..,.,.,.. olfJ- ;?{ l'-jl't! ;J 1 31 Social Service VOLUME V. 1922

EDITORIAL STAFF DR. E. G. STILLMAN -- Editor MISS N. F. CUMMINGS - Managing Editor 19 East 72nd Street, New York, N. Y. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Cardiac Department, M. L. WouGHTER Dietetics I)epartment-, E. F. Wr<:r.r.s Handicapped Department, I. M. DuGGAN CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MARGARE1' S. BROGDEN, Supervisor, Social Service Departmeut, Johns Hopkins fiospita.l, Ba./timm·e IDA M. CANNON, Chief of Social Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. MICHAI<:L M. DAVIS, ]R., Executive Secretary, Committee on Dispensary Developtneut, Nrw Yorl~ EDNA G. HENRY, PH.D., Associate Professor, Social Service Depart·ment, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana. DoROTHY KETCHAM, M. A., Director, Social Service Deparlmeut, University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan. DR. JESSICA B. PEIXOTTO, Uni'l.lcrsity of California Hospital, Berkeley, California ]OIIN E. RANSOM, Superintendent, The Michael Reese Dispensary, Chicago

PUBLISHED UNDER AUSPICES OF THE HOSPITAL SOCIAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY, INC. BY HOSPITAL SOCIAL SERVICE PUBUCATION OFFICE: CORNWALL PRESS BUILDING, CORNWAIL, N.Y. Editorial and General Offices: 19 EAST 72nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. llntered a.a second cJaaa matter January 1, 19%1, at the Post Otllce at Cornwall. N. Y., under Act mf March 3. 1875

,,-·, I 3 0001 00092 5414 ) m ~ . I I INDEX TO VOLUME V.

Abstracts and book reviews are indicated by italics A

~~American Social Work in the Twentieth Century"; E. T. Devine and L. Brandt ...... 270 Analysis of Hospital Socia.} Service in New York City ...... 242 Annual Report of The Hospital Social Service Association of New York City, Inc...... 97 B Barringer, Theo. B.; "Physical Exercise in Heart Disease"...... 91 Beard, Jessie L.; "Public Health in ''...... 22 Beard, Jessie L.; "Public Health in '' ...... 366 Beard, Richard Olding; "Spirit of Social Service"...... 289 Bermen, Louis; "Glands Regulating Personality"...... 343 Billings, Frank; "Health and Education" ...... 216 "Body and Mind" ; Frederick Mott...... 273 Bradley, F.; «Public Health and Public Libraries" ...... 408 Brandt, L. and E. T. Devine; crAmerican Social Work in the Twentieth Century" ...... • ...... 270 Breckinridge, S. P.; "To What Extent Shall Racial Customs Enter Into Any Americanization Scheme"...... 87 Bresnahan,/, F.; "Other Half of the Hospital's Job"...... 59 Brogden, Margaret S. ; "Importance of Social Service in the Prevention and Control of Venereal Disease" ...... 295 Bruno, F. /.; «Minneapolis Self-Survey of Case Working Agencies" .... 274 Brush, Fred.; "Recreational Therapy for Heart Disease" ...... , .... 352 "Buffalo Foundation's Survey of the Urologic Clinic"; F. H. Hollings- head ...... 278 "Bureau for Social Research"; E. A. Strecher...... 63 Burnett, N.; (( As an Instructor in Health ...... 406 c Cabot, Richard C.; "Present and Future of Hospital Social Work"...... 329 Cannon, M. A.; ({Some 1921 Activities in the Field of Hospital Social Service" ...... 176 Cannon, Ida M.; Editorial...... 165 Carter, ~· W.; crf!~rqu~t System of Nutrition and Its Application to Amerscan Condftfons ...... 353 "Case Correspondence: A Method of Psychiatric Social Work"; E. C. Hayes ...... 275 Cinderella of the Hospital"; /. E. Ransom ...... 404 Clarke, Ethel P.; "School of Nursing As An Educational Institution".. 73 Clarke, Lyda I.; "Social Work in Gynecology"...... 67 Cohn, Alfred E.; "Use of Records"...... 43 "Co-operation in the Public Health Movement from a Medical Stand- point"; Blanche M. Joseph...... 84 "Co-operation of the Re-education vVork With Family Work Agencies and Other Social Service Organizations"; 0. M. Sullivan ...... 174 c'Cross Breeding of Ideas"; T. H. Haines ...... 276 ''Cross, W. T.; "Will Jl.faking mzd Comm1mity Welfare" ...... 174 Cummings, N. F.; "Place of Public Health in Hospital Social Work".... 12 Curtis, Margaret,· ((Suggestions for Medical Social Service in Europe With the American Red Cross" ...... 179

D Darwin, Leonard,· "Preventive Medicine and Eugenics" ...... 124 Davis, M. M.; ((Development of the Dental Clinic in and Dis- pensaries'' ...... 121 Dawson, !. B.; "Segregation of the Social Worker" ...... 175 "Day With Social Worker at Admission Desk"; Jane D. Roper...... 81 "Dependent Mothers and Infants''; Eleanor Hutzel...... 357 ''Development of the Dental Clinic in Hospitals and Dispensaries"; M. M. Davis ...... 121 "Development of Resources in the Community for the Care of Chronics, Convalescents, etc."; Edith Habbe ...... 148 Devine, E. T. and L. Brandt; "American Social Work in the Twentieth Century" ...... 270 "Dietary Customs of Italians"; Reba Reed ...... 380 "Dietitian As An Asset to the Hospital"; Rena S. Eckman...... 156 Directory of Hospital Social Service Departments...... 181 Dublin, L. I.; ({Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks" ...... 347

E Eaves, Lucile; ''Gainful Employment for Handicapped Women" ...... 120 Eckman, Rena S.; "Dietitian As An Asest to the Hospital"...... 156 Editorial; Ida M. Cannon ...... 165 uEducational Measures Against Venereal Disease"; K. M arws...... 407 "Effectiveness of Infant Welfare Clinics from a Medical Point of View"; J. H. M. Knox and G. F. Powers ...... 346 ((Effects of Present Period of Reconstruction Upon Family Life"; M. H. Harding ...... 274 Emerson, Haven; ((Medical and Hospital Care of Beneficiaries of the United States Veteran's Bu1·eau!'...... 61 Ermold, Katherine D.; "Health Center in a City Hospital"...... 66 ((European Health Conditions"; C. E. A. Winslow ...... 278 "Evolution of Nursing Educat£on"; I. M. Stewart ...... 348 "Extra Medical Service in the Management of Misconduct Problems in Children"; Marion E. Kenworthy...... 62

F Farmer, Gertrude L.; ((Form of Record for Hospital Social Work" .... 172 "Feeble-Minded As An Individual"; V. M. Macdonald ...... 177 "Follow-up Work"; Mabel L. Tompkins ...... 377 "Food Habits and Customs of the Negro Race in the South"; Fairfax T. Proudfit ...... 233 ((Form of Record for Hospital Social f'Vork"; Gertrude L. Farmer ...... 172 Four Dinners-A Clinic"; M. V. Ta'jJlor ...... 404 Franklin, H. Grace; "Social Service and the Nurse" ...... 374 • ttFrom the Accident Back to the Job"; H. R. Goodman ...... 408 "Future of the Hospital Social Service Movement" ; Editorial...... 45

G "Gainful Employment for Handicapped Women"; Lucile Ea·ves ...... 120 Gates, R. P.; "Group Treatment versus Case Treatment" ...... 275 Gilbreth, F. B. and L. M.; "Work of Fatigue Elimination in Colleges" .. 123 Gillett, L.; "Report of Social Service Committee"...... 121 ''Glands Regulating Personality"; Louis Berman ...... 343 Goldwater, S. S.; ''Search for the Ideal in Hospital Organization·'' ...... 272 Goldwater, S. S.; "Logical Teaching of Medicine" ...... 403 Goodman, H. B.; "From the Accident Back to the Job" ...... 408 Goodnow, Minnie; "Placing the Handicap Worker"...... 304 Graydon, Gertrude; "Vocational Guidance of Cardiac Children"...... 386 "Group Treatment versus Case Treatment"; R. P. Gates ...... 275

H Habbe, Edith; ' 1Development of Resources in the Community for the Care of Chronics, Convalescents, etc." ...... 148 Haines, T. H.,· "Cross Breeding of Ideas" ...... 276 Haliburton, W. D.; "Knowledge and Understanding" ...... : ...... 126 Hall, H. J.; "Occupational Therapy in 1921" ...... 177 Harding, M. H.; "Effects of Present Period of Reconstruction Upon Family Life" ...... 273 Harris, L. J.; ''Remedies for Certain Defects in Medical Organization and Service ...... •...... 351 Hayes, E. C.; ''Case Correspondence: A Method of Psychiatric Social Work" ...... 275 Hayes, H. M.; "Needed Measures for Prevention of Deafness During Ea-rly Life" ...... ·...... 406 "Health and Education"; Frank Billings...... 216 "Health Center in a City Hospital"; Katherine D. Ermold...... 66 "Health Education and the Nutrition Class"; Hunt, Johnson, Lincoln.... 56 "Health Work as Conducted by the University of Idaho Extension Division"; E. F. Wells...... 29 Hedger, Caroline; ((Why the Foreign-Born Woman Does Not Put Her Child in the H ospitaf'...... 60 Henry, E. G.; "How to Interest Doctors in the Social Training of Medical Students" ...... 402 Hill, R.; "Relation of a Family Society to the Field as a Whole" ...... 405 "Historical Sketch and Outlook of Psychiatric Social Work" ; Adolf Meyer ...... - ...... 221 Hollingshead, F. H.; ((Buffalo Foundation's Survey of the Urologic Clinic" ...... _...... 278 Hospital Social Service Association of New York, Annual Report...... 97 "Hospital Social Service"; M. Wales ...... 272 uHow to Interest Doctors in the Social Training of Medical Students"; E. G. Henry ...... 402 Huddleson, Mary P.; "Red Cross Food Selection Classes"...... 26 Hunt, Johnson, L£ncoln; "Health Education and the Nutrition Class''.... 56 Hutzel, Eleanor; "Dependent Mothers and Infants"...... 357 I "Importance of Social Service in the Prevention and Control of Venereal Disease"; Margaret S. Brogden...... 295 "Influence of Social Service in the Hospital"; G. Canby Robinson ...... 211 "International Aspects of Alcoholism"; Arthur Newsholme ...... 344

J Jacoby, A. L.,· "Mental Hygiene P?-oblems of Maladjusted Children as Seen in a Public Clinic"...... 62 Johnson, Hunt, Lincoln; {(Health Education and the Nutrition Class".... 56 Johnson, Susan; ((Should There Be Separate Occupational Therapy Training Schools'!" ...... 64 Joseph, Blanche M.; "Co-operation in Public Health Movement from a Medical Standw,int" ...... 84 I K Kenworthy, Marion E.; "Extra Medical Service in the Management of Misconduct Problems in Children"...... 62 ''Knowledge and Understanding"; W. D. Haliburton ...... 126 Knox, !. H. M. and Powers, G. F.; "Effectiveness of Infant Welfare Clinics from a Medical Point of View" ...... 345 Kuh, Sidney M.; "Relationship Between Diet and Nervous Conditions". . 323

L Lincoln, Hunt, Johnson; ((Health Education and the Nutrition Class". . . . 56 Lindquist, Ruth M.; "Studies In An Adult Health Clinic''...... 127 Logical Teaching of Medicine"; S. S. Goldwater...... 403

M Macdonald, V. M., R. N.; "Feeble-Minded As An Individual" ...... 177 MacEachern, M. T.; "What Constitutes Good Service to the Patient". . . . 1 Marcus, K.; {(Education Measures Against Venereal Disease'' ...... 407 {(Medical and Hospital Care of Beneficiaries of United States Veteran's Bureatt"; Haven Emerson...... 61 "Medical Aspects of Nutrition Work"; Frank H. Richardson ...... 317 "Medical Social Work" ; Edna G. Henry...... 256 "Medical Social Service" ; Etelka Weiss...... 371 ((Medical Training for Social Workers"; Florence Meredith ...... 179 "Medicine Fails to Evaluate Physiotherapy"; Frank B. fVynn...... 64 ((Mental Disturbances of Children"; H. B. Moyle ...... 277 ((Mental Hygiene Problems of Maladjusted Children as Seen in a Public Clinic''; A. L. Jacoby ...... 62 "Mental Hygiene in 1921"; Frankwood E. Williams ...... 176 Meredith, Florence; "Medical Training for Social Workers" ...... 179 Meyer, Adolf; "Historical Sketch and Outlook of Psychiatric Social Work" ...... 221 Meyer, Adolf; "Philosophy of Occupational Therapy' ...... 348 Miller, H. Crighton; "New Psychology and the Teacher" ...... 55 "Minneapolis Self-Survey of Case Working Agencies"; F. H. Bruno .... 274 '"Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks"; L. I. Dublin ...... 347 Matt, Frederick; "Body and Mind" ...... 273 Moyle, H. B.; "Mental Disturbances of Childhood" ...... 277

N "Needed Measures for Prevention of Deafness Du.rittg Early Life"; H. M. Hayes ...... 406 "New Psychology an'd the Teacher"; H. Crighton Miller...... 55 Newsholme, Arthur; ({International Aspects of Alcoholism" ...... 344 "Nursing and the Health of the Future"; Christopher G. Parnall...... 59 "Nutrition Class-Its Value to the Pediatrist"; F. H. Richardsott ...... 125

0 "Ocwpational Therapy at Kenilworth Hospital"; Bertha Thompson...... 65 ''Occupational Therapy in 1921"; H. J. Hall ...... 177 "On the Use of Records" ; Alfred E. Cohn...... 43 "Organization of the Cardiac Clinic"; John Wyckoff ...... 309 "Organization of Orthopedic Service at the State University Hospital of Iowa>J; Arthur Steinder ...... •...... 122 Osgood, R. B.; ((Poor Posture and Poor Health" ...... 178 "Other Half of the Hospital's Job"; J. F. Bresnahan...... 59 "Our Salaries",· V. 0. Wilder ...... 348 p Pamall, Cl!ristop!ter G.; "Nursing and Health of the Future"...... 59 "Pay Clinics for V cnercal Diseases"; A. N. Thomson ...... 350 Peck, A. W.; asocial Alleviation for Advc11titious Deafness" ...... 405 "Philosophy of Ocwpational Therapy"; Adolf Me'}J'er ...... 349 "Physical Exercise in Heart Disease"; Theodore B. Barringer, Jr...... 91 "P ltysician As An Instructor in Health"; N. Bttrnett ...... 406 "Pirquet System of Nutrition and Its Applicability to American Condi- tions''; W. W. Carter ...... 353 "Place of the Hospital Social Worker in Determining ·Hospital Fees"; Alida Winkelman ...... 145 "Place of Public Health in Hospital Social Work"; N. F. Cummings.... 12 "Placing the Handicap Worker''; Minnie Goodnow ...... 304 "Poor Posture and Poor Health"; R. B. Osgood ...... 178 Potts, rv. A.; "R~latio~~ of C1·ime aud Delinqttency to Hereditary Environ- nten t and Dtsease ...... 125 "Present and Future of Hosp·ital Social ·work''; Richard C. Cabot...... 329 ((Preventive Medicine and Ettge11ics''; Leonard Darwin ...... 124 "Problem of Heart Disease in the Industrial Worker"; Paul D. White ... 122 ''Prospectus of Lecture Course"; Molka Segal...... 38 Proudfit, Fairfax T.; 04Food Habits and Customs of the Negro Race in the South" ...... 233 "Public Health and Public Libraries"; F. Bradley...... • ...... • 408 "Public "; Jessie L. Beard...... 22 "Public "; Jessie L. Beard ...... 366 R Ransom, !. E.; ((Cinderella of the Hospital" ...... 404 ((Recreational Therapy for Heart Disease"~· Frederic Brush ...... 352 "Red Cross Food Selection Classes"; Mary P. Huddleson...... 26 Reed, Margaret; ((Sponsoring Immigrant Marriages as a Case Work Problem" ...... 345 Reed, Reba; "Dietary Customs of Italians"...... 380 "Relations of Hospital Social Service to the Administration''; A. D. Whiting ...... 139 ((Relation of Cn'me attd Delinquency to Hereditary Environment and Disease)); W. A. Potts ...... 125 "Relation of a Family Society to the Field as a Whole"; R. Hill ...... 405 "Relationship Between Diet and Nervous Condition"; Sidney Kuh...... 323 "Relationship Between Public Health Nurse and Social Worker"; Harriet Townsend ...... 226 "Remedies for Certain Defects in Medical Organization and Service"; L. I. Harris ...... ,,, ...... 351 "Report of Social Service 'Committee"; L. Gillett ...... 121 Richardson, F. H.; "Nutrition Class-Its Value to the Pediatrist" ...... 125 Richardson, Frank H. ; "Medical Aspects of Nutrition Work"...... 317 Richmond) Mary E.; ((What Is Social Case vVork?" ...... 268 Robinson, G. Canby; "Influences of Social Service in the Hospital". . . . . 211 Roper, Jane D.; "Day With Social Worker at Admission Desk" ...... 81 Russell, B. L.; "Social Service Develops Clinic" ...... 124 s "School of Nursing as Educational Institution"; Ethel P. Clarke...... 73 "Search for the Ideal in Hospital Organi:::ation"; S. S. Goldwater ...... 272 Segal, Molka; "Prospectus of Lecture Course''...... 38 "Segregation of Soc£al Worker"; J. B. Dawson ...... 175 ''Setting the Solitary in Families"; J. Taft...... 407 ((Should There Be Separate Ocwpational Therapy Trai1ting Schools?" Susan J ohuson ...... 64 ('Social A leviation for Adventitious Deafness"; A. W. Peck ...... 405 "Social Service and the Nurse"; H. Grace Franklin ...... 374 "Social Service Develops Clinic"; B. L. Russell ...... 124 ''Social Legislation"; Editorial ...... 95 "Social Service With the Cardiac''; W. D. Stroud...... 152 "Social Work in Gynecology"; Lyda I. Clarke...... 67 "Some 1921 Activities in Field of Hospital Social Service"; Jtf. A. Canno1t 176 "Spirit of Social Service"; Richard Olding Beard ...... 289 "Sponsoring Immigrant Marriages as a Case Work Problem"; Margaret Reed ...... 289 Steinder, Arthur; "Organi::ation of Orthopedic Service in State Uni- versity Hospital of Iowa" ...... 122 Stewart, Dorothy M.; "Suggested Extension Project in Dietotherapy". . 36 Stewart> I. M.; "Evolution o(Nursing Educatt'on" ...... •...... 348 Strecher, E. A.; "Bureau for Social Research"...... 63 "Studies In An Adult Health Clinic" ; Ruth M. Lindquist...... 127 Stroud, W. D.; "Social Service With the Cardiac" ...... 152 "Suggested Extension Project in Dietotherapy'; Dorothy M. Stewart.. 36 "Suggestion for Medical Social Service in Europe with American Red Cross)}; Margaret Curtis ...... 179 Sullivan, 0. M.; "Co-operation of Re-education Work With Family Work Agencies and Other Social Service Organizations" ...... •.... 174 I T Taft, J.; "Setting the Solitary in Families" ...... 407 Taylor, M. V.; "Four Dinners-A Mental Health Clinic" ...... 404 Thompson, Bertha; "Occupational Therapy at Kenilworth Hospital". . . . 65 Thompson, A. N.; "Pay Clinics for Venereal Diseases" ...... 350 Tompkins, Mabel L.; "Follow-up Work" ...... 377 ''To What Extent Shall Racial Customs Enter Into Any Americanization Scheme?"; S. P. Breckinridge...... 87 Townsend, Harriet; "Relationship Between the Public Health Nurse and the Social Worker"...... 226 u "Unmarried Mother and Wassermann Reaction"; Abr. Wolbarst...... 281 v "Vocational Guidance of Cardiac Children"; Gertrude Graydon ...... 386

\V Wales, M.; "Hospital Social Service" ...... 272 Weiss, Etelka ; "Medical Social Service"...... 371 Wells, ~- F.; ."?~al~J1 Work as Conducted by University of Idaho Ex- tension Dtv1s1on ...... 29 "What Constitutes Good Service to the Patient"; M. T. MacEachern. . . . 1 "~Vlzat Is Social Case Workr'; Mary E. Richmond ...... 268 White, Paul D.; "Problems of Heart Disease in Industrial Worker" .... 122 Whiting, A. D. ; "Relation of Hospital Social Service to the Adminis- tration'' ...... 139 "Why the Foreign-Born Woman Does Not Pttt Her Child in the Hos- pital"; C'aroline Hedger ...... 60 TVilder, V. 0.; "Our Salaries" ...... 348 Williams, Fraukwood E.; "Mental H~1giene in 1921" ...... •...... 176 ((Will Making a11d Community Welfare"; W. T. Cross ...... 174 Winkelman, Alida; "Place of Hospital Social Worker in Determining Fees" ...... 145 lVinslow, C. E. A.; "European Health Conditions" ...... 278 Wolbarst, Abr.; "Unmarried Mother and Wassermann Reaction" ...... 281 "Work of Fatigue Elimination in Colleges_.'; F. B. Gilbreth and L. M. Gilbreth ...... 123 Wyckoff, John; "Organization of the Cardiac Clinic''...... 309 W:ynn, Frank B.; ((Medicine Fails to Evaluate Physiotherapy" ...... 64