Sample Financial Plan


Mr. A*** B***

Name of Advisor :

Contact No. :

Date :

Prepared By :

Contact No. :

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Sr. No. Topic Page No.

1 Scope 3

2 Assumptions 4

3 Personal Details & Goals 5

4 Income – Expense Analysis 7

5 Your Networth 10

6 Key Ratios 11

7 Your Risk Profile 12

8 Insurance Planning 13

9 Cash Flow 18

10 Goal Planning 21

11 Retirement Planning 24

12 Summary of Recom. Investments 28

13 Asset Allocation 29

14 Action Plan 31

15 Disclosures & Disclaimer 41

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The Financial Plan identifies your present financial condition and what you want to achieve in future. Based on the information we have obtained during our meeting, a comprehensive financial plan has been developed for you which will provide you a guidance on your financial objectives.

The scope of your financial plan is as follows:

• Your income - expenses analysis - this analyses your current income & expenses, your

investments and savings

• Insurance planning identifies your insurance requirement against possible risks

• Cash flow gives you an understanding of your future cash inflows and outflows at various

stages in your life

• Goal planning identifies and analyses the requirements for your various financial goals

including your children goals

• Retirement planning analyses your post-retirement needs and a suitable solution which

addresses those needs

• Asset Allocation analysis – this is based on the criticality and tenure of your future goals.

Taking every aspect into consideration, this report will give you an insight into your financial goals and a suitable action plan for them.

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Note: In the entire report ‘Self’ denotes the husband & ‘Spouse’ denotes the wife.


While creating your financial plan we have based our calculations on certain assumptions.

• The financial plan & the various requirements are based on your present financial


• The average inflation rate assumed for current education expenses of your children is

10% p.a., whereas the average inflation rate assumed for all other expenses is 7% p.a.

till your lifetime.

• Self is expecting a growth in salary at an average rate of 6% p.a.

• Self is expecting a growth in rental income at an average rate of 5% p.a.

• The increase in cost of your goals has been assumed as per the rates mentioned in

page no.6.

• Self has planned to retire at the age of 58 years, but we have considered the retirement

age of self to be 55 years.

• The life expectancy for self & spouse has been taken at the respective age of 70 years.

• The value of your existing financial assets has been considered as on December 01,

2015 in the plan and this date is considered as the date of the plan.

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Personal Details

Self Details

Name: Mr. A*** B*** AgeAgeAge: Age : 44 years Occupation: Salaried

Family Details

Name Relationship AgeAgeAge Occupation

Ms. C*** D*** Spouse 41 years Home Maker

X Son 13 years Student

Y Daughter 13 years Student

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Your Financial Goals

The first step in creating a financial plan is to identify your financial goals. You have mentioned the below financial goals for you and your family.

Your goals have been classified into 2 types – Critical and Discretionary – based on your priorities & tenure of goals.

Year of Years to Present Value Inflation Goal Name Type of Goal Goal Goal of Goal (Rs.) Rate%

X - Graduation 2020 4 1,200,000 8% Critical

Y - Graduation 2020 4 1,200,000 8% Critical

Buying Plot 2021 5 2,500,000 5% Discretionary

X - Post Graduation 2024 8 1,500,000 8% Critical

Y - Post Graduation 2024 8 1,500,000 8% Critical

Retirement 2027 11 946,900 p.a. 7% Critical

X - Marriage 2028 12 1,000,000 7% Critical

Y - Marriage 2028 12 1,000,000 7% Critical

Identifying and prioritizing your goals and the associated costs is the first step in your journey towards a financially secure future.

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IIIncomeIncome ––– Expense Analysis

Income (post(post----tax)tax) (for next 12 monmonths)ths)ths)ths)

Source of Income Amount p.a. (in Rs.)

Salary of Self 2,064,000

Bonus - Self 600,000

Rental Income 114,000

Total 2,778,000

It is advantageous to spread your family’s income through at least 2 or more sources to reduce the risk of relying on only one source.

Expenses (for next 12 months)

Expenses Type Amount p.a. (in Rs.)

Household 400,000

Entertainment 100,000

Medical 50,000

Education 200,000

Traveling 50,000

Vehicle Maintenance 120,000

Home Loan 99,392

General Insurance Premiums 15,000

Term Insurance Premium 20,817

Total 1,055,209

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The next chart gives you a break up of your expenses. This can be used to review your discretionary expenses for any additional saving opportunities.

Expenses Break Up 2% 1% Household 9% Entertainment

Medical 11% 39% Education

Traveling 5% Vehicle Maintenance

Home Loan

General Insurance Premiums 19% Term Insurance 9% Premiums 5%

Insurance & Investments (Outflow for next 12 momonths)nths)

The following are your current insurance premium and investment outflows.

Particulars Amount p.a. (in Rs.)

Investments – Chit Fund (Rs. 6,000 p.m. for 4 months 37,000 & Rs. 13,000 p.m. for 1 month) Life Insurance Premiums (except term plan) 118,430

Total 155,430


Particulars Amount p.a. (in Rs.)

Your Total Savings (Rs.) 1,722,791

The part of savings you are investing currently (Rs.) 155,430

The part of savings available to invest (Rs.) 1,567,361

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Cash Management


1,722,791 1,055,209 1,567,361 Annual Income Annual Expenses Savings Investible Surplus Amount in Rs.


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Your Networth

Net worth Analysis shows your financial condition as on a specific date. This will help you to monitor your progress as you build your assets.

BreakBreak----upup of Assets Amount (in Rs.)

Home Value 5,500,000

Home Content 100,000

Real Estate Investments 6,260,000

Vehicles 700,000

Fixed Assets --- Total 12,560,000

PF Accumulation (Self) 1,200,000

Gratuity (Self) 357,000

Encashment of Privileged Leave (Self) 88,400

PPPFPF &F & other retirement benefits ––– Total 1,645,400

Equity 335,887

Mutual Fund Equity & Balanced 40,000

Chit Funds 283,000

Savings Bank Balance 400,000

Other Financial Assets --- Total 1,058,887

Total Assets 15,264,287

BreakBreak----upup of Liabilities Amount (in Rs.)

Home Loan 300,000

Total Liabilities 300,000

Your current Networth 14,964,287

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Key Ratios

1) Savings RRatioatioatioatio

Savings Ratio is the percentage of annual income that you are able to save.

Your Savings Ratio = 62.02%

The above savings ratio has been calculated after taking into account the recommended reduction in your expenses. The average savings of an Indian household is around 30% of the household income.

2) Debt ServicServicinginginging Ratio

Debt Servicing Ratio measures the extent of pressure your existing liabilities can put on your finances. It is calculated as Debt Servicing Commitment ÷ Income.

Your Debt SerServicingvicing Ratio = 3.58%

Debt servicing requirements should ideally not be more than 25% of your total income. If you have an existing home loan, then debt servicing ratio should not be more than 40% of your total income. Higher debt servicing ratio multiplies the overall risk during economic downturns specifically if the interest rates increase.

3) Leverage Ratio

This is a measure of the role of debt in your asset build-up. It is calculated as Total Liabilities ÷ Total Assets.

Your Leverage Ratio = 1.97%

Higher the leverage, more risky it is. Further, you need to ensure that a risky investment position is not compounded with high leverage financing it.

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4) Financial Assets Ratio

Your assets can broadly be categorised as financial assets (e.g. shares, debentures, bank deposits, Public Provident Fund, mutual fund investments) and physical assets (e.g. gold, other precious metals, diamonds and real estate). In many ways, financial assets are part of a more transparent and better regulated market. Physical assets suffer risks of loss by fire, theft etc. and also lack transparency in pricing and transactions. Therefore, you should maximise your financial assets ratio viz. financial assets as a percentage of total assets.

Your Financial Assets Ratio = 30.17%

Assets like self-occupied house, home contents & vehicles, which are meant for your regular use, have not been included in total assets for the purpose of calculation of this ratio. You should seek to increase this ratio over a period of time.

5) LiquidiLiquidityty Ratio

The role of liquid assets is to meet your near-term liquidity needs. It is normal to calculate the liquidity needs, as the expenses you need to incur over the next 6 months (including loan repayments). Liquidity Ratio is calculated as Liquid Assets ÷ Liquidity Needs.

Your Liquidity Ratio = 0.930.930.93

Liquid assets include all assets which can be liquidated immediatley like shares, open-ended mutual funds, savings balance, fixed deposits, gold etf etc. This ratio should be more than 1. The higher it is, the more is the comfort for you.

Your Risk Profile

Based on your response to the risk analyzer questionnaire, your risk profile is:

Your Risk Profile: MODERATE

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Insurance Planning

Life Insurance --- Self

Being adequately insured is essential to help your family/dependents lead an independent lifestyle in the event something unfortunate was to happen to you. The following have to be considered while evaluating your life insurance needs:

Family's Expenses: This is one of the most important factors when determining your life insurance coverage. If you are the sole earning member of your family, it is crucial to have a policy that can replace your income or take care of your family's expenses. It is important to account for inflation.

Outstanding Debt: All of your debts should be payable in full in case of your demise. Home loans, car loans, credit card and other loans should be paid off in full.

Future Obligations: Your child's future education requirements, spouse's needs etc have to be considered when arriving at an adequate insurance cover. If your child plans to pursue an MBA, he/she should be able to financially achieve the goal even in your absence.

Family's Expenses Annual Amount (in Rs.) Regular Expenses till Lifetime (post deduction of 25%, 551,250 as Self's expenses) Regular Expenses till limited term (Children schooling 250,000 expenses & life insurance premiums of Spouse)

Outstanding Debt Present Value (in Rs.)

Home Loan 300,000

Future Obligations (Goals) Present Value (in Rs.)

X - Graduation 1,200,000

Y - Graduation 1,200,000

X - Post Graduation 1,500,000

Y - Post Graduation 1,500,000

X - Marriage 1,000,000

Y - Marriage 1,000,000

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Annual Family Income

Source Annual Amount (Rs.) Start Year End Year

Rental Income 114,000 2016 2044

Cash flow scenario in case of an unfortunate event

In case of an unfortunate death of the primary income earner of the family, the family should be sufficiently insured to manage the day-to-day expenses and to achieve the future goals. In addition, the surviving family members will have to pay the outstanding liabilities.

The table below will tell you for how many years your family will be able to sustain the above requirements with your existing net worth and insurance cover, in case of an immediate unfortunate death.

Existing Networth --- Age of Family Family Liabilities / Year Insurance Cover Closing spouse Income Expenses Goals & Saleable assets Balance Dec.'15 41 18,914,287 300,000 18,614,287 2016 42 114,000 801,250 - 19,002,660 2017 43 119,700 859,838 - 19,358,273 2018 44 125,685 1,165,126 - 19,417,962 2019 45 131,969 1,207,705 3,265,174 15,981,676 2020 46 138,568 722,576 - 16,321,528 2021 47 145,496 773,157 - 16,635,499 2022 48 152,771 827,278 - 16,918,652 2023 49 160,409 885,187 5,552,791 11,279,549 2024 50 168,430 947,150 - 11,130,878 2025 51 176,851 1,013,451 - 10,911,936 2026 52 185,694 1,084,392 - 10,614,032 2027 53 790,840 1,160,300 4,504,383 6,084,600 2028 54 204,728 1,241,521 - 5,350,676 2029 55 214,964 1,328,427 - 4,491,445 2030 56 225,712 1,421,417 - 3,493,485 2031 57 236,998 1,520,916 - 2,342,141 2032 58 248,848 1,627,380 - 1,021,425 2033 59 261,290 1,741,297 - -486,097

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Note: The maturity proceeds from HDFC SL Classic Assure Insurance policy of spouse have been added into ‘Family Income’ in their respective years of receipt.

Action Plan

As can be seen from the table above, your existing networth & insurance cover will be sufficient to achieve your goals, repay your liabilities and also support your family's expenses till spouse's age of 58 years. However, since you expect the life expectancy of spouse to be 70 years, it is crucial to have adequate insurance to take care of her expenses for the remaining 12 years.

Additional Insurance Cover --- Self

Ideal Insurance Cover (to cover your family's expenses till spouse's life 23,387,023 expectancy, liabilities & goals)

Less: Existing saleable assets (except assets to be utilized for family's use) 8,064,287

Less: Existing life insurance cover 10,850,000

Additional insurance cover required 4,472,736

Note: Saleable assets include assets which can be sold by the family after the demise of self & does not include value of self-occupied house, home contents, vehicles, physical gold & real estate investments (if assumed to be rented out after the demise of self). It also includes the present value of retirement benefits like PF, Gratuity, Encashment of Privileged Leave, etc. of self.

Life Insurance --- Spouse

Additional Insurance CovCoverer --- Spouse

We do not recommend any additional life insurance cover for spouse, as she does not earn any income currently.

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General Insurance

Apart from protecting your life, there are certain other aspects like health and assets which you need to protect. In this section, we will cover the other insurance covers which you need to have for you & your family.

Personal Accident Insurance

While covering risk of death through life insurance, there is one more risk which every individual carries which is the risk of disability due to accidents. You have to protect the loss of your income due to any disability, just as in case of a death, to ensure you and your family do not suffer financially and have money to spend for regular expenses, to repay liabilities and to achieve your child goals. It is advisable to take a Personal Accident Insurance, which will cover the risk of disability and pay a part amount or full amount of the sum assured, depending on the extent of disability. The ideal amount to be covered should be the same as your life insurance requirement. You can either take a rider of Personal accidental cover with any of your existing policies or else you can take a standalone Personal Accidental Cover.

AdvisoAdvisor’sr’s comments: We recommend you to take a personal accident cover of Rs. 1.53 crore for self.

Medical Insurance ––– Basic

Medical Insurance should be the next thing on your mind. You should always think about medical insurance for you and your family. There may not be sufficient resources to take care of your medical expense in case of any urgent medical treatment. Especially in today's world where cost of medical treatment is soaring, these insurance proceeds will be very much helpful in an emergency. If you are covered under a group medical insurance by your employer, you need to check who all are covered in the plan & how much is the coverage.

AdvisoAdvisor’sr’s comments: In your case, you do not have a separate medical insurance cover. Hence, we recommend you to take a family floater medical cover of Rs.5 lakh.

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Medical Insurance ––– Top up

Top up health insurance plans are a unique type of health cover policies that offer the insured with an additional coverage, which goes beyond the maximum limit of the existing health insurance policies. Such plans come handy when the threshold of the existing health cover is already used or exhausted and there are some medical costs left to deal with, which would otherwise exert pressure on the savings. The top up plans normally work on the basis of a cost-sharing model, wherein the medical expenses up to the deductible limit have to be borne by the insured. They are the most affordable means of extending the health cover, through a perfect combination of a basic policy and an ideal medical top-up.

AdvisoAdvisor’sr’s comments: We recommend you to opt for a top up medical cover of Rs.15 lakh for your family. Also, we recommend you to create a medical contingency fund of Rs.10 lakh (in today’s value), by the time self retires.

Home Insurance

It is prudent on your part to cover your physical assets. The vehicles you drive are covered through motor insurance, and the same is also mandatory by law. While vehicles are movable and the probability of damage / theft is higher, the same is much lower in case of a physical asset like house. But the extent of damage might be much higher in a house. Hence, it is essential to take a home insurance, which will cover any loss to structure and contents due to both natural and man made calamities including fire, earthquake, explosion, lightning, storms, floods, riots, strikes, landslide, missile testing operations, impact damage, aircraft damage, bush fire, leakage from overhead tanks, etc.

The contents are also covered against the risk of burglary. Ideally, the structure of a house needs to be covered for the re-construction cost. Reconstruction cost is defined as the cost incurred to reconstruct the house if it is damaged. The ideal cover can be arrived at by multiplying the built up square feet area and the construction rate per square feet.

AdvisoAdvisor’sr’s comments: We recommend you to get all your existing house properties insured. We also recommend you to insure your home contents.

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Cash Flow (till retirement)

EMI's + Maturity Surplus Recom. Total Existing Recom. Recom. PPPayoutsPayouts proceeds available for Age Total Existing Health / Age of Living Life Life Home from LIC from further Year of Income Invsts. Accident Spouse EEExpenses Insurance Insurance Insurance Money exisexisexistingexis ting invsts. (A(A---- SelfSelfSelf ( A )( ) ( D )( ) Insurance ( B )( ) Premiums ( E )( ) ( G ) Back. ( H )( ) Invsts. BBB-B---CCCC----DDDD----EEEE----FFFF---- ( F )( ) ( C )( ) ( I )( ) G+H+I) Dec.'15 44 41 775,887 775,887 2016 45 42 2,778,000 935,000 238,639 37,000 13,000 50,800 5,100 - 320,000 1,818,461 2017 46 43 2,943,540 1,006,450 238,639 - 13,000 53,340 5,457 - 2,100,000 3,726,654 2018 47 44 3,118,955 1,325,502 226,025 - 13,000 56,007 5,839 - 220,000 1,712,583 2019 48 45 3,304,836 1,432,807 102,230 - 13,000 58,807 6,248 - 275,000 1,966,744 2020 49 46 3,501,806 963,435 60,817 - 13,000 61,748 6,685 30,000 - 2,426,121 2021 50 47 3,710,529 1,030,876 60,817 - 13,000 64,835 7,153 - - 2,533,848 2022 51 48 3,931,706 1,103,037 60,817 - 13,000 68,077 7,654 - - 2,679,121 2023 52 49 4,166,080 1,180,249 60,817 - 13,000 71,481 8,189 - - 2,832,344 2024 53 50 4,414,441 1,262,867 60,817 - 13,000 75,055 8,763 - - 2,993,940 2025 54 51 4,677,623 1,351,268 20,817 - 13,000 78,807 9,376 - 773,451 3,977,806 2026 55 52 4,956,512 1,445,856 20,817 - 13,000 82,748 10,032 - 10,454,638 13,838,697

Notes for CCashash Flow

• Total Income

 This includes income from self’s salary, which has been inflated at an average rate of 6% p.a.

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 This also includes rental income, which has been inflated at an average rate of 5% p.a.

• Total Living Expenses

 This includes all your living expenses, which have been inflated by 7% p.a. and schooling expenses of your children.

 From 2018, additional amount of Rs. 100,000 p.a. (in today’s cost) has been added towards X’s & Y’s schooling expenses


 From 2020, schooling expenses of X & Y has been reduced, as they move in their higher education.

 The schooling expenses of your children have been inflated at 10% p.a.

• EMIs + Existing Life Insurance premiums

 From 2020, EMI paid towards your existing home loan would stop, as the loan tenure gets completed.

 The life insurance premiums have been reduced after the payment term gets complete for the respective policies.

• Existing Investments

 This includes your existing investments being made into Chit Funds.

• Recommended Life Insurance

 From 2016 till retirement, premium has been provided for the recommended addl. life insurance cover (term insurance).

• Recommended Health / Accident Insurance

 From 2016, premium has been provided for recommended additional personal accident cover.

 From 2016, premium has been provided for recommended medical cover – basic & top up.

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• Recommended Home Insurance

 From 2016, premium has been provided for insuring your existing house properties and home contents.

• Maturity proceeds from existing investments

Year Particulars AAAmountAmount (((in(in Rs.)Rs.)Rs.)

Dec.'15 Financial assets available currently which can be utilized towards goals 775,887

Maturity proceeds from Chit Funds (Rs. 6,000 p.m. for 10 months) Rs. 60,000 & Chit Fund (Rs. 13,000 p.m. for 20 2016 320,000 months) Rs. 260,000

2017 Future Value of ESOP's 2,100,000

2018 Maturity proceeds from LIC Money Back (Premium Rs. 12,614 p.a.) 220,000

2019 Maturity proceeds from LIC Money Back (Premium Rs. 15,816 p.a.) 275,000

2025 Maturity proceeds from LIC Money Back (Premium Rs. 20,000 p.a.) Rs. 280,000 & HDFC Young Star Rs. 493,451 773,451

2026 Self’s Retirement benefits: PF Rs. 8,851,324, Gratuity Rs. 1,445,003 & Encashment of Privileged Leave Rs. 158,311 10,454,638

Returns assumedassumed: ULIPs – 6% p.a. & PF – 8.50% p.a.

• Surplus available for further investments

 This shows the surplus of your income (including payout & maturity proceeds of existing investments) every year over your

expenses, existing investments, recommended premiums, which is available for further investments.

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Goal Planning

Classification of Goals

Your goals have been classified into 2 types – Critical and Discretionary – based on your priorities & tenure of goals.

Critical Goals

These are commitments that are largely non discretionary and where you do not want to take any risk of non-fulfillment. These goals cannot be postponed and little or no deviation is acceptable in the expected corpus. Therefore, allocation with a tight shortfall risk is done for these goals.

Based on the tenure of each of these goals, the expected return of each asset class and risk levels of each asset class, we suggest you a specific asset allocation every year for each of the above goals till their occurrence.

Discretionary Goals

These are lifestyle goals which are beyond the Critical and Important goals. These are discretionary in nature and can be postponed or modified based on the performance of the portfolio. Allocation with a median shortfall risk is done for these goals. This strategy is a higher risk strategy, but also gives higher expected returns.

Based on the tenure of each of these goals, the expected return of each asset class and risk levels of each asset class, we suggest you a specific asset allocation every year for each of the above goals till their occurrence.

Future Value of Goals

Based on your assumption of the present cost of your goals and considering the rise in the cost of these goals, you will need more amount at the time of goal realization.

The table below gives you the amount you will need in future for your goals.

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Year ofofof Years to Present Future Goal Name Type of Goal Goal Goal Value Value

X - Graduation 2020 4 1,200,000 1,632,587 Critical Y - Graduation 2020 4 1,200,000 1,632,587

Buying Plot 2021 5 2,500,000 3,190,704 Discretionary

X - Post Graduation 2024 8 1,500,000 2,776,395

Y - Post Graduation 2024 8 1,500,000 2,776,395 Critical X - Marriage 2028 12 1,000,000 2,252,192

Y - Marriage 2028 12 1,000,000 2,252,192

Financial Assets available for immediate allocation for goals:

The below financial assets are currently available with you to utilize for your goals:

Financial Assets ––– Total (refer ‘Networth’ section for details) 1,058,887

Less: Chit Funds 283,000

Financial Assets to be utilized for goals 775,887

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Recommended Investments fforor goals

Type of Critical Discretionary Critical Goal Goal XXX --- YYY ––– XXX --- Post YYY --- Post XXX --- YYY --- Buying PlotPlotPlot Name Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Marriage Marriage Years 444 444 555 888 888 121212 121212 to Goal Year of 2020 2020 2021 2024 2024 2028 2028 Goal Year Existing Financial Assets to be utilized (in Rs.)

Dec.'15 - - 775,887 - - - -

Year Recommended Investments to be done from surplus & inflow from existing invsts. (in Rs.)

2016 ------

2017 661,000 661,000 - - - - -

2018 856,000 856,000 - - - - -

2019 - - 1,770,000 - - - -

2020 ------

2021 - - - 1,234,000 1,234,000 - -

2022 - - - 1,340,000 1,340,000 - -

2023 ------

2024 ------

2025 ------

2026 - - - - - 2,143,000 2,143,000

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Retirement Planning

The tables below brief your requirement for your life after retirement.

PostPost----retirementretirement Life

Particulars SelfSelfSelf Spouse

Planned Retirement Age 55-58 -

Recommended Retirement Age 555555 ---

Life Expectancy (Age) 70 70

Expenses postpost----retirementretirement

Lifetime Expenses postpost----retirementretirement Annual Amount (in Expenses Type Rs.) in today's value Household 500,000

Entertainment 20,000

Medical 120,000

Vehicle Maintenance 60,000

Holiday 100,000

Car Insurance Premium 15,000

Others 100,000

Home Insurance Premiums - Recommended 5,100

Medical Insurance Premiums - Recommended 26,800

Total Expenses (Present Value) 946,900

Total Expenses (Future Value) 1,993,084

% of Expenses required for spouse after self's lifetime 60%60%60%

Note: Apart from the above expenses, life insurance premiums of self continuing post self’s retirement have been considered till their respective years of payment.

Recommendation – We recommend you to create a medical contingency fund of Rs. 10 lakh (in today’s value), by the time self retires.

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OneOneOne-One ---TimeTime Expenses postpost----retirementretirement

Present Value Future Value Required at Expenses Type (in Rs.) (in Rs.) ageageage

Medical Contingency Fund 1,000,000 2,104,852 55 of Self

Annual Income planned postpost----retirementretirement

Value at Retirement / RetiRetiRetirementReti rement Year Inflation (%) Income Type End Year Start Year (in Rs.) / Start Year post that Rental Income – PV 194,979 2027 5% 2044 Rs. 1.44 lakh p.a.

Recommended Investments --- Retirement

The table below provides the recommended amount to be invested every year from your pre- retirement income, your retirement benefits, inflow from existing investments & post- retirement income to fund your post-retirement expenses.

Year Existing Financial Assets to be utilized (in Rs.)

Dec.’Dec.’15151515 ---

Recommended Investments to be done from Year income & ininflowflow from existing invsts. (in Rs.)

2016 1,819,000

2017 2,404,000

2018 -

2019 197,000

2020 2,425,000

2021 65,000

2022 -

2023 2,833,000

2024 2,994,000

2025 3,977,000

2026 4,537,000

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PostPost----retirementretirement CashFlow

Outflow Planned towards Corpus to be Annual OneOneOne-One ---timetime Annual OneOneOne-One ---timetime goals utilized for Age of Age of Deficit Year expenses expense Regular income occurring retirement (incl. selfselfself spouse (C+D(C+D----AAAA----BBBB)))) ( A )( ) ( B )( ) Income ( DDD ))) postpost---- gggoalsgoals occurring ( C )( ) retirement postpost----retirement)retirement) from corpus 31,865,594 2027 56 53 2,013,901 2,104,852 194,979 595,861 -3,327,913 - 30,298,387 2028 57 54 2,153,417 - 204,728 - -1,948,690 4,504,383 26,042,358 2029 58 55 2,302,699 - 214,964 - -2,087,735 - 25,988,387 2030 59 56 2,462,431 - 225,712 - -2,236,719 - 25,835,864 2031 60 57 2,633,344 - 236,998 - -2,396,346 - 25,538,168 2032 61 58 2,795,404 - 248,848 - -2,546,556 - 25,095,350 2033 62 59 2,991,082 - 261,290 - -2,729,792 - 24,464,914 2034 63 60 3,200,458 - 274,355 - -2,926,103 - 23,621,691 2035 64 61 3,424,490 - 288,072 - -3,136,418 - 22,517,297 2036 65 62 3,664,204 - 302,476 - -3,361,728 - 21,123,585 2037 66 63 3,920,699 - 317,600 - -3,603,099 - 19,389,958 2038 67 64 4,195,147 - 333,480 - -3,861,668 - 17,251,273 2039 68 65 4,488,808 - 350,154 - -4,138,654 - 14,652,479 2040 69 66 4,803,024 - 367,661 - -4,435,363 - 11,533,277 2041 70 67 5,139,236 - 386,044 - -4,753,192 - 7,819,376 2042 - 68 3,299,389 - 405,347 - -2,894,043 - 5,637,211 2043 - 69 3,530,347 - 425,614 - -3,104,733 - 3,046,174 2044 - 70 3,777,471 - 446,895 - -3,330,576 - -

Note: Annual/one-time post-retirement income has to be utilized to fund the expenses in the respective years of income. Deficit has to be funded through the corpus built.

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Details of OneOne----timetime expense & Income

Year Particulars OneOneOne-One ---timetime expense OneOneOne-One ---timetime income

Maturity proceeds from HDFC SL Classic Assure Insurance (Spouse) (One(One- ---timetime income)income);; Future 2027 2,104,852 595,861 Value of Medical Contingency Fund (One(One----timetime expenseexpense))))

Returns AAAssumedAssumedssumed: Endowment policies – 4.50% p.a.

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Summary of Recommended Investments

Existing financial assets to be utilized for Year goals & retirement (in Rs.)

Dec.'15 775,887 Surplus left over (in Rs.)

Recommended investments frofromm future Year surplus for goals & retirement (in Rs.)

2016 1,819,000 -

2017 3,726,000 -

2018 1,712,000 -

2019 1,967,000 -

2020 2,425,000 -

2021 2,533,000 -

2022 2,680,000 -

2023 2,833,000 -

2024 2,994,000 -

2025 3,977,000 -

2026 8,823,000 5,015,000

Note: Assuming the left over surplus also gets invested, you will be able to create an additional wealth of Rs. 21,336,958 at the end of spouse’s expected lifetime over and above the requirement for goals & retirement, and the same can be passed on as an estate.

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Asset Allocation

Current Asset Allocation vsvs.... Recommended Asset Allocation

One of the most important stages in analyzing your investments is to understand your asset allocation. Asset allocation represents the mix of stocks, bonds and cash that you own. It is important to have a right asset mix based on the tenure and criticality of all your goals.

Your Current Asset Allocation ***

Current Asset Allocation - Financial Assets available for immediate allocation for goals



Fixed Income


* excluding life insurance policies, PPF & retirement benefits

Based on all your goals, our recommended asset aallocationllocation for this year

Recommended Asset Allocation - Financial Assets available for immediate allocation for goals



Fixed Income


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Based on all your goals, ourourour yearyear----wisewisewisewise recommended asset allocation for next 5 years isis::::

Recommended Allocation (in %) Expected Value No. of Year of total assets years Fixed (in Rs.) Equity GoldGoldGold Income

Dec.'15 60.00% 40.00% - 775,887

2016 111 73.59% 26.41% - 2,676,836

2017 222 61.46% 38.54% - 6,654,471

2018 333 49.98% 50.02% - 8,924,648

2019 444 61.90% 38.10% - 8,320,800

2020 555 73.03% 26.97% - 8,293,485


 Expected value of total assets is as at the end of everye very year, as reduced by the outflow

towards goals & postpost--retirement--retirement expenses in the respective yearyear,,,, from the accumulation

from recommended investments. This also includes thethe accumulation from the left overover

surplus, iiff any, assuming the same also gets invested.ininin vested.

 The above yearyear--wise--wise asset allocation is based only on the current outlook on the asset

classes. The plan has to be reviewed every year to know the changes required in your

asset allocation every year.

Returns (pre(pre----tax)tax) assumed on different asset classes: Equity – 13% p.a.; Debt – 8.50% p.a.;

Liquid – 7% p.a. and Gold – 7.50% p.a. In the plan, these returns are considered post-tax and after adjusting for the risk, as measured by standard deviation of each of these asset classes.

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Action Plan (Your copy)

1) ReRe----structuringstructuring of existing financial assets for future goals

Recommended Asset Current Asset Allocation Allocation Amount Amount Recommended Action to meet Asset Type (Rs.) held (Rs.) hhheldheld Total Percentage Amount Percentage Recommended Asset Allocation with outside Amount (%)(%)(%) (Rs.) (%)(%)(%) Self‘s Self’s (Rs.) ICICIdirect ICICIdirect Beyond Corridor Limits, Add and Rebalance from other Equity 335,887 40,000 375,887 48.45% 465,532 60.00% Assets where you are over-exposed.

Beyond Corridor Limits, Sell and Rebalance to other Fixed Income 40,193 359,807 400,000 51.55% 310,355 40.00% Assets where you are under-exposed.

Total 376,080 399,807 775,887 775,887

Advisor’s Comment:  Re-balance as per recommendation.

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2) Savings Target for nenextxt 1 year for goals

Particulars Amount (in Rs.)

Savings Target for next 1 year 1,819,000

Advisor’s Comments:  As per your financial plan, you should target to save Rs. 1,8191,819,000,000,000,000 in next 1 year and allocate in a way that your Asset Allocation after a year is in line with the target asset allocation. For eg., if your target asset allocation after a year has more allocation to equity compared to current recommended asset allocation, then you will have to allocate more savings towards equity.  Please refer to the Product Recommendations for the recommended funds in each of the asset classes.

333)3))) Target Asset Allocation by DecemberDecember,, 2016 ––– To be targeted over next 1 year, after shifting frofromm current asset allocation to recommended asset allocation immediimmediatelyately as per point no.1

Recommended TTTargetTarget Asset Current Asset Asset Type Asset Allocation --- Allocation by Allocation Immediate DecemberDecember,, 2016

Equity 48.45% 60.00% 73.59%

Fixed Income 51.55% 40.00% 26.41%

Total 775,887 775,887 2,676,836

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Advisor’s Comment: This section gives you the target allocation that you have to keep in mind while investing during this year so that you are as close to this allocation by the end of 1 year from the date of the plan. Rs.Rs.Rs. 2,672,672,676 2,67 666,8,8,8,836363636 comprises accumulation of existing financial assets (which can be liquidated immediately for future goals) after a year, including the savings made during the next 1 year.

Other Recommendations & Comments:

As per your financial plan, the following points have to be acted upon immediately.

• Insure self’s life for an additional amount of Rs.44.72 lakh, through a term insurance.

• Take a personal accident insurance cover for self for an amount of Rs.1.53 crore.

• Take a family floater basic medical insurance cover for your family for Rs.5 lakh.

• Take a family floater top up medical insurance cover for your family for Rs.15 lakh.

• Insure your existing house properties and home contents through home insurance.

• Make nomination in all your existing investments / Draft a WILL to pass on your estate to the desired beneficiaries.

• Review your financial plan after a year from now.

Refer following pages for the product recommendations.

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PPProductProduct Recommendations

Recommended Products for rere----structuringstructuring of existing financial assets for goalsgoals::::

Based on the recommended asset allocation in point no.1 in Action Plan, we suggest you to re-structure your existing asset allocation as below:

Exit From Invest Into

Asset Amount (in Rs.) Asset Amount (in Rs.)

Equity Equity 89,645

Fixed IncomeIncome:::: Fixed IncIncomeomeomeome::::

Savings Bank Balance 400,000 MF Debt - Mid to Long Term 310,355

Total 400,000 Total 400,000

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Recommended Products BUY): Product / Fund Name Amount (in Rs.) Type Rationale

Fund A 44,645 


Fund B 45,000 

Fund C 77,000 

Fund D 77,000 Fixed Income  (>=4 years)

Fund E 78,000 

Fund F 78,355 

Total 400,000

Note: For long-term debt investments, you can also consider investing into tax-free bonds, if there is any issue available with a credit rating of AA or above. If you invest into the same, you have to ensure that you re-invest the interest payouts into MF Debt.

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Recommended Products for Savings to be made in next 1 year:year :::

Amount p.m. BreakBreak----upup of Monthly Amount (in Rs.) Particulars Amount (in Rs.) (in Rs.) Equity Fixed Income GoGoGoldGo ldldld

Savings Target for next 1 year 1,819,000 151,500 121,000 30,500 -

Recommended Products B Product / Fund Name Amount (in Rs.) Type Rationale

Fund A 24,000 

Fund B 24,000 

Fund G 24,500  Equity

Fund H 24,500 

Fund I 24,000 

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Product / Fund Name Amount (in Rs.) Type Rationale

Fund D 10,000 

Fixed Income Fund E 10,000 (>=4 years) 

Fund F 10,500 

Total 151,500 p.m. ): Note: For long-term debt investments, you can also consider investing into tax-free bonds, if there is any issue available with a credit rating of AA or above. If you invest into the same, you have to ensure that you re-invest the interest payouts into MF Debt.

Note: A. Debt Investments: We recommend that you invest in the growth option for debt funds. This ensures that you pay taxes only on capital gains, which are lower as compared to tax paid on distributed income (for short term holdings). It also ensures lower effective tax rates due to indexation benefit for investments held for over 3 years. We also recommend an accrual strategy for your debt investments to provide stability in income with lower interest rate risk.

B. Equity Investments: We recommend that you choose growth funds for equity mutual funds investments. This would ensure that the funds continue to be invested till they are required for any goal. For your direct equity investments, we recommend that you hold a diversified portfolio with a strict upper limit on single stock (upto 10-15%), sector (upto 20-25%) and small/mid cap stocks (upto 5-10%).

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Action PlPlanan (RM copy)

1) ReRe----structuringstructuring of existing financial assets for futurefuture goals

Recommended Asset Current Asset Allocation Allocation Amount Amount Recommended Action to meet Asset Type (Rs.) held (Rs.(Rs.(Rs.)(Rs. ) held Total Percentage Amount Percentage Recommended Asset Allocation with outside Amount (%)(%)(%) (Rs.) (%)(%)(%) Self‘s Self’s (Rs.) ICICIdirect ICICIdirect Beyond Corridor Limits, Add and Rebalance from other Equity 335,887 40,000 375,887 48.45% 465,532 60.00% Assets where you are over-exposed.

Beyond Corridor Limits, Sell and Rebalance to other Fixed Income 40,193 359,807 400,000 51.55% 310,355 40.00% Assets where you are under-exposed.

Total 376,080 399,807 775,887 775,887

Advisor’s Comment:  Re-balance as per recommendation.

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2) Savings Target for next 1 year for goals

Particulars Amount (in Rs.)

Savings Target for next 1 year 1,819,000

Advisor’s Comments:  As per your financial plan, you should target to save Rs. 1,8191,819,000,000,000,000 in next 1 year and allocate in a way that your Asset Allocation after a year is in line with the target asset allocation. For eg., if your target asset allocation after a year has more allocation to equity compared to current recommended asset allocation, then you will have to allocate more savings towards equity.  Please refer to the Product Recommendations for the recommended funds in each of the asset classes.

3) Target Asset Allocation by December, 2016 ––– To be targeted over next 1 year, after shifting frofromm current asset allocation to recommended asset allocation immimmediatelyediately as per point no.1

Recommended TTTargetTarget Asset Current Asset Asset Type Asset Allocation --- Allocation by Allocation Immediate December, 2016

Equity 48.45% 60.00% 73.59%

Fixed Income 51.55% 40.00% 26.41%

Total 775,887 775,887 2,676,836

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AdvisorAdvisor’s’s Comment: This section gives you the target allocation that you have to keep in mind while investing during this year so that you are as close to this allocation by the end of 1 year from the date of the plan. Rs.Rs.Rs. 2,672,672,676 2,67 666,8,8,8,836363636 comprises accumulation of existing financial assets (which can be liquidated immediately for future goals) after a year, including the savings made during the next 1 year.

Other Recommendations & Comments:

As per your financial plan, the following points have to be acted upon immediately.

• Insure self’s life for an additional amount of Rs.44.72 lakh, through a term insurance.

• Take a personal accident insurance cover for self for an amount of Rs.1.53 crore.

• Take a family floater basic medical insurance cover for your family for Rs.5 lakh.

• Take a family floater top up medical insurance cover for your family for Rs.15 lakh.

• Insure your existing house properties and home contents through home insurance.

• Make nomination in all your existing investments / Draft a WILL to pass on your estate to the desired beneficiaries.

• Review your financial plan after a year from now.

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Disclosures and Disclaimer

ICICI Securities Ltd. (I-Sec). Registered office of I-Sec is at ICICI Securities Ltd. - ICICI Centre, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020, , Tel No: 022 - 2288 2460, 022 - 2288 2470. I-Sec is a SEBI registered Investment Adviser., Registration no. INA000000094. I-Sec is a SEBI registered Research Analyst having registration no. INH000000990. I-Sec is a Member of National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., SEBI Regn. No. INB 230773037 (CM), SEBI Regn. No. INF 230773037 (F&O), SEBI Regn No. INE230773037 (CD), Ltd., SEBI Regn. No. INB011286854 (CM), SEBI Regn No. INF010773035 (F&O). AMFI Regn. No.: ARN- 0845, Name of the Compliance officer: Ms. Mamta Jayaram Shetty, Contact number: 022- 40701000, E-mail address: [email protected].

ICICI Securities is a full-service, integrated investment banking and is, inter alia, engaged in the business of stock broking and distribution of financial products. ICICI Securities is a wholly- owned subsidiary of ICICI Bank which is India’s largest private sector bank and has its various subsidiaries engaged in businesses of housing finance, asset management, life insurance, general insurance, venture capital fund management, distribution of financial products etc. (“associates”), the details in respect of which are available on .

ICICI Securities is one of the leading distributors of Mutual Funds and participate in distribution of Mutual Fund Schemes of almost all AMCs in India. ICICI Securities and/or its associates receive compensation/ commission for distribution of Mutual Funds from various Asset Management Companies (AMCs). ICICI Securities hosts the details of the commission rates earned by ICICI Securities from Mutual Fund houses on our website . ICICI Securities or its associates may have received compensation from AMCs whose funds are mentioned in the report during the period preceding twelve months from the date of this report for distribution of Mutual Funds or for providing marketing advertising support to these AMCs. ICICI Securities also provides stock broking services to institutional clients including AMCs. Hence, ICICI Securities may have received brokerage for securities transactions done by any of the above AMCs during the period preceding twelve months from the date of this report.

ICICI Securities encourages independence in research report preparation and strives to minimize conflict in preparation of research report. ICICI Securities or its analysts did not receive any compensation or other benefits from the AMCs whose funds are mentioned in the report or third party in connection with preparation of the research report. Accordingly, neither ICICI Securities nor Research Analysts have any material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this report.

The Mutual Fund Schemes recommended above are based on last issued ICICI Securities’ Research Reports for Mutual Fund products from time to time. Mutual Fund related research reports are prepared by Research Analysts - Sachin Jain, CA and Sheetal Ashar, CA. Any reference to the words “Research Report” herein would imply Mutual Fund Research Reports issued by these Analysts. Investors can refer these Research Reports on . If any investor is not able to access the Research Report on our website then such investor can obtain a copy of the same from his/her Relationship Manager/ Advisor.

It is confirmed that Research Analysts have not received any compensation from the Mutual Funds house whose funds are mentioned in the report in the preceding twelve months. Compensation of our Research Analysts is not based on any specific merchant banking, investment banking or brokerage service transactions.

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ICICI Securities or its associates may own 1% or more of the units of the Mutual Funds mentioned in the report as of the last day of the month preceding the publication of the research report. Research Analysts do not own 1% or more of the units of the Mutual Funds mentioned in the report as of the last day of the month preceding the publication of the research report.

Since associates of ICICI Securities are engaged in various financial service businesses, they might have financial interests or beneficial ownership in various companies / AMCs including the AMCs whose funds are mentioned in this report or may have invested in the funds mentioned in this report.

Please note that as a part of Treasury Management, ICICI Securities may be holding units of Mutual Funds including Liquid Mutual Funds, Money market instruments, and Debt Securities which are advised to clients.

ICICI Securities also distributes Mutual Fund Schemes of ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company which is an ICICI Group Company, scheme details of which might also be appearing in the report above. However, the transactions are executed at Client's sole discretion and Clients make their own investment decisions, based on their own investment objectives, financial positions and needs.

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You acknowledge that the Risk Profile Report and financial plan suggested to you is based on the information provided by you to I-Sec and on certain assumptions as stated in the Report. The suggested financial plan to achieve your financial goals may not be accurate or yield expected results if the information provided by you is incorrect or any of the assumptions made are rendered invalid due to uncontrollable external forces like change in interest rates, change in government policies, etc.

You acknowledge that you will exercise your own independent judgment and discretion in using any of the information and reports provided by I-Sec and that you will conduct separate research into the suitability of the Product for a particular financial situation, circumstances, attitudes, motivations and preferences.

I-Sec does not guarantee or represent that the Product assesses a client’s current state of mind or will predict a client’s future state of mind or behaviour. You have not relied on any representation made by I-Sec which has not been expressly stated herein or upon any descriptions or illustrations or specifications contained in any document including catalogues or publicity material provided by I-Sec. I Sec forms its views and expectations on the asset classes and their behavior that is based on various analysis, trends and historical data. I Sec does not guarantee their performance and hence the actual performance of the asset classes can differ and may require you to make adjustments in the asset allocation strategy as well as saving rates. The plan is based on the current view of the long term expectations and may not hold good at all points of time in the future. You are therefore required to review the assumptions regularly. You agree to generally comply with the instructions and materials

ICICI Securities Ltd. Page 42 of 43 Private and Confidential provided by I-Sec for the use of the Product / Report. The factors, other than personality, which influence risk tolerance include financial know how and experience, as well as personal, family and work situations and aspirations. If there is a significant change in any of these, risk tolerance should be re-tested. This re-testing is not only for your subsequent decision-making but also for review of decisions made before the change. It is advisable your risk tolerance should be retested every two or three years as it may change slowly with age. I-Sec cannot endorse or support any specific decision you may make because we are not privy to all the other information that effective financial decision making requires.

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