Mem­­­bers of the State­­­ Senate 2011 Lt. Gov. 62nd Legislature President of the Senate (D)

Senator Senator Senator Don Benton Senator Lisa J. Brown Senator Mike Carrell Senator Senator Steve Conway 6th District (R) 2nd District (R) 17th District (R) 3rd District (D) 28th District (R) 32nd District (D) 29nd District (D)

Senator Jerome Delvin ­ Senator Tracey J. Eide Senator Senator Senator Senator James E. Hargrove Senator 8th District (R) 30th District (D) 42nd District (R) 47th District (R) 22nd District (D) 24th District (D) 38th District (D)

Senator Senator Mary Margaret Senator Mike Hewitt Senator Andy Hill Senator Steve Hobbs Senator Janéa Holmquist Senator 19th District (D) Haugen 16th District (R) 45th District (R) 44th District (D) 13th District (R) 15th District (R) 10th District (D)

Senator Senator Senator Derek Kilmer Senator Senator Adam Kline Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles Senator Steve Litzow 25th District (D) 33rd District (D) 26th District (D) 14th District (R) 37th District (D) 36th District (D) 41st District (R)

Senator Rosemary McAuliffe Senator Bob McCaslin Senator Bob Morton Senator Ed Murray Senator Senator Senator Cheryl Pflug 1st District (D) 4th District (R) 7th District (R) 43rd District (D) 34th District (D) 12th District (R) 5th District (R)

Senator Senator Senator Kevin Ranker Senator Debbie Regala Senator Senator Phil Rockefeller Senator 11th District (D) 49th District (D) 40th District (D) 27th District (D) 31st District (R) 23rd District (D) 9th District (R)

Senator Senator Paull H. Shin Senator Val Stevens Senator Senator Senator Scott White Senator Joseph Zarelli 35th District (D) 21st District (D) 39th District (R) 20th District (R) 48th District (D) 46th District (D) 18th District (R)