758 History and Antiquities of Leicestershire
758 HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LEICESTERSHIRE. riam suam. Et 8ns Robertus Grimbaud & Wiltus Sitheston, co. Leicester; whereupon John duke of Grimbaud sunt fundatores, in liberam, puram, & per-, Lancaster, of whom, as in right of the honour of Lei- petuam eleemosinam. Et ipsi tenent de honore Hun- cester, the said manor of Morton was held, seized the tynuon de parte de Hastyng. Et ctnus abbas habet said Margery, his surviving daughter, and John the cartas diversorum regum Anglie de donationibus & de son of Maud, so begotten as aforesaid, as his wards • omnibus libertatibus suis dicte abbatie contingentibus. granting them to John de Stafford his clerk; who, to " Apud Knossyngton. Prefatus abbas tenet duas prevent that ill-begotten child of enjoying the inhe- carucatas terne de Koberto de Chevercourt de Wy- ritance, made him a canon-regular of Ouston, where vordeby ; & ipse tenet per quartam partem unius he died IO. , feodi, k tenet rie honore de Tykel in capite. In 1375, John de Hastings earl of Pembroke died " Apud Newbolt'. Prefatus abbas tenet in domi- seised of one knight's fee, with the appurtenances, in nico duas virgatas rerre, in villenagio duas virgatas Osolveston, which the abbot of Ofolveston held ir. terre; & tenet de Jofte de Haveneston, in liberam, June 12, 1378, a receipt occurs, from William de puram, & perpetuam eleemosinam." Berford, cuftos feodorum of Thomas lojd Ros of Hame- 5. These extracts are followed by an inquisition, lake, for $s. paid by the abbot and convent of Ofol- taken 17 Henry II!. at a county court, on the oaths of veston, as an aid towards making the eldest son of the William Child of Billesdon, William son of Nicholas of said lord Thomas a knight I2.
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