Annual Plan 1998-99 Volume-Vii
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ANNUAL PLAN 1998-99 VOLUME-VII NIEPA DC llll D1O035 4l8KAttY Ik UOUUMgNTAflOllt Usr Matioaal Tamtate of Bdocatit PhnQiag and Adiniaittmio'^ 17*B> Ssi A m teido N*w D.Btt-U«U6 D -V at'^ r ^ **"--r"rrjr££ifJ«=^cn. CONTENTS u I Annual Plan 1998-99 - xxx II Head of Development wise Details 1-16 III Annual Plan 1988-99 (Scheme-wise details) 1. Crop Husbandry 19-23 2. Soil & Water Conservation 23 3. Animal Husbandry 24 - z5 4. Fisheries 26-27 5. Forests 28-29 6. Agricultural Research & Education 30-33 7. Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 34 8. Co-operation 34-36 9. Rural Development 37-40 10. Special ^ e a Development Programme 41-42 11. Irrigation & Flood Control 43-56 12. Energy 57 - 62 13 Village & Small Scale Industries 64 - 70 14. Large Industries (Other than V&SI) 70-71 15. Mining 71 16. Transport 72-76 17. Communications 18. Science Technology & Environment 77-79 19. Secrttariat Economic Services SI 20. Tourism 82 CONTENTS 21. Economic Advice & Statistics 83 22. Le^iM etrology (Weights & Measures) 84 23. G enial Education 87-98 24. Sports^&You^ Sauces 99-100 25. T^ifiM^Eduoition 101 -104 26. Art&Gulture 104-110 27: B^[«^#BBWi£Health Ml -135 28. Witter Sw^ply & S » to 136-140 29. 141 -143 30. Urban Devdopment W * 149-150 32. ¥ ^ i^ .^ S < M iile d Castes 152-155 33. Weifereof&shediried Tribes 156-161 34. W e l^ e of Backward Classes 161-163 35. Welfere of Mnonties 163-165 36. Labour & En^loyment 166-170 37. Social Security & Welfare 171-176 38 Mutncion .39 ©enerai Siorvices 178-181 IV. 182 -184 V GentiBlly S^msoredSchfcmes 1998-99 185-214 VI. State Plan Outlav from First Five Plan Year-Pian 215 - 221 ANNUAL PLAN 1998-99 The plan budget 1997-98 was fixed at Rs.3809.60 crores which included the Tenth Finance Commission grant of Rs. 148.45 crores. The Planning Commission approved an outlay of Rs.3585.05 crores for 1997-98. The plan out lay has been stepped up by about 23 percent during 1998-99 over 1997-98 and fixed at Rs.4678.95 crores including Rs. 1471.67 crores under the Externally Aided Projects. “ The infrastructure sectors viz, Irrigation, Power and Transport have been given priority in the Annual Plan of 1998-99, which together account for 51 percent of the total plan outlay of the State. Individually Irrigation Sector is provided with Rs.1013.77 crores, Energy sector with Rs. 921.28 crores, and Transport sector Rs.459.24 crores which account for 21.67 percent, 19.69 percent and 9,82 percent respectively. As has been the policy of the Government to lay emphasis on Social Services Sector, the outlay for this sector has been increased from Rs. 1039.26 crores in 1997-98 to Rs. 1209.51 crores in the 1998-99. The Social Services Sector accounts for about 26 percent of the plan outlay. In the Social Services Sector, Housing has been provided the largest allocation (Rs.250.67 crores) i.e., 20.72 percent of the outlay of the Social Services Sector, while Welfare of SCs., STs., BCs. and Minorities come next in priority which accounts for 17.46 percent of the outlay under Social Services Sector. The Sectoral allocation for 1998-99 together with outlay for 1997-98 are given in the following Table. SI. Sector 1997-98 Budget No. Provision 1998-99 Outlay Budget Revised Approved Provision Estimate by Pig. « Comm. 1 Agril & Allied Service 128.40 128.40 128.40 170.77 (3.58) (3.37) (3.33) (3.65) 2. Rural Development 230.00 250.00 250.00 403.92 (6.42) (6.56) (6.48) (8.63) 3. Special Area Development . 175.00 275.00 325.85 325.85 Programme (4.88) (7.22) (8.44) (6.96) 4. Imgation and Flood Control 855.00 810.00 810.00 1013.77 (23.85) (21.26) (20.98) (21.67) 5. Energy 918.00 918.00 918.00 92L28 (25.61) (24.10) (23.78) (19.69) 6. Industrial and Minerals 42.44 50.44 50.44 50.44 (1.18) (1.32) (1.31) (1.08) 7. Transport 239.30 309.30 309.30 459.24 (8.07) (8.12) (8.01) (9.82) 8. Communications 9. Science, Technology & 2.50 5.00 5.00 7.24 Emironment (0.07) (0.13) (0.13) (0.15) 10. General E^nomic Services 8.60 10.60 10.60 94.40 (0.24) (0.28) (0.27) (2.02) 11. Social Services 922.21 1039.26 1039.26 1209.51 (25.72) (27.28) (26.92) (25.85) 12. GenCi^al Services 13.60 13.60 13.60 22.53 (0.38) (0.36) (0.35) (0.48) Total 3585.05 3809.60 3860.45 4678.95 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) 1. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SERVICES 1.1 Agriculture Agriculture is a major component of the Primary Sector of the State Economy* About 70 percent of the population of the State depend on Agriculture. A major project of “Human Resource Development” with the World Bank assistance is in operation in the state to create a sound base for faster agricultural development, to improve the qualit}' and effectiveness of the training of staff at all levels 10 improve the infrastructure for training centres and for office automation. During the year 1998-99, an amount of Rs.l552 lakhs have been provided for Agriculture including an amount of Rs.40 lakhs under Soil and Water conservation. Two Externally Aided Projects namely; Agriculture Human Resources Development Project and Training of Women in Agriculture w'ith an outlay of Rs.335 lakhs and Rs. 176.50 lakhs respectively are being implemented. 1.2 Horticulture Greater emphasis has been placed on Horticulture. Oil Palm Development, Integrated Development of Tropical and Arid Zone Fruits, Integrated Development of Cashewnut and Spices for the development of Horticulture in the State. An amount of Rs.460 lakhs is provided during 1998-99, which include an anioimt of Rs.60 lakhs under the externally Aided Project of “Human Resource Development Project”. J Aamtai Husbandry. The objective is to increase production of all major livestock products l ike MeaL Eggs and Wool, besides providing basic minimum facilities to livestock health. During 1998-99, arj amount of Rs.333 lakhs is provided of which Rs. 130 lakhs is for ExteniaPy ided Pn ject of “Human Resource Development” arid Rs 2 lakhs for normal state plan schemes. Extensive breeding, A.I. Services, suosmJ}’ A'jr d’slribution of fodder minikits, control of foot and mouth diseases, jfun'al d’5c.vse sur , eillance scheme are some of the - important schemes to be in n -iU v dv’ ing 199- ^9, The world Bank aided project of “Himian Rosn : , v vrK’pn^enf’ provide tiaining to technical staff in advanced technology ;-.. rv ces. 1.4 Fisheries The budget provision for 1998-99 is proposed to be Rs.582 lakhs which includes Rs.371 lakhs under “Human Resource Development” project and Shrimp Culture Project to be implemented with World Bank assistance. Rs.211 lakhs have been provided for plan for State schemes. Development, Implement to fish seed farms, intensive fish culture, coastal acquaculture regulation etc. 1.5 Forests. An amount of Rs.9800 lakhs is provided in the plan for the year 1998-99 which includes Rs.500 lakhs for normal State Plan schemes Rs.8800 lakhs for the extSmally aided project of Comprehensive Forestry Project and Rs.500 lakhs for the ‘AP Hazafd Mitigation Project’ to be implemented with World Bank assistance. 1.6 Agriciiifare Research and Education (A.P.A.U) An amount of Rs.3150.00 lakhs is provided in the Budget for 1998-99 for advancemmt of Agricultural Education aud Research Fro0 :amme throughout the State. The main components of the programme include continuation of research schemes viz., Livestock, Fisheries and Home Sciences while new schemes include Agriculture Polytechnic at Jagityal and other Livestock Research Stations being established at various places. An amount of Rs.2850 lakhs has been provided for the externally aided ‘Human Resource Development Project’ for implemented with World Bank assistance. 1.7 Agricultural Financial Institutions. An allocation of Rs. 1000 lakhs is made in the Aimual Plan for year 1998- 99 towards investments in Agricultural Financial Institutions, out of which an amount of Rs.992.50 lakhs is meant for State Government’s investment in special debentures and ordinary debentures through APCOB, to enable it to disburse long term credit. The major part of debenture!^ support is provided by NABARD, other sister Land Development Banks in the country, Commercial Banks and LIC. Rs.7.50 lakhs has been provided for State Govt.’s share of investments in the Regional Rural Banks (Grameena Banks). IV 1.8 Cooperation An amount of Rs.200 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for the year 1998-99 for the plan schemes under Cooperation. The schemes include State Government’s contribution to the Agricultural Credit Stabilisation Fund, loans to weak Cooperative Central Banks towards non-overdue cover, grants, managerial subsidy and share capital contribution to different categories of Cooperative Institutions. 2. RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2.1 IRDP & Allied Programmes Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) is a major poverty alleviation programme through which families living below the Poverty line are assisted with income generating schemes in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors. An amount of Rs.8305 lakhs have been provided in the budget for 1998- 99 as state share for the centrally sponsored scheme of IRDP.