Paul Magrs,Jamie Anderson,Nigel Fairs,Peter Davison,Janet Fielding,Sarah Sutton,Simon Holub | none | 30 Apr 2016 | Ltd | 9781781788813 | English | Maidenhead, United Kingdom The Peterloo Massacre (audio story) | Tardis | Fandom

Peterloo Massacrein English history, the brutal dispersal by cavalry of a radical meeting held on St. To radicals and reformers Peterloo came to symbolize Tory callousness and tyranny. The August meeting was the culmination of a series of political rallies held ina year of industrial depression and high food prices. Presided over by the radical leader Henry Huntthe meeting was intended as a great demonstration of discontent, and its political object was parliamentary reform. About 60, persons attended, including a high proportion of women and children. None was armed, and their behaviour was wholly peaceable. The magistrates, who had been nervous before the event, were alarmed by the size and mood of the crowd and ordered the Manchester yeomenry to arrest the speakers immediately after the meeting had begun. The untrained yeomenry did not confine themselves to seizing the leaders but, wielding sabres, made a general attack on the crowd. The chairman of the bench of magistrates thereupon ordered the 15th Hussars and the Cheshire Volunteers to join the attack; in 10 minutes the place was cleared except for bodies. The numbers of killed and wounded were disputed; probably about people were injured and 11 killed. Hunt and the other radical leaders were arrested, tried, and convicted—Hunt being sent to prison for two years. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Britannica Quiz. European History. Learn how historians study primary source documents to understand events—such as the Peterloo Massacre —that happened in the past. Learn Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre in these related Britannica articles:. Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington: Role in the cabinet. The popular George Canning succeeded Viscount Castlereagh as foreign secretary in History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Doctor Who: The Peterloo Massacre - Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures - Big Finish

Doctor Who — The Monthly Adventures [1] formerly called the Doctor Who-Main Range is a series that consists of full-cast audiobook adventures based on the British science fiction television programme Doctor Whoproduced by Nicholas Briggs and Big Finish Productions and starring one of the Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre actors to play The Doctor on television in the classic era of the programme. The main audio series currently feature the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, and have since developed the pattern of thirteen releases per year, one every month with two in September or December. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Doctor Who — Main Range. It was ultimately released on 30 July Retrieved 19 October Retrieved 21 September Big Finish Productions. Retrieved 27 May Doc Oho Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre. Retrieved 29 April The Company of Friends". The Witch From The Well". Retrieved 30 June Retrieved 30 Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre Retrieved 14 January Big Finish Productions Doctor Who ranges. The Adventures. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. Nicholas Briggs. , Vislor Turlough. Justin Richards. , . Stephen Cole. Fifth Doctor, . Jonathan Blum. , Ace McShane. Jacqueline Rayner. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe. Seventh Doctor, Ace, Bev, . Fifth Doctor, Peri, Ice Warriors. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn, Brigadier. Andrew Cartmel. Steve Lyons. Seventh Doctor, Ace, Benny. Robert Shearman. Sixth Doctor, . Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Daleks, Thals. Alan Barnes. Eighth DoctorCharley Pollard. , Charley, Cybermen. Alan W. Marc Platt. Jonathan Morris. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn, Silurians. Fifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem. Seventh Doctor, Ace, Elizabeth Klein. Eighth Doctor, Charley, Nimon. Joseph Lidster. Simon A. Trevor Baxendale. Fifth Doctor, Omega. Sixth Doctor, Iris Wildthyme. Philip Martin. Adrian Rigelsford. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn, Burke and Hare. David A. Simon Guerrier. Fifth Doctor, TeganCybermen. Matthew Sweet. Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Kamelion. Anthology release titled Circular Time. Christopher H. Anthology release titled Barnaby Edwards. David Quantick. Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Brewster. Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Brewster, . Sixth Doctor, Charley, Grel. Mark Morris. Mark Michalowski. Steven Hall. Anthology release titled Forty-five. Jonathan Clements. David Bishop. Seventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Daleks. Eighth Doctor, Fitz. Eighth Doctor, Izzy. Eighth Doctor, Mary Shelley. Anthology release titled The Company of Friends. Sixth Doctor, Mila, Draconians. Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Rutans. Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Maxwell Edison. Sixth Doctor, Jamie. Sixth Doctor, Jamie, ZoeCybermen. William Gallagher. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster, Axons. Richard Dinnick. Philip Lawrence. Anthology release titled Recorded Time and Other Stories. Seventh Doctor, Sally. Sixth Doctor, Flip, Wirrn. Jonathan Barnes. Anthology release titled Nights. Sixth Doctor, Flip, Sil. Doctor Who – The Monthly Adventures - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Doctor Who by Paul Magrs. From all over the county, north and south. People will remember this! Get A Copy. Audio CD. More Details Big Finish Monthly Range Manchester, England Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Doctor Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacreplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 08, Mel rated it it Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre amazing Shelves: audio-book. Absolutely fantastic historical. I loved how outraged Tegan was by the conditions of the people. How Nyssa had to have it all explained to her but then she got it and that there was a cliffhanger with her yelling at the factory owner. Both women were written beautifully. The local characters all seemed so multi-dimensional, and to have a whole life before and after the "adventure" which doesn't often happen in Doctor Who stories. The way the story developed, and the fact that the only "monsters" Absolutely fantastic historical. The way the story developed, and the fact that the only "monsters" were the humans and the society of the time was just brilliant. Easily one of my favourite Peter Davison stories of all time. Definitely one I'd recommend. Jul 27, Jamie Revell rated it it was amazing Shelves: 5th- doctoraudio-plays. I don't know how many people outside Britain are familiar with the events of the Peterloo Massacre ofbut suffice it to say that this is a straight historical without any aliens or other SF malarkey other than the presence of the time travellers. It's also standalone, and familiarity with the real events of that day in Manchester aren't necessary; indeed, the story may have a bigger impact if you don't know what's coming. The story obviously involves the Doctor - and more particularly, his I don't know how many people outside Britain are familiar with the events of the Peterloo Massacre ofbut suffice it to say that this is a straight historical without any aliens or other SF malarkey other than the presence of the time travellers. The story obviously involves the Doctor - and more particularly, his companions, who aren't familiar with the relevant history - becoming involved in the events around the Massacre. There are some changes to history-as-we-know-it for purposes of the story, and a few names of those involved have been changed, but nothing that either undercuts or seriously exaggerates what actually happened. So, while it might not be a history lesson about the fine details of the Massacre, the story is a strong evocation of the social context that led to it and the horror of the outcome. Tegan and Nyssa are once again contrasted in their approach, with Tegan being at her most pugnacious in the face of what is, admittedly, some pretty serious social injustice by modern standards. Sensibly, the fine details of the politics such as the effect of the Corn Laws are glossed over, but instead, we do get some more relatable grievances as the story moves between the lives of wealthy industrialists and the working classes. It's also good to see that the majority of the guest characters are not mere one-dimensional cyphers, as they so easily could have been. The story is perhaps a little too contrived in places to be quite worth the full five stars, but 4. It's particularly impressive from Magrs, who tends to go for whimsy and weirdness, but here is approaching events with the seriousness they deserve. This is not a piece of light listening, but it's effective as a rage against injustice. Jul 12, David rated it liked it. I was there in History! In a dark and ugly part of history. Feel like I was read a children's history book by children. Learned a bit about Manchester history that I didn't know. As entertainment? Can't recommend it. I do enjoy a straight historical once in a while. Feb 14, Debra Cook rated it it was amazing Shelves: audiobooks. The Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa land on Earth the day before a huge workers protest that turns into a massacre. Jun 08, Chris rated it really liked it Shelves: doctor-who. I always like it when Doctor Who informs me about historic events I'd never heard of. This one Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre pretty messed up. Mar 15, Aidan rated it it was ok Shelves: audioplaysdoctor- who. It is not that it is a very serious, humorless piece. Given the subject matter I would have been disturbed if Magrs approached it with his usual sense of whimsy. What I think disappointed me more than anything was how heavy-handed and uninterested in exploring the events that led to this massacre it was. The gold standard for this sort of story is The Settlingan excellent Seventh Doctor adventure that explored Cromwell's horrific actions in his Irish campaign. That story managed to portray difficult and controversial historical events but rather than seeking a villain or to redeem Cromwell it allowed us to explore his personality and understand what led him to make those choices. This story fails, in my mind, because it fails to have any sympathy for the mill owners and militia. That doesn't mean that I think this should be a vindication or a defense, but I think that for drama to work a character must believe they are doing the right thing. Magrs could have at least explored the paranoia which extended to Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre in the run up to this event that revolution was in the offing. He could have placed this event in a broader historical context and still come to the same judgments and conclusion. Instead our mill owner is an ignorant, vile buffoon and just one of a Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre of one-dimensional, unimaginative characters. While The Peterloo Massacre isn't entirely terrible, it Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre disappoint coming off one of the strongest runs of stories from Big Finish since Nick Briggs took over. I think there was potential for something special here but instead this story just missed the Doctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre for me. Mar 21, Christopher Hatch rated it it was amazing. What a excellent and engaging story. I must say I do enjoy a good historical and this one delivered a moving story with no unnecessary faff. Recommended listen. Mar 17, Steven rated it liked it Shelves: britishhistory-biographyDoctor Who Main Range 210 - The Peterloo Massacre. Historical Doctor Who that reenacts the Peterloo Massacre in which 15 people were killed protesting for parliamentary reform and suffrage. Jun 19, Anne Barwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-play. Heartwrenching and powerful. Great to see an historical for Five. Craig Stafford rated it it was amazing Sep 12, James Barnard rated it it was amazing Jul 06, George Larson rated it it was amazing Oct 27, Julia rated it really liked it Feb 11, Fallon rated it really liked it Mar 22, Joshua Rowe rated it it was amazing Nov 10, Thomas Sherlock rated it it was amazing Apr 21, Lizzy Allen rated it it was amazing Oct 17, Ian Harris rated it it was amazing Aug 25, Scott Vandervalk rated it really liked it Oct 22, Vanessa Fernandes rated it it was amazing Dec 13, Michael Taylor rated it really liked it Aug 16,