Daniele Minisini Ph.D. Student

Ph.D. student in History of Religions at Sapienza University of Rome with a project on John the Baptist and Enochic Judaism - A Essenism Perspective. My academic interests focus on Second Temple Jewish Thought, and Jewish Messianism.

Education Personal Info

2018/11 - Ph.D. in History of Religions Address Present Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) Via Raimondo d’Aronco 18 00163, Rome, Italy

• Faculty of Art and Humanities Phone • Research Project: “John the Baptist and Enochic Judaism. +39 3489302852 A Second Temple Essenism Perspective” E-mail • Advisors: Prof. Gaetano Lettieri, Gabriele Boccaccini [email protected]

2021/01 - Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher Present Yale University, New Haven (USA) Membership • Yale Divinity School • Fulbright Commission Scholarship AISG – Associazione Italiana • Advisor: Prof. John J. Collins per lo Studio sul Giudaismo

EAJS – European Association 2020/02 – Visiting Research Fellow for Jewish Studies Student 2020/06 Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) Member

ENOCH SEMINAR – Group • Orion Center for the Study of Visiting Research of Scholars on Second Temple Fellow. Advisor: Prof. Ester Chazon Judaism • Department of Comparative Religion Visiting Research Fellow Advisor: Prof. Serge Ruzer SBL – Society of Biblical Literature Student Member • John the Baptist in the Light of Second Temple Enochic Judaism and Its Relationship with ‘Late Essenism’

2019/09 - Language Skills Visiting Ph.D. Student 2020/01 Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain) Italian: Mother tongue

• Erasmus+ Program Listening Reading Writing Speaking • Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones English: C2 C2 C1 C1 (University Institute of Religious Sciences) Spanish: C2 C2 C1 C2 • Advisor: Prof. Pablo Torijano Morales French: A2 B1 A1 A1 Hebrew: A2 A2 A2 A2 2016/09 - Master’s in Religious Studies 2018/07 Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) TOEFL IBT: 111/120

• Faculty of Art and Humanities • Awarded with the Excellent Student mention

• Thesis: Pesare le Briciole. Giorno del giudizio e remissione

dei peccati dal Libro delle Parabole ai Vangeli Sinottici [Day of the Judgment and Forgiveness of Sins from Book of Parables to Synoptic Gospels] • Advisor: Prof. Gaetano Lettieri Ancient Languages • Co-Advisor: Prof. Gabriele Boccaccini; Dr. Andrea Annese

• Final Mark: 110/110 con lode (Magna cum Laude) Ancient Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic (Basic), Ge’ez

(Basic), Syriac (Basic)

2018/03 - Visiting Scholar 2018/05 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA) Digital Skills

• Faculty: NES (Near Eastern Studies) Information Processing

• Research: Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity Social Media Communication

• Advisor: Prof. Gabriele Boccaccini Content Creation

Problem Solving 2017/09 - Erasmus+ Program Student 2018/02 Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain) Microsoft Office

• Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones

(University Institute of Religious Sciences) • Master en Ciencias de las Religiones (Religious Studies)

2013/09 - Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy 2016/07 Sapienza University, Rome (Italy)

• Faculty of Art and Humanities • Thesis: Thesis:“Perdere il passo. La mistica del progresso nelle Omelie sul Cantico dei Cantici di Gregorio di Nissa” [Mystical Progress in Gregory of Nyssa’s Homilies in the Song of Songs] • Advisor: Prof. Gaetano Lettieri • Final Mark: 110/110 con lode (Magna cum Laude)


2020/02 - Orion Center Bibliography Project Present Jerusalem (Israel)

• Working on the “Orion Center for the Study of Dead Sea Scrolls And Associated Literature” Online Bibliography Project. • Adding entries, tagging items with keywords, reviewing old and new bibliography

2011/09 - Private Teacher Present Rome (Italy)

• Ancient Greek and Latin private teacher • I help students to fill school deficits in these subjects

2016/01 - Librarian 2016/06 Rome (Italy)

• Philosophy Department - Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) • Working at the front office, helping in the consultation of the catalogue, checking in and out books,working in the library store.

2014/09 - Trainee Teacher 2015/06 Rome (Italy)

• Liceo Statale Eugenio Montale, Rome (Italy) • Internship as a high school teacher of history and philosophy • Holding lessons, testing and correcting class assignments.

Extracurricular Courses

2020/10 - Ge’ez Language Course Present Rome (Italy)

• Private Lessons • Teacher: Abba Tewelde Mebrahtu

2020/09 - Modern Hebrew Course Present Rome (Italy)

• Ulpan Italia Online (UCEI – Unione delle Comunità Ebraica Italiane) • Teacher: Luisa Basevi • Level Alef Plus (CEFR A1.2)

2020/10 - Biblical Aramaic Course 2021/01 Rome (Italy)

• Pontificio Istituto Biblico • Teacher: Luigi Santopaolo

2020/10 - Biblical Hebrew Course 2021/01 Rome (Italy)

• Pontificio Istituto Biblico • Teacher: Paola Mollo

2020/10 - Syriac Language Course 2020/12 Rome (Italy)

• Sapienza University of Rome • Teacher: Alberto Camplani

2020/02 - Modern Hebrew Course 2020/06 Jerusalem (Israel)

• Rothberg International School (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) • Teacher: Nurit Raviv • Level Alef (CEFR A1.1)

2018/09 - Ge’ez Language Course 2019/01 Rome (Italy)

• Pontificio Istituto Orientale • Teacher: Tedros Abraha

2018/01 - Advanced Training Course in 2018/02 Rome (Italy)

• Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) • 64 Hours advanced training course providing skills to build a research project • Advisor: Prof. Emanuele Prinzivalli

Conferences and Summer Schools

2020/08/23 - European Forum Alpbach 2020/09/03 th • EFA 75 Anniversary Online Conference • Awarded with a fee waiver scholarship for participation

2020/06/17 - Biblical Hebrew 2020/07/23 Intensive Summer Course Jerusalem (Israel)

• 150 hours / 10 credits course • Teacher: Dr. Barak Dan • Rothberg International School • Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2019/09/30 - Fourth Hiob Ludolf Centre Summer School in 2019/10/05 Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies. Addis Abeba (Ethiopia)

• Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Traditions: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. • Advisor: Prof. Alessandro Bausi • Organized by Universität Hamburg and Addis Abeba University • Awarded with a Scholarship for Participation

2019/07/01 - 3rd “Per l’Europa di Ventotene” Summer School 2019/07/05 Ventotene (Italy)

• Summer School on Europe and Bioethics • Advisor: Prof. Andrea Patroni Griffi

2019/06/09 - 10th Seminar 2019/06/14 Florence (Italy)

• Enoch and Enochic Traditions in the Early Modern Period: Reception History from the 15th Century to the End of the 19th Century • Organized by Prof. Gabriele Boccaccini, Annette Yoshiko Reed

2017/07/20 - 8th “Giorgio Colli” Philosophy Summer School 2017/07/25 Roccella Jonica (Italy)

• Theme: Revolution • Organized by IISF (Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies)

2017/07/18 - 7th “Giorgio Colli” Philosophy Summer School 2017/07/23 Roccella Jonica (Italy)

• Theme: Ethical Resistance Exercises • Organized by IISF (Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies)


Forthcoming Afterlife in 2 Maccabees. An analysis within its Second Temple Jewish context 2021/02/1-3 Leuven (Belgium)

• Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LXIX • Paper accepted

2021/01/11 Was John the Baptist an Apocalyptic Preacher? Some Enochic Remarks Online conference

• 2021 Nangeroni Meeting on John the Baptist • Organized by Gabriele Boccaccini (Enoch Seminar) and Michael Daise (Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus) • Invited paper

2020/09/17 John the Baptist, the and Qumran

• Discussion on the PhD Research Project with Prof. John J. Collins • Presented during the PhD Students Seminar at Sapienza University of Rome (09/17-24/2010)

2020/07/01 Enoch Seminar Online Conference

• Concepts of Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins • Organized by Gabriele Boccaccini and Lorenzo DiTommaso • Discussant in the Panel: How is the problem of evil and its origin addressed in the Parables of Enoch and the Synoptics?

2019/09/28 Matthew’s Eschatological Discourse: Possible Enochic Influence on Mt 24, 23-44? Bertinoro (Italy)

• CISSR 2019: Annual Meeting on Christian Origins • Organized by Prof. Mauro Pesce and Prof. Adriana Destro • Paper accepted but not presented

2019/09/24 Giovanni Battista ed il giudaismo enochico. Studio storico-critico alla luce dell'Essenismo del Secondo Tempio Rome (Italy)

• Discussion on the PhD Research Project with Prof. Edmondo Lupieri • Presented during the PhD Students Seminar at Sapienza University of Rome (09/24-27/2019)

2019/09/02 Già la scure è posta alla radice degli alberi: Giovanni Battista tra escatologia e purità. Ravenna (Italy)

• Paper presented during the XXXIII AISG (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo = Italian Association for the Study of Judaism) International Congress, 2-3-4 September 2019.

2019/06/26 Repentance and Forgiveness in perspective: Continuity and Discontinuity from Enoch to Jesus. Tartu (Estonia)

• Paper presented during the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) Tartu, June 25 to June 29, 2019


- Can we Really Talk about Enochic Judaism? An Attempt to Define the Status Quaestionis in “Materia Giudaica” XXVI (2021) – Forthcoming

- Review to Cora Presezzi (a cura di), Streghe, sciamani, visionari. In margine a Storia notturna di Carlo Ginzburg, Viella, 2019, in Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 38/1 (2021)

- Già la scure è posta alla radice degli alberi: Giovanni Battista tra escatologia e purità in “Materia Giudaica” XXV (2021)

- Review to Timothy H. Lim, The Dead Sea Scrolls. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 20172, in Review of Biblical Literature 01/2021


Organisational Secretary: Giornata di studi con Carlo Ginzburg, 15 October 2019, Sapienza - University of Rome (organized with A. Annese, G. Lettieri, C. Presezzi). Organisational Secretary: “From Jewish Prophet to Jewish God. Riflessioni sugli sviluppi della cristologia nel I secolo”. A seminar with Gabriele Boccaccini, 31 May 2019, Sapienza – University of Rome (with A. Camplani and G. Lettieri)


- I have been awarded an Orion Center Research Scholarship for my project entitled, John the Baptist in the Light of Second Temple Enochic Judaism and Its Relationship with ‘Late Qumran Essenism’. The scholarship is given by The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature .of Hebrew University of Jerusalem ( רמ כ ז ירוא ו ן רקחל גמ י ל ו ת רבדמ הדוהי תורפסהו רקה ו הב הל ן ) I have been also accepted by the Department of Comparative Religion of Hebrew University of Jerusalem to work with professor Serge Ruzer during the same period.

-I have been awarded a Fulbrigh Visiting Student Researcher Scholarship to study in the USA during 2020/21 academic year at Yale University.

- I have been awarded the European Forum Alpach 2020 participation scholarship. EFA is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture that aims to connect international decision-makers from all sectors of society with an interested audience and committed young people. - In the academic year 2020/2021 I have been awarded a Research Start-up Grant (Initial Research Project) of 1500 euros by Sapienza University of Rome for my project on John the Baptist and Enochic Judaism. - In the academic year 2020/2021 I have been awarded a Mobility Grant (International Mobility) of 5000 euros by Sapienza University of Rome to carry out my project on John the Baptist and Enochic Judaism at Yale University.