Working Paper No. 316 Harrod versus Thirlwall: A Reassessment of Export-Led Growth by Jamee K. Moudud Faculty member, Department of Economics, Sarah Lawrence College, and Research Associate, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College,
[email protected] 2000 I would like to thank Anwar Shaikh and John Sarich for their many helpful and critical comments. INTRODUCTION Global economic integration and the gradual dismantling of barriers to trade and capital mobility have raised important questions in several circles about macroeconomic policy. These questions about the role of economic policy in this period of global laissez faire are of special relevance now given the contemporary worldwide economic stagnation and mass unemployment. Persistent trade imbalances in many countries have added a certain measure of urgency to these discussions, not only because of the question of the stability of foreign debt/GDP ratio but also because these imbalances have direct and indirect impacts on domestic interest rates, investment, output, and employment. The economic crisis that has ravaged East Asia in recent years highlights the gravity of these issues. The significance of global laissez faire can not only be discerned in academic conferences (Eatwell, 1995) and in the concerns of the labor movement, but also in discussions amongst certain sections of the business class which, whatever their motivations, are beginning to voice their own concerns about the impact of globalization.(1) The critical problems that plague many countries in the contemporary world economy are mass unemployment, economic stagnation, and large trade deficits. The orthodox policy prescriptions that are used to rectify these problems have as their basis the open economy extension of the ISLM model (the Mundell-Fleming model) or the monetary approach to the balance of payments (Dernberg, 1989).