2014Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴ (April 2014) Issue No: 2/2014 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 第90期

͙ᕧ͙ᕧ̺఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫ᮆ丼ϐ≭̺఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁ᮆ丼ϐ≭ Dinner Interaction between YBbetween Minister YB ofMinister MITI and of MITI ACCCIM and ACCCIM

͙ᕧじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц ACCCIM 4th SME Conference

͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of for the 2nd Half of 2013


侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 2014Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴(April 2014) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛Bulletin Issue No: 2/2014 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ90᱋Issue No.90 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293)

1 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Ⱊ Committee ᒁ Contents ̿䷄Special Features  ͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ͙఩⊣โϐ≭ࡻцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 2 ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Visit by Delegation of Overseas Exchange Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2013 Association 䖏ఎݜ䃫Visit by Advanceٴ䉥⼺ ͙఩๕≑఩䉰ༀ⊵ڸ∔ᰴᐬᩪ 7 June 2014 GST Registration - Are you there? Team from State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee of Tianjin Municipal 9 Ꭰ఩ტ䨢㵸ᎠᏒ៑ॶガ៑ People’s Government Highlights on Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 2013 37 仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Hong Kong United Youth Association Limited აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫ژ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities   ͙఩व᳃ⰭӔߍߊ Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chinese Affairs 24 ͙ᕧ̺఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫ᮆ丼ϐ≭ Offi ce of Jilin Provincial, China  Dinner Interaction between YB Minister of MITI and ACCCIM 38 ж᱃㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Iranian Economic and Trade Delegation 26 ͙ᕧじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц ACCCIM 4th SME Conference  ͙఩䉤ӯц⩄㖯ܲцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of China Council for the Promotion of 30 ͙఩喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ऴ҈ϐ≭ц International Trade Gansu Sub-Council 2014 China (Guangdong) – Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference 39 ͙఩νࢃⰭ᠇ੲऴ҈ᅬЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of the Investment Promotion and 33 ͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊠㤞ᒷც࣮ߌ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцঔᎠ Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province, China цᎲ≧ߔACCCIM Delegation to Philippines in participation of Festivities in Celebration of 60th  ͙఩Ꭻ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮϦℽᩫᏈЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Anniversary of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Visit by Delegation of The People’s Government Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. of Dongguan Municipality, Guangdong Province, China 34 र䨢㵸ᄥ⩡ၼЄ䉥᰹ߍ⮰䃞㼏ц აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫ژShowcase of e-Payments by Banks 40 ͙఩఩ߍ䮎Ӕߍߊ Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chinese Affairs

35 ͙ͦᄻЭ͆᣼Ӈ⮰䃪᫩ԍ䉣៱ԉᱦᲰࣶ侘Ბφ Offi ce of the State Council of the People’s 䨢㵸䃞㼏цBriefi ng on Facilities for SMEs by Credit Republic of China Guarantee Corporation and Maybank  㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations ℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛ࡺੲ㏻䉤̿͆㖀ऴцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 36 Visit by Delegation of Chinese Business Chamber  ≧ߔ䶰ॶUpcoming Events Mauritius

ܦ❴Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdvisersdvisers ޛͧ㑂DDeputyeputy CChiefhief EditorEdito 䯰 ⊒᪳⥨Christine PooٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾ❴ 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ᠫⲏ㩍఩⇧Datuk David Chua Cover design and Artwork : 㥓㒺㞟Seow Mei Yin Lin Graphic 258, Jalan Ampang, ͧЧChairman 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, Assistant Editors .Dato’ Low Kian Chuan ߕ㑂 43300 Seri Kembangan, ڔKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ 50450 Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ ֱ⥘ࠐ Poh Wan Kh’ng Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 ޛͧЧDeputy Chairman 3094/3095 台᪳ᚓKelly Wong ឫ࢜Printed by: ᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok Fax: 603-4260 3080 䭴࿾ຮTan Ai Joo Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. E-mail: [email protected] No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, ͧ㑂CChiefhief EEditordito 䗽ᰞⅺCyndi Tang Homepage: www.acccim.org.my 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun Seong Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 ㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉❵ܦ䉠ȟ᣼倄ϓ͆ 㑂䒽ࣶ≑ۻᎠᲑ喏䮻ⱬᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢ⮰჊㵸ȟݶ̬ 䔅⯴ݕ⼺ȟ⩡䉥স๕♢⅀䄯⋔ふ̬䔊͞ᣖ᫩喏Бࣶ侘㝖 ̷⣜㐕㶔͆ڑ喏጑ੲ⩸䮣ܧ๝㖀ηТ➡ߔ⮰䔊䨭䉋䲎۞(. ⏽স䓼㥑᜼᱘ᬑ⯶ᨬࡳ⮰జදȠ  侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ ॶ᭪⹦喏ᑿݹᒝ৹͙ᄻЭ͆⮰ͧ㺭ఌ㉌Ӊ♢᭛ᩫᏈᩫもȟ᜼᱘倄 භ εࣶϦ߇ⴙ㑦Ƞ͙ᕧᬑݹ̺᜽఩఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫》ڱȟ఩⋔ ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁ц䲎喏ܳ჊ࣹᭌᑿ̷ᒝ৹጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁ⮰䄪䷄喏 㜟 ᛚۻ౦ࣶᐦ䃚喏ⰨᩫᏈ䓱䕋䛳ंᰵᩴₑ俐ᄲ䉋䲎ᒝ৹⿷ܦᎢ᣼ ᰬѺ喏सᬢᷬ䃔र䶥̹ݕ጑ੲࣽᆁ⮰ᣖ᫩Ƞ͙ᕧস䉤጑䘔ᬑऺ ؓ ΋ᄲ჆᱋ϐ≭喏̷ᗱ̶䓪喏Ꭲߌᑦ᠇ੲᑁ䉰⮰ऴ҈Ƞ  ͙ᕧϺ̹䬠᫙౜䕆䓳ᣑᒱ⊣โЏ㶔ఎসͧߊੲᱦ≩䄴ц喏ࡻߕ ц঄ੲტᐬ៿⊣โጮ౦সᄧឪੲᱦȠ͙ᕧᄥӯ䔇᜽఩ᄥโ⮰ࣷ ഭ ᭛ჲܳᒬᲑ⮰͙఩ࣶ͈Ⰻ఩ტ喏䔅᫥ڢ㈧̹䖃҅߇喏ᅐڟຩ䉤ᬿ 䲎⮰ߖ߇喏࠱᠘䓽᱋ࡻߊ͙఩喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ϐ≭цȟ Ӻ ㏰ఎ䊠㤞ᒷც࣮ߌ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧццᎲȟ䖬䄣ℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛ࡺੲ㏻䉤 ̿͆㖀ऴцܦፙ͙ᕧκ㐱⩤ͪߊ⮰ᆁ䨬цふȠ  Dato’ Law Kian Chuan ̺ₐसᬢ喏͙ᕧͦࡻߕ͆㔱䔇̬ₑβ㼏ࣶᢸᤍᩫᏈᰬ᫜ᩫも喏ᅝ ⩡ၼЄ䉥᰹ߍȟ⊴䉥⼺ふႵᢾ䃞㼏ц喏Ꭲ䖬䄣Э͆ტܲϗᐬ៿⊣ โጮ౦㏻侸喏ᩫᏈჄ঄䃞㼏ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ⮰ᤠߕ䙹຃喏ь䓪఩ტ䨢 further strengthen cooperation in trade and 㵸ᎠᏒ៑ॶふȠ̶䔜र䶥≧ߔ䄒ᗱछ࣮䬱᱘᱋ц䃛Ƞ investment promotion.

ACCCIM constantly receives foreign delegations Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and organises business matching sessions to and Publication Committee assist members to explore overseas markets and seek business opportunities. ACCCIM spares no effort to foster amicable relations between ver the past year, the business community has Malaysia and foreign countries, especially been caught in the mire of deterioration of sales China and ASEAN countries. The efforts included Operformance and high operating cost subsequent supported the China (Guangdong)-Malaysia to a series of policies announced by the Government such Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference, as implementation of Minimum Wages Order, imposition organised a delegation to the Philippines in of a string of subsidy cuts, further increase in Real Property participation of the festivities of Federation of Gains Tax (RPGT), rise in electricity and natural gas tariffs. Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and The recent MH370 incident has further aggravated the Industry Inc., invited Mauritius Chinese Business predicament. Chamber to participate at the Myanmar- Malaysia Exhibition co-organised by ACCCIM The ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of and so forth. Malaysia for the 2nd Half of Year 2013 has indicated that the major factors adversely affecting business performance Furthermore, ACCCIM has organised several are the Government policies, increase in operating cost activities for entrepreneurs to better understand and price of raw materials, domestic competition, and and to keep abreast of Government policies. manpower shortage. At the recent meeting with YB Dato’ These activities included showcase on Sri , Minister of International Trade E-payment, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Industry (MITI), ACCCIM has refl ected the challenges seminars, invited entrepreneurs to share of business development, and has put forward cogent their experiences, organised briefing session suggestions in the hope of effective steps can be taken by on incentives and grants offered by the the Government to minimise and to review the detrimental Government, published the highlights of Bank effects of the Government policies. ACCCIM will interact Negara Annual Report and so on. For details of with MITI on a regular basis, and will serve as a bridge the activities, please refer to the current issue of between the business community and the Government to ACCCIM Bulletin ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 3

ۡ⟣≻͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻ 䄯ᴑ៑ॶ

ጯ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠژ͙ᕧघᐬ᫜䬧ࣽጯц喏 ACCCIM’s press conference to announce the ACCCIM survey report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd half of 2013.

ᕧੲߍ㏰ͷ㏻≺䄯ᴑᄻ㏰κᎠᰴ 䦴ᄥ࣋჆κᎠᰴᬑᐬ໷ន㵸ᒭᩢ ጯ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺ Ѕᩛ⺔オࣽ䉥⮰ᣖ᫩喏ᬑݹ侘Ბ㺫φ఩ტ䨢ژ͙ ᬑκ͙ᕧц䃚ა 䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠ 㵸ᕧ㷭ͥ᫛䛸∭㦮ጞ჏ጯᆁᐢ㜟ᬺᎠᰴۡ⟣ ᬑ喏ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ᄥₐ㶔⹦⁎䓺喏䃐ͦ䔅 ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ͧᠭ᫜䬧ࣽጯцᬢ㶔 ᭛̬䶥჊䭱ࣴߍ჊⮰ᆁᐢ۟჆Ƞ ␍ٱ♢㏻≺්䪫䕋Ꮢ㐿ᚎ喏๓侘㏻≺Ϲ⤯ڔ⹦喏 ⩸ᠽᝄস̹⽟჆ᕓȠ㏡㻮͙ᕧ䓳ࣧᝬ䔇㵸⮰㏻≺䄯 Ą౔ᑿݹ᜼᱘倄⋔⮰ੲ͆⣛ද喏᜽఩጑ੲ ᴑᝬᓃ喏̹䯪ࣽ⣜र㵸र͆ᠭ㐙䲎ᄥ《εȠ䞠κ Ⱘ᱇ᩫᏈ㘩₏㻲͆㔱⮰జද喏Ꭲ࢟ᬢ㐅δߍ 䨬ਗ਼͆㐕㶔⣜喏䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ ჊⮰អߕ喏䔅࠱᠘჊᫩ᰠๆϞੲᩫも喏ҷຮܧ䰬Ⅾᩪ㐿喏۞ڱ఩ 䃪᫩⋔У㺭Ⅾȟڝژ㏿तᝬᓃ⼺ȟۧژ͙ᄻЭ͆䲎ᄥस͆⮰⓬◴《ε喏ᰵ⮰ੲტ⩆㜟ݶ 䭹Ѻ ঄጑Б㐓㐙⩋ႄȠ ჆ᬢᷬ䃔ᎢᓖᎻ⌼䔇ᣔ㵸≑䉠ऴ⤲ࡂ䃍ܾȟۻУᲑԉᠭ⩋ᘻ䷉喏ᝂݶ ᄽ㍭ۻ䊐ႃȟۻᐬ䨬ȟᰵᩴݶڝژ䅔⯽ネ͑ 侘 ᪳㑇㞮ふふ喏㐠ᠭ๓侘Э͆⮰《ε߇喏䔅᝹㘩ڑ喏Ꭰ᱋䬠喏᜽఩጑ੲ⩸䔄᱖䌻ܦЂᠳ ำᠭ㐙ᕓ⮰㏻≺᜼䪫Ƞąڣๆ䶥ᣖ᫩⮰ᒝ ⶚ԉ᜽఩ܦᎠ喏ᅝጞ䲎ᄥᩫᏈĄ侘̹ֈ䍰ąᣔ ⛯᫅ۻ৹Ƞ䔅࠱᠘ᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢȟᐢ䪫䔬нᎠ咰喏ݶ ᓱ䶧ٹ㶑䉠᣼倄↩⇥УᵨȠ㉓ᣑ̷Ბ⮰᭛϶Ꭰᐬ໷䄯⋔ ̺ₐसᬢ喏Ђ΋᣼䚾र㵸र͆ᬌछ䖫 䉥БࣶᬺᎠ჊᫩⊴䉥⼺ふふȠ ⿷ݧ䄯᪠㏻㥑も⪑喏䭹᱘්ᩴ喏᣼ࡳЭ͆჊⩡ ߇স⩋ϓ߇Ƞₐโ喏΋ๆર⩔ᩫᏈरᱦᲰ᣼ Ą䔅χᣖ᫩喏ᬌ⪽䕌᜼㏻ੲ᜼᱘⮪̶ߌ᫐喏䕆㛔 Ӈ⮰⣜ᰵ৔䄎᰹ߍȟ⼺ߍфᘌȟᐬࣽጮ౦អ ࢷ߇㞮㞮ᨬࡳȠ䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ੲტᄥຮҁ㞮㏒᜼᱘ ߕ䛽ふӫݕᑦࡂ《ε߇喏Бࣶᐬ៿఩䭱ጮ౦ ᭪ᓃᰵᓯᬌ߇喏ࢠࣴ᱖㘩ᄲ᜼᱘䒘࿭δ⊴䉥Ϧ喏 স䨬ਗ਼㑽㐈Ƞ 䔇䔬͐䯪⮰ᅬ䲎Ƞąڑఌₐ䮣 4 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

䄯ᴑ䛹◥ᦄ㺭  ᰠๆ͆㔱䭹Ѻਗ਼У

䄯ᴑ⮰ᘻ͵ ᅝ͆ጮ౦Ⱔᄥԉᠭ̹ऄ ⃻ࢁѹ጑䉰⼹ᓚ්ߌ ࡻߕᩫᏈ≷჆ࡺੲᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰㏻≺⟢ۡȠ ϓ㘩Ꮐ⩔᭪㦃̷䭹

ᄽᄥ᫜䉰⎼ᝂࢮᝫ⮰ۻᩢ䯲ࡺੲᄥᩫᏈᝬ჊㵸र䶥ᣖ᫩⮰ఊ亴 ᰠๆఊ㺲㔱䔵᠕ ᣖ᫩⮰᜼ᩴȠ េ䉰ڟࣶᘻ㻭喏Б䃰ќᰵ

᱘䄯ᴑ΋ᰵߕκᩫᏈᄥ⣜㵸ᩫも҈ܦ䔮 ๓侘㏻≺౔̷ࡶᎠंᓃᄽ䃤්䪫Ƞ ᑿ⮰䄯᪠ᝂݢ჆᫜ᩫもȠ

͙ᕧऽᩫᏈ᣼ॴำᔄᒁ⮰࣮㔯ദ JJ ౔̷ࡶᎠ喏ᄥੲ͆͆㐕䕌᜼̹ݕᒝ৹⮰ͦ҈ ⵬Ƞ ͧ㺭ఌ㉌᭛Ϭʹ   ᩫᏈᩫも  䓼҈᜼᱘̺࣋᫅Уᵨ᣼倄 ఊ㺲㔱⮰㗸ᮛ  ⮰《εڱ఩ 

 ఊ㺲㔱ͧ㺭Ბ㜖ឥ̺ࣽ䰢ਗ਼͆  ȟ  ঄጑ⴙ㑦 ȟ  ȟ̺̿͆ੲ͆᰹ߍ  ݢ䕌͆  ȟ䛽㲹সԉ JJJ ࡺੲᄥ๓侘㏻≺ݹᮛ᭛॒ᙋݜͼ㻮ᝂᗞ㻮  ȟᝫ౜ϓ  ᐦぽ͆ 䮕  ȟ᫱⍤ȟ䙾Ꮓȟ丼亲ȟ⊴䬞সཝͼ  ᕧѿᲑ䄠喏ࡺੲᮚ䕹̶ᄥ侘Ბ㺫φ౔ Ƞ ᎠসᎠ⮰㏻≺ݹᮛᙋݜᗞ  ЂڢБࣶ  㻮喏ѲⰨ᱇Ꭰ⮰㏻≺ᰵᝬᩥરȠ 䓽⮰ఊ㺲㔱Ბ㜖䲊͙ᄻಷЭ͆ ᵥᢚ  Ƞ JW Ⱊݹࡺੲ౔侘Ბ㺫φϺη䉤ᬿȟេ䉰̺጑͆ 㕸঄጑Ϧ᪜ڔ፤Ꭰ㥑͆䷉ࣶ ࣽᆁᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄喝 ڢጮ౦ͦᄨऽ喏ڱ㏒ఊ㺲㔱᭛Б఩ ⼺ ϓ͆⯴ݕ *  एጮ౦ܦࣶڱБĄ఩݅҅ ࣶܦएጮ౦  ͦᄨऽȠ  䕻ݢϓ͆䶲ഋ⮰េᱦ≧ߔ B

䄯ᴑ⮰ͧ㺭䬚䷄ࣶ㏿᳈ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ᣼倄ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺ᒴछ 㘩цᄥ䕻ݢᝫ౜ϓ͆⮰េᱦ≧ߔࣽᡑ J ๓侘㏻≺౔̷ࡶᎠ᭛॒ᖢࡂȟԉᠭ̹ऄ ₏䲎⮰ᩴ᳈喏➥ݗ᭛䗏χጸ᱇ⰷݜᝫ౜ ͙䃤ๆϦ䘩䃐ͦϓ͆ڢᝂ᜼䪫  ϓ͆䭹⍕⮰Ϧ喏 Уᵨጞ丅ࡳݜ䊱䊶ᮚ㒃๓уछ䉋៱⮰Ⅰ ᎟Ƞ 䨬ਗ਼͆㐕㶔⣜⼹ᓚ̷⏽

ϓ䛻⼹ᓚ්ߌ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ喏ᅩネ᣼倄ϓ͆⯴ݕ ႄ䉓Ⅰ᎟ԉᠭ̹ऄ ⼺喏ϓ͆Уᵨ䶰᫅Ϲц̶⋔Ƞ ᩢ䉒ᗱۡԉᠭ̹ऄ ㏒ᰵఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ喏ᎠᏒ䉎ᩫ ఩โϓ৭᰹ߍ᫜䃎ࢁ⼹ᓚ්ߌ 䶰ッᵴ჏ጯ̶䄯ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺⢳䓳倄喏䔅  ᄽ ᄲцᄥᝫ౜ϓ͆䕌᜼䉋䲎ᒝ৹Ƞۻ᱘౜᫜䃎ࢁ᭪㦃  ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 5

 Ꭰ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴᄥϓ͆䶲ഋᰵछ㘩䕻ݢโ C D ᗔ᭛॒ⴑ䕿ੲტछ⩝Ꭰ ఩េᱦ ᰴᐬ໷౔⊴䉥⼺ݢᏒ̷䔇  㵸⮧䃜喏㔸̀छБ䕆䓳๓侘⮳ 㐉๓ๆ᪜  ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦᩫᏈ䄯倄䲊 ᅬ⊴䉥⼺㑽䶡̶⮧䃜⼺ڟტ त㙝ਗ਼ϓ͆⮰ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺⢳ȟژℽসژ ࢟ᄲᣔ㵸⮰⊴䉥⼺ᄲц්ߌ E त㒚͆䬔ἇژℽসโ఩ژ჊᫩䲊๓侘  ͦᰬѺ̳Аव喏सᬢ΋⺭₎ࣽᆁੲ ᜼᱘ृ ᄥ᫜ϓ͆䃍ܾᣔ㵸ឫ៱ݕᖛ䃍ܾ⮰ᣖ ᫩ᒴछ㘩ᄥโ఩Ϧ䃐䉙侘Ბ㺫φᝫ౜ϓ  ჊Ό᱋ F 䋏ፒᲑ䉋䲎⮰ᒝ৹Ƞڠ  ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦᩫᏈᏀ᣼Ӈᰬⴙ̬Ꭰ **  ➕৭ࣶ᰹ߍ⼺ ⊴䉥⼺  ⮰჊Ό᱋喏ఊ㺲㔱㶔⹦㺭ᰵ͐Ꭰ ⮰჊Ό᱋Ƞ J  ⊴䉥⼺⢳ B  ੲტ䃐ͦ⮰䊣⼺⢳䓳倄 ੲტⰷ∁܌ *** ්ߌ᜼᱘ ͺ̬㜠 Ƞ B  ๓ๆ᪜ఊ㺲㔱  㶔⹦ЂИ⮰Э͆ C  ఊ㺲㔱ᐦ䃚⮰䊣⼺⢳喏ఊ ⣛䊶Ბ䊶䯪БᏀЄস⩋ႄ喏➥ݗੲ͆ 㺲㔱݅ᐦ䃚䊣⼺⢳Ƞ දຮ϶ጞᰠߌ《εস䲎ᄥᘴ๓ᠽᝄȠ

䷄䉥⼺⮰䓼҈䬚⊵ڟ ᰵ JJ C  ᰵ๓㏒㶔⹦㘩๋ា්ߌ⮰᜼᱘ 䒘࿭㐅⊴䉥Ϧ喏♢㔸㏒⮰ੲტ㶔 ⊴䉥⼺䬚䷄  ⹦ЂИᬌ∁ា්ߌ⮰᜼᱘䒘࿭㐅⊴䉥 ϦȠ B  ᗔβ㼏⊴䉥⼺㈧㐋ृ   ᗔ᝿ッ≪䔭঄጑࣮ߌⵀ䃔ц 䄣̶㑽࣮䬱͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯 C  ᝂ䄪⼷Бβ㼏⊴䉥⼺㈧㐋ृ ᴑ⮰Ⴘ᪠៑ॶ喏㑽౬᭛XXXBDDDJNPSHNZ

ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2013


Signifi cance of the survey This study would be helpful to the Government either in making adjustments to the existing policies or in the formulation of To assist the Government in gauging the new policies. economic situation facing the Chinese business community. The results from the survey also provide a basis for ACCCIM to submit relevant memoranda To collect feedback and opinion on to the Government and serve as a reference various measures undertaken by the for the business community and foreign Government to enable them to evaluate investors in formulating investment plan the effectiveness of those measures. and strategy. 6 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Profi le of respondents Signifi cant Drop in Capacity Utilization

The respondents were mainly from More Respondents Choosing to Reduce wholesale and retail (24.9%), manufacturing Investments in New Resources or Plant (18.3%), professional and business services  (15.4%), construction (10.7%), real estate The Malaysian economy was seen to (5.8%), fi nance and insurance (5.2%), and have experienced little growth in the 2nd of tourism, shopping, hotels, restaurants, 2013 recreation and entertainment (5.2%) as well as others (14.5%). ii. What were the major factors adversely About 21% of the respondents were from affecting business performances in the nd Non-SMEs (according to annual turnover 2 half of 2013? and full time employees) Government policies About 82.9% of the respondents were Increase in operating cost and price of domestic market oriented whereas the raw materials remaining 17.0% focused on “both domestic Domestic competition and export” markets (10.1%) or ‘export’ markets (7.0%). Manpower shortage

iii. Is the Chinese business communities Major survey questions and optimistic or pessimistic about the fi ndings Malaysian economic outlook ?

The major survey questions are as follows : Overall, the Chinese business community is generally pessimistic about the economic i. Was the Malaysian economy outlook for Malaysia for 2014 and 2015 but deteriorating, remaining unchanged are looking towards an improvement in 2016. or growing in the 2nd half of 2013 ? iv. Current issues facing the Chinese Slight Deterioration in Sales Performance businessmen in relation to trade, investment and industrial development Slight Improvement in Production Volumes in Malaysia. Inventory Levels Unchanged

Unchanged Pattern of Collections from (I) Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) Customers (a) Curb Speculative Activities in the Slight Improvement in New Orders from Property Sector Overseas Markets

New Local Orders Show Signifi cant Drop 47% of the respondents believed that the increase in the RPGT rates is likely to yield More businesses have had to reduce their positive results in the property sector, in Local Sales Prices particular for those seeking to see a cooling of the property sector where many have Employment Market Relatively Unchanged viewed that the prices of properties have Wages Cost Per Unit of Output Increased sky-rocketed to the extent of being beyond Slightly the means of the average persons on the street. ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 7

21% of the respondents believed that in (b) Are you prepared to send your staff spite of the increase in the RPGT rates, to attend courses to get familiar 84 property values are still expected to rise. with GST system?

Some 32% of the respondents were of the (c) Are you aware that registration for opinion that the increase in the RPGT rates GST by businesses would be open as provided for in Budget 2014 were too starting October 2014 and may be 55 steep and would have negative effects on done on-line via official website the property sector. of Malaysia GST, Royal Malaysian Customs Department? (b) Proposals in Budget 2014 affecting the (d) Will the impending implementation Real Property Sector is likely to Curb 85 of GST lead to increase in cost? Foreign Speculation

A large majority (72%) of respondents believe that efforts by the Government (e) Learning Period such as revisions made to the RPGT rates for disposal of properties by non-citizens 49% of the respondents felt that a minimum and companies, the increase of the learning period of one (1) year should be minimum price of property that may be granted with another 40% of respondents purchased by foreigners to RM 1 million believing that the learning period should and the prohibition of developers from be up to two (2) years. implementing new projects with Developer Interest Bearing Scheme (DIBS) feature very likely to negatively affect foreign buyers’ (III) Increase in Costs interest in the Malaysian property market. (a) The business community is crying out for understanding and help from the (II) Goods and Services Tax (GST) Government as the majority of respondents (87%) claim that their businesses are (i) GST Rate fi nding it increasingly diffi cult to cope and survive, especially given that the business (a) The businesses however are still of the environment itself has become more opinion the starting rate of 6% is too high competitive and challenging. (an almost unanimous response by the businesses). (b) Some 60% of the respondents claimed to be able to pass on the rising costs to the (b) 41% of the respondents recommended consumers. Alarmingly however, is the fact a starting GST rate of 3% which 31% that some 40% of businesses claim that recommended 14% starting GST rate. they would not be able to pass on costs increases to consumers. (ii) Operational Issues for GST

Please visit the ACCCIM website: www. GST Issues % acccim.org.my for the full ACCCIM survey report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for (a) Do you understand the workings of 53 the 2nd half 2013. the GST system? 8 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

⼺䉥⊵ڸ∔䉥⼺ᰴᐬᩪ⊵ڸ∔ᰴᐬᩪ ๓ᬢЏ⮰Ბ͠喏 ᗔ۲ำຩβृ喢 June 2014 GST Registration

϶Ꭰ⮰ߟߔ㞮喏̶̳⮰ℽу⇍ᰵ౔ტнճ - Are you there?

ࣹ㔸䔵᠕ݜ㶃๠࣮̺ៃ䃚⊴䉥⼺๓䯲 ₐโ喏䔇एੲ৭ࣶ᱘౜ݢ䕌ੲ৭ͷ⮰䨬ਗ਼⼺喏㷗 ц喏㺭ⅮᩫᏈं⊴࢟ᄲκᎠᰴᬑᐬ ⮰⊴䉥⼺ंЏऺ喏Уᵨ᭛॒ц̶⋔喢䃦⤲喏⊴䉥⼺⮰჊ ໷ᒭᩢ⮰⊴䉥⼺Ƞៃ䃚๓ц̶喏ℽу̳ ᫩喏䔅χУᵨ̹ц̶⋔Ƞ䗏᭛ఌͦ⊴䉥⼺᱘Ბᅝ̹ц᭛ੲ у̬ᓯ喏䏗ⱬ㏎㞞̶㶏喏ऽᩫᏈៃ䃚Ƞͦ ტ⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘喏ੲტ౔᪠͖ӇᏀ䨪ͷ͙喏រ⑀⮰᭛ĄЏą ᩫᏈᒭᩢ⊴䉥⼺⮰Ą͙䬠ϦąȠⰤࣹ⮰喏⊴䉥⼺⮰჊᫩喏 ҁцᰵ䗏ʹๆ⮰ℽуៃ៾⊴䉥⼺喢 ΋छ㘩䃕̬χ➕৭⮰᜼᱘䭹Ѻ喏Ꭲ̺⣜ᰵ⮰Уᵨ̹Ⱔ̶ 仂Ⱔ౔ఊᏀ䊣䔅䊣ηТᬢ䄠喏⊴䉥⼺⮰჊ ̷Ƞ 㵸᭛ͦβ఩ტ᱖Ბ㔸ֆ⮰᝿ッ喏ఌₐᎢᬌ 㔸᎟ᬑ䛸ℽу䔇㵸⮰ᬑ፤≧ߔ̺⊴䉥͙喏ຮ䉙ΜტᏙ⩔ ა⩔৭ȟϺ㤈ጮ౦䉙Μ㩘᳈ࣶۣۧ卍ख喏Бࣶژᘻं⊴⊴䉥⼺Ƞ ৭ȟߊ ݕ⩔ࡧ⫃ふ᰹ߍふふ喏౔᫜⼺ݢᏁ̷喏䔅χᑿ͙⮰̬χᓱ ⮰㠯ఠ喏㔸ᬌ䰬㑠⢳⼺ٹ䰢⼺⢳ᝂ᭛䅭ڑ䰬৭喏ᄲц㷗݃ ネโ౔⮰ఌ㉌㘩॒➡ݢᩫᏈᣔ㵸⊴䉥⼺喏ຩ ⼺Ƞ̹ٴ ڟ倄Ꮢ⮰ܦ⣜ๆੲტᄥ䔗౔ⰵⲗ⮰⊴䉥⼺喏⮲ᆁ 侘ϦℽȟᩫᏈ̺ੲტ䘩᭛݉਑Ƞ⊴䉥⼺ݢڔᄥ⊴䉥⼺⮰ᱦݢ̺䓼҈ᢸᤍ喏Бࣶ䓳⍍ ᄥκ⊴䉥⼺喏ڢ喏ᅐ∔ ᱋䬠छֆ⮰۲ำߋ๗Ƞ䔅छ㘩΋㼏䛶β侘Ბ㺫φ Ꮢ΋Ꭲ̹᭛䗏ʹガࢁ⮰⼺ݢȠ ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏⃻౦౔र౜ͪߊ⮰⊴䉥⼺㈧݃䃞Ꮣ ⮲㣣ᓃੲტ☙◴࣮̺⮰⤲⩝Ƞ ౔㏿ッ⊴䉥ᬢ喏ੲტ⮰㘽ぷᓱ䶧⌱Ẇ⮰ܲ䓔⊴䉥⼺⮰ӇᏀ ᬢ䬠ȟ౜◥БࣶӇᏀУ喏Ꭲᰬ䔋౔Ą㏟⼺᱋ą⮰̷̬͖ᰴ ጯऺ喏ᒴๆϦᐬ໷៱ᓯ喏⊴ ᰬऺ̬๕喏ॴ៑⊴䉥⼺善䔋βᝂĄᔄβą៑⼺ࣶ㑠⼺喏ᄲژ㜖ࣧᎠ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴ ᫩Ƞڨᒝ৹ 㷗㒆̹䊱䓳侘ጭ̳ᝂ⯽⺭̹䊱䓳Ꭰ喏ᝂ͐㔱ڢ䉥⼺⮰჊᫩ᄲᄨ㜠᜽Иᬑ፤⩋≧⮰ᩥऄ̺ ⾢》цᰵๆ⌝঎喢 Ბڑर఩౔ᣔ㵸⊴䉥⼺ऺ喏䮐βᝬᩢݜ⮰⼺᜼ͦᩢ⩸͂ ᘟᘟ喏㠑ݜโ⩔丼喏ⰚݹखᰵᏀ㏟⼺㥑͆䷉䓪侘 ⎼喏ੲტఌͦ⻹⻹๝䄛㔸䕌᜼⇍ᰵᓱ㺭⮰㒆喏΋᜼ͦβ ͷ̬Ƞ᫜ߌ಍ӫ᭛ᒴຩ⮰ҷၼȠ䄑఩䓳ࣧڑጭ̳Б̶⮰丼亲᝹䰬㺭㑠Є⮰᰹ߍ⼺喏̬ ᩫᏈ⮰ͧ㺭ᩢ 㝘⮰ᄻጮℽछБ䔵᠕ݜ̹⩔㑠Є᰹ߍ⼺⮰丼亲⊴ ᎠᲑ喏ᝬᩢݜ⮰㒆喏⃻Ꭰ㏒ͦ侘ጭ̳࡯⮪̳Ƞ 䉥Ƞ̬ᬒ⊴䉥⼺Ბ͠ऺ喏Ꮐ㏟⼺㥑͆䷉ख㺭䓪ݜ 侘ጭ̳ᅝᓱ䶧ᒭᩢ⮰⊴䉥⼺Ƞᢎऑ䄉䄠喏࣋ छБ䶰㻭喏ੲტͦβ۲ำ⊴䉥⼺Ꭲ⶚ԉӉ䋟⊴䉥⼺∁А喏 ᲑᏀ㏟⼺㥑͆䷉౔侘ጭ̳ݜ侘ጭ̳ͷ䬠喏̹ ᄲ䔗̹ᓃጞ්ߌ䃤ๆ⮰㵸ᩫ̶⮰ᐬ䨬喏࠱᠘㖄䄣Ϧ঄̿त ⩔ᒭ⼺⮰丼ࢱ喏౔ᎠᰴᬑБऺ喏ᓱ䶧ᒭᩢ 䉋䉏⊴䉥⼺ȟ䉙Μ䒛Тȟԉႄ䃜ᒁȟܦፙഥ䃙䄪⼷ふふȠ 䉥⼺喏㔸̬㝘⮰ℽу喏ӫ᭛㑠Є䔅⊴䉥⼺ ఌₐ⊴䉥⼺ݢ჊᫩ऺ喏ᄲᣔ倄ੲტ⮰Э͆㥑䓼᜼᱘喏ᄨ㜠⊵ ⮰Ąᰬ㏴⊴䉥ϦąȠᝬБ⊴䉥⼺Ბ͠ऺ喏䔅χ丼 ጮ౦Уᵨ̹䭹ࣹ䊣善ఌₐ喏ℽуᓱ䶧ֆຩᓯ⤲۲ำ喏Б䲎 Ƞܧ亚䉥ц䊣Уृ喢 ᄥ⊴䉥⼺ፒᲑ⮰۞ ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 9

Ϻ䨬ਗ਼⼺̺᰹ߍ⼺⮰ᱦݢ喏䓳⍍ݜ⊴䉥⼺ݢᏒݹ喏㠑 じ̵䭢⃡ ᘟ㐿সఌ⊴䉥⼺छ㘩䕌᜼⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘්ߌ喏ੲტछ㜖 ᜽ᷬ≷喏᭛॒κᎠᰴᬑᝂБݹ喏オ䃎βᎠᎢ ქڱᬌ∁Ԛᩥ⮰ऴ㏒喏࠱᠘ᬌ∁ᰠᩥ៑У喏⩆㜟ऴ㏒ ᒭ⊴䉥ٹੲტछڟᰵ䔇̬ₑੲ䄴Ԛᩥ⮰⾦䬠喏䗏ᰵ⇍ ⼺Ƞ  κₐसᬢ喏౔⊴䉥⼺჊᫩ݹ喏㠑ੲტ᝷̶ᅆᰵጞᩛЄ 䨬ਗ਼⼺⮰ႄ䉓喏ᄲछ⩟䄣➥ݗ䔬⼺喋4QFDJBM4BMFT5BY 3FGVOE喌喏࠱᠘㠑䉙䉓ࢁᝂ䔇ए᪳Т∔ᬺጞ㏻㷗ᒭᩢ ݗ䔬⼺ख㘩➥ڟ᪜䔬⼺ふȠᰵڔ䨬ਗ਼⼺喏ੲტछ㣣ᓃ じ̬䭢⃡ ⩟䄣̬⁍喏Ꭲᓱ䶧౔Ꭰᰴᬑ㜟Ꭰᰴ 䄣喏➥ݗ䔬⼺㠑ͦ侘ጭ̳ᝂБ̶喏ᓱ䶧㣣ᓃ 㵸ߔ ᱋䭼⩟ڱᬑ तჍ䃍ጴオ㒞ჍᵤȠ • ༀЧ̬ѹ঄጑䉋䉏⊴䉥⼺⮰៑ॶ ϶๕ژᩫᏈ➥۲⮰ ⩟䉥⼺ᝂ㜖ᙫ⊵ڸ∔჆᭛॒䰬㺭۟ • ڸ∔౔⊴䉥⼺Ბ͠ݹ喏ੲტ⮰ᔭᏒᄲ㷗㻲ͦछБយ䒘̬ܳ 䄣 ⮰㺭㉌喏࠱᠘ᓱ䶧᠑ᰵ㞛ຩ⮰⯽ᣓ̺ᕉ㐠喏Ꭲݢ჆छ • 䃕঄጑ᣑः⊴䉥⼺⮰ദ᱘ഥ䃙 Ꭰᰴ 㵸⮰⊴䉥⼺㵸ߔ䃍ܾ̺ᬢ䬠㶔喏ᠵ㻰ܾ㵸η喏᝹㘩ͦ • ۲ำ䃍ܾࣶᬢ䬠㶔喏䰬⶚䃐ᝬᰵ⮰᱋ ͷݹ 䉥⼺ֆຩ۲ำ善౔⊴䉥⼺Ბ͠⮰ᬑၼ䛸喏ੲტ΋䶧 䭼ࣶЧߍ喏Ꭲⵀ⾢⊴䉥⼺⮰ᒝ৹⊵ ఌ̬ͦχᄻ๝䄛䕌᜼䛽ٹᄻᓯᏀЄࣶะ⤲⊴䉥⼺喏䖫 䧝̶⮰ᢋ๝喏ᑁࣽ⣜䛽≭䛻ॲ␊Ƞ じθ䭢⃡

䔅䛸䭰̶ᐦ䃚⮰⊴䉥⼺㵸ߔ䃍ܾ̺ᬢ䬠㶔喏छ҈ͦ๓ 㵸ߔ ᱋䭼 ტ౔۲ำ⊴䉥⼺⮰̬χ࣮㔯喏Бࡻߕ๓ტႵ♢Ꮢ䓳⊴ • 㠑㥑͆䷉䊱䓳ᝂ࢟ᄲ䊱䓳㻰჆⮰᪜ Ꭰᰴ 䉥⼺ ᬑ⊵ڸ∔ᅬ⩟䄣⼺ڟ善 ䷉喏₏ᐻऽ⼺ڑ䉥⼺⮰䓳⍍᱋喏Ⴕᓯ • 䛹Ⴭц䃍䃜ᒁࣶ䒛ТБげऴ⊴䉥⼺᪳ Ꭰᰴ Т䃜ᒁ⮰䰬Ⅾ喏᝿࢜᫜ࣽ⺔ࢁふ ͷݹ • 䶰䃍⣜䛽≭ߔ䛻㶔喏ͦУᵨࣶᩫもֆ ᰬऺ̬⁍⮰䄯᪠ • ᐬ໷ᒭᩢ⊴䉥⼺ Ꭰᰴ ᬑ

じ̵䭢⃡ 㵸ߔ ᱋䭼 䄣➥ݗ䔬⼺ Ꭰᰴ⩟ • ͷऺ • ₏⶚⮰⊴䉥⼺⩟៑ࣶ㑠⼺ ᎠᏒ㥑͆ Ꭰᰴ ䷉ 侘ጭ̳ • ⃻͖ᰴ • ₏⶚⮰⊴䉥⼺⩟៑ࣶ㑠⼺ ᎠᏒ㥑͆ Ꭰᰴ ䷉ŋ侘ጭ̳ • ⃻͖ᰴ ݗ䔬⼺ݜ᱋ Ꭰᰴ➥ • ᬑ

᧜⽫Ϧ喝ႀА哅ᅬ㏱喏侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц͙๚⤲ηᯔ͙ᄻಷЭࣶ͆Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ㏰ͧЧ 10 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Ꭰ఩ტ䨢㵸ᎠᏒ៑ॶガ៑ Highlights on Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 2013

The Malaysian economy expanded by 4.7% in 2013

Contribution to growth (ppt) 11.0 4.8 -1.5 7.4 5.1 5.6 4.7 5.6% 9.0







-5.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p Private Investment Private Consumption Public Investment Public Consumption Net Exports Stocks GDP p preliminary Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Key highlights in 2013

• Weaker global economic environment weighed on domestic growth

• Robust domestic demand underpinned by strong investment and consumption activity

• Low inflation of 2.1%

• Resilient external position with current account surplus, low level of external debt and ample international reserves

• Capital flows remained well-intermediated ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 11

Global growth to improve in 2014

Annual change (%) 10.0 • Improvement in global growth 8.0 7.6 - Broader recovery in the advanced economies 6.1 Emerging economies - Sustained growth in the emerging economies 6.0 5.2 4.6 4.5 5.0 3.9 4.0 3.7 2.6 3.1 3.0 • Downside risks to growth remain 2.1 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.2 - Considerable fiscal uncertainties in the advanced economies 0.0

Advanced economies - Financial imbalances in both the advanced and -2.0 the emerging economies Global Growth -4.0 - Risks from global monetary policy normalisation 2011 2009 2010 2013 2008 2012 2014f f forecast

Note: Advanced economies include G7 economies, euro area, Australia, New Zealand and Israel Emerging economies include PR China, South Asia, Southeast Asia, other advanced Asian economies and other emerging economies Source:National authorities and IMF World Economic Outlook (January 2014 Update and October 2013)

Pace of recovery in the advanced economies to remain moderate due to structural constraints

Growth remains below 1 Weak labour market 2 High indebtedness trend due to: conditions Real GDP of G3 Economies Unemployment rate % Domestic debt by sector, 2012 % 1Q 05 = 100 % of GDP 120 13 6 Euro area 500 12 450% 450 115 5.5 Government GDP trend line 11 400 77 Corporate 110 10 5 350 Household US 9 300 146 105 4.5 250% 8 250 248% Japan 64 100 Real GDP 7 4 200 (RHS) 80 150 6 96 95 3.5 52 228 5 100

90 4 3 50 90 91 0 4Q 08 4Q 10 4Q 00 4Q 12 4Q 02 4Q 04 4Q 06 4Q 11 4Q 07 4Q 09 4Q 10 4Q 12 4Q 13 4Q 08 US Euro area Japan

Source: National authorities, Haver and IMF 12 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Emerging economies: Contribution to global growth remains significant

Contribution to global growth (ppt) 6

5 Global growth

4 Adv. 3 Economies

2 Other EMEs

1 EM Asia




-3 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014f

f forecast Note: Advanced economies include G7 economies, euro area, Australia, New Zealand and Israel EM Asia includes PR China, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other advanced Asian economies Source: IMF World Economic Outlook (January 2014 Update and October 2013), BNM calculations

Asia: Sustained growth momentum

Annual change (%) GDP growth 9

8 7.7 7.7 7.5 Growth performance in the region to be

7 6.5 supported by country-specific factors

6 5.2 5 5 • PR China: Continued rebalancing efforts 4 3.8 towards more sustainable growth

3 2.7

2 1.8 • Asia ex-China: Growth to benefit from 1 improvement in the exports sector 0 2012 2013 2014f 2012 2013 2014f 2012 2013 2014f PR China ASEAN-3 Other advanced Asian economies

f forecast Note: ASEAN-3refers to Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand Other advanced Asian economies refers to Korea, C. Taipei, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore Source: National authorities, IMF WEO October 2013, BNM estimates ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 13

Global inflation expected to remain moderate

Commodity prices to remain broadly Low inflation in the advanced economies unchanged with contained price pressures in Asia

Monthly index (Jan ’03 = 100) Annual change (%) 500 10 450 8 400 Crude oil 350 6 300 Metals 4 Asia1 250 200 2 G32 Food 150 0 100 -2 50

0 -4 08 09 09 -14 - -11 -12 Jan-11 Jan-10 Jan-13 Jan-12 Jan Jan-07 Jan Jan- Jan Jan Jan-13 Jan-14 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan- Jan-10

Note: 1Asia refers to PR China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Thailand 2G3 refers to US, euro area and JapanSources:IMF, Haver and BNM estimates

Monetary policy remains accommodative

The Fed reduced asset purchases in Divergent course of monetary policy January and February 2014 across Asia % of GDP Central bank balance sheet to GDP Rate (%) 50 Key interest rates (%) 10 45 BOJ

40 8 India 35 Indonesia

30 ECB BOE 6 PR China 25

20 Fed 4 Philippines 15 Malaysia Korea 10 2 Thailand C. Taipei 5

0 0 11 12 09 09 - -07 -08 -10 -12 -09 -13 - -13 Jul-11 Jul-10 Jul-12 Jul Jul Jun-11 Jan-11 Jun-13 Jun-12 Jun-10 Jun-08 Jun-09 Jan Jan-14 Jan Jan Jan Dec- Dec-13 Dec Dec-10 Dec Dec Dec-

Source: National authorities and BNM calculations 14 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

The Malaysian economy is on a steady growth trajectory of 4.5 − 5.5% in 2014

Annual change (%) 8 7 • Better performance of the 5.5% 6 external sector

5 4.7% 4 4.5% • Domestic demand will continue 3 to anchor growth, led by the private sector 2

1 • Broad-based expansion across 0 all economic sectors -1

-2 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p 2014f

p preliminary f forecast

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Improvement in external demand amidst a moderation in domestic demand 2013p 2014f Annual change (%) Domestic demand1 7.6 6.9 Private sector 9.0 8.3 Consumption 7.6 6.9 Investment 13.6 12.6 Public Sector 3.7 2.9 Consumption 6.3 3.0 Investment 0.7 2.9 Net exports of goods & services -22.9 -10.3 Exports of goods & services -0.3 2.1 Imports of goods & services 1.9 3.1 Real GDP 4.7 4.5 - 5.5

p preliminary f forecast

Note:1excluding stocks Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 15

Private investment to remain robust…

Real private investment Annual change (%) 25 21.9 Private investment to be 20 18.4 supported by: 13.6 13.6 15 • Improvement in external 12.6 10 demand 10.5

5 Avg. (‘91-’13): 7.4% 5.1 • Commencement of new 0.1 0 projects, particularly in the services and manufacturing -5 sectors -10 -7.4 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p 2014f • Continued progress in existing projects, including those in the mining sector

p preliminary f forecast

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

… and broad-based

Investment approvals on an Capital spending to remain diverse upward trend across sectors Share to total Share to total private Approved Investments investment (%) investment (%) RM bil 100 100 Construction, 3% 220 Agriculture, 5% 216.5 200 Public Mining, (37%) 17% 180 80 80

160 167.8 140 154.6 Manufacturing, 60 60 27% 120

100 105.6 40 Private 40 80 (63%) 60 Services, Mining, 20 20 49% 40 17% 20

0 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014f 2014f

f forecast Source: MIDA and BNM estimates 16 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Private consumption to moderate to its long-term average

Annual Real private consumption change (%) 12 10.4 Private consumption growth 10 8.7 will be supported by: 7.7 7.6 8 6.9 6.8 6.9 6.6 • Sustained income growth 6 Avg. (‘90-’13): 6.6%

4 • Steady employment conditions


0.6 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p 2014f

p preliminary f forecast

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Favourable labour market conditions to support consumption

Stable employment conditions and Employment to be supported by both sustained wage growth export and domestic-oriented sectors

Annual change/ Persons (mil) Persons (mil) rate (%) 16 Employment Unemployment rate (RHS) 8 10 Wage growth (RHS) 2012 2013p 2014f 7 9

15 8 6.0 6.6 5.6 6 7 5 14 6

4 5 13 3 4 3.1 3.1 3.0 3 2 12 2

1 1

11 0 0 2012 2013p 2014 f Export-oriented Domestic-oriented p preliminary f forecast Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia, MEF Salary Survey,Bank Negara Malaysia ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 17

Higher growth amid continued expansion in all economic sectors

% share of 2013p 2014f • Services and manufacturing GDP sectors (2013) Annual change (%) - Benefit from improvement in the global economy amidst growth in Services 55.2 5.9 6.2 domestic demand

Manufacturing 24.5 3.4 3.5 • Commodity sector Mining 8.1 0.5 1.6 - Driven by higher production of natural gas, crude oil and palm oil Agriculture 7.1 2.1 3.8 • Construction sector Construction 3.7 10.9 10.0 - Growth across residential and commercial property and civil Real GDP 100.0 4.7 4.5 - 5.5 engineering projects

p preliminary f f orecast Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Domestic economy continues to diversify

Ongoing diversification from primary Higher downstream resource-based to manufacturing and services sectors activity in the manufacturing sector

Share of GDP (%) Share to manufacturing value 100% 1980 Construction- 7.9 13.2 2014 f related 23.6 Consumer- 25.4 related 55.7 50% 33.2 43.1 36.8 Primary-related 33.1 (resource-based)

24.2 17.2 35.3 14.8 24.6 Electronics & Electrical 0% Primary1 Manufacturing Services 2002 2014 f f forecast

Note: 1Refers to the agriculture and mining sectors Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia BNM Annual Report 2013, Box Article: Further Diversification of Malaysia’s Resource-based Industries 18 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

External trade: Higher export growth amid continued expansion in imports

Annual change (%) 2013p 2014f Gross exports 2.4 5.8 • Export performance to improve: Manufactured 5.7 7.2 - Manufactured export growth supported 1 E&E 2.9 5.0 by the improvement in the global Non-E&E 8.4 9.3 economy; and Commodities -5.6 0.9 - Commodity exports to improve with Agriculture -17.0 8.5 better demand and lower decline in Minerals 3.8 -4.1 prices Gross Imports 7.0 8.9 Capital 2.8 7.2 • Gross imports driven by growth of intermediate imports, amid the continued Intermediate 4.3 6.0 expansion in domestic demand Consumption 8.7 8.5 Trade balance (RM bn) 70.6 54.6

p preliminary f forecast Note: 1 Includes machinery and equipment Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Current account to remain in surplus

RM bn Current account % GNI 220 20.0 • A smaller current account surplus 190 reflects ongoing structural shifts in 160 15.0 the domestic economy

130 RM37.3 bn RM30.8 bn 100 10.0 • Lower trade surplus as imports 70 continue to outpace exports 3.9% 40 5.0 3.0% 10 • Continued strong investment will -20 0.0 improve Malaysia’s productive -50 capacity and boost exports in -80 -5.0 the medium and longer term 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013p 2014f

Goods Services Primary Income Secondary Income Current account balance, % of GNI (RHS)

p preliminary f forecast Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 19

Global financial conditions to remain volatile

2013: Heightened volatility of capital flows following 2014: Financial markets remain QE scale-back by the Fed vulnerable to changes in sentiments

Malaysia: Total Equity and Bond Net Flow USD mn QE scale-back 400 QE-3 First indication of possible QE begins • Policy shifts in the advanced 300 scale-back economies 200 100 0 • Potential for contagion -100 -200 Bond Flow • Large and volatile capital flows Equity Flow -300 Total Flow -400 -12 -14 -13 -13 -13 -12 -13 -13 Jul Oct-12 Oct Apr Jan-13 Jun-13 Jan-14 Mar-13 Feb Feb Nov Nov Dec-13 Dec-12 Sep Aug-12 Aug-13 Sep-13 May-13

Source: EPFR Note: EPFR refers to net portfolio flows (both equity and bonds) by non-resident investors. These data are compiled based on surveys of fund managers and do not capture investments by institutional investors.

Deeper financial system and wider policy toolkit to manage global financial market volatility

• Stronger financial institutions

• Deeper and well-diversified capital market

• Greater exchange rate flexibility and ample international reserves

• Wider range of monetary instruments to sterilise excess liquidity

• Robust surveillance system on capital flows

• Stronger regional surveillance and collaboration 20 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Orderly ringgit exchange rate adjustments amid significant global financial market volatility

MYR performance against selected currencies since end-2012

JPY 10.2 • EM currencies were affected by significant IDR 9.1 shifts in global liquidity and capital flows AUD 7.3 INR 4.2 PHP 1.5 • Ringgit adjustments remained orderly and THB -1.7 TWD -2.6 in line with other regional currencies SGD -3.4 KRW -6.5 USD -6.7 • Smooth functioning of the domestic foreign CNY -7.7 exchange market amid two-way flows of GBP -9.4 trade and financial flows EUR -11.4

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

% MYR depreciation % MYR appreciation

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

International reserves remain ample

USD bn Month / Times 160.0 Net International Reserves 12.0 Retained import cover (RHS) Reserves/ST ext debt (RHS) 140.0 International reserves remain 9.0 10.0 ample, supported by the current

120.0 account surplus 8.0 • Also reflected inflows of foreign 100.0 direct investment 6.0 • Partially offset by outflows of direct 80.0 investment abroad as well as 3.3 4.0 outflows of portfolio and other 60.0 investments

40.0 2.0 -11 -14 -10 -13 Oct-11 Jun-11 Oct-10 Oct-09 Oct-12 Oct Jun-13 Jun Jun-09 Jun-12 Feb Feb-10 Feb-09 Feb-13 Feb Feb-12

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 21

Headline inflation to range between 3–4% in 2014

Annual Inflation forecast change (%) 6 • Higher inflation largely due to rising domestic costs 5

4% 4 • The impact of cost-push factors will be Historical average, 1991-2013 = 3% contained by: 3 3% - Subdued external price pressures

2 2.1% - Moderate demand conditions


0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014f

Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia

Monetary policy to support growth while mitigating risks from inflation and financial imbalances

Rate (%) Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) 4.0 Monetary policy in 2014 will focus on:

• Macroeconomic environment to support 3.5 sustainable economic growth amid continued uncertainties in the global 3.0 environment

2.5 • Avoid cost-push inflation from becoming pervasive and persistent

2.0 • Vigilant to risks related to financial imbalances 1.5 13 -10 -09 -09 Feb-11 Aug-11 Feb-14 Feb Feb Feb-12 Feb-13 Aug-12 Aug- Aug-10 Aug Aug-08

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia 22 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Continued access to financing for the private sector

Continued loans disbursement and funds Growth in credit to households* raised in the capital market moderated

Gross financing Outstanding Contribution to (RM bn) Annual change (%) growth (ppt) 800 16 16 14.5 13.5 13.5 11.7 600 12 12 11.4 185.4 178.0 3.4 3.2 400 8.0 8 8 139.7 1.7

205.3 201.1 200 177.1 4 4 6.9 6.8 6.0

0 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 Finance Construction & Real Estate Others3 Vehicles Personal use Properties WRRH Manufacturing HH Debt Growth (RHS) Others1 Business Financing Growth 2 (RHS)

3 Others comprises loans for the purchase of securities, credit card facilities and loans for other purposes * Banks and Non-banks

Measures implemented to address pockets of risks of financial imbalances

Measures to curtail financing products that Moderation in growth of personal financing give the appearance of affordable financing and property loans

Household Loan Applications Measures Implemented (Banks and Non-banks) RM bn Reduce the maximum loan tenure for 30 BNM Lending Budget personal and housing loans Measures 2014 July 25 2013 Prohibit the offering of pre-approved 20 Residential Property personal financing products 15 Real property gains tax (RPGT) 10 Jan Prohibition of Developer Interest 5 Personal Loans 2014 Bearing Schemes (DIBS) 0 Transparency in property sales price -12 -13 -12 -12 -13 y y Jul Jul-12 Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-13 Mar Mar-13 Nov-13 Nov-12 Sep-13 Sep Ma Ma Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 23

Government commitment to fiscal reforms will ensure sustainable and sound public finances

Federal Government Fiscal Balance RM bn % of GDP • Government expected to remain on 0 0.0 track to meet fiscal target

-10 -1.0 – Fiscal deficit of 3.5% of GDP in 2014 – Fiscal deficit of 3% of GDP by 2015; and -20 -2.0 – Balanced budget by 2020 -30 -3.0 -3.0 • Fiscal reforms will be underpinned by -40 -3.1 -3.5 -4.0 -3.9 expenditure reforms & revenue -50 -4.6 -4.5 -5.0 expansion -4.8 -60 -5.4 -6.0 RM billion • FPC to formulate and implement fiscal -70 -7.0 -6.7 % of GDP (RHS) strategies -80 -8.0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014B 2015B

B Budget

Source: Ministry of Finance

Fiscal consolidation will further strengthen economic resilience

• Continuous improvement in fiscal balance would lower the Government debt over the medium-term – A stronger position of public finance will strengthen the economy’s resilience and fiscal buffer

• Subsidy rationalisation would allow efficient allocation of resources in the economy but would also require: – Development of a comprehensive social protection system – Further investments in infrastructure development

A gradual fiscal consolidation will allow businesses and households to make appropriate adjustments 24 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features

Fiscal consolidation will further strengthen economic resilience

• Continuous improvement in fiscal balance would lower the Government debt over the medium-term – A stronger position of public finance will strengthen the economy’s resilience and fiscal buffer

• Subsidy rationalisation would allow efficient allocation of resources in the economy but would also require: – Development of a comprehensive social protection system – Further investments in infrastructure development

A gradual fiscal consolidation will allow businesses and households to make appropriate adjustments

Summary of outlook for 2014 • The Malaysian economy on a steady growth path of 4.5 –5.5%, supported by an improved external sector • Domestic demand will continue to be the main anchor of growth, led by the private sector in particular by robust investment activity • Headline inflation to range between 3 -4% • Current account to remain in surplus • Malaysia has the capacity to intermediate the continued volatility in capital flows

Strong fundamentals to support Malaysia’s resilience • More diversified economic structure • Increasing share of domestic demand in the economy, led by the private sector • Low unemployment rate and stable employment conditions • Diversified export market and trading partners • Well-developed and resilient financial system

Source : Bank Negara Malaysia ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 25

ܦፙᮆრ⮰͙ᕧЏ㶔̺䉤 ͙ᕧ̺఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫 ጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁ ऴ⚓Ƞट䊣喝ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸ڔ ≭ᮆ丼ϐ ᱺ⌝䲅ȟͥ᫛䛸台ტ჆ȟ ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁ȟᠫⲏ Dinner Interaction between ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸Ეᔌ ⹨ȟͥ᫛䛸䧋ᐣḚȟᠫⲏ YB Minister of MITI and ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱Ƞ Group photo between ACCCIM YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌κᎠᰴᬑճव䮲಍仅ᵨ Industry (MITI) and 䔇ᮆ ACCCIM representativesڝ∁侘 䛸៵䙾Ꮓ̺᜽఩఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪 丼喏ᅝᒝ৹጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁ⮰䄪䷄喏䔇㵸䃔䃦সϐ≭Ƞ͙ᕧ̺䉤጑䘔ऴ҈ attended the dinner. 5th ፙ䉤጑䘔ͧߊ⮰र䶥ᄥ䄉цস৔䄎ц from right: Dato’ Lowܦ㈧ऽᲑჲܳ喏䮐β㏻፤ः䖬ڟ ጑ੲ㏻≺ࣽᆁ䄪䷄⮰ำᔄᒁ㐅䉤጑䘔㔯㭽喏 Kian Chuan, Datuk Terڟ䃚喏͙ᕧ΋⼛Ჭ᣼ॴᰵ Бӯ䔇఩ტ㏻≺ȟ጑ੲȟ䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰ࣽᆁȠ Leong Yap, Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng, Tan Sri 䉠ȟ᣼倄ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺ȟ Ka Ting, YB Dato’ Sri≑ۻ䮻ⱬ̬䔊͞ᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢȟ⩡䉥䄯⋔ȟݶ ’㥑䓼᜼᱘倄⋔⮰జ Mustapa Mohamed, Datoڑ๕♢⅀䄯⋔ȟᬺᎠᣔ㵸⊴䉥⼺ふᣖ᫩喏጑ੲ⩸䮣 ද喏͆㔱䲎ᄥ͑ሧ⮰ᠽᝄ喏ำःࢷ߇Ƞₐโ喏侘㝖.)๝㖀ηТ㔯 Lim Kok Cheong, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay, Tan Sri 喏๓侘᫱⍤͆ȟឥ̺ࣽ䰢ਗ਼͆ȟ᰹ߍ͆ȟۻ㈧喏͙఩⍤჎䨼ڟ侸侘͙ William Cheng, and Dato’ 喏र㵸र͆䲎ᄥᰠ๓⮰ᠽܧ喏䔅ᑁ䊣䔊䨭ᕓ䉋䲎۞۞ڢᝫ౜ϓ͆仂ᑿ Liew Sew Yee Ƞ͙ᕧऽ䉤጑䘔䪫ࣹᭌ጑ੲ͆⩸ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄সజද喏ጸ᱇ܧᝄস۞ Чҁцᒝ৹጑ੲ⩸⮰䛹๓჏ܦरᩫᏈ䘔䬔ᄲᲑ౔ݢ჆ЧҁᩫもБࣶ҈ ఩㫖䛽৔ڔ৔䄎স㕲क़጑ੲఎѿস͆㔱⮰ᘻ㻭喏ҷຮٴጯͷݹ喏㘩๋ 26 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities

჏ጯ۲ำ౔ᰴ䬠ऽ఩ц̷䃚䮎᣼ॴᎢچᰬ䓽ఊ᪅ ژ䄎ༀ঄ц᜼঄喏Ꮐ࠱᠘͙ᕧস侘Ბ㺫φࢮੲ Ϧ∁ᵴą喏͙ᕧऽ䉤጑䘔䪫⻭ڜц喏Бᰠᰵᩴ౜ࣹᭌ጑ੲ⩸⮰⿷౦ࣶᐦ䃚喏ᄲ䉋 ᄧⅮ䕆䓳Ąж᫛ 㜟ᰬѺȠ ࣹᭌ጑ੲ͆㔱⮰៱ᔓ喏БࣶᄥโᲑⰠᣑេ䉰⮰ᒝۻ䲎ᒝ৹ η∁១㼒᜽఩㖀䗒ზ∁喏ᄥ⇧఩ࣶܽڜ৹Ƞж᫛ ℽ⩋≧䕌᜼⌝䔈⮰ᒝ৹ȟ䭼ݢস᎞䶰喏ᄥ᜽఩ڔ ͙ᕧ΋স䉤጑䘔䪫䃔䃦ݢ䕌͆ᄥᅝ͆ጮ౦⮰䛹㺭 ᎟Ƞژᕓȟຮҁӯ䔇โᲑⰠᣑេ䉰ȟߌᑦ侘͙䉤ᬿসេ ๵㵸̹सჃ᪅ԍМ⮰Ϧℽᱯ⯶Ჭ̹ͦ 䉰ȟ䉤጑䘔Ꮐᒭ㖄ᰠๆᛮࡺ䄙⮰Ⴤ঄ふᐦ䃚Ƞ͙ ፙᮆრϐ≭⮰࠱᠘ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸台ტ჆ȟᠫܦ ㈧㞛ຩ喏छ̺䉤጑䘔䙹ڟᕧ̺͙఩ๆ͖጑ੲఎѿ ऴ喏吿ߝᰠๆ͙఩Э͆ტݜ侘Ბ㺫φᲑេ䉰Ƞ䉤 ⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸͸䓪⣇䧋ᐣḚȟ ጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪∁κᮆრ̶䃞㼏β㜖⩝䉤 ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸Ეᔌ⹨ࢆทȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᱺ⌝ ȟᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬڔᬿࡻ䃚ᄥ侘Ბ㺫φ⮰䛹㺭ᕓসຩะ喏Бࣶ∇๖᎟ 䲅ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ȟ⮩⩋ٴхѠऴ҈ᝬፒᲑ⮰Ꮚ๓ੲᱦȠ䘔䪫ᑦ䄯喏ᅝ䪫 ㏱ȟႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟॠ⢵ϭ∷ ȟ䅎Ცಐࢆทȟᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ふȠ䮖स䉤⩋ٴࡂጞ᭛䊷߫喏᜽఩̹㘩ద ᪳᭑⤯ڔ䔈㏻䉤ࣽᆁ㔸㼬喏 ⢷㈧तत䪫ڟፙᮆრ⮰࠱᠘䉤጑䘔㏻䉤ܦࡂ⮰《ε ጑䘔䪫⤯ڔₑ㜖ᄭ喏጑ੲ⩸Ꮐֆຩ۲ำ喏䲎ᄥ ӶふȠٲȟᠫⲏ䭴⩋ٴ⺻সᠽᝄȠ ᜼

͙ᕧ̺䉤጑䘔 䪫ᮆ丼ϐ≭ цȠट䊣喝ᠫ ⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ ᫛䛸台ტ჆ȟ 䉤጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ ᫛䛸ᚁ᫛䓪 ∁ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩ ⦷ᅬ㏱Ƞ Dinner interaction between Minister of MITI and ACCCIM. From right: Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong. ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 27

͙ᕧじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц ACCCIM 4th SME Conference

Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌κ 喌喏̶ ٚḼڙ侘 Ꭰᰴᬑ喋ᭋ᱋ ࡴᬢ㜟̷ࡴᬢ喏ճ侘Ბ㺫φโ䉤ӯ䔇 Պ ٕ ᅬ⹨മͧߊβじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц喏㏒ᰵ Ϧ࣮ߌȠ ङ ٶ 䔅䶥БĄጔऄ⮰ᎠЏþ 㱁ऄ喏݇䕌 ᫜͂㏖ąͦͧ䷄⮰๓цБࣸ䄙䔇㵸喏ͧ զ 㺭྾Ϸ䄙ͦࡺ䄙喏Ⴣᬔ᭛͙ͦᄻЭ͆᣼ ї Ӈᰬ᫜⮰ጮ౦䃛ᖛࣶᩫᏈᩫも⮰ᰠߔȟ ⊮ ̺͙ᄻЭ͆ܲϗ喏౔᜼᱘倄⋔⮰ᎠЏᏀ 䄑ຮҁ㜖ะ喏䃕͙ᄻЭ͆ᰠᰵ఩䭱㻮喏 ༊ ߳᪎ᐬ៿⊣โጮ౦Ƞ䔅䶥๓ц⩝侘Ბφ 䨢㵸䊊ߕ喏ᩛᠭࢁѹͦ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ᄻЭ ̽ ͆ᱦᲰ 4.&$PSQPSBUJPO.BMBZTJB ȟ侘 Ბ㺫φโ䉤ӯ䔇ᅬ ."53"%& সϦ߇䉰 ᧹ ⎼ࣽᆁᱦᲰ )3%' Ƞ

͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ࣽ㶔ͧ ䷄⑀䃞ᬢ㶔⹦喏䔅͖͂⩸ጞ㏻ࣽ ⩋β̹छ䔲䒘⮰ऄ䲕喏Ą̹ऄᏀ̳ ऄą⮰࣋݅ദ᱘̶ጞ̹䔮⩔Ƞఌ ₐ喏㏻㥑㔱ᓱ䶧ߌБᕉ㔯ȟ䔵᠕ȟ 䄯᪠喏᝹㘩ͦЭ͆ፒᲑᠭ㐙ࡿ䊶⮰ ᜼᳈ȠЭ͆䶲ᄨ㔱ᓱ䶧ᬢᬢݧݧ䘩 ᰵ࢝ᱦᙋ喏ჍᬢᏒ߫喏䃕Э͆ఌᏀ ౔ࣶโڱसࣽᆁ⮰䭢⃡ȟ̹स⮰̹ ౔⣛ද喏䮻ᬢ䄯᪠ऄ䲕Ƞ

छ᭛ᰵ̬◥ᓱ䶧∔ᘻ⮰᭛喏̹ネ โ౔⣛දຮҁऄࡂ喏Э͆ຮҁऄ 䲕喏䔄᭛ᰵ̬χᵤᓯУը᭛̹㘩 ࣧ䮐⮰Ƞ࢟ҫ᭛⻽ឬᬑ᫜ᰴᐮ⮰Ꭰ 䊜ȟ♢ऺ䋽ₑąϹڹȟ❘ٴЏ喏Ą ♢᭛᜼ߋᰵᩴ⮰Э͆㏻㥑ͷ䕿Ƞ

ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ࣽ㶔ͧ䷄⑀䃞Ƞ Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong delivered his keynote address. 28 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities



๓цじ̬⣛㞮䷄Ⱊ᭛Ą㷱ำ͙ᄻЭ͆ÿᩫᏈ ⮰ᩛᠭą喏⩝侘Ბ㺫φ͙ᄻЭ͆ᱦᲰ 4.& $PSQPSBUJPO .BMBZTJB  ᕧន㵸䪫ᠫⲏ৴㟅㢺 %BUPă)BGTBI)BTIJN Ϟ㜖࣮ͦߌ㔱䃞㼏͙ ᄻЭ͆⮰ᰬ᫜ᩫもࣶᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ⮰ᤠߕȠᠫⲏ৴ 㟅㢺㶔⹦喏͙ᄻЭ͆᭛᜽఩㏻≺ࣽᆁ⮰ᵤᓯ喏 ͙ᄻЭ͆⮰㶔⣜喏䃕ڱ䄑ᱦᲰጸ᱇㘩๋᣼ࡳ఩ ϓᕧը⮰䉍⡚喏ϺᎠ⮰⩋ڱ͙ᄻЭ͆ᄥ఩ ᣼ࡳ㜟Ꭰ⮰喞ᝬݢ䕌⮰ᅝ͆ᱦ цϺᎠ⮰᣼倄㜟喏ܦएᕧը݅ Ϻ᣼倄㜟Ƞ

ͦβࡻߕ͙ᄻЭ͆䓪㜠̶䔜Ⱊᴳ喏侘Ბ㺫φ͙ ᄻЭ͆ᱦᲰ౔ȧ㜟Ꭰ⮰͙ᄻЭ͆๓ Ƞ 㨉పȨͷ̷喏᠋჆β䶥倄㐕ᩴ䃍ܾ喏ܲݗͦ᪠ڔ㞮̬喝ͧ䃞Ϧ%BUPă)BGTBI̺ͧᠭϦᠫⲏࢎ᜼⣛ ន⚓ȟ⻽ឬੲ͆ࡂ᎟जȟ͙ᄻಷ̺ڸ∔4FTTJPO4QFBLFS%BUPă)BGTBI)BTIJNBOE ऴੲ͆ .PEFSBUPS%BUPă-PX,JBO$IVBO Э͆េ䉰䃍ܾȟܦए䃍ܾȟ܉㖆䃍ܾ喏Бࣶ࠱ ქ݇᫜䃍ܾȠसᬢ喏΋➥ݗ䦴ᄥᓚಷЭ͆⮰䰬 Ⅾ喏䃪჆̹स⮰ᤠߕ䙹຃Ƞ ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 29


⼺じθ⣛㞮᭛䃕࣮ߌ㔱β㼏㺭ຮҁ۲ำ⊴䉥 ᅬჄ঄じ̬倄㏓ߕ⤲ͧЧ䭴ກ⼺ڟ⮰ݜᲑȠ 仅ຟท⮰ॴ⡚䛹◥౔κॶ䃵࣮ߌ㔱ຮҁ∔ 䉒Ⱊȟ⊴䉥⼺⮰ڟȟ䰬㺭⩟៑⮰η䶥̺Ⱔڸ 㑠ϐ᱋䭼̺ネ䕿喏Бࣶ⊴䉥⼺჊㵸݉᱋⮰䓳 ͙➥ݗ䃞㼏βڢ䩚喏ڟ⍍᱋䬠ੲტ㺭∔ᘻ⮰ ᬌ∁Ԛᩥऴ㏒Бࣶ➥ݗ䔬⼺⮰⩟䄣⼷ᎻȠͦ βࡻߕ͙ᄻЭ͆喏ᩫᏈ΋᣼Ӈ⣜䛽ᤠߕ喏䃕 㔱ऽ㣣ឥ۲⮰䒛ТӇᏀੲ䉙Μ⊴䉥⼺ц䃍͆ 䒛Т喏̹䓳ᤠߕ䛽᪜䷉ᒱ჆Ƞ

⩝κ⊴䉥⼺⮰⋡Ⰲᅮ䲎ᲭᎫ喏̀ᒝ৹⌝䔈喏 ⣛㞮θ喝䭴ກ仅ຟทࣶႀА哅ᅬ㏱ ࣮ߌ㔱౔䬚む⣛㞮⮰ࣹᏀ䲊፤䌶䋯Ƞ 4FTTJPO4QFBLFS.EN$IJO+FL#JOBOE.PEFSBUPS .S,PPOH-JO-PPOH


⣛㞮̵喝ጒ䊣ᠫⲏ݄䃫νȟᠫⲏᝠ ⩋ٴࣶ݄∜ᆝ⩋ٴ㞛͆ȟ台䯩᪸


̷ࡴ⮰ᬢ⃡喏๓ц䖬䄣β᫜ߌ಍ 喏⩋ٴц䪫݄∜ᆝޛ͙ࡺᕧੲц ̺͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喏 ࣶⴑह䲷ၼ৭❸-FXSj݇ߊϦ ᠫⲏ݄䃫ν㶔⹦喏㏻≺᭛̬Ⱐᓖ⣛⮰喏⃻̬͖Э ⪅ᠫⲏ݄䃫ν喏̬䊣ᣎ䃔ੲტຮҁᏀᄥ᜼᱘倄⋔⮰۞ ͆䘩̬჆ц䲎ᄥ䬚䷄喏ఌₐЭ̹͆㘩␍䋟ࣶֈ 喏ⰷⰷ͐఩Э͆ტͷ䬠छБξⰤՋ䞠⮰౜᫥喏Б ౔̬͖䭢⃡喏ਜ਼ᰵ̹᫙݇᫜ȟᩥऄ喏᝹㘩ݹ䔇Ƞܧ ࣶ͐఩ᩫᏈࣶ͙ࡺᕧੲц౔䔅᫥䲎រ⑀⮰㻾㞞Ƞ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆䃐ͦ喏᱘౜͙ᄻЭ͆㺭䒘ಷ喏ͧ㺭᭛ 䲎ᄥϦ᝹โ≭⮰䬚䷄喏ఌₐᓱ䶧౔ഥ䃙ࣶ⪅ѻϦ ᄥ㥑䓼᜼᱘⮰̹᫙䄯⋔喏̵ѹ䃰䃦ଵც䘩㶔⹦喏Э ᝹᫥䲎ๆ̷ߋ๗Ƞ ͆ᓱ䶧㜖᜽්ը喏䕆䓳ᵩഥϦ᝹ȟ৭❸ൽ䕌喏Бࣶ ݉⼺΋➥ݗܲϗβ᫜ߌ಍౔㥩჊⊴䉥⩋ٴᘻᩥ䕌喏Ბ᣼ࡳ᱘䏗⮰᰹ߍ㉌䉔Ƞₐโ喏Э͆΋ ݄∜ᆝ݇ ᓱ䶧ᛮᓃરκՋ⩔โ౔⮰ᤠߕ喏࠱᠘ᐦ⿷Ϧ㘵ȟᩫ ᱋喏᫜ߌ಍ੲტ喏➥ݗ᭛ᓚಷЭ͆ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚 Ꮘ⮰ࡻߕふ喏䃕᱘䏗⮰ߖ߇ंᓃᰠ๓⮰ᩴᏀȠ ䷄喏БࣶᩫᏈࣶੲტ⮰Ꮐᄥ᫥ᐻȠ 30 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities


ͦβ䃕ܦፙ㔱㣣ᓃᰠๆ჊⩔⮰䉰䃛喏๓ц ΋䖬䄣βर͖ᩫᏈᱦᲰ喏౔⣜౦䃪㒚৔䄎 ᱦᲰ⮰᰹ߍࣶڟᴈज喏䃕࣮ߌ㔱छБᅝᰵ ϓ৭ᰵᰠ䔇̬ₑ⮰β㼏喏ऽ౔౦⮰䉋䉏Ⴤ ঄᣼䬚ࣶ⣜౦⩟䄣Ƞ


J  侘Ბ㺫φ͙ᄻЭ͆ᱦᲰ 4.&$PSQ .BMBZTJB

JJ  侘Ბ㺫φโ䉤ӯ䔇ᅬ ."53"%&

JJJ  Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁᱦᲰ )3%'

ࢁѹ (45 ᅬ⊴䉥⼺⼺ڟ ๓侘⮳ტ JW

W  ఩ტ䨢㵸



'&1 䛽ᅬ⼛ژ 䯳঄ WJJJ

JY  侘Ბ㺫φๆ྾ѿࣽᆁᱦᲰ .%F$

ₐโ喏䞠κ⩡㘽ц䃍䒛Тᄥន㵸⊴䉥⼺⮰ 䒛Тڟ䛹㺭ᕓ喏๓цᑿ๕΋䖬䄣βტᰵ ⮰ӇᏀੲ喏࣮ͦߌ㔱᣼Ӈ䷉โ⮰ԍᖛȠ ࣮ߌ㔱ݜरᴈजᴑ䄎Ƞ 1BSUJDJQBOUTWJTJUFEJOGPSNBUJPODPVOUFST ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 31

͙఩喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ऴ҈ϐ≭ц 2014 China (Guangdong) - Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference

͙侘ᐦϐঔᎠͷ䭱喏ͦ⌝ࡂ͙఩Ꭻ͈̺ ц㻭ੲ⩸Џ㶔 ը 侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ϐ≭সऴ҈喏͙఩Ꭻ͈ⰭϦ ℽᩫᏈࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱䉤ᬿস጑͆䘔κᎠᰴ 㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷౔ϐ≭цݹ喏̺ੲ⩸Џ㶔ϐ≭Ƞ͙ᕧᕧ ᬑճव䮲಍仅ᵨ䛸៵䙾ᏃͪߊĄ͙఩喋Ꭻ ц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᳃ ͈喌喐侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ऴ҈ϐ≭цąȠₐϐ≭ц⮰ ⎼ᓣȟͥ᫛䛸䧋ᐣḚȟ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟޛ স఩侧侘Ბ㺫φ๓ҫڝݗᩛᠭࢁѹ᭛͙ࡺϦℽ➥ ٴጸܛᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ͙๚⤲η䭴 亲喞ࡻߊࢁѹ᭛Ꭻ͈ⰭੲߍࢱࣶᎫ͈ⰭϦℽᩫᏈ ⩋ふः䖬ܦፙȠᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ः䖬ͦੲ⩸Џ㶔⮰ ა喞ᩛᠭࢁѹ᭛侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцࣶژโηߊ ͧც喏ऽ㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷Ϸ㏹ܦፙ⮰ੲ⩸䶲㷂ࣶ๓侘ࡺ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙఩ᕧੲц喞ឫߊࢁѹ᭛Ꭻ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮ ፙ⮰ੲ⩸Џ㶔࠱᠘喝ଵ䛸䯲ܦЂः䖬ڢੲ⮰ᗱۡȠ ϦℽᩫᏈȠ ఎ⮰䘙ႀࣶ͊䘙ႀࡺȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᑌ᭿ࢫȟͥ᫛䛸 ᠫⲏ᳃⢵਼ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭴►䶦ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ Ꭻ͈ⰭༀΒ䃜㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷ڨ͙๚ᩫ⇧ᅬༀ঄ڝ͙ ݄䩒ಐȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ䭴ࡺ᭑ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᶭ⊣ ⢳䶲Ꭻ͈ⰭЏ㶔ఎ䃫侘Ƞ䮻ఎ⮰Ꭻ͈Ⱝ䶲ᄨ࠱ 䛽ȟᠫⲏ侘वᓣふȠ ፤ߍڨ㔀ȟᎫ͈Ⱝༀ፤ༀܐ䘔䪫䭴ޛ᠘喝͙㖀䘔 ࢱͧЧژߊڨΒ䪫⼄ޛⰭ䪫ᒼᄽࡺȟᎫ͈Ⱝༀޛ ݄छͦȟᎫ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮༀΒ䃜ᒼᐦࡺȟᎫ͈Ⱝโ Ꭻ͈ⰭϦℽᄥโࣷຩࡻцц䪫ֱ᱃ȟᎫڨߊͧЧ ͈ⰭࣽᩥༀͧЧᱺ᭑≖ȟᎫ͈Ⱝ㏻ԍༀͧЧ䊂๕ ᑦȟᎫ͈ⰭӔߊͧЧٯȟᎫ͈Ⱝੲߍࢱࢱ䪫䘙⩋ ॠ䨼᜼ȟ͙㖀䘔̬ᅬޛᅬ䪫亢ᘌࡺȟ͙㖀䘔̬ᅬ ޛᅬ䪫᳃⋇ȟᎫ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮޛጮ䪫䉦Ⴓふ喏͙఩ ܦ΋ڠ侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷স㏻≺ੲߍ࣮䊊჏఩ ፙβϐ≭цȠ

㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷ц㻭侘Ბ㺫φੲ⩸Џ㶔ȠH.E. Hu Chunhua interact with representatives of Malaysian business leaders. 32 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities


ϐ≭цͧც᭛侘Ბ㺫φ仂Ⱔᄥࡺ➥ҫͥ᫛䛸台 ტ჆Ƞ

ͥ᫛䛸台ტ჆㜠䃹ᬢ䄠喏䙹ऴ侘͙ ᩫᏈ㏻䉤ऴ҈Ꭰ䃍ܾ⮰オ㒞喏নभ侘͙Э͆喏 Ƞٯ㜠߇ᄲ͐఩䉤ᬿᕧ䷉᣼倄ݜϫ㒺

Ђ΋ᠳܦ喏侘Ბ㺫φ㜖ᎠБᲑ喏䔊㐙Ꮢ᜼ ͙ͦ఩౔͈Ⰻ఩ტ͙⮰ᰬ๓䉤ᬿхѠ喏㔸͙఩ ϺᎠБᲑ喏̬Ⱐ᭛侘Ბ㺫φ⮰ᰬ๓䉤ᬿх Ѡ喞䔅᭛र⩸䪫᱋ߖ߇喏㉓ჲऴ҈⮰᜼᳈喏㐉 ̹᭛̬䎠छᅝ⮰Ƞ

Ą侘͙͐఩ᩫᏈࣶϦℽ䪫᱋ξԍξߕȟБ䄆ᘻ ߇ᣔߔ͐఩㏻≺ᔗ䕋ڔसڝস჊䉔⮰ߖ߇喏౔ ࣽᆁ⮰ᗱ̷ۡ喏̬䊣䓴ऽ₏ᐻᐦ⿷䗒ϐঔ सڝस݇䕌ȟڝᎠȠ౔䔅Ꭰ᱋䬠喏͐఩Ϧℽ 㢏⮰᳈჊喏Б䉤ᬿࢲञ᫜倄⮰ᑦڝႄڝϗβܲ ߞࣽᆁ䊷߫䓺ᣑᐦϐঔᎠȠ᜽Иጸ᱇喏΋Ⱔ ԍ喏䔅͖㞛ຩ⮰ࣽᆁ߫๠ᄲцᠭ㐙̷ࣧȠą ц౦Ƞڑ㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷সͥ᫛䛸台ტ჆ₑ 㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷౔ϐ≭ц̶㶔⹦喏๓侘᭛Ꭻ͈౔͈ H.E. Hu Chunhua and Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting arrived at Ⰻ⮰じ̬๓䉤ᬿхѠ喏Ꭰࣸ᫥䔇ܦए䷉ conference venue. 喏ࢌᎫ͈̺͈Ⰻ䉤ᬿ䷉⮰ٯ䓪ݜ࡯ϫ㒺

͙ᕧᕧц 䪫ᠫ ⲏ ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱喋ट䊣喌ȟ㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷ȟͥ᫛䛸台ტ჆ȟ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷ࣶͥ᫛䛸ॠᓣ㟟Ƞ Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong (from right), H.E. Hu Chunhua, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, H.E. Huikang, and Tan Sri Ng Teck Fong. ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 33

喏㔸๓侘΋᭛Ꭻ͈โੲេ䉰⮰䛹㺭Ბ⎼ ߌᔗ䛽㲹ᱦᲰĄᑁ䔇ᲑąসĄ䊜ܦࣧąₑмȠ ౜喏ᄥᎫ͈Ⱐᣑេ䉰䶥Ⱊ㉛⼛䓪͖喏჊䭱េ ⍀͆ᐬࣽऴ҈͆ۈȠą  ⌝ࡂٯ䉰䓪ϫ̳㒺 ᫜͆ۈߌᑦࣸ᫥౔๕♢ᾍ㘢⻹ḹসߌ጑喏ф߫ ϓ৭䉰ۈᱽ⇨⅀ᐦ䃪ȟۈĄ๓侘΋᭛Ꭻ͈ᄥโេ䉰⮰䛹㺭хѠ喏Ꭻ͈㉛⼛ ৭⻹স᫜ឬᱛᐬࣽȟ ⃂ߌ጑ڧȟᎫ ⎼ᐬࣽふ䶲ഋऴ҈喞⌝ࡂࣸ᫥౔Ⅰϓڠ౔๓侘䃪⿷េ䉰䶥Ⱊ䓪͖喏ຮࡺͦȟ͙ ೒䯲ఎふЭ͆䃪⿷⮰⩡ၼԍᖛȟᾍ㘢⻹ḹふ স⊣∷ᢁᢊ᫥䲎⮰ऴ҈喏ߌᑦ⊣∷̺⍀͆⻽ۈ͈ Э͆喏ͦࣸ᫥ፒᲑβ㞛ຩ⮰㏻≺স⹪цᩴ⯶Ƞą ⵀȟឬᱛᐬࣽ᫥䲎⮰ϐ≭ऴ҈喏ӯ䔇ࣸ᫥⊣∷ ⍀͆ߌᔗࣽᆁȠ सᬢ喏㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷ᑦ䄯喏Ꭻ͈স侘Ბ㺫φऴ҈ݹ ᮛᎫ䭀喏Ꭲ᣼ܦܦβ⌝ࡂࣸ᫥㏻䉤ऴ҈⮰◥ᐦ  ᣔ䔇᫱⍤Ϧ᪳ऴ҈ ᡂᣄࣸ᫥᫱⍤ጮ౦⒈߇喏ߌᑦࣸ᫥᫱⍤ϓܲٱ 䃚喝 ৭჏ьᣔϷ喏ផ๓᫱⍤䶥Ⱊេ䉰喏⼛Ჭᣎ㉎ξ  ផ๓ࣸ䓥䉤ᬿসេ䉰 Ⱔ㏰ఎȟᣔߔࣸऽ᫱⍤喞吿ߝ⹪ц㏰㏳ȟℽ䬠 Ꭻ͈ᄳ㐓㐙ផ๓䔇ए侘Ბ㺫φḁẴ⇥ȟ๕♢ ఎѿ̺侘Ბ㺫φᐬᆁ᪳ࡂϐ≭ऴ҈Ƞ ᾍ㘢ȟ⋞ࡂ๕♢⅀ふϓ৭喏ផ๓๓侘Ϧℽ䰬 㺭⮰㏦㏳ࣶ࣋᫅ݢ৭ȟტᅱȟ䲷ㆧふੲ৭⮰  ᐦ⿷ϐ≭ऴ҈⮰䪫ᩴᱦݢ ए喏ͦ჊⣜Ꭰ͙侘ࣸ䓥䉤ᬿ䷉䓪ݜ Ꭻ͈ᄲߌᑦ̺侘Ბ㺫φ౜᫥ᩫᏈ䬠⮰ऴ҈喏ᣔܦ ੲࡻц̺侘Ბ㺫φੲࡻцᐦ⿷ℽ䬠ړᲭ䉍⡚喏Ꭲ㐓㐙 ߔᎫ͈Ⱝ⼛ܦ⮰Ⱊᴳ҈ٯ࡯ϫ㒺 ๓ࣽᆁ䊜 ऴ҈ᱦݢ喏ӯ䔇ࣸ᫥౔ദ⵬䃪᫩ᐦ័ȟ䉰⎼ᐬڙϓ͆ఙࡦᐦ䃪স侘Ბ㺫φڟᩛᠭ ᏶ふ䶥Ⱊ喏सᬢ๓߇ᩛᠭ๓侘Э͆ტݜᎫ͈ ࣽȟф߫ݢ䕌͆េ䉰ふ䶲ഋऴ҈喏ӯ᜼㥩჊̬ េ䉰Ƞ ឥ䛹๓䶥ⰚȠ

 ៿ᆁࣸ䓥䛽㲹ऴ҈ ц̶喏㘍᭑ࡺ䬭̷㻭䃭β侘͙⻭ϦЭ͆オ㒞β Ⴘરࣸ䓥䛽㲹ऴ҈ᱦݢ喏ᣔ䔇ऴ҈䃪⿷㗍ᱯ ͖⮰㏻≺䶥Ⱊ喏͖䲊㏻≺ऴ҈ࡻ䃚喏࣮̺オ㒞⮰ េ䉰ദ䛽喏ផ๓䌔ද䉤ᬿϦℽጭ㏿ッ͆ߍ喏 ࠱᠘͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䧋ᐣḚȠ

ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ࣶ⩋ٴጸܛ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ጒ䊣喌ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭴►䶦ȟ䭴ͥ ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᳃⢵਼ȠTan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Sing (from right), Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tang Yeam Soon, Mr. Tan Kai Hee, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, and Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Gait Tong. 34 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities

͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊠㤞ᒷც࣮ߌ 㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцঔᎠцᎲ≧ߔ ACCCIM Delegation to Philippines in participation of Festivities in Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc.

͙ᕧЏ 㶔ఎܦፙ㤞ࡺ ੲ㖀ᕧцঔᎠцᎲ ≧ߔȠ ACCCIM Delegation attended Festivities in Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc.

Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸 侘 ⺉ࣷ᜼⢳䶲͙ᕧ̬㵸ϦЏ㶔ఎ䊠㤞 ᒷც侘ᅨ៵ܦፙ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцκᎠᰴ ᬑ㜟ᬑͪ㵸⮰ঔᎠ䧧⻓๓Ꮂ≧ߔ ः Ђ᜼঄࠱᠘នڢݜ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧц☙ᗱᒱȠ 䯰ȟ͙๚⤲η᳃ԉᒏٲ㵸䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ ᱺᬙसȟᠫⲏ㥓֑⮿ژ⡇ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸๕⩋ٴ সᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ࡺੲц⤲ηふϦȠ

Ⰲν䯲喏Ꭲ⩝ᮆцیᮆц喏ڤЏ㶔ఎ᜼঄κᰴᬑ១ₑऺ喏࣮ߌβȧᙋ 䶲ᄨц䲎Ƞᑿ๕⮰䧧⻓Ꮂ ⴑ͈φ᪳ࡂͷ䘩⇵ጊ㤞ᒷც㵸Ȩ᪳ࡂᆁᐬᎁ ͧც㤞ᒷცᕧ㐋㞪๺䄦ȟ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧц⤲η䪫᫩᪳⩸ࢆ ᒕȠޖโ䉡ცͧᠭڱ⊢ፙ๓цႵᢾ⮰⁎䓺ᮆцȠ ทস⤲η喏Бࣶܦ⹨Ƞᮆ̶݅

โଵცႵᢾڱ⊢ፙࣶ࣮㻮䧧⻓጑ੲᆁ ᰴᬑ喏㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧц̿⼷ͦ䊠ц⮰ܦЏ㶔ఎ᜼঄κᰴᬑ ፙ๓цघᐬ ̬ᬑ⍤Ƞ๓цঔ䄒⮰Ⴕᢾ䃕Џ㶔ఎ᜼঄ᙋݜც㜟ຮᑾ喏ܦᐬᎁ⹨Ƞᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ः䖬 ⮰͈Ⰻࡺੲϐ≭ц≩䄴ц喏̺र͈Ⰻੲц⮰ ⌝ͦᙋ⓬Ƞ ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 35

र䨢㵸ᄥ⩡ၼЄ䉥 Showcase of e-Payments by Banks ᰹ߍ⮰䃞㼏ц CCCIM expressed their appreciation to Bank Negara AMalaysia (BNM) for the postponement of the imposition of the 50 levy on each cheque as a pragmatic and realistic move Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц ͙ᕧ ᄥ఩ტ䨢 as the necessary infrastructure has not been fully implemented 侘㵸ᆁᐢ჊᫩⃻ᑌᩛ⺔Ѕ⮰オࣽ䉥 by the banks as well as the low availability of broadband 䲎۲ำຩᰵ service. The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) sought aڔ㶔⹦䊊䉻Ƞ䞠κ䨢㵸⩸ᅆ᱖ ദ⵬䃪᫩喏ߌ̶ჩ䶽᰹ߍ⮰Ѻ㺲Ⰲ⢳喏͙ meeting with ACCCIM to better understand the preparednessڟ ᕧ䃐ͦ䔅᭛̬䶥჊䭱ࣴߍ჊⮰۟჆Ƞ๓侘 of the banks and to answer and clarify the multitude of .ц㺭Ⅾ̺͙ᕧц䲎喏Б䃞㼏र䨢㵸ᄥ charges being imposed by banks for Internet banking serviceژ䨢㵸 ၼЄ䉥᰹ߍ⮰۲ำ䔇Ꮢ喏Бࣶ⒰⌱र䨢⩡ th 㵸䦴ᄥ㑽̶䨢㵸᰹ߍᝬᒭᩢ⮰र䶥ᩢ䉥Ƞ At the meeting held on 26 March 2014, ABM had apprised ACCCIM of the various products available for e-payment with certain live demonstrations. ABM also explained the processes 䃞㼏цκᎠᰴᬑͪ㵸喏๓侘䨢ڟᰵ and controls that are in place to secure and save transactions ц䕆䓳⣜౦⑀⹦喏ऽ͙ᕧⅳ៑βछ䕆 via e- payments. ACCCIM representatives to the meetingژ㵸 were Vice President Dato’ Tan Seng Leong, Deputy Secretary ≭ڟ䓳⩡ၼЄ䉥⮰र䶥ϓ৭喏Ꭲ㼏䛶βᰵ .ࣶ General Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok, National Council Members Mrڔࣶ⯽ᣓ喏Б⶚ԉ⩡ၼЄ䉥㈧㐋⮰Ⴕ⼷ ԉႵȠ͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔᭛ޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ䭴᜼ Koong Lin Loong, Mr. Michael Chai, Mr. Lim Poh Boon, Mr. Ng 哅ȟޛᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩ȟ͙๚⤲ηႀА哅 Chet Chiang and etc. ٴࣶ台ਞᑦ⩋ٴᅬ㏱ȟ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟ᳃ԉᒏ ⩋ふȠ ACCCIM is of the view that the 50 sen levy is a punitive imposition to force the business community to migrate to e-payment. This levy alone will translate to more than RM 120 million to the ͙ᕧ䃐ͦ喏ͦ䕨䔗጑ੲ⩸䛳⩔⩡ၼЄ䉥㔸 cost of doing business. Whilst the banks stand to gain from the ᒭᩢ⮰Ѕᩛ⺔オࣽ䉥᭛̬䶥ᘕ㒆ᕓ⮰ᩢ 50 sen levy, the banks are also saving tremendously from the 䉥Ƞ䔅䶥ᩢ䉥喏ᄲ්ߌ጑ੲ⩸倄䓪ϫ࡯̳ reduction in the cost of clearing cheques. On one hand the Аव⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘Ƞࣹ㻮䨢㵸౔䊆ं䔅Ѕ banks are enjoying these savings, the business community are .ᄽβᩛ⺔㏿ッ⮰᜼᱘Ƞ levied with new charges for adopting e-paymentۻオࣽ䉥โ喏΋๓፱ 䔅ふκ䄠጑ੲ⩸౔䛳⩔⩡ၼЄ䉥㔸ᓱ䶧㑠 ϐर⻹ᑦᒭ⮰䉥⩔ᬢ喏䨢㵸ࢠः⯶κఌͦ䔅 While banks may have to invest for their e-payment 䶥ᣖ᫩㔸ፒᲑ⮰㞮ⰭȠ infrastructure, the business community need also invest in their computers and broadband infrastructure service charges to 䨢㵸౔េ䉰ᐦ䃪ЂИ⮰⩡ၼЄ䉥ദ⵬䃪᫩ migrate to e-payment, It is the opinion of ACCCIM that the ⮰सᬢ喏጑ੲ⩸΋ᓱ䶧េ䉰౔ЂИ⮰⩡㘽 banks’ investment in their e-payment infrastructure is their capex and cost of doing business and should not levy charges ࣶჩ䶽᰹ߍᩢ䉥喏Бӫ䒘㔸䛳⩔⩡ၼЄ䉥Ƞ on their bank customers to defray and recover such capex ͙ᕧ䃐ͦ喏䨢㵸ᐦ䃪ЂИ⩡ၼЄ䉥ദ⵬䃪᫩ cost. The business sector also do not have any avenue to ⮰េ䉰喏᭛䨢㵸͆⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘ࣶ䉰᱘ᩛܦ喏 recover their capex cost to enable e-payment. ᜼᱘喏䕆䓳र䶥ᩢ䉥䒘ڟЂИ̹Ꮐ䄑ᄲᰵ ࿭δ䨢㵸⮰჎ᝣȠ጑ੲ⩸᱘䏗΋⇍ᰵБЧ ACCCIM sought more clarifications and transparency from ҁ䕀ᒰఊᩢЂИఌ䛳⩔⩡ၼЄ䉥⮰㔸ᩛܦ banks to justify their new charges for Internet banking service. ⮰᜼᱘Ƞ

͙ᕧ㺭Ⅾ䨢㵸ͦЂИᄥ㑽̶䨢㵸᰹ߍᝬᒭ 䔻ᬺᏒڣ䋟ȟᰠٱᩢ⮰र䶥᫜ᩢ䉥᣼Ӈᰠ ⮰䃭ᬺȠ

⩡ၼЄ䉥᰹ߍ䃞㼏 ц䔇㵸͙Ƞ Showcase of e-payment by banks. 36 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities

͙ͦᄻЭ͆᣼Ӈ⮰䃪᫩ ԍ䉣៱ԉᱦᲰࣶ侘Ბφ䨢㵸䃞㼏ц Briefi ng on Facilities for SMEs by Credit Guarantee Corporation and Maybank

侘Ბφ䨢㵸⣜䛽ネ⤲䨬ਗ਼ͧネ ⩋ٴࣶ侘 ᒼ㖳㏻ $($ ͧߊ喏ԍ䉣៱ԉᱦᲰ ͙ᕧ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц ⩝ Ბφ䨢㵸 .BZCBOL 㖀ߊ⮰Ą͙ͦᄻЭ͆᣼Ӈ⮰䃪᫩ԍ Mr Chew Siew Khing, Head of Cash Management Sales, Global  ڙᭋ᱋ 䉣៱ԉᱦᲰࣶ侘Ბφ䨢㵸䃞㼏цą喏ጞ౔Ꭰᰴᬑ κ͙ᕧⵀ䃔აͪߊȠ Cash Solutions, Cash Management, Global Banking, Maybank 䔅䶥䃞㼏цख䭼ह͙ᄻЭ͆ტ࣮̺Ƞ$($স侘Ბφ䨢㵸ܲݗ࣮ͦ ߌ㔱䃞㼏ЂИຮҁࡻߕ͙ᄻЭ͆ंᓃ㲹䉰喏Бࣶ͙ͦᄻЭ͆᣼Ӈ⮰ 㑽̶䨢㵸ࣶ⩡ၼЄ䉥㈧㐋Ƞ

$($ੲ͆ᐬ̺ࣽ䨬ਗ਼ޛ㏻⤲䭴ᘌ⯴ᄻ໼࣮ͦߌ㔱䃞㼏β$($រ⑀⮰ 㻾㞞喏Бࣶຮҁࡻߕ㑦ͻϓ͆១៨⮰͙ᄻЭ͆ंᓃ䨢㵸⮰㲹䉰喏Б ݕ⢳ࣶ࣮̺䨢㵸Ƞͦβ吿ߝ჎ᝣᰠຩ౜֫䔄ڢࣶ$($⮰र䶥䙹຃ȟ 䉣喏$($΋ϺᎠᐬ໷喏᣼Ӈᰬ倄⮰ោតδ᠑ᰵ㞛ຩЄ 䃜ᒁ⮰͙ᄻЭ͆Ƞ

ᅩネ఩ტ䨢㵸჏ጯᆁᐢβ࣋჆κᎠᰴᬑᐬ໷჊᫩⮰⃻ᑌᩛ ⺔Ѕ⮰オࣽ䉥㜟Ꭰᰴᬑ喏Ѳ⩡ၼ䨢㵸ጞ᭛๓߫ᝬ䊷Ƞ侘 ࣮ߌ㔱䃞㼏β⩡ၼ䨢㵸⮰䓼҈ࣶᝬፒᲑ⮰ͦ⩋ٴᲑφ䨢㵸⮰ᒼ㖳㏻ ⤲㏻ޛᓯ⮰⩡ၼ䨢㵸⮰ԉႵᣖ $($ੲ͆ᐬ̺ࣽ䨬ਗ਼ڟर䶥ӫݕ喏सᬢ΋䄒㏲䄠ᬺβ๓ๆ᪜Ϧᰬ Ƞ 䭴ᘌ⯴ᄻ໼ڔ᫩喏Бԉ䃭჎ᝣႄ⮰Ⴕ Ms. Teresa Tan Hooi Ying, Assistant Manager, Marketing & ⪾⮰ڟ࣮ߌ㔱౔䬚む⣛㞮ᬢ⼛Ჭ᣼䬚喏ᅝ᱘䏗ᝬ䕳ݜ⮰䬚䷄БࣶⰤ Business Development of CGC 㭽̺͐ѹͧ䃞Ϧϐ≭Ƞ ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 37

ℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛ࡺੲ㏻䉤̿͆㖀ऴцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of Chinese Business Chamber Mauritius


ₐ㵸ͧ㺭Ⱊ⮰᭛ᣑः᱘ц䖬䄣喏̿⼷Ϻℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛㏰ఎ ⢳⩋ٴℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛ࡺੲ㏻䉤̿͆㖀ऴцц䪫ᶭⅤ̳ ፙ⩝͙ᕧ㖀ܦٵݹᒬ㐱⩤МڹϦЏ㶔ఎ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫᱘ Ბ侘Ბ㺫φ䃫䬚͙ᕧ喏ڗ䶲̬㵸 ц喏Ꭲ⩝͙๚⤲ηᠫⲏॠ᪳䧒喏স఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑ ߊ⮰㐱⩤侘Ბ㺫φ͙ᄻЭ͆݇ᘻࣶ㐫㞞⻽ឬϓ ふϦ䉋䉏ᣑᒱȠ ৭ࣶ᰹ߍᆁ䨬цȠ⩋ٴ䯰ܛ㏰㏰঄᳃͆

͙఩⊣โϐ≭ࡻцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of China Overseas Exchange Association

㵸̵̬⩋ٴ䘔䪫ᱝᴟޛ͙఩⊣โϐ≭ࡻц㖀㐈䘔 ϦκᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫᱘ц喏Б჏ь࢟ᄲ౔侘 Ბ㺫φͪߊじᅶ侘͙Ნ䱾䃦ಇ喏⩝ޛᕧ䉎ᩫ䭴 ޛ㖀㐈㏰ڝژࢆทࣶڠᔬႵᒷጴȟ͙๚⤲ηᶭტ 䉋䉏ᣑᒱȠ⩋ٴЧ台ѹჱͧ


䖏ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Advance Team from State-Owned Assetsٴ͙఩๕≑఩䉰ༀ Supervision and Administration Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government

ᅬ㏓䭴⊕ᄻ໼̬㵸ޛ䖏ఎٴ͙఩๕≑఩䉰ༀ Ϧ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫᱘ц喏⩝᱘ц͙๚⤲ η㩍ᄽᲜࢆท䉋䉏ᣑᒱȠ

ϐ≭ͧ㺭Ⱊ⮰᭛ᣔϷ๕≑ጮ఩ᰵЭ͆ᐬࣶࣽ䛹◥ ᠇ੲᑁ䉰䶥ⰚȠ

䖏ఎऴ⚓ȠGroup photoٴ᱘цЏ㶔̺๕≑఩䉰ༀ taken between ACCCIM representatives and Advance Team from State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government. 38 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities

仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of Hong Kong United Youth Association Limited

ࣸ᫥Џ㶔౔ϐ≭ц㏿᲋ऺऴᥰȠGroup photo ޛЧᱺνᶎຟทȟ䱾ੲఎͧޛ㖀㐈ࣶ᫱⍤㏰ڝژ .taken after the interaction session Ђц঄̬ڢসᠫⲏ᳃఩⺑喏Бࣶ⩋ٴ⦅ఎ䪫ढ㓯 ܦц㖀ऴц䱾ᎠఎژϦ喏Бࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ჎ტڝ ፙ台᷒㣥ᄻ໼喏κᎠᰴͧޛ仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀ц ᣑᒱȠڟᬑ⢳ϦЏ㶔ఎ᠈䃫᱘ц喏⩝͙๚⤲ηᯔ͙ᄻ ፙβᰵ ಷЭࣶ͆Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ㏰ͧЧႀА哅ᅬ㏱ᣑᒱ喏 Ꭲͦᄥ᫥䃞㼏侘Ბ㺫φ͙ᄻЭ͆⮰Ắ᠘ȟᩫᏈᝬ ࣸ᫥౔̬ᄻᬢ䃤⮰ц䲎͙喏䮐βᅝर㜖⮰͆ߍࣶ 㐅δ⮰ᤠߕ喏Бࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц⮰≧ߔȠ ੲᱦ䔇㵸ϐ≭喏仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀цЏ㶔΋ᄥ侘Ბ㺫φ 䋏Ƞ᱘ц䱾ੲఎ΋ڠᩫも⌝ᙋڟ⮰េ䉰⣛දࣶⰤ ᱘ц͙๚⤲ηᯔ䱾ੲఎఎ䪫ᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟ͙๚⤲ ऽ仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀цβ㼏ЂИ౔ࡻߕ仅⍛䱾ੲᝬ䔇㵸 ȟ ⮰≧ߔ喏Ꭲጸ᱇ᒨₐ㘩๋ᐦ⿷ᰠჲܳ⮰㖀㈧Ƞ⩋ٴȟ➕≭ࣶϐ䕆㏰ͧЧु䩿ૈ⩋ٴ⺑ηႷᓣ

აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫ژ͙఩व᳃ⰭӔߍߊ Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of Jilin Provincial, China

ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛ 䛸᳃䩒㘈䊌䔭 ㏖ᔡ৭δᑌ⢵ ȠTan⩋ٴ๦ Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Sing presented a souvenir to Mr. Zhang Yuduo.

ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ͙๚ޛ⩝ აᑌ⢵๦ะ䪫̬㵸Ϧ喏κᎠᰴژ͙఩व᳃ⰭӔߍߊ 㖀㐈ࣶ᫱⍤㏰㏰঄ڝژࣶ⩋ٴაࣶव᳃Ⱝ ⤲η≖჉ᓣژᬑ᠈䃫᱘ц喏ͧ㺭Ⱊ⮰᭛ᣔϷ⩝఩ߍ䮎Ӕߍߊ ᅶ⊣โࡺӔࡺϦ䶥ⰚᄥᣑцȠ ᣑᒱȠڗसͧߊ⮰व᳃ⰭじڝᩫᏈ ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 39

ж᱃㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of Iranian Economic and Trade Delegation

᱘цЏ㶔̺ж᱃㏻䉤㔯ᄋఎఎ঄ऴ⚓ȠGroup photo taken between ACCCIM representatives and members of Iranian Economic and Trade Delegation.

䯰স఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑ٲж᱃侧侘Ბ㺫φ๓ҫ亲䶪䬚.S1BSWJ[5PSLJκ ᱘цន㵸䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ 䶲ഋڟᎠᰴᬑ喏ፒ䶲䄑఩㏻≺䉤ᬿЏ㶔ఎ喏̬㵸Ϧ᠈ ͆㏰᜼঄䉋䉏ᣑᒱₐЏ㶔ఎ喏Ꭲ䖬䄣βⰤ 䃫᱘цȠϐ≭ц̶喏Џ㶔ఎ⁎䓺ࣶ吿ߝ᱘цц঄ੲ ⮰ц঄ੲტܦፙ喏Б䔇㵸ੲߍϐ≭Ƞ 䶲ഋȠ͆ۈ᭛ڢტݜж᱃ᐬ៿ੲᱦ喏ᅐ

͙఩䉤ӯц⩄㖯ܲцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Gansu Sub- Council

ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δॠͩ䱊ຟทȠ Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Sing presented a souvenir to Mdm. Wu Lixia.

⩝͙఩䉤ӯц⩄㖯ܲцॠͩ䱊ޛц䪫⢳䶲喏̬㵸 ⩝᱘цޛᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟន㵸䶪 ȟ᳃⩋ٴ䯰ȟ͙๚⤲η≖჉ᓣٲ䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ ڟϦ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫᱘ц喏ᅝ⌱ⱋ下৭ᰵ ⩋ٴЧ台ѹჱͧޛ㖀㐈ࣶ᫱⍤㏰ڝژȟ⩋ٴ⮰ц঄Э࣮̺͆Ꮣ䄴喏Ꭲͦࣸ᫥ц঄Э͆ͷ䬠⮰䉤 ԉᒏ ፙᣑᒱȠܦЂц঄ڢᬿऴ҈ᱦцϐ≭Ƞ ࣶᱺνᶎຟท喏Бࣶ 40 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities

͙఩νࢃⰭ᠇ੲऴ҈ᅬЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of the Investment Promotion and Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province, China

Ƞ⩋ٴ⋇᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ㠯ͥ Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Sing presented a souvenir to Mr. Fan Tao.

⩝͙఩νࢃⰭ᠇ੲऴ҈ᅬ㠯⋇ޛᅬ䪫⢳䶲喏̬㵸 ͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔ᰵޛᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒 ࣶᱺν⩋ٴЧ台ѹჱͧޛ㖀㐈ࣶ᫱⍤㏰ڝژϦ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏ᬔ౔ᣔ䔇侘Ბ 㘈ȟ ٲ㖀㐈ࣶ᫱⍤㏰㏰঄ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㩍ڝژ㺫φЭ͆ݜνࢃេ䉰喏ⱬ߇ᅝఙࡦദ⵬䃪᫩ȟ➕ ᶎຟทȟ Ƞ⩋ٴふϓ͆ ⩋ȟᠫⲏ䅎ტ㠮ȟᠫⲏ᳃ტЖࣶ台⌧ࣽ͆ۈȟ᫱⍤᪳ࡂȟ⩋➕ࡧ㢛ȟ倄࣋➥㞞≭ ᫥䲎̺ੲцЭ͆ტИ䔇㵸េ䉰ϐ≭Ƞ

͙఩Ꭻ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮϦℽᩫᏈЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of The People’s Government of Dongguan Municipality, Guangdong Province, China

ጮ䪫ϐ≭侘Ბ㺫φੲ䉤ᗱۡȠޛᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱̺䉦Ⴓ Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong interacted with Vice-Mayor Mr. He Yu on business environment in Malaysia.

ጮ䪫⢳䶲̬㵸 Ӈ჉䉡⮰ᘻ㻭喏䃕≧ߔ䶦ݕᐬᆁȠޛ͙఩Ꭻ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮϦℽᩫᏈ䉦Ⴓ ϦκᎠᰴᬑ⮧䬔᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏⩝ᕧц䪫ᠫ 䯰ȟ͙ٲፙᣑᒱ⮰ᰵន㵸䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷܦⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱Ϟ㜖ᣑᒱȠ ͙ᕧ ๚⤲η㩍ᄽᲜࢆทȟᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟ጑҈㏰ޛͧЧᠫ ふϦȠ⩋ٴڔϐ≭Ⱊ⮰ͧ㺭᭛ᙋ⓬͙ᕧ౔Ą͙఩喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ ⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᱺνᶎຟทȟᱺᰵ 㺫φ㏻䉤ϐ≭цą≧ߔ͙喏ࡻߕଵც䖬䄣喏Ꭲ᣼ ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 41

აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chineseژ͙఩఩ߍ䮎Ӕߍߊ Affairs Offi ce of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China ა㏻≺⻽ឬतግ㻲঄ᑌ֑䱾ژ͙఩఩ߍ䮎Ӕߍߊ ຟทȟᑌᒒ⣹ะ䪫ࣶ䊡Ϛޛะ䪫κᎠᰴ ᬑ᠈ц᱘ц喏⩝͙๚⤲ηႀА哅ᅬ㏱ࣶ㩍ᄽᲜࢆ ทᣑᒱȠ

ࣸ᫥ᅝ఩ߍ䮎Ӕߊ⮰㻾㞞喏Бࣶᄥ⊣โࡺ⹪㐅δ ⮰ࡻߕ䔇㵸βϐ≭喏Ꭲᣎ䃔䔇̬ₑऴ҈⮰छ㘩 ᕓȠႀА哅ᅬ㏱΋ͦӔߊЏ㶔䃞㼏β侘Ბ㺫φࡺ ⹪⮰ᗱۡ喏Бࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц⮰㻾㞞Ƞ

ጒ䊣喝ᑌᒒ⣹ะ䪫ȟႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟᑌ֑䱾ግ㻲঄ȟ 㩍ᄽᲜࢆทࣶ䊡Ϛޛะ䪫ȠFrom left were Mdm. Zhang Yanzhen, Mr. Koong Lin Loong, Mdm. Zhang Jianqing, Dr. Chua Siew Kiat and Mr. Zhao Liang.


Ꭰᒙϔጊ㟻⃫̷ͥᄭ䉼 ᱘ц͙ᄻಷЭࣶ͆Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ㏰ޛͧЧ

⩋ٴ䭴Ნ䒵 㢏㛦%*.1ᠫⲏ

≧ߔ䶰ॶUpcoming Events ᬑ᱋Date ≧ߔActivities 28/5 - 1/6 / 2014 ͙ᕧ䊠ࡃϘЏ㶔ఎ ACCCIM Delegation to Beijing, China 27 / 6 / 2014 Ꭰじ̵ᅶ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾ੲ๓ц ACCCIM 3rd Young Entrepreneurs Conference 2014 ౜◥喝⇅ጠ4BCBI 28 / 6 / 2014 ͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц ACCCIM 68th Annual General Meeting ౜◥喝⇅ጠSabah 23-29 / 10 / 2014 ͙ᕧ䊠ℇ䛸Ⅾ᫛ࣶ侘䓪ߌ᫛ߌ䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋЏ㶔ఎ ACCCIM Trade and Investment Delegation to Mauritius and Madagascar EM C12017