Contract Name: Concreting of Brgv. Catmonan-Sitio Libio FMR, Baranoav Ulbujan and Catmonan, Calape, Bohol
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t- Depaftment of Public Works and Highways Contract ID: 19HA02O0 Contract Name: Concreting of Brgv. Catmonan-Sitio Libio FMR, Baranoav Ulbujan and Catmonan, Calape, Bohol l-ocation of the Contract: Calape, Bohol DPWH Bohol 1$ District Engineering Office New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NO. 1 Subiect: Chanqes in the Contract Name This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH New Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. Catmonan-Sitio Concreting of Brgy. Catmonan-Sitio Libjo, Libjo FMR, Barangay Ulbujan and Brgy. Ulbujan FMR, Brgy. Catmonan and Catmonan, Calape, Bohol Brgy. Ulbujan, Calape, Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral part of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. BEN N R. SERNA Dates of Publication Oct. 15, 2019 - Oct. 23t 2OL9 Posted in the DPWH Website and PhiIGEPS Depaftment of Public Works and Highways Contract ID: 19HA0201 Contract Name: Concretinq of Brcy, Camias-Sitio Manqqa, Brqi. Soioton FMR, Calape, Bohol Location of the Contract: Calape, Bohol DPWH Bohol 1* District Engineering Office New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NO. 1 Subject: Chanqes in the Contract Name Tagbilaran City This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH I Uew Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. Camias-Sitio I Concreting of Brgy. Camias-Sitio Mangga, Mangga, Brgy. Sojoton FMR, Calape, I Brgy. Sojoton FMR, Brgy. Camias and Bohol I Brsv. Calaoe. Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral paft of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. Dates of Publication Oct. 15, 2019 - Oct. 24 zOLg Posted in the DPWH Website and PhiIGEPS Depaftment of public Works and Highways Contract iD: 19HA02O2 contract Name: concrctinq of Brcv. ouinaoon-an FMR, ouinaoon-an, Antequera, Bohol Location of the Contract: Anteouera, Bohol DPWH Bohol 1st District Engineering ffice New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NO. 1 Subject: Changes in the Contract Name Iagbilaran City This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH New Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. Quinapon-an, Concreting of Brgy. Quinapon-an FMR, FMR, Quinapon-an, Antequera, Bohol Brgy. Quinapon-an, Antequera, Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral part of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. BEN N R. SERNA BAC Chailman Datesof Publication Oct. Lr2ALg -Oct. ZS,ZAL9 Posted in the DpwH website and philGEps Depaftment of Public Works and Highways Contract ID: 19HAO203 Contract Name: Concretino of Brqv, San Roque FMR, Coftes' Bohol Location of the Contract: Coftes, Bohol DPWH Bohol l't District Engineering Office New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NOJ Subiect: Chanoes in the Contract Name This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents- (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH I New Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. San Roque FMR, I Concreting of Brgy. San Roque FMR, Brgy. Cortes, Bohol I San Roque, Cortes, Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral paft of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. BEN N R. SERNA BAC Chairman Dates of Publication Oct. 15, 2019 - Oct. 23t 2OL9 Posted in the DPWH Website and Ph|IGEPS - Department of Public Works and Highways Contract ID: 19HA02O6 Contract Name: Concretinq of Brcy. Canlaas FMR, Canlaas, Antequera, Bohol Location of the Contract: Antequera, Bohol DPWH Bohol l't District Engineering ffice New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NO. 1 Subject: Changes in the Contract Name fagbilaran City This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH I New Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. Canlaas FMR, I Concreting of Brgy. Canlaas FMR, Brgy. Canlaas, Antequera, Bohol I Canlaas, Antequera, Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral pat of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. BEN N R. SERNA BAC Chairman Dates of Publication Oct, L5,zALg - Oct. 2% ZOL9 Posted in the DPWH website and Ph|IGEPS Depaftment of Public Works and Highways Contract ID: 19HA0207 Contract Name: Concretinq of Brov. Danicoo FMR, Danicop, Antequera, Bohol Location of the Contract: Antequera, Bohol DPWH Bohol 1s District Engineering Office New Capitol Site, Cogon District Tagbilaran City SUPPLEMENTAL BULLETIN NO. 1 Subject: Changes in the Contract Name l-agbilaran City This Supplemental Bulletin No. 1 is issued to amend provisions in the Bidding Documents (BDs) for the above stated Contract, as follows: As Posted in PhilGeps and DPWH I New Contract Name: Website: Concreting of Brgy. Danicop FMR, I Concreting of Brgy. Danicop FMR, Brgy. Danicop, Antequera, Bohol I Danicop, Antequera, Bohol This Supplemental Bulletin shall form an integral paft of the said Bidding Documents. For guidance and information of all concerned. BEN ALT'EN R. SERNA BAC Chailman Dates of Publication Oct. L+ zOLg - Oct. 29t ZOL9 Posted in the DPWH Website and PhiIGEPS.