________________________________________________________________________ 79 Analiza efikasnosti naftnih kompanija u Srbiji Efficency Analysis of Oil Companies in Serbia prof. dr. sc. Radojko Lukić Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu
[email protected] Ključne reči: ekspolatacija sirove nafte i gasa, Abstract tržišno učešće, efikasnost poslovanja, financijske Lately, significant attention has been paid to the performanse, održivo izveštavanje evolution of the performance of oil companies around Key words: exploration of crude oil and gas, market the world, by individual regions and countries. Bearing share, business efficiency, financial performance, susta- this in mind, relying on the existing theoretical and inable reporting methodological and empirical results, this paper analyzes the efficiency of operations, financial perfor- mance and sustainable reporting of oil companies in Sažetak Serbia, with special emphasis on the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS). The results of the survey show signifi- U poslednje vreme značajna se pažnja poklanja cant role of mining, i.e. oil companies in creating addi- evoluaciji performansi naftnih kompanija u svetu, tional value of the entire economy of Serbia. Concer- po pojedinim regionima i zemljama. Imajući to u ning the Petroleum Industry of Serbia, it has a signi- vidu, oslanjajući se na postojeće teorijsko-metodo- ficant place in the production and trade of petroleum loške i empirijske rezultate, u ovom radu se analizi- products in Serbia. For these reasons, the efficiency of raju efikasnosti poslovanja, finansijske performanse operations, financial performance and maintenance of i održivo izveštavanje naftnih kompanija u Srbiji, s the Petroleum Industry of Serbia has been complexly posebnim osvrtom na Naftnu industriju Srbije (NIS). analyzed. In this respect, according to many indicators, Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju značajnu ulogu rudar- it is at a satisfactory level in relation to the average of the stva, odnosno naftnih kompanija u kreiranju dodatne world’s leading oil companies.