
Native Recommended for Landscaping From Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s website (www.cmnh.org)

The list below includes an array of important native plant that we recommend for landscaping. These plants provide animals with vital protection, food and nesting sites. is arranged in alphabetical order by common name. Each species can have several different common names, so when you are shopping for a specific plant we advise you to refer to it by its scientific name.

Woodland Wildflowers Common Name Scientific Name False solomon’s seal Smilacina racemosa Spring beauty , large white Trout lily Violet, common blue Viola papilionacea bluebells virginica Wild geranium Wild canadense Wild blue phlox

Well-Drained Meadow and Roadside Species Common Name Scientific Name Aster, New England Aster novae-angliae Aster, panicled Aster simplex Canada lily canadense Garden phlox Goldenrod, tall Meadow-rue, tall Thalictrum polyganum Milkweed, common Wild bergamot

Evergreen Ground Cover and Common Name Scientific Name , Christmas Polystichum acrostichoides Fern, intermediate intermedia Fern, marginal shield Foamflower Partridgeberry repens procumbens Native Plants Recommended for Landscaping (continued)

Wet Meadow and Pond Shores Common Name Scientific Name Boneset Bur-reed, greater False dragonhead Goldenrod, late Goldenrod, rough-leaved Solidago patula Iris, common blue flag Ironweed, tall gigantea Joe-pye weed Eupatorium fistulosum Lizard’s tail Lobelia, great blue Milkweed, swamp Monkey Sneezeweed Vervain, blue

Deciduous Ferns Common Name Scientific Name Fern, lady Athyrium filix-femina Fern, silvery glade Athyrium thelypterioides Fern, Thelypteris noveboracensis

Woodland Common Name Scientific Name Spicebush benzoin , maple-leaved Witch Hazel

Small /Shrubs to Control Erosion Common Name Scientific Name , speckled Aspen, bigtooth Populus grandidentata Aspen, quaking Hop hornbeam Sassafras Sumac, staghorn , diamond Salix eriocephala Willow, sandbar Salix exigua Native Plants Recommended for Landscaping (continued)

Shrubs That Provide Cover and Food for Birds Common Name Scientific Name Viburnum, Arrowwood Viburnum recognitum Blueberry, high-bush Dogwood, silky Dogwood, red osier Cornus stolonifera Nannyberry Serviceberry, downy

Large Trees Common Name Scientific Name Basswood, American Birch, yellow Buckeye, glabra magnolia Hemlock, eastern Maple, red Maple, sugar Oak, bur Oak, white Oak, red Tuliptree Tupelo

Small Forest Trees Common Name Scientific Name Hop hornbeam Ostrya virginiana Ironwood, musclewood Pawpaw Serviceberry, downy Amelanchier arborea Willow, black Plants to Avoid When Landscaping From Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s website (www.cmnh.org)

The plant list below includes non-native, invasive plants to avoid when landscaping. Those considered most invasive in our region are denoted by an asterisk (*). The invasive plants on this list encroach upon and severely threaten natural plant communities. They spread aggressively, crowd out native plants and create monocultures that threaten the habitats of native wildlife.

Non-native Trees, Shrubs and Scientific Name Common Name Norway maple Ailanthus altissim of heaven * European alder Ampelopsis brevipedunculata porcelain Japanese barberry * European white birch * Japanese bittersweet bladder senna angustifolia Russian * autumn olive alatus winged spindle-tree * Chinese spindle-tree racemosa pearl-bush * common privet *Lonicera x bella Bell’s honeysuckle * Japanese honeysuckle * Amur honeysuckle *Lonicera morrowi Morrow’s honeysuckle Tartarian honeysuckle prunifolia Chinese crabapple white mulberry white poplar * common buckthorn *Rhamnus frangula European buckthorn black locust dog Rosa eglanteria sweetbrier * multiflora rose Salix fragilis crack willow basket willow Siberian elm * European high-bush cranberry Plants to Avoid When Landscaping (continued)

Non-Native Herbaceous Plants Scientific Name Common Name * goutweed * mustard * mugwort smooth brome Centaurea maculosa spotted knapweed greater celandine * Canada thistle bull-thistle poison hemlock common bindweed Coronilla varia crown vetch *Dipsacus laciniatus cut- teasel *Dipsacus sylvestris common teasel *Duchesnea indica Indian * hairy willow-herb cypress spurge tall fescue Galium odorata sweet woodruff * English ivy day lily Hieracium aurantiacum devil’s paintbrush velvet grass * yellow flag * purple loosestrife Melilotus alba white sweet clover *Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian water-milfoil European naiad nutans drooping Bethlehem-bells * Bethlehem-bells * terminalis pachysandra sativa wild * reed * giant reed grass *Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese knotweed crispus curly-leaved pondweed *Ranunculus ficaria lesser celandine bouncing bet sow thistle Sorghum halepense * narrow-leaved cattail *Typha x glauca hybrid cattail thapsus common mullein * myrtle