Abbott, David P., 26, 164–67, 171 Aborigines, Australian, 221–23
Index Abbott, David P., 26, 164–67, 171 control of, 89–92, 189–90 aborigines, Australian, 221–23 and desire for belief, 27 advertisements: magic imagery in, as female, 189–90, 192 15–16 of film, 66 for stage magicians, 112–14, gaze of, 90 151–54, 156–59, 163–64 humiliation of, 43, 44–45, 102–103 Alafrez, Abdul, 54 and illusion/disillusion dynamic, alchemy, 183–85 224–26 Aldridge, Charles T., 172 misdirection of, 181–82, 189 Alexander Film Corporation, 74 seen on film, 79–81 Altman, I. I., 74–75 in subculture of magic, 102 Amazing Jeffo, The, 178 Western, 153 Amazing Jonathan, the, 98 Augustine, 10, 200 Angel, Criss, 25 authenticity, 156–59, 216 animal taming, 126 Anxiety of Influence, The (Bloom), Balloon of Blood trick (Penn & Teller), 47–48 102 Aristotle, 14 Baqt (Egyptian governor), 15 art, status of stage magic as, 37–57 Beckman, Karen, 87–88 artist, romantic model of, 38, 53 Being and Time (Heidegger), 14 assistants, magicians’: as dancers, belief, desire for, 27, 209–10 181–82, 192 Bennett, Valarie Cordell, 93–95 demands on, 93–95 Bertram, Charles, 95 and film, 67, 69–70 Big (film), 209–10 gender and, 183–84, 192, 204 Bilis, Bernard, 39 and Sawing a Woman in Two biography, performance of, 40 illusion, 92–98 birth imagery, 225–26 See also rebirth as showgirls, 98–99 theme in subculture of magic, 102 birthday party magicians, 14 audience: bourgeois, 33–35, 45, Blackstone, Harry, 63, 68, 75 48–51, 54 Blackton, J. Stuart, 61 as child, 226 Blaine, David, 25, 28 complicity of, 23 Bloom, Harold, 47–48 232 Index body, the: disabled, 178,
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