Abc 1-5, 10, 82, 103, 157-161, 162, 177, 183, 188 Acc 3, 7, 10, 11, 219

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Abc 1-5, 10, 82, 103, 157-161, 162, 177, 183, 188 Acc 3, 7, 10, 11, 219 INDEX ABC 1-5, 10, 82, 103, 157-161, 162, 177, 183, 188 Auburn University 771 ACC 3, 7, 10, 11, 219, 221, 304, 305, 409-423 AVP Pro Beach Volleyball 8, 723 12, 325 Babb, Jim 67 “Blitz” 13, 336 Baker (Messner), Tammy Faye 601 Contracts 1, 3, 10, 64, 65, 93-95, 108, 110, 111, 166, Bank of America 835, 836 292-295, 298, 306, 311, 312, 315, 368-382 Bank of America Stadium 6, 7, 205, 221 Corporate Champions Program 10, 11, 426, 427, Barakat, Fred 88 817-829 Barnett, Dave 4 Corporate Partner Program 2, 10, 11, 798-816, 833-840 Barter 100, 142, 242, 243, 683, 751, 753, 757 Digital Network 11, 13, 21, 330-335, 430, 814, 822, 823 BASSMasters Classic 8, 257, 258, 721, 722 “Dream Team” 6, 587 Baylor University 772, 792 Fan Fair 10, 831, 832 BB&T 7, 797, 819, 839, 840 FanFest 10, 21, 830 “Beach Country Christmas” 12 Football Challenge 13, 337 “Beauty Reigns in Spain” 8 Football Championship Game 7, 221 Bedell (Gillis), Ellen 902 “Greatest Finishes” 584 Belk Bowl 7, 220, 639, 995-999 Kids 9, 754-757 Belk, John 223 Kids Club 812 Belk-Leggett Stores 2 Legends Program 813, 825 Bell South 833, 834, 835 Mobile 429 Bennett, Cornelius 8, 660 Network 11, 46, 424-433, 821, 842, 845-856 Big 12 Conference 3, 10, 131 Properties 10, 95, 289-291, 797 Big East Conference 7, 12, 102, 103, 190, 219 Ratings/HH’s 410, 412, 414, 417, 420, 542 Big East Network 123 “Road Trip” 816 Big Eight Conference 3, 98, 102, 103, 121, 131, 445-452 Sports Center 2, 70 Contracts 113 Stations 46, 47, 370, 410, 412, 414, 416, 419, 846-856 Ratings/HH’s 450, 452 Streaming 325, 329 Stations 448, 452 Tournament 5, 143 Big Ten Conference 3, 11, 98, 102, 113, 124, 473-482 Vault 13, 187, 326-328 Network 11, 299, 300 Website 11 Phillips 66 Basketball Tournament 3, 131 Ackerman, Heather 912, 971, 997, 1005 Ratings/HH’s 475, 478, 480, 482 Advertising 2, 10, 100, 142, 183, 285, 538 Stations 475, 477, 480, 482 Advertising Rates 3, 538 Bilas, Jay 4 Aflac Tournament of Champions 1030-1033 Birke, Dee 1 Air Force Academy 791 Blackhawk Country Club 1025-1029 Akers, Fred 8, 124 Blackouts 4, 68, 143 Alexander, Cory 4 Blair Television 4 Alexis, Kim 249 Blockbuster Bowl 6, 7, 23, 53, 189, 190-193, 195-197, 593, All-American Bowl 10, 790 606-611, 615, 616, 944-955 Allmendinger, Wil 4, 518, 744, 1008 “Blue Heaven” 6, 180, 585 Alltel 802, 835-838 Bluebonnet Bowl 10, 791, 792 “America Comes to Graceland” 8, 247, 260, 671-675 Bogues, Muggsy 6, 8, 180, 589, 704, 705, 757 Anderson (Wilson), Lisa 918, 971, 1005, 1008 Bonner, Dan 4, 20, 87 Antonelli, Debbie 4 “Border War!” 6, 181, 182 Aquafina 804, 835, 836, 837 Boston College 7, 10, 13, 613, 975, 982 Archer, Dave 4 Bowden, Bobby 6, 7, 20, 196, 606, 944 Aerus Electrolux 1044 Bowden, Tommy 13, 336 See Electrolux USA Championship Boyz II Men 252, 253, 707 Arizona Cardinals 5 Branding 3, 11, 511-515 Astin, John 760 Brando, Tim 4, 20, 323 Atlantic Coast Conference 3, 7, 10, 11, 219, 221, 304, 305, Brannon, Jim 9, 14, 912, 971, 974, 978, 981 409-423 Brant, Tim 4, 20, 87 See ACC Brantley, Lori 971, 974, 978, 981, 984 AT&T 2, 10, 797, 800, 819, 839, 840 Brennaman, Marty 4, 69, 79, 134 Brigham Young University 789 Pac-10 3, 98 Bronner, Dr. David 346 PCAA 3 Brown, Dave 230 SEC 12 Brown, James 4 SWC 3, 109, 113, 120 Buck, Paul 116, 223, 226 Control Room 2, 19, 96, 97 Bud Sports 4 Monitoring 2, 19, 96, 97 Budweiser/ Natural Light 2 Cordell, De 303, 971, 978, 981, 1008 Buffalo Bills 5 Cornelius Bennett Celebrity Golf Classic 8, 660 Buick 834, 835, 836 Corrigan, Gene 38, 95, 190, 290 Burg, Mike 142, 323 Corrigan, Jack 4 C.D. Chesley 1, 32-34, 37, 38, 40-43, 67, 88, 367 Costas, Bob 251 Capitol Broadcasting 1, 3, 5, 49, 108, 111, 169, 170 Cotton Bowl 10 Carolina Hurricanes 12 Creative Sports 4, 105, 123 Carolina Panthers 5, 6, 12 Crowder, Scott 902, 905, 907, 912 Carolinas Invitational 12 Crum, Mike 997 Carquest Bowl 6, 24, 194, 613, 956-962 Dallas Cowboys 5, 174, 573, 574 Carr, Bill 6, 592 D.A.R.E. Camp of Champions 360, 361 Carter, Dixie 713, 714 Davis, Charles 4 CBS 2, 5-6, 9, 10, 68, 103, 189, 239, 281 Davis, Mac 9, 675, 739, 740 Chaney, John 226 Davis, Tom 8, 124 Champaign on Ice 12 Del Wilber 8 CHAMPS/Life skills 7, 646-648 Derzis, Pete 131 Charities 226, 228 Detroit Lions 5 Charlotte, N.C. 198, 199, 207, 208, 211, 217, 221, 842 Diet Pepsi Tournament of Champions 6, 7, 115, 116, 226, Charlotte Carousel Parade 12 359, 361, 640, 641, 901-908, 909-914, 915-918, 919-921 Charlotte Coliseum 223-226 See also Tournament of Champions Charlotte Criterion Bicycle Race 12 Digital 11, 12, 304, 385, 429, 430 Charlotte First Night 12 DirecTV 7 Charlotte Hornets 12 See also Great Eight Charlotte Sports Foundation 222 Discus Athletic 833 Chastain, Brandi 9 Disneyland Pigskin Classic 3, 126, 173, 499-510 Chick-Fil-A 835-838 Distribution Christmas, Abby 989, 993 Satellite 5, 13 Christmas on Ice 12 Uplink 13 Chrysler 2, 10, 830, 836, 837, 838 Dodds, DeLoss 130 Chryst, Rick 166, 289 “Don’t Tell Me No” 8, 180, 589, 704, 705 Citrus Bowl Parade 8 Dooley, Bill 8 Clemson University 3, 7, 13, 107, 621, 623, 937, 939, 994 Dove Entertainment Awards 8 Tape Delay 107 Droid App 13 College of Charleston 224 Duke Mansion 13, 22, 189, 888 College Football Playoff 3, 187 Duke University 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 78, 79, 163-165, 180, 568, Colorado Silver Bullets 6, 598 569, 586, 996 Comcast Regional Sports 5 Duncan, Jim 4, 902, 905, 907, 912 Commercials 3 Dykes, Jimmy 4 Conference USA 5 East Carolina University 6, 7, 198, 199, 617, 620, 624, 625, Conley, Larry 4, 79 627, 933, 936, 940, 943 Continental Airlines 289, 833 Ejups, Lois 912, 971, 978, 981 Continental Tire Bowl 7, 9, 203-214, 216-218, 599-602, Electrolux USA Championship 8, 25, 239-241, 659, 629-635, 968-978 1042-1044 Contracts Ellis, Bert 13 ACC 1, 3, 10, 64, 65, 93-95, 108, 110, 111, 166, 292-295, Ellis Communications 13, 167, 340-342, 346, 347 298, 306, 311, 312, 315, 368-382 Elmore, Len 4 Big Eight 3, 113, 121 Elon University 11, 316 Big Ten 3, 98, 124 Elvis Presley 4, 6, 21, 135, 526-537, 673 Elvis 9 “Elvis, Touch the Dream, a New Generation” 8, 261, Metro 3 684, 738 “Elvis: His Life and Times” 8, 180, 247, 260, 588, 671, George Washington University 7 674-681 Georgia Tech 4, 5, 145, 146, 961 “Elvis’ Graceland Special” 8, 9, 242, 244, 247, 260, 663, “Get Golf” 8, 729, 730 671, 672, 674, 675, 678-681 Giannini, Richard 6, 57, 185, 191, 223, 590, 591, 607-611, Exclusive Contract 9, 260, 737 902, 905, 945-949 Emmy Awards for Sports 8, 243-245, 664 Gill, Vince 8, 20, 21, 239, 240, 659, 1044 Ericsson Stadium 6, 198-200, 207 Glasnost Bowl 6, 75, 176-179, 580-583 ESPN 1-5, 7, 10, 11, 68, 79, 84, 104, 143, 228, 306, 311, Glotzer, Cary 9, 14, 260, 741, 889, 890 312, 389-395, 845, 926, 929 Gminski, Mike 4 ESPN2 6, 7 “Golf 2000 with Peter Jacobsen” 8, 724, 725 Evans, Janet 9 Goodyear Pac-10 Basketball Tournament 3, 142 Event Results 23-25 Grant, Amy 8, 20, 21, 239, 240, 659, 1044 Exxon 833, 834 Great Alaska Shootout 1, 33, 49 Facebook 13 Great American Independent Football 12 Farmer, Larry 4 Great Eight 7, 23, 227-230, 645, 922-930 Faulker, Beth 989, 993 Greenberg, Laurie 902, 905, 907, 912 Fieldcrest Cannon Classic 8, 20, 25, 232, 650-652, Gymnastics Tour 12 1003-1008 Hager, Laura 912, 971, 974, 978, 981, 984, 987, 989, 993 Fiesta Bowl 9, 285 Haines, Ken 2, 4-7, 9-11, 14, 19, 21, 22, 56, 57, 61, 62, Tostitos 9, 285 71-76, 78, 82, 100, 112, 134, 139, 141, 144, 150-155, Final Four 6, 11, 187 157-161, 176-179, 189, 203-214, 217, 218, 221, 228, “Fish the Carolinas with Ty Mathis” 9, 747 232, 239, 240, 243, 284, 292, 297, 303-305, 316, 326, Flair, Ric 212, 214, 599 345, 353, 358, 362, 383-386, 544, 594-597, 622-626, Flajole, Brian 6, 8, 236-238, 612, 654, 907, 958, 962, 1010, 631, 637, 646, 651, 657, 842, 939, 941, 942, 970, 1013, 1017, 1022, 1027, 1041 976-978, 1007 Florida State University 6, 7, 195-197, 201, 202, 790, 944 Halton, Dale 226 Florida-Georgia 6 Hammond, Tom 4 “Border War!” 6, 181, 182 Hanson, Terry 6, 58, 186, 343, 353, 360, 593, 616, 907, Food Lion 2, 7, 10, 45, 169, 225, 643, 797, 800, 801, 819, 955 830, 833-840 Hardee’s 2, 644 MVP Classic 915-918 Tournament of Champions 919-921 See also Tournament of Champions See also Tournament of Champions “Football Saturdays in the South” 12 Harlan, Kevin 4 Footnote and Publication Source Guide 1054 Harmon, Merle 4, 408, 773 “Ford Supermodel of the World” 8, 248 Harris, Johnny 223, 997, 1005 Ford, Jim 10, 14, 971, 978, 981 Harris Teeter 7, 224 FOX 9, 11, 281-283 Pepsi Challenge 224, 642, 909-914 FOX Sports 281 See also Tournament of Champions FOX Sports Net 293, 294 Hart, Dave 154 FOX Sports South 5, 11, 293, 294, 570 Hartman, Lisa 9, 675, 739, 740 Francis, Skeeter 88 Havoline 797, 800, 819, 839, 840 Franklin National Bank Classic 7, 231 Hawkeye Sports Network 124 Franklin, Ron 4 Hayes, John 13 Frazier, Ed 127, 128 HBO 248 Freedom Bowl 10, 286, 778-789 HDTV 5, 12, 13, 169, 170, 338, 339, 886, 918 Fresno State University 286 Henson, Lou 8, 124 Fretz, Kathy 14 Hickman, Fred 9, 259, 735 Fritts, Shannon 971, 974, 978, 984, 987, 989 Hicks, Wyatt 797, 978, 981 Fry, Hayden 8, 124 Highlights 13 Fuller, Chris 912 Hogewood, Mike 4 Gallagher, Joe 907, 912, 1008 Holiday Bowl 10 Gaming App 13, 337 Holiday Inn 2 Gannon, Terry 4 “Holidays at Home” 8, 249, 250, 685-689 Gator Bowl 10 Holly Farms 45, 387 Gatorade 10, 797, 800, 830, 838, 839 Home Team Sports 5, 166, 570 Geico 10, 797, 800, 819, 830, 836-840 Host, Jim 595 Houston Oilers 5, 8, 174, 571, 572 Legends Club 1042-1044 Houston Texans 7 Legislation 2 Huizenga, Wayne 190, 191, 197, 951 Lenz, Peter 245, 268 Hull, Ed 5, 10, 14, 78, 290, 298, 320, 353, 885 “Let Freedom Ring” 584 Ice Wars 12 Liberty Bowl 10, 769-776 Illini Sports Network 124 Liberty Sports 3, 5, 120, 167 IMG 11, 187, 298 Lifetime Network 234, 655, 1011, 1031 Indiana University 776, 790 LIN Television 175 “Innocent of Hollywood” 9, 268, 761 Lincoln Financial Group 12, 317, 318, 353 Instant Replay 5 Lincoln Financial Sports 12, 14, 297, 352, 353 Internet 324 See Jefferson-Pilot Sports iPad App 13, 305 Lincoln Hills Club 1020 iPhone App 13, 305, 326, 329, 814 Live Streaming 13, 325 Ireland, Kathy 8, 235, 695, 1037, 1038 Lloyd, Don 134 Iron Duke Classic 1, 63 Logos 14, 896, 897 “It’s A Wonderful Life (The Making of)” 8, 665, 666 Jefferson-Pilot Sports 14, 897 Jacked, Inc.
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