Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84243-3 — Ingres and His Critics Andrew Carrington Shelton Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84243-3 — Ingres and his Critics Andrew Carrington Shelton Index More Information Index About, Edmond,´ 227, 232–33, 234 on Ingres, Jean-August-Dominique, 179–180, Agoult, Comte Charles d’, 112 234–237 Agoult, Marie d’ (pseud. Daniel Stern), 112–117, Baudry, Paul, 179 120, 122, 152, 186 beau id´eal, 130, 169–170, 234 Luigi Cherubini and the Muse of Lyric Poetry Beethoven, Ludwig van, 22 (Ingres), analysis of, 115–116 Belloy, Auguste de, 225, 227 d’Alcy, Georges. See Varnier, Jules Berger, Jean-Jacques, 203 Aligny, Caruelle d’, 224 Berlioz, Hector, 112 d’Almivar, G´en´eral, 47–48 Berry, Duc de, 22 Amaury-Duval, Eug`ene-Emmanuel, 1, 14, 55, Bertin, Louis-François, 63, 176, 177–178 74, 152, 162–168, 176, 181, 233 “La Bibliophile Jacob.” See Lacroix, Paul L’Atelier d’Ingres, 1 biographies (artistic), 138–139 Andrea del Sarto, 31, 110 ´eloge as form of, 138 archeology (classical) of Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 135–146 La Stratonice (Ingres) and, references in, vie as form of, 138 76–77 Blanc, Charles, 18, 63, 64–65, 69, 72, 73, 152, 176 L’Artiste, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 77, 90–91, 101, on La Stratonice (Ingres), 77, 78, 81–82, 84–85 108, 111, 116, 118, 138, 152, 177, 197, 224 Blanc, Louis, 63 l’art pour l’art (art for art’s sake) movement, 11, Boiteau, Paul-Dieudonn´e-Alexandre(pseud. 129–132, 171–176, 185, 209, 212, 220 Paul Boiteau d’Ambly), 229 l’art social (social art) movement, 220 Bonne-Nouvelle exhibition, 146–157, 162, L’Assembl´eenationale, 225 166–167, 170–171, 172–173, 175–176, 178, Association des artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, 179, 180, 201, 221 architectes, graveurs et dessinateurs, Bouguereau, Adolph William, 179 146, 149–151 Bourbon Restoration, 18, 21 Association des Mutuellists, 36 Bourdieu, Pierre, 12 Brid’oison, 24, 28, 47 Balleyguier, Eug`ene(pseud.
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