April 2014

Netball South Launches Newsletter Welcome to the first edition of Pass It On. Here you will find news and views from across all facets of our organisation. If there is anything you would like to see included in the next edition, email our Corporate and Communications Manager Kate Buchanan on [email protected].

We want to keep you up with the play so let us know what’s happening in your team, club or centre.

From the Chair – Paul Buckner South chairman Paul Buckner shares some insight into what's been happening around the board table.

The Zone’s AGM on 26 March 2014 marked the resignation of Deputy Chair Debbie Hodges coinciding with her election to the board of NNZ. We congratulate Debbie on this achievement and thank her for all her previous hard work on our board and its predecessor boards of Netball Southland and Teamco.

Kate Leebody retired from our board the same night and is replaced by Angee Shand from who was elected unopposed. We welcome Angee and thank Kate for her contributions on the zone board which were only a small part of the lifetime she has offered to netball (including sitting twice on the NNZ board). Kate’s larger than life personality will be missed.

Debbie’s replacement is still “work in progress” and will be made (hopefully with our input) by NNZ as this was a NNZ appointed position.

The last 18 months have been demanding and included winding up Netball Southland, Netball and Southern TeamCo, creating the new Zone, drafting a strategic plan (“the strength of one”), familiarizing ourselves with shared services packages developed by NNZ and providing direction and encouragement to our very busy CEO Sue Clarke.

We have to date met monthly alternating between Balclutha and Gore but have discussed holding some of our meetings over the next season or two in other towns to promote netball throughout our zone.

The big issue on the table is our response to possible restructure to the ANZ Championship competition. Once we have a clearer idea of the options available we will consult with our centres.

The major message coming out of our AGM was that our members (the 10 centres) wanted greater communication with the board. It is intended this column will be a regular feature and go some way in filling the communication gap. Now that the transition from 12 regions to 5 zones is complete we have greater opportunity to be pro-active rather than reactive and work with our members.

Our next meeting is in Gore on 29 April.

Finally, I wish the Steel more success, building on their fine wins over the Thunderbirds and Fever as the season progresses. From the CEO – Sue Clarke From grassroots to the elite ranks of the Ascot Park Hotel , netball season is well and truly upon us for 2014.

Calendars are brimming at all levels of our game – club netball teams are completing grading matches, training for the revamped Junior Netball programme is underway at Centre level and the Steel is already half way through their ANZ Championship season.

Our up-coming Development Camp in Gore is fully subscribed with eager netballers. This annual fixture is vitally important to Netball South as these players, umpires and coaches are our future.

Centre Talent Development sessions continue to be well supported with players making strong progress. Jo Morrison is finalising a High Performance Coaching group with three participants in Invercargill and four in .

We recently confirmed appointments for our Zone U23 team. Head coach Reinga Te Huia will be joined by assistant coach Alice Conrad, manager Sarah Lloyd and physio Corina Ngatuere. The national U19 and U23 Championships will be staged in Dunedin in July.

We would like to extend our congratulations to South Otago defender Abby Erwood who has earned selection in the NNZ Secondary School squad. A team of 12 plus four non-travelling reserves will be named following a three-day trial from April 28. The team will travel to Adelaide mid-May to defend their title at the International School Girls’ Netball Challenge.

Umpires Sasha McLeod and Alannah Robinson (reserve) were selected from the National Development Umpire Squad camp which ran alongside the NZSS trials recently. Sasha will also travel to Adelaide to officiate. NNZ said the opportunity was provided to the development squad umpires who had demonstrated consistent improvement and the tournament in Adelaide will be another important step in their umpiring development.

It’s fantastic to see those from our Netball South Zone continuing to shine on the national and international stage.

Best wishes,

Under the watchful eye of Steel Colleen Bond, left, with umpires at the midcourter , Chenoa Secondary School trials held recently in Metua is officially our new prone hold Auckland. South Zone was aptly represented by champion with an impressive time of Sasha McLeod and Alannah Robinson (on right end). 5 mins 11 secs! Can you beat it? Chenoa is one of our Dunedin U14 players and a member of the Netball South Talent Development squad. Junior Netball Academy

The Netball South Junior Netball Academy has continued to prove popular this year with over 240 budding netballers from throughout the Zone completing the programme in Term One. Junior Academy players at the MLT Event Centre in Gore

Registrations are now open for Term Two for academies in Dunedin, Invercargill, Gore, Queenstown, Winton … and a brand new academy in Balclutha!

Registration forms can be found on our website – www.netballsouth.co.nz.

A highlight for the Dunedin and Invercargill academy players this term was the opportunity to decorate the Southern Steel’s changing room and form a guard of honour for the team on the court at an ANZ Championship game. Dunedin Academy players form a guard of honour for the Steel prior to their game against the in March. They must have been our lucky charm with Steel winning a thriller 66-65. Netball South Development Camp

One of the major events on the Netball South calendar is our Annual Development Camp – this year being staged at St Peters College in Gore from April 27-30.

Year 9- 11 players from throughout our Zone congregate over four days to attend the camp. With an extensive programme encompassing all aspects of the game – from nutrition to specialist skills - it also caters strongly for coach and umpire development.

Southern Steel players , Phillipa Finch and will host specialist sessions on their respective areas – attack, midcourt and defence.

As netballers ourselves we know how important it is to have the ‘right fit’ in a shoe. Player welfare is hugely important to us. And for that reason we would have no hesitation recommending all our players, from grassroots to the elite level, get fitted for the right shoe at the Shoe Clinic.

A valued sponsor, the Shoe Clinic in Invercargill has extended the following offer:

Netball South Snippets

Zone Umpire Development Group

This group was set up to ensure there is a link between the Zone and Centres. Facilitated by Netball South’s Umpire Coordinator Colleen Bond, the group consists of: Alison Cormack, Ellen Waide, Liz Cairns, Joyce Andrew, Maree McMillan and Jono Bredin.

Technical Officials Development Group

These people have the best seat in the house and are keen to encourage others to give it a go - whether it be on the bench side or statistics side. The role of this group will be to ensure training and opportunities are given to any keen people from throughout the Zone. Members of the group are: Julie Erskine (Bench Coordinator), Raylene Leith-Forbes (Stats Coordinator), Julie Fleury, Lyn Wilson, Talei Anderson and Jean Rowley

Junior Programme Update

To date nine of the 10 Centres in South Zone have sought endorsement. Junior co-ordinator training has started with 20 people trained in the past week in preparation for the start of the programmes in term two.

To find out more about this programme visit www.mynetball.co.nz/juniornetball

NNZ Service Award Recipients

Fabulous to see Yvonne Brew (Netball Upper Clutha) and Julie Erskine (Invercargill Netball Centre) recognised for their tireless efforts with a prestigious Service Award at the AGM in February. Congratulations to you both on such a deserved achievement.

ANZ grant for INC

Well done Invercargill Netball Centre for earning an ANZ Grant of $1500 for new equipment. Dedication to netball honoured

A stalwart of Central Otago netball, Margaret Bennie is a deserving recipient of the John Fitzharris Memorial Trophy for Services to Sport

Testament to over three decades of dedication to netball in the region, Margaret received the honour at the Central Otago Sports Awards on April 11.

Joining the executive of Central Otago Netball in 1981, Margaret was elected Junior Vice President in 1982 and then took on the secretarial duties in 1984, a position which she still holds 30 years later. In 1984-85, Margaret was also secretary of the Otago Country Sub- Association. Renowned for her efficiency and willingness to go the extra mile, Margaret would be one of the only secretaries still taking minutes using shorthand. Her record keeping is accurate, her communication skills excellent and her attention to detail exemplary.

As well as her secretarial duties, Margaret has also taken on the role of Tournament Convenor. Central Otago Netball runs two or three tournaments throughout the netball season and all are very well organised with Margaret at the helm.

She will be up at the courts very early on the day of the tournament to assist with sandwich making, setting up the canteen, office and umpires room, and has usually made muffins beforehand for the umpires to enjoy during the day. She will then be found out on the courts scoring or supporting the teams. Margaret also arranges the trials for representative teams, organises coaches, selectors and umpires and makes sure all tournament entries are completed. Over the years she has managed representative teams and has attended Netball Otago and, more recently, Netball South meetings as a delegate for the Central Otago Netball Centre.

Margaret’s length of service shows her commitment and dedication to netball at all levels. She has been involved as a player, umpire and administrator. She is passionate about the game and a staunch supporter of netball, not only in Central Otago but New Zealand-wide. Margaret was awarded a Central Otago Netball Centre Service Award in 1993, a Life Membership in 2002 and a Netball New Zealand Service Award in 2009 in recognition of the outstanding contribution she has made to our sport. From all of us at Netball South, congratulations Margaret on your latest achievement.

Netball's Catchy in Central

The future of netball in Central Otago is in good heart if the turnout for the centre's annual Netball's Catchy Day is any gauge.

Over 60 budding netballers enjoyed the event which started with a MILO Breakfast to boost energy levels. The players then participated in a number of skill sessions and fun challenges before showcasing their talents with some 5 x 5 games.

The youngsters were the first players to try out the Centre's new state-of-the-art court surface which will be officially opened on May 3.

It’s already halftime in the 2014 ANZ Championship season and the silverware is still anyone’s to claim. This campaign has been hailed as the closest since the league’s inception in 2008 and trust me, it feels like that when you’re on the court!

It’s fair to say the opening rounds have produced some incredible highs and so not-so-flash lows for the Steel. After notching up a heart-racing one-goal win over the West Coast Fever in round three, we claimed another Aussie scalp in beating the defending champion the following week. After 17 gruelling outings, we finally claimed our first win on Aussie soil – and it felt fantastic.

Since then we have hit a rough patch with three frustrating losses against the Magic, Mystics and Pulse. No-one is more determined to turn this season around than us and we are under no illusions as to what the journey from here requires – victory over every opponent. Just as well we are Made of Steel and pumped to embrace the challenge ahead!

Off the court, the team has been enjoying the opportunity to get amongst our community. The Clicked Yet Sled is back in action through our partnership with Road Safety Southland. We’ve met some awesome kids during visits to schools throughout Otago, Southland and Central Otago and this week were even invited to breakfast at Mataura School – just the pre-training fuel we needed.

From all of us in the team, thank you for Standing Behind the Steel. Your support is unwavering and ignites our passion – ultimately, we play for you.

Millers Flat School 2014 Surf to City

Hawea Flat Primary School Out and About in the Community Catch the Action Grab your team mates and join us as the Southern Steel take on the Waikato- Bay of Plenty Magic!

As an exclusive offer from Netball South, we’re giving you and your friends the chance to watch this thrilling ANZ Championship clash from the corporate lounges at ILT Stadium.

When: Monday, May 12 from 6.30pm (game starts at 7.40pm) Where: ILT Cost: $60 per head (Game admission, drink and nibbles included)

To book your ticket, contact Steel Events Manager Sonya Fleming on 021 849 132 or email [email protected]

Get into the photo booth at Steel home games and you could win!