3Rd Student World Forum — Huge Success for Chemnitz University Of
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AC21 OCTOBER 2009, Volume 8 NewsLetter Contents: 3rd Student World Forum — Huge Success for Chemnitz University of Technology and the AC21 3rd Student World Forum — Huge Success for Rosa Schulz 1 Chemnitz University of Susanne Günther Technology and the AC21 Chemnitz University of Technology AC21 Student World Forum 4 in Chemnitz From June 22 to 27, 2009, the 3rd Student World Forum took place at Chemnitz Chulalongkorn University 6 University of Technology (CUT). In all, 53 Gadjah Mada University 7 students from 18 member institutions world- wide as well as AC21 representatives travelled Northeastern University 8 to Chemnitz to join an exciting and inspiring week consisting of workshops, social ac- Nagoya University 9 tivities and excursions. The participants were APAIE 10 chosen during an application process from Student World Forum by setting up a working the member universities and the CUT. Every group to organize a great event for students Attending the 2009 NAFSA 10 Conference member university was allowed to delegate 3 from all over the world. The organizational students to Chemnitz. team of the Student World Forum tried to cre- Announcement of 2009 12 ate an interesting, diversified and educative AC21 SPF Results The organization of the Student World program. At the end, a program was devel- AC21 International Forum allowed the participants a very com- oped consisting of ten workshops and one Symposium on Double 13 fortable and memorable stay in Chemnitz. excursion to the Mosel Volkswagen plant. Degree Programs: Prospects Accommodated in double-bed rooms at and Strategic Perspectives Pentahotel Chemnitz, the participants were On Monday, June 22, 2009, the first day of Another Perspective 14 picked up every morning by a shuttle to join the Student World Forum, the students were all workshops, excursions as well as sightsee- warmly welcomed by the president and chan- Upcoming AC21 Events 15 ing programs. CUT organized an outstanding cellor of Chemnitz University of Technology AC21 General Secretariat event and made it possible by assuming all as well as one representative of the Saxonian 15 Activities the expenses themselves with the help of their Ministry of Science and Education. Afterwards sponsors. This means the students were able the students were introduced to the organiza- AC21 Members 16 to stay at the 3rd Student World Forum free tion of their stay in Chemnitz. AC21 Partners 16 of charge. The first workshop took place on Tuesday, The academic program — June 23, and focused on the importance of workshops and excursions the European Union. The participants had the The main part of the 3rd Student World Forum opportunity to discuss the EU’s power and included workshops, discussions and excur- weaknesses and the Union’s future as a global sions around the topic “Meeting the global player. After these workshops, the participants challenges: Production in the 21st century”. got to know Prof. Dimitrov – a very famous lecturer from the University of Stellenbosch in In October 2008, CUT started to plan the South Africa. He gave his impressions about 1 the importance of production engineering in All Public, the largest chain of retail shops in South Africa’s academic environment. South-East Asia. CP All Public operates con- venience stores under the 7-Eleven trademark In the evening, the highlight of this first work- and Mr. Korsak discussed the role of the hu- shop day started – the excursion to the Mosel man element in modern production. Volkswagen plant. The students experienced state-of-the-art car production and joined a Along with the highly academic activities of guided tour through the production halls to the Student World Forum, the participants also see the birth of an automobile. learned something about German traditions. On Wednesday, June 24, the students learned Social Events Program about the challenges of smart systems integra- The Social Events Program was designed to tion. Prof. Thomas Geßner talked about the in- give the students and guests as much insight tegration of nano materials and new approaches into German, especially Saxon, culture as pos- in terms of reliability, testability, design and se- sible. The planning committee brainstormed a curity. As a follow-up to the visit of the Mosel lot of ideas and tried to create a schedule full of Volkswagen plant on Tuesday, Dr. Löschmann, interesting information, sightseeing as well as the CEO of Volkswagen Sachsen, discussed fun. Having a group planning the events in this challenges in Automobile Production. way can be recommended. Many ideas were collected and at the end Chemnitz University On Thursday, June 25, after one relaxing day of Technology (CUT) was able to cover a wide at the Ore Mountains, the participants visited range of activities. the driver assistance laboratory. In a short lec- ture, the students learned the basic concepts First event was a campus tour that took place of usability research. Afterwards they had the on Monday, June 22. Guiding the students opportunity to apply these concepts and cre- through campus gave CUT the opportunity to ate their own solutions for usability problems a) present itself as a university, b) present its in group work. Shortly after this, there was modern facilities, c) introduce all the facilities a visit to the sports laboratory of Chemnitz that featured in the academic program through- University. In this workshop, various meth- out the week and, d) support the students in odological approaches in locomotion analyses finding their way around. The campus tour were presented. was guided by students of CUT, which was an enjoyable experience as well since they could In the afternoon, a very special guest was in- present “their” daily routine at university. troduced – Prof. Jun Ni talked about bridging the gap between micro and macro manufac- The campus tour was followed by a tour turing technologies. At the end of an inspiring through Chemnitz. Getting to know the rich workshop day, Prof. Kroll from Chemnitz history of the city as well as all the sights was University talked about challenges in light- intended to fully introduce the participants of weight structures. the 3rd Student World Forum to the environ- ment they would be part of during the upcom- Friday, June 26 was the day of the final two ing week. Starting the week with orientation workshops. In the morning, the participants tours has been proven to be a good kick off. joined a workshop about trends in the pro- duction of modern plastic parts. Afterwards, On Tuesday, June 23, the participants were it was time for the academic highlight of the introduced to the German brewery tradition. A 3rd Student World Forum – the final discus- tour through an old-established Saxon brewery sion with Mr. Korsak Chairasmiak, CEO of CP named “Braustolz” followed by a barbecue was 2 Academic Consortium 21 AC21 Newsletter Vol. 8 a suitable end to a long day full of academic visits through museums of Chemnitz. The visits presentations and a tour through the Mosel were optional and everybody liked having the Volkswagen plant. opportunity to pick an activity or to organize the day on his or her own. On Wednesday, June 24, it was time to take the students to the area surrounding Chemnitz. The The official end of the 3rd Student World Forum scheduled trips took them to the city of Seiffen, was accompanied by the social highlight of the located in the heart of the Ore Moutains. Upon week: the University Ball. It took place for the arrival, the students started with a guided tour 12th time and is an important part of CUT’s at a traditional manufacture of the world social life. For a lot of the participants, it was famous Saxon woodcraft. Seeing how the their first chance to get to know the tradition of whittlers craft wooden figures and toys was a ballroom dancing. As it took place in the main special experience and afterwards everybody lecture building of Chemnitz University, the got the chance to buy traditional souvenirs. participants were able to see the interrelations The concept of introducing the participants between academic and social life which is of to traditional art has been a huge success and special significance at CUT. should be considered for any further programs and events. Afterwards the students had the In Closing chance to explore a hunting lodge and sum- In summary, CUT and its organizing team are mer residence built by Saxon elector August in happy that the week went so smoothly. The 1568. Strolling around the castle and looking university and its staff combined a very high at ancient architecture was a success as well academic program with many social highlights. and the castle proved to be an excellent spot In closing, here is some advice for future orga- for picture taking. nizers of a Student World Forum: The event for Thursday, June 25 was in a more • Mix academic programs and social events. formal setting. The chancellor of Chemnitz The division of the day into academic pro- University of Technology invited all partici- gram (morning) and social events (after- pants as well as officials to a barbecue at Water noon/evening) has been evaluated positively Castle Klaffenbach. A festive atmosphere dem- by the participants. onstrated how important the whole 3rd Student • Include traditional crafts and skills, and typi- World Forum was to CUT. The well-being of cal sights of your region. That has proven to everybody has been of highest importance to be a huge success. the organizers. • Brainstorm and organize all events as a group. Get students to support the university On Friday, June 26, the participants took a trip staff. The mix between staff and students to the capital of Saxony, Dresden.