2003 The Plan The vision for seven historic lands on or near the foreshores of Sydney Harbour. A plan to create a lasting legacy for the people of Sydney and Australia and to weave these special places into the life of the city. 2003 Copyright © Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 2003. First published 2003 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Director, Communications, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, PO Box 607, Mosman, NSW 2088 or email to
[email protected] For more information about the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust or to view this publication online, visit the website at: www.harbourtrust.gov.au Design: Harry Williamson Design Partnership Photography: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, National Parks and Wildlife Service, National Artillery Museum, State Library of NSW, National Archives of Australia, Museum of Sydney, Hunters Hill Historical Society, Simon Kenny. Paintings: Nick Hollo Printer: The Image Machine 2 SYDNEY HARBOUR FEDERATION TRUST 2003 Contents 5 SUMMARY 8 FOREWORD 11 Section 1. Introduction Introduction Vision The Trust Approach to Planning Land to Which the Plan Applies How the Plan Works 19 PART A – PLANNING CONTEXT, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES 21 Section 2. Planning Context Planning in the Whole Harbour Context Requirements of the SHFT Act Outcomes of Public Consultation Relationship