Periodic Reporting Rideau Canal (Section II) 1. World Heritage Property Data Comment Parks Canada Jewel Cunningham Director, Ontario 1.1 - Name of World Heritage Property Waterways Unit P.O. Box 567, 2155 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Z6 Telephone: +1 (0) 705 750 Rideau Canal 4919 Fax: +1 (0) 705 750 4934 Email:
[email protected] 1.2 - World Heritage Property Details State(s) Party(ies) 1.7 - Web Address of the Property (if existing) Canada 1. View photos from OUR PLACE the World Type of Property Heritage collection cultural 2. Website of the property Identification Number Comment 1221 Please REMOVE: #1. Our Place Please ADD: World Heritage Year of inscription on the World Heritage List in Canada (Eng) - 2007 whs/index.aspx World Heritage in Canada (Fre) - 1.3 - Geographic information table 1.8 - Other designations/Conventions under which the Name Coordinates Property Buffer Total Inscription (longitude / (ha) zone (ha) year property is protected (if applicable) latitude) (ha) Comment Rideau Canal , 44.994 / - 21427.07 2334.78 23761.85 0 Rideau Canal: National Historic Site of Canada (1926) Province of Ontario 75.765 Canadian Heritage River (2000) - Rideau River only Fort Henry, 44.231 / -76.46 23.9 11.88 35.78 0 Kingston , Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Site of Canada Province of Ontario (1939) Note: part of Rideau Canal at Merrickville Lockstation Fort Frederick, 44.228 / -76.47 3.1 3 6.1 0 Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada (1923) Murney Kingston , Tower National Historic Site of Canada (1930) Kingston Province of Ontario Fortifications National Historic Site of Canada (1989) Cathcart Tower, 44.225 / - 0.25 9.15 9.4 0 (designation includes Fort Henry, Murney Tower, Shoal Cedar Island , 76.454 Tower, Cathcart Tower, Fort Frederick) Province of Ontario Shoal 44.229 / - 0.32 1.68 2 0 Tower,Kingston , 76.478 2.