Coverage: May 2013

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DÁIL - WRITTEN ANSWERS 30/05/2013: Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources: National Wind Energy Strategy : ...was met from wind energy generated electricity sourced in the Single Electricity Market (SEM). In Northern Ireland the corresponding proportion was 11.6%. In 2012, 17% of electricity demand on the island of Ireland was met by renewable generation sourced from the SEM. In order to take a structured approach to the connection of the amounts of renewable generation necessary to achieve the...

29/05/2013: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: International Fund for Ireland border+section%3Awrans#g155.r : ...visit to Washington D.C. last March. In a similar way, the Government has worked with EU partners to secure further funding under the EU Peace Programme. The Government supports the inclusion of cross border and cross community youth training as part of that programme. It is regrettable that a programme such as this which has had such a positive impact on the lives of those trainees...

29/05/2013: Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Companies Statistics border+section%3Awrans#g321.r : ...Council Regulation (EC) 2157/2001 on a Statute for a European Company. SEs can be formed via a merger between two plcs (one of which must have been governed by the laws of another EU State) - Cross Border Mergers under the European Communities Cross Border Mergers Regulations 2008 Year Migrating Funds Companies Societas Europaea Cross Border Mergers involving PLCs 2003...

28/05/2013: Department of Finance: Illegal Tobacco Trade border+section%3Awrans#g268.r Michael Noonan: ...There is extensive cooperation with An Garda Síochána in combating the illicit trade, and the relevant agencies in the State also work closely with their counterparts in Northern Ireland, through a cross-border group on tobacco enforcement, to target the organised crime groups that are responsible for a large proportion of the illegal tobacco market. Considerable success is...

28/05/2013: Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: EU Standardised Corporate Forms border+section%3Awrans#g774.r Richard Bruton: ...impasse, the Commission signalled in its recent Action Plan on European company law and corporate governance (published 12 December 2012) that it will spend time this year and next considering alternatives that would enhance cross-border opportunities for SMEs, such as proposals for mechanisms that would make it easier for companies to establish in other EU Member States without undue...

28/05/2013: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Environmental Policy border+section%3Awrans#g1222.r : ...different standards applying to coal between larger urban and smaller urban/rural locations is not ideal, as it results in different levels of environmental protection and clean air benefits for people across these different locations. While I have set the challenging target of introducing a ban on smoky coal across the State within the next three years, I fully recognise the cross- border...

28/05/2013: Department of Health: Proposed Legislation border+section%3Awrans#g1795.r James Reilly: I understand that the Deputy is referring to the EU Directive on the Application of Patients' Rights in Cross Border Healthcare. The purpose of this Directive is to establish a clear legal framework to facilitate cross border health care with a focus on patient rights, information for patients on entitlements and patient choice. The Directive deals with complex issues, both nationally and... 28/05/2013: Department of Health: Hospital Services island#g1762.q Joe McHugh: 681. To ask the Minister for Health if he will update Dáil Éireann on the proposed single all-island paediatric cardiac surgical service that may be provided from Our Lady's Children's Hospital in Dublin with support from the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children; if he will describe funding arrangements that may underpin a new service; and if he will make a statement on the... See more results from this answer

23/05/2013: Department of Social Protection: Social Welfare Benefits Eligibility border+section%3Awrans#g235.r : must be accorded equal treatment with Irish citizens. The regulations are viewed by the EU as an important element in the arrangements in place to encourage and facilitate free movement across the Union. The regulations coordinate social security schemes across the EU but the design, qualifying conditions and funding arrangements of national schemes remain a national competence. ...

21/05/2013: Department of Finance: European Banking Union border+section%3Awrans#g40.r Michael Noonan: ...future Economic and Monetary Union. One of these building blocks is an integrated financial framework or banking union which comprises three elements (a) an integrated system for the supervision of cross-border banks in the form of the single supervisor mechanism (‘SSM’), (b) a recasting of the deposit insurance scheme directive (‘DGS’) to further harmonise...

21/05/2013: Department of Finance: EU Directives border+section%3Awrans#g172.r Michael Noonan: ...' Committee in Brussels on 8th May. Before its formal adoption it has to be voted on at Plenary by the European Parliament. The new rules will strengthen the rights of future mortgage holders across the EU. They do not apply to existing mortgage credit agreements. Some of the provisions of the proposed Directive are as follows: - Improved pre-contractual information to consumers...

21/05/2013: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Aquaculture Development border+section%3Awrans#g1332.r : referring to requests for assistance from mussel growers in Lough Foyle. Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) continues to provide ongoing assistance to Irish mussel growers by examining opportunities for cross-border funding, by facilitating seed surveys to locate suitable beds and by developing a fishing plan for a seed fishery in a number of East Coast Natura 2000 sites. As BIM is an...

16/05/2013: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Cross-Border Projects border+section%3Awrans Séamus Kirk: 16. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the proposals, if any, he has to have further discussions with Members of the Northern Ireland Executive or with the Northern Ireland Secretary of State in relation to the need to finalise the funding provision for construction of the Narrow Water Bridge; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23200/13]

16/05/2013: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: EU Presidency Issues border+section%3Awrans#g226.r Eamon Gilmore: secure a deal on the budget to ensure that it is put to work at the earliest opportunity to support employment and growth in Europe. The Presidency has also brokered agreements on a wide range of other issues including protecting citizens from serious cross-border threats to health, strengthening provisions on water quality in the EU, improving the safety of workers in offshore oil...

15/05/2013: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Tourism Industry Issues border+section%3Awrans#g175.r : ...Accordingly, I have referred the Deputy's question to Fáilte Ireland for further information and direct reply. I am advised that the Commissioners of Irish Lights are currently in discussion with the Special EU Programmes Body about a cross-border project to develop the tourism potential of lighthouses along the northern coast. Fáilte Ireland, the...

15/05/2-13: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Penalty Point System : 16. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on the measures being taken to harmonise the penalty points regime on an all-island basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. See more results from this answer

15/05/2013: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Tourism Policy Dessie Ellis: 35. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the steps he has taken to pursue all-island tourism cooperation; his future plans in regarding same; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

14/05/2013: Department of Finance: Illicit Trade in Tobacco border+section%3Awrans#g399.r Michael Noonan: ...arrests were made. There is extensive co-operation with An Garda Síochána in combating the illicit trade, and the relevant agencies in the State also work closely with their counterparts in Northern Ireland, through a cross- border group on tobacco enforcement, to target the organised crime groups that are responsible for a large proportion of the illegal tobacco market. ...

14/05/2013: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Motor Tax Collection border+section%3Awrans#g970.r Phil Hogan: ...other high usage and high mileage vehicles, such as public service vehicles and buses; the other distributional effects, including on those with longer distances to commute; the extent to which this would impact on cross-Border fuel purchasing, further depressing the tax base and requiring a compensatory adjustment, either in further increases in fuel prices or elsewhere in the tax system,...

14/05/2013: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: Air Pollution island#g1045.r Phil Hogan: ...the industry representatives to discuss the ongoing implementation and enforcement of the Regulations. In the case of new towns that were added to the ban, a lead-in period of eight months was provided to allow local authorities and fuel retailers time to adapt as necessary to the new regulatory requirements in preparation for the switch-over to smokeless fuels. Following the inclusion...

14/05/2013: Department of Health: Cross-Border Health Initiatives border+section%3Awrans : To ask the Minister for Health if he will confirm that the European Commission’s Proposal for a decision on serious cross-border threats to health remains a priority for the Irish EU Presidency; if he will provide a detailed update on the current status of this proposal; if the proposal will be discussed at forthcoming meetings of the Working Party on Public Health in May and June...

14/05/2013: Department of Health: National Pandemic Plan border+section%3Awrans#g1634.q Catherine Murphy: ...outbreaks; if he will detail the stocks of antiviral medication that the State has on hand to disperse in the event of such an occurrence; if he will outline the way the recent EU agreement on cross-border health threats will aid the State's preparedness in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

14/05/2013: Department of Health: Cross-Border Health Initiatives border+section%3Awrans Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin: 712. To ask the Minister for Health the locations of all genito urinary medicine clinics along the border area; the extent of cross-border usage of these facilities; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

09/05/2013: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government: EU Funding border+section%3Awrans#g401.r Phil Hogan: The EU INTERREG programme 2007-2013 is comprised of three strands: Strand A, which covers cross-border co-operation; Strand B, which covers transnational co-operation and Strand C, which covers interregional cooperation. Each Strand has its own priorities and covers specific geographic regions. Applications for funding under all strands of the INTERREG Programme are made...

08/05/2013: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Ash Dieback Threat Simon Coveney: ...On 6th November 2012, further legislation was introduced to limit the movement of ash wood into the country. Similar legislation has been introduced in Northern Ireland in order to implement an all-island approach to tackling the disease. My Department is liaising closely with their counterparts in Northern Ireland and Great Britain to update the Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for Chalara...

07/05/2013: Department of Defence: Overseas Missions border+section%3Awrans#g60.r : our wealth and wellbeing and hold immense untapped economic opportunities, in terms of energy, food and mineral resources. It is a very significant resource worth protecting. To achieve these benefits closer cross-sector and cross-border cooperation is required and this was clearly articulated during the seminar. Key initiatives which are now being developed include: The Atlantic...

02/05/2013: Department of Justice and Equality: Crime Prevention border+section%3Awrans#g36.r Alan Shatter: I am happy to inform the House that there is close and ongoing co- operation between the Garda Síochána and the PSNI on all aspects of policing. In 2010 the two police forces put in place a joint Cross Border Policing Strategy which has as its aims to improve public safety throughout Ireland, to disrupt criminal activity and to enhance the policing capability of both police services...

02/05/2013: Department of Justice and Equality: Cross-Border Co-operation border+section%3Awrans Joe McHugh: To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will work with the Northern Ireland Minister for Justice to explore the potential value of a Donegal/Tyrone/Derry community policing board structure based on this State's existing Joint Policing Committee model; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

01/05/2013: Department of Finance: Carbon Tax Collection border+section%3Awrans#g232.q Joe McHugh: To ask the Minister for Finance if he will outline his plans for introducing carbon taxation on coal; if he has considered the implications of such a development on cross-border imports; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

DÁIL – OTHER 30/05/2013: Other Questions: Inland Waterways Development : I have seen for myself the provision the provision of moorings at Killaloe and Ballina. Those have made a major difference to both towns in different counties on either side of the Shannon. The result of that investment is obvious and local people would accept that. As regards involvement from Fáilte Ireland, Waterways Ireland is augmenting Fáilte Ireland's promotion of the...

28/05/2013: Confidence in the Minister for Justice and Equality: Motion [Private Members] 28a.478&s=cross+border#g619 Alan Shatter: Northern Ireland, I have been fully engaged with my counterpart David Ford and with the Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers in ensuring continuing co-operation in tackling criminal terrorism and cross-Border crime. The catalyst for this motion is nothing to do with my substantial work as a Minister. It revolves around two matters: the comment I made on Prime Time and Deputy Mattie...

23/05/2013: Topical Issue Debate: Schools Recognition 23a.210&s=cross+border#g211 Seán Conlan: ...the school are very low and not on a par with those quoted for some Dublin schools. It is very important in this day and age that Ireland, being a republic, send a message, particularly in a Border area such as County Monaghan, that this country promotes inclusivity and will not force members of the minority Protestant community to send their children to school across the Border in...

22/05/2013: Order of Business Gerry Adams: ...and the mental health strategy, I do not know if the Tánaiste saw the report from the 3Ts charity which again put the focus on suicide. Somewhere in the region of 1,000 citizens across the island have lost their lives through suicide and, in my own constituency, 16 people died through suicide in 2011. One statistic really disturbs me - one child under 18 years dies by suicide every...

22/05/2013: Ireland and the Eurozone: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] 22a.551&s=cross+border#g581 Joe Costello: ...Union is stagnant. We are on the way back. James Connolly who was referred to by a Member opposite was actually an internationalist. He would have been the first person who would have wanted to see a cross-border union, with member states united in solidarity. He would have welcomed this approach towards peace in the European Union, with solidarity between peoples and communities.

22/05/2013: Other Questions: Cross-Border Co-operation Cross-Border Co-operation island#g411.r John Perry: I propose to take Questions Nos. 6, 14 and 16 together. While there is obviously limited scope for the State to be involved in the promotion of products generally, whether on an all-Ireland basis or not, and there are significant EU constraints on giving favourable treatment towards Irish produce, nevertheless the Government is very conscious of the additional difficulties facing companies...

21/05/2013: Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: European Banking Union Michael Noonan: ...future Economic and Monetary Union. One of these building blocks is an integrated financial framework, or banking union, which comprises three elements: an integrated system for the supervision of cross-border banks in the form of the single supervisor mechanism; a recasting of the deposit insurance scheme directive - the DGS directive - to further harmonise national DGSs; and a European...

21/05/2013: Pre-European Council Meeting: Statements : while we have held the chair of the Council of the European Union. This Council will address itself to the discussion of two thematic issues - energy and taxation - both of which are critically important to improving the competitiveness of the European economy and with it the prospects for strengthened employment and growth in Europe. I welcome President Van Rompuy's choice in...

15/05/2013: Good Friday Agreement: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] Jonathan O'Brien: ...years Sinn Féin had no interest in substantive engagement with others on the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement is laughable and has a touch of irony considering he would probably get a nose bleed if he crossed the Border. Deputy Deasy’s contribution reflects the all too familiar partitionist mentality of some Deputies in this Chamber who see and talk about the Irish... See more results from debate on this bill

14/05/2013: Good Friday Agreement: Motion [Private Members] 14a.516&s=cross+border#g542 Brendan Smith: ...who have suffered and lost loved ones including the families of the disappeared; and recognises the immense potential for the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement to provide a real peace dividend across all communities who share this island. "Everyone in this House will remember the remarkable sense of optimism and hope across this island on Good Friday 1998. The bitter and... See more results from this debate

14/05/2013: Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Northern Ireland Issues 14a.185&s=cross+border#g284 Enda Kenny: ...great co-operation between the Garda and the PSNI. Such co- operation is extremely important in the context of dealing with terrorist and dissident activities, smuggling and other criminal activities on a cross-Border basis and on an information-sharing basis in the context of persons who might have evil intent in their minds. From that point of view, we support the work of the PSNI and... See more results from this debate

14/05/2013: Leaders' Questions 14a.160&s=cross+border#g176 Enda Kenny: ...occasions over the past two years. In that time, there have been at least 50 ministerial engagements in respect of the North-South Ministerial Assembly dealing with issues about Northern Ireland and cross-Border activities.

08/05/2013: Order of Business 08a.266&s=cross+border#g278 Enda Kenny: I met a cross-Border delegation regarding Narrow Water when I was in Dundalk recently. Clearly, the EU moneys are in place as is the finance being contributed by Louth County Council and the Government. The process of evaluation by the Executive and the Minister, Sammy Wilson's office in Stormont is proceeding. I hope the matter can be brought to a speedy and successful conclusion. The...

08/05/2013: Leaders' Questions 08a.178&s=cross+border#g262 Mattie McGrath: ...have waited long enough for the full truth to be disclosed. On 19 July 2012, a comprehensive report was served to the Minister for Justice and Equality, Deputy Alan Shatter, calling for a full cross-Border public inquiry. To date, the families have had no meaningful response from the Government and neither are they aware of any actions that the Government has taken in light of this... See more results from this debate

07/05/2013: Topical Issue Debate: Carbon Tax Collection 07a.241&s=cross+border#g245 Michael Noonan: ...local authorities to do with the quality of solid fuel burned, particularly coals with high sulphur contents. They will continue their enforcement as they have been doing up to now but they will cross-refer anything they do to the Revenue Commissioners, which will be in contact with the local authorities to see if enforcement is required or if there is a trail that can be followed to...

01/05/2013: Organ Donation: Motion [Private Members] John O'Mahony: ...of a cross-party delegation of Deputies and Senators to Croke Park. We were invited to Croke Park by the ard stiúrthóir of the GAA, Páraic Duffy, in order to meet Joe Brolly, who is leading an all-island campaign to introduce an opt-out system. Having listened to Dr. David Hickey, Professor Jim Egan and other eminent experts in organ transplantation, I suggest that we...

01/05/2013: Topical Issue Debate: Cross-Border Projects Cross-Border Projects

SEANAD 29/05/2013: Adjournment Matters: EU Health Care Directive 29a.276&s=cross+border#g277 : I welcome the Minister of State to the House. The EU directive on cross-border health care gives citizens of member states the right to travel to another member state if suitable health care is not available or is unduly delayed in their own member state. That directive was signed off as far back as February 2011 and the Government has 30 months in which to put it in place. The treatment... See more results from this debate

29/05/2013: Criminal Justice Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) 29a.164&s=cross+border#g170 Fergus O'Dowd: ...for the Garda from what was previously planned. We have funded the purchase of vehicles and new rosters have been introduced which maximise the availability of Garda personnel at peak times. The matter of fuel smuggling and the activities of dissidents were raised by other Senators. A cross- border task force involving the PSNI, the United Kingdom HM Revenue & Customs, the United...

29/05/2013: Address to Seanad Éireann by Ms Margareta Wahlström 29a.135&s=cross+border#g147 : ...öm as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, particularly with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and her role as the Secretary-General's special response co-ordinator during the initial phase of the international reaction to the 2004 Indian Ocean...

29/05/2013: Business of Seanad 29a.5&s=cross+border#g6 : ...Minister for Health to provide information by way of comparative figures for the provision of home help services on a regional basis between the first quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2013 across the country, the number of hours provided, the number of clients, the average number of individual hours for each client, the overall spend in each period in each region and the relevant...

28/05/2013: Criminal Justice Bill 2013: Second Stage 28a.204&s=cross+border#g223 : ...dimension to this. As the Minister of State knows, one loses one's O2 or Vodafone coverage as one travels through Northern Ireland. One can end up being covered by Vodafone UK or Orange. When I cross the Border at Lifford, I travel five or six miles before I get Eircom coverage again. There is a buffer of three or four miles on both sides of the Border where someone can use a mobile...

23/05/2013: Diesel Laundering: Statements 23a.62&s=cross+border#g79 Terry Brennan: ...have said, substantial profits are to be made from this illegal activity, which results in an extensive loss of revenue to the Exchequer and high clean-up costs for local authorities, particularly in Border counties. In my own county of Louth, for example, the local authority has spent in excess of €8 million over the past ten years on collecting, dispatching and forwarding the... See more results from this debate

22/05/2013: Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2012: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages island#g423 Trevor Ó Clochartaigh: I welcome the passage of the Bill and commend the Minister on making significant progress in the area. I also recognise the work done by the officials in ensuring all-island North-South co-operation and bringing policies much closer together. The Minister's approach to the Bill has helped considerably and a number of other Ministers might take a leaf from his book. He listened to...

22/05/2013: Decade of Centenaries Programme of Commemorations: Statements island#g249 Labhrás Ó Murchú: ...that commemorations should be about more than focusing on the immediate event. They should help us to understand who we are as a people, establish our national identity and set out our vision for the future and how we will fit into the world context. All of these things are part of our highly diverse story. Interestingly, we have often found out through dialogue and taking a fraternal...

16/05/2013: Address to Seanad Éireann by Mr. Jim Higgins, MEP 16a.86&s=cross+border#g98 Jillian van Turnhout: ...been highlighted and in which he played a significant part, namely, the EU suicide prevention and mental health treatment strategies, EU funding for the care of the elderly and the increased access to cross-border health care. He was also involved in children and youth issues, such as childhood obesity and child literacy. These issues are often not played out in Ireland, but are...

15/05/2013: Wind Energy Guidelines: Statements 15a.121&s=cross+border#g148 : ...wind farms. I have a long history of dealing with wind energy developers. Well over ten years ago in south Tipperary, in a small place called Ahenny on the fringes of Carrick-on-Suir and on the border of Tipperary and , a wind energy development company came visiting. It tried to destroy that area with a wind farm. I and other people in the area fought it on the basis of the...

15/05/2013: Order of Business 15a.7&s=cross+border#g112 : .... Senator Ó Domhnaill welcomed Minister Coveney's work on fish discards. The Senator asked a question on hospital groupings in the Higgins report. I suggest that he examines the sharing of resources and cross-Border linkages envisaged in the report. We will debate the report at a later stage. Senator O'Sullivan, as Senator Brennan did yesterday and Senator did today,...

08/05/2013: Order of Business (Resumed) 08a.61&s=cross+border#g106 Jimmy Harte: I have some points of clarification. I agree with Senator Reilly about roaming charges on the Border. I encounter the problem every week travelling to and from Dublin. I refer in particular to data roaming. Anyone who has switched it on while travelling through Northern Ireland would have paid the cost of a flight to California by the time he or she got home. It is totally ridiculous....

08/05/2013: Address to Seanad Éireann by Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn 08a.5&s=cross+border#g8 ...Union. Our innovators and businesses needed a more affordable and less unwieldy, less costly patent system and, therefore, we established the unitary patent. SMEs and start-ups needed better access to finance, so we have created the European passport venture capital fund to ease the availability of funding opportunities across Europe. To give innovative companies a chance and get better...

01/05/2013: Address to Seanad Éireann by Ms , MEP 08a.5&s=cross+border#g8 in Europe, with their European counterparts. I go to meetings and have round table discussions with them but I cannot change the Irish health system. That is the job of the Oireachtas. All across Europe health systems in countries that are in austerity programmes have suffered. This appalling austerity is apparently the result of a mistake in a spreadsheet which is a simplistic way... See more results from this debate