VOLUME 4 MARCH, 1954 NUMBER 3. Zhe ginishing ihe Tort By A. F. TARR, President Talk given at the 1953 Fall Council During the Sabbath Afternoon Symposium.

In a time of crisis in ancient Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah calls for a return to the "old paths."

E THANK God this afternoon for the message from the Lord's servant: "The evening are stretched out." Verses 1, 4. W mighty witness of the Advent light of truth is to go to all the dark places We, too, are living in a time when "the message in the far-flung divisions of the of the earth in a much shorter time than day goeth away, and the shadows of the world. With you we who work in those many think possible." — General Confer- evening are stretched out"; and if we are foreign fields have dedicated our hearts ence "Bulletin, 1893, page 298. to finish our work and to attain to the rest and labours unreservedly to the colossal We in the Northern European Division that comes at the end of our road, there task that confronts us. We are deeply con- believe that we are living in that "shorter must be a treading again of the old paths scious of the rapid passing of time, and of time" of which the servant of the Lord —the patriarchal paths, the early Christian the stupendous task that remains to be wrote. We believe also that it imposes up- paths, the paths of the reformers, the early done. But we rejoice that the work in all on our world-wide work a responsibility Advent paths, yes, and the paths of our of our fields is onward. that each division organization must seek own early fervour. Only four months ago a country that humbly yet mightily to discharge. The treading of these paths will bring throughout our history has been barred to When, in ancient Jerusalem, God's pro- us back to that old-time confidence in God, all mission endeavour except that of its fessed people were confronted with a whch proved such a mighty bulwark in state church was, we are glad to report, crisis, this message was delivered by the the lives of godly men of old. Such con- entered by one of our missionaries. Andreas prophet Jeremiah: "Thus saith the Lord, fidence as Noah manifested when on dry Nielsen, a Dane working in the Faeroe Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask land he built an ark, and as Abraham Islands, entered Greenland on June 27, for the old paths, where is the good way, showed when he raised the knife to slay his 1953. For three months Brother Nielsen and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for son. It was this confidence that moved laboured intensively, visiting hundreds of your souls." Jer. 6: 16. Constituting a Moses to renounce a throne, "choosing homes with Icelandic and Danish literature background to this message we read : rather to suffer affliction with the people and conducting public meetings wherever "Blow the trumpet in Tekoa: ... for evil of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin permitted. When the time came for him to cometh out of the north, and great des- for a season." Heb. 11 : 25. And coming leave, Brother Nielsen, reporting encourag- truction.. .. Woe unto us ! for the day down to our own movement 3,000 years ingly on his visit, concluded with this goeth away, for the shadows of the later, it caused a man like Joseph Bates, NORTHERN LIGHT though himself nearly penniless, to embark triumph the work that they began. It must chosen people. Did not the disciples sense on a publishing programme that astonishes be a fervour like Elijah's when he boldly this acutely when, despite the magnitude the world today. condemned the wickedness of kings, or of their task and the forces arrayed against Dominating the lives of these men was like the disciples whose valiant witness was them, they were constrained to exciaim: an expectation of God's miracle-working adjudged by their enemies to have "turned "We cannot but speak the things we have power that transcended all of the combined the world upside down." Such fervour seen and heard"? forces that were pitted against them. It was alone can combat the last-day forces It is in such a spirit that it behoves this power that Elijah claimed when for arrayed against us and cause a witness to workers in our division organizations to three and a half years he shut the heavens be borne that will belt the globe. labour today. They are called to bear upon against dew and rain, and when he called Accompanying this experience must be their hearts the needs and interests or so for fire from God to devour a water-logged an old-time devotion to the Word of God many different nationalities and countries. sacrifice. What mighty power Moses anti- and to prayer, which will cause us with They must be void of all national bias. cipated when he struck the sea with his rod Jeremiah to testify : "Thy words were They must be alert to foster all lines of to make a crossing for the hosts of Israel, found, and I did eat them," and with service with equal interest; literature must, or when later he called for water from the David to say: "Evening and morning and be published in every major language rock to assuage their thirst ! In New Test- at noon will I pray and cry aloud." It was within their territory. Schools and medical ament days Peter and John laid claim to institutions must be operated wherever the same power when they commanded the required; evangelism maintained at the cripple at the temple gate,. "In the name of Mil.W..4110,M,IM a Mk IMP'011.0MisMN,Mk.M.MNIM,IMR,M1102•1,11101•1,.. highest level. The entire working forces Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and must be distributed fairly and according walk." It was in anticipation of a similar MIRACLE to changing conditions, always with the power that 2,000 years ago God featured dominating objective of proclaiming this I ask for neither name nor niche His remnant church as mighty angels In corridor of fame, closing message in the remotest corners of flying "in the midst of heaven" and Nor thrill of sense, nor touch of gold, their fields. Dangers, both to work and lightening the earth with their glory. Nor laurels in earth's game. workers, must be detected by eyes con- Inseparably associated with the old paths stantly anointed with the heavenly eyesalve, I only trust my Lord all-wise, was an old-time economy, when material By miracle of grace, and in all relationships a spirit or mutual th'ngs were relegated to the background Will grant a faith enriched by love, confidence, courage, and good cheer must and spiritual values were transcendent. It And then—to see His face ! constantly inspire to greater achievements. was an economy under which men were An old-time resourcefulness is indicated "more precious than gold," and two coats Alfonso N. Anderson by these old paths to which we are called. too much for the disciples; when their Do you remember the men who removed marching orders were to "provide neither a roof to bring a friend to Jesus? We need gold nor silver, nor brass nor script" but to a resourcefulness like that today, adapted "seek ... first the kingdom of God and His when our pioneers devoted whole nights to our modern age when the accumulated righteousness," believing that all material to prayer and a searching of the Word ingenuity of the evil one is let loose like things would be provided them. that they were enabled to discover some of a flood upon a helpless world. We need to In our denominational history there was the essential doctrines that we preach to devise new ways and means of attaining a time when sacrifice was the accepted lot the world today. And what of the prayers our objective and of accelerating our own of every Seventh-day Adventist, when the of the disciples who "when they had programme so as to outdistance his. But expression "to spend and be spent" was prayed, the place was shaken wherein they it requires a determination no less marked almost daily on the lips of the workers. were assembled together," or of Daniel than that characterizing any previous How vivid still are the memories of our and Isaiah? Sometimes one wonders how epoch of man's service for God. childhood days in South Africa when the our prayers must sound in angel ears The old paths call us back to an old- monthly cheque from the conference office when compared with theirs. Or how time fellowship, a fellowship especially would reach our home. Time and again Heaven must grieve when our little cares marked in these days of national barriers when the letter was opened it would con- or even our ministerial or administrative and animosities. Such fellowship will tain the word that the tithe had not come duties are allowed to encroach so heavily enable us to say as David of old : "I am a in as had been hoped and that the wage on time that should be spent in private companion of all them that fear Thee." could only be paid in part. The hope was devotion. At a recent workers' meeting in And might it not afford even in our day expressed that it would be possible to make Britain a Bible worker, speaking on evan- such blessings as came to hospitable it up by the end of the quarter, or at least gelistic methods, made this humble Abraham who, entertaining strangers, en- by the end of the year. Almost without fail, contribution: "Prayer is more important tertained angels unawares? This fellowship however, the letter ended with that dearly than publicity." And how true we find will overreach even denominational loved phrase, "Yours in the blessed hope." this to be in every line of denominational boundaries and help us discharge that Money was scarce, wages could not always endeavour. sometimes overlooked yet God-inspired be paid, but our ministers, undeterred and In the call to the old paths is a call to responsibility : "His followers are not to undaunted, pressed on in their courageous an old-time sense of responsibility; Like feel themselves detached from the perishing service, cheered by that buoyant "Yours in that of Abraham when he set out from the world around them. They are a part of the blessed hope." country of his fathers "not knowing the great web of humanity, and Heaven Actuating men who trod the paths of whither he went." Or like David's, when looks upon them as brothers to sinners old was a fervour that must live again in he advanced alone to meet the giant as well as to saints."—The Ministry of the lives of those who bring to a glorious Goliath, that defiant enemy of God's Healing, page 104. [Page Two] NORTHERN LIGHT

In an interview once accorded us by Tahkin Nu, prime minister of Burma, Tahkin Nu inquired whether our doctor who was present was able to speak Burmese. The doctor, not long resident there, replied that he was not. "Let me send you a teacher," the premier requested, "for you cannot work successfully in Burma unless you love the people; and you cannot love them unless you know them; and you cannot know them without knowing their language." Even in this statesman's mind there was the necessity for an understanding fellowship between the missionary and those whom he sought to help. It is not always easy, especially in foreign fields, to convince men of the sincerity of our regard for them. A mere verbal assur- ance carries but little weight. And how easily can distrust and doubts be awakened New Church Dedicated at Odense in their minds by just a simple act or word ! A fellow missionary seemed once to By Thy. Kristensen have lost the confidence of his congre- gation. The people he served were sure he President, West Danish Conference did not "love" them. On investigation it was found that he had once been overheard OVEMBER 7, 1953 was a great day The Division was represented by Pastor to remark concerning them that they were N for God's people at Odense, West Emanuel Pedersen, who was himself born "hard nuts to crack." However innocently Denmark, when a new church building in Odense. Pastor Pedersen preached the it might have been intended, it caused these was solemnly dedicated to the glory of dedicatory sermon. Taking as one of his people in their foreign and analytical way God and the proclamation of the third texts the Lord's command to Israel of old of thinking to picture themselves as nuts angel's message. Already early in the to "make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell under a stone held in the hand of the morning, visitors began to arrive from all among them," he said that God, in those missionary, and for ever after that picture over the island of Furen, as well as from words, opened His very heart for fallen remained in their memory. How guarded other parts of the country. Among them man, revealing to him the innermost the worker must be that even his casual was our oldest member in the conference, desire of His own loving self—His expressions give no offence to the ears of a ninety-five-year-old Brother Hanson, who passionate longing to have communion discriminating people. had come by train from Assens. with man restored to what it once was. The old paths call us back to an old- The church was filled to capacity during In building sanctuaries or places of wor- time personal witness. What a rich harvest all the exercises of the day. At the Sabbath- ship for the living God, man, on his part, was Philip's when, called from serving the school hour, Pastor G. E. Westman re- signifies his desire to draw near to God multitude, he focused every energy of his viewed the previous lesson and Pastor A. and to abide in His presence. Only when being on the salvation of that one hungry Muderspach, president of the East Danish we have the presence of God continually soul—the Ethiopian. Division workers in Conference, had the lesson for the day. with us can we meet with success in life. their international travels have a unique Vejlefjord College was well represented As the glory of the Lord filled the temple opportunity of witnessing to fellow-travel- by the principal, Pastor A. Varmer, who of old, so the glory of God will also fill lers whose duties and whose station in life preached the morning sermon; by the Bible this house when it fills the hearts of those might normally prevent their ever coming teacher, Pastor Norskov Olsen; and by the who worship here. The glory of God is in close touch with Seventh-day Adventists College male quartet, which, under the able the beautiful character of Jesus Christ or reading our literature. Many are sur- d'rection of Mrs. Norskov Olsen, did revealed in man. prisingly earnest and eager and simple in much to create the atmosphere of worship Though this church, Pastor Pedersen their religious outlook. Among them also and reverence which made the day such pointed out, has been built by the Advent are "the poor in spirit," and those who an outstanding occasion. people, it has not been butt for them "hunger and thirst after righteousness" as The dedication service took place in the alone. It belongs to the stranger as well, veritably as any in the humbler walks of afternoon. After the opening hymn. "With whoever he may be. It is for everyone who life. Here it is that a personal, man-to-man joy we here are gathered," Pastor Varmer wants to come and worship in the name of witness must be borne. And ought not the read a scripture reading from Psalm the Lord. It is a church for the city of responsibility for such a witness to be felt eighty-four and Pastor Muderspach lead Odense. by every worker and member, and oppor- the congregation in prayer. A hearty wel- PaAor Olsen offered the dedication tunities be sought to meet the people as come was extended to everyone present, prayer. Fas,or Thv. Kristensen, president they throng the mighty trade routes of the including the Press and non-Auventist of the West Danish Conference, gave a world? visitors, by the pastor of Odense church, brief sketch of the history of the church. (Continued on back page.) Brother Borge Olsen. It was organized in 1902, but only two of [Page Three]


or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall in- herit everlasting life." Matt. 19:27-29. As Peter's question indicates, some of Interior of the Christ's immediate disciples made con- new church in siderable sacrifices to follow Him. Peter Odense, Denmark which has a seat- himself, with John and James and Andrew, ing capacity of had given up his - fisherman's calling to 300. follow the doubtful one of following an it- inerant preacher. Matthew had given up what was a lucrative career in those days as an income tax collector. Later, Paul gave up his place in the highest councils of the nation, and as a ruler in Israel. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea sacrificed their wealth and places of honour in Judah to the charter members are still alive. One is Several speakers followed, among them become meek and lowly followers of the Sister ,Marie Hanson of Washington, D.C.; the architect, Mr. J. Kargh, and Mr. humble Nazarene. Like Moses before the other, Pastor Pedersen's father, Brother Jensen Larsen, who spoke on behalf of the them, they esteemed "the reproach of P. Pedersen, who was present in the con- contractors and artisans and presented the Christ" even "greater riches than the gregation. The new church, said Brother new church with a beautiful pulpit as a treasures" of this world. Kristensen, has a seating capacity of 300. gift from them. Mr. Kargh had also made The love of Christ still captivates the In addition there are are two small halls a presentation to the church but, said hearts of men. The story of His sacrifice and a large basement hall which holds 200 Pastor Kristensen, he wanted the nature has its old compelling power. Just a; gladly people. Brother Kristensen thanked the of it to remain unknown. and cheerfully today they give up position, architect, contractors, and artisans for the wealth, honour, and earthly fr. endships to excellent way in which they had done Greetings were brought by many visitors and by telegram. become disciples of Jesus. This is true their work; and he thanked the members wherever the love-story of the cross of for the willing spirit in which they had When the closing hymn had been sung, Calvary is told. In the civilized lands of offered of their means and of their time. Pastor T. Pedersen offered the benediction. Europe and America, in the heathen lands Finally, Brother Kristensen expressed the- A Sabbath of rich blessings, a day long to of Africa and the South Seas, in the hope that the new church might be a be remembered, came to an end for the ancient lands of India and Japan, the blessing to the city of Odense. Odense church. constraining power of the love of Christ makes its mark on the loves and ambitions of men and women. Great and wonderful sacrifices are made. Worldly ambitions are put aside. In meekness and humility men " He That Hateth His Life " are turning from earthly allurements and are finding their happiness in bearing the By Pastor A. J. Mustard cross of Christ. They have "respect unto President, Gold Coast Mission the recompense of the reward." They look "for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Heb 11 : 25, E THAT loveth his life shall lose it; than make a sacrifice of its own to save. H and he that hateth his life in this 10. They aspire to life eternal, which gift Of mankind the Lord has said, "Can the the Lord shall give them "at His appear- world shall keep it unto life eternal." John Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard 12 : 25. ing." Let me tell you about some of these his spots? Then may ye also do good, that heroes in darkest Africa. "To give is to live. The life that will be are accustomed to do evil." Jer. 13:23. preserved is the life that is freely given in But the example of Christ has inspired Isaiah Kyereme (pronounced che-re-me) service to God and man. Those who for men to higher and better things, yea, even is now one of the leaders of the Seventh- Christ's sake sacrifice their life in this to the copying of His own example of day Adventist church at Kofiase, Ashanti. world will keep it unto life eternal.... All sacrifice. Men and women, in every age He is a simple, lovable Christian, a humble who have borne with Jesus the cross of and every clime, have given up houses, follower of Jesus Christ. As a youth he sacrifice will be sharers with Him of His lands, earthly prospects, power, thrones, had attended our mission school at Agone, glory."—The Desire of Ages, pages 623, livelihood, husbands, wives, children, about twenty miles from Kofiase. There 624. parents, friends, and homes to follow in he came under the influence of a godly Christ's sacrifice has been the ins- the steps of the Man of Galilee. And they teacher who instilled in Isaiah's soul a piration of the best that men have thought have not followed in vain. The apostle love for the Saviour, and a steadfast and said and done. The selfish human Peter asked, "Behold, we have forsaken purpose which was soon to be tried. In heart naturally takes for itself all that all, and followed Thee; what shall we have due time he returned to Kofiase, and was comes within its reach. It grasps but does therefore?" And Jesus promised, "Every the herald of the Advent message to his not give. It will leave another to die rather one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, (Continued on page 6.) [Page Four] NORTHERN LIGHT The Family Altar PRIME MINISTER OPENS ADVENT PRESS By H. L. Rudy By H. S. Pearce OHN HOWARD PAYNE, the author of Publishing Manager J Home Sweet Home, ended his life as American Consul in Tunis, Africa, where he died and was buried. Later, America HE publishing family of the West sent for his body and buried it in Wash- T African Union and its many friends ington, D.C. In the funeral procession were made happy on the afternoon of Sun- down Pennsylvania Avenue his body was day, January 3rd, when they witnessed the preceded by the Marine Band, and fol- opening ceremony of their new publishing lowed by the President and Vice-President house, The Advent Press, which is sit- of the United States, and members of the uated on a beautiful site overlooking the Cabinet. Congress and the Supreme Court ocean at Accra, Gold Coast. adjourned to do him honour. Why? He There were some 200 people present to had simply written a song about "Home" listen to the speech of the Prime Minister, and in that lyric he struck a chord that The Honourable Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, A. F. Tarr, The Honourable Dr. Kwame immortalized his name. and to witness his official opening of the Nkrumah, Prime Minister of the Gold Coast, premises. It is gratifying to us that such and J. 0. Gibson. What makes the home—the Christian a busy personality as the Prime Minister home—the most wonderful place on earth? should honour us with his presence on beams of light to a world in the darkness of It is the spiritual foundation upon which this occasion and it speaks well for the doubt and fear. it is established, and that foundation is religious freedom afforded to all denom- During the ceremony, Pastor A. F. prayer and the Word of God. What a inations in this quickly developing Tarr, President of the Northern European blessing the Christian home is when daily field. Division, presented Dr. Nkrumah with a a portion is read from the Holy Book, Following the opening service, the copy of Pastor W. L. Emmerson's book, as husband and wife and children pray Prime Minister was conducted through God's Good News and Pastor R. D. to their heavenly Father for daily supplies the premises. He expressed himself very Vine's book God's Answers to Your of grace, with thanksgiving for God's favourably concerning all that he saw. Questions, stating that these books were goodness and loving care. Pastor G. D. King, Publishing Secre- given as a token of appreciation of the The family altar has been designed by tary for the Northern European Division, freedom of the press and religious safe-- the Lord to be the spiritual centre of the was also in attendance and, prior to the guard to all citizens by Dr. Nkrumah's home, where all the members of the family Prime Minister's speech, delivered a short government. can be taught of God, and derive wisdom address in which he set forth the purpose Pastor J. 0. Gibson, President of the and strength for daily living. There the and aims of the new publishing house. He West African Union, was the chairman, Bible is to be read, and the art of prayer aptly likened it, standing as it does on the while Pastor H. D. Wilson led the congre- learned. This must become a daily and seashore, to a lighthouse, sending out gation in prayer. life-long practice in the home so that the benefits of the family altar will be enjoyed by husband and wife, and the children as they come and grow up in the family. Here is a work, therefore, that calls for great faithfulness and constant vigilance. As a church we have long appreciated the importance of family worship in the home, and have endeavoured to provide encouragement and helpful suggestions for the successful conduct of the spiritual de- votions in the home. Again this year, very special emphasis is being given to this great institution the Lord has given His children. How could any family begin the new year, or perhaps even a new home, without establishing the family altar where it has not already existed, or by making the Word of God and prayer the daily food for the soul as the integrity of the family altar is continued and maintained? It is hoped that great spiritual power may be experienced in every home throughout G. D. King, Division Publishing secretary addressing the gathering at the opening 1954. of the Accra Advent Press. [Page Five]


WORK IN THE "He That Hateth His Life" NORTHERN (Continued from page 4.) TERRITORIES people. A church was raised up, and he became its first elder. But presently a By N. E. Ampate problem arose. His uncle, who was the tribal chief, died, and Isaiah, through matriarchal descent, was next in line ?FERE is no such word as impossibility for the stool. The people let him know with God. All things are possible with that he was to become the new chief, and Him, but we human beings often find Isaiah was faced with a dilemma. To things impossible and discouraging. accept the chieftainship involved the When I was transferred from Obuasi to practice of certain rites and ceremonies the northern part of the Gold Coast to offensive to the conscience of a Christian. Salaga, an important slave trading centre He would be expected to pour libations in the olden days, I was discouraged by of wine and blood to the spirits of his some friends. They told me so many tales ancestors: He must offer sacrifices of sheep. concerning this place. I told them that He must take certain oaths and perform God would lead me, so I answered the call. certain fetish rites. He must take part in When I came, I found that some of the devil-dances and take many wives. things my friends told me were untrue. I Isaiah was troubled. How could he prayed for strength and guidance. All the accept the chieftaincy and be true to God? other tribes in the north are afraid of the If he became chief, he knew he must leave Konkomas because they are hostile and the church and the people he loved. If he have, on occasions, killed people. It is Konkomas in festival dress. refused to become chief, his people might wonderful that the Konkomas have ac- turn on him and destroy him. He was cepted the truth more than any of the apostle, so will He turn these Konkomas faced with the choice of Moses, and like other tribes. God alone can change bad to Konkomas the preachers. Moses, "by faith ... refused to be cal'ed people into good people. I now have 120 [chief] ... choosing rather to suffer afflic- regular Sabbath-school members. God is School Wanted tion with the people of God, than to enjoy wonderful. Recently I was in my room when four the pleasures of sin for a season." The of these people came in. They said, "Tea- matter was placed before the paramount Mass Literacy cher, tell Okanja [white man] at Kumasi chief of the state, who, providentially, was I found a great need to start literacy to make a school for our children. We favourably inclined toward the Adventists. classes for my out-stations because before want our children to be educated in a So, with the payment of a fine, Isaiah was any church can be established firmly, some Christian school." Is this not interesting? released from his tribal obligations and of the believers must know how to read The light has reached such people. remained free to worship God according the Bible and instruct the people if a This picture shows some of the to his conscience. He spurned the abotiri teacher is not there, otherwise the church Konkomas wearing their festival dress. (headband) of the chief, and will one day will be a weak church. I have thirty-four How fearful they look, but now those who wear the crown of righteousness which the students studying the Twi primer and have accepted the truth have put these Saviour shall give him. I think he will some have completed the first primer. God dresses away. then be glad he made that choice. May the Almighty pour His heavenly has given them heavenly wisdom to study. About ten miles distance (as the crow I tell you, brethren and sisters, as God blessings upon the work in the northern turned Saul the persecutor to Paul the territories. flies) from Kofiase is the town of Sekodu- mase, where is another church of Seventh- day Adventists. The MV leader is a young man by the name of Enos Okyere (o-cher- e). He is an active lay preacher, too, and owns a lorry which he uses in his evan- gelistic work in the villages. Enos is also a young man of quiet and noble Christian character. The people of Sekodumase A Konkomas lite- racy class, Pastor came to admire him for it, and when their Akyano is seated chief abdicated the stool, they came to on the left and Enos and invited him to be their chief. the writer is on But Enos, like Isaiah, knew that he could the right. not perform what was required of an Ashanti chief and remain a Christian. So he refused the invitation. The people were incensed and, as did the Jews of old, who "would come and take Him [Jesus] by force, to make Him a king," they conspired [Page Six]


together to make Enos their chief, using him that the people had sent for him to be I can no longer be a Christian; but this I force if necessary. their chief. "But," said John, "I cannot be am not willing to do." a chief and a Christian at the same time." So Isaiah, Enos, and John, like the But their schemes were known to a "Why not?" asked the principal, for he worthies of old whose names they bear, are friend of Enos, who warned him to flee,in- was curious to know. "You won't under- loyal to Christ, having scorned worldly viting him to hide in his own house. Enos remained hidden for some days. Then, for stand, sir," he said, "but I would be honour, because they looked forward to some unknown reason, his friend's attitude expected to do many things that a Christ- the reward of the one who sacrifices his earthly life that he might live for ever. toward him changed. He went secretly to ian may not do . So if I become a chief, the plotters, told them Enos was hidden in 100•Neomismi,••••••••=1,11iNonismismi,=-NmismismisomiNniNne.sinenisenismislintomissonisssiNm,m,••NniNintNaNnisaiNili`sii,NiNwimmilseessikgmk, his house, and encouraged them to come and take him. But now their evil schem- SANITARIUMS AND HOSPITALS, 1952 ings became known to some of the churchmembers, and they ran to him, '8or warned him against his supposed friend, o f 1 cy and urged him to flee. Enos fled, just in • O r, z O time to escape the men who were already U Ur c on their way to take him. Borrowing a bicycle, Enos fled along the Ekebyholm Summer main road out of the town. His pursuers, Sanitarium, Sweden 75 270 285 1 9 40 50 Gimbie Mission Hospital, learning of his escape, went after him in a Ethiopia 50 1742 13710 300 1 2 20 23 lorry. Enos heard them coming, and Haile Selassie Hospital, hurled himself off his bicycle and hid him- Debre Tabor, Ethiopia 26 1015 4000 3280 1 1 10 12 self in the dense jungle beside the road. Hopeaniemi Sanitarium Finland 20 357 20 1 4 6 11 9 The lorry sped on and arrived at the next Hultafors Sanitarium, village, where the men learned that Enos Sweden 124 1905 4938 2 26 81 109 12 had not arrived. Knowing that he must Ile If e Hospital, have hidden somewhere along the road, West Africa 90 2754 55000 1500 2 12 80 94 60 Nyhyttan Sanitarium, they returned and stopped a women whom Sweden 75 1328 1965 — 9 50 59 they met to ask if she had seen him. "Yes," Skodsborg Sanitarium, she said, "I passed him on the road." Denmark 257 3800 570 17466 6 41 193 240 42 Skogli Sanitarium, After much argument, and realizing that Norway 50 728 691 1 5 23 29 to find Enos in the bush would mean a Stanboroughs Hydro, prolonged search, they gave up the England 58 706 753 2043 — 12 26 38 pursuit. Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium, Finland 80 280 339 — 1 4 37 42 Enos remained hidden. Presently, some Zauditu Memorial Hospital, of the churchmembers came to find him, Ethiopia 85 3103 36103 4100 3 7 10 32 and learning that he had not arrived at the next village, they guessed that he was Total 990 17988 111389 $36568 19 132 566 717 155 hiding somewhere along the road. So, returning, they began to sing some of .the hymns that Enos knew so well, and he, CLINICS AND DISPENSARIES hearing them and knowing they were his friends, came out of hiding. They advised 41 a) T PN him not to return to Sekodumase, but to ro 1,4' r000 0 •-• go to some distant town until such time 4EL", z 0 as the people, tired of waiting, would choose someone else to be their chief. Eritrea Mission Dispensary John Kwakye (kwa-che) is a bright, Ethiopia 40 4800 164 1 6 7 Helsingfors Hydro-Electric intelligent teacher in one of our mission Institute, Finland 50 10207 195 1 4 5 schools. But he, too, by descent, would Kurbadet, Oslo one day become chief of his tribe. There Norway 260 59672 520 1 18 35 54 may have been a time when he looked N. Norway Clinic forward with pride to his future dignity, Tromso, Norway 150 16008 7 14 21 Ranelagh Health Institute, but the coming of an Adventist preacher Dublin, Eire 12 1599 615 2 1 3 changed all that. He became a Seventh- Ras Kassa Clinic, Addis day Adventist, and attended Bekwai Ababa, Ethiopia 35 5128 615 1 2 3 Training School to be trained as a teacher. Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute, Sweden 75 17030 335 11 3 14 Came the time of the term holiday, but John, unl;ke the other students, did not go Total 622 114444 $2111 3 45 59 107 home. The principal, surprised to see him still there, asked the reason, and John told A. ANDERSON, M.D., Division Medical Secretary [Page Seven] NORTHERN LIGHT MARCH, 1954

Eritrea, about fifteen miles from Asmara. telling you about today"—the missionary E. B. Rudge led out in the service. About who was willing to preach a sermon for NEW/ HEN twenty members constitute this new the sake of only one! church. Most of these have recently It was a few months later when Mr. A. W. CORMACK, of the General Confer- accepted the truth as a result of Pastor Gandhi was taking the same walk that we ence, A. F. Tarr, and E. L. Minchin J. H. Wollan's evangelistic campaign in had taken together that day, that a man returned from West Africa on February this place. dashed out of the crowd and fired: the 5th. They report good meetings, with, in three fatal shots that brought him dying most cases, record attendances. A. W. The annual reports for tithe and mis- to the ground. But those last words of his Cormack left for Washington, D.C., on sion offerings for 1953 are now in from will always ring in my memory, and February 7th. the whole Division. The returns are very present a constant challenge to the good. The total sum is $499,587.55, which personal witness that his great soul had E. B. Rudge and G. A. Lindsay re- is an increase of $18,578.11 over the re- turned to the office on January 27th, admired so much in a Seventh-day Ad- turns for 1952. The larger share of this ventist missionary. having spent six weeks in Ethiopia attend- increase belongs to the Ingathering ing the union annual meeting, and visiting receipts. The total returns of the Harvest Possibly no greater tribute could ever all the mission stations in Ethiopia. They Ingathering campaign is $284,518.21, an be paid a worker in any age than to say report fine progress along all lines of increase of $13,690.03 over 1952. of him, as is recorded of the early endeavour, particularly in the field of preacher, Barnabas: "For he was a good evangelism. Many open doors beckon for It is with deep regret that we announce man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of entrance. the death of Pastor Kaarlo Soisalo of faith; and much people was added unto Finland. Brother Soisalo has not been in the Lord." Could any of us wish for any E. W. Pedersen has spent a few days in good health during recent years. Our better account of our service than this? the office before accompanying W. A. sympathies go out to his wife who is left. Could this be the experience of all of our Scharffenberg, General Conference secre- workers in all of our divisions, how tary of the Temperance Association, in a We are happy to report that D. J. quickly would our task be finished and our campaign through the Division. Owing Clarke, who recently underwent an eye Redeemer come! Yes, in these closing to the housing problems here, Pastor operation in London, has returned to West hours, when "the day goeth away" and Pedersen has not yet been able to move Africa. We wish him good health and "the shadows of the evening are stretched his family to England. much of God's blessing as he resumes his out," it will be by a return to the old work again in Sierra Leone. paths—paths that were trod by godly men L. Mark Hamilton left Addis Ababa for G. A. LINDSAY. of old and left for our ensample, that the Accra, Gold Coast, on January 23rd. In work of the remnant church will find its West Africa, Dr. Hamilton will be joined glorious fruition. by Professor G. M. Mathews, associate secretary of the General Conference Ed- The Finishing of the Work ucational Department, and D. V. Cowin, (Continued from page 3.) Educational secretary of the West African It was this willingness to bear personal DIVISION DIRECTORY Union, in conducting a number of ed- witness on the part of a worker that caught A. F. Tarr President ucational conventions in West Africa. the heart of the much honoured Mahatma E. B. Rudge Secretary Gandhi and caused him to treasure the Treasurer A. F. Tarr and G. A. Lindsay are encounter for over forty years. On two G. A. Lindsay attending auditing meetings in the con- different occasions Mr. Gandhi most Alf Karlman ... Auditor and Asst Treasurer tinental unions from February 4th to enthusiastically assured us that Seventh- 0. J. Olsen Field Secretary 23rd. Pastor Tarr joined Pastor Lindsay day Adventists were his best friends. One DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES at Stockholm on February 8th. reason he gave was that on an occasion in A. Andersen, M.D. Medical South Africa he was invited to introduce G. D. King ... Publishing, Press Relations, A. Karhnan, the auditor of the Division, our missionary at his opening evangelistic Radio, and Religious Liberty left for West Africa early in February. He meeting. When the time came to begin E. W. Pedersen Home Missionary will audit the West African Union books. there was but one person in the audience, and Temperance yet the missionary was willing to com- T. J. Bradley Ministerial Association At the time of the visit of the Division mence his service on time for the sake of L. Mark Hamilton, Ph.D. Educational representatives to Ethiopia, three of the only one. "I did not count myself," E. L. Minchin Sabbath-School, and Ethiopian workers were ordained to the Gandhi said, "I was only a coolie Missionary Volunteer Gospel ministry. They were: B. Takale of barrister." But the memory of that service EDITOR MRS. A. F. TARR the Begemder Mission, Dessie Kassahun for a single individual lived with that of the Wollo Mission, and Tabedje great man till his' dying day. Gudaye of Addis Ababa. The fact that As he told this story on the second NORTHERN LIGHT some of their own sons were ordained, occasion, we were walking side by side to Published monthly as the Official Organ of proved to be a great encouragement to the his own prayer meeting where thousands the Northern European Division of Seventh- Ethiopian churchmembers. Until now were in attendance. As we said good-bye day Adventists, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, they have had only one Ethiopian ordained at the foot of the platform, he grasped my Middlesex, England. minister, Pastor M. Ogbazghi. hand and these were his farewell words: PRICE 3/- A YEAR "Mr. Tarr, I hope that you and every Printed at The Stanborough Press Ltd., On Sabbath, December 19th, a new Seventh-day Adventist will be just as Watford, Herts., England. church was organized in Quandeba, faithful as the missionary I have been