Welcome Melody Maniacs to your Sunday loaded with music mayhem dished out by yours truly. The gig scene looks a bit stagnant these days but we sure hope the trend changes very soon for I hear Empyre will make it big with a gig. We hope more gigs wi ll take place in Kandy with the onset of many bands there and we hope that more follow suit. Music COMPILED BY Please email comments to
[email protected] NILMA DOLE METAL MELT-DOWN SONG BAND 1. RISE ABOVE THIS SEETHER S 2. PSYCHO PUDDLE OF MUDD More talk from those t 3. FALLING DOWN ATREYU Empyre critters have i 4. SALUTE UR SOLUTION THE RANCONTEURS g related that Daniel 5. IT’S NOT MY TIME THREE DOORS DOWN Arlington will be in Sri 6. BELIEVE THE BRAVERY S Lanka on June 4. Plans 7. HANDLEBARS FLOBOTS have been made and i 8. GIVEN UP LINKIN PARK l Empyre will be spon- e 9. INSIDE THE FIRE DISTURBED soring 90 percent of it 10. PUSH YOUR HEAD THE EDITORS n all. Says Head Dude of Empyre Rogger Ken- 10 ObserverTop International c neth, “I have to person- e Empyre Rocks! ally thank all the bands Empyre Rocks! SONG BAND/ARTIST ? that are interested in playing and we’re hoping to make this 1. IN BLACK & WHITE PARANOID EARTHLING gig as long as possible.” He said that the profits generated 2. EYE OF THE CROWN DINELLI AND LOA will be distributed equally amongst the performing bands. 3. NO POTENTIAL KARMIC SULPHUR We were wondering what happened to Stigmata “Once again I really wanna take the time to mention that we 4.