Poison 500G, 1Kg, 2Kg, 2.5Kg, 3Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 15Kg

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Poison 500G, 1Kg, 2Kg, 2.5Kg, 3Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 15Kg POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Indoxacarb 300 WG INSECTICIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 312.5 g/kg indoxacarb (96:4) sufficient to provide 300g/kg active s-isomer. GROUP 22A INSECTICIDE For the control of insect pests in Azuki beans, Chickpeas, Cotton, Faba beans, Mungbeans, Soybeans and in certain vegetable and fruit crops as per the Directions for Use table. NET CONTENTS: 500G, 1KG, 2KG, 2.5KG, 3KG, 5KG, 10KG, 15KG, 20KG NOT A DANGEROUS GOOD OzCrop Pty Ltd ABN 16 160 656 431 Suite ACCORDING TO THE AUSTRALIAN G13/25 Solent Circuit, Norwest, NSW 2153 DANGEROUS GOODS (ADG) CODE. Tel: 02 8123 0170 • Fax: 02 8123 0171 Email: enquiries@ozcrop.com.au BATCH NO. www.ozcrop.com.au DATE OF MANUFACTURE: OzCrop Indoxacarb 300 WG Insecticide • Page 1 of 7 APVMA Approval No.: 88102/120278 • Label Release: 201911 OZCROP INDOXACARB 300 WG 24PP LEAFLET FLAT SIZE: 498 MM WIDE X 224 MM DEEP FOLDS TO: 83 MM WIDE X 112 MM DEEP DATE: 04/11/2019 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: CROP PEST STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS. CROP PEST STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS. Restraints ENSURE YOU READ THE PROTECTION STATEMENTS BEFORE APPLYING THE PRODUCT Apples Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute Grapes Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by DO NOT apply if rainfall is expected within 2 hours of application or if heavy dew is present on crops. Nashi pear or concentrate spraying methods. Refer to Application section of the label. dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Refer to Application section of the label. DO NOT use on container, hydroponic, greenhouse or glasshouse grown crops. Pears Coding moth (Cydia ALL Dilute spraying: Thorough fruit coverage is essential. A maximum of 6 applications European earwig ALL Dilute spraying: Only apply treatments if damage is likely to occur. Thorough coverage is essential. DO NOT apply within 20 m upwind of water bodies. pomonella) Budworms STATES 25g/100L water of OZCROP INDOXACARB 300 WG Insecticide are to be applied at (Forficula uriculari) STATES 17g/100L water Continue monitoring after spraying. DO NOT retreat within ten (10) days. DO NOT DO NOT apply by aircraft (tomatoes, cotton, chickpeas, faba beans, azuki beans, mungbeans, soybeans excepted). (Helicoverpa spp). 10 day intervals commencing at petal fall (or before 80 Degree Days (suppression only) apply after pre-bunch closure (growth stage EL31). Concentrate spraying: after codling moth are detected in traps) until late December. Further Garden weevil Concentrate spraying: Monitor weevil emergence. Delay application until damage in the canopy is ALL CROPS EXCEPT COTTON, CHICKPEAS, FABA BEANS, AZUKI BEANS, MUNGBEANS, SOYBEANS: DO NOT apply less than 300 m (aerial application) or 80 m Refer to Mixing/Application section treatments should be made with alternate mode of action insecticide. (Phlyctinus callosus) Refer to Mixing/ observed. This is usually late October to Late November for garden weevil. (ground application) upwind of land potentially producing feed for livestock. If the wind direction is at an angle with regard to the field then the in-field buffer must be The above programme, when commenced at petal fall, will also control Application section Thorough coverage is essential. Continue monitoring after spraying. For garden observed on both upwind sides of the feed producing land. budworms. weevil there is a maximum of 2 applications per season. DO NOT apply after pre- Lightbrown apple moth Dilute spraying: Thorough fruit coverage is essential. A maximum of 6 applications of bunch closure (growth stage EL31). COTTON, CHICKPEAS, FABA BEANS, AZUKI BEANS, MUNGBEANS, SOYBEANS: (Epiphyas postvittana) 12.5g/100L water OZCROP INDOXACARB 300 WG Insecticide are to be applied at 14 DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 and greater than 20 kilometres per hour or during weather conditions when surface temperature inversions can develop. Grapevine moth Dilute spraying: Spray when local thresholds have been reached. Thorough coverage is essential. day intervals commencing at petal fall or apply at 140 Degree Days DO NOT apply within 50 m (aerial application) or 20 m (ground application) when there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock downwind (Phalaenoides 8g/100L water DO NOT retreat within ten (10) days. DO NOT apply between pre-bunch closure Concentrate spraying: after Lightbrown apple moths are detected in traps. Best results are from the application area. glycinae) (growth stage EL31) and harvest. Post harvest infestations can be treated. obtained when OZCROP INDOXACARB 300 WG Insecticide treatments Refer to Mixing/ Application Concentrate spraying: section are applied consecutively. Further treatments should be made with Inland Katydid Spray when local thresholds have been reached. Thorough coverage is essential. COTTON Refer to Mixing/ alternative mode of action insecticides. (Caedicia simplex) DO NOT retreat within ten (10) days. DO NOT apply between pre-bunch closure DO NOT apply more than three (3) applications per field in any one cotton growing season and no more than two (2) consecutive sprays per field per season. Application (growth stage EL31) and harvest. Applications must be a minimum of seven days apart. Weevils: Apple weevil Monitor weevil emergence. Garden weevil usually emerges late section (Otiorhynchus cribicollis) October to late November. Apple weevil and Fuller’s Rose weevil Lightbrown apple moth Dilute spraying: Applications to be timed for egg hatch (140 Degree Days after a detected moth Fuller’s Rose weevil usually emerge late November to late December. AZUKI BEANS, CHICKPEAS, FABA BEANS, MUNGBEANS, SOYBEANS: (E. Postvittana) 17g/100L water flight). : Prevent damage by treating early in DO NOT apply more than one (1) application per field for the crops entire growth cycle. (Asynonychus cervinus) Garden weevil and Apple weevil Thorough fruit coverage is essential. A maximum of 3 applications of OZCROP Garden Weevil (Phlyctinus the stage of emergence. Concentrate spraying: INDOXACARB 300 WG insecticide to be applied to each crop, with 2 applications at callosus) Fuller’s Rose weevil: Spray after peak weevil emergence when leaf ENSURE YOU READ THE PROTECTION STATEMENTS BEFORE APPLYING THE PRODUCT. Refer to Mixing/ flowering and fruit set (depending on pest pressure as assessed by crop scouting). damage is obvious. Application section DO NOT retreat within ten (10) days. A final application may be applied up to CROP PEST STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS. Thorough coverage is essential. Continue monitoring after spraying. bunch closure. DO NOT apply after bunch closure. Further treatments should be For weevils there is a maximum of 2 applications per season. Broccoli Brussels Cabbage white butterfly ALL 170 g/ha Use in accordance with AIRAC Insecticide Resistance Management Strategy DO NOT made with alternative mode of action insecticides. sprouts Cabbage (Pieris rapae) STATES guidelines. Apply as egg and larvae reach threshold numbers. Contact the local retreat within ten (10) days. (closed head Cotton Bollworm Department of Agriculture or consultant for further information on management of DO NOT use for more than 2 consecutive seasons. Wingless grasshopper Dilute spraying: Spray when local thresholds have been reached and damage is being observed. (Phaulacridium 17g/100L water Thorough coverage is essential. DO NOT retreat within ten (10) days. DO NOT varieties only) (Helicoverpa armigera) Diamondback Moth. Wingless grasshopper Spray when local thresholds have been reached and damage is being Dilute spraying: vittatum) apply between pre-bunch closure (growth stage EL31) and harvest. Cauliflower Native budworm Thorough coverage is essential. Adjust water volumes to crop stage (200-1000L/ha). (Phaulacridium vittatum) 25g/100L water observed. Thorough coverage is essential. DO NOT retreat within ten Concentrate spraying: (Helicoverpa punctigera) Refer to Surfactant/Wetting agent section. (10) days. For Cabbage Centre grub time sprays early to ensure larvae are exposed to treatment Refer to Mixing/ Cluster caterpillar 250 g/ha Concentrate spraying: Application section (Spodoptera litura) Cabbage before they become entrenched in protected feeding sites. Refer to Mixing/Application section For best results, it is recommended that up to 3 applications of OZCROP INDOXACARB Concentrated spray: DO NOT apply in volumes less than 400l/ha. This low water volume is dependent on the suitability of concentrated spray center grub (Hellula Apricot Budworms (Helicoverpa Target sprays against eggs and newly hatched larvae before they 300 WG Insecticide to be made sequentially as thresholds dictate. A maximum of Dilute spraying: application equipment. More reliable application may be gained through increased water volumes. hydralis) Diamondback moth Nectarine spp.) 25g/100 L water become entrenched. A maximum of 3 applications of OZCROP (Plutella xylostella) 4 applications can be made to any one crop. DO NOT retreat within seven (7) days. Further treatment should be made with alternative mode of action insecticides. Peaches INDOXACARB 300 WG insecticide is to be applied at 10 day intervals Cotton Cotton bollworm NSW, NT, 325 g/ha Use the lower rate of OZCROP INDOXACARB 300 WG when: Plums Concentrate spraying: to each crop. Further treatments should be made with alternative (Helicoverpa
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