• Britain's Universities Face Summer of Discontent
BROW~ University of Edinburgh, Old Colleg~ THE South Briqge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL Tel: 03Hi67 1011 ext 4308 . STATIONERS ' 6 January-3 February WE'RE BETTER~ PAlTERNS OF INTENTION Ferguson Mooney Thomson 21 Niailaa Street EllillllrP F.HII9011'. lues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Admission Free 11144: Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council 131-"7 ""3IIIN Glasgow Herald Student Newspaper of the Year thursday, january 1ft 1 0 «l0 20p Fl'fTING FOR SPORT: LADIES:c Farcical French. ~~._,.,,.. ~... ""'"' holds the key AND Dressing 'shopes. iiOOCH: '· at the Lyceum - . & Canine Inanity AUT WARNS ·oF MER ·STRIKE • Britain's universities face summer of discontent The A.U.T.are also seeking Thatcherite bargaining cli resolution" has not been found by fessor Peter Van dome ,head of the by Mark Campanile new national pay bargaining mate,which is anyway on its way then,the AUT intend to call a spe- AUT at Edinburgh University BRITAIN'S UNIVER- . machinery comparable to thet in out." cial emergency meeting of its pol- was cautious about the chances of SITIES could face strike the civil service. The pay claim was "It is now our intention to go icy making council to decide on its a strike. further into a confrontational next move. Tqe spokeswoman for "It's too early to say but obvi- action in the summer term if . decided upon by the policy mak- ing council of the A.U.T. in . arena.Members are,however ,de the AUT told Student that "Our ously,if the pay claim · is · the Association of University October last year ,and negotia- termined to fully back this claim members don't readily take rejected,the AUT executive will Teachers' 27% pay claim is tions between the CVCP and the which is long overdue,"she said.
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