Hubert Kennedy Eight Mathematical Biographies Peremptory Publications San Francisco 2002 © 2002 by Hubert Kennedy Eight Mathematical Biographies is a Peremptory Publications ebook. It may be freely distributed, but no changes may be made in it. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please write to
[email protected] . 2 Contents Introduction 4 Maria Gaetana Agnesi 5 Cesare Burali-Forti 13 Alessandro Padoa 17 Marc-Antoine Parseval des Chênes 19 Giuseppe Peano 22 Mario Pieri 32 Emil Leon Post 35 Giovanni Vailati 40 3 Introduction When a Dictionary of Scientific Biography was planned, my special research interest was Giuseppe Peano, so I volunteered to write five entries on Peano and his friends/colleagues, whose work I was investigating. (The DSB was published in 14 vol- umes in 1970–76, edited by C. C. Gillispie, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.) I was later asked to write two more entries: for Parseval and Emil Leon Post. The entry for Post had to be done very quickly, and I could not have finished it without the generous help of one of his relatives. By the time the last of these articles was published in 1976, that for Giovanni Vailati, I had come out publicly as a homosexual and was involved in the gay liberation movement. But my article on Vailati was still discreet. If I had written it later, I would probably have included evidence of his homosexuality. The seven articles for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography have a uniform appear- ance. (The exception is the article on Burali-Forti, which I present here as I originally wrote it—with reference footnotes.