
Tbb following table rivet the popula­ tion of the Bute* in 1800 and 1870, with the changes in rank :

stnlss. fkpdk. Hand. r^ruot k W7.048 18 Mareat buorttf .. 1,457,861 7 1,8*1,088 7 ■Michigan ...... I.1M4.1W> 14 748,114 18 Minnesota .. .. 488,708 *M 178.0ft *1 Miaai’wtopi...... Htr.w 1M 781,888 14 VIMH* a a i.m.sft & 1,1*8.018 8 Nebraska...... i ».*.•« a* 4h.*41 46 Nevada...... 4*. til! m a. «7 47 New llruipatiire 418,400 si tt»8.U7S *7 New Jerarf..., 808,0ft 17 •71.815 *1 New York ..... A.m,vm 1 MNQ.T86 1 I.0II.SBI 14 JMUM 1* Ohio...... t.Wli.Ml a * m* an 4 Oregon ...... en«t* M 58.845 44 rennayl vania , 1.6* JM s 8.80**15 * Khod* Ialand . *17. V* HI 174.6*1 ft Kontii Carolina. 786.800 X* IX Tenncaaee ..7. . 1 «MM « 1.108 801 10 Texaa...... uu» 114 *15 88 Vermont ...... Mhl wt 115,0**1 ft •Virginia...... i.rrina 10 1.818.840 5 Wiaronatn .. 1,884.080 15 775. NX 1 15 Wart Virginia.. 441.814 87 478 tm • • Total...... 1 W.115,841 81 lft',744 Arisona ...... # . Md • , Colorado ...... 18,**4 # , 14.1777 • # Colombia...... 181,708 754ft 4 4 Dakota...... 14. HI # . 4^87 00 Idaho ...... 14.8ft • t#a a a Montana ...... *>.*>05 , , • M, # New kUxlco .. »l.«74 , , M7.081 • 4 t’tah ...... HS.7H* , 9 a *.*71 4 4 Waahlngna. ... *4,056 • • 11,5444 . . Wyoming...... 0.118 •• .... •• To*l Territories. 442.710 858 577 Grand Total ».V*fCTM SI .444,1*1 Ski ffllatsa jiuUptminrt lB|»rtut luHIWWll. TU CUNTUN INDNPCNOKNT, ► MATS'. 1BTB* PiUfeted ovary Tfemaday , fey ffca Ia4«s*a4«ai and Use itrott a, o*«rty mt O rpHK BEST PLACE TO QRT Bfflrffll A JNUvttkM Rillml I bate Court Mr tfee cm N" oommtv s M1 Week If r*N rre*a for Uatli farther aatte*, tralae all Heare Rt. Jofea* ( Oi**, OORBIT Ml KNTEN, Hurd A I t*ar. feeder : ______■mil Marble Works! b aaeasar^ wu,4aT. r # ••cans g. mas it. jasm n sar ■POTS rt SHOES ' THUMDAY, JAIUA1Y 16, 1671 IN *T. JOHNS, Tfe# giMOm af $• lawniMitUk* !*•*• of Fro bale bt. johwb, mica. T Hilton, ■r« ia iki ikg •haUsavs Hi**- In i lam* Hm*r tertftrite- for uaaklug •§» a lr* Mmmm l* e|or Grand Oa and SSan ife* petitioa, duly L. M. SHEEHAN * 00., Clw liylcil BcctH if 1871 WI paper. m4 they I stood tfeet mi»w mi IS* laad* r.^«. * TUIS 81.56 A YEAR, IN AD Y AN CL - GOING MART. la.’ria-s.iTnr raaaaav atoll b* an d with oa* mi Um feoad- Night Exp. •( t*e.a. for Detrutt Tb Ml rata feat l*iration ofaatd «rt*t* a*ay fe* graated t# Moury Head *f fllate* linu. fi)«Br|tlntf« at ifitifi^tsl. r*rd»* Brlmh BUmh. My* waal, Ian —11 hal »m»|Xl nrwspapet*|ia Tfeorofepo* ft t* Ordatad, Tfeat Monday, tfe* lU« State. BepuriaJ pales will fe* b—load upon Miud at IRS p.n. far Owmmmm. third day of K< kvmry. !*7J, at of o’alortl ia ms Tabluta, VCM M4t, 1 Opening of the International Mali at 11* a n. lor Detroit JOB PRINTING B«a4 eruiatm i< loooloowa, *o U*t Urn people ml Cltaioo eouaty Sv. Jofea* A ere ne ed el loo looeo* at Vrtta. n., aftonfoo, be aertgMd ter the hearing of mid pet I CrllNfo Priwo OoiveotKM al Loudon •mrlag la Shifts at UN* —oa ; r* iara4ag,l— tioa, aad tfeat tfe* heir* at law of said deceased, la paiUcotar will feu regularly artd wilt • coa»- aad all ether persona in ternetod ta said estate, ar* Of • vary description promptly and neatly *x# CkpplNfl upoead to plets uumpeodtos* of ail greanwaos* mi la—1 la- Detroit et AS* p n., artlelagrt Si. Jofea* at IfeU. 6. Dcitraetiv* ire al Oanalanltnopia. BgrThrue** tu k*t* fair pot at* Kertaod Wart mend ,*t*at l* ffert*ry prlae#. 1,000 konei liaatroyad. unrt. Alien ties will ate* d gtai to tfea food- caa be aorwlioaod at D- * M Depot Ad vrtte maente ta*ertedatref enabler ate* film W«rS, *«•—(Hi oi St. Jofea*. and afeow ease* If aay there be. why THEY DO BU8INE88 ON or 6. Jid(|c John H. McCann, who lag festers* af Fortug* aad D mrmim New*, Mia- •LEEP1KU CAES ON ALL NIUHT TRAINS tjwararor of the petitioner should art fee granted reliances* aad Litemrjr Matrass, aaita brisk to Mifwafenoatf at IfetwtLUwa—nd tirafed Ms d —poMd by the Stela Sanata for rea.eodapoa Coanwfeffwry St—n* r aa Drtroit Artttalatter ordered, that artto* fee give n «* THE SQUARE. 91 as as aa M t ewiyibiog rtN—U »«* pi« ‘Hr Isesrsssas* River. Oon fartafeW aotoJ afeav* depot at Uraad raoo* I at*reeled ia aart eMate, of tb# pen Fnrtlcnlar aiteail** •• wa*»asi ealtefo w, died. Groat mortality i feat promises** which It* portttoa domnud* mi of said petlUoa.aad tfee bearing thereof by Stone, mile. Water-' ■area ______.______,. h eopyoftfel# order to be published In ia Ntw York from effect* of the heat: tfe* publisher* aud editor. Wa afeail portly fca oavvaonova-dt Drtftt.wHh omi w» SYLVESTER HOYT, Cart. As* SM Ife* r—•• ter* aad Raaad Tf a* Rrtlway* for all paAaS* Eort nion Iode pen dent, a newspaper TTORN ET aad Cona**tor at Law and So- 1,569 died the week coding duly 6. prepared la oOar aaaaaalljr aiwcllMlrtnw awfe Mieblgan CVotraJ aad MUhtaui Soatfeef ralifade. aad rlrralated , tion in Baltimore, and indorsement of TA*a.n . lRttSn.aod feSSp.n. __ (A tree copy.) Hi. Jnfen*,Mlcfe. ______fak.tf by wfetch both tUa Ra4ry»a4«at mud tfe* Defy Competition. Wc will B6I he Mini li the Ciacinoati nominee* l» * M ' 'ft: «-e.1ST*. A WATRON, aiTttdiiK NALE.-Ifeatft having W—fely free Proas, (anqmrtf*fe»f soo IS Sawn) Ra*irtal*aiiat. M bees mad* la tfee rondlltou* of a certain A. STOUT " May attfe, ISTl. 96. A mamiaition of President Balu, of ife* beat cadoeld )oanafe la tfe* W*rt.) —a mortgage exactHod by Ed ward Rafey aad Dinah ttorney at law . at jmkmm, ichkjan central h . r. RabyThl* Wtt*. ST. JOHNS BAKERY, of Pent. fet Nyp'^d a Mlacrifem a lU merely nominal to William F- Mow*, mm Ills )rth A <>Stoe la Rank Block, aonth door, N looT. '1^11 K CENTER prim of US a genr- Tfel* te *• l*4a*a —at day of September, A. D MtS, and warde d lavaat. M la tfe* o Sm af tb* Ragteter mi DteMk* for tfe* M. Baavow. J. H. faMVt. which wv beltove will —car* tfea • up port ml every Summer Al •nt. fuaiy mi CBaton aad Hun* of Michigan, 6. Adjourn moot of the French Aa September Uth, A. D. ISSS. la liber O of moriga ffeatr la Cliaiaa county,' wfeo will tab* IS* BARTOW A FEDEWA, THEY Ntrr iambiv to November. iirtfefe t® giv* *afet —1 • ——IS*** OOINO WENT—MAIN LINE. ge* oo page 4SS, on whteh mortgage there I*claim TTOENEYM aad Coufelloca at Law sad Tfeffefllt train# leave Deiflt ae follow* I ed to fee dae at tfee date mt this not Ice tfea asm of A1kattrttora la Ohaanary, Wirtpfealn. Cllaton MEAT MARKET 6. heath of Devrient, the great Ger tioa. Tara each page** — <•* I»a*raaa«av aad ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. Mall 7 0Sa.m.; Uay Espraaa ScgSa.n.; Evening Ea* oae hundred aad elxty-elx dollata sod seventy- Oounuaty, Mtrklgaa. Dunag 1*71, wIB fee a* wa Urtuofcud tritfe man actor.—Burning of Niahnei, ifea W***i.t Fa*a P*a*a —«a* feaadrad aad foot pr—a feta p.n ; PaclS* Kiprvea |Raad*y* la • ve nela, beside* aa attorney ’* fee of thirty Mwm* Bartow, tNranli Oonrt Cennlrtonw, will (•area war* H»e baS*»a oUc«*d agua aaefe ad eladndl fem p.n , eoaaoetlag with tfee vartoaa dollars stipulated In artd morigan* tn fea p-«l bn at Bt. John* on Wed nes day of each weak. |a4S) Novgorod, the Russian market town. Have aa below. •hotild aay proceeding* fea takeu to fenefen aatd Fmb, Dried x*d Halt grata, 15. Homing of the ateeuer Bien AIR LINE DIVISION. mortgage aad no mill or proceeding* at law ot la Choice Groceries WESTPHALIA RESTAURART. I my further aim to Mail leave* Jaekeoa atll.es *.n., and arrive* at cbeneery fea* heretofore bf a take* to foreclooe nr J T. BERTRA M, FroprMor, Dealer in efertf A* feoretaAws, aad It afeail fe DAVID CTELBHUiEK, Pnp ’r. ▼ilia, from New York for Aapiawall; lletlee Bitracrdlaary. NNreat t:4* p.n.,eoaa*etlag with Mala Trsla collect said mortgage Now therefor*, by rlrtne nf devise mean* of hart serving a y customers, all of lb* power of sale ia mid murtgaar contained, and ■■■■■wtSlnk im ITOR KKADY-PAY. whom will plmee aeeept my ' irmrat thank* for $4 live* loot. oa Mata Ltoe at both place*. 9 otherr WlM*.Wine*. OystenOysierv, la their mmaoa, by Ik* ca GRAND RIVER VALLEY DIVISION the statute In *nrh ease made and provided. Notice mm diah. aad tfe* boat of Sardine*, Ac their kind and liberal patronage ia Ifee part, aud 1 la hereby glfn that on tfee talk day nf J«n* of Bardlaf , 19. Jodae Geo. 0. Barnard found To Oi l Fiikxm and Pstkoss :—We Mall laovaa Jarkson at It ife p.n.; Bvealof Et- alway • oa band. 3*1 ly trust by keeping good meat* a dealing altkauate aa feOO p n.. Mixed *:«* a.n., arnriag at it’d nary, A. l». ISIS, atone e'olocli iat fee afternoon, all ato to merit a eoullattam of tfe* mm*. guilty by the iiigh Court of Impeach beg to say, that on ami after Jauuary ptda a; t )0 p.n,: felt n *.; aod 111 •t the went front door of Ihe Court House. In the ■eat, and deponed. CJACKSON LANHINO * HAOINAW R*Y. riling* of St.John*, In CMnton contriy, Miafelgnu, DR. J. SPEARS, Ml L*w, m WM. BEBLEY. 1st, 1873, our tiook* will be cloned, and there will fe* fid al public auction or veadne, in OMCKFATIIIC I’ll YMIC1AN, Della*, Mlefe. 17*:tf CeleknteJ Si. John Cracker*, at Lf vo Jaekeoa at *SSa.n. aad 4:10 p. n. •t. Jofea*. March IM. 1*71 91. Radical State Convention all accounts must be settled aa soon 44 OaroeeoO («la m. and fet* p. n. forthe aofetfe tfe* highest bidder, the premise* described ta aatd Hufftiil aUtnliou chivilic iilitiura Utioa. Gen. Dix nominated. aad at feSSa.n. aad T:St p.n. for tfee eortfe. mortgage, to-wlt: That certain piece or tract of H »Tyl thereafter, aa poanllde. After which Mall iraitie and day esprewa fa dally, nrept land desert bed a* village lot Member nice (9), REMARKABLY LOW! DENTINTBY, la quantities to atril purchaser* aad al prim* that 94. Burning of the "America'’ at in Block tbtrty -o** fH», in the village of Bt. Johns, time, giKfeli* will he sold only for Cash Sunday*; Pari Sc espnrae, waat, aad Atlaati* *S- R. DE LORG, will defy competition and I ma VnAly warts* 4 Nagaaaki. prea*,eaat, daily ; evening rspree*, , daily es- la Cl I a ton county aad Mtate of Michigan, according re. Wlrflsa A rtomefo —except by *|»ecla! arrangement. We copt Sunday #. aad oatr to Jarkaoo oo Mat unfay* : to the pint of word of aatd village. —Imted tie- TTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Fa bite. That fea wfeo run* may rend, and tfe* way foriog them to fe* equal la all raoport* to the HO. Steamer Metis funk while #a night rxpres*, eaat, dally except Saturday a aad loticr ’mI 1171 Maple Rapida^Mteb. Btl) man,“ -though ~ m fool, need not go wRfeont“ OULD rmpartfully auaowma to tfe* rttlsm* ’ WILLIAM F. MOORE, Mortgagf A w: real# to Providence ; 40 livea I oat. are compelled to adopt this course, not Monday*. of Mt. John* aad rtetally, that they hav* Tralae ran fey China go Her. L. W. FASQUELLE, M. D, purchased tfe* exriaelve right of this eouaty to ■fiMalvr, on acrouut of an tinwllliiigue** to ac- H. R P A HO ENT, Oe*. Hopt., C fet cog o. YfAR arstotau auu uoauuou. Odte* at feta wldeoce, C II IIURD, Aeet fie*. Sopt., Detroit. Jl having been made la tfe* conditions of near* I oa WtlkM street, eaet of Clinton Avon**, Ml Provisions and Groceries I mart for. Marrlwn** Plaic for Arti­ Bent Crackers Made 7. Dr. Scbocppe acquitted of the comiiKMlate our friend*, but from cir­ lain l RKAT WKSTERN RAILWAY loa of the mm* place, oa im 7lb day uf December, WALBRIDGE, COOK 4 WALBRIDCE, For hi* fomily. Also * good place to bay 12. Death of Loaia Feoerbaeb, at trol. Since the war, all manufacturer* T MAY, 1871. A. D. ISSS- and recorded la the oflkv of tfee RegU- TTORNEY8 and Coooaellor* at Law aad 8o- by which moaaa wa ma gas malm * perfect At la of Hardware have held their good* at CUatll further aottee train* will leave Detroit a* ter of Deed* for ONato* eoatiiy, f tfee htfe day of , Heitor* ta Ckaaoery. All Uoetaeae entrusted to •very instance. la eonnoetloo, 1 shall alway* keep a fad lino Nuremberg. follow* ( Detroit lime): December A. D. ISSS. In Uhrr M of moriaagee, on JUteircafv will be promptly and faithfully attended peg* 447, and wfeeraa* the said Henry M HIHoodld ■ la srtrsslSfM. -Flnt, It 1* uniform la of 14. Cloee of the Geneva Convention. Cash , and we have been trying to ac­ ▲tloaiir Kipreae. dally — to. OfBce In Andrews ’ Block, entrance first door Crockery, tliickne*#, giving a perfect Ruga, or efeape of the oa tfee Uth day of September, WTl duly f i.k math of tfee Book, Clinton Avenue, St. Johns, Foot Third • treat...... 1:4* a. ■. mtd mortgage to William F. Moore, which said aa- U. 8. obtain 15^ millions of damage* commodate our friends by giving them Day Iijvtm < Daily, Soaday* excepted. ) Michigan. 344 mouth, eo that tfee wearer ran articulate or spook FRESH BREA0, CAKES, atgn meal wa* dmy r><-.nled la the oflk* of tfe* B. uaueatuo*. 4. coos. ■■ *. wstaatuos. Glass-Ware, distinctly. Bocood. It I* polished oa both ride* 19. Death of King Charles XV. of the usual credit, and pay Cash our­ Foot Itiaeb atreet...... MSa.fe. Register of Deed* ■fore**Id, on tfee lSlb day of PIE8. AC.. Sweden. Foot Third atraet...... ,.t:# a. a. November, A. D 1*71, la lJber 3* of tnortgag* *- »»o aad trill art Irritate tfea maath, aad la rnrily kej-i selves, a job, we find ourselves utterly Detroit Rxpff (Dally, except Mu inlay > page US, aud where**, there remain* due and no- WB. HAVENS, S. D., Aod a ball hold myself la readtaas* to furnish pri­ Foot Brueh etrert...... IfeJS t. «, OMOOI'ATUIV I'UYHIOMH, oBr, t». Stone-Ware, dm#, which |lrw It tfee qaalttle* af a gold plate. 80. Kira* appearance of Luca in unable to perform. We will uot, iu paid on mid mortgage tfee sum *f two hundred and vate ana public parties, weddings and froUvala, Foot Third atreet...... ll «o a. a. SAy-olne dollar* and Sfty-ots* cent* at the dale of _H doo m eaat uf tfee part-eEke, will attend to all Third, It la tight aad elastic, which ntakes It maeh New York—Acquittal of Laura Fair this connection, go Into a bill of |»ar- New York Ripreoe (Dafly, Monday* excepted. ) tfel* notice, an J an attorney fee of thirty dollar* In calls pertaining to hi* profession. A aperlwlty Aad everything eta* nsnaliy kopt in a stronger tfeaa aay rtf or plate. Fourth, It I* so wltfe all tfea luxuries tfe* eeaeone wHI aSord, oa Foot Bf *h fttrnet ...... r.a. at 8 An Franc i> co. said mortgage *ttpalated to be paid If aay proceed ­ mad* • ff heart dltrsar. _ its dm constructed that food urttl not work between tfee •kort novice. In connection with my rioro roam I ticular* or grievance* against our cus­ Foot Third atreet...... Irtr.l. ing* ahotihlhe taken to farecloe* aatd mortgage, • Train* arrive *1 Drtroit from tfee Ea*t at IM THORNTON'S FINE ART GALLERY^ plate aad roof of tfee month. Aad will not Mail hove pleasantly fitted a So*airy room, sarvoaoded Ociebcr. tomer*, for the tardiness of many of aad where*#, aa mil or proceed! age either at law or 1 Flrat^lnMM Grocery aad PgS a. m.. Hi aad *4* V. fe. la eqaily haieing been take* or had to recover the ' UOTIKIRAFIIM large and earn!!, and la fact or drop down while speaking or oatiag. with beautiful shade-, where people caa com* aart 2. Death oi Prof. Lieber. in New Dav Etprwoseaet ha* Pullman Parlor 4'ar attar fe­ them in not promptly meeting the ac­ arid money mo due or any part thereof. Now there- , everv variety of pie* ur» made at the above Ori- Htoro. Spwclmlly 'To peraoae having badly filing **)oy their York. Crists in Wall street. ed. Farm very low N. Y. ExpreaafeaaPallnaa'* lorn, by virtoc of a power of ml* la arid mortgage P . cither large or ■mail. Fartk ular attention is counts, for w e consider ourselves about I'alacr Mlreptag Oar* for Huflfelo aad Rorfe«mter d! contained, aad by virtue of (he etatnte tn *och « *** id to entarglttf u4 If dart iad colored la oil, plate* mad* by other dent mis, we propose to give Oyatcra, SardintM*, Ac., 7. 8alo of $5,000,000 of gold in • ocl without change. made aad prodded, Notice I* hereby given, that I awater color* or India lak. ileadof Clatoa Avenue, perfect mttsfanIon, or So < bargee will fe* at* 1, a* much to blame as they are, and thus Cloee • oaneritone made at Moepeoatoa Bridge HURD ft HILTON. Wall atreet by the Secretary of Ihe afeatl aril al public aaetton to the highest t»Vdd< r, weal ride. (If L. W. TuoaxroN, Artist. m rssr m to ru* ic»«i*. of the choicest brands, drop the subject; but trust that our with N. Y. Central aad Erie Railway# on bulnr *i«I, the Mil* day of P«fer«mrV « Treasury, and pureiiaee of $6,000,000 For ttekete. eleeptag Par bertha or aay Inform* A. D. ISTS, at oae o'clock r. n. of mid day, at the ^ WIGC|IfS •t. John*, Juno Sd, 1*73. 2*4 CaSlllwm.—All person* ar* hereby cautioned friends will appreciate our intentions tlon, apply by pevaoa or letter to General MSIre of weet d ear of the north front of tfee ifewt Hoorn, not to procure plaice with the Xomw# paten t of bonds.— 8ectvt is>ue of $5,000,000 the Cotopaav. No 1*1 Jegeraon avenue, cor. One H YHIC1AN AND BURGEON Offlee west and come forward and a«*l*t us in in ­ In tfe* rillage of Bt. John*, in tfee county of Clinton laid* Citato* Avenue. All professional rails, from Dent iat* not legally a uth or! led to am the in greenbacks. wold el reel, Detroit aad Mtate of Michigan, (mid Court floum bring P augurating the only system that can F. E HN(»Wr. Weet'a Pae# A*1, Detroit. night or day, prnmptly attended to {'articular uat. All such will fe* Infringement*, which will the place for I be holding of tfee (’ternft Court for allentlon given t* Chronic and Burgles) cnees H. Radical victories in Pennsylvania, W. K« .VPIH| Oeo'IMupL, flamtltoa.Oal. mid county ), the land aad premia*# la raid mort­ be immediately prosecuted ; and tfea wearer |« make us all what wc pretend to be, an Itetroit, May. 1*71. Ohio, Iudiana and Nebraska. gage contained to satisfy the «atd money da# on GEO. W. ESTES A SON,™ equally liable wltfe tbe reader. Of the boat brand*, by tfe* Casa, Gan or DUS, fur­ Indeiiendcut mud free i»cople. ■aid mortgage together with the mid attorney fee, 10. Death of YVru. H Howard. KIPP A FOWLER. l^OBT WAYNE, JACK80N * and tfee Internet and roete of this forecioeurc. The FA R RIERM. Also, Tee tlx Ytllurt srslly with all lb- nished at the lowest price*. St. Johns, Dec. 23d, 1872. land aad premise* covered by teld mortgage ar* (Hiee at residence, oa Bpring Street, Mt Jofea*. M. latest approved material* upon moderate terms. 13. Wreck of Pacific Mail steamer, r SAGINAW K. K. deer rt bed a* follow*, to-wlt: Lot number tea (10) AH^profrestoori calls, night or day, prompG|r at- Bt. Johns, Get. 10th, 1*71. If The moot direct route to * A. J. WIGGINS, Guatemala, oo the Mexican coaat. Who Wants D iet mn Fii.ling .— la block number twerty-Svc (34), In the village of ; Plltafenrg, Ffelladelpfels, ISnl.l- 8t John*. In tfe# ooaoty of ("Union and Mint* of! ••v.v. ears*. a. a. **r>*. agfcSro W p. HKACII. 15. Opening of the first railroad in J. H. A G. S. Corbit expect next n*r«, Washing ten, r*4 nil Michigan, according U> the recorded plot thereof,; Removal. Japan. pwtnta Maath and Nonthwtrt. except tug and reaerrieg a atrip of land oa tfee north SPAULDIRG A CRARSOR, Ttiit* ar* ar Catcaoa Tina. To Dentists. spring, to commence excavating for a end nf arid land, two rods In width. Bald wort j I TTOENEYHand Counsellor*at Law.aadRollct 21. The epixootie becomes epidemic. OOINO MtiUTH. I*** wa* given to secure the purchase monet of \ torn Iu Chancery. Bt. Johns, Cftatoa Co. Mirk, First National Bank new brick where “No. 17 ” now stand*, TIavlag removed my work of Mall. Exp ram. Joa*vllle Ace. the above dearnbed land — Dated Bt John*. Nov. o. l. aractai*#. I 4. n. oaasenu. OF BT. JOHNS. 8uapen8ion of horse railroad travel in and those who would like dirt will Jaefeaap.... 7.1* *. it. 4 tor. a. 1*.1« r. a. 14Di. IS7X WILLIAM F MtMlRK. WHITE METALLIC BASE New Y ork. Km pen or William, aa ar­ Haa«ivpr.,. 13w Assignee of mid Mortgage. pleaao leave their orders at the hard ­ .lone* villa ...... S.SS *4* Ife CAPITAL, fff*o,ooo tor Artificial Tout I#. bitrator in the San Juan jueatioo, de ­ Reading ...... I.M S.IS MISCELLANEOUS. ware or at this ofice. 0STI. tld: M Defoult baring Hurpl xxu, - It I# light and strong, dor* not corrode. Tfeo-e Krvmont ...... • 33 li* been made la tbs pay m« ct of a ceriria Maori- , IdO.OOrt cides in favor of the United State*. Angola...... IU 7.J4 M (GROCERIES who continue to use tfee poisonous Robber will gage, mad* aad executed by Raoeom I'tutariead H E OLI) •nd this metal decidedly preferable for partial 22. Burning of steamer “Missouri.” Pteaanat lake loot 7 47 and Hannah Dumelead, hi* wife, of Cllaton conn- CHARLES KIPP. Proa Ideal, —The largest assortment of genta' Muiamit...... IS11 7 A* plate* or sets, and for lower seta vary superior Great loas of life. tjr and State of Mlefelgaa, lo Pfeebe A. Vary, Guar­ JOHN H1CKB. Vice Prartdeat, FrlC* OA par pound. Be* tretlmeniais. linen face paper collar* ever brought Waterloo...... l«.SS *1* dian of 0. P. If. Vary, Minor, of the County of Auburn ...... IS *7 * 3* • a. a WALKER, Cashier. E GHURCU. Nereaafcor. Way o* and Mtate ri New York, and I •caring date AND PROVI8ION8 St. Jofea*, February fotfe, 1*73. to St. Johna, can be found at the Star Fort Wayne....UA* SSI tfee thirtieth day of November, A. D 1*70. and fee­ Indiana poll* ... ggo p. u. IS JO a ■ 5. Presidential election. Over ­ Store, No. 17. ing recorded lo tfee Register’* oge* for tfee eouaty Direrturn I TKlfTIMONlAlA: Cincinnati ...... R.U of Cliatoa. Stale of Michigan, la Liber 3* of Mort­ To tfe* commodious store room la whelming success of the Radieal Ciiblu Ktrr, A lt** II. Wukix , Ta Waoa it xit Coirtii- Tfel# te to certify Loatevllle ...... ISA* 1*44 r. a. gage*. oa page ITS, ri 4Jf o’clock P. M.. oa tfee SUtfe tfeat 1 hav* used Dr. K. Church'* Whit* MrteMe ticket. GOING NORTH day of November, A. D. 1*7*; aud where**, them Job * Hicks , Joataa Urros, A Tir-ror rifle and a hunter-case J on ’r I lie Are. Ktprem Mail. liarn B. Wxlxb *. Baer for n»*k lag Art I Sria 1 Bet* of Teeth, aad con ­ I* now due and unpaid upon mid Mortgage, ac­ sider it eqaal if hot superior te say ether maaafoc 6. Death of General Meade at Phila­ watch may be had at a bargain by IyOtsl#v|1*r...... S.lo a. a. IS 34 r. a. cording to it* term* tfee earn of twenty-six hundred Steel's Brick Block, Claotanatt ...... 7 10 «. a tared. e* pee tally for partial seta, it betag maefe delphia. and foriymix dollars, |S2,Sdi|, aad also aa aUomey Receive deposit*, bay and sell exchange on all silAcr than nay other kind, aad not ae liable to calling at this office. Indianapolis... 4.00 p a. ISlo fae of one hundred dollar* , piovidrd therein, to be 6.—10. Large fire in Boston. 750 And having added largely to my former varied point*, deal In Gold. Silver, Canada Money. bend. 1 alao consider it fore from corrosion or nny Fort Wayne... Tfe* A. a. 4.3* r. a. paid should aay proeeedtng* be taken to (nrerloa* deleterious eSueta. after having n-ed It for nearly Auburn ...... Sun 4.33 aatd mart gage, aad no suit or proceeding* either at and complete amortmoot, I am la every way batter United Blair* Road*. Ac, Ae. Receive deposit* houses destroyed. Lorn, $75,000,000. —Go to the Star Store for Bemis* Waterloo...... S IS *37 twoyaara. H. P CAMl'BLI.I.. Douttet. law or ei|U«ty having been Instituted t*recover the prepared to serve my friends and patron*. My — Ionia. Mirk. 13. Severe gales in the Baltic sea. Summit...... *17 1*2 mm or any pari thereof, that 1# now claimed to be patent mold linen face collar. I.rose, Mica., Dec. 37th. 1*7* 15. Evacuation of San .loan by the PtMMDl Lake. SJKS MJ due, aad eeeorvd by mid Mortgage, aad tfee power stock shall always embrace every article found la a — Angola ...... IAS S J4 *f sale i herein contained has become opera tire ; ferei etarn Grocery aad Provletoa Establishment, SariDits Department Da. K. Canci-Dwr Bir :-lhavo ter# aaiagyour Fremont ...... t.*S Sit White Metallic Baas for Iteatal Mates, aad am British. Notto*. tbereforv, U hereby given, that b* virtu* aad It I* ny luteaUoa* to plea a* my patron*, both Reading ...... Mt IAS of like mid power of ari* contained la aatd Maori Of boom mm email aa oa* dollar, ou which Iat crest wrii pleased with tfee met. I think II eqaal If art soperter to aay la aee j It amke* a sharp cart- 16. Lerdo de Tejada elected Presi­ COMMERCIAL. JoaeaviU* ...... Ifetr.a. 1S.1S SfeS gage, and by tfe* teal ate In curb caa* made aad at tfee rate of gee per seal, per aanam I* paid oa dent of Mexico. Baaover ...... SfeS lafe* tfet provided, the premier a described la mtd mortgage lag, Sli# up tfee emallaet place* and te ftgbl, Btlfl ST. JOHM» Ma Jaekeoa ...... 4 IS llfeS 91* will he arid to Ifee kteheet bidder oath* First Mt ill Olimmorrt ! the first day* of Juoa aad Doaamber, oa all eem* and durable There doe* art appear t* fee any 21. Peace between Brasil and the ti Jack*** Cteoc eooaer i lone ar* made with day of Jfarcfc' A. I> 1*73, be:wee* the hour of In Price and Quality, on deposit oa* aaoath prrrieo* to thorn dote*, tfee change of color, corrosion or galvanic action by Comtlrt w**kly by Hvo a Huroi, Onxwr* wearing It ta tfee mouth. Mich lean Central, Jack eon, T,ae*ing A Saginaw, to* o'etoek A M and twelve o'rioek M .of that same a* la tfe* Having* Banka of the Eastern Argentine ID-public. WlllUT Kitrs White, fl «K»1 7# and Grand Rlrrt Valley Railroad* day, at the weak front door of the Court Ho«*», ta A. H. JACOB. Dwritet. At Jwnoavtile —With Lrt*3hor* A Michigan • 1 shall always fe* prepared to pay Ife* high ml State* aad clUea. 22. Jay Gould forces Chicago and *• Ho.i.fiaa tfee village of St. John* la mid eouaty of Citato* Snatbera Railroad. aad State of Michigan, tfeat heieg tfe* pi seen* held- gKY* School Districts la this aad ad}-Ha tag coun ­ Mna. De* ,37th, 1S7S *« No. I, K«d |1 M I have aaed Dr. E. Chink'* White Ifeialho Northwestern Railroad bouda from S3 At Wslrrlf With Lake Shore A Michigan lag ifee Circuit Court for mid rounly . the land de ­ ties desiring to procure mean* to build house* fey to 230 “ No l.flei Mom ihero (Air Line). scribed la arid Mortgage, to wit Being Lot* num ­ Base foe setting tooth, aad consider It superior to At tort Wat me-With PVubant. Fori Wayne ber tfetee It) and twelve II2J. on Block number the Issue of bouda, ar* derired ta eammanleste any wfelefe I have need It makes a very ekarp 28. Burning of Lioa Edwin ’s Thea­ FLOUR- XXXX f* *0 |*or fefei. A Chicago. Toledo, Wabash A Wester*, aad sixteen (|g), iu tfe* village of Bt. John*, county of Farmer*. Mechanic*, aad those of the world's COUNTRY PRODUCE. with m eaat aad readily Rile ap Ife* most minute spaces ; people who enjoy looking Upon plica of ta strong and aitY. There te no dlglculty tu aeiay tre. “ -XXX f» SO ** Fort Wayne, Maaele A Cincinnati Railroad*. Clinton and Htate of Michigan, or aa much thereof (Ml dor own Drafts ou all place* la England •• -XX #* SO 44 W. A ERNST. Mupt. a* will be •efficient to nay Ihe amount claimed lo It, for partial plate* aa It does not han d acre lbs# 99. Death of Horace Greeley. RoBT RILLIE, 0***1 Ticket Agt 137*1 be doe. together wtlh the attorn ey fee of one hun ­ Thanking my friend* and patron* far part fovova, Franca aad Germany, aad transact a General ■sap ULCiaii## Robber. I commend It highly. COHN MKAL—#1 14 pmt IM Ife*. Jaly 3*«b, 1*71 dred dollar*, and the other nee wmry coats aad ca­ 1 hope by keeping good goods rt low pries*, aad Banking Baal nee*. til GEO KfTDKK. Dentist, Iffreaitrr. fit Malr. Ionia t’ounty, Mlcb. PKKI> fl 7» per HW poaode. pe* ace allowed by law for foreeloettg arid Mori NEW AND FRESH fair aad bonocahte dealings, to merit a coatiouaar* I. The French Ministry offer their BRAN -74c. per 100 povad*. gaga.—Dated November Sgtb. 1*71 HOTELS. PIIEBE A VARY, Guardian. Mortgage*. of tfe* war. resignations, but withdraw them next tTORN—IS real* pmrbm. »hel|ea. A. T. V tit, Attorney for Mortgagee ST-JOHNS day. 8tirriug debates in the Aaeem- OATH lS4 u*e Mqoare, BUTTER-It e*ata par Ife. Delinquent Tai List MT. JON S H, Dee. 37th, 1*71. 171:1 f 2. Congress reassembled. CREBHE SO— me per ife. new. Corner Drag Store. Aad llelea to the ptoaatag Carriage Factory 4. Funeral of Horace Greeley. The LARDI om taper Ife. VILLAGE TREASURER'S OFFICE, f rfetek Bt. Joan*, Mica., Dao. fob, 1*71 ( ante is Ute telling of Electoral Colleges deposit their votes EOOB-Sl «Mt* per do*. JOHN SWEENEY, Proprietor. By virtu* of tfe* power aad antbonty In mm for President. Goveuor Wartnoib, in I4*>TATOK« -4i por ha. vented by tbe act incorporating the rillage of Mt. violation of the injunction of Judge TURNIP* -*0 "eat* per fea. This feaate Ie entirely new, and wa* epeaed to John*. I shall aril so moofe of tfe* following dee COLWELL & LONG, ONIOKR-SSr per fea., tfee agfetle la Be ram bar. IMS Tb* room* are large, celled lmet* or parcels of food allaated tn mid Durell. declaim the results of the weil ventilated aad plaaaaat. Mtagea if ve tfeta village, in said Clinton county and Stale of Mtclil Low Price*, •lection. WHITE BEARS—file par fea. boa>c daily for Ml Loth. Itfelea, Mt. pleaaaat. Ma­ in. as will he Bafftcteot to nay tfee Corporation CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES AI’PLEH torSUr per fea. ple Rapid*, and all petal* north. Good etabPng for faxes which were a as mas 4 thereon and are dell a- Great Closioi-Ont Sale! Conor C linton in. A Walker St., 5. Judge Durell oall upon Federal ** — Dnad.S* per poaad. team* la conne ction with tfee hone*. > efeare of aoeat for tfe* year 1171, with tfee Interval and Call upua MR. GRIB WOLD at tfe* nfebltr patronage IseoHeltad . Ididf charge* thereon, rt my oMee Iu mid rillage, oa OP* ALL KIND*), troops to eoforce his order. Ward PORE. Per barrel, f 14 00 Sstgrday, tfoo Idtfo day of ruferm- -or- HT. JOHNS, MICH. Huat, of N. Y m appointed IT. 8. Judge, BEEF 94 OS to #4 «S per IS* CARD. ary, A. D. 1*73, at 1 o'rioek la tfe* aftern oon. CHAS. E. GEISSON. Kept ou hand or manufactured Iu order from tbo in place of Judge Nelson, resigned.— II IDES Oreea, S to Sc. IVIfllH.111 ElfEAN4E« Vl'lagr Treasurer. Wo *mk# a specialty of keep lag tfee parrel aad Wreck of the Pacific Mail steamer Sac­ 44 Dry. IS to lie. Detroit. April 17,137*. Star Grocery Store, heat article* to h* found la the market. Mr. Cot- MALT-ft M per feerrel. Tble Hotel eo long aad fetMthh known to tfee BOOTS & SHOES. well. residing In Detroit, attend* personally to the ramento. trareltng public, baa been thoroaglih renal red and purchasing of all goods, and tfee fort of hie haring PELTS—I lito Smo pat ia prmvt orderfor boat acne, and will continue Dmcrlptlou. b-d thirty years' experience aa aa apothecary, *a BEST MATERIAL, On account af tfe* Immense competition ia Horn* 6. Judge Durell decides against MAPLE SUGAR. -1*911** la fee kept la all It* appointment* aa a Ftrot Claes able* Mm :o select tbe And there, a* ever, may ba fooud tfe* fairest aad aad Bhoos la Bt. John#, w* fear* decided to eioa* Gov. Warmoth. Henry Rogers exe­ BEESWAX.-JSe per lb.. Ifofeac. Bat tn aveet the wtake* of oar friend*and i oat oar eatlia clock of goods pat mas oar chargee will be reduced to 91 4* per Itet* M A If...... IS choicest brand* of AND cuted in Brooklyn. W'H 1TE FISH. -H feM, No I |S SS. Say, ana tfee •roprtetorreoltelt tfee patronage of all " 1,1*4 ...... 1 • 4 as i to TROUT. No 1 -it M. wfeo viafe to Sad a qaiet and pleaaaat home wfeli* “ S A 4...... 11 1# ft l ao 7. Miuistrei change in Franoe. - * A S...... «7 IS Tea* Splco* Articles, ('I/OVER SEED -asm per fea., In the city. Without Regard to Coot. 9. The Louisiana Legislature eon- ISAIv B. A F. LYON Ffprtetor*. 44 SAM...... 17 |S DEEMED HOOH. -94 It 44 SA4...... 4* • At lb* L*wrat llgsr*a. All fork Mj Warratei 1 reuse. Warmoth impeached. Pinch- 44 t...... St IS Csffcrt Soap* back declared Qovenor. SWEET'S HOTEL* Nt-S I.o4 1 • 4 S w at-** Lot*... si a 14i We also keep a foil Pa* af 10. Fire in Fifth avenue hotel. 11 MUCELLAXCOUI. GRAND RAPID8, HIGH. Undivided fe Let •■far* Olio girls burned to death. A aad undivided > rt The BOSTON EIRE fe of W S*-** of y Paints, Oils, Books, Station 1 shall alas heap ou haad aa iiiinmt uf 12. Death of Edwin Forrest, the T. H. LYON. Jr.. • Proprietor. Lot ...... IS • t«l 7ft 1 40 » as M*ls*te* rich LOGS L* to of the RATH BUN HOUSE- UnHi comma „ kfo* srtrsaoort flow price uf Leather tragediao. log S3 rode N of Ge*4» ao por erst. ery, Wall Paper, Window 17. Biamark resign* as President of i B corner N K for tod and Snaked Won** State Prison Wagons, Furnished Throughout Equal to knj k see 17, raring the President of the Prussian Council. N SS* rods, W Aad all these wfeo have uot i Winter We will pay tfee biyferat prtee for *1- First-Class Homs in Michigan. •applies, had batter Curtains and Fixtures, 20. Floods in England. 1* rod#,* S4 rod* freak start for led t'rnlta Which I win aril ou mo*t mmy quant fey oi Oa* Hundred haadaof oly fit tod upRooaxa. E to feaglnolng ... 17 1 OS a IN IB 91. The Prenob Assembly restores Choice Wines & Liq­ kite o«k. Wfeli* Aah.Rrtaawa Thirty-two roam*, comprising all of tfee brick ■—1 ■' the pi *perty to the Orleans Prie portion of tfe* Rath baa House. Baud In eonaectloa Aad al way* a good stock of BUY AT ONCE. Hark Wslsal end C herry with SweoC* Hotel for the aeoommodatlooof boo REASONABLE TERMS. 2e. Barnum ’s Circa*, Grace Chapel etroand gtterts. uors, Fine Perfumes A f**d ea*t*a*.foart* Lumthur lbs* sod other building* destroyed by fire. FLOUR « FEED. for 0D1I par pair. AMD 26. Great snow storm in the Mid 1C W Soaps, Cosmetics, N Ntogw is 0s.ao. dla sad Eastern States. Tfea high art market price alway* pa d for Warrant thorn a^Full> Drtleevad at oar nttl la R Jofea*. A Fancy Toilet CLOTHING STORE, rBUTTER A EGGS TAKEN IN EX­ BUTTER, EGGS, CHANGE FOR BOOTS A SHOES. Aa I doary own work. •• iTor Ri Y PAPRR.e HENDERSON BROS. Fnrnitare R ooms Articles, «. Mm, D m. M, U7T BM. At Rs. IT Clinton Aronno. Whteh wa rifor at rmaaaahla yrtem. Every publisher of a newspaper has Aud mart kiade af COUNTRY PRODUCE. 0. W. BARKER. baard this tremendous order from of­ mmuBOOK I have just added to my stock of Frmcriptteaa Csrtfally Caas- p*aart*rt. lot. IS7R cm* fended subscriber*, imfgiued by the At tfea WTAR STORK may fea foa Vo. 17, Clinton Avenue, Agent* THE MT. JOHN* Bt. John#, Nov. ink, 1STE fog offended to be aa dangerous as a stroke BATS AN* CAPS Fpfrth Oysters At tfea riga rt tfe* '-during out safe” af ligbtaiag, but ia reality more barm Tfea year round, t HANIFACTlRINt COMPANY X— HALL Sc OO. New WaioB aid Blactaitk Shop Ism than a moaqoito bite. A good GREAT INDUSTRIES Gcal's F*r*feM*g (feeds, ftenr is told by Tk* PMmd*tpkf P—4, or THE UEITKI) RTATB8. St. Johan, Mow. fo, HR Si* Would leaped folly aoooooi t to tfe* ritlaene of ■ J. H. INGALL of nt. Swain, the former proprietor of ISM Pmt* «><■ Mt EHfrtTftHgE Jefea* and vtatalty, tfeaktfeoy hove epoa*d a NOTIONS, JP YrttJ HAVE on —. Th§ fimlf Ltdf w. By bia aouraa oi Wrtmanfey —R«n4n*n «AetRo* w.9no9nrt4 Ice Hardeoed Bitter. public quest ion, ou which differ NOW READY! JOHN H OOlOH A HORACE ORES LET A vary So* ba* mi •at persona bad different opinions, M Tb if toA I* a DoayfeU history of ait ferae* Oraat puts* I* takes ta art Butter for Butter and Eggs, Swain had offended a number of rwc mt iadaeiry . pw*** m af aiaaaf*rtar*. *sa w la telling. *ud It bring k«SS coo mm lea, It x To mil, you sonnet Jo better tfeaa te mil upon ■a—- It I* a * —pit* MMjraiapodia of arts aad FURNITURE! be found**-,.*/, andfrirt.se la mid-w in ter, gRPAIBIWQ OF ALL KINDS ara, on# of whm met him oa Chestnut ■saagfeDtara*. sad I* tbs s»o»t •■ferttleiui aad Tbv ptam to buy cfertm ralMfei* wavk «f imimrmuUum mm r«W«rt* M. J. BAS8JSTT, street, and thus accosted him : 14 Mr. A m*b ia mrmrTlmwi! ( ib^’afid**Utai rtTaS CLOTHING H. M. GRISWOLD. ffftrtf lot door north of Hick*' Drug the Swain, Pvt slopped 71s LmUmr* — S« A**at ean fail to do w*U with t£uW»E- DEPARTMBNT, for style, durability aad *fe**a*r*x, wlU ■(.MnJn HUH I JJANK BLOCK Horse-shoeing • What m that, 8ir f" 141’va atop^d fovacakiy with ife* hurt eetofetiehmenu Fanily Groceries! 71s Lsdftr, ” was the stem reply. •« jt aa *MsraB3 af tfee stud4 m tfel* part «f Mfekfex” In the MB*d Front, ” lim ns ii ny fkinn tin n.ik if trt AT TBE HEW STORK OF JOBBING DONS PROMPTLY ia impowible f* mid Mr. Swam « My Barber Shop. Give him • oall (Sfot dear Sir, what do yea mean ? Come AGENTS WANTED for the •m Ik* Rmat side of Cllalsa rlB« Rklrfoi •▼ur-Afctrt*, «Jn«*r F. KATHE’S HAM'L DAVIS, Propr. with me Is my ofcee.” And taking sreaue, aj^mlte It. Ctethlaf, Mastery, Linen mart R. J. WOODRUFF, the mas with him, be aatered the >sp*r rrilan, Halt Jacket*, at Third aad Obsateat streets. Thera FUNNY SIDE S PHYSIC lerchait Tailoriu Istablishi ’t GROCERIES Whom they WIN •oootootty feme* os hood a fort the clerks busy at their ■a* of WALK MM BTKBKT WKBT, Z.X •T. JOHNS. MICH. id tothtfdi «m Asia1 8T. JOHNS, MICH. A FINE LINE 09 itWMf H* Pmftrt far l*f krt finally thsy 4 !C] raoaaa where the engines were Mama* foisct Boys* Crockerj, Glau-van, Laaps, &c. u I thought you told me you £8 IIS AID PUTS, Aad a auporfe rtuafeut la«a*fe, ar H* at sapid f%0 LUfw," said Mr Swaia. CLOTHING! -So I have, ” said the offended rah- HAETTOED. YANKEE NOTIONS. M. J. BASSETT. BOOTS AND SHOES. ■ivitutfm^MSa * m mf iu,*!w —- wWWw«k. aftmmaaarwwWf Cat mmfoaAarJfiwJrtart rtyt* sad la a J. BARRETT, lobe going oa. “Ob! MOMMY TO f—that is, that I—ah— A PULL LIMB OP I ai nun k EUR la Lata mm Plr IY» 'W*>urag>xi to «a a aam m taking it” la that all P CLOTHS 4HD TMHIM6. Fr#p*rty. Tin*, twa to tva rear*. Haw 9lr. Swain M Why, my BUM, Lf M 4 8M8* iterif lrt door a a rtfe mt Ihte' Dra g >>me. yea deal know haw you E K. BENNETT. I Das. PKINTIN0 DONE —wa m Saw mrthvi «f Rld'i Itewg mux I (Jr* MTrtf ‘YMID*T UffHrtm‘ •v rai. Wiuiau at. Travels log. with a ball ibmwgh the.malm not tom than of teal ALTAR. Areaai htMMOt** *••••« eight feat wide, and Is tosTfla w8|b| step** pot* m4 run*. who Stdohed and fbralehad ae the said Hti|M-nu T*i Rluhll beef, io this village, «uU fo U of Jnl). at a The respectfully su- Maaeav, Jmm. 9th, ItVt. hot exceeding four baadrrd and Sfty duUam. the calory af th* to fo North, for whWh bo will piy 77r YUNOKRR, OhairwMp af Oem IS that hfts Agents will present i SiliiMMlS a*4 •aaoall to St led hy the por doy ooob, and oil tbn order-book containing specimen Ml mUeSiSMw- ...... MM IN ■opted aod toto ae the table. The • rat Io L« Mr lottos: mo . Coll oorly. > >#**•••* ,M • M eertaen, eoaoLenone ana iotwm . Bet swa these *i page# of the paper, printing, Illustra­ RsaoLVSh, That Hoary Waihrtdge to shewed I hen toilow. «t To the Hanot able the Board of foltelMW af to oooany the uflUe with toe Proeaeutlog Attorney — ftfr.J tions, engravings, aud style* of binding Uy Mr. tseeud a e • SI IR CUatoo Pantoy, Mtohlgnn: flamst In th* Court House, an the nay meat of tin, dol 44 Gibbs Homo,” boo boon painting sad of OoviiMoi Hxwaej >*s WaiDKini in mimlnnl a ~.777T..7^ it M is it Uaxmanan —It bmamm my dray, so ice the lore per y*or toto (be Oounty Treasury. MEW ADVCRTlflMKRTf. • Haery P Ada ______torn misgive te the ern e torment af Bmeaempbom IRA mottou of Mr. Chase, the rweefuUoa wua k M Journey A moved tws Would , ss writ­ lor theCt latte Court* of tnte In to, pemodto 10SS, papering bio boost throogfeoat Tbs and mek ...... ltd If SM ft and amaedad to 1ST1. Ip notify year hoetoehto ten In his words, aud completed a few On Motion of Mr Alexander, the above mu m Wkte Mcxtf The groining of the oft os girts It o lively body that K will be Beseemry an year mrl, to • of Mr. Ourum too Board tote a na ­ slue 3# eeuta o near, 4 days before hi» lamented death, giviug Warn allowed aa riflrtli nccardanm with ante law, 1<» -pi <• »i«rtato the earn and obssrful oppsoronoe Mr. Mondi af thro* hundred and forty Are dolfare aad thirty Chromo, free. Spom- the record of Travels, aud his Political, The muamklaa an atofmc refortad bask the om't. iad to order hy the Chairman. aelubi Boy whore you Tvw»tr, •>« tin , tan. three eonto, ($SMJ9) at your present session to Aldan, Publish or, Chic go it o lift landlord, and these io* of Dr U O Jaatin for the eaoiliereiim of the beard. y the eatory of the Btonosiapber, en potnied lor ■ af Mr. L. W. Baldwin th* rules were Social, Moral and Philosophical Obser­ Saw4 ■»«« per*mat la i Mr A 4 Baldwin mured that the oaaaont of Dr O K»Clroelt Court of Uttatun eounty for the year tod Mr. T anchor wns allowed to pro provenients serve as strong indicationa vation and Reflections, together with awliw all yrasaat aaoapi Mr. C JeeMn he alUwed at RM IE 1S7E \TSTICK I* hereby given that all (|Am ate R#TICB.-A!I arrewmta •• lUwperttalty oobmltted, lm af Aniheay Cote for #44 to pay TNa mil Mr tiUl mered te amend by allowing mid aaooaat demands against th* Estate ef ABRAHAM of his prosperity. He has gamed many hit Interviews and Talks with Presi­ dtohery for the am of tlm Prases uU eg ANDREW TMf El CM. tote of Bengal Chatoa ■•rt Ja««*ry !*«• I#tt* •••• ^ u4 asprara*. LOUIS 8. LOVELL, C rwwtt Judge. dents, King*, Emperors, Sultans, Mr. Yu nek or moved the aeroplanes and adop ­ effim for tho yearn 1971 nod 1S79. county, MkcMgai.. decraamd, will to cKamluud aud pa!4 «•» ■ «■•<» friends among our oilmens and lbs swmBmMi rlauna, whidt amaatmant era* adopt ed. a4Ju*ted tofor* me at th* neiufo Otter, »* At. tion el the above not too. Oni riod e of Mr. A Island or, too above claim will IMV« nr Ml- Khedives, Tycoons, Mikados, East In ­ m4 raJarvarf to The gnaetmn than remrring apae the arigtoal John*, in mid county, on Mouduy, (h* 14th Any c4 traveling public sines his eoanootion Mr. Cham stored that the earn af RAM be ap April, A D IS7S. ate Mouday, ik« 4th day uf dian Potentates, and His Holiness the Kbatfun aa amaedad, woo put to rate aid adapted. Oo preprinted to pay the AUaagmpher the eurrenl ** Mr. HIU. th* Coowty Clerk io ie- August, A. D 1S73, at oueu ciock to too*>crue cu with ibis bones. Jerry, yen hove our Dy Mr. VueM of each of those day* , mid 4th day af AuffAiO^ AWTKM.-S4MM to* ef l«^ Oak Pope. Crossing nearly all the Moun ­ To ike Board of Superrieort ef Clinton and that the Costoy | 1 taroite atottonory for oil of too Coon- 1971, being th* Inst toy allowed for the presects hhiml ml my »m, Mi mlto* vnl of Ate best wishes for a suoeestful future. tains, Rivers and Oceans of the Globe. •pea the receipt of the sold lion of claims against mid estate.- Dowd Ji n* »nn t nH pay fo* # *»*•*«* Hy Mr. Cmtnm i County : Oh of Mr. l»h, 197X l«k<“ Mr. Seward was received in the coun ­ pro mtn monthly. adjourned Ok, «Mk. MMVBlOt IO *••* 1"^ —Overcoats, Gloves and Mitts, sold AWlMDr.LW. The Chwnmktoa aa the Triaeury hogleave te Make JOEL II. CRANAON, Jwducof tries which he visited as no private the following Be poet t WM$8 VM$(to|i((<oess thrvo. • extending courtesies due only to the By Mr. A. J. RaMwie- • rro tpU...... x9S IS Oo motion of Mr. Hltl tee board adjourned until Proceedings of yreload*/ wore read, corrected Pieecut, Joe! H . Crnneoa, Judge of Probata. Act'tolC M. diurtor, aster otwrlV. • oualy aihoara’ mcwipU for edary...... M0 IS aod approved. lotto mailer of tto Estate of Anthony W. Who ,iiii mn Mmt tlu lb* Detroit Free Prat, upon which 1 am most dlstinqtiished guests, furnishing 9 a'uftuafc P.M. Lililor. deceased. Oa reeding and Sling tto peti­ ** la* V Yrotor, aaest. te crtmiosl mm. k«c« )|iU fur grading around public square 7& 40 noTioxs, nnooLUVion* anu novice*. foe* paperand pay* tot *ll compelled to make an advance of 15 Jail rent ...... SS SS tion, duly verified, of Morgar. I. Lcorh. a wecflcc to his countrymen the evidence of the M AU mo lepSaa. wort la aMrt Note*, (‘«*urt Huew Band...... loo te Tuanenar, Aftoraaaa Bmeleu. Mr. Toucher offered the follow tug resolution. of sold eclair, pray lag that adminUtrattoa of mid «tending Ju 19, H7»; oeuta per mouth, on aoeouot of nn ad ­ octal* may to granted to Henry M. Perrin, of At. exalted position he occupies iu the a OR It uni * Urn oupplto* ftw Oo. uStooo. insane Aajtum rmpta, (fur mm ol lemur) ll I 41 Board called to order by the Charrmaa at J which woo adopted : Su|arriaer'e pay full.i...«.«...... 914 N Johns, ia aaid county. KDM m. Bmm...... vance made by the pub 1 tab era oo ms of world's regard, it vtfU he the most a DU Jaooolya, wHiel n ttowdo eco opoa 'elate. Rocolvuu . That tho proceeding* of this Board Thereupon It to Oidered, That Monday, tho ohrrtfP* mrtpo for oenreytog 1 neons pe> of Mopervioore, st the present session, to pa hitch­ H L Pnilii. one half cents per oopj. That sub­ wad pox MN ie Olivo. ttootn to Kol not axon ...... 44 SS uorauaa or era noise oonnirrsas. tenth toy of FeLmory, A. D 1979. at on* o’d ote Nt«•*••« elegantly-printed and illustrated Book ed In each of lb* papers printed Io At. John*, Pro­ la th* afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of James L Hms, B*ep By Mr. Holltrfrr : Mlainileoiatw rweehav* ...... 490 49 The Committee aa Claims reported bock the vided that to* came shall to done for half the legal scribers may know tkis i not n volun ­ County Treamrer** eaary for 3 year*.... MSS mid prill ion, and that tto heirs at law of mid de ­ H a UUbMM, St John of Travels ever Issued from the Ameri­ Aset o# Reloo*. Matter t Oo. Fneitoto lor court following amount*aod recommend the allowance rate* for advert icing »noa •••*•! tary rise of my own, tbey can see the Morrt* Ditob Ordem ...... MS 74 ceased, and all other person* Interewtad to cold H TmM, l>«pUO..... can Press. The Emuuavixoa , repre­ Bbeltrrx #aoeaa*##aeaaa*ea#e of tho cams as reported : Mr. Yuacker offered the following resolution, estate, nr* required ;o appear at a ereaioa of mid LrwUSCona, Bingham notice of the publishers and Michigan Suagert a a e *# aeoeaaeoaeoeo* which woo adopted : Coart, then to to holdt n at tto Probate Office, In senting the peojde, scenes snd customs M county coarse ere. Aral aI C H. Wood, court fbm and labor . Ri 0t the village of Ht. Johns, end show room. If anv U r Unrduer, “ News Co., of Dec. 80, announcing the VRVB9 OOOOO0O•••••OPttOf# ** D. II Awule. Deputy HherlS e fom 7 90 RueoLvan That the thanks of this Board ore a J M Iwue, election rvturni nod npfUe Tibbetts then- to, why the prayer uf the petitioner should | c CtyMr. UiiM Horn#...... 1 *• of mil the countries visited hv the Kml- • cease a•#s a••••ae e g “ U-W. Park*, Juetioo foeein ertml- due and are hereby tendered to the Chairman of same, by oalling at the News Room. for Clerks tMem. Horae ids not to granted : A null Is Farther Ordered, that uent Traveller —of which there will be #e*»*eeaeee*ee**eee aa! com9A SB this Board, for th* manner la which to has pre­ notice of the pendent > of said petition, and tto 0««qi» S Wells. St JOw,...... 1 * Respectful)?, Aoe’t of R R K hriom , clock for court room KaBf »eeoaeeaaeeae«eaeeee M Rufu* Lawson, court fern ia crimi­ sided over our meetings the present year. Mafrte • eaaeae•••a aeea eaee bearing thereof, to given by rnueiug n ropy af tlito a c amm M) iwwin...... ,•••*•»•• • l n N kasly Thkek lit'XDEMD, Including II f AO««, tk«rlf nal com...... 4 90 order to to pabllebi-d in the Clinton Independent^ Rcskell B. Emmons . •rams aaaeaeaaaaoaeeeaeaa M t'tnael Sweat, eewrt fom to crimi­ On motion of Mr. A. J. Baldwin, the Board ad ­ wTw Bakrr, Aprlugbreok...... 1 *• M OUk, work at ooort^osM. Rrtgga • a aeea oaeeeeeeowee* journed llM 41*. a neweuaggr printed and cirealatod In mid coun ­ sixty full-page Illustrations, and an ac­ nal eaee.••••■•• 4 14 ty of ClinUM. for three successive weeks previous Wanted —Ws art prepared to pay curate Protrait on Steel—have cost the By Mr A J RnMwtn Creyta aa a #eeneeeeaeeeeee# Un motion of Mr. Hill, the above accounts ware L. <»• BUROII, Chairman. to mid toy of hearing IH Scott, Ithaca...... * ...... 4 00 A«c*t at U D Brorro, jailor. ROMtH >**e»o*ooo*a**eoa*e* Voter aoaaeeaaaaaaeea *400 allow ad m i sport rd by the committee. W. B. Cctlsb, Clerk. JOEL II. CHANSON, Judge of Prahata. MtDn»M * Davie, M»pto ...... 1 *0 took for Bowl Bloeka and Maple Logs Publishers shout $15,000. * M McFurUn. Croul A Oo., hardvxrr. (A true ropy.) fte O F Pack, IS * ...... 1 *• Millar eeoseeeeeeaee#*•*#* Mr. Cnrum ottered the following resolution, tt. PLUM8TEAD, a (or tot A Eaton, pr^tin«. Boaghtae , so a one•ooo**e*o*aeo D Hole hard * ...... 1 *• delivered at the Bowl Factory. Will which woe adopted : Agent for < lintou Co., St. Johns. By MrCnnus: KseoLvxn, That the bind to be given by the J H Mmlth, PomfHI...... take any amount, no matter bow many. Total...... Ill,»44 SI Aoe’t • t Nickok, MitnNrll 4k Jf IcNcU, work oo tmnem The reoeipu af the o*toe, or the axseaut Countv Drain Commissioner, as provided in Sec 1856. M Babcock, Si- Joke*. <**» 1...... * * * M Clark, Ditstos mult charged IVaeaumr far yearn '71 * ‘71 la M,*4* M 9 of “As eel to provide for the draining of swampe, 1873 L. G. Hamilton ft Co. ms ratio* aad other low lands," shall be In the 0 S Walla, - ...... '*• a J—ink Upton, loobkcr nod Inker, Tbo expenditure*, or amount patd out Dr County Correspondence wotp periodperiod is...... m...... 04,794 K' Anal earn of oew thousand dollars, with two *sre- Cap W hi may, Root Saginaw...... 1 « St Johns, Jan. 13th, 1873. a i B Mc'Lonn kaoptaf op loatinoxl iodax. Um. L C Whitney , ** ...... * * * DuW L TTUinn. tor puxxp. Baiaooe to Tmaaary...... 4 Ml 10 Mr. Mcrbeieoa ottered the following resolution L U Pock, Graoabute...... S 44 D onation .—There will be a dona ­ a J E Mr Lena, nupplies for RosiMor'n oSton All white la reaped fully •ubmittad, which wm adopted : Watertown , Jan. 14, 1873. JOHN A POTTER, j aim , Ortrhion. St *whaa ...... t O By Mr Powor RsaoLvua, That the time for flxlug the ml*rim SEVENTEENTH tion party, at the residence of Lot her J P YL NCEKR, / Coiauuttiw. Ed. Independent:— In looking over Aoo*t of Btnpkco Penrt, nn Dm to Obioitn Mriocr. of the County ottLen to set fur to-morrow after- Jones, Bengal, for the benefit of Rev. R. FI HOLLISTER, ) the local columns of your ever wel- Mr. Powor prnnne tod the follewtog l Dated, JanJanuary i I ■MB __ The Good Templars will meet On motion of Mr L W Baldwin, the report ef the Mr. Cl I th* following resolution, which C. A. Jacokes, on Thnrsday evening, eoms paper, your correspondent finds To the Board ef Buperrieem at tk# County af Clin ­ is 8tepheuson ’i» Hall, oo Monday eve* ton : coenmiUea on Treoaury was aoceptod and adopt ed Jan. 23d. All are cordially invited. many things to instruct and amuse the 1 herafry rai|«the oStoe ef Dm to Coawelaeooer and ordered tied. RoeoLVxn, That the sum of------dollar* he ap­ niag next. Let all bear this iu mind. reading public, of what is i^oiog oo fn of mid count) ; the rM|Miiw to take effect ea the propriated to build a lattice work la float of the By O xdbu Com mittk a. 14ulmlitGooiln, nt t lit* low — Persons sutiering from heart dis ­ hotufkt of any one heretofore. All un- Many valuable improvemouta have imxiMi eemroo. Mr L W Baldwin offered the following resolution, the Prosecuting Attorney to Inquire into the mat­ 1*1*100(1 Ntoro, ('Union Hull. seetdod accounts must be adjusted in been made within a law years. Good, Board flailed to order hy the ChairwMa. Present ­ white wan adopted i ter, aod prosecute all such according to law. ease will find it very much to their Mr. Yu ticker moved the adopt loo of the above a satisfactory manner before the 1st substantial dwelling houses have been ation ef inoi : Mtmtmrd, That the *um of three hundred dollar* Wo have mttclo «t Posufttivo Hnliictlou In nil ldfti advantage to call st Colwell A Long's By Mr Cnruen i be appropriated from the CoaU nut at Fund, payable resolution. orWINTEH (iOOl)H. day of Feb next. M. J. Bassett . erected in the last three years by F. uarierty by the Treasurer of Clinton county, *n Mr. HIU demanded the yeas aad nays, which drug store. Aoe’t ef C A Webeter, meat, io nrtantanl ease. C of tho Sheriff, for sate of the yearn 1079 L. Smith, G. W. Kiuney and Henry By Mr. Warn : and 1474, for th. purpom of reaUag or resolution wa* loot, ae follows CuslAmrrN mhnll lutvo thn best klixl ol (>oo Csrum and L W. Bald win — IA OOD Hnminete Suiis...... for $15 00 worth $20 00 spectacles to be seen. weighed 540 lbs. By Mr Chaor : be found guilty of cnxer on trial bolum them, the mark of enterprise to the man. «*• motioa of Mr. Hill, the report of the Select OOD Csteimerr FnnU sud Vent* ...... for 8 00 14 10 00 — Contributions to the Boston Re­ Aac't of Dr A / Wlggton, for medical Mrvieoo. panwhmeat uf which shall be a An# and imprime Mr. T, Abbej, of this village, on the At Wacousta a new Congregational By Mr Brlgyn : mrl.t of net lea. than atxty day*, shall be matvnead Committee oo providing a place for lama* per & to the iMKrelt Ileum ef Correction for mid period ; e-mo, wm token from the table. lief Fund now aniouots to $145,000. same day, killed and dressed one which Church, of a substantial character, has Aec’t of Tram on Ptaroa, wtteem to erixntoal cam. and Anthony Cute te hereby appointed an egvai to On motion of Mr. Hill, the report of toe Heleet Harvard College has. received over weighed 560 lbs. Mr. Abbey took the been erected the past season, where ti e By Mr Y a acker : contract with the authnrteed agent ef cold Detroit Ace’t af If D Seldea, eoaat in criminal earn. Haem of Correction for the keeping of said ertmi Committee oa provldlog plum for taoose persons, devotees of Him who ruleth the uni ­ nale, at a oast not to exceedid one dollar oad Sfty wee adopted . OOD Overcoats ...... for $7 snd $10. worth $10 sod $15 $80,000. pair to the northern lumber catnpe.— M Peter Peach, Juatioe lx erualoat earn. cents per week for every pevaea sent for a ported ol verse Assemble “to worship God. n Mr. Y anchor moved that the resolution relating OOD IIst.for 75c , $1, $1.25 tnd $1.50, worth 81. $1.50, $2, and 82.50 — AH who feel interested in the Who speaks next ? By Mr A J Baldwin di month* or lem, and one do'lar and twenir l»r Some person or pernons male an at­ Aac't of Daniel Turner, eooaL to criminal earn cent* pm week for every pemen sent for a period of loth# furnlohiag of too PraeoeuUag Attorney's OOD Wrappers snd Drawers______for 50 sod 75e., worth 75c. aud $1 pub ic affairs of our county may find toe* than an« year and more Uuea *tx month* ; and office, to token from th* table, which motioa wm tempt to burn the barn of John 11. “ da da do. oar dollar por week for everv pomoa sent for mere PLRND1D French Corsets...... ______.for only 70c., worth $1 Election or OrncEits. —At the mauy interesting things io the pro­ Lowell. Matches and kindling were a J N Me Par loo, juettca ta criminal caaaa. than one year ; the *o*t and rxpeame of the tmn* loot. PLENDID Drill Contois _...... __ ...... for only 30c., worth 50s. a‘mi annual meeting of St. Johns Oa auttoa the aheva aeeeuxte worn referred to portalion ef such parson and the od toor taking them Mr. Yuacker moved that no more claims to re- ceedings of the Board of Snpervisoia. found by Mr. Lowell in the barn. It •hall net exeewd rightem doiiorw from At Johns or 8ADIES’ wplcudid Nubias..tor 60c., 75c. and 81, worth $1, $1.25, $1.50. the ceauafttee oa (bint. Lenmng, aad *w*aaieea dollars frum Ovtd, ia said fleivwd ate acted npoe by this Board after to- Lodge, 1. O.O.F, Friday evening, is to be hoped, whoever the persons orrow. Adopted. A DIES' Wool Hose______only 25, 35 sod 45c., worth 35, 50 and 60c. which we give complete this week. aaruan or »tibmx « oNUirrix*. county , and when ill* agreement ehall be entered L Jany. 1873, the following officers ware ate, may be speedily detected aud The oemmittoe «a claim* reported back the fol­ into, th* *b«nff of tbia county te hereby authorised Mr. Mrl'brraoa offered the following resolution, OOD nil Linen Handkerchiefs... __ ...... only 10 cents each — Mr. Wot. Besley of the 44 Center to pubhte this order In two eewspapem published which was adopted : Jf OOD article of Cotton Flannel ...... only 15c.f worth 20e. duly installed : brought to justice. lowing eorounta, and In it John* ia tMr eounty. Tbt* order and the Meet-market” has lost a meat saw and Oo Saturday evening of last week, loured aod orders din on contract entered into by vfitne of this resolution, Kaa»Lvan, That the following named town GOOD article of Ladies' Felt Skirts______only $2, worth $2.50 N. G:—J. B. Lathrop. •boll be in force for See yearn from the expiration ships have ao extension of ihiny day* for the eoL knife. The peiaon that has it will Supervisor Alexander, of our township, ef the present oentmet now to fores with mid Da- leeliea uf taxes aAer the drat day of February, TIP-TOP article of Table Linen ____ ..only 50c. per yard, worth 75c. V. G.—A. McFsrlan. It li 1479, vlx : Township ol DeWtti. was applied to by a citiaen of Wacous­ true Hi aw af Cerreottoe. AOOD Chnsimeres for 60e., $1 and $1.25, worth 88c., $1.38 sod $1.75 yd. make William smile by restoring them R. 8. —D. B. 8alsl>tiry. Mr. Cham offered the following resolution, which On ration of Mr. lllll. Board adjourned until ta for assistance from the poor fund, Aoc't ef Nichole. MttcheU * Vtehoto tomorrow morning at • o'clock OOD Cloth sod Ladies' Berlin Gloves for 35 snd 50i\, worth 50 and 75c, to him. P. 8. —L. Z. Mnnger. work oa Iteu»4 79 9 4 79 woe adopted. GANOTHER LOT of those splendid Paper Collars..__ only 10 cents tt box, Tress.—P. L. Vau. onoanl. for ait old woman named Gooch, who - M Clark, work at eoart bouse M U SO 11 SuW*y tlie ithovo, loaf Cood. —K. Bailey. ** M Clerk, dtggtof vault. Aa.... 91 M 90 M •* Allowed. January 0th. 1«T ; and that the ctovk'a Roll called ate all tbo members ware present. Money ftm vvlint lm wmitpcl. the recent epitootic. The affected people that she held an ioteicst io the M JoMah tlptua, labor and lumber sort«Ami* ■. mhoellaneeoe voucher*, la. be coneei. Proceedings of yesterday ware read, cerraeled O. G.—Geo. W. Estes wnlhn...... 47 00 4* have a heavy rumbling cough, running farm of one of our most worthy eiti* ed by wtltiux actum the lam " xliewed. January Oth. and approved. I. G —J. T. Williams. ** L W Kaeqaella, rxaminotma af 1*71. and tied with th# disk ; aim that the court HOLIDAY GOODS. nt the none, and perspiring legs. R. 8. N. G.—Walter Ware. seas. The old w oman from her own inaeoo perwaa ...... 0 0 house order* be compared and checked aa above, rasessvATioa ew CLStn*. STEPHENSON A SON. • L W PnoqaHie, egomianttoe of and Sled with the clerk, aad that tbe pour and wvn- By Mr. Yuaoker. atory, had lived on charity until that haw pemoo •9 — The Suffrage Association of 8t. L. 8 N. G__ J. G. Watkins. tingent orders bo destroyed to prsmece of the Beard Amt of Me Far la#, Croul A Co., lotto article, with whom she had been slop­ *• Me Parian, Omul A Oo., good* ef J*ap«rvtoom R. 8. V. G.—Louis Vaucdnaant. ao«u* bowse and Jail...... 41 08 41 Of ** W Hundsy, oil for Ja*L Johns, will hold their next regular Mr Reed moved that no mom claims to motived ing, bad lost its charms. The Super­ " J H MvLena, euppUoa far Ragia- ** C. M. Carrier, expen ses relating to erlml- L. S. V. G.—Heman Dock ham. t*r*e ‘-®«a...... 1 00 4 Vi by this board xitar to-morrow naan ; white motion meeting at the residence of Mrs. J. visor called her attention to the fact ualn. R. 8. S.~-Frederick Knapp. ** CM Carrier, under ehenff bn 70 SO TO M i* lest. that Clinton county had a home for • A iMpbaax, work on oeurt house 70 70 On mot mu of Mr. Yuneker, th# above account* Wilkinson, oo Tuesday evening, Jan. L. 8. 8. —8. D. Gmmmons. Mr Yunekcr moved that n committee af three be " Stopbrn peori, Dnua Coot, tarn It 10 90 10 were referred to tho committee on Claims, tbn unfortunate and destitute, in the M J B Melooe. eocticanl index... M 00 M M • PP-tnted by the chair to sorer tail what provietae* 21st, at 7$ o'clock. xxroereor evsxmxu couuittsm . sliape of a Poor Farm, where all her " Daniel L W’ihen. pomp...... 10 M 10 40 can to made for the ears af Inmoe person* of the Pat or Salasibp Cofxtt Omenta. • Hiram L Lute or, Co. canvasser « 01 4 9s The Commutes oa Claims reported bock the THE ST. JOHNS —The next meeting of the Prohibi­ wants would be properly cared for. At oannty, white motion prrenilod. —IoBsmucb as there has been some “ JO Bmnma, following aoeounto without recommendotlen tion Society, will be held at the residence - John A Putter The Chairman appelated, as such oemmittoe tbia juocture the old woman grew - IV Cham Aee't of .lames F. Yc»to, for aeeiot 1 ng Sheriff Coon of Mrs. A. Stout, on Friday evening, discus-ion, of late, in relation to an wrathy and doclaied that before she ** John E Power Mrmr* Yuacker, Hill aad Alexander. In *rrentiag criminal to Shlawaosee CoH In advance in the pay of the salaried would go to the Poor House to die " May lam J Baeeeii Oa mutton af Mr HilL, buard adp>uraed until 3 IM» Jan. 17th, 1873. “ Raburt Yeung o'clock J* M. Uffnodee of Mr. Rate, tho above account was county officers, we give below the aod have her bones formed into an ** Jonathan A Oweet laid upon the to Me. M. H. Striceland , Af’y • A U Alexander amounts which each receive, that the anatomy for some heathen M. D. to - J Q Ban edurt WkaoaaoAT, Aftemooa Bamtoa. Aral of Daniel Turner, court fom la liquor suit. — Last week, Mr. H. N. Griswold, look at, she would throw herself into - Corllana HIM do ...... 4 44 Board called la order by the Cbairmaa at 9 “ Bleptmo J. Wright aod 4 others, jurors M Richard B Carom de ...... 3 00 foes la liquor suit. One-Price Store fH-.-ple may see snd bettor determine w leading grocer in this village, killed the Looking Glass River, and make “ L. O Burch de ...... 0 70 o’clock ** Deo Uni linger aod 9 others, juror* fern to whether the Board of Supervisors “ J F Oh mil do.*.... 490 rxaxnxvATtos at outm liquor gate end dreaced six hogs, of his own rais­ food for the fishes. Poor fishes, yon - Pbiie Detv do ...... 0 13 By Mr. Ware: « L. W Thornton ate 4 other*, Jurors fees would be justifiable In advancing them have our sympathies. ** Neloon, Matter A Oo. fumltmrv to liquor suit. ing, which averaged 33-ty lbs., making tw exit room...... 90 9S IS R Aoc’t af Maaem. Kipp A Fowtor, hardware lor " Joan ,1. M< Parian, Justice fom lu liquor a little—a thing which they dare not Tour eorrea|*ondent will, from time “ J M^Neagbtoa, attondlng mart 90 S 90 91 County bnlMlage. suit. n total of 2,009 lbs. Who has any ** Oee R Huai A Bee., geod e for By Mr. UIU. ** Stephen J. Wright oad 4 other*, Juror* to time, endeavor to ^ive you anch county oSlaea...... 9 SS ? SS fom iu liquor eult. do lest their beads should fall into tbs Amt of Lynda A. Conn, mrviem oa Superinten ­ flaw teurrendered to the further pretentions ? local news as may occur, aud will • Cortot A Ketee, printing ...... I M I 10 Ou motion of Mr. lllll, all of the above aeoouats so j n K ma O- ti. (4icllo8 rHBfliR 4k dent af Poor. basket:— wore told upon too labia. — The Savannah Store says the speak of other enterprising citizens in eoppltoe for ctorh'e eSor ...... 94 03 M 43 By Mr. Camxa: ciet,....«»»»»»»»...« ...... sm® m Cta mottou of Mr. A. J. Baldwin, Board adjourn ­ Judge of I'robot a,...... Ms 00 the township. Richard . " MDRmwn, yailorand buardtag light house oft St. Angostine in in a no on ere...... 177 M 197 M Aec’t af Jmm Kipp, mrviem oa An part nt cadent ed until 9 o'clock P. M. ProMcutlnf Attorney ...... N 09 “ 11 Mmmono, (deck fur eewrt af Pear. danger of destruction by the encroach ­ Trwinr (formerly ITtAy...... SIS Si * room...... flt OS Ihcrtf, allowed tm wSlwn ,...... WBO OS School Bim>ks , notions, ereoLmane ana none ns. Fainsv, Afternoon Aeaoion. •‘Tin Niws,” ftc., On motion ef Mr Obese, the above eeeeunte warn ing waves. Why don', they send for Mr. Y a ocher prumn ted the following mas lotion, Beard ml tod to ardor hy th* Chairman nt two Of course the majority of these offi­ as usual, at the News Room, 8t. altowad at reported by tho which wm adopted. o’etoek. John Fry and have it moved. He is wormn*. axeai.cn cers receive all extra charges made in Johns. ______Rsiolv no. That the County Clark be, ate to m xxreeve or evsxnma rouuirrc*. good at drawing light houses as wall Dy Mr L W Baldwin tomb) autkorloed to procure the nermmry furni- their office. The other eounty officers V ogel ft Hcohe 's Organ is pro- turn far the Ctark's office. The Commit to* oa Claims report bate the fol­ ns heavy ones. are paid by the fsua of their offioo. nouuoed by all who have beard it, to Mr. A.‘J. Baldwin presen ted the following reso­ io wing account* and recommen d that they to al­ lution, which wa* adopted lowed m reported: — Without doubt the voters will be be swanls et, purest in tone and general Prwammr, white ehall he In tall tor eit mrv te RaeoLvin, That the County Treasurer to di ­ Ace’t of G. M. Carrier, cate sxpon om look­ kasly ixe veom am low tobte, Tnal the County Clark shall receive called upon to ageia vote for or against N A F Ovuar ­ merit. Orders taken for all kinds of -----aal eatory of------dolUra, white shall ha p— rected to pay the axaount belonging to the County ing after criminal* ...... |H 4* to pay for grading the struct* and a reuses next M W»nmr Bundsy, oil for J«H...... SS nn advance in tbo pay of Cifoait ing am musical merchandise by J. M. G arter . quarterly for the yearn 1079 and 1074 hy the County L *.—Du Thursday sight of last Treasurer, ee the Clerk'* ruSiti »I i ...ijviutHg the rublic Square In Ah Job no, " McFnrtou, Croul A Us, locks...... 9 94 Judges, at tbs Spring sIseffiRMtt. If it week, a fluid lump with u gas burner, ImUJ, That th. Coaaiy Treasurer shall madve grading of thv mam Is dona, and to On motion of Mr. Tuoteor, the above account* Persona wishing to enter into con ­ an aanaal mlnry ef------taBnre,le» the ywnre 1079 the work as ordered hy the Villas were allowed aa recommended by too Oemmittoe. potass untagged by other questions, in Tripp’s saloon, commenced overflow ­ and 1074, white teall be to tall for all im vises rrn tract for the delivery of two or four tend the county. in of Mr. Te acker, Bonn asrouT oa otxcisl oouhittxxs . people will not become coofnsed ns in ing snd run down upon u son of Mr. fool wood or the D. ft M. R. K., can A*mined. That the Pruaarutlng Attorney ehall r xnriag at • o'clock. The Special Committee appointed for tho pur­ cetve aa aanual eatory af -...... della e for the years pose of looking up n suitable location for • Jell the peat, and something good may be Isaac Holton, who was sitting directly do ao by oalling npoe Frank J. Smith. 14n ate 1X74, white shall batotall for ail aervto ate Sheriff *a reel de ars, report tool they bare I non ranee Agent, St. Johns, Mich. touod two avalloM* el tea, one pooeiatlug of tot* quo Having a lure® stock of ffoods on hand, and owing to the ffld areomplisbed. under it. Thu flames were almost in ­ T*vaon*T, January Pth, 1079. ate two, to Block 17. helrmgiag to the First Bap On of Mr Alexan d er the above Board nailed to ardor by the Chairman. tint Society efRt. Jehas, the other eonele tlng oI that the The »ey condition of the walks stantly eommipioaUd to young H olton ’s It ie a pleasing fact, ie times like Roll mi lad: mem tore all present. Into one, two aod throe, to Block 99, belli aging id Mr L W Baldwin moved that the John Turner. Tho committee hove toon enable are the direct cause of many person, which burnt hit hand, fnou cad these, to keow that you can buy su­ M lea toe af yesterday's pressed! age wm me to obtain deSnilo information an to prime, but perior crackers at Stcflberger's bakery, tephen Pearl, aa County Drain Cue ■ate and approved. have good reason to toitove that the met named Ills painful to see men oo nil fours, bamdt to uoownidorabie extent. By rxnenxTATtox oa claim . site can to obtained for 9Cuo.no; ate they would for 7 cents a pound. pm vailed. respectfully racemmeod that Joeiah Upton to lu- who, bad they received the right kind the time!? ussaaUnee of others who Ry Mr IIoilistar etrnctod to pure ham lor too County for tho pur­ On on to of Mr L W Baldwin, the beard, by hat of train wig when young, might have warn in the saloon at the time, the Am’tafC. H. Wood, Court foe* to artm. caae. pose above named. Either tola oua. two aud L. Hall ft Go. are closing out their By Mr. A. J. Baldwin Ihrae.uu Block te to Rt.Jteno, at a prtou not flames were soon smothered, and no The maalt of the ballet wan m follows : the total seeding] tote two, la if to HOLIDAYS heen Senators nod helped to form the stock of boots aod shoes without regard Am'tof C. H. Wood, Court fees In criminal earn. At. Johns, ut a prim not exceeding fl JSO other osrious damage was done. Dr. tmber of baltote aaot wee 19 ; of which David Clark m MM MOM Ail of whtohle raopecttally ankmltlod. laws of the load, instead of pawing to oost. See their advertiesmeot. iwdril 11, ate Jeteoa Brawn remdved 9 Dated at BL John*, Jan 10e now to m Aec’t of J. N. Me Parian, who bee boon oovuly iftietod with DM Mtsesr reI H iMslaeSt, WR signed for one or two familiee, may be In te Th* Board, an eeetoee criminal eoom . ee# Ado* **###! Mr. tatitr keoved tho* tho for four months past, by IS, (>r\4, SUM bU oa rwwoMbJ. torn, by .pplymg - A. H. Human, pHottog •••#«,’SS ate to te hereby on ibsoloed to pay the li LafeystSs Ft • MV • Eton h Fowtor, hard wem for of our citiosws to J. H. CoRBIT. ty eulldingB end fooee. tho Dwtoh Rap INtoh Ord ers hem Febr Ready-Made Clothing WM.CsMw « xxiiemmd 1S79, to February lot, LST9, at the xato of to try tbs aft easy of the 8t R M UisM t* Jmm s*4 Mary Tswm, Mil • L A Conn. 0t X MasS IBS, Stead A WaiharY SaVtXv. Ut. M Better and has wanted in ex Boardi W. L. Ilicke, “ hr, and returns to ekanfA for booM vl afi/M- 4 *t A. J. Wlggtoo, nrleoaers ....^te A9 Mr. kb homo without reserving any great ■ M Parti# te ¥ K I fltitimIIIt MHf h. Hail ft Ca.’s. Jemec RlpptBup4. of Poor...... 14*49 S • R. UseUae A, S-l, I OR i dtauuf Mr. Tuuekm, they ware altowi included. From the tickets you can At ooce poivolve the re* He wishes m te re Ry Mr lit I heist: mm * h • W k, Wnt pay Uo a #nts Aaffk af Wm L Mfohe, Rupt ductiofi, which will eortAinly Utke p«*»» te those who kindly non RW. M for O OttO • te D VaR MS li crackers when yon car By Mr A J Baldwin V Vi * •». TTku itereet nek u ir mitt f<*r hie relief. SieUbAfftr's ltekery for Asst*# A 1 Herron, Mr p to By Mr Bettor t nd to mm Grand Aggregation is ruse? BMiwrri It«u4t)|II Rate t, A. D. ISM. P^PpNKpBl B.BaattoeBLa-RlRl Amt of DHAoufo, deputy MBItoabee I*Mia Ml V I I, ireff fox, Ir Re >«f Dr. A Raateoa'e Amfluf Bfohmute A Betel of next week, a! 8 Bans* asaaSMM I B R, flM the manor *m beared lu < KM BAD It hna Uteiy OumetieuefMr A J Be Slew Arary Sa M D Rwrm, MS t, pie** M» Otart U ***** ‘•SaN-Dtr , CL Jata*. I wHhm they <"S.WJKC?r AMD Haary A. fouae Sa KaiaS Vaasa*. MilisU tt hoe no hf the

Mr. T« ms JsBes, tiffil m. WttRtehy Aefflefl ■uvexrirk 9 httemu. No. 17. und la tb. debt lUImt, tllhotith a on Inferior portion of the iVrmlw vtlfMll OS the 10,000 PRAIRIE PARK#. ir«ourv have Rot km drawn. exhlb- All this la unsatisfactory TkoiTmn reduction la the public debt iti the lost the longs. "Middle Repi of Western Iowa.” fiscal year di* $*.WkyGJl.t'he redaction It occasionally, however, results from r«*i*«*ried September 1, lflTt, vu $10,?3fi, "ti.cr causes, as a nquel of mvere cnees ft:*; the reduction reported October1, of boUigd lye. of stronglea, or follows e prolonged st­ imitivM' .MX 1W we« campaign uck of Inflammation of the lunp. What is the difficult ascent? Get- tiMe*. Mid u the two large reductions Thin troublesome complaint would he ting ap a sub* gloom seemed to over caul the honey- "• ted had e moat favorable (Meet upon of leas frequent occurrence If proper care moon. Perhaps the undertaker was too President Greats chances. It li note eery Ing every particle of mow it touches. was exercised la the feeding of horses; Tnn newt wane thing to raining pitch- prompt. Bat still, we like to see a man violent euppoeition that they were made —An 'English Journal says: Few pei by giving nutritions food In moderate forks* Hailing — take so interest in his business for the purpoee of having that favorable sons art aware of the magnitude to whlc quantities, and at regular Intervals, and OeaereJ tabUitj, **4 Ura Dakar lit has three men who can hold A moult sensational account of a effeot. At ell events, the November the rose may be grown, or the aplendt by not suMeeting horses to rapid exer­ la variably acconipaale*, I • wo*** 1* jaw. They me dentists. French polar expedition, tusds« Octave statement showed a redaction of only $*V •Beet ft can nt made to produce on a law cise when the stomach la too much dis ­ Wrr ore religious people lit subjects Pavy, which journeyed successfully to &M17; the December statement showed or pleasure ground; yet with n fufflrltntl tended. n reduction <»f only $1,1 $8,999; aad now strong stem, and a system of careftal an Broken wind is rarely seen la cavalry, patient training, then* can be no reason ­ hunting horses, etc., and their freedom able doubt but that the standard roses can from It Is entirely due to the regular and VINECAR BITTER ta grown to the aloe and form of the or­ eareful mode ol feeding. dinary examples of the weeping ash, hav ­ Broken wind Is an aflectloa that la ing the branches all produced from the usually easily detected, and the dla trem tire debating so­ top of n stnglo stem,'and flowing down ­ log symptoms are increased by sodden ciety* had goathome. ward noon all aides — a very ornamental changes of temperature. The heaving or Job Coburn has secured a position in object for the lawn. quick lifting of the flanks Is readily no a Brooklyn drag Store, with a view to President Grant's re election la ascertain Milk Paint. —For painting In rooms deed after sharp exercise, the insptsatory « t, we have two significant facts aa- where the smell of oil or turpentine movement ts quickly performed while miunced; one is that Mr. Boot well re respiration takes place slowly. Another |hM as s rraaaftf for Ssosy of a* vital govern, Mesa Is dia shufins nu ihk N said to be would be oMedionahle, a preparation characteristic symptom to a prolonged ife cure far dyspepsia, are a novelty solves to retire from the Treasury, and may be made as follows: Take eight wkeekev aotaraJ or v ast, to NuttrtUr'i HwiS with metropolitanetrupolitaa fruiterers.frniterc the other is that the national debt is in ­ and hacking cough, easily excited f>> ratter*. If Um fallen## pyiWe can be rusted lets creased. We have not been able from the pressure on the larynx, or sudden chang­ “toi tones her trills through her noee, N bssUby ecUviiy by esy kuna# mamma. UU* ngmers Cures the Worst Pains first to understand Mr. Boulwell’e reso­ es of food or temperature; when the dia tts# vegetable eordtol will accomplish that object said an auditor at a concert. "Ytu," lute detenniaatioa to retire from e Cabi­ eaae Is confirmed it becomes altogether laid his friend, “they are nos trila” It* Hfccf o|ioo tbe appetite, Um Sis**ttoe, Um s#rr« net position which he is thought to have incurable, but the very worst of cases can oa« * y*> —. tbe eecveUve wfui and Um bow eta to anbury A D youth carries one of hU administered with unexampled ability moot mtatary. It sot ooly wd dlreeUy epos Um teeth as a fond remembrancer. and success, and la which President W tu-.ii he is married he caa have all her aoUde asd fluid* of Ur body, bat iadlrectty upon Ibe Grant is extremely anxious to retain him; esaetitetioe Itaclf. ferwM left by fever le aocb a jaw. iaent officers of the Bohemian club are sod we are not able to understand why laxative C'ivcu as comprising the expedltioa with deplorably betplcaa condition that It woald Mem aa If A Women* (Mass.) woman has called at the national debt, so steadily and largely Uey emU never recover, may be eoenpletely belli ,he poet office twice a day for twelve aginary account of decreased during the peal four years, sedatives, which temporarily relieve the the discoveries t made Is given with breathing, but all powerful drugs must be y«e*a • letter that does not come. should just now begin to increase. Can thto well-algb Infallible, vegetable reaWraUv*. At tbu Tflf curiosity of a Maine lady was so Igreat circumstani------—Traces of herds U be that Mr. Bout well foresees that his used wltn caution. The iodine of potas­ of mastodons were found, and even a wefl- harsh Treasuiy policy Is about to rsveal sium, or bicarbonate of potash, in drachm tatau n of lurlmx-ut wln»to sad chlllu# damp* U m that timaotly etspa the most wmvbilw pain*, sttsy great that she called on a woman who Bitter* ibotM b* lakes a* i protect!vr inefttet##. was down with th?-mall pox, ‘Must to see prceervedpreserved specimen of the entire carcase its evils and that he wants somebody else dotes, morning and night will frequently lnl*naaa|>nia, sad torn Coscetotoas, w hot her of Um of one was discovered, with the hide sad give great relief. Loafs, StooMcb, Howto*. or o U mv ftoad* or organ*. by ‘oa»c BitMrs display so do ods d how to looked. * J to be In the Department to be responsible Til 1C WEEKLY IDS. oa« application. hair undecayed._ I. The account seemed so for llV- Mimmtn NrpuNimn. Horses affected with heaves are some­ Tlk orange crop of Louisiana is said IN mold ONE to twtntt mixut Ea. •lausiblo that the vigilant editor of the times severely drugged for the purpose Onljr #1 a Year. S Pages. Per laflaeiEsatery sad Ch to be in bad condition. The fruit is a exposed for sale; •o matter how rttomt or exrrwctatinf tho pain ttar aaottaos sod Gout. Djr», <;>».* or Is* spoilad by a nsw disease which causes it »sr/d was deceived, and he printed it in ge Ouch of young Trk Bsrr Famiut Psrxa. Tho Weekly N. T. RHXtTUATIC, Bed-ridden. Infirm, Crippled. Kervoaa, Rsnuiisnt sod Istcrmmcnt. Fevers, to turn black. * pod faith. The Chicago papers, with The question arises, where such is si x-ted to be the case, Ban. flpafoe. $1 a year Bond yoar Dollar. XoanOfte, or prostrated with dtoeesu mej awSef, food (ami the beat, the horse about i given a good drink The Birr AoiucvLrvmAi. P*raa. —The Weekly England has built a steel steamboat In opposing the proposal In the House of water, or allowed to eat a ftw pounds If. Y Baa • pagea. $\ a year. Bend yoar Dollar. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF V.i.aisd L Ota, sAtcb is gsnsrsliy prodocsd by dsrssgs- all things cons I that can be bought? acol of the Digestive Organs. to increase the app'n r'riation for the Bu Gi •»»▼, MIU UICU RUlijCi'K'U |U 11 Tbe reply is, I corn. Give cooked of hay, and then subjected to rapid exer Tm Best Pouticaa Faeww —Tho Weekly H. T. WILL AFFORD IXMTAST EASE. Ttowr are • ttsalls Pavgetlvs aa welt ae rt sit of Education, Mr. Beck, of Ken ­ and raw who! else, when the true nature of Is com- Bon. Iadependeat and Faithful Afalast Public INFLAMMATION OF THE RIDS ETA. a feaU, peeaessiag also Um peculiar aant t4 eumg BrazfTT ^ tucky, massed tbe figures of our National md fine, and ground Ploudar. 8 pages. $1 s year. Bond yoar Dollar. as a powerful sgsoi is rclisving Cosgeetioa or Isflam* coarse, (or the I ngc. It is the plaint may be easily detected Canmta IVn.AMMATTOX OF THE BT ADDER. Tlk Masons have now Uken hold of ^luresreceipts and expen for the last Farmer. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWEL#. sutios at (he Liver ead Visosrsl Organs, sad is Biksua cheapest thing that can be {•ought, grner Tea Brsr Nswspsrsa The Weekly New Tork Dfeeoeee. With an evident reluctance, manifestly iffiMi^seven years _ i injg such a way aa to produce Baa. I pages, ft a year. Bond your Dollar. CONGESTION OF THE LPIQt. the work of complying the Washington ally speaking, the amount of nutriment For Stoles Discs**#, Ersptisos. Tetter. Sslt- moDdinfut, and the funds begin to accu­ inspired, by a guilt? conscience, tlie startling totals. He showed that (in seven —Tbe Maturing Aif/M relates the case of SOBE THROAT. DIFFICBLT BRfc ATHISO. klsns, Huucbes, Sjkh «, Pun pics. Pustules, B longer in tbe publ mind, d< prudent —Coloring Apple#.—The Ban Jose Mer­ The Barr Cattt m Iirain la the Weakly H. Y. ll<-4 rtbara, »4#k Hssdsi br. Disnkaalbvi cery, of December 8, says: "Charles "He ordered me out of his store. ” Ban 8 pages. $1 a year. Bend your Dollar. Wli»4 In fhr Ri.wrto, «n«1 *11 Infrrn*! Y%)i on unauthorized repr Tire testimony 1 mi Hers slMaid slwsva carry a U>« of tbe principal. witr , (Vies Ames— Caine, who owns an extensive orchard —A Louisville negro convicted of mur­ Tan Baer Papbb Ib Every Respect Tbe Weekly wav's Rmlr KeUri with thrvn. A himself the chiefchi agent in the bribery near this city, has a method of giving der, and waiting ths sxccution of his sen ­ wsuw will pravsst torkiMa* or sn Ise fr< business —fastens the charge of guilt to red, striped and yellow apples a high tence, managed to produce ths belief that upon all but two or three of the Coe- be had the small pox, by applying croton resamcn and (Senators named in Mr. oil to his face, producing pistulea similar fM'omb'e Ibt, and upon two or three to those made by the disease, and was re­ rev as * snofhrr M a Ieftfis, Bt lt«»eSg31v«.Tr nk«H hctodca. Among those who have not moved to the pest-house, where he soon Jbjbc e Ezpvclorsnt can be readily fouud r>l«*w mpiea on top will be Asa yoar rrossc (or Frassluf 'a CclsbraU are directly and positively implicated by Farther FxplanatIons la Order. Plfly Os«* r#r Btalte. tbe testimony of Ames, are Mr. James highly colored. These are removed, Vlaesmr. Wvnoted pare, rraaervea Pic boxed, and sent to market, and the next The Credit-Mobitler investigation is layer oxpoaed to the sun. Hie apples THE M AKE FTS. KEALTHI BEAUTY! furnishing to Con gressmen and ex-Oon • fhna colored, especially the Baldwins, STRONG AND FTRE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF », are also by no means so dean as greasmea more onportunitee to "explain" Smith's Cider, and hiiltxenbergs, chal FLESH AND W EIGHT — CLEAR SKlK than Is desirable for them or good for their C'ovstTMrrioN For the care of this dis ­ BEEF CATTLE. AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION should be. HOGS- Lies...... SECURED TO ALU > comprehend folly tbe flagitious explanations. Mr. Schuyler CotfiKl, be tressing disease there has bean do medicine M BEEP-Live ...... iDg detected as one of tbe Congressmen yet discovered that can show more evidence COTTON-MlddUr character of this Credit Mobilier infamy, of real merit than A llen ’s Luno Balaam . FLOUR- Good to DR. RADWAY’8 it is essential that pwople should under* of Mr. Oakes Ames’ Credit-Mobtiler 1 This aneqaaled expectorant, for curing Con ­ WHEAT-No. f Si stand bow tbe Vnion Pacific Kailway bribes, roan, a day or two ago, to explain. sumption and all diseases leading to it, ssch CORN- Wrstern 1 was built, whose money built it, and he best.’* _ as affections of the Throat, Lungs, and all OATS—Wtatara. I Sarsaparillian Resolvent True, he took some Credit MobiHer stork, diseases of the Palmoearr Organs, la Intro ­ RYE—Westara ... where the money went to. Everybody Old Pastures, or .Vwt I'UKK-M sm...... HAD MADE THE MOST ANTONTSHING CURE*; SO paid a little money on It, and held It for duced to the suffering public, after its merits quit k. BO RAPID ARM THE CHAXl.Rs T1IK and A h Imm, aad iMudihf a> dannf mmom d knows that the Federal Congests voted Mime time, hut hearing that there was like­ an immense grant of public domain to for tbe positive cure of such diseases have WOuL— DoaireUc Dacca...... BOPT UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN- «du »«*I heat and dryae**, ax iaeavtSblv MWoftouf ly to be a law-suit or something about the There are two opinions about pastures. been thoroughly tested by tbe medkAl fac ­ Failed ...... FLUEkCE OF THUt TRULY WOK- by rttwMN d#r*nf#flMat« th# atnoadt Aad lira, tail the Pacific HallwayRailway Company, to "aid in Credit-MobiUer transactions, he returned I Oue Is that It Is more profitable to feed ulty. The Balsam la, consequently, recom­ Unwashed ...... DERFUL MEDICINE, THAT other Abdom inal riacm. TH«r# art *Jw*y« non or lea* building ” the road. Is addition to tbe S wbtorin twn# of lb* bv#*; a waaknaa* aad arvitabto tbe stock to Ames, though he dtof nrt re i only newly seeded land, using it not more mended by physicians who hsve btcome ac­ CHICAGO. enormous land grant, it Is well known I quainted with its great success. of (b# aimach, Aad groat torpsr of the buwvit. brn| yureAmn to rdarn the tmmry k* fum/, and i than two years before plowing It up for | ■HOTflfi—Ckstoa...... Every Day an Increase k Flesh and ! docS ’-d ap witk niaud xranulatwa In tba* taaai- ^------is voted a munificent subsidy ; Oood ...... iscat, a uaqcAtive. cxertinf a powerful aaflutaic* apma It has never been returned. 80 you see, a reseeding; and the other to let it remain Mad lam...... Weight is Seen and Felt. in the aha| a of tailed States bonds, to I < for many veara, allowing the surface to Thf Suprevs tjrRSTfon .---Health ii the*, rartuoi or.4a*. a eamtuily aacaamrr Thar* n be deliver®-. as fast as the road should be •ays Mr. Colfax, my skirts are ’clear; I Batch er.' Btoek...... no cAtluarttc (nr th# purpo* rqu.1 t# Da 1 Walks *'i stander witk the remark: "I’ve noticed become fully occupied by the native the most Important of earthly bleealngs, | BOOB—Live V imw. 4. Hirrsav *• tb*y will *p##dtly «cmo*« th# finiabetl ______hare no interest in Credit-Mobilier, and thm Ikin g often, an'dumod if I shouldn ’t The country the Pa I and therefore the nervous anxiety of the ' SHEEP ru Congress. Invested their planation is proof not only that be had an If we consider this question according Sprint Extra...... !11«>. lor n wi*lr» llw *rsMc* of U# tady wtt t» nrw sad %rroVMla, or Kina ’* Bvtl, Whd* Swelling*, fnuu tbe bridges, and so constructed that own i apital in that so-called "national 1 GRAIN—Wheat -hyrlug. So. t. aaaitd OMtcrlal. HcrHuta, C«>oaan*(. Mvaai. laS imoMtion*, Indotoat Uaaaaiam kfercurMi Af- when indicating danger they will, if un* undertaking, trusting to the future de- But what was It that alarmed Mr. Col­ munitto s in thie country, we cannot heat- Tawor*. Nadr* In (br Gland* sod ©Owr pan* of th* toctroo*. Old %or*% ErapiM** *f tba Skin. Star* Erm. velopment < *T*ik>n*, etc , etc |« iImm, a# ta ail other caaaitulKiaAt D*- the road for their remuneration. This follow the first named method, fur there California, under the somewhat eccentric Frvar tana, Braid Hal Rtocjfona. Halt Rbnatit. tatn. Wai sea's Vt*ae«B Brrraa* baoe Mourn dew wan an egregious mistake aton of his Credit Mobilier shores to Krrtapriaa, Aror, !D*<-k KpuU. Wwrm* la fbr llr»h. A Pennsylvania man cai upon a Ames? In McComb's testimony appears le no disputing the proposition that aame of V inegar Bitters. That this LAJU)...... Tumor*, t aaerrs la lb# Soak sad aU *mknl ng aad drove of five deer a few days To state the conclusions before the the following: timothy, red-top, orchard grass, and red new Vegetable medicine is "winning WOOL--Tab-* tMtafal d»*# hjrSt». Nlrbt avrato, aad alt wmim of I o while facts, the Pacific Railway Company, or th# life prlanpta, are wlrb»* the caret hr* raoeeafthte I walking through the woods. i bad a “Yoa askad dm If 1 coakt rruuabw saytklag clover, newly sown on a well prepared golden opinions of all sort# of people" Is vrofMbr of Modem t hr mi# try. mtul alrw (Ur« u*e a Ml I the persons onmprtoing that company, beyond a doubt. The accounts we hear provm to aay prtaaa a*tn» n lor rtrtort of thrw lonu# hammer ii his hand which he threw and Ml di ms**. It* potem power to oar* th«a>. kn<»c|ed one oj tbe deer down, then ran did not put Into the enterprise a sinirlc of Ha extraordinary effects in cases of IX tbe paUenL. dalljr benumlna re#seed be th w*#t«a dollar of their owe tnn nay The mad and taamdUM that to raatmaallv pr>>cremc and < »nwma»i*». proceeds of the subsidy bonds, and upon prostration* and many other diatressing ! ...... Nutritious Loom I**, Ibavauc. SaAitiv*. U—ialac- Im- A maw in Danbury who enjoys the most years had full possession of the ground, I OATH...... to rertatn ; far when oar* rmnrtoy rtoaitotouto It* sympathy ia he who chased a runaws and has had no artificial stimulation. disease*, certainly justify tbe popularity RYE...... wurk of parlftcaikm. and Mi'-rwrd* >* diailtilabliix tb# Uat. SadortSc. Altcratir*, and Ann RiIioua which it has everywhere acquired. PURE Maas . vtil he r*|4d. and rv*-rv day Ttoa 1|Mrtoa( and miid Lamaar* nrnp#rt*M of t«am for half a mile, and finally succeed The difference in amount will be much 111 gravr'iic U tr#r and »u*n(- D« Wa LK sa't TtaacAi Rirrsm arc in* b#*t ufc- Dr. Walker claim# for his specific a LARD ...... btotar. a *.prill# >uiprvvtn«. and more than enough to repay the cost of noon —live... pad ia all caaa* at tnp<. k...... chewing cum, but he will take first mort­ home's behavior that warned him ol the PURE—Mam...... wt»h *ah*taiK*a Mk* tb# wMl* to aa «(. or ibraak der that all maladies proceed from the same UUB> lib# wbit# *llk. e ttar* to a aaM, Sara. Nltai a*> gage on skates and hand-sleds from par danger of having his pockets full of generic causa, we see no reason for the Marmara, tad *Ut« bun# '§ for broach of promise Aar" intoaatly care# Bee HUag*. Waap HUag* aad actions, wticr»! tbe fact of a young man's Ibrsetory—that in, fkomthemnelves. Tliey “M'^nlto a—** “Hit##“ x It a#atrolis<-« th# poiaoa and r*- PTObaarr* th# Idnovtaf *r*ipto — nwatflai f taying tlffi ffiune things to diflersat girls rao v«# rh«paftsHBBHH iMourtanai tba DtcaaUr* Orgoa* j nhoald b# oppltod at oare. CiyStortaaI«*ad P1W. Faltetaa to tb# Wo# shows u>s fliRDto of serious intentions. Supposing that one-third of the produce ataav tloraa atthoat a oiagl# failure. It will b« tb# Has ft, VMtf at ito Htotn*#b. nMA H**rth is consumed by the Interest on the extra Ur •F'-ctuoJ la ucalsailstsf and extracting Dto#a*t «f Food, FuUn*#* or Wrtxbt ta fti* t»Unn Soar KrsfltaOaa^ Slsktac or Flatt«rta# to tb# 11 Slarrlto S. number of cows and by the coat of keep­ lb# JPutoon fr- m tb# Bit#* of all ’ ' aotautui Ia##ct# si t #v iWiru a At'Brai If any fanner shonld chance to have a or R«SflfiS0 No os# lnrr«1tsg Is th# wood# aboald tb# ttn atora. ►wtauntn.- of tb# HfalTntrrta aa«1 ing up the pastures—which is surely a ftall Brest bin#, F’n'rrrlnc at tta n#«rf, « hoklni l A r~ h* hie raswr ft#tta cow fall into an Ice hole in the river, he h# wfthoat tt. \ litoaiM of tta Kftdaor* the swindling business. Kvery dollar of very liberal allowance —we shall have $06 8«# bd*#i1i##msat Is thi# psp#r WaryOmaa*. Ttolmtjfl may learn how to get her out from this cash capital put In accrued from the sales instead of $20 aa the return per acre. la 3 Altorativ* kaowa. story of how it waa done at Bethel, Ver­ A CHALLENGE Mttoai. l»r'-t>*y. Gravel. I of Government bonds, and securities of addition to this, we shall make ourselves For Throat D mra »rs and Afsotioes of *■ Ikwam • tr ,|tb mont, one day last week: A man caught the U. IV Railroad. The contracts of much more Independent of variations of Jrk*. Tta ta*t rrmfe the unfortunate animal by the horns and ths chest, “fiwx’i Brtmchial TrocA»” sr# a (ta »U*r tfw1 which they became the "assignees’* were tbe seasons, for a well-worked rich of value. For Coughs, Irritation of ths / cr#* OKtinni, Phv -i< ian held her head above water, while a rope executed at from $50,000 to $96,000 per /h la ttalr yf* iitr» lt« meadow is far lam injured by excessive Throat caused by cold, or I'ananol Exertion of could be procured; then another man put mile; yet positive proof is accessible—sod drought than any natural pasture on the Mtu*bW*t ato aalrarak the rope around her neck with a slip-knot the vocal organs, in speaking is public, or tr,i 35K4JSan tortftabf For tab* W* atl the Washington Investigating Committee ■nine soil could be. This, of itself, will X wort# IB Ota*# (to will b* Mat ram. su'd tightened it atuund her throat, can# will fall la ths pertsrnsoos of h plain staging, they produce benefit let results. ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM lag her to suddenly Moat with air, and often equal the drawback we have al­ duty if they do not produce It—that the lowed for extra **osL Worthy or Nor*.-An exchange says E an li«« r*»dlMv *hm rise to the top of the water, when with \ ram abow bon # actual cost of the Xj. P. Railroad, imfittH- To put tbe pr<«pneition In another form there Is scarcely s day posses that we do sot WESTERN her struggling aad a little assistance she mg t»/htpmrnt, was upon the average Um l L.- a M tor carta# Ce came out on the Ice safely. we may expect, from the foregoing calm Twenty-One Thousand Dollars fAoa tMirty iKmtaamd dollars per mile. The iatton, ns large a cash profit from ten nwrtbart arxt April, FT#*, IBM# Oka fto&n -Ob­ Tft« slant-eyed Chinaman can discount difference was profit to the Credit-Mo- the Yankees on ingenuity. What Yan ­ biUer ring—so much of it as was not kee would ever have thought of protect used in bribing it wo* by lee procch* that tbe 1'acf lag small birds from the:r lar/er ; <»rs< es caa benedl the readers of this psper cutoru by tying a whistle %o ‘ tails? mpany, itself a ring to by recommending ibrao##’ /Swywllw Wfeat writ ka#raa Drasrira* af T#ai Yet this plan has been In operation la the hlic Treasury, was robbed to be the best sail billons medicine la a#r afeaai Alisa’s I.aas R#l#aai •5 to $20 tZ&tSX* Flowery Kingdom for n thousand year# of Its "swag.” ountry, we ere willing to do so. We SPBurevrsLfr, T#*n.. Sep*. U old. mak* axtow monry aft »•■m tha proceeds made equal to artificial ones by of U. 8 bonds, to the amount ef more ire, South ington, Farmington, Hartford, Busk wheat Cakes, Fruit Dumpling#, *U., when Use bird passes through the sir, and Wetbersford, Mi<) !i<- n. Durham, New the uee of tbe harrow and liberal top you should use Dooley's Yesst Powder. Ask Wkai th# Dortar* Bap. the vultures are frightened by this. than double the whole cost of the roed dressings la a proposition not considered your firoeer for It. It Is s purs Baking Dr*, # A War#, mjrtotoaas aad Dr and It# equipment, and which now con ­ Haven and other place# would be Injured, Bffi# imaTOmue nUs. Tmajr, A N ew Place of D eposit —A few above. The coot would generally bn lent stitute a part of the public debt, upon and that It would take the freight from than that of reseeding, and the result nmtol; days since, n shop-keeper In this city which the people are taxed to pay inter ­ the Farmington Canal, "and it carried pulled out his money-drawer farther than equally good. In nay case, no pasture— yntunar est. And over and above the robbery of north above Hartford, as it eventually #*i#4 by y usual, and noticed n dollar bill hanging the Treasury waa the robbery of the pub­ would ha, It would draw Into Its vortex, so a«N i wtai Uwr —f s#a#> over the back of the drawer. This led from the Coaueciicut River and the canal. MOTHERS t MOTHERS i: Uc domain of millions of Its best acres, ALUort Line souax him to inveetlgnftu, and behind#partition equivaleut to Us area of nu entire sute. - h h share of the transportation as would To further the drsVr.s of the thieves be ruinous to those expensive Improve ­ MOTIIERAtt! ments." It would bring the business into js s ;rfu zxrr xjv engaged In this colossal steal Is what Con- • New CBtaefe »*, New Tavh. gyssemen were bribed for. To this vast the outskirts of New Haven, and would swindle, 'Unparalleled In history, reprv igjnre Yale College, Long Wharf end the "Tns Qrsxjr’f Toilst ." fur the Complex- THE CHRISTIAN I NT F.L1JGE M'R*. seutati ves elected by the American peo­ central part of the city, betides destroy- lee. Is prepared from the prescript ten of a THE CHRISTIAN IMTELUGINCER. ple sold their votes for n pecunis»T <»•* ng the Inm ; ikes and stage routes In ibr wan known Phyetrian. nkieration Tht- fset ^•Lffiicrtodl ’-1** (Main.-M sMOnm .) G pf. ffhtori Utr*>! "Tns Queen 's Toilst ," for t h* Complex- yet it is ti * fa-T whtoR^nc sophlsRy or ion, Is prepared from the prescription of s subterfuge ran rsmoAC TOE ol»tJ on! corruption end scoundreUsm In Louis­ J. N. HARRIS A CO., Bneiimati, 0., iana! Is It not at Washington that the r n rm r»ti ug heart of the worst sconndrel- Ism Is found • -rhtfaga Timm, January fl.

■t of fl «-4 TW ilato rfuiffAra oift if 1 i—■ .ii, M m* ities, not addicted to ex thr. ugh injudinotu f#ed ferne ries that the people $72.00 MEffi WHRE—dflffifiHl Wa nominal than real"—which, if fri| anything, menus that the n * i* partly nominal aad partly teal. The] us, wan, that n portion of the Ink DR. WHITTIER, r< \ < mic receipts for December have been srodited, that the December t ttmTonrsBraw WTHTTTIER,