A New Historical Extreme Storm Surges Dataset for Dunkirk, France

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A New Historical Extreme Storm Surges Dataset for Dunkirk, France Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 3383–3402, 2018 https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-18-3383-2018 © Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Analysis of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazards: a new historical extreme storm surges dataset for Dunkirk, France Yasser Hamdi1, Emmanuel Garnier2, Nathalie Giloy1, Claire-Marie Duluc1, and Vincent Rebour1 1Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, BP17, 92 262 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX, France 2UMR 6249 CNRS Chrono-Environnement, University of Besançon, Besançon, France Correspondence: Yasser Hamdi ([email protected]) Received: 23 November 2017 – Discussion started: 5 December 2017 Revised: 7 November 2018 – Accepted: 13 November 2018 – Published: 21 December 2018 Abstract. This paper aims to demonstrate the technical fea- formation, which have been carried out systematically, indi- sibility of a historical study devoted to French nuclear power cate that it is valid and complete in regard to extreme storms plants (NPPs) which can be prone to extreme coastal flooding and storm surges. Most of the HI collected is in good agree- events. It has been shown in the literature that the use of his- ment with other archival sources and documentary climate torical information (HI) can significantly improve the prob- reconstructions. The probabilistic and statistical analysis of abilistic and statistical modeling of extreme events. There a dataset containing an exceptional observation considered is a significant lack of historical data on coastal flooding as an outlier (i.e., the 1953 storm surge) is significantly im- (storms and storm surges) compared to river flooding events. proved when the additional HI collected in both literature and To address this data scarcity and to improve the estimation archives is used. As the historical data tend to be extreme, of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazards, a dataset the right tail of the distribution has been reinforced and the of historical storms and storm surges that hit the Nord-Pas- 1953 “exceptional” event does not appear as an outlier any de-Calais region during the past five centuries was created more. This new dataset provides a valuable source of infor- from archival sources, examined and used in a frequency mation on storm surges for future characterization of coastal analysis (FA) in order to assess its impact on frequency es- hazards. timations. This work on the Dunkirk site (representative of the Gravelines NPP) is a continuation of previous work per- formed on the La Rochelle site in France. Indeed, the fre- quency model (FM) used in the present paper had some suc- 1 Introduction cess in the field of coastal hazards and it has been applied in previous studies to surge datasets to prevent coastal flooding As the coastal zone of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region in in the La Rochelle region in France. northern France is densely populated, coastal flooding rep- In a first step, only information collected from the liter- resents a natural hazard threatening the costal populations ature (published reports, journal papers and PhD theses) is and facilities in several areas along the shore. The Gravelines considered. Although this first historical dataset has extended nuclear power plant (NPP) is one of those coastal facilities. the gauged record back in time to 1897, serious questions It is located near the community of Gravelines in northern related to the exhaustiveness of the information and about France, approximately 20 km from Dunkirk and Calais. The the validity of the developed FM have remained unanswered. Gravelines NPP is the sixth largest nuclear power station in Additional qualitative and quantitative HI was extracted in the world, the second largest in Europe and the largest in a second step from many older archival sources. This work Western Europe. has led to the construction of storm and coastal flooding Extreme weather conditions could induce strong surges sheets summarizing key data on each identified event. The that could cause coastal flooding. The 1953 North Sea flood quality control and the cross-validation of the collected in- was a major flood caused by a heavy storm that occurred on the night of Saturday, 31 January and morning of Sun- Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 3384 Y. Hamdi et al.: Analysis of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazards . Figure 1. Map of the location (a) and an old plan of the Dunkirk city with the measure point of Bergues sluice (b) day, 1 February. The floods struck many European countries periods. The problem is even more complicated when this and France was no exception. It hit particularly hard along short record contains an outlier (an observation much higher the northern coast of France, from Dunkirk to the Belgian than any others in the dataset). This is the case with several border. Indeed, it has been shown in an unpublished study sea-level time series in France and characterizes the Dunkirk that Dunkirk is fairly representative of the Gravelines NPP surge time series as well. in terms of extreme sea levels. In addition, the harbor of The 1953 storm surge was considered as an outlier in our Dunkirk is an important military base containing a lot of previous work (Hamdi et al., 2014) and in previous research archives. The site of Dunkirk has therefore been selected (e.g., Bardet et al., 2011). Indeed, although the Gravelines as site of interest in the present paper (Fig. 1). An old map NPP is designed to sustain very low probabilities of fail- of Dunkirk city is presented in Fig. 1b (we shall return to ure and despite the fact that no damage was reported at the this map at a later stage in this paper). It is a common be- French NPPs, the 1953 coastal flooding had shown that the lief today that the Dunkirk region is vulnerable and subject extreme sea levels estimated with the current statistical ap- to several climate risks (e.g., Maspataud et al., 2013). More proaches could be underestimated. It seems that the local FA severe coastal flooding events, such as the November 2007 is not really suitable for a relatively short dataset containing North Sea and the March 2008 Atlantic storms, could have an outlier. had much more severe consequences especially if they had Indeed, a poor estimation of the distribution parameters occurred at high tide (Maspataud et al., 2013; Idier et al., may be related to the presence of an outlier in the sample 2012). It is important for us to take into account the return (Hamdi et al., 2015), and must be properly addressed in the periods of such events (especially in the current context of FA. One would expect that one or more additional extreme global climate change and projected sea-level rise) in order events in a long period (500 years for instance) would, if to manage and reduce coastal hazards, implement risk pre- properly included in the frequency model (FM), improve the vention policies and enhance and strengthen coastal defence estimation of a quantile at the given high-return period. The against coastal flooding. use of other sources of information with more appropriate The storm surge frequency analysis (FA) represents a key FMs is required in the frequency estimation of extremes. step in the evaluation of the risk associated with coastal haz- Worth noting is that this recommendation is not new and ards. The frequency estimation of extreme events (induced dates back several years. The value of using other sources of by natural hazards) using probability functions has been ex- data in the FA of extreme events has been recognized by sev- tensively studied for more than a century (e.g., Gumbel, eral authors (e.g., Hosking and Wallis, 1986; Stedinger and 1935; Chow, 1953; Dalrymple, 1960; Hosking and Wallis, Cohn, 1986). Through other sources of information, we are 1986, 1993, 1997; Hamdi et al., 2014, 2015). We generally able to refer here to events that occurred not only before the need to estimate the risk associated with an extreme event in systematic period (gauging period) but also during gaps of a given return period. Most extreme value models are based the recorded time series. Water marks left by extreme floods, on available at-site recorded observations only. A common damage reports and newspapers are reliable sources of his- problem in FA and estimation of the risk associated with ex- torical information (HI). It can also be found in the literature, treme events is the estimation from a relatively short gauged archives, unpublished written records, etc. It may also arise record of the flood corresponding to 100–1000 year return from verbal communications from the general public. Pale- Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 3383–3402, 2018 www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/18/3383/2018/ Y. Hamdi et al.: Analysis of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazards 3385 oflood and dendrohydrology records (the analysis and appli- coastal flooding that occurred over the past five centuries cation of tree-ring records) can be useful as well. A literature on the French coast (Atlantic and English Channel). This review on the use of HI in flood FAs with an inventory of database has been completed and is currently the subject of methods for its modeling has been published by Ouarda et a working group involving several French organizations for al. (1998). Attempts to evaluate the usefulness of HI for the maintenance. However, only the historical storm surges that frequency estimation of extreme events are numerous in the hit the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region during this period are pre- literature (e.g., Guo and Cunnane, 1991; Ouarda et al., 1998; sented herein.
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    DEMANDE DE CARTE D’IDENTITE SUR RENDEZ-VOUS pour une personne mineure Lieu Dans l’un des 4 sites Etat Civil de la Ville Validité 10 ans Coût Gratuit sauf en cas de perte ou vol Délai Entre 2 semaines et 2 mois Mise à jour le 25/04/2018 Pièces à fournir Attention, il est inutile de renouveler les cartes d’identité en cours de validité. La présence de l’enfant est obligatoire, accompagné impérativement du titulaire de l’autorité parentale. Les originaux des pièces suivantes sont à présenter : □ 1 pré-demande en ligne : https://ants.gouv.fr/moncompte/s-inscrire ) En cas de difficultés, les services Etat Civil se tiennent à votre disposition pour vous accompagner. □ 1 justificatif de domicile au nom du demandeur de moins d’1 an • Facture d’eau, gaz, électricité ou téléphone ; • Quittance de loyer d’un organisme ; • Avis d’imposition ; • Attestation d’assurance du logement. □ 1 extrait d’acte de naissance avec filiation, de moins de 3 mois SAUF si le demandeur est en possession d’une carte d’identité sécurisée plastifiée ou d’un passeport électronique ou biométrique (délivré à compter du 13 avril 2006) périmés depuis moins de 5 ans et qu’il connaît sa filiation (nom, prénom, date et lieu de naissance des parents). □ 1 photo d’identité récente datant de moins de 6 mois en couleur, tête nue, front dégagé, pas de mèches sur les yeux, sans sourire et de préférence sans lunettes. □ La pièce d’identité du titulaire de l’autorité parentale. Mise à jour le 25/04/2018 Cas particuliers Renouvellement □ Ancienne carte d’identité à restituer pour destruction.
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