Science Diplomacy in Austrian International Cultural Relations
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Science Diplomacy in Austrian International Cultural Relations 1 SCIENCE DIPLOMACY IN AUSTRIAN INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL RELATIONS Wissenschaftskooperationen und Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in den Kulturellen Auslandsbeziehungen des BMEIA Guiding Principles 7 Part I: Science, Technology and Diplomacy: Cooperation for the future 1. The framework: The concept of Austrian International Cultural 11 Relations, Tech Diplomacy, the Initiative for Research, Innovation and Technology, and examples of Austrian excellence 2. Science Diplomacy: At the interface of science, technology and 14 international relations 3. International Science Diplomacy Networks 19 4. Science Diplomacy in Europe 21 Part II: Austrian expertise in Science and Technology Diplomacy 1. Examples of Austrian Science and Technology Diplomacy 25 ▪ The bilateral historical commissions with the Russian Federation, 25 the Czech Republic and Ukraine ▪ Scientific dialogue with the Islamic Republic of Iran 26 ▪ The role of science in Austrian Development Cooperation 27 2. The Science Diplomacy Curriculum at the Diplomatic Academy 28 of Vienna Part III: How to do Science Diplomacy 1. Best practice examples of Science and Technology Diplomacy 31 from Austrian diplomatic representations ▪ Neighbours: An Austrian-Czech History Book 31 ▪ A positive agenda and open channels of communication: 32 the work of the Tehran Cultural Forum ▪ Arts & Tech: culture at the intersection of science and technology 33 2. The role of diplomatic representations in Science and 33 Technology Diplomacy 3. Summary: How to do Science Diplomacy 36 Contact 39 Impressum 42 Guiding Principles Just as science is the intellect of the world, art is its soul. Maksim Gorki Next to cultural exchange and dialogue, science has become an important ally of diplo- macy – and a focus of Austrian International Cultural Relations. This science concept is intended to be a concretisation of Austrian International Cultural Relations in the field of science and technology, its principal aim being the support of Austrian representations in science diplomacy. The role of science in diplomacy Science can play different roles in foreign policy and diplomacy. To begin with, it is about promoting scientific collaborations, i.e. presenting and connecting Austrian scientific achievements internationally. Encounters of researchers and partnerships of research institutions strengthen capacities and visibility of Austrian scientists and enhance the prestige of universities and research institutions. Such cooperations initiate innovation and contribute to positioning Austria as an attractive location for academic institutions, research, technology and innovation, and, in consequence, as a business location. Science, though, can also contribute to improving and strengthening international rela- tions. Scientific collaboration and academic mobility disseminate knowledge that con- nects society and science, and provides a better basis for understanding and dialogue. Cooperation in any area – be it culture, science, or politics – can build on it. Science Diplomacy Diplomacy means cultivating a basis for dialogue and relations between states. Science diplomacy is about combining foreign policy and science and advancing national inter- ests or solutions to global challenges with the help of science. Think of scientific cooper- ation on improving bilateral relations within the framework of track2diplomacy; but also of development cooperation, crisis intervention or the implementation of the UN’s Sus- tainable Development Goals (SDGs). As technology is a driving force in the emergence of knowledge societies, we increasingly use the term Science & Technology Diplomacy. 7 8 Science diplomacy as a new field of work of the Austrian Ministry of Europe, Integra- tion and Foreign Affairs (MFA) Science diplomacy is more than academic cooperation, and it is also distinct from science and technology policy. It is rather about common interests, networking and alli- ances between science and diplomacy in order to improve international relations. This is why science diplomacy is also a working area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; however, this new field of activity needs to be framed in cooperation with the ministries of edu- cation, science, research, digitalization, technology and innovation. Due to the well-es- tablished excellent cooperation with the government departments in these areas and with universities, academic and research institutions, the MFA is able to support their international activities through its network of representations. On the other hand, the MFA is constantly and closely involved in questions of science policy and strategies of internationalizing RTI, thereby ensuring that the general goals of foreign policy will be taken into account. The science concept for International Cultural Relations Given a long-standing Austrian expertise with science diplomacy avant la lettre, and the ever growing importance of science and technology in global challenges, the role of science in Austrian International Cultural Relations is explicitly and strategically outlined in a science concept. The science concept aims at sketching the framework within which science diplomacy at the MFA can unfold. In particular, it describes how diplomatic representations can serve as facilitators and support other government de- partments and scientific institutions in science & technology diplomacy, and what kind of activities they themselves might initiate beyond that. A selec- tion of practical examples from embassies, general consulates, and cultural fora to provide ideas for new initiatives. 9 10 Part I: Science, Technology and Diplomacy: Cooperation for the Future 1. The Framework: The concept of International Cultural Relations, Tech diplomacy, the Initiative for Research, Innovation and Technology, and examples of Austrian excellence Science and technology play an important role in all human concerns. For in all major questions and challenges of our times – the climate, energy, health, nutrition, water, nat- ural crisis – there is an element of science or technology: they are rooted in science and driven by technology. Science and technology need international cooperation and funding. For this, science – in a broad sense including natural sciences, humanities and social sciences – features a universal language, a »neutral, non-ideological language of information, a system of rules that keeps us from lying«. Science, as we understand it, is defined by its process and values – values that are needed today more than ever for the continuous development and improvement of science: freedom of research, curiosity, evidence-based judgment, transparency through publication, mobility, and connectivity. Technology is needed to solve the key issues shaping our future on the one hand (e.g. the SDGs), and is necessary for monitoring and inspection (as for example in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/ IPCC); on the other hand, developments like digitalization pervade all our socie- ties and require a new set of regulations beyond national jurisdiction. In order to adequately respond to these challenges, we need transnational and interna- tional cooperation – which again is the domain of diplomacy. To combine science/tech- nology and diplomacy under these different aspects has therefore become an important concern of Austrian International Cultural Relations. 11 Guiding principles of Austrian International Cultural Relations Art and science are essential aspects of Austrian culture. The creation of international networks in these areas constitutes the focus of Austrian cultural diplomacy. In addition to a rich artistic and scientific heritage, Austria also has a young, creative and innovative contemporary culture. The main emphasis of Austrian International Cultural Relations is to present and support this contemporary creative work in art and science and to pro- mote its international network. The further development of art and science through in- ternational encounters and connections may introduce new ideas, provide stimuli and unveil new insights and perspectives on Austria. The global network of International Cultural Relations creates such occasions for crea- tive-innovative international cooperation and partnerships by supporting Austrian activ- ities in the field of science and RTI. Tech diplomacy Recent technological advances present manifold challenges to diplomacy. The develop- ments in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and the network effects of major Internet platforms have led to the emergence of new stakeholders in the interna- tional system. The shift of the public domain into the realm of new media administered by private – often monopolistic – providers has led to a number of inconsistencies and tensions that triggered calls for state regulation of digital environments. The legislator, however, often lags behind the rapid technological development, while on the other hand concerns of overregulation or misregulation are raised by the corporate world. In recent years, the instrument of Tech Diplomacy has emerged in reaction to these con- cerns. It aims at setting in motion a dialogue between states, civil society, tech industries, and science and research. The Austrian Initiative for Research, Innovation and Technology One key project of Austrian politics is to enhance the Austrian system of science and research into a globally competitive one, and to position Austria as a major actor in sci- ence and innovation within Europe.