Optometry Reports 2016; volume 6:5626 A review of the classification of and management involves investigation of the underlying etiology in addition to the battery of Correspondence: Charles Darko-Takyi, nonstrabismic binocular vision binocular vision test procedures. Department of Optometry, University of Cape anomalies Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. Tel. +233.545063571. E-mail:
[email protected] Charles Darko-Takyi,1,2 1 1 Naimah Ebrahim Khan, Urvashni Nirghin Introduction Key words: Nonstrabismic binocular dysfunc- 1Department of Optometry, University of tions; Accommodative anomalies; Vergence KwaZulu Natal, South Africa; Many symptomatic patients’ conditions do anomalies. not fit specifically into one diagnostic category 2Department of Optometry, University of because of presence of defects in two or more Contributions: CD-T, conceived the idea, sought Cape Coast, Ghana areas of binocular vision.1 Patient’s with literature and drafted the paper as part of the lit- accommodative disorders may have secondary erature review of a master’s research work; NEK and UN, played a supervisory role, revised the vergence disorders and vice versa due to the Abstract paper critically for important intellectual content, control of the interactive negative feedback and finally approved the paper to be published. loop for these two systems.2,3 For example, There are conflicting and confusing ideas in small degrees of esophoria are usually found Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten- literature on the different types of accommoda- in cases of accommodative insufficiency;4 in tial conflict of interest. tive and vergence anomalies as different this, patient uses extra innervations to over- authors turn to classify them differently.