Jws First Aid First
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-4?- \ '■ V ■> ■ ' ] / ■ 1 ' x . • . ■ Avtnige Daily Net P r(^ Run J*-.' SATUB&AY,-J[UNE 8, 1957 . 'For the Week Ended -Th# Weather PAGE ■''i 'v Ettgttittg Iggralb J057 reeeori* #f D. S. Wanther 1 - X l i f 1 2 f , 5 4 0 Fair, cool tonight. Dew S9-59. phey aaya ha doesn’t ki)d^ fithisr. Market to (h Member of the Audit Moatly ssnuiy, eon tlai^ wnna Meanwhile, the ru shes ''^rirn Burenii/.«( Circulation TaefWlay. High near tMT. About Toim and flourish, and the mystery For Sales Heard Along Main Street deepens. ^ 11' Manchester’-^A City of yillaie Charm —A——^ ‘iU a ib m of Hanchester. Assem- And on Some of Maheheater't Side Streett,>Too Where DO You Oet1|60 q^Msdichsiter Fruit and Veg«- b i^ N o . 16, Order of the Itainbow ^>@Fqwera Assn, will open Ita VOL. LXXVI, NO. 21.1" (EIGHTEEN PAGES) X MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, JUNE 10. 1957 (Claaalfled. AdveMIMng on'Fage 19) fat Girle, w e reminded of the re- Everybody's been gripin’ about PRICE FIVE CENTS getting a tax bill this week. annw-6^awberry auction at heanal tomftrrow afternoon In. the p.m. Wedn^idgy at- the Charter Maaonic T?mple |t 2 o’clock. A Fateful Water Pump wbetter, the dealer asked . him. Trying to explain the procedure 'What ‘ do you want, Charlie ? o f changing the fiscal yeim- has OMt St; kuction aba^. buslneaa meetinir Mon A water pump is a rather pro saic item, not the sort of thing one meaning how many cards did he been'a problem. Some pgople Just The ^ w e r s predict a good day nbflit at 7:30 In the Maaonic season and' describe the crop as Temple, and offleera are requested would expect to' find as the key to want dealt to him. don’t understand witat it’s^ all /T about. They think they are being pne o f the best in recent years to wear white.' a dramhtic situation. "What do I want?" he replied, But a water pump became j\ist “Give me just 10 crazy minutes, taxed double fqr "one year. One with large berries, plentiful. They expect the seaaon to last three ^ \ T h * Rotwy Club-will meet Tues- that last week, shortly after It that's all." ^ feller flgures he paid 56 mills in \ ’ had become an annoyance to an taxbs, betiveen the town and the wrecks; night at 6:30 at the Man- Gordon Reid has been engaged '^ Cheatef Country Club. East Hartford woman. Words Tell the Story fife district. The woman, already put out be- Archie the Tailor la, op the w-ar-j A Main. St. merchant heard as\ auctioneer. The Mari.che8ter sOme of i)is customers discussing TrustsCo. will be cashier. Membecg Tba Inatructora of Handicapped of the -Board of Directors WiU Club Will hold a picnic at the home the situation. The more they talked the more confused, they be rotate duty as auction master. of J. StewWrt Johnston, Laurel The aissociftion includes growers Park, SouthrOoventry, on June. 16, “T,? came. Nothing could , convince C l "ri V pamphlets and distribute em them that in the long run it would from this town, BoltoSi, Coventry, Four club members, Johq Dormer, Saturoai . ,, --m e around. - I'm gonna shame that Glastonbury, Windsor, Rockville Mary Moriarty. Nancy Saunders be cheaper for the town tp get on Anxious to replace it she ca^^^ who stole the’ flag." a pay-as-you-go system arid save and Tolland. Reno Feri-ando is and Jean .D ^alre, have bcefi into Manchester and *topped^«t And^rthie (Sevilla. has a piA«, president’, Edwin Albasi, vice awarded echolarshipa toXg^llend expending money to borrow funds store that normally stocks water of ope^pUina.1 verse to commemo- president; Eugene Gagllardone, aquatic school JuncllT. piimps. As luck hers, anyway— in anticipation, of., taxes. riyte ^ e heinous crime. The first ■rhe merchifnt put it in simple secretary; and Antonio Peracchio, would have It, the store was fresh treasurer. Members^f*AJideraon Shea Post, Two /stanzas were written by the tfrrin^’ for them, just about as No. 2046. VPW. and its Auxiliary poet in the fervor of patriotic simple as any Example cpuld be. However, the proprietor sidtKne Memorial Day feelings; the anti "You come home with .vOyr pay- /4 « / / ! ' IPIwi Nixon Seeking are reminded that the annual pil had them in stock in tl^-ware- grimage to the Veterans Hospital thetical last in bitter indignation. check arid give the wife 350 'Satur at house, and offered t o ^ v e one William Moore, neighbor of day morning to rim the house for at Northampton, Mass., will be brought over in tw o^akes. _ held tomorrow. _______ , Archie's Shop at 337 Center St., week. She runs out of funds Triiditional Farewell tor the ^Old Man -But whei^he /telephoned the composed . the first verses to sing warehouse, there was no answer. the following 'Thursday aTSanSilts Lt. Col. Harold E. Cude, commanding officer of the llth AAA Missile Bn., is accompanied by Lt. Col. QIHNN’Sv the national emblem -which graced you for a few bucks, so you give Samuel M. Arnold, far l e ^ executive officer of the 63rd AAA group, as he reviews the battalion The proprietor knew thefe was the mundane traffic sign post In KearmUSJ^GOP Race As Precaution Step someone thert. so 'hr let the phone her another 350 to tide her over for the last time. Lt. CoL Cude is being transferred to Fort Bliss, Tex., where he has been assigned front of Archie's Shop. for Thursday and Friday and all to. the First Guided Midsila Brigade. The review was held at the Keeney Street School grounds and FHJUtMABf ^ ^ Then Archie told his friend the MRS. RUBY ' "'Anally , he gave up. and offered the following week. You haven’t the Manchester HlgK School band played for the occasion. (Herald Photo by Cfiara) A w y g r B> JACK BELL oharaeter (and advisor. Ad*, day no longer shone, nor did the given her an extra 350; you just i M . # f *■ t J L Washington. June 10 (/P)— Washington, June 10 (/P)-c-An upset stomach” put Presi to drive the woman to the Ware Flag longer wave, plucked from dent Eisenhower idown in hed today. But tierce examining vioa on All proMema. Read< - house himself to get the pump. gave her the usual 350 a little OPEN SUNDAYS , Vice President Nixon appar*- laga dally, B-9. No appoint* its place on the sidewalk beside early, that's all." Columbia Beta Kappa, national honor socie to 'Secure their Interest in the physicians said shortly after noon there ^ s “ no indication” When they Arrived, a water busy Center St. by some unknown ty. r • need of "touching teens with the c 1- ... ently has decided lii.'« be.st meat neceaaary. 17ST Main San hrancis^, .June 10 (/P) chance for winning the 1960 the illnes.s was “ in any way related” , to Eisenhower’s 1955 S t, Itartford. Aldtlno «-4t66. pump wasn’t Ml they found. They culprit. Imagtnation Miss Leonard, who Will receive truth.” The response has been 9AJI.1o1 P.M. fo'und the reasoh the warehouse Archie explained it this wpy. He had climbed that mountain Maurine Leonard her BA from the School of Arts and heartening, Gosney said, many in ~w- 1 I Republican presidential nbmi- heart attack or to last year’s ileitisf employe failed to answer the The State Higiiway Department with ease som^ .yeats ago. Now Science,' graduated from Windham dicating their willingness to par ’which hks been sweeping i be labeW as an “ The President is progressing very Aatisfactorily,^’ White phone. bojTi didn’t put a pign on the post. he had finished ' conquering it High School and attended Pennsyl ticipate in the aim of gathering House press secretary-James C. Hagerty told a n ^ s con He was in an elevator that was Receives Degree vania State University for two young people of no particular re iP.M .to9P.M. ^laiv countries has reached “Eisenhower** Repulilican. They .even left him . a- couple of again. And he, offered thla coni- Aipdl lean slloi eS with pa- in the la.st few days Nixon ha.s ference at 12:.10 p.m. after consultation with Eisenjto.wer’8 stuck between floors. ment; ' . years before transferring to the ligious affiliation for the Graham .niits and bolts to attach the Flag Tients de.scribing it Jn .‘ftrong- ’ gone a long wa^v toward severing The warehouse employe has "Boy, it aura has grown bigger.” Columbia. June 8 (Special —Miss University of Cbnnecticutt. She Ci-uaade of June 29. Businessmen doctors. ■ , '-■v. X with. Archie made a shbH aluml- are being contacted to act as sp<>ri- er language-than doctoi's used. 1 tie.s he once had with the con- been thanking his lucky stars all nuro pole to bolt to the sign ffo*i- Maurine Leonard, daughter of isjalso a member of Phi Mu Soror Hagerty said the report he put piil came from Col. Thomd*., week that the pumps he looks Inflation Again ity and has been secretary of the sors. their contriffution materially U.S. Public Health .Service doc-' w' Archie went off to Niantlc and Maurice Leonard and the late assisting In furnishing a rqilglou.s W. Mattingly, heart .specialist at the .Army’s Walter Reed out for don’t last forever. If your pipe .tbbacto hasn’t senior class. tors, who examined passenger.s and Uded up beside Ei.senhow- when he returned at the end of Two other residents of (kilumbia, answer fo^ today’s delinquency _______ __ “ ,, er on foreign aid and spending Ho.spjfal; Ma,i.