Manuel De Landa | 336 pages | 01 Nov 2000 | ZONE BOOKS | 9780942299328 | English | New York, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History PDF Book

Quotes from A Thousand Years It also has the side-effect of making the body of the chapter look very small, and this has made it quite difficult and tiring to read. In that case, we can't The result is an entirely novel approach to the study of human societies and their always mobile, semi- stable forms, cities, economies, technologies, and languages. It's a suggestive start. Mar 07, Szplug added it. De Landa walks you through myriads of systems storytelling into the philosophical world of Lavas and Magmas, Flesh and Genes, and Memes and Norms on a quest, not for optimum efficiency or evolutionary fitness, but f A Thousand Years of NonLinear History is a must read for anyone remotely interested in cylical or systems thinking. But a nagging sense never quite left me, that it might ultimately be kind of stupid, a kind of zero-resistance articulation of how people generally think about things nowadays. Upon a second reading, "A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History" is more suggestive than descriptive and necessarily so given the intellectual quicksand it's trying to build upon, as we shall see. One side remark: as an historian I cannot but note that for his historical facts and views De Landa constantly refers to Fernand Braudel, William H. As mentioned in the first paragraph of this review, the names of the parts are metaphors for the content within them. To approach the history of mankind with the same model as a scientists approaches a thermodynamics problem could be one of the most ingenious ideas I've read to date. So, even though there is alot of similarity between say, the nutrition acquisition network of bees and the geographic routes taken by drug addicts when they need a fix -- the two disciplines of study never meet. Feb 28, Richard Smyth rated it it was amazing Shelves: philosophy , energonomics , history. De Lanada uses this approach in relation to linguistics, biology and genetics, and to show how, in the case of all of these phenomena, rather than it being a case of intentional transformations which conditioned the adoption of new steady states, for example, the emergence of new languages a language itself being a steady state but which itself contains variability in the form of dialects , it is rather a process deriving from creolization or pidginization leading to the condensation of new languages, or not, in a manner entirely consonant with the nature of the matter in question, that is language, and the selection pressures that were brought to bare upon it. Oct 24, Sara-Maria Sorentino rated it really liked it Shelves: time-history. De Landa attacks three domains that have given shape to human societies: economics, biology, and linguistics. Yet, despite this deliberate conflation, the phenomena under discussion always seem clear. Had a great time, though. Although A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History should not be used as the main text for any of the topics covered it provides much useful background reading. Enlarge cover. See Also. Jan 23, Mark rated it really liked it Recommends it for: greeners, Baker, pretty much anyone. Better still, his prose is smooth and lively. Original Title. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History Writer

I don't know, but the premise of this book is fascinating and its bright, rainbow design keeps calling to me from over in the corner where it sits flirting atop an under-read pile of modern philosophy. A really, really difficult read for me. Upon a second reading, "A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History" is more suggestive than descriptive and necessarily so given the intellectual quicksand it's trying to build upon, as we shall see. Better still, his prose is smooth and lively. Jul 13, Jenni rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction. Therefore, not only is this book literally about a thousand years, but it is also titled as a homage to "A Thousand Plateaus", the work it most strongly borrows from. My edition was published by Zone Books which seems to believe that games with layout and fonts are fun. Welcome back. Categorised as: Books , Reviews 3 Comments. Simultaneously, the behavior of large systems is path-dependent, and understanding their physical dynamics requires understanding their history. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. After finishing it I felt exhilarated and started recommending it to everybody. See Also. This also applies to symbolic systems, as the specification of a programming language allows for a variety of programs. Also, it not deep enough in subject matter to justify this level of verbosity. This book was cool. In short, geological and economic intensification and the development of new technological 'autocatalytic' cycles at the cost of biological homogeneousness and stratification, with a key intensification of those processes around the industrial revolution. Read more The striking front cover design makes the book stand out on a bookshelf — although the complexity of this cover design hinders the reading of the blurb on the back — one of the first places a prospective reader will look for information about the book. The choice of font size throughout the book is also interesting. It also has the side-effect of making the body of the chapter look very small, and this has made it quite difficult and tiring to read. Sep 06, James Curcio rated it really liked it Shelves: immanence-of-myth. In that case, we can't How's that for a massively mixed metaphor? In the case of economics other interesting examples which De Landa provides are the role of favorable trade winds in the case of the colonial success of Portugal, or the role of disease in the Spanish conquest of Mexico the Spanish would not have been able to exploit Mexico to anywhere near the extent they did were it not for the diseases which they carried. Dec 05, Simon Benarroch rated it really liked it. He makes so much effort on "analogies" bringing our perspective on a different space and time perception; different history evaluation; still it takes us nowhere Linear phenomena refer to those whose systems will subsist in a steady state; those whose functioning unfolds in a consistent fashion. I recall it taking me a long time, and unevenly so, with some pages dragging on for months, and other pages coming by much faster; rapidities and slowness appropriate to this book of historical dynamics. Showing Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Apr 19, Alis rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction , in-translation. Robin Wilson says:. So the book was a good read for me as I'm familiar with much of the above material. Amazon Although A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History should not be used as the main text for any of the topics covered it provides much useful background reading. The result is an entirely novel approach to the study of human societies and their always mobile, semi-stable forms, cities, economies, technologies, and languages. There was one mention of Wallerstein that was rather dismissive, although he did seem to use his concept of the refeudalization of Eastern Europe in the early modern period. Manuel DeLanda. Publication Date:. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History Reviews

Following in the wake of his groundbreaking work War in the Age of Intelligent Machines , Manuel De Landa presents a brilliant, radical synthesis of historical development of the last thousand years. Categorised as: Books , Reviews 3 Comments. Publication Date:. Enlarge cover. In that case, we can't Other Editions 7. Is De Landa one of those PoMo intellectuals whom Sokal takes to task for dressing in logorrheic robes of difficult language what is, at heart, meaningless gibberish? Jan 15, Michael rated it it was amazing Shelves: aaa-favornonfiction , science , philosophycrit , religion , nonfiction , translation , pomo , historicity , deleuze-gilles , aaa-top-translation. I recall it taking me a long time, and unevenly so, with some pages dragging on for months, and other pages coming by much faster; rapidities and slowness appropriate to this book of historical dynamics. I read this and feel like I really know something! Feb 28, Richard Smyth rated it it was amazing Shelves: philosophy , energonomics , history. The explanation of the negative and positive feedback dynamics is clear, as is their application to the historical contexts physical, genetic, and linguistic development in Western Europe and the "neo-Europes" it created over the last millenium. McNeill and . There was one mention of Wallerstein that was rather dismissive, although he did seem to use his concept of the refeudalization of Eastern Europe in the early modern period. Yet, despite this deliberate conflation, the phenomena under discussion always seem clear. Nov 05, Nick Black marked it as to- read. In this reading, I think this vagueness is deliberate, a means of avoiding 'a stratification of meaning', instead seeking to keep these matters in a state of suggestiveness. Apr 19, Alis rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction , in-translation. One side remark: as an historian I cannot but note that for his historical facts and views De Landa constantly refers to Fernand Braudel, William H. December 8, at am. Manuel De Landa is philosopher working with the material the philosopher , who seems not to have created so much a philosophy as network of related, partially-consistent philosophies, in line with the logic of the philosophy itself. He flows from one logical illustration to the next without ever failing to footnote. Amazon Link When dipping into a chapter entitled Geological History AD one would expect to find information on rock types, the development of landforms and possibly the history of the development of geological thought. Having said that, the claim that these 'abstract machines' aren't merely metaphorical suffers under this vagueness. As an example of such a metaphor, consider mineralization: the development of bones leads to a variety of new body plans available to evolution, while similarly the development of the built environment of cities lead to new possibilities for social arrangement. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Following in the wake of his groundbreaking work War in the Age of Intelligent Machines , Manuel De Landa presents a brilliant, radical synthesis of historical development of the last thousand years. It also has the side-effect of making the body of the chapter look very small, and this has made it quite difficult and tiring to read. Jan 03, David rated it it was amazing Shelves: read , life-syllabus. Jun 11, Dave rated it really liked it. How's that for a massively mixed metaphor? The choice of font size throughout the book is also interesting. Quotes from A Thousand Years Which, as a double major in English literature and environmental science, makes a whole lot of sense to me. Paperback , pages. I fawn over Gilles Deleuze the way a 12 year old girl fawns over the Jonas Brothers. Jul 13, Jenni rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction. I don't accept that argument and therefore found it to be an unconnected bundle of assertions with little throughline and no evidence. The development of these energy networks is an example of the so-called 'double articulation', through which some sedimentations 'content' then lead to the possibilities of a profusion of new arrangements 'expression'. More filters. This is a hard book. Jan 23, Mark rated it really liked it Recommends it for: greeners, Baker, pretty much anyone. This idea of nonlinearity is extended throughout the book to cover different types of nonlinear development such as hierarchies and meshworks and is used as part of the explanation for many areas of geographical development. Mescaline does something to your sense of scale. By this he means that for instance the evolution of languages and other products of human culture isn't different from the formation of rocks: they are all subjected to the same kind of structural processes. Want to Read saving…. Following in the wake of his groundbreaking work War in the Age of Intelligent Machines , Manuel De Landa presents a brilliant, radical synthesis of historical development of the last thousand years. It's a suggestive start.

A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History Read Online

Friend Reviews. De Landa offers, as far as I have understood, a materialistic view on history. Community Reviews. It takes a new approach to almost every topic covered and provides much food for thought. Amazon Link. Summary: Very unusual approach, but also provides an interesting new view of geography. Details if other :. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. This also applies to symbolic systems, as the specification of a programming language allows for a variety of programs. Less so by chapter 5. Feb 26, Andrew added it Shelves: theeeeeeory , deleuze- deleuzeans. Average rating 4. Sep 25, Spacious rated it it was ok. Human history is a symphony and De Landa chooses to play 3 difficult instruments: biology, economics and linguistics. Manuel DeLanda. You can see your mental view expand from planets to solar systems to galaxies, and find it recapitulate itself in the order of the molecules stitching together the cells in your body. The result is an entirely novel approach to the study of human societies and their always mobile, semi-stable forms, cities, economies, technologies, and languages. No trivia or quizzes yet. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Nonlinear dynamics refers to systems which will change state, either through positive or negative feedback mechanisms, where a system will function via an accumulative or diminutive dynamic such that general states can be switched over into new general states. I wanted to rip out all the 18pt pages and shove them so far up the large intestine of the layout designer that he or she would have My edition was published by Zone Books which seems to believe that games with layout and fonts are fun. The aforementioned final chapter of this book on linguistics was one of the most profound and insightful essays that I have ever read. De Landa attacks three domains that have given shape to human societies: economics, biology, and linguistics. A Thousand Years of NonLinear History is a must read for anyone remotely interested in cylical or systems thinking. Bypassing post-structuralist jargon and posturing, De Landa illuminates some of the most difficult and compelling passages from A Thousand Plateaus and applies Deleuzian concepts like Body Without Organs and Abstract Machines to familiar historical events and processes, with fascinating results. I assume this was chosen to accentuate the introduction and conclusion of each chapter — and in some ways that is a good aim. So the book was a good read for me as I'm familiar with much of the above material. Refresh and try again. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The source of all concrete forms in the West's history, rather, is shown to derive from internal morphogenetic capabilities that lie within the flow of matter--energy itself. Although A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History should not be used as the main text for any of the topics covered it provides much useful background reading. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/58fcdc5d-8c57-41eb-9f0f-448c74279f97/i-know-why-the-caged-bird-sings-level-6-661.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/mateodanielssonhc/files/ceres-celestial-legend-suzumi-v-3-suzumi-487.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/83ecdf08-3352-411d-af9d-b55f299e7148/how-to-be-a-homoeopathic-healer-8.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/ronjajohanssonhk/files/design-of-multi-bit-delta-sigma-ad-converters-373.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9584833/UploadedFiles/4EB8D81E-3753-2FBB-849F-FAD10F0D8C98.pdf