Spartan Daily

Volume 92, No. 55 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Mondit% \ pril 24. 198')

Medical experts Crack user admits to his addiction, detail drug effects

By Elena M. Dunivan Daily staff writer says he sold drug to SJSU students The message from medical experts is simple: By Daniel Vasquez ard don't do it. Johnson's and selling crack, before he took his birth- Chambers said I het didn i ki., \ I .1, tiling them. Clack cocaine is the one drug that can cause both Daily staff writer day hit. He started selling crack out of his apartment on bull was." Once is all it took, physiological and psychological addiction after only Ninth and Reed streets. Along with people. Chambers manipulated the PiA, one use, according to Dr. Stanley Wohl, director of On his 21st birthday, Alan& Chambers celebrated a "I would sell to anybody who wanted it. I saw a lot ket to better his ;mil its Student Health Services. rite of passage. He took a hit of crack cocaine. of San Jose State students and even fraternities coming He quit his hob and stat ed home Crack is a highly concentrated, purer form of co- Today, he is 25 and a crack addict. around." Chambers said. during the day. Late at night, he opened shop Ile began selling itt ront caine sold in rock form. It is also less expensive than "I was drunk and it was my birthday." Chambers Some of the students would stay and party in his heat II p.m. to about 5 cocaine in powder form, with a rock generally priced said. "And my friend said I might as well try it. See if I apartment, if Chambers thought it was safe. from $5 to $10. liked it." In 1985-86. business was good for Chambers. During those hours, thew isn't so irush This high concentration means that the drug takes Chambers did. Although he worked seven days a week selling tion," Chambers said I st'I ciiuldtit get the stutt immediate action on the body, especially if smoked. After the first hit, he knew he had found what he crack, his profits came mostly Thursday nights through from any whet,. else l'Iwy had iii eet it So. they had to Wohl said. wanted. Sunday mornings. He would easily make $600-$700 a get it from me "Crack affects two major parts of the body, the "I knew it was my drug of choice," Chambers said. day. Because he cmild get aw at tt all it. Chambers would "It was the drug I had been looking for all of my life." heart and the central nervous system," Wohl said. Chambers hired several employees, called "run- vary the quantitt in his ,iack bags St4ist bags are iiSIO A cook by trade, Chambers "After the drug is used, it travels through the circula- came to California from ners." who are people who can't afford to buy crack, ("dimes") or ...Nil-mut I pa,. Lige.. he said. tory system, causing blood vessels to constrict. It then New Jersey in 1984. He wanted to get away from vio- according to Chambers. He said he would pay them with 'I could make the bags as big in as small as I lence and gangs. Chambers was causes the heart to speed up, sometimes to a pace a member of a street "rocks." wanted, w hates hest tOt said. which is incompatible for life." gang called Brothers of the Black Nation. The runners would have to bring in customers in What %vas 'vs( Iii Chambers was w hates er let him Even if crack not drastically affect a person He thought San Jose would be different. order to get paid. Chambers said. get high for free right away, it can cause irreparable damage to the "San Jose is growing up." Chambers said. "in a lot Usually, if they sold five "rocks" of crack with a After his hirthdat he began hitting the pipe d. o: heart, called congenital heart disease. This disease, of ways." combined street value of 51(10, they would get one free He noticed he %%mild hit it more and mime each day. until See MEDICAL, page 4 He lived downtown for about one year, working as a rock, he said. he became his its 11 best cUstoltlet. gourmet cook at places like the Red Lion Inn and How- "I basically used the runners for my own benefit." See ( RA(*K, page 4 Nader blasts IBM on ozone, Greek games calls for student activism

By K. Mark Moreno owned by International Business stitutes could easily be used. Nader Daily staff writer Machines, Inc.. was also held. said. Consumer advocate Ralph Nad- "Pollution is violence." Nader Everything from plant destruction er's steady voice carried weight with said. to destruction of the ocean food web. more than 200 people at the Student and Pollutants like nitrogen oxide and increased smog and acid rain Union Amphitheater Friday af- hydrocarbons are "silent forms of stems from ozone erosion, Nader ternoon. vi- olence we take so long to added. The speech was sponsored in con- get around," he said. "It's no longer just fish kills, dirty junction with Earth Day '89. a rally waters you can't swim in, contami- and gathering held Saturday at Santa IBM uses a chlorine compound nated water or increased rates of can- Teresa Park in San Jose. that helps to erode the earth's ozone cer, it's damage to future genera- A demonstration at the plant layer, even though non-harmful sub- tions," he said. In addition, Nader said pesticides are used increasingly on crops, which only causes damage to the vegetation while insects develop bet- ter resistance. "In 1945, we used 50 million pounds of pesticides in U.S. agricul- ture," he said. "We're now using 650 million pounds, and we're los- ing almost twice the amount of pre - harvest vegetables and fruits that we lost in 1945. "The Colorado beetle can take anything thrown at it by the chemical companies. It's a losing treadmill." The threat to the world environ- ment transcends political ideology. Nader pointed out that the Soviet Union also contributes to damaging the environment. With visible emotion, Nader told the audience that he believed both Shelley Scott Daily staff photographer free market and government-spon- Consumer advocate Ralph Nader discusses maul' to environmental sored approaches to environment problems with Das id Sondni, a senior majoring in engineering, clean-up would not work. See NADER, page 6 Consumer advocate points the finger at society

By Joel Beers marked by large-scale attacks on corporate irresponsibil- Daily staff writer ity. The threat this time isn't automobiles or skyrocketing A Princeton graduate. Nader first surfaced in the insurance rates. But in his speech last Friday, Ralph mid-1960s after the publication of "Unsafe at any Nader attacked the same people he's fought for the last Speed." The book was highly critical of automobile 30 years. manufacturers and was instrumental in forcing car mak- Everybody. ers to improve their products. Along with blaming large corporations for disregard- Since then. Nader has championed a number of ing the environment. Nader criticized the Reagan admin- causes, including the reform of legislative institutions. istration for puncturing the idealism of a generation. and improved food quality and environmental concerns also pointed a bony finger at the crowd. Most recently. Nader led an "insurance revolt" in As he has said throughout his career as a consumer California by giving his support to Proposition 103, ' advocate, Nader told the crowd that unaware and uncar- which nammly passed last year. ing individuals are as much to blame for the planet's im- Unlike many reformers who seem solely devoted to David Pipkins Daily stall photoqtaph, pending ecological disaster as irresponsible corpora- their particular issue. Nader is a neo-philosopher, tying cheering throng Oh tions. his concerns to a wider range of problems. Nieves Struaberg of Alpha Omicrim Pi sorority at the Greek triple Games on The catalyst behind the wave of consumer reform The most important thing to reform, he has always propels her craft toward the finish line before a the final das of Creek Week. that began in the 1960s. Nader's public career has been See ADVOCATE, page 6 Homosexual studies department at local campus Argument outside pub Official hopes courses will alter misconceptions leads to student arrest By Daniel Vasquez will he taught next fall on Mondays. ment at the college is nized for their contributions to so- By Shelby Grad rabensh, `7. to follow 1 :iwrence and Daily staff writer Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a step in a positive direction, accord- ciety. Daily staff writer retrieve the hag 1 his led to a "ver- The creation of more gay and les- a. in ing to Leigh Kirmsse. director of "Gays have been on the cutting An SJSU student was arrested on bal altercation" outside the Music bian studies courses at a Bay Area "We only have the one class," California state affairs. edge of American culture," he said. charges of public drunkenness and Building. the pilice rep irt said city college reminded some staff and said Wiggsy Sivertsen, who teaches "It will help destroy negative per- "We have set trends in music and resisting arrest after an argument UPD officer Johnson Fong airiyed students of SJSU 's own needs. the class. "It's the one chance we ceptions of a minority group," fashion, art and literature. We with another student outside the at the scene soon after .md deter- City College of San Francisco cre- have, so we throw in everything in- Kirmsse said. should be recognized for that. Spartan Pub Thursday night. mined that I aw tense w as allegedly ated the nation's first department of cluding the kitchen sink." 'People don't realize the extent of Lawrence. 29, was too drunk to take care of himself SJSU does have the Gay and Les- Richard Dale gay and lesbian studies. The depart- Although there is only one class the oppression gays and lesbians taken to Santa Clara The siispe,t Allegedly ignored tan Alliance, which promotes a sup- arrested and ment offers courses in gay literature. offered at SJSU, it has an important have suffered throughout history. where he was released Fong and ,ommued to walk away portive environment for students. County Jail, history, and health sciences, impact on the university, Sivertsen They have been burned, electrically alieti flit' 0111k CI Asked 111111 111 stop, film according to the club description Friday. others. said. shocked. Thousands and thousands after 9:30 Mill11110 said among from the current student organization The incident began just Fong iold Lawrence he was SJSU has one class which covers "It is the only place on campus of homosexuals were killed during directory. p.m.. when I .aw rence walked out of. then spectrum. which makes any acknowledgement the Holocaust. Some of these horrors to undei Joe.' lien the oths ers took the same However, the club has a small the pub with a bag belonging The course, called "Alternative that there is a gay community on need to he brought out.'' she said. Vomund, 21. the suspect s hands to coo hint. membership. Walters said. SJSU student Kirsti Lifestyles," is offered once each campus," Sivertsen said of the SJSt Jim Walters, A.S. vice president- according to University Police De I :Iss tells e il leeedls resisted arrest academic year. academic curriculum. elect and a homosexual, said it is Club representatives could not be partment It. Shannon Maloney 11,1W OICII the suspect The upper division sociology class The creation of the new depart- time gays and lesbians were recog- reached for comment. Vomund asked student Day id Ka See IRRI Si. page Page 2 Monday, April 24, 1989 /Spartan Daily Forum Spartan Mattison Avenue

Sallie Daily Mattison

Buying responsibility

Headlines in Bay Area newspapers last month heralded the birth of a pilot Editorial Planned Parenthood program to pre- vent teen pregnancy. The project propos- es paying $10 a week to teen-age school- girls who have been pregnant at least once North broke laws, not to get pregnant again. Girls are required to attend weekly group counsel- should pay price ing sessions to collect their money. In other words, it has become necessary We find the de!. to bribe young girls into intelligent behav- charged. ior. Any way you look at it, this is not a good concept. North, I. In While I can appreciate the attempt to charged v, a serious societal problem, I ques- Congress and address verting travele: tion the suggested remedy. After all, what spirting to deframi does this teach our young people? to support the rely It teaches them to be motivated by emment, accord i money rather than by basic moral values. Thursday. It teaches them to expect society to reward Throughout them for refraining from embracing situa- Brendan Sullis tions they are not yet physically or emo- ed explanation- , tionally mature enough to deal with any- National Seco: way. Sullivan It teaches them that it's OK to have sex; patriotisn: superiors it's not OK to suffer the natural conse- Nicaraguan quences of that action. Reagan and Bush , Clarifying . arguedinstead ot . a controversial view heat, he should he r,, Alter Lxpressini, my discontent society. Two women sitting on a park bench Keker countered ith KSJS' decision to air the views His ideas certainly shouldn't be watched a strikingly pretty teenager walk of government." I lc d -.1a white supremacist, some people dignified by media that don't advo- past a small group of boys. his wrongdoing the impression that I advocate cate racism, whether it be KSJS, nal actions, Kekei ,,,.n,orship and don't appreciate The Spartan Daily, or the San Jose "Look," whispered the older, more First Amendment freedoms. Mercury News. worldly of the two. "Look at the way that Keker's closoit: his is not true. guy with all the muscles is looking at her." Sullivan's were co,...1 Herrel can have his First I realize William Herm!, who not try- "Do you think he likes her?" the second Keker was nein, . appeared on KSJS' "About This and Amendment freedomsI’m ing to take them away. I just think one, who didn't look very bright, asked. Whether North v.., or Ibra" show three weeks ago, has the support white .:onstitutional right to free speech. that if he wants to acting on hi, supremacy and racism, then he "Watch this," said the first in hushed had ,1,, the But this is not a matter of First Rob Lyon method of tones. "I showed her how to pick up on a Amendment protections. This is a should create his own as for military wit,. , North publicationhe should not be given guy without looking like that was what -question of ethics: Should we, as Ilerrel's opinions does is serve a Can responsible journalists who have one. she was doing." one's own poek,a "public bad." unparalleled influence on the pub- First, it can only serve to anger However, that's not to say that Along with the two women on the way. Perjur) is i!i:, , I I lic, facilitate racism? minorities and people like myself KSJS is an unprofessional radio sta- bench, I watched in fascination the time- anyway. No. who belie,^, ::errel's opinions are tion for airing Head's views, and If Herrel wants to say that less teen-age mating ritual as boy discov- Even if North si tt. rdIc'SV dangerous to a world in which peo- I'm certainly not trying to under- minorities should cease to exist and achievements and hard ers girl, and vice versa. those orders were pt. ' thus ple must co-exist. mine all the that Jews arc the cause of all the work of the people who run it. by the people. We ; tIn.. Secondly, it provides people who Perching on the corner of a cement slab world's problcifis, then let him stand are susceptible to Herrel's opinions to go behind our he on a street corner and say it, or In fact, I respect the station for supporting a riotous array of flowers, I he the ideal role model, and his ideas what it is, and I especially admire they think it will :cnteaeolumn for a White Aryan give them a direction in which they asked the women who the girl was. They are account,,!,, Resistance newspaper. the staff's letter-writing abilities can focus their hatred. (even those who want to use my around. Better yet. let him buy his own The whole process only facili- "My daughter," replied the older lath() station. picture on a dart board). woman proudly. And if North ss.: tates racism and contributes to the Vary to what was 1.1, In recent letters to the Spartan problem. It's like throwing gasoline But I do disagree with the sta- My gaze swung back to the teenager, Daily. it has been said that allowing on a bed of smoldering embers. tion's decision to air Hurd's views. if he was cauelu I hi - who was making pretty good time with I lerrel to speak on its program has as Herrel's should be the sake of Herrcl's t Views such And I hope for the hunk. ranee, leaving hurl intormed the public that ideals like shunned, discouraged, and consid- targets that I am not alone in these chance to consider tit: ferret's actually exist, and therefore ered abnormal, so a message will be opinions. I wondered aloud who the boy was. but he chose to hre.J : :I public good has been served. sent to all the Herrels in the world Rob Lyon is a Spartan Daily The girl's mother looked at me with an the consequences. I tn't lylieye that. What airing that their ideas won't be accepted by staff writer. I -don't-know-who-you-think-you-are-but- I-guess-I'll-tolerate-you-for-now expres- VIMI1111111111Vil sion. letters to the Editor "I don't know," she admitted. "But don't worry. She knows what to look for. I didn't teach her to go for any psychos The absurd tacets ot this experience is to be able to meet interesting or nerds." iilembers of the Heartless article oppdsitc sex..." . I shook my head in amazement. Wasn't Please read Strunk and White's "Elements of Style," Editor, she worried about potential conse- That a lir particularly Rule 17. Remember that vigorous writing is Editor, to bother Dari ;1 Many people were greatly offended by the recent quences? hew steps will help you meet women. article "New course designed to change perception of everyone has . "Hey, I'm responsible," she retorted, her who-known '.t 'flint Dunlap engineering students." The article made several refer- with 1.1, el expression opinion, he should I t. t, k it Senior ences to engineers, saying they had no social interaction changing to what-business-is- up is factual. I ruler Journalism skills, no understanding of relationships and no emo- it-of-yours? "I took her down to Planned burned at the Stake tions. Parenthood. She's taken care of." NOW, you don't I. At I Gregarious 'geeks' The general stereotype of "engineering nerd" was time to consider the .. . !IL I watched the new couple as they wan- blamed on engineer's apparent inability to function in a dered farther down the ficc that he never (.,: Editor, social situation. Andrew Channing obviously made little path without a singed, let alone has it: nttt.tti I I'm pissed off (and I would imagine everyone in the backward glance. attempt to meet or get to know an engineer. Instead of "punishment" that t:,taitte- Art Building is, too) at Thursday's loud, obnoxious haz- looking at facts, he looked at myths. The article seemed ment in some paiatt.d .ti,I titstl) ing incident in front of the Student Union. to overlook the fact the engineers are very social, given I tried to estimate the young girl's age. to return to his I1V. II t he We all know you frat guys are bozos, so why do you that it is most often with other engineers. It is Sixteen? Seventeen? remainder of hi, he. not a lack tias'e to interrupt our classes to further illustrate this of personality but a concentrated course load that causes "She turned 14 last month," states. "The v. ova ii,: of point? her mother that this to happen. Our classes demand such attention that volunteered. science was ' t I want to commend you on your enrollment tactics, we look to one another for academic and moral support. tion and a mild : is ido. Wearing tacky blue T-shirts with white bellbottoms bed." while tap dancing and babbling idiocies really made me To say that we are never social is without basis. As for Dan Turner'sii I want to join up. When ciii we complete a day of calculus, physics, descrip- suggest he check his facts it ,e 1 '16 You guys are entitled to enjoy your "geek week." tive geometry, and chemistry we have to kick back and is a confusing time follow the way of the absui ti, tie !Iran:mat. is not the Adolescence for Just do it more quietly. relax, or we'd never make it. The statement that we are young people. In way of faith, but rather the \say (11 Lti,i Ally theolo- their transforma- Gene Mahoney "unemotional people" is heartless and cruel. Just tion gian worthy of that title would ,itticSly inform lum that Senior into maturity, they take on because our career choice puts us in contact with com- grown-up faith builds on reason, because (tar intellect was created Art puters and equations does not mean that we don't laugh, characteristics yet lack the to know that which is the most reasonable, that which cry, and experience great emotional pain the same as, experience, wisdom and responsibility to our highest good, namely, God perhaps, a humanities major. deal with adulthood. Gail NI Law is sickening S01,11: tt:tt. It seems that the Daily has willingly allowed itself to We need to become more aware of the uhlic Itelations "Laws represent the people." Well, not all the time, fall prey to stereotypes and gross generalizations. signals our children receive, and take not all the people. About 150 years ago, laws didn't rep- Given, there are people in engineering who may fit the more responsibility for what they learn. Women like 'em short resent black people. They were considered non-persons. stereotype, but they are few and far between. Every This law was reversed later on. Isn't that wonderful? major on campus has its own stereotype and image. It is Adults choose the type of behavior they No, it is sickening that a person has to prove to other up to people to make an educated and intelligent evalu- engage in. They reap rewards or suffer Editor, people that he is really a person. If we look back to that To Grant Brian'.' 1, A i. it you tion about other people. consequences of chosen actions accord- period the controversy over slavery was just as big as ingly. knew how to cominuni,..i; ii I OIl dim tin the controversy over abortion today. Perhaps the best way "to change the perception of Tuesday's campus sor.:. .11:e:titt t:ould Today laws don't engineering students" is for represent all the people. Law con- everyone who is not an Children should be taught sound be solved..." siders an unborn a non-person todaythat law is being engineer to take a course and find out who we really princi- Good writers are gissis). aad :, me, attracts reconsidered. There is a case arc. ples of good behavior, not bribed into it. tug in the Supreme Court that smart women. Start by rediit stwr '.1 up inducing may reverse the Roe v. Wade decision that declares an first paragraph to, "We go t., I ..,r1) meet peo- unborn baby a non -person. I hope it is overturned This letter expresses the views of many people, ple and get laid." because it is sickening that a person has to prove she is mainly residents of the Hoover Hall Science and Sallie Mattison is the Assigning Sparc us the, "One of the trim a sled values of attend- a person to other people who say she is not. Technology wing. Editor/News. ing college is to paniciptic a t,t stimulat- Cheryl I,. Lootens Susan Beech ing experience 55 Ill I Sophomore Freshman and unlike Liberal Studies Civil Engineering

Airommwer ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE Spartan Daily/ Monday. April 24. 1989 Page Nursing student wins award for V.A. work Crime Watch By Mary R. Callahan from local service organizations, Such assignments are usually re- student at ( ;min High School in Palo Daily sten writer presents three awards to volunteers served for medical students. Alto. wiiiking part-time during the Lisa Fisher was 16 when she under the age of 19 each year for Working in the morgue is partic- academic year and summers. Two high-tech telephones stolen started working in the morgue at the "outstanding service to hospitalized ularly valuable because it is an ex- Now a freshman at SJSU, she Palo Alto Veterans Administration veterans." cellent way to learn the details of plans to go back as a part-time vol- Library Medical Center. High school students are recruited human anatomy, she said. unteer this summer. from first floor of Wahlquist Working alongside doctors and for the program each year. said Additionally, the morgue provides "It's really interesting," she said The high-tech campus $40. There are no suspects in medical students, she assisted in au- George Frye. chief administrator of a testing ground for would-be medi- Friday. case, UPI) topsies. performed dissections and voluntary service for the V.A. cal clinicians. Volunteers don't "just stand by telephones have been the the according to stitched incisions. The program provides practical. "If I couldn't handle working in and watch," but actually work with source of a great deal of frus- I.t, Shannon Maloney. The SJSU nursing freshman has hands-on experience for students in- the morgue. I shouldn't go into nurs- medical professionals, she said. tration to confused users and It is unknown exactly since completed 1,213 hours of vol- terested in medical careers, and ap- ing," Fisher said. But V.A. it ials want the com- now they may be a source of when the receivers were sto- untary service at the Veterans Ad- proximately 85 percent of the stu- During the past three years. Fisher munity to knoss that the program is profit for a thief. len nor what the motive was. ministration. Early this month she dents who complete the program has also completed stints in the Med- more than a training ground for in- was awarded a second place "Spe- eventually become medical doctors. ical Intensive Care Unit and labo- terested student,. The telephones are in an cial Youth Award" for her work at he said. ratory services. 'It is encouraging to kitii that Two telephone receivers alcove near the Office of Ad- the hospital. A $400 scholarship ac- The program at the Palo Alto "I just think it's a really gmod there are students such as 1 isa who from instruments on the first missions and Records. companied the award. V.A. is unique because it is one of thing to do if you're not completely are willing to share part of their floor of Wahlquist Library Some student and faculty The V.A. Administration Volun- the few programs that allows stu- sure you want to go into the medical youthful enthusiasm with the forgot- were stolen Thursday, uni- members said the high-tech tary Service Advisory Committee, a dents under the age of 21 to work in field," Fisher said of the experience. ten veteran. an announcement of group consisting of representatives the morgue, according to Fisher. Fisher started in the program as a the award reads. versity police reported. phones are dill icult to learn 'The loss is estimated at how to use. Crowd yells 'kill him' as Salcido returns to U.S. UPD patrol car involved in two-car SANTA ROSA (AP) A turious 200 people waiting outside the en- Salcido, who has indicated he had of Sinai., accident, no injuries were reported crowd shouted "Kill him" as a win- trance yelled and waved signs read- no regrets and has refused to discuss He %% as brought to Mexico City ery worker who admitted killing his ing "Yes on capital punishment" his motives, could be in court to face Thursday atternoon. deported by University Police Department blue I '11) eruiset Dusithl on Vo as wife, two ot his daughters and tour and "Salcido doesn't deserve to murder charges in connection with Mexican authorities and flown back Lt. Ed Dusablon was nix (dyed in a C11'1%11122 :Mel It pulled out from the other people in a bloody rampage the April 14 crime spree as early as to California on a let belonging to minor accident do w mown while curb according to UPD It. Shan- was returned to the wine country "I just wanted to see this crea- today, authorities said. 'Peanuts' cartoonist Charles Shulz. traveling in a UPD vehicle Thurs- non Maloney. where the slayings occurred. ture. said Nadia Garcia. 40, of The subject of a massive man- who lives in Sonoma County.. day. There were no injuries in the ac- Ramon Salcido. 28, was whisked Santa Rosa. "We are all full of hunt. Salcido was arrested Wednes- When asked about his motive. The accident occurred at 1 p.m. cident, hut the cruiser's right rear into the Sonoma County jail under anger and bitterness. I'm surprised day in western Mexico, near his Salcido replied: "I'll do all my ex- on South Second Street when a car door was smashed. tight security late last week as about no one cot out a gun and shot him.'' hometown of Los Much!. in the state plaining to U.S. authorities " apparently hit the unmarked aqua

SpartaGuide WI Celebrates National Dance Week Free Dance Concerts 279-6747. versity Club. For more information TODAY Asian American Spring Festi- call 298-0204. in the Student Linton Amphitheatre val: Sushi demonstration. 11 a.m., Club I.usitania: Poruguese- in Alpha Phi Omega: Open plan- S.U. Upper Pad. For more informa- American college encounter, 9:30 Marketing Club: "Career I ' ( Tuesday, Thursda% ning meeting. 6 p iii.. S.U. Mon- tion call 924-57511. a.m.. S.U. Umunhum Room. For Sales at TSI. 3:30 p.m.. S tal vii Rtxmi. For more information more information call 262-8(144. tanoan Room. For more limn manon April 25, 1989 April 27, 19511 Spartan Review: Meeting, 12:30 call 281-3161. call 225-1(X)9 or 245-9(65. p.m., S.U. Montalvo Room. For SJSU Foreign Language Alumni noon - 1 pm 12 ;() I 31) pm A.S. Intercultural Steering more information call (415) 656- Association: Business meeting (then Committee: Meeting. 3 p.m.. S.U. 6335. dinner), 6 p.m.. Sweeney Hall Campus Crusade For Christ: Dan ceworks ensemble University Montalvo Room. For more informa- Room 303. For more information Here's life, 7:15 p.m., S.U. Council performs with the SJSU Gerontology Center: Public lec- Chambers. For more information Da n ce tion call 292-3197. ture-Betty Friedan. 4 p.m., S.U. call (415)871-8528. World of Music call 294-4249. Theatre SJSU Film Production Club: 1..oma Prieta Room. For more infor- Student AMliation For Environ- Improvisation Band Meeting, 2 p.m.. Hugh Gillis Hall mation call 924-3294. mental Respect: Meeting, 6:30 Asian American Christian Room 222. For more information p.m.. Dudley Moorhead Hall Room Fellowship: Meeting. 7 p.m.. S.U. :all 924-4571. TUESDAY 235A. For more information call Almaden Room .1 1 , 924-5467. Softball: Vermis long Beach Industrial Designers Society of ; State. 6 p.m.. Lafayette Park -Santa America: Student work show, 6:30 Economics Students Associa- WEDNESDAY / For more information call p.m.. Art Building Room 207. For tion: Meeting, 1:30 p.m.. S.U. Pa- Isi11.0m0mm1110 '"" Funded by Assy Student% )24-FANS. more information call 297-8939 or checo Room. NIEthA: Meeting. 6 Wal Campus Ministry Center: Fac- quist Library North Room 307. Fin ulty-Staff Breakfast, 7:30 p.m.. Uni- more information call 298-2531 . Spartan Daily Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 The Finest (UCPS 509-480) in Contemporary \ 1.11hleht, V.N...1.11.411.01.1 ',tit I ki0/11,111, 011,, sh. I hc opmcon, etpro,...1 Furnishings and o o.. I /op.oioloo.00lomonatoo. sontl. Mos. Moo, ibr.k,rrnru 5,: 51.01.uh,opoon...... eptcd 004 rvoulo.lot oI h..... 1. Accessories k tie .f .11O,(41.. (1.1 tklov(11 paler o loiloot 41.1 ,,.

It,,'- Hon, to lo.en.en I lo' I . 51.rIc innerol, rh,.11.oloogl.. 54o Sao

STAFF INDULGE Ham in Chief tapara Matthew Ti Anderson. Joel Beers. City Fditor Toefl,e1 I vddany Hest Mary R Callahan Andrew H Chan Advertising Direr tin Arme Kloster 'mamy F lena M Durnvan Lisa Elmore News liditor I Pia Hannon Shelby Grad. Flvabeth James, Dons IN STYLE I avow I dim, tar She'.', Kramer Rob I yon. F Mark Moreno. Si,' Fditor News yen Musil. Andy Nystrom. Daniel Vasgue, ',Mlle Mattison Photographers Assig g 1-ditm Feature Dan Turner Mike Dallemer. Lisa Isaacs. Alyssa Jen Managing Fdiror seri David I'mkins. Shelley Scott ANNIVERSARY SALE I hint, Sabeinia Account Executives For lllll I ditrir I yah Pets Hannah Brooks. James Cabral. Hilda Sprats Fditor '14,111 Mulcaster Cardenas Nancy Donegan. I isa Emenan SALE! Assistant Sports Editor Reggie Burton Scott Garnet. Eke Goldstein. Chnstina tar,,.. SAUSALITO I I dim, Mary I layes Keller. Teresa Krull. Warren !AT. SUSHI DEMONSTRATION Photo I door I -arn; Strong Peters. Scott Ruth. Susan Salmmen. Jen CONVERTIBLE COUCH Photo Tilden I kitty Duran oder Smith. Desna Stearley Robert SA, Monday Api 2-1 Chief Ph ,,,,, graph. Mark Studyviii 90 Amy the. John Wilt (A 11 00 - 100 pin in American Maple

National Advt. ,, isine Manager Art Department SilldP111 Union II:, Includes our own Hand. I erne I mini Nicole Chan Miguel Corte,. Doug Dunl Retail Advert iing Manager Satin. (be'.. Rick Fiaddad Craig MCI. CULTURAL Made 100% cotton Futon Rodngues JAPANESE I lit.. nre David Vamp, Vincent DEMONSTRATION for maximum comfort ; Ikraintown Retail Advertising Manager Debra Two,, MUSIC I ant Adler Co-op Account FaecutWes and value! Art Directin I Borba I inda Birk. Vicki Flendin 1:100 1 00 mu Nedra -non Manager I heresa Brady National Account EsecutWes I. woo Manager Nall1-1 I amber, Slophaole K.14, $258. !special Proper is Manager Special Projects Group GAR) II PAHL DBL $288. QUEEN $308 Kristin Crimpers .101in Ammqrien A,mee Heaudrot, Gayle iii Reporters I, Brett Weir Cushman Flown SHOJI LAMPS Beautiful Lighting in 5 sizes 18" to 60" TRAIT WONG $ 9 5 May 1 and 3 rich finishes: Natural. Black Lacquer. 2 9 and Walnut. . . .Priced from Al 130 PM RCLIVII011 400 60011,, SAN JOSE 293-3355 CAPI TOL A 462-6610 Engineering B100 Bin 189 916 S Bascom Ave 2185 41st Ave. (3 blks S of 280) (1 blk. W. of Hwy. 1)

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START MAY 30! ii/11.611,1111.1 Store Hours: M -F 7am-11pm, Sat-Sun 8am-8pm CLASSES SA, los' I A IGNurl run Page 4 Monday, April 24, 19149/Spartan Daily Doctors, users reveal horrors of crack 'highs'

edly going to buy went in with them. Suddenly, four other men entered Outreach Programs the building. Santa Clara County One pulled out a knife and started Medical The other men Outpatient Drug -Free toward Chambers. From page I followed. Program which usually strikes the elderly, Chambers instinctively put his happens when the pumping action 270-2587 hand on his gun, ready to use it, he of the heart begins to break down, said. Cocaine Anonymous according to Wohl. But one of the other men recog- 274-6015 The difference is that it is more nized Chambers as a friend and complicated to treat people who Narcotics yelled out. have this disease due to crack "He's cool," he said. And the Anonymous usage, because the damage is ir- other men backed off. 998-4200 reparable, he said. Chambers spent the last four years The central nervous system is National Institute on of his life in and out of similar situa- directly affected by the drug, Drug Use Hotline tions. He compiled a police record, bringing a "rush" to the user, including two felonies for possession Wohl said. Feelings of power and 1 -800-662-HELP of crack. exuberance are usually experi- Psychiatric Institute He is now a patient at the Pathway enced due to stimulation of the House on 11th and San Fernando electrical impulses of the brain. of America

streets in San Jose. The euphoria that crack brings is 1 -800-COCAINE The Pathway House is a non- only temporary, and when it atm i profit organization which treats pa- wears off, can cause feelings of The leaflet said the

tients for chemical dependency in the opposite extreme, he said. "crash" state of deep depression hopes that they may re-enter the "Experts on addiction state causes the user to try to relies e community drug-free, said Outpa- that the more addicted a person these negative feelings through tient Coordinator Ingrid Kelly. becomes to crack, the more his or using the drug which gave them The house provides treatment for her 'highs' decrease, and more such a high pre% Mushy . thus be- at least 65 live-in patients on a 24- 'lows' are experienced, including ginning a vicious cycle of addic- hour basis, seven days a week. depression," Wohl said. tion. Although this is Chambers' sec- The intense pleasure experi- Signs of crack addiction often ond attempt at becoming "clean and enced the first time crack is used include: sober," with the help of Pathways, is deceiving. Crack delivers its a loss of appetite resulting in he is more optimistic about making it most powerful effects with the an emaciated appearance swings Lisa Isaacs Daily staff photographer this time. very first dose, but these feelings mood "The first time, I thought I could are very rarely recaptured, inability to tolerate sunlight Former crack dealer .Alando Chambers explains his rehabilitation at Pathway House come clean and still sell," Chambers according to a leaflet on crack by auditory hallucinations said. "But you can't do it. If you sell the CareUnit Hospital Program in nervous or agitated behavior it. it's just a matter of time before Irvine. lack of personal grooming a few days and then move on." he anything. I couldn't pull my gun. I you use it." Crack said. just sat there with my hands up. He has been in the program for His sales territory extended from The police questioned Chambers, less than two months, but the 5-foot- Crack is a highly concentrated crack usage. She I- If nit ptigt San Jose to Santa Clara and East hut because he had no criminal re- 7-inch, 160-pound Chambers looks found extra cash form of cocaine, which can be and new jewelry. She IA' Mild just make enough Palo Alto. cord, they let him go. as healthy as his attitude seems to sometimes intravenously. money so I could get high for free." He still made money and sup- Chambers was lucky. He didn't be. smoked or injected found fifty or one hundred dollar crack at a more Chambers said. **I didn't %s ant to cut ported his habit hut business wasn't have any crack on him. but he did "I'm not the person I wanted to be The brain absorbs hills in draweis or in clothes pock- into my profits the same have a gun, which the police never and I'm not the person God wanted rapid rate than it absorbs cocaine. ets, Wohl said. which makes it more dangerous. Her son became Chambers beg MI smoking a quar- He started I Iii ii I nd custom- found. He was carrying a .38 caliber me to be," Chambers said. "But, I uncharacteristi- according to a brochure published by cally unreliable, ter ounce ot each day ss hich ers instead of letting them I ind hitit revr il ser for protection. thank God I'm not the person I used staying out late and has a slicer tune ot 's2oti S.too Chambers spent a lot ot nights on lioth his revolver and his luck to be." SHS. hanging out with a different group of One day . the landlord told Cham- the street 'copping.' or buying crack saved Chambers from the dangers of This leads to a reaction, or a high. friends. The high bers that too much mitt lc %v as com- for sale, and selling it the Palo Alto streets in another life- A documented crack in less than 10 seconds. All of these changes occurred in a ing in and out of his apartment. One night. he almost lost Ins life threatening situation. lasts five to 15 minutes. three-month period. is also cheap. A vial of He reali/ed that if the landlord Chambers vas dot .ng \\till a Chambers walks with a limp, after case at SJSU Crack The parent called SHS for help. three or four small rocks can cost $5. But knew what he st as doing an!, body friend in bast Palo Alto to hsui\51111. being stabbed in the back during a the department cannot seek pa- %%mild. He decided to lease crack is hen sudden k headlights gang fight over drugs. Once can kill you. Dr. Wohl treats between five and tients. Wohl said. They must come Paranoia became a part 01 Cham- flashed all around him. He said the limp made him look Crack usage at SJSU is not any 10 students for crack usage per se- in on their us ii. bers' lute. lust like the crack hilly,: surrounded his car and one like an easy target. So. he always more common than at any other mester, he said. SHS can take down the student's 'I just didn't want to get husted.’ ottiCei is alked up to Chambers. v, carried a gun and never traveled urban center, said Dr. Stanley Wohl, It is rare for a student to seek help name, start a file and wait for the Chambers said. "I had never spent doss ss lidding a gun .ind shouting at alone. director of SJSU Student Health on his own, Wohl said. Usually. student to conic in. he said. talk the user into any real time in jail. and I didn't him. He and his companion entered an Services. But it does happen. friends or relatives In this particular c.ase, the student want to.'' "I was scared," Chambers said. abandoned building known for its "You can die after just one use," finding help. did come in and referred to a student He became a drifter "He mid have shot me by. acci- crack negotiations. Wohl said. "Even if it's your first The mother of one SJSU private rehabilitation center for treat- vt,i mlii slit at a users house for dent I telt so helpless. I couldn't do Two other men who were supjxis- time.’ picked up on a few signals indicating ment.

Mazda thinks the class of '89 deserves a lot of credit. Isn't it time you rewarded yourself with a sporty new Mazda car or truck? Mazda American Credit has a First Reward PRIDE program that makes it DIGNITY easier for college EQUALITY graduates to qualify Featuring for new car Charlie Wedemeyer Los Gatos High School Mazda 323 financing. And football coach and subject right of national TV movie. Meet him now, special incentives will save you hundreds of and hear his story dol ars which can be applied to your down payment. 1:00 - 2:15 in the Loma Prieta Room Get 1400 cash back on Mazda 323, or '75O Ella Mae Lentz A nationally known Sign Language cash back on a Mazda poet with interpreter for the hearing audience MX-6 or any 4x2 11:30 - 12 noon in the Amphitheater. or 4x4 Stewart Goddard of CBS' "TV 101" Come see him in the Amphitheater from 17 15- 1:00 pm Mazda Learning Disabled Workshops truck. 'Classroom Accomodations for the Learning Disabled The from 10:00- 11:00 am in the Loma Prieta Room Ma7cia MX 6 choice is yours, Rowcycle Races on 9th Street and the selection is great, but time is short: cash back 11 am 1 pm BIG PRIZES! LOTS OF FUN! MUSIC! incentives end April 30. See your local Mazda Dealer Awards Ceremony and Reception Distinguished Speaker and Pres. Acad. Senate - Wiggsy Sivertsen or call our 800 number Loma Prieta Room, 4 - 5 pm today. And pick up the graduation Tuesday April 25, 1989 11 am - 5pm credit you so Disability Awareness Day richly deserve. Student Union, San Jose State University Call 800-424-0202, Ext. 741 Mu:MOB SPO,,SOKKJ by i)..Lted s lent 1 Mama !,., Niapl Amen, a IN Spartan Daily/ Monday, April 24, 1989 Page 5

Lifestyle lartsentertainmen .features Animation at its best is also demented Activist folk-rock band tage presentation of Max the animal to his grave. plays in Amphitheater Fleischer's 1930s creation Betty Another Canadian short, "Nice Boop. The shapely heroine takes a Day in the Country," proves that surrealistic romp through the leg- our northern neighbors have done By Elena M. Dunivan and guitar playing, each member has Daily stall writer a notably individual style that blends end of Snow White, backed by more than just imitate American If there is a word to describe the jazz singer Cab Calloway. insanity. They've cornered the in well with the others to create Washington Squares, the odd musi- great . The short offers a great per- market on it. cal trio from , it is spective on how much, and how The ten-minute film's protago- Agnelli, who has a B.A. in cre- definitely not "square." ative writing, said the songs she little, animation has changed in 60 nists, a nice and loving couple, The Washington Squares took the years. Although filmed in black slowly lose their minds when their writes are often inspired by poetry. Student Union Amphitheater by For example, she said the work of and white and bordering on the plan for a peaceful day in the storm last Wednesday, playing the insensible at times, the short's fan- country is blocked by a locked William Blake inspired her song, best of folk classics and originals in "Charcoal." tastic graphics show that even in door. a concert put on by Associated A torn its earliest years, animation was locked door is also the cen- Students Program Board. Goodkind, who has an MBA an art. tral element to the most elusive of The New York University, writes about And the modem shorts that fol- the shorts, "The Door," a Russian band's his philosophy in the song "All Over low prove it. film that stretched just over ten music is up the World": Animation has come a long minutes. not only "We won't stop 'til freedom way since Saturday morning car- The short is impossible to fol- appealing rings all over the world. toons. While the scope and intent low because no sub -titles are to the Music Review it's not whether music can of most of the festival's shorts are included when dialogue is spokcn, senses, but play a role in changing the limited to making the viewer so the viewer never really knows world, it is that music must it also :241. Lf laugh, their visible attractions are what's going on. But the imagery play a role" delivers a 'Tin Toy' won an Oscar for hest animated short film amazing at times. and ridiculous scenes vividly message. The message calls for the Paskow displays his talents not Two of the more interesting show that Russian filmmakers can attention of the apathetic to address only through his acoustic guitar also shorts were Academy Award dabble in absurdity. social issues and problems through- solos, but in songs such as "The By Joel Beers Camera 1 is the only showing of nominees for best animated short American shorts are also out the world, and in America espe- Other Side of Sin," which talks Jelly staff writer the festival in the South Bay. film "Tin Toy," which won the included. The two best are "How cially. about problems with today's society. A viewing of "Festival of to Kiss," The compilation features 17 Oscar, and "The Cat Came Back." a satirical documentary "Our music is meant to put peo- "Joining Together," from the Animation," a compilation of shorts, ranging from two minutes "Tin Toy" is a five minute short on the proper way to smooch, and ple in a positive direction," said Washington Squares' second album short films now showing at San to ten minutes in length. seen through the eyes of a tin sol- "Lea Press on Limbs," another band member Tom Goodkind, who "Fair and Square," lectures those Jose's Camera 1, leads one to The shorts feature a wide array dier, who attempts to flee from the satire on replaceable limbs that plays a mean banjo. "The parents who used to take acid and believe that animation is the last of various forms of "cartooning," marauding rampage of a crawling can be purchased like false finger- Washington Squares sec their goal now drive volvos, to join with their refuge for the purely demented. nails. from sophisticated clay -like ani- infant. After the toy finds refuge as getting people out of their dol- children and help them find direc- Monstrous babies, mutated mation under a bed with a host of other A separate short, "Computer drums, to be a catalyst and sound- tion. tubs of water, romantic kisses that and com- terrified toys, it takes pity when it Tribute," combines four separate track for the new left." The band divides its style of rip faces off and horrible cre- films computer puter-aid- hears the baby begin to cry. all produced via Goodkind and Bruce Paskow music into two groups: rock -folk ations skewered from the depths ed graph- It comes out from under the graphics. formed the band in 1983. Lauren music and folk-rock music. of Hieronymus Bosch's worst ics to . bed to play with the kid, but finds Although none of the comput- Agnelli joined later to complete the "Basically, folk-rock is a soft nightmares are just a few of the shorts have much of stuff that Movie that the little brat would rather er-generated Washington Squares. But don't com- way to play rock 'n roll music, and featured phantasms. a point, they do show that the looks like play with the box he came in. pare them to Peter, Paul, and Mary rock -folk is a loud way to play folk "Festival of Animation" is a blending of technology and ani- it was Review "The Cat Came Back" is a just yet. music," Paskow said. collection of the best animated mation can produce a product that drawn by take -off on the classic Warner Arriving on the Amphitheatre One of the best songs the band films from around the world. The no other art medium can dupli- a kindergartner. Brothers scenario of the stage clad in black garb, performed was "New Generation," festival has been an annual event cate. Although the shorts' subject inescapable pcsty animal. A complete with dark glasses and an which called for action from the since 1977, when co-founders "The Festival of Animation" matter is varied, they are tied Canadian production, the seven - air of nonconformity, the politically apathetic. Mike Gribble and Craig Decker opened Friday and will run for together by a strong strand of minute short uses this theme but Washington Squares opened with a The Washington Squares want to ompiled the first. two weeks. For showtimcs, call humor. stretches it to unimaginable levels, song containing folk-rock music and motivate college students as well. The two-week engagement at owner 294-3800. The festival opens with a vin- finally driving the poor of slurred words. Only the phrase "In "We want to address the students the dust again" was understandable. who have a background with social But it did get better. thinking and get them out of the Although all of the band's mem- closet to motivate them to save the 'Dream Team' questions definition of insanity bers contribute in singing, writing planet," Goodkind said. By Elena M. Dunivan is a fine piece of work, loaded with urrimare dir Daily stall writer hilarious lines, such as Lloyd's char- SERV'NG For some people, there is a fine The script of 'The Dream Team' is a fine acter telling one of the doctors to line between fantasy and reality, and stay out of his psychosis. Yocua HONEY HILL FARMS the American system has created piece of work, loaded with hilarious But besides the comedy "The institutions to capture those who Dream Team" has to offer, we also cross the line. lines, such as Lloyd's character telling get to see how each character changes and learns to believe in FREE TOPPING OR 50¢ OFF Talented actors Michael Keaton one of the doctors to stay out of his himself especially Keaton's char- Any Medium, Large or Jumbo Yogurt Cup and Christopher Lloyd play mental acter, who learns it's alright to patients in a psychosis. dream New Jersey While "The Dream Team" may hospital in initially seem to poke fun at mental The Pavilion Stevens Creek At Winchester "The Dream a Jesus Christ fixation, and Stephen the doctor witnesses some cops institutions, a closer look reveals a Downtown San Jose Between me Good Guys and Whe,eho,,st. Team." Furst's character, a catatonic base- committing a murder. The group plot that goes beyond basic comedy Kcaton's Movie ball fan, complete the team's roster. becomes stranded when the doctor is fare and sends a message concerning Not Valid with Any Other Discounts I. character is A sympathetic doctor gets attacked, and only the catatonic can the treatment of the mentally ill. ==.=.111 an enraged Review approval to take his therapy group identify his attackers. The movie leaves the viewer mi 1. a CcDtpcm nv idealist, and (Keaton, Lloyd, Boyle, and Furst) to The plot then moves to show how thinking that maybe the ones dubbed Lloyd's character is a schizophrenic the outside world for a ball game at these oddballs pull together to help as psychotic are more normal than neat-freak who masquerades as a Yankee Stadium. But instead of a each other survive and vindicate most of their doctors whose FREE DELIVERY doctor. ball game, the group gets involved their doctor. favored techniques include locking Peter Boyle, whose character has in a bigger game of corruption when The script of "The Dream Team" up patients and sedating them. OFF ANY $200 16' PIZZA. "CLUBE LUSITANIA" A Taste of Romance to- Portuguese Student Association of S.J.S.U. Sexy Lingerie, OFF ANY Presents Exotic Lotions & Oii.s., 00 12" PIZZA I 1st Portuguese-American College Encounter NOT GOOD WITH $1 Oriented ANY OTHER OFFER IIIAdult Gifts & 'Toys Tuesday. April 25. 1989 at S.J.S.U. EXP. 5 -1 5 -8 9 Video rentafs 280-0707 Full Body Condoms $6.95 liemainisommmmminnmumiusimmEll Student Union's Umunhum Room (Better safe than sorry!) Ol 9:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Speakers: 10% Discount with S9S7.1 ID The Largest Selection Dr. Gail Fullerton 104 'University Ave. Los Gatos 395-7616 of Dr. Heraldo Da Silva .,. , Bridal Gowns, k Counseling Services Bridesmaids, Prom JOB$ JOB$ JOB$ & Pageant Dresses, Dr. Jose Costa and Dyeable Shoes SUMMER TEMPORARY PERMANENT John Alfazema Part-Time $ Full -Time Over 2000 Client Companies Pamela Hazleton Hundreds of Jobs Various Industries Immediate Openings Isabel De Sousa Bonus Programs ' Bianchi Excellent Pay Rates Entry Level or Experienced ' Venus ' Jena Patricia Smith mairir Silicon Valley Employers Galina Lunch and Entertainment by Mariel San -Martin llissa Umunhum Room - 11:30 to 1:00pm Clerical, Secretarial, Industrial, Sweetheart Accounting, Word Processing, Gowns ...,., The Diamond Students Technicians, General Labor, i Collection Receptionists & Manufacturing Bill Levkolf ' The Princess and Collection by Zurc Eve ol Milady Faculty GOLDEN WEST ' Walters & Walters ' Mary's

Welcome! G.W. AGENCY Plus many, 3140 De La Cruz Blvd 0110 3396 Stevens Creek Blvd Ste 1 many morel more info call 408-262-8044 SANTA CLARA SAN JOSE For 980-9555 248-7550 and the Intercultural Steering Sponsored by Clube Lusitania 1398 El Camino Real 39170 Fremont Blvd 410 Town & Country Village 10% OFF Committee of San Jose State University MOUNTAIN VIEW FREMONT San Jose (415) 969-4242 (415) 745-9500 241-8136 WITH THIS AD Monday, April 24. 1989/Spartan Daily Advocate: Passive society Health professional's definition of 'brain dead' e,;2111 e.II, lieptlhill.111 Ude maintained, is the misuse of indiv id llOile till ell\ itotitnental concerns, he tails time pulled no [lulu:hes lie fine if people %soul,' "Reagan has been Llesiitstabfl: lie -lie appcaled to tile giced may deprive .ipend as much time on lite Mins laie salt! needing people of transplant organs as Mei do on choosing Moo under and the V.11151 instincts ot people. He iii deovloiant.- lie said basically told them to go IM the IAN C'onitision amongst health-care personnel might the researchers reported. the researchers said. pieociiipation gold among di.. 1,1 s about the legal and be an impediment to organ re- Incorrect answers included: loss Such confusion could hamper ef- tele% ision entellamment and offim "Instead ol making (election) metlical de tinititin of "brain dead" trieval." he said in a telephone inter- of function of the brain stem, which forts to obtain donor organs, since pleasines has speeche to college students about is Lu ululrluhulu and may deprive sonic view Thursday. is necessary for consciousness: loss the ability to obtain them from suita- muted to ens 'tomtit:mat disaster. these problems, his speeches '.sere people tit lilt' say mg organ trans- Researchers in Cleveland asked of function of the cortex, which is ble donors depends largely on the at- Nadel belies es aII Marines antl flag;e av mg In one plapts_ di 195 health professionals at four uni- necessary for higher reasoning; and titude and commitment of health Because pollution is silent s to .pecch about the Peace Corps in piotessionals have per- versity affiliated hospitals there to severe brain damage, the researchers professionals, the researchers said. lime,. and isti 1peiceised as being as 1961, John Kennedy did more than a sonal t.tincepts ot death that vary answer the question: "What brain said. Lack of understanding of why hat niltil lue. tot ekintiple. hundred ot Reagan’s.’ idely and ,iie often ciintbsed and or functions must he lost for a patient to In addition, they probed the sub- brain-dead patients are dead may not Nadm said most people aren't .on Ironic:111i . Nacler Was speaking at sell contradictui... .iccording to au- be declared brain dead?" jects' personal ideas about what con- only contribute to professionals' dis- clued iaith it. ti CII potential a college is here business and techni; Mots 111 11 stuM . led by Dr. Stuart J. The professionals included 39 stitutes death. Researchers found comfort in managing such patients, koliseuniellies ale la! Mole se% ele cal ?moots tat outninither those in l'oungnei ill Case Western Reserve doctors likely to be required to make that even among professionals who it may also discourage doctors from I he result is that people ale tar too othei t ield [ins ei soy School of Medicine in direct decisions about brain death knew the medical criterion for brain discussing possible donation with ti.i...asc it lien It ,olnes to en\ son lie Issued .1 &reel ell.tilenge in eland and 156 doctors and nurses who death, contradictions were common families. the researchers said. mental issties Ille nine thit' ii thl,Se lint the findings should not be might be involved in the care of about why such a criterion indicates Darby. in an accompanying article nill'. become ,onceined it., too late, " lilt''. 're going to be the ones taken to mean that doctors are de - brain-dead patients, the researchers a person is really dead. on the medical management of lie said Ito haw to come up yy ith the aii. dal mg patients brain dead when said. Forty-two percent of the whole brain -dead donors. cited figures in- Nadel iu,is alssa 5 been %killing to silt' r.." he said -Right noys they dies are not, sm authors of related Thirty-three of the 39 decision- group consistently said the loss of dicating that 10,(XK) to 15.000 donor and e III is 1/C 41 ,11Ile!1: ,,teit) Ilia! tea tie as flee to find solutions inns It's accompany ins the study makers, or 85 percent, selected the higher brain function or the loss of organs are needed each year. While N111\1011\ ,11,S1110 ili1:1)1! RAO periment as at am time In then hies putili.hed Ill (oda s Journal or the correct multiple choice answer lower brain function was the reason 12,500 to 27,000 potential U.S. do- 111.1111,141%A it 411 a1P1,11,iltiOns Him are 12,1111112 to he the leatlers :Ind \mei It,ull \ledii..,11 Association. "irreversible loss of all brain func a brain-dead person is really dead, nors die annually, only 15 percent to 11411 1, Liillege teaching slit tind ss as s to correct these problems, }Cutter. "the s might he hesitant in tion." Ninety of the 156 others, or but "58 percent did not use a cohe- 20 percent of potential donors he- dents lie.ades naming them oil ,0111 no one else N. ill making a diagnosis ot brain death if j/I percent, picked the right answer, rent concept of death consistently," :me actual donors. ',tilers and k5 plocessois so file). l)t . as he is fond ot sa they yy tue uncei tam about what it is %%oil III General Heim,: and ''( hit ill:Menge is to sa) to tile It' he hi ain dead... said one author. !MI he ;iskeil the , heel mg. au& s tinge’ generation. Alm is %% hat Di Joseph M. Darby . director of enve should ;ill get ecited about in natima and neurosuigical intensive Nadel 's harshest ti Iticism %ids .,lea,1 of heing some mum' cog in an care :it Presbyterian Viniersm Hos- saied loi atter the speech eirendable lob ml corporation His pital in Pittsburgh. W hen he asked V, hat the last lull', is Calling >191 ’’(’uittision and or dClits., GOLD RING SALE

I1C% us recitilitlallt:> lake > our New TV signal could choice Nader: 'The 5i1111e is title with our preoc- improve commercials I I OM fhltZt ..upations %kith 0111 OW 11 :tddictions.- PI:1St I Ill",. S .1 1.00. "1 sse hose a tuumuulilt'teI> tilt lie said I )1ugs. alcohol. tobacco and - !Mel &hilt. a 51,1. tetent lesel of cts itisolsement Hostess Tv, ink ies are examples dk11,11,II,Ited the lull! 1:011i- among all ol Its, no single ideologi- Nadet gas e . mphts eat cal soltilloil ms .2usin..! to usk 11iriant Kohlestani. a freshman alai; that ...mid cleat the Ilime> allItestili ill a concentiation of maturing in an. said Nader's speech ills Hest ?leneiation ot ilev.ers posser.’ he said 1.ka impoltant to everybody. .11 a 1u:search center %%Cie Too mans Americans don't use es en people '.5 1111 %souk Itir IBM. 1 I Iitii siLi> to tlie first glinmse lice time tot List,. tespotisibility knosk a lot of them ihe used h> a their tune Is use,I tot non- Her son Kameron, an eighth- it> . according to 'sin 'ioik teleiision station to moductis di:b.. grader who is an editor of his aidcast .1 egment of it. eening Nadel school's nos simper, tA as impressed \’s Still ii ff all the things to lie done in the b> the consumer advocate. \wild. Nader said. the as eiape per extreme problems the sets aside S.'5 but ss eQk ::to ,sorld is facing lion' what he spoke stale :it tins tithe Si mill Is mindless ;Mout I get a limier picture.- Kinlie- Arrest plus21,1ins_ nom mass lull Wil said l,'til / 1.114 1111,1,11,1i)d 11 1, laic lull ',anon, it, West Box Office ,1111111. !hal Ihe) ,a11.1 titIliltil them C". to Put, \ lanavei A Full Service Ticket Agency e I hi., It is the lob ot pub emplovecs it make stile in...hullos don't bevome 'Hsi\ alitink. 1)00 said It sui.11 a UPCOMING EVENTS It Ill lit till", enylu.ees sei the indkidual diniks Ill SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS .isk Imii iti lieu to le.ave the pub. hi. MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM I he 1)iggest riot-dems occur din SESAME STREET LIVE 1115' 'MAI, \seek 4,1 alter ttaternit THE ROBERT CRAY BAND/FLINT CENTER/MAY 17 natIlls iletple have some t 14, elelm ate." I )oo atkletl GRATEFUL DEAD / HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS / MAY 27 I !lase not lia,1 it ,',10 OLYMPIC AND WORLD FIGURE SKATING / JUNE 7,8 Jostens Gold Sale. For one week only. Order and save on the gold ring of your choice. ,I1, mite' the ptih to escort .1 ,litink ONE STEP BEYOND TICKETS ,iistomer tail. at least since last Sep CACTUS CLUB TICKETS iciiMei IIt itt ,11,1 AcriluxTc l'eimle are ustiall gist! about II,. lie 49 East San Fernando Located near Campus Between 2nd and 3rd ited \latonev . -When you um J.1LJ 1 r.k Li people anal alcohol. von seem I,. Charge by phone 286-2600 A mf_ RICA S CO LII GL ha\ C lit titl'lt_' THEATER, SPORTS, CONCERTS APRIL 24-28 $20.00 STUDENT NIGHT-3.50 Date. 111192. 10 AM - 6 PM Deposit._ Required,

PISA 410 ME12111311.1 Pia( SPARTAN BOOKSTORE HIGH CauSOE t,IIJAMlll C, SPRING FORMAL HOPES PAPERHOUSE lilt HEAR ;ii..serttative for full details See our complete ring selection on display in your college bookstou 011106 [ I IVAL OF ANIMATION '89 SPECIAL ' '14 ONE 165 S lst 294-3800 11Por For SJSU ADVERTISING MAJORS Great Resumes! Great Prices! There's no better way to learn how sPcsicv).,,,,,, to do good WY iriK

265-9111 advertising... - than real r AU7RENML. 'hands on' 'WE RENT FOR LESS' practice. Positions opening for Fall 1989 CARS/TRUCKS/VANS We have beautiful gowns and the largest selection of Clean quality rentals tuxedos for your spring format If you want fats, illusion, Retail Advertising Manager rates from $1995 strapless, sophisticated or tots of glitter we have your Gain valuable newspaper tisa MC accepted but Co-op Advertising Manager not required style. And don't forget our tu.Tedos. 'We have the best experience working on daily National Advertising Manager Unlimited mileage styles for every budget, including Christian 'Dior, Pierre the best college Age :equirement. 21 Cardin and Biff Blass. Persona! service, large selection, newspaper in the state Art Director 8 minutes from campus custom fittings and the nght price. of California, while Downtown Advertising Manager rhscount for SJSU earning 3 units toward ’!,,dents, faculty. & Stall your degree. Account Executives & Artists on weekly a monthly rentals Fashions Santa Clara Industries Tuxedo & Bridal- 50 Umbarger Road DISCOUNT Town & Country Village with this ad Join the Spartan Daily team San Jose CA. 93111 '10 Sunnyvale on a gown or tuxedo 735-7660 (408)281-4666 Call Jack Quinton at 924-3270 for an interview today Monday, April 24, l99/Spartan Daily Page 7 Advertising group wins award 3Ioom County Berke Breathed

By Doris Kramer tor DuPont's new auto lllll live divi- tape. Daily Matt writer sion and put it on videotape. The SJSU's entry positioned DuPont SJSU's Business/Professional Ad- winning agency formally presents as a world leader, using the corpora- r ef- vertising Association branch won a their campaign in Montreal at the na- tion's worldwide strengh to lend i nee trip to Montreal. Canada as the first tional H/PAA conference. power to the newly -formed auto- aita- place prize in the organization's Na- "It was a remarkable feat," said motive division. The group summed C at- tional Campaign Competition. SJSU H/PAA chapter President up the campaign message as. "In a ilth The 13/PAA is an international or- Mark Montoya. "In this type of at- word. . . DuPont.'' ganization comprised of advertising. mosphere the real achievers step "SJSU's campaign was a winner why public relations, marketing, and foreward, considering that all partic- because it was very well inte- not other related professionals in the ipation was on a voluntary basis. grated." said Tom Jordan. the field of marketing communications. A group comprised of 10 volun- H/PAA faculty adviser who oversaw The SJSU chapter was formed so teers worked on the project, said the project. "They used all disci- that 0111 students could benefit from this Montoya. who was the account ex- plines of marketing bound together Rocky 'fah professional organization. ecutive and video producer. in a workable package.’ Gus Torres The objective of the competition The group had six weeks to orga- Jordan commended the team fo: cle was to build a successful campaign nize and send in a complete video- the effort they put into the project. 1-IAT Wit6 tRT CIF TUE AM, itnI.Z. 196101. of 94413cliStit ' kina:Ccitkr WNW PraftW ramarox KID / i! GET StuR in- alai* 55o51J4.1 bear Lim. 'nor So 1 CAN 4180, IbUslo iile Classified VOUCt t.G011 Fbit4N wed lo Apply regardless 01 avail hr ANNOUNCEMENTS War. very PROUD of you! Communications Berkeley (415) to calling Ray 798-5522 (eyes 559- ECCLESIA GNOSTICS SACRAMEN- 841.5036 FREE VISAMASTERCARD & SEARS 0232) be - TORUN For gnostic., religion is application for college student., WRITING, RESEARCH, EDITING Vi, - DRAFTER ARTIST MAC asp rag d God'. .n,a of mystory, not Just send self addr.sed settle, xper1, staff 1100-7T7-7901 .gln.rIng co no.. creative man s Inoist.ce on dogma Crete stamped envolope to KAIHATSU energetic drafter, 297-2960 brats Mot mystery wen us at MARKETING, 734 S 41h Si,Bo TRAVEL Mass. open to all, 3 P M Sundays 5, Philadelphia, P. 19147 Apply ENTHUSIAS11C SALESPERSONS BRITISH ISLES, July 13.Augusl 1 ire at tho Vivan Chapel of tie Ill today for your Mufti need. for Shop In In. Pavillon on lend, Wales, Scotland, Bath. United Methodist Church. 24 N S 1st St 293.7919 NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE? Want 5Ih SI . San Jose W. also train Slon.hong.. Salisbury. London credit Dr Flick, good coverage you can afford? FOREIGN STUDENTS & SCHOLARS clergy, both miol, and tamale. who Credit non SJS, We havs qllaIIty plan. at low Intl business.. & investors seek share our vision For further infor- 924-454-4 253.5346 prices. Monthly terms evaillsb4 foreign nationals with first hand mation, call 3747458 evenings TWA OEFFERS &AU STUDENTS 10% Latchkey Diary Gary Delamore CON Mork at (4081943-9190 knowl.d. of .onomIc, bull. Ott anywhere any fere Purchine ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC - Unwanted toe, no Obligation quote nese. scientific. & political condi- your heir removed tor.. Specialist TWA student discount card lions in home country tor consult- STUDENT DENTALOPT1CAL PLAN Confidential, your very own now Also ask about TWA GET BLAH BAHBLA44 RAH MN ing essistance For Into send AWAY crodit card Call Andy al Enroll Now! Sa* your tooth. oyes probe 747-7486. 335 S Bitywood resume to !ICS lot 1.700 St Marys PAM BMWS/AM KM 1364N and Money too Clotinings and of. Ave , San Jose (404)2974809. TWA co...Prep PI. Sults 1400 Son Antonio. Tice visits ot no char. For bro- cr? TO 7920501 600-628-2628 Est 656 EXAM FILES lrrn Professors through- churl. seis A.S. offke or Student TYPING THIS 15 THE out the USA Exam prober. with timelth Cantor or call (409)371. FUNERAL HOME ATTENDANT AAAA-ACCURAC Y. ACHIEVEMENT. EZAH. B 0ouN6 fru LI Ton- II,. professors own detailed solu .11 In Son Jorus. wanted Great for studonts. Sat & ACCOUNTABILITY, ACKNOWL- lions Available tor 8 Engineering FL/. IN Leve Wa1-2) Sun 6-4prn Brian McG. 379- EDGEABLE In 406-978-2002 courses Calculus EIT. DIn Eqns typing that s lops WI4AT A 5010 Trust TONY. 298-2067 Thanks SOUTH BAY BULLETIN BOARD Lin Als Chem. 0-Cho00, Physics St 50 per page double spec. Something for eyory Intone.! Ro- GET REAL LIFE COMPUTER EXPERI- & more 23 MM.. books .011- Available seven days weekly mance, friendship, adventure ENCE, Spart. Bookstore Com- able al Spartan Bookstore (down. Gulch turnaround All work guar Leeve your meas.. or you can puter Department la looking for stairs) and Rob.. B.kstore ante. Thanks no.. Dry remade. from others, sales people to work 7AM to 1PM I UTHE RAN CAMPUS WORSHIP evory try it. you'll be glad you did Call Slop by or call 924-11109 PROFESSIONAL WORD PRO- Suncley morning at 10 45 AM at daily, Messages change fro- CESSING Ouick and INTERESTED IN MUSIC? Sales person Camp. Christian Centor, 101h & r.sonaide quentty 01119 52 any toll n.ded for i Los Getos Music San Carlos For more Information Fast turnaround Letter quality Shelly (408)247.7520 store, .11379-8590 about activities, call Rev Norb Cull AUTOMOTIVE FIrnhaber at LIFEGUARDS SEASONS' & year 298-0204 AAH, WHEN OVERWHELMED by re- "ATTENTION GOVERNMENT SEIZED typed, RELAX AND round positions spoilable now MIKE BUHL E. Care tor another dip in ports to le vehicles from 5100. Ford., Mor- LEAVE THE TYPING TO Daily Interruption John Lascurettes Solary Lleguards 55 50-56 40 hr the pool, Give me call' LINDA ME Gr.- e..., Corson.. Chevy.. Sur- Pool Monsters 57 00-18 60 hr tete and undorgrad Fl.urnes SOUTHBOUND, I'm selling ion, way plus Buy.. Gukle 1-602-838 Call 942-2470 torrn paws, thous, reports 01011 ticket San PEP OW AREYN 9065 Est 94250. Jo.-Ontario for May kinds Student rates for Under- SA% Lt"Yi 14D'Air 1 0 ( OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY., Now 8th. only 565,eves 3798196 MING? WE'RE Avallble day, eves. week- CE61,S7RA1"ON ' COME 34.E BUY A NEW CAR ideate fr.i for less hiring Hosts and Hostesses MLR, -ntE mtopt.L OF A 'I"' VISA OR MASTERCARD, Evon If ends by app? Call Anna 9724992 ttSxs 607 tem CAN I’D mon. You pick rho model, make Apply In person Mondey-Friday 2 RN smiP FERE! bankrupt or toad credit' We tw- irTmere.,'S end accessorio. Wit find 900 19* 330 PM. SIN San Pedro St A BEAUTIFUL PAPER overy time, Pro- *EREO best demi, no obligation indepon- enty* you a card or double your lessional word-processing serv -M IV GONG OVERSEAS AND CTIUISESHIPS FM. money back dent broker, eferonc. call KEN Call (80S) 682-7555 Ices that include fast turnround WAN 151P f34CK TO PLOYMENT Many posMons thl 01 729-0639 est M-1103 guarantee copy. grammar editing VitEs ec-D, CALI- Work Month horn* month Call Tile roM0 408-976-2002 SOUTH BAY laser printer, graphs and so much AIR Me IS TT TRUE-Jeeps for $41 through the (805)682-7555, est S-1062 BULLETIN BOARD morn Cali PAMEL A at (4081 949 government? Calf for facts! 1-312- NOW there PASSPORT UNLIMITED Is hiring for Is lost. 1862 10 reserve your tim now 742-1142 .10115 nosy way 10 .0101 quality Spring Marketing Campaign Rep people in the privacy of your Only 15 minutes from campus SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4 wheel- 4 star resteurents 75 hr wk home es so essy` When you call. ABSTRACT WE'RE NOT, Academic

ers, motorhomres. by FBI, IRS, $15000 guranteed Kevin 727. you will be told how to leave your word processing our specialty DEA Available your are. now 6962 own message or hear all deferent Guaranteed quellty accurecy Call (906)682-7555, est C-1255 messages lett by others T7rere SECURITY OFFICERS PROCESS Free disk storage proofing Ree ere messages horn people with all TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES - to SERVERS Full part time security tonal. rot. We re last d.pend types ot Interests When you hear gel you whore you re going Spe- offleer's all shifts. FOR part time able, grammar-experlenced Col Something you (het per- cial perm. pisri & stey erten eyininundeguanntrs Wit we like give lege grads. so call us with papers. son ir cail Tliat s 11. Calf 1Ottee12 for students B & J Motors. coder trek, Awry in wean Mon -Fri. reports, It..... We Science), loll 11.y Laugh Lines Wanda Folk Of 1st 5 9119041. 798 5 101 Si.. 9A111-4P51, 260 Meridian Ave San ote.ot 251-0449 San Jos., 2118-6818 Joss Acufacts Inc SERVICES ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL desk- '52 JETTA - Most - 91 thousand SPAGHETTI FACTORY now HIRING top publishing & word pro- C.461 or lee. message 976- Host.. Department. apply in per cessing Paparothesls.nnum.s, 5072 son Monday Friday. 2-4PM 51 N BARF IT All'Slop shaving, raying reports. manu.ripts group WHATs 1,1 YOUR. San Pedro. San Jose IvreerIng or using chemical depth. projects welcome Student rates. MOUTH. trOm I FOR SALE tories 1.1 me perm..tty re 7 min gm campus 0,6806 McK. SUMMER SPORTS CAMP counselors move your unwanted hair (chin, (BERRYESSA area) To onsure ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HOMES needed from June 26-Aug 4 bikini. tummy, moustache. etc ) your paper's comptetion on frOrn $1 (U repair). Drillnquont a. 56 52 hour for greet. 1.n sum. 1- 15% discount to students and f sc. achedé re.rve your time early property. Repossessions Call 00.1 10* opportunity' Call De Afire uity Call before June 1. 1969 and El-923.7309 602-1130-8685. eel 0114250. College Sports Camp at 406-996. get your first appt at 1 2 price MATTRESS SETS. NEW!. BEDS!, 4886 for Into or app ACCURACY AND QUALITY of... Unwanted Hal, Disappears With Twin Profession.' typing, reasonable 105, full $89. queen $129, SUNNYVALE SOFTWARE Business My Care Gwen Chelgren. R F. king Term pap.. and 'intones Call $188 You gel both pl.. seeks s.retyry to handle various 5593500 1645 S Beacom Avre El/n.279-2221. 280 Meriden Bunkbede $129. Dedhamn swill- dull.. Professional. pleasant SC Heir Today Gone Tomor- 11 your bed isn't giving .. now phone manner. typing 55 worn row ANN'. WORD PROCESSING T... - you flu. comfort or the support Cr bp, bkkpg. shorthand. $13 hr Rood. - leffors No tine to type DESKTOP PUBI ISHING SERVICES you Ilk*, why not got a now bed? Full Or. call 745-023e your pap.? Cell Mary Ann ot Brochures. hype graphIc Our beds are .ry comfort.. & Ann's, Santa Clara. 241-5410 TELEMARKETING' APPOINTMENT MGHTECH RESUME DESIGNS of cheep. C. 94545. SETTING Part limo 5200 all fields up to xecullves We A-1 SECRETARY WITH COMPUTER 10. WEDDING DRESS - Si.. 6-4000, POSSIBLE, daily cosh Walking offer 20 postscript la., printed Close to ach.1 Available night Comm., b o Perfect for wed- distance horn crimpon triendiy copies of your resume plus 20 and day Rush lobs are my speci- 395-4927 ding. Cali supportive Mmosphere Al matching envelopes for just $30. ality Call Pam at (408)225-5025 or GREEK ternoon 11 evening shifts avail- FREE DEL IVERY Fineline 0. (4081220009 Classified able Good rot. & person.lity signs, (4151964-9163 CALL LINDA TODAY for experienced. Call BIAS at 296-3033 call typist who Is sperlenced in your 111C80101C. 00601611, legal DERGRADS Experienced MdIa HAPPY alRTHDAY to you. Floppy Join WSECU Your student Credit professional word pr..sing SPEEDY DELIVERY TYPING on cam- all formats (including APA) for all word proc.sIng needs Term pa- typist accepting bookings tor Birthday to you, Happy Birthday TUTORS NEEDED Teach high school Union-bon.. Include Tultion- wen Laser printer Theses. term pus Pick-up & dNiv.ry. 274-0000 your typing reed.( the.. Call ws. reports, r.umos. letters. Spring 1909 deodllne Student Deer INGRID & LAURIE. Happy student. 2 times (or more) ws frm Books-Computer Loans Com- papers, group protects, Cc All or beep.! Call 276-9463 Inds The Wrier Ty. 723 1714 group protects. mantels. Moses discount WORD PROCESSING Birthday to you! floppy 23rd on 530-7 30PM for 730-9 30PNI. petit,. Savings Rat. Free formats Including API etc Le., quality, All formats PL US 9234461 SUCCESS ENTERPRISE - Proles- Ito. 23rd to rny favorite B-Day glri- $10 hr Call Bill at (409)720-5810 Check Writing Cashing Manu St 75 page double spaced (10 EDP SERVICES experienced pro- plus APA, SPEI CHEK. puncher sional typing & 0061.00. tiers- busy on the 25th? L.'s ION into lecturer's Hanover GSL S Va- pffch) Quick return TrenscrIption 1.sional word processing, PROCESS IT WRITE, Faculty and oh, WANTED DATA ENTRY part-time. non grammar assistance Al Hos Fast, reasonable, 0 ...- the 70. .1 the BROOK DA L E, Loy. lusble Member Privileges Call services available Ai...- theses. resumes. letters. reports dente un rely on accurate min SO WPM. good communica- work gurenteed Er. Mak stor- rate Call 406-929.3025 GREAT GATSBY 947-7773 or drop by our office at Brenham area Phone 264-4504 Ju.I 15 minutes from cempus timely production of newsletters, English & ". P.INIffed Woken age Affordable .1..1 & facutry TYPING - WORDPROCESSING 8th and San Salvador CALL MRS MORTON at 266-9448 for Cali Evelyn. 270-8014 reports. resumes, publications. Spanish Contact PAC I UTRAN rotes, For protossenal. depend- TERM HELP WANTED manu.ripts. correspodencs 000 PAPERS- REPORTS (408)279-2050 I ATE NIGHT WORDPROCESSING- EDITING A WORD PROCESSING EVERGREEN WORDPROCESSING able worry4. service el its Wel WNI 10 in grammar spotting- THESES - RESUMES ADDRESS ENVELOPES 1500 00£ up Typing of term papersr.earcn protects On campus pickup delivery 101- PAM 247-1691 (S'Clare) resumes from 525 Do TNT COMPUTER WORKERS NEEDED TO stye events punctuetion For prompt. 7 day PROCESSING per week Send SASE RENTERIA 000 5.0 Jose' Call 926-0585 & roam.. Will gladly asaist 1.0 quality term papers group at SJSU R. Center, Shoreline GO WITH THE BEST' Top-quality sec- (409)972-1563 ASSOCIATES. P.0.Boo 3247. San grimmer. response. Pew message for punctuation, and sen- propels. theses. resumes. faculty reprIal **tyke for ALL your Amp SJ Cony CO end more Pow.* at (408) 200-111121 Jose, CA 95116 tence structure (knowledgablo on protects. etc APS, MLA. Turaben WORD PROCESSING, trenscriptIon Concerts. sports & prlyste per MOW Y FOR STUDENTS', We match WORD proc.sIng needs 01001, Turablan, APA, & Campbell 10, - formes 0.1 guar (27 yrs exp PROFESSIONAL TYPYING & WORD Tan* .Pers. Mown, resumes. ADDRESS ENVELOPES. $500 & up looking to tern students with available financial ics, chitils. letters. reports, manu- 1101 11 you are manuscripts mat. Equlprriont us. Word Call Roe 274-3684 (Wave rre.- PROCESSING 15 peers xpori- Fast turnaround par week. Send SASE -Ronteria tra rno.y based on your ay.11 aid regardless of grades or family scripts, resumes, term peps.. Perf.t & HPlaserJetll Consider- Free dell storage Eire...x.0 Assoclidea, P0. Roe 3247 5410 income L et our unique compute soge) Avellable 7 days week. slso Let our words work for Ressonable rat. fast ability. plea.. cell Slati Network typist tinci able business experience and lor June, July and August turn-around Close to C.V.. legal tran.rlber 365- C. 99156 Need 25 people (415) 366-9946 riled finding .rvice provide you you' Editing, gramme, a spell English motor We I OW 1393 with a custom ilst of sources mer ch.kIng All wort 4000 on Phone 792-4096 ATTENTION - HIRING, Government EVERYONE NEEDS TYPING some $45.$8 hr to shirt 50 positions ...p- GLEN.. WORD PROCESSING. After you 1111 oul data lout, our tine Why nub make the best 101. PS Las. Printer. or printing horn RESUME WRITING & TYPING SVC professlo.l. )obeyour area 517.940-969.465 eon Security, no elm nee FT PT, computer selects only tho. COMPUTER- 1.X.00wets rear Ham- pressen? A .011y-typed paper your disk Both IBM & Mac II corn- Redone I eppllutIons word pro- speedy ...vice twoonooto rat.. Cell 14102-113198665, Eel 94250 day swing grave shifts Weekly sources you are queliffed to re- ilton & Cerripbell Cell ogets a higher grade For the best putors Special studont me, Call cessing Car.. consultations 5 San Jo. REAP SERVICES, AUTOMATED VAC EOPMT OPERA - pay dental In. benefits We are call 2814.500 ceive. thus eneuring the best pos- SHIRIE Y at 379-3519 $t 50 per result. call Barbara el Printy s WORDWORKS at 253' Boy area's el proesslonel .ry. TOWS needed on graveyd .1119 looking for friendly people to sibie list Our service is low-cost Prir WRITE TYPE (406)9724430 WORD or 253WORK ice Cans. Canter, 1765 Scott WRIT.), RESEARCH, EDITING Vin- and weekend shlfl (211-40 hr work work In Hi-lech Apply VAN- and guarantied, Call or write Blvd, Sant. Clara, 243-4070 e/stew esp./Hoeft 800-777-7101 GUARD SECURITY. 3217 Scott DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD, This year, AN EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for MASTERS CANDIDATES AND UN- week) RquIros 1-3 yrs twitch or Student Ald Sorer... 108 F Fre- Blvd Santa Clara (belween San ..1.111=1111 also assembly ewe or equiv id In mont Au.. '76. Sunnyvale. Co Tomes 1101000) th 501.11ea0 or computer wog 94067. 1 -800-USA-1 221. cot 8153 Print Your Ad Here Must b. a U S clexen W. offer SM DIVERSIFIED Bus needs sett bM Pi ANNING A WEDDING, Looking for 100% education nerve Csit per recs. flex hr. Good starling (COtirlf ,rp)'r,3,e71,11t,k .50 'criers and spaces '0, 3C9l a nondenornInatIonal service 415493-1600, .45, VARIAN pay, excinl xp for resume, grth w personal vows? 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Landreaux can't wait to begin new job Martini, Veatch battle for QB spot Moraga - (AP) Paul Landreaux his appointment as replacement was named head named basket- for Lynn Nancea, the new coach 1{1 11.111 iii satiedra UCLA in the (1987) Freedom Bowl." ball coach at St. Mary's College at Washington. Four-man race narrows between Martini said playing tight end helped him devel- on Thursday and he couldn't wait Landreaux said his immediate What once was a tour man race for the No.1 Spring practice op as a quarterback. "I understand what's going to start working. priority is recruiting players to SJSU quarterback spot is now down to two. transfers as ends on in the interior of the line," he said. "I got to "All my life I've worked to pre- replace the five starters and two Ralph Martini, a redshin junior from BYU, and go down and hit a little bit." pare myself for this opportunity key bench players who graduated Matt Veatch. a junior college transfer from Butler son and watched Spartan home games from the SJSU was hampered with injuries at quarterback at the Divsion I level and plan on from a team that went 25-5 this College in Eldorado. Kan.. have "caught on to press box last year. in 1988, but should be more stacked at the posi- making the most of it," said year and made its first NCAA the system "Sitting in the press box next to coach Henson, tion this season. Landreaux. who rushed through tournament appearance in 30 sea- very fast" who was relaying signals to coach (Claude) "We have four capable football players." th e news conference announcing sons. and are Gilbert on the field, really helped, "Martini said. Henson said. "All four know what to do with the vying for "I learned what the terminology was all about." ball. We have more depth and a little more talent the starting While Martini was watching SJSU. Veatch, a 6- than last season." job as 4. 203-pound junior, was directing his junior col- All four players agree that the competition Spring foot- lege football team in Kansas. But Veatch is a keeps everyone motivated. ball practice long way from the Midwest and admits that the "Anytime you have an abundance of great ath- begins its passing game is more advanced on the West letes, it's better for the team," Centilli said. "It final week. Coast. helps me personally. It gives me more experi- but SJSU quar- "I felt confident coming out here, I'm quite ence." More Than terback and aways from where I'm from," Veatch said. "The Jordan, who transferred to SJSU last spring, is Ralph NI:Kinn %catch receivers style of play is a little more finesse out here. I) I coming back from two shoulder surgeries. "I just coach Dan Most teams back there are ball control. Out here. want to compete," he said. "I'm totally recovered. I ICIls011 most, not all, like to air it out." I just need to get game experience." Siiplumuire Greg Ceilidh. ho started two of But despite the difference in styles of play. But with Martini and Veatch battling for the top SJSC's last three games in 1988. and Mike Veatch said he is adjusting. "When you come in spot, Jordan's playing time may be limited. Copies Jordan. a redshirt junior college transfer from to a new program, you can't expect the world. I'm "We're basically set in our competition," Jordan Grossmont College are capable quarterbacks, but catching on pretty good. I need to work on my said. "It's hard because they're trying to get the des clip Floppy Disks laser Typesetting need more time to in the system. Henson consistency." guys ready for the season. I just have to wait my said. Martini was recruited as a quarterback at BYU, turn." FAX Service Instant Passport Photos Currently.. Martini and Veatch are receiving the but his only playing time came at tight end. The talent of the four quarte ',ticks in camp. most playing time. As a freshman, the native of Rocklin anticipated Martini said, has made SJSU thi.. ouch stronger. Resumes Stationery & "Both of them are throwing quarterbacks," playing quarterback for BYU's junior varsity "We all push ourselves," Martini said. "I know Collating & Binding Office Supplies Henson said. "We are pleased with their perfor- team, but three of the school's top five tight ends it's hard on the guys who aren't getting their turn. mance. These two have the edge.'' were injured, and he was asked to change posi- Everyone's trying hard and I feel the best guy will Martini, a b -toot -3. 217 -pound junior, actually tions. step forward." has had more time to learn SJS1 's offensive sys- "I caught a touchdown in each of my first two And that step. Henson said, will be taken at the tei, Ile tran.r.,ied from BY( aner the 1987 sea- games." he said. "I also caught a pass against end of this week. kinkoss. Grand jury concludes football coaches conducted illegal steroid program the copy center Columbia, S.C. (AP)A federal very few stones that have been left team.- lions. Y13 E. fan Carla, 45t 3/0 /.5 3rd 51 grand jury has ended its probe of unturned." The charges facing the four coach- /3erween Olt& 1 !lb& Acrcw from McDonald, alleged steroid use among ex -South Meanwhile, the university has The three coaches also were es are all misdeameanors. If con- 295-55?? 295 -1336 Carolina football players with the reopened an internal investigation charged wcdnesday with importing victed on all four counts, the three indictments against four former into the charges, athletic director steroids into South Carolina and dis- could be sentenced to a maximum Gamecock assistant coaches, three King Dixon said. pensing the drugs without prescrip- of four years and fined $301.000. *Not all ,ervices available at all iocal ions of whom allegedly encouraged and James W. Washburn, Thomas E. __ monitored the use of the muscle- Gadd and Thomas Kurusc were building drugs by athletes. charged with "conspiring to conduct "This has been a very thorough a program of illegal steroid use by investigation," U.S. Attorney Vinton members of the athletic Lide said at a news conference community...particulary by mem- Wednesday. "I think that there arc bers of the university's football 1. 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