ST.ST THOMAS MORE NEWMANN CENTER TheT Roman Catholic Campus Ministry for TThe !" W.W LaLane Ave.A CoColumbus, OH "#‚ Phone: (!") €-"!$" Fax: (!") €-‚!% [email protected]

NEWMAN CENTER STAFF Fr. Ed Nowak, C.S.P., Director [email protected] Fr. Charlie Donahue, C.S.P., Pastoral Associate [email protected] Fr. Evan Cummings, C.S.P., Pastoral Associate [email protected] Fr. Vinny McKiernan, C.S.P., Pastoral Associate SACRAMENTAL [email protected] PREPARATION Amanda Compton, Director of Development MASS SCHEDULE [email protected] Marriage, Baptism of Children, Weekends Cheryl Hoon, Business Administrator First Reconciliation, and Saturday: %:#‚ p.m. [email protected] First Eucharist: Celebrated for active Sunday: ‚ a.m., noon, ! p.m., € p.m. Cheryl Robinson, Communications Associate members of the Newman Center. Please [email protected] Weekdays contact a Pastoral Associate or visit Dan Kochensparger, Building Manager M, W, F: :"% p.m. [email protected] Monday - Friday: %:#‚ p.m. Eric Utsler, Pastoral Associate and Music Minister Tuesday: :#‚ p.m. at the OSU Wexner The Rite of Christian Initiation of [email protected] Medical Center Atrium Adults (RCIA): Welcomes adults into Joanne Carmody, Donor Relations Coordinator Thursday: :#‚ p.m. at the Sanctuary full membership in the . [email protected] in The James Cancer Hospital Please contact a Pastoral Associate Karen Broering, Coordinator of Liturgy and Catechesis or visit [email protected] NEWMAN CENTER HOURS becoming-catholic. Kate Weber, Coordinator of Children and Teen Ministry [email protected] Monday - Thursday: € a.m. - € p.m. Kathy Pajor, Administrative Associate Friday: € a.m. - ! p.m. RECONCILIATION [email protected] M, W, F: ":%-%:% p.m. Kelly Sollinger, RCIA Coordinator Wednesday: $:#‚-&:#‚ p.m. MISSION [email protected] To be the Roman Catholic campus Saturday: ":%-%:% p.m. Laura Scanlon, Pastoral Associate for Campus Ministry ministry for The Ohio State University, [email protected] where all can develop and live their Landings: Welcomes inactive Stephanie Fisher, Bookkeeper Catholic faith. Catholics interested in reconnecting s! [email protected] with their faith. Please email Suzana Silva, Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

St. Thomas More Newman Center is served by the Paulist Fathers, Missionaries to since €€. JAN. €, ‚‚ GET TO KNOW THE STAFF Welcome Buckeye Catholics!

Weekly Events BCAT Student Nights Tuesdays at " p.m. in the Main Sanctuary. Join your fellow Buckeyes to meet new friends and grow in faith. Buckeye Catholic (BCAT) nights involve community building, praise and worship, and speakers on topics of Catholic faith and life. We are excited to go “Inside the Paulist Studio” on Jan. #$ at %:&' p.m., as Fr. Vinny re! ects on his "# years with the Paulist Fathers. Please note the earlier start time!

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Upcoming Events Jan. '0: “The LORD said to me: You are my servant, Israel, Peer Ministry Program for !"!"-!"!# Applications to serve through whom I show my glory.” Isaiah 23:* How am as a student Peer Minister at the Newman Center for the %&%&-%&%' I showing forth God’s glory to others? 4MoreatMass academic year are now open! The purpose of the Peer Ministry 4BeMoreDoMoreGiveMore Program is to provide an opportunity for *-+ undergraduate Jan. %&: Weekly Kick-o5 Prayer: Loving God, help me to students to gain experience in various areas of pastoral ministry, embrace always my identity in you through my baptismal discern their vocation and enable students to explore the call and promises. May Jesus’ presence in my life continue to possibility of a call to professional ministry in the church. Peer baptize me in the Holy Spirit. Amen. ministers are Catholic undergraduate students at OSU who are passionate about serving the Newman Center community and embody the Newman Center’s mission, vision and core values. Peer ministers work +-0 hours per week at the Newman Center in St. Thomas More Newman Center a particular area of ministry and engage in a yearlong program of discernment and formation. They will be compensated a gross sum of 1*,&&& as an employee of the Newman Center for their buckeyecatholic nine-month commitment to the program. To learn more and apply, please visit or contact Laura @buckeyecatholic Scanlon at [email protected] or (+'2) %3'-2+"2 x'&'.

St. Thomas More Newman Center ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Community Bible Study Our Community Bible Study Flower Donation The altar + owers this weekend have been continues into ‚‚ with a new series. Fulton Sheen and placed by JoAnn Grillo, in memory of her husband, Ken. Flannery O’Connor: Pivotal Players o! ers insights on the Catholic imagination and creative evangelization. Long before the Newman Center Closed The Newman Center will be closed internet and social media, Fulton Sheen pioneered Catholic Monday, Jan. & in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. evangelization through the media. At a time when most There will be no Mass and no activities. preachers spoke only from pulpits, Sheen used electronic media as a means to reach far beyond the parish walls. Flannery Busy Person’s Retreat Be spiritually transformed and O’Connor’s novels and short stories have been described as renewed this New Year. Join us Sunday, Feb. $ - Thursday, shocking, convoluted, funny, and violent, and they are " lled Feb. !% for our annual Busy Person’s Retreat. Spend time each with unforgettably strange day praying, re+ ecting and meeting with a spiritual director on characters. But they are your own schedule. The rhythm of the Busy Person’s Retreat is also, from beginning to the invitation to: 0‚ minutes of personal prayer, 0‚ minutes of end, haunted by Christ. communal prayer and 0‚ minutes in spiritual direction during the O’Connor radically changes four days of the retreat. We will provide daily re+ ection options our idea of what religious and communal prayer options each of the four days of the retreat. " ction can be. Her startling Cost: FREE! To register, please visit prose awakens us to sin and, For more information, contact Fr. Ed Nowak, C.S.P. at consequently, to the need [email protected] or (%&) €-&%*& x‚. for salvation. Join us for this " ve-week series on Wednesdays, Jan.  through Feb. !" from #-$ p.m. The cost to participate Calling All Catholic Nurses The National Association of is #‚ and covers the costs of all the materials needed. Catholic Nurses, Columbus Council will be launching an initial Scholarships are available upon inquiry. To register, please visit steering committee on Wednesday, Jan.  at ' p.m. Join us as we aim to support Catholic nurses’ spirituality in the workplace. After the meeting we will attend the 1:0‚ p.m. Mass. Going Liturgical Minister Training Have you ever considered forward, we plan to meet on the fourth Wednesday of each getting more involved at Mass? There are many opportunities month at the Newman Center. For more information, please for you to develop and share your gifts! Sacristans/Mass contact Teresa D. Sipos at trinitycounselingllc‚[email protected] or Coordinators, Lectors (reader), Ministers of Holy Communion, (*&‚) %1-10. Greeters and Musicians are used and needed at every Mass! Altar servers are needed in particular for the ‚ a.m., Word of God Sunday Pope Francis has designated the Third % and € p.m. Masses. A training for Ministers of Holy Communion Sunday in Ordinary Time Word of God Sunday. To mark this will be held Monday, Jan. # at #:%& p.m. To learn more, please occasion we encourage everyone to bring a Bible to Mass the contact Karen Broering at [email protected] or weekend of Jan. (-" for a special Bible blessing. Since the (%&) €-&%*& x. Paulist Fathers “Give the Word a Voice,” it is certainly good timing as we celebrate the conclusion of Paulist Week with Trainings for other ministers are scheduled as needed, please contact Karen to learn more! Fr. Joe Ciccone, C.S.P. preaching about our Paulist Mission and inviting us all to support that mission through our time, talent and treasure. Hecker Qu es Newman Center !"/#" This is a group for graduates and professionals in their ‚s and 0‚s that meets every Thursday. A religion that does not enter into • Jan. %: Social - Painting with the Paulists is back by popular the actions of our daily life is a religion demand! Join us at # p.m. for a wine and painting night with that is not worth having. your favorite priests. Cost for supplies is #1. Beverages are BYOB, please consider bringing something to share, if you are able. For more information check out the Newman Center ‚/0‚ Page Pray for the Beati cation of Servant of God, Fr. Isaac Thomas on Facebook @newman‚0‚ or email [email protected]. Hecker, C.S.P. (1819-1888), Founder of the Paulist Fathers

J A N .  € ,  ‚  ‚ PAULIST FATHERS AROUND THE DIOCESE It’s Winter: Think Summer! Fr. Vinny McKiernan, C.S.P. will Winter Retreat Looking for something to do this winter? be conducting two retreats at the Paulist vacation house in Lake Join a silent overnight retreat led by Fr. Vinny McKiernan, C.S.P. George, N.Y. in June "&"&: anchored in the quotation from Hildegard of Bingen, “You • Praying Your Life: A time to re# ect prayerfully on your are embraced by the arms of the mystery of God.” The life: past, present, future. A time for the healing of hurtful retreat begins at € a.m. Wednesday, Feb.  and memories, a time to rejoice in beautiful memories. A time to concludes Thursday, Feb. !€ after dinner, and will be held be present to the present of the beauty of God’s creation in at St. Therese Retreat Center, !"## E. Broad St., Columbus. the Adirondack Mountains. A time Cost is $%&!. For more information, or to register, please visit to rededicate yourself to being a"#"#. light in the world. The retreat will be anchored in daily Eucharist and periods of Centering Prayer. Dates: Sunday, June "%, ' p.m. to Friday, Martin Luther King Celebration The Community of June "', noon. Holy and St. John the Evangelist is hosting its annual • Come Apart and Rest a While. Martin Luther King Day celebration on Monday, Jan. !€ from A silent directed retreat praying over noon-:"€ p.m. at Holy Rosary-St. John Church, ''& South Ohio recommended scripture passages Avenue (between Main and Livingston), Columbus. The guest and meeting with Fr. Vinny as one wishes. The days will be preacher is Rev. Charles Smith, S.V.D. Fr. Smith is co-director of anchored in daily Eucharist and periods of Centering Prayer. the Bowman Francis Ministry, a ministry that provides religious Dates: Sunday, June "+, ' p.m. to Friday, July 1, noon. education and evangelization to the African American Catholic Paulist Week Paulist Week is Jan. -!$! In addition to our local community. Holy Rosary-St. John has Paulist Fathers, look for Paulist Vocation Director Fr. Dat Tran, been celebrating Martin Luther King C.S.P. to preach at all Masses on the 2 rst weekend. On the second Day every year since the holiday was weekend, our very own former Director, Fr. Joe Ciccone will be established in %*+'. Vernon Hairston presiding at all Masses! Other events during the week include: will be directing the choir • Tuesday, Jan. "% at #:1& p.m. - Come “Inside the Paulist Studio” during the celebration, and community to join Fr. Vinny McKiernan, C.S.P. for an open conversation artists will be displaying their art. For celebrating his #!-year a4 liation with the Paulist Fathers additional information, please contact • Wednesday, Jan. "" at !:1& p.m. - A special Mass celebrating our [email protected] or call ('%/) "!"-!*"' x#. Paulist Fathers, presided by Fr. Evan Cummings, C.S.P. • Friday, Jan. "/ at # p.m. - Join us to celebrate the "&&th Birthday of Fr. . Enjoy popcorn, cake and The Hecker Movie.

We hope you will join us to celebrate the Paulist Fathers!

A Vin-a-min  om Fr. Vinny

Less time

It often takes less time to do something right than to explain why you did it wrong or why you did not do it.

More time!

Get your daily Vin-a-Min from Fr. Vinny on Twitter @Vinamin.

St. Thomas More Newman Center Winter Collection LOOKING AHEAD Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jan. €: Newman Center ministries currently support four shelters: Isaiah !€:", #-$;  Corinthians :-"; John :€-"! Open Shelter, Faith Mission, YWCA Family Center and Star Sunday Scripture Bible Study: € a.m. House. This winter we are collecting personal hygiene items Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: €:!# a.m. and :!# a.m. to o' er further support of these shelters. Mass: ‚ a.m., noon, $ p.m., € p.m. High School Youth Group: :# a.m. You can help by donating the following items (small, travel- Lector Training: :"‚ p.m. Minister of Holy Communion Training: :"‚ p.m. size items, please): soap, shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, shaving cream, deodorant and mouthwash. Please place Monday, Jan. !":  Samuel #:$-"; Mark :%- items in the collection cart in the North Gathering Space. Newman Center Closed No Mass and no activities Deadline: Sunday, Feb. €. Tuesday, Jan. !:  Samuel $:-"; Mark :"-% Questions? Please Centering Prayer: :# p.m. contact Suzana Silva at Rosary: # p.m. [email protected] Mass: #:"‚ p.m. or ($!) €-!$&! x‚&. ”Inside the Paulist Studio”with Fr. Vinny: &:"‚ p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. !!:  Samuel &:"-"", "&, !‚-#; Mark ":-$ Mass: :!# p.m. Confessions: !:# p.m. Paulist Week Mass: #:"‚ p.m. Finance Committee: & p.m. Community Bible Study: & p.m. Confessions: &:"‚ p.m.

Thursday, Jan. !#:  Samuel %:$-€, €:-&; Mark ":&- Eucharistic Adoration € a.m. - # p.m. Mass: #:"‚ p.m. Newman Center ‚/"‚: &:"‚ p.m. BUCKEYE CATHOLICS CARE Friday, Jan. !$:  Samuel !:"-; Mark ":"-€ Through the Buckeye Catholics Care program, a portion of Mass: :!# p.m., #:"‚ p.m. the collection from the last Sunday of each month is donated Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Adoration: € a.m. - # p.m. to local or national organizations or emergency causes. For Confessions: !:# p.m. January, Neighborhood Services, Inc. is the recipient of our Issac Hecker Birthday Party: & p.m. outreach to people in need. Founded in €$# by churches in the University District, Neighborhood Services, Inc. (NSI) Saturday, Jan. !%: Isaiah %:" - €:"; Acts :"-$; Mark $:#-% o' ers material assistance to Columbus residents. In addition Confessions: !:# p.m. to serving those in zip codes !"‚, !"‚, !"‚, and !", Mass: #:"‚ p.m. they have recently included residents in zip codes !"‚ and !". NSI provides a choice food pantry, a produce Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jan. !&: market, and a clothing store on a year-round basis. During Isaiah %:" - €:"; Acts :"-$; Mark $:#-% the fall, they provide backpacks, school supplies, and school Sunday Scripture Bible Study: € a.m. clothing for children. They distribute food baskets during the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: €:!# a.m. and :!# a.m. holidays and gifts at Christmas time. NSI also o' ers assistance Mass: ‚ a.m., noon, $ p.m., € p.m. High School Youth Group: :# a.m. in preparing and * ling taxes and seeking bene* ts from RCIA Break Open the Word: noon public assistance programs. For more information, please visit RCIA: :"‚ p.m. or call ($!) €&-‚#€. ESTEEM Formation Gathering: ! p.m.

J A N .  € ,  ‚  ‚

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