
Museum of the Civil War New Market Battlefield State Historical Park * Historic Bushong Farm Pre-visit Questions

 How far is it to New Market? Find the distance from your school to New Market and use Google Maps to determine the travel time by car. Take a look at the chart below: how long would it take to get to New Market using these modes of transport? Cadets from the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, VA marched 84 miles in four days to reach New Market. How many miles did they average each day?

Method of travel: Average distance covered per day: On foot 10 miles On horseback 25 miles By train 15 MPH x 8 hours = 120 miles

 What will you see on the trip? Draw a map of the ; include the , the , the , the town of New Market, the , and anything else of interest. Will you have to cross a mountain, river, or any other natural obstacles on your way? Could you navigate over these obstacles in the 1860s or would you have to find a way around them?

 A soldier’s pack What would you carry with you if you were a Civil War Soldier? What do you need? What would you want to carry with you? Keep in mind that in the 1860s soldiers would have walked everywhere so, don’t add too much weight.

 How did they play? Children living on farms in the 1860s would have had daily chores around the farm but there would have still been time for fun. Research the types of games played during the Civil War period. How do they compare to games you play today? Are any similar?