THURNBY & BUSHBY PARISH COUNCIL Sue Bloy, Clerk to the Parish Council 0116 2786280 17 Shetland Way, Countesthorpe Email:
[email protected] Leicester, LE8 5PU _________________________________________________________________________________ MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT THE HILL COURT COMMUNITY CENTRE, MAIN STREET, BUSHBY, ON MONDAY 9 MARCH 2020, AT 7.00 P.M. PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mrs A Burrell, Mrs E Derrick; Mrs K Goodacre, Mrs E Hale, Mr R Lamming, Mrs V Poole and Mrs M Wakley District and County Councillor: Mr S Galton District Councillor: Mr P Elliott Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the Public: There were no members of the public present ACTION 20/50 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Mr J King. In addition, apologies for late arrival were received from County/District Cllr Mr S Galton. 20/51 CO-OPTION TO THE PARISH COUNCIL It was proposed by Mrs E Derrick and seconded by Mr R Lamming that Mrs V Poole be co-opted onto the Parish Council. This was RESOLVED. Mrs Poole completed the following: Declaration of Acceptance of Office; Register of Member’s Interests; Dispensation Request: and, Electronic Service of Summons forms and joined the meeting. It was reported that Mrs S Johnstone has tendered her resignation from the Parish Council. On behalf of the Parish Council, Mr H Gopsill expressed thanks for Mrs Johnstone’s valuable contributions. 20/52 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST No requests had been received. 20/53 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2020 The minutes of the above meeting were approved and signed as a true record, subject to the following corrections: “… the addition to minute 20/15 …” (minute 20/29, line 2 refers) and “cases” (minute 20/39, refers).