Extensions of Remarks E954 HON. JERROLD NADLER HON

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Extensions of Remarks E954 HON. JERROLD NADLER HON E954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 21, 2004 TRIBUTE TO TONY RANDALL those people with retardation who were con- the battlefield and our nation will be more se- sidered educable or trainable. By the close of cure at home. HON. JERROLD NADLER its first decade, it recognized the critical impor- This moment is also a source of pride for OF NEW YORK tance of getting services to people with devel- me as I have personally secured billions of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opmental delays at the youngest possible age, dollars in missile system work for Lockheed the unit established a nursery school for chil- Thursday, May 20, 2004 Martin-Pike County over the last decade— dren with special needs. work that has not only benefited the local Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with In the 1960s the families of the Morris Unit economy but made it possible for our nation to great sadness to mourn the loss of award-win- continued to make strides to change the world succeed in the face of an ever elusive enemy. ning actor and passionate social activist Tony for people with mental retardation. A second Of particular note, I have personally advo- Randall who passed away Monday night, May nursery school was opened and in 1969 a site cated the further development of the THAAD 17th. Though most remembered for his was dedicated as Camp Sundial in Chester. anti-missile system which is also noting a comedic role as Felix Unger in the T.V. series Federal legislation, which provided in- milestone this month—the first rollout at the ‘‘The Odd Couple,’’ Mr. Randall was a truly creased funding and mandated more stringent Lockheed Martin-Pike County plant. THAAD is versatile performer with a career on stage and standards for institutions, was enacted, and an important component of our layered de- screen spanning over sixty years. more significantly, the appropriateness of insti- fense against a ballistic missile threat. After serving four years in the army during tutional care ‘‘per se’’ began to be questioned. World War II, where he rose to the rank of Advocates came together to create a service I am proud of the contributions of the 286 Lieutenant, Mr. Randall made many radio and to fill this need. They raised the funds nec- workers of Lockheed Martin-Pike County to theater appearances, garnering numerous ac- essary to open the first Adult Activities Pro- keep our country safe. Job well done. colades from critics. By the early 1950s, Mr. gram, a forerunner of their Adult Training and Randall made the shift to television, with his Rehabilitation Centers. By the end of the f Emmy-nominated role of schoolteacher Har- 1970s, the Morris County Recreation Consor- vey Weskit in ‘‘Mr. Peepers.’’ Soon after, he tium was created, and the Early Childhood En- NAVAJO NATION HIGHER added movies to his resume, with principal richment programs developed, both of which EDUCATION ACT OF 2004 roles in films like the Doris Day-Rock Hudson would later evolve into programs that would comedy ‘‘Pillow Talk,’’ earning the title from represent a new era in community-based serv- HON. RICK RENZI Life magazine of ‘‘the finest . comedian the ices. movies have found in decades.’’ He crowned In October 1982, they dedicated their first OF ARIZONA his career with his Emmy-award winning role Adult Training Center, located in Flanders. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the worrywart Felix Unger in the Odd Cou- the 1980’s and 1990’s the ARC/Morris County ple, a role that brought him a legion of fans. Chapter continued to expand and diversify its Thursday, May 20, 2004 However, Tony Randall will be remembered programs and services and also developed Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- as more than just an actor. He was also a de- many group homes that allowed for greater troduce the Navajo Nation Higher Education voted social activist who for 30 years held the independent living. This organization went Act of 2004. position of National Chairman of the Myas- from a small parent support group, to a move- In 1868, the United States of America thenia Gravis Foundation, an organization ment that changed millions of lives for the bet- signed a treaty with the Navajo Tribe of Indi- dedicated to finding a cure for the terrible neu- ter, and along the way, countless other lives ans to provide for the education of the citizens romuscular disease, Myasthenia. Whether it and communities have benefited and will con- of the Navajo Nation. At this time, the United was his vociferous anti-smoking lobbying, his tinue to well into the future. States government recognized the trust re- anti-Apartheid campaign, or his attempt to Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- sponsibility to serve the educational needs of save the old Metropolitan Opera house, Mr. leagues in the House of Representatives join the Navajo people. Randall worked with passion and zeal. Mr. with me in congratulating the Association of Randall brought this same passion to the Na- Retarded Citizens of Morris County, and all of In 1968, the Navajo Nation created and tional Actors Theater, which he founded in the Association’s outstanding staff, employees chartered the Navajo Community College as a 1991, dedicated to bringing classic works to and volunteers, upon celebrating its 50th Anni- wholly-owned educational entity of the Navajo the public for reasonable prices. versary. Nation. In 1971, Congress affirmed this effort by the Navajo Nation and enacted the Navajo His tireless devotion to his craft and to so- f cial justice should be an example to us all. I Community College Act. In 1997, the Navajo would like to extend my deepest condolences RECOGNIZING LOCKHEED MARTIN- Nation officially changed the name of the Nav- to Mr. Randall’s wife and two children. For PIKE COUNTY’S 10TH ANNIVER- ajo Community College to Dine´ College. years he has touched millions of Americans. SARY OF SERVICE TO AMERICA Mr. Speaker, the Navajo Nation Higher Edu- He will be sorely missed. cation Act reauthorizes the 1971 Navajo Com- f HON. TERRY EVERETT munity College Act and modernizes the statute OF ALABAMA by including the mission statement and Navajo HONORING 50 YEARS OF HISTORY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES education philosophy of Dine´ College. Dine´ Thursday, May 20, 2004 College educates students by applying the HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN principles of Dine´ philosophy to advance qual- OF NEW JERSEY Mr. EVERETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ity student learning through training of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES salute a milestone in the defense of our Na- heart and the mind. tion. This month, Lockheed Martin’s Pike Over the years, facilities at Dine´ College Thursday, May 20, 2004 County, Alabama missile assembly facility will have deteriorated, creating serious health Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise mark ten years of production. safety risks to students, employees and the today to honor the Association of Retarded This event is more than an anniversary. It public. This legislation provides funding to ad- Citizens of Morris County, New Jersey in my represents a decade of service to America’s dress Dine´ College’s facility needs such as Congressional District. The ARC is celebrating defense preparedness by some of the finest, modernization, repair and rehabilitation. In ad- fifty years of providing excellence in commu- best trained workers in the nation. dition, this important legislation requires a sur- nity service. Lockheed Martin-Pike County has become vey and study of Dine´ College’s facility needs. In July of 1953, several families in Morris synonymous with both precision craftsmanship County formed a unit of the New Jersey Par- and on-target results. Some of the most ad- Finally, to ensure equitable funding for Dine´ ents Group for Retarded Children. They soon vanced military weapon assets on the battle- College, the Navajo Nation Higher Education began to fill the void and developed their own field have rolled off, and continue, to roll off Act provides funding for Dine´ College separate services; the Play Center was established as the assembly lines at the Pike County facility. from the other tribal colleges and universities. well as the Teen Club. Several years later, the From the Hellfire, to the JASSM, to the Jav- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- first scouting program serving boys with men- elin, to the Predator, to the soon to be pro- port the Navajo Nation Higher Education Act tal retardation was added. The groups advo- duced THAAD and LAM systems, Lockheed of 2004. It is our government’s responsibility to cated with local school districts, and, out of Martin-Pike County is the final assembly point provide educational opportunities to the Nav- those efforts, special classes were started for and the guarantee that lives will be saved on ajo people in a safe and healthy environment. VerDate May 04 2004 04:36 May 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20MY8.118 E21PT1.
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