Ted Bui Tito Ortiz Fountain Valley City Council Huntington Beach City Council Assembly District 34

Suzette Martinez Valladares Steven Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh Assembly District 38 Assembly District 55 Assembly District 68 State Senate 23

Mike Garcia Michelle Steel CD-25 CD-39 CD-48 @ASIANINDUSTRYB2B Backing the Blue W A L N U T , C A A N D I R V I N E , C A

On November 7, AIB partnered with Blexit and On A Mission Church to show gratitude to the Walnut Police Department for bring so good to us at our events. We want to give them a big thank you withsigned cards and goodies. As you may know, our Blexit Block Party last month was threatened to be shut down by the Los Angeles Health Department and local activists. The Walnut Sheriffs and Police stood by our right to freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. We appreciate the police and everything they do to preserve our Constitutional rights andkeep us safe.

@ASIANINDUSTRYB2B Nov. 8 Nevada Asian-Latino Press Conference

Nov. 24 Volunteering at Santa Clause Inc. S A N B E R N A R D I N O , C A

@ASIANINDUSTRYB2B Healthy/Happy: Best Holiday Apple Cider

B Y S H E R I L L F R A N K L I N Presentation: Ingredients: Pour into a heat-proof bowl and have 2 Gallons filtered Apple Cider (looks prettier bowls of orange slices and dried for holiday drinks). cranberries for the diners to add if they 2 large Navel Oranges. wish. Cloves. Quarantine Style: 1 Cinnamon Stick. Have to stay socially distant? Use 8 oz Optional – orange slices and cranberries jelly jars. Fill them, add a couple orange Directions: slices and a teaspoon of dried cranberries, cap them and, if you can, keep them Wash your oranges thoroughly, score warm. Pretty individual servings. diagonally, first in one direction then the Basting Liquid and Marinade: other, to make a crosshatch pattern. Stud 1 Apple peeled and quartered. them with cloves, one in each diamond. ½ Gallon Holiday Apple Cider Pour the Apple Cider in your pot, add one ¼ cup Dried Cranberries clove-studded orange and the cinnamon stick. Let come to a boil, then reduce heat Remove the orange and cinnamon stick, and simmer for 40 minutes. Remove the 40- add the apple quarters and cranberries. minute orange and put in the new one for a Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, prettier presentation. uncovered, until the liquid is reduced by 25%. Use for basting or marinating pork roasts and poultry.

@ASIANINDUSTRYB2B Living Your Purpose

B Y A N A L I A A N D E R S O N As 2020 draws near a close, we reflect reason to worry, doubt, or lose heart. We back on this year that took us all by would wake up each day and say, “Here I surprise. I’m sure the devil made plenty am Lord! Use me!” Our days are already attempts to steal our joy from the get go numbered. If we have a sense of urgency in our personal lives, health and finances, to warn people that Jesus is coming back but then took it to another level with soon, we would not be caught up in the COVID. The world was riddled with fear cares of this world that do not lead us to and depression losing their source of salvation. God put us here in this season income, loved ones and livelihood. Add where we’re at to do His work. We have a the election, what else could go wrong? mission to fulfill. As long as we stay Like we needed more uncertainty to feed kingdom-minded, nothing in this world anxiety, division and strife. can stop us. No virus, no corrupt No matter what happens, the only politician, no job loss, and no hater can reasons that would cause fear are not keep us from what God has ordained in getting in the Word of God to know bible us. The Lord will provide our every need prophecy for the latter days we are in and and give us the strength, courage, wisdom not knowing our purpose. If we know our and resources each day to do what He calling and are fulfilling God’s plan for our asks of us. We do not have to fear, lives, we would have no y question, or hoard anything...... continued on next page. @ASIANINDUSTRYB2B Living Your Purpose Continued

God led the Israelites through the desert are just distractions from the devil to take for 40 years. They lacked nothing, even our eyes off of Jesus and revert us back during times of persecution. He fed them into a carnal mind that lives to please the fresh food everyday, including on their flesh, rather than God. Reflect on the Sabbath. Their shoes did not wear out. lessons from this year with gratitude. We Their enemies could not defeat or prevent have survived. And if we’ve been living on them from possessing their promised land, purpose, we have thrived! The days ahead even though they doubted and will not be easy. These battles have just complained. If we’re afraid, we are living been tests. He’s been preparing us for war for ourselves, rather than for to take possession of our promised land God...Continued and claim victory for lost souls. Put on the We must get up each morning, open full armor of God and live each day for up our bible and allow God to speak to us Him. He will not fail us. Happy December! through the scriptures. We should ask the Lord to show us what He wants from us and to direct our path. The obstacles


CHARITABLE CULTURAL POLITICAL Connecting our members Pushing for fair Pushing for more with the most high- representation of Asians Asian Americans in integrity charities to in print, online, movies government, furthering perform "random acts of and television, ending our family and pro- kindness". negative stereotypes. business values.