georgia is which is to make Georgia a re- cesses taking place in Georgia, which are bringing Georgia Visa-free travel for Georgian one of the leading states of East- gional leader in terms of green and the reforms related to the closer to NATO,” Stoltenberg citizens was also discussed by ern Partnership Initiative. The energy production. They also Association Agenda. We also said. Meetings of the North At- the EU and Georgian politicians. parties discussed new fields of discussed the first pilot project conveyed the message that suc- lantic Council (NAC) at the The European Council President cooperation within the frames of of the wind power plant as well cessful completion of the visa level of Defence Ministers, was congratulated Georgia on the renewed European Neighbour- as the importance of the South- liberalization process is cru- held at NATO Headquarters on outstanding reforms undertaken hood Policy and emphasised the ern Gas Corridor and South Cau- cially important to Georgia. the 10th and 11th of February in this process. Mr. Tusk assured need for extended dialogue in casus Pipeline, which is part of We discussed this in a detailed where Georgia’s Minister of De- Mr. Kvirikashvili that the Euro- that area. Hahn described the the Shah Deniz project. During manner with the President of fence, Tinatin Khidasheli, also pean Union will continue to give meeting with Kvirikashvili as, the meeting, it was noted that the European Council, Donald presented. 4 FEBRUARY 15, 2016 WWW.OBSERVER.COM.GE POLITICS NATO STRENGTHENS DEFENSE MECHANISMS IN EUROPE EKA PKHOVELISHVILI The meetings of the North reason for strengthening the de- Atlantic Treaty Organization terrence system in the Eastern (NATO) Defense Ministers were flank is to address a security task held on 10-11th February in caused byRussia’s aggressive ac- Brussels. The main issues of the tions. ministerial were the events tak- The Defense Minister of Geor- ing place in Syria recently and gia, Tinatin Khidasheli, also at- the security concept of NATO in tended the summit. Within its regards to new threats. During framework, a NATO-Georgia the meeting, issues such as ter- Commission conference, and the rorism, the refugee crisis, migra- meeting of Georgian Defense tion, the threat from Russia, and minister and NATO Secretary Russia’s involvement in the Syr- General, was also held. ian crisis were also discussed. According to Khidasheli, As NATO Secretary General, “Georgia is participating as a full Jens Stoltenberg, would expect, partner of NATO and, therefore, defense ministers approved a is involved in the discussions new plan, which aims at the concerning the strengthening strengthening of the alliance’s of security measures.” Among Eastern flank. According to them, and, as Khidasheli pointed Stoltenberg, additional decisions out, the most pivotal for Georgia, will be made in July, during the is security system in the Black Warsaw Summit. Sea region, of which a need be- “We have agreed on the prin- came acute following the events Stoltenberg said that all the al- order to implement strategy di- of security, others would say a ciples on NATO’s defense and in Crimea. lies support the territorial integ- rected towards the containment zone of protection,” said Carn- deterrence capacity in order to Within the context of Black Sea rity and sovereignty of Georgia of possible Russian aggression egie Moscow Center Director, modernize them. According to regional security, Georgia was within its internationally rec- in the region. Dmitri Trenin. the decision, they approved a referenced several times by the ognized borders. He once again Moscow’s answer to the It is obvious that increased mil- new multinational force to beef NATO Secretary General. He called on Russia to change its strengthening of NATO’s eastern itary potential of Europe will be up defense of frontline alliance also underlined NATO’s com- intentions to make Abkhazia flank is seemingly indifferent.
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