2014Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴ (April 2014) Issue No: 2/2014 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 第90期 ͙ᕧ͙ᕧ̺䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔䪫ᮆ丼ϐ≭̺䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁ᮆ丼ϐ≭ Dinner Interaction between YBbetween Minister YB ofMinister MITI and of MITI ACCCIM and ACCCIM ͙ᕧじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц ACCCIM 4th SME Conference ͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2013 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 2014Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴(April 2014) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛Bulletin Issue No: 2/2014 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ90Issue No.90 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) 1 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Ⱊ Committee ᒁ Contents ̿䷄Special Features ͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ͙⊣โϐ≭ࡻцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 2 ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Visit by Delegation of China Overseas Exchange Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2013 Association 䖏ఎݜ䃫Visit by Advanceٴ䉥⼺ ͙๕≑䉰ༀ⊵ڸ∔ᰴᐬᩪ 7 June 2014 GST Registration - Are you there? Team from State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee of Tianjin Municipal 9 Ꭰტ䨢㵸ᎠᏒ៑ॶガ៑ People’s Government Highlights on Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 2013 37 仅⍛䱾Ꭰ㖀цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Hong Kong United Youth Association Limited აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫ژ᱘цߔᔭACCCIM Activities ͙व᳃ⰭӔߍߊ Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chinese Affairs 24 ͙ᕧ̺䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔䪫ᮆ丼ϐ≭ Offi ce of Jilin Provincial, China Dinner Interaction between YB Minister of MITI and ACCCIM 38 ж᱃㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Iranian Economic and Trade Delegation 26 ͙ᕧじᅶ͙ᄻЭ͆๓ц ACCCIM 4th SME Conference ͙䉤ӯц⩄㖯ܲцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of China Council for the Promotion of 30 ͙喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ऴ҈ϐ≭ц International Trade Gansu Sub-Council 2014 China (Guangdong) – Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference 39 ͙νࢃⰭ᠇ੲऴ҈ᅬЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of the Investment Promotion and 33 ͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊠㤞ᒷც࣮ߌ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцঔᎠ Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province, China цᎲ≧ߔACCCIM Delegation to Philippines in participation of Festivities in Celebration of 60th ͙Ꭻ͈Ⱝ͈㣊ጮϦℽᩫᏈЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Anniversary of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Visit by Delegation of The People’s Government Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. of Dongguan Municipality, Guangdong Province, China 34 र䨢㵸ᄥ⩡ၼЄ䉥ߍ⮰䃞㼏ц აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫ژShowcase of e-Payments by Banks 40 ͙ߍ䮎Ӕߍߊ Visit by Delegation of Overseas Chinese Affairs 35 ͙ͦᄻЭ͆Ӈ⮰䃪ԍ䉣៱ԉᱦᲰࣶ侘Ბφ Offi ce of the State Council of the People’s 䨢㵸䃞㼏цBriefi ng on Facilities for SMEs by Credit Republic of China Guarantee Corporation and Maybank 㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations ℇ䛸Ⅾࡺੲ㏻䉤̿͆㖀ऴцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 36 Visit by Delegation of Chinese Business Chamber ≧ߔ䶰ॶUpcoming Events Mauritius ܦ❴Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdvisersdvisers ޛͧ㑂DDeputyeputy CChiefhief EEditordito 䯰 ⊒᪳⥨Christine PooٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ䛸ᠫⲏႷ COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾ❴ 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ᠫⲏ㩍⇧Datuk David Chua Cover design and Artwork : 㥓㒺㞟Seow Mei Yin Lin Graphic 258, Jalan Ampang, ͧЧChairman 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, Assistant Editors .Dato’ Low Kian Chuan ߕ㑂 43300 Seri Kembangan, SelangorڔKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ᠫⲏࢎ 50450 Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ ֱ⥘ࠐ Poh Wan Kh’ng Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 ޛͧЧDeputy Chairman 3094/3095 台᪳ᚓKelly Wong ឫ࢜Printed by: ᠫⲏᑌᬸDato’ Teo Chiang Kok Fax: 603-4260 3080 䭴ຮTan Ai Joo Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. E-mail: [email protected] No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, ͧ㑂CChiefhief EEditordito 䗽ᰞⅺCyndi Tang Homepage: www.acccim.org.my 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun Seong Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 ㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉❵ܦ䉠ȟ倄ϓ͆ 㑂䒽ࣶ≑ۻᎠᲑ喏䮻ⱬᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢ⮰㵸ȟݶ̬ 䔅⯴ݕ⼺ȟ⩡䉥স๕♢⅀䄯⋔ふ̬䔊͞ᣖ喏Бࣶ侘㝖 ̷⣜㐕㶔͆ڑ喏ੲ⩸䮣ܧ㖀ηТ➡ߔ⮰䔊䨭䉋䲎۞(. ⏽স䓼㥑᱘ᬑ⯶ᨬࡳ⮰జදȠ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ ॶ᭪喏ᑿݹᒝ৹͙ᄻЭ͆⮰ͧ㺭ఌ㉌Ӊ♢᭛ᩫᏈᩫもȟ᱘倄 භ εࣶϦ߇ⴙ㑦Ƞ͙ᕧᬑݹ̺䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔䪫》ڱȟ⋔ ᠫⲏ䛸ᚁ䓪∁ц䲎喏ࣹܳᭌᑿ̷ᒝ৹ੲ͆ࣽᆁ⮰䄪䷄喏 㜟 ᛚۻ౦ࣶᐦ䃚喏ⰨᩫᏈ䓱䕋䛳ंᰵᩴₑ俐ᄲ䉋䲎ᒝ৹⿷ܦᎢ ᰬѺ喏सᬢᷬ䃔र䶥̹ݕੲࣽᆁ⮰ᣖȠ͙ᕧস䉤䘔ᬑऺ ؓ ᄲϐ≭喏̷ᗱ̶䓪喏Ꭲߌᑦ᠇ੲᑁ䉰⮰ऴ҈Ƞ ͙ᕧϺ̹䬠䕆䓳ᣑᒱ⊣โЏ㶔ఎসͧߊੲᱦ≩䄴ц喏ࡻߕ цੲტᐬ⊣โጮ౦সᄧឪੲᱦȠ͙ᕧᄥӯ䔇ᄥโ⮰ࣷ ഭ ᭛ჲܳᒬᲑ⮰͙ࣶ͈Ⰻტ喏䔅ڢ㈧̹䖃҅߇喏ᅐڟຩ䉤ᬿ 䲎⮰ߖ߇喏࠱᠘䓽ࡻߊ͙喋Ꭻ͈喌侘Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ϐ≭цȟ Ӻ ㏰ఎ䊠㤞ᒷც࣮ߌ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧццᎲȟ䖬䄣ℇ䛸Ⅾࡺੲ㏻䉤 ̿͆㖀ऴцܦፙ͙ᕧκ㐱⩤ͪߊ⮰ᆁ䨬цふȠ Dato’ Law Kian Chuan ̺ₐसᬢ喏͙ᕧͦࡻߕ͆㔱䔇̬ₑβ㼏ࣶᢸᤍᩫᏈᰬᩫも喏ᅝ ⩡ၼЄ䉥ߍȟ⊴䉥⼺ふႵᢾ䃞㼏ц喏Ꭲ䖬䄣Э͆ტܲϗᐬ⊣ โጮ౦㏻侸喏ᩫᏈჄ䃞㼏ᩫᏈӇ⮰ᤠߕ䙹喏ь䓪ტ䨢 further strengthen cooperation in trade and 㵸ᎠᏒ៑ॶふȠ̶䔜र䶥≧ߔ䄒ᗱछ࣮䬱᱘ц䃛Ƞ investment promotion. ACCCIM constantly receives foreign delegations Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and organises business matching sessions to and Publication Committee assist members to explore overseas markets and seek business opportunities. ACCCIM spares no effort to foster amicable relations between ver the past year, the business community has Malaysia and foreign countries, especially been caught in the mire of deterioration of sales China and ASEAN countries. The efforts included Operformance and high operating cost subsequent supported the China (Guangdong)-Malaysia to a series of policies announced by the Government such Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference, as implementation of Minimum Wages Order, imposition organised a delegation to the Philippines in of a string of subsidy cuts, further increase in Real Property participation of the festivities of Federation of Gains Tax (RPGT), rise in electricity and natural gas tariffs. Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and The recent MH370 incident has further aggravated the Industry Inc., invited Mauritius Chinese Business predicament. Chamber to participate at the Myanmar- Malaysia Exhibition co-organised by ACCCIM The ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of and so forth. Malaysia for the 2nd Half of Year 2013 has indicated that the major factors adversely affecting business performance Furthermore, ACCCIM has organised several are the Government policies, increase in operating cost activities for entrepreneurs to better understand and price of raw materials, domestic competition, and and to keep abreast of Government policies. manpower shortage. At the recent meeting with YB Dato’ These activities included showcase on Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade E-payment, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Industry (MITI), ACCCIM has refl ected the challenges seminars, invited entrepreneurs to share of business development, and has put forward cogent their experiences, organised briefing session suggestions in the hope of effective steps can be taken by on incentives and grants offered by the the Government to minimise and to review the detrimental Government, published the highlights of Bank effects of the Government policies. ACCCIM will interact Negara Annual Report and so on. For details of with MITI on a regular basis, and will serve as a bridge the activities, please refer to the current issue of between the business community and the Government to ACCCIM Bulletin ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 3 ۡ⟣≻͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻ 䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ጯ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠژ͙ᕧघᐬ䬧ࣽጯц喏 ACCCIM’s press conference to announce the ACCCIM survey report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd half of 2013. ᕧੲߍ㏰ͷ㏻≺䄯ᴑᄻ㏰κᎠᰴ 䦴ᄥ࣋κᎠᰴᬑᐬន㵸ᒭᩢ ጯ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺ Ѕᩛ⺔オࣽ䉥⮰ᣖ喏ᬑݹ侘Ბ㺫φტ䨢ژ͙ ᬑκ͙ᕧц䃚ა 䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠ 㵸ᕧ㷭ͥ䛸∭㦮ጞጯᆁᐢ㜟ᬺᎠᰴۡ⟣ ᬑ喏ᠫⲏ᳃⦷ᅬ㏱ᄥₐ㶔⁎䓺喏䃐ͦ䔅 ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃⦷ᅬ㏱ͧᠭ䬧ࣽጯцᬢ㶔 ᭛̬䶥䭱ࣴߍ⮰ᆁᐢ۟Ƞ ␍ٱ♢㏻≺්䪫䕋Ꮢ㐿ᚎ喏๓侘㏻≺Ϲ⤯ڔ喏 ⩸ᠽᝄস̹⽟ᕓȠ㏡㻮͙ᕧ䓳ࣧᝬ䔇㵸⮰㏻≺䄯 Ąᑿݹ᱘倄⋔⮰ੲ͆⣛ද喏ੲ ᴑᝬᓃ喏̹䯪ࣽ⣜र㵸र͆ᠭ㐙䲎ᄥ《εȠ䞠κ Ⱘ᱇ᩫᏈ㘩㻲͆㔱⮰జද喏Ꭲ࢟ᬢ㐅δߍ 䨬ਗ਼͆㐕㶔⣜喏䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ ⮰អߕ喏䔅࠱᠘ᰠๆϞੲᩫも喏ҷຮܧ䰬Ⅾᩪ㐿喏۞ڱ 䃪⋔У㺭Ⅾȟڝژ㏿तᝬᓃ⼺ȟۧژ͙ᄻЭ͆䲎ᄥस͆⮰⓬◴《ε喏ᰵ⮰ੲტ⩆㜟ݶ 䭹Ѻ Б㐓㐙⩋ႄȠ ᬢᷬ䃔ᎢᓖᎻ⌼䔇ᣔ㵸≑䉠ऴ⤲ࡂ䃍ܾȟۻУᲑԉᠭ⩋ᘻ䷉喏ᝂݶ ᄽ㍭ۻ䊐ႃȟۻᐬ䨬ȟᰵᩴݶڝژ䅔⯽ネ͑ 侘 ᪳㑇㞮ふふ喏㐠ᠭ๓侘Э͆⮰《ε߇喏䔅㘩ڑ喏Ꭰ䬠喏ੲ⩸䔄᱖䌻ܦЂᠳ ำᠭ㐙ᕓ⮰㏻≺䪫Ƞąڣๆ䶥ᣖ⮰ᒝ ԉܦᎠ喏ᅝጞ䲎ᄥᩫᏈĄ侘̹ֈ䍰ąᣔ ⛯᫅ۻ৹Ƞ䔅࠱᠘ᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢȟᐢ䪫䔬нᎠ咰喏ݶ ᓱ䶧ٹ㶑䉠倄↩⇥УᵨȠ㉓ᣑ̷Ბ⮰᭛϶Ꭰᐬ䄯⋔ ̺ₐसᬢ喏Ђ䚾र㵸र͆ᬌछ䖫 䉥БࣶᬺᎠ⊴䉥⼺ふふȠ ⿷ݧ䄯᪠㏻㥑も⪑喏䭹᱘්ᩴ喏ࡳЭ͆⩡ ߇স⩋ϓ߇Ƞₐโ喏ๆર⩔ᩫᏈरᱦᲰ Ą䔅χᣖ喏ᬌ⪽䕌㏻ੲ᱘⮪̶ߌ喏䕆㛔 Ӈ⮰⣜ᰵ䄎ߍȟ⼺ߍфᘌȟᐬࣽጮ౦អ ࢷ߇㞮㞮ᨬࡳȠ䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ੲტᄥຮҁ㞮㏒᱘ ߕ䛽ふӫݕᑦࡂ《ε߇喏Бࣶᐬ䭱ጮ౦ ᭪ᓃᰵᓯᬌ߇喏ࢠࣴ᱖㘩ᄲ᱘䒘δ⊴䉥Ϧ喏 স䨬ਗ਼㑽㐈Ƞ 䔇䔬͐䯪⮰ᅬ䲎Ƞąڑఌₐ䮣 4 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛M̿䷄Special Features 䄯ᴑ䛹◥ᦄ㺭 ᰠๆ͆㔱䭹Ѻਗ਼У 䄯ᴑ⮰ᘻ͵ ᅝ͆ጮ౦Ⱔᄥԉᠭ̹ऄ ࢁѹ䉰⼹ᓚ්ߌ ࡻߕᩫᏈ≷ࡺੲᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰㏻≺⟢ۡȠ ϓ㘩Ꮐ⩔᭪㦃̷䭹 ᄽᄥ䉰⎼ᝂࢮᝫ⮰ۻᩢ䯲ࡺੲᄥᩫᏈᝬ㵸र䶥ᣖ⮰ఊ亴 ᰠๆఊ㺲㔱䔵᠕ ᣖ⮰ᩴȠ េ䉰ڟࣶᘻ㻭喏Б䃰ќᰵ ᱘䄯ᴑᰵߕκᩫᏈᄥ⣜㵸ᩫも҈ܦ䔮 ๓侘㏻≺̷ࡶᎠंᓃᄽ䃤්䪫Ƞ ᑿ⮰䄯᪠ᝂݢᩫもȠ ͙ᕧऽᩫᏈॴำᔄᒁ⮰࣮㔯ദ JJ ̷ࡶᎠ喏ᄥੲ͆͆㐕䕌̹ݕᒝ৹⮰ͦ҈ Ƞ ͧ㺭ఌ㉌᭛Ϭʹ ᩫᏈᩫも 䓼҈᱘̺࣋᫅Уᵨ倄 ఊ㺲㔱⮰㗸ᮛ ⮰《εڱ ఊ㺲㔱ͧ㺭Ბ㜖ឥ̺ࣽ䰢ਗ਼͆ ȟ ⴙ㑦 ȟ ȟ̺̿͆ੲ͆ߍ ݢ䕌͆ ȟ䛽㲹সԉ JJJ ࡺੲᄥ๓侘㏻≺ݹᮛ᭛॒ᙋݜͼ㻮ᝂᗞ㻮 ȟᝫϓ ᐦぽ͆ 䮕 ȟ⍤ȟ䙾Ꮓȟ丼亲ȟ⊴䬞সཝͼ ᕧѿᲑ䄠喏ࡺੲᮚ䕹̶ᄥ侘Ბ㺫φ Ƞ ᎠসᎠ⮰㏻≺ݹᮛᙋݜᗞ ЂڢБࣶ 㻮喏ѲⰨ᱇Ꭰ⮰㏻≺ᰵᝬᩥરȠ 䓽⮰ఊ㺲㔱Ბ㜖䲊͙ᄻಷЭ͆ ᵥᢚ Ƞ JW Ⱊݹࡺੲ侘Ბ㺫φϺη䉤ᬿȟេ䉰̺͆ 㕸Ϧڔ፤Ꭰ㥑͆䷉ࣶ ࣽᆁᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄喝 ڢጮ౦ͦᄨऽ喏ڱ㏒ఊ㺲㔱᭛Б ⼺ ϓ͆⯴ݕ * एጮ౦ܦࣶڱБĄ݅҅ ࣶܦएጮ౦ ͦᄨऽȠ 䕻ݢϓ͆䶲ഋ⮰េᱦ≧ߔ B 䄯ᴑ⮰ͧ㺭䬚䷄ࣶ㏿ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ倄ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺ᒴछ 㘩цᄥ䕻ݢᝫϓ͆⮰េᱦ≧ߔࣽᡑ J ๓侘㏻≺̷ࡶᎠ᭛॒ᖢࡂȟԉᠭ̹ऄ 䲎⮰ᩴ喏➥ݗ᭛䗏χጸ᱇ⰷݜᝫ ͙䃤ๆϦ䘩䃐ͦϓ͆ڢᝂ䪫 ϓ͆䭹⍕⮰Ϧ喏 Уᵨጞ丅ࡳݜ䊱䊶ᮚ㒃๓уछ䉋៱⮰Ⅰ Ƞ 䨬ਗ਼͆㐕㶔⣜⼹ᓚ̷⏽ ϓ䛻⼹ᓚ්ߌ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ喏ᅩネ倄ϓ͆⯴ݕ ႄ䉓Ⅰԉᠭ̹ऄ ⼺喏ϓ͆Уᵨ䶰᫅Ϲц̶⋔Ƞ ᩢ䉒ᗱۡԉᠭ̹ऄ ㏒ᰵఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦ喏ᎠᏒ䉎ᩫ โϓ৭ߍ䃎ࢁ⼹ᓚ්ߌ 䶰ッᵴጯ̶䄯ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺⢳䓳倄喏䔅 ᄽ ᄲцᄥᝫϓ͆䕌䉋䲎ᒝ৹Ƞۻ᱘䃎ࢁ᭪㦃 ̿䷄Special FeaturesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 5 Ꭰ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴᄥϓ͆䶲ഋᰵछ㘩䕻ݢโ C D ᗔ᭛॒ⴑ䕿ੲტछ⩝Ꭰ េᱦ ᰴᐬ⊴䉥⼺ݢᏒ̷䔇 㵸⮧䃜喏㔸̀छБ䕆䓳๓侘⮳ 㐉๓ๆ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦᩫᏈ䄯倄䲊 ᅬ⊴䉥⼺㑽䶡̶⮧䃜⼺ڟტ त㙝ਗ਼ϓ͆⮰ϓ͆⯴ݕ⼺⢳ȟژℽসژ ࢟ᄲᣔ㵸⮰⊴䉥⼺ᄲц්ߌ E त㒚͆䬔ἇژℽসโژ䲊๓侘 ͦᰬѺ̳Аव喏सᬢ⺭₎ࣽᆁੲ ᱘ृ ᄥϓ͆䃍ܾᣔ㵸ឫ៱ݕᖛ䃍ܾ⮰ᣖ ᒴछ㘩ᄥโϦ䃐䉙侘Ბ㺫φᝫϓ Ό F 䋏ፒᲑ䉋䲎⮰ᒝ৹Ƞڠ ఊ㺲㔱䃐ͦᩫᏈᏀӇᰬⴙ̬Ꭰ ** ➕৭ࣶߍ⼺ ⊴䉥⼺ ⮰Ό喏ఊ㺲㔱㶔㺭ᰵ͐Ꭰ ⮰ΌȠ J ⊴䉥⼺⢳ B ੲტ䃐ͦ⮰䊣⼺⢳䓳倄 ੲტⰷ∁܌ *** ්ߌ᱘ ͺ̬㜠 Ƞ B ๓ๆఊ㺲㔱 㶔ЂИ⮰Э͆ C ఊ㺲㔱ᐦ䃚⮰䊣⼺⢳喏ఊ ⣛䊶Ბ䊶䯪БᏀЄস⩋ႄ喏➥ݗੲ͆ 㺲㔱݅ᐦ䃚䊣⼺⢳Ƞ දຮ϶ጞᰠߌ《εস䲎ᄥᘴ๓ᠽᝄȠ ䷄䉥⼺⮰䓼҈䬚⊵ڟ ᰵ JJ C ᰵ๓㏒㶔㘩๋ា්ߌ⮰᱘ 䒘㐅⊴䉥Ϧ喏♢㔸㏒⮰ੲტ㶔 ⊴䉥⼺䬚䷄ ЂИᬌ∁ា්ߌ⮰᱘䒘㐅⊴䉥 ϦȠ B ᗔβ㼏⊴䉥⼺㈧㐋ृ ᗔッ≪䔭࣮ߌⵀ䃔ц 䄣̶㑽࣮䬱͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯 C ᝂ䄪⼷Бβ㼏⊴䉥⼺㈧㐋ृ ᴑ⮰Ⴘ᪠៑ॶ喏㑽౬᭛XXXBDDDJNPSHNZ ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd Half of 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Signifi cance of the survey This study would be helpful to the Government either in making adjustments to the existing policies or in the formulation of To assist the Government in gauging the new policies.
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