PRES S INFIORIWATIO]TBI'REf,TT . *t** -fi1 g '' '4 A '4 NAME oF NEwspApER l+ vt P DArE co l€ [^n PLACE NAGPUR LANGUAGE l=xr 6 ct, ( Modi Govt working on g to solve agparian cris I Special Gorrespondent oil, Gadkari said the government is tryingto 'CENTMI Government is work- introduce ethanol and bio- diesel as alternative ing on a war-footing to solve the fuels. "Every agrarian crisis in the countrv', year, the government is asserted Nitin Gadkari, Union t

reduc oil an using rway he io-diesel per litre li.:: d bio Gadkari was briefing mediaper- diesel. Farmers will get cheaper bio- diesel sons to highlight the achievements for farming-work," he fur- thered. of Prime Minister - ' led Centra.l Government. "Farmers Gadkari claimed that around tin Gadkari addressing a press are , 13,0p0youth get direct and around e of Narendra Modi-led Central eqo 75,000 youth get indirect jobs in andrashekhar Bawankule and pro Nitin Bawankar MIIIAN. "Around 50, 000 youths will also are seen. (Pic by Satish Raut) ing get direct jobs in MIFTAN in next couple years," increase the income of farmers so production," of the minister Gadkari said. lower milkprices, There is no prop- announced. that their economic condition The Union Minister admitted that er godown to keep foodgrEins, he improves. The government Guardian Minister is work- situation in hadwors- added. Chandrashekhar Bawankule and ing on long-term and short-term ened as farmers were not getting Talking about alternate sources Nitin Bawankar, Additional Director solutions as well as exporting excess properminimum support price and to reduce dependability on crude General of PIB were present. '0pposition,ITligs. ,0pposition tfying papties trying t0 divide... tO " - diVidg SOCietf - *ottoritieshavebenefitted dereatintherecentlyheldby- - ernmentefforts, polls, Gadkari r rPwrqrspeciar ut"-ri - Gonesponden,eofl€Spondent ,I ftrtjrT-"ne SalO. tiOn fOr "pp*l uNIoN Minisrer_ror r"S?ll??,,?flLTiF:,#rtHff; uaoKanallegedtharcn.-::3:p,"-tlandshippingNitinRoad, rransporr anrr Shin-i-^ rr:.:. I iliJili i the Indiar, (tonsfifilfi^n anrt rocan*-^h+ ^-^-- f -,--

A BrF fllj:::::jl^1qou., the senior I '":ru:A"*:l,ltrli*"ff#, 1;li dkari '!rru 1; unit_ newill prime r r tunists,. be the Minister, aak urc Whenvvrren questionedquesuoned about his Coco ' "" pu6c ../ liI ;J momentmerssueoileadershiplhe _ I meeting with Nationalist I i"ft9year.20l9.will.com9up, Congreis party (NCp) leader PRESS INFORMATION BUR-EAU GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NAGPUR | | *** NAME OF NEWSPAPER LO l< InlA -t(ty G_s DATE ct{3 dlarr PLACE NAGPUR LANGUAGE &] AI4ts11

3,5 lakh homes under pl*f PRADEEP MODM time from the NAGPUR,JUNE2 business.of wit

Ausa-Tuljapur corridbr '8'OOO crore was plann rrai^^l I0,000 flats under this project in different parrs d tti be fin- gf, .ity.uut_t_ warit s.s he Said. lakhF: flats-shnrrta r'f x"-irl Nanded-Ausa-Tuljapurr\4rrueu-Atlsa- r urJapur ::".".5sorting outvqL thelrre rrJucs,issues, theule corridor worth of kA,OOO tender process for the crorewasplannedand'the proJect will begin," he Project was approved. sald. "The worl< io l. ^-i"^-.^- State enersv and PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NAGPUR * ****** * NAME OF NEWSPAPER -T\rn'"I €-5$ o€ \r.\DrA DArE r 3lot\*n PLACE NAGPUR LANGUAGE E=NdLt94

i 'In last lyears ,7.25 crore toilets were censtructedi )Continued fiom Page I . -fturning to I ter Nitin -l integrate Jail land was ready . "Divisional commissioner Anup Kumar has held sevel"al meetings of officials of Na- tional Highways Authority of Inclia (NHAI), Central Railway and other agencies. Central Railway has sought relocation of essential fa- cilities inthe ?5 acreland inAjniRailway Col- ony to be acquired for the project The project consultant has been asked to hold meetings with railway officials and sort out the issue. The tender process will start in six weeks," Ni- Union minister Nitin Gadkari also narrated the' tinGadkarisaid. achievements of his government in power, sports' Earlier, Gadkari recounted the achieve- healthcare. education and other sectors ments of his government. "Before we came to power, there were only Iast four years 7.25 crore toilets were con- governr4ent' 3 crorebank accounts inthe country Now due structed by the Narendra MoDi to Jan Dhan Yoj ana, the number has increased "Under Ujjwala Yojana, we qrovided 3.8 crore to 31.52 crore. Between 2014 and 20L7, 55.o/o of LPG connections to poor families. Our target new bank accounts in the world were opened is 8 crore," he said. r inlndia,"hesaid. The minister also narrated the achieve- , Gaalkari further said that there were 6 ments of his government in power, sports, crore toilets in the country before 2014. In the healthcare, education an$ other sectors. Price fall in global market causing farm crisis: Gadkari Ashish'Rov@timessroup'com'0pposition unity won't last till 20tg' Nagpur: With the nation- l\l itin cadkarisaid thatthe unityof Opposition parties wide strike launched by I I won't lasttill20l9 generalelections. "When itcomesto disgruntled seat sharing, the alliance will split apart " he said. farmers de- He charged that Opposition parties had won the recent manding lo- bypolls through communal and casteist politics. A fear an waiver, psychosiswas created among Muslims and Dalitsthat BJp higher pri isworki d ces for pro- thatwe d by duce and Dr Baba implementation of the parties were finding it difficultto challenge BJp's politics Swaminathan Commis- ofdevelopment. sion's recommendation on minimum support prices, lowed production of etha- "You will see tangible Union minister Nitin nolfrommolasses. Soonwe results nextyea4" he said. Gadkari tried to veer off wiJl permit it to be made The minister further the course of agitation to a from cotton stalks and said that he had ordered different route, calling glo- other agricultural produ- the river development mi bal factors behind far- ce. Farmers will get extra nistry to prepare a detai- mers' pathetic conditions. income and their lot will led project report (DPR) He said the prices of se- improve," he said at apress for water transport in Go- veral commodities have conference organized on davaririver. crashed in the global mar- completion of four years of "Once the project is ket, causing drastic fall in the NDA government at the commissioned, Nandec export, oversupply in the Centre. will become a river port country and fall in prices On Clean Ganga pro- and cotton from Marath- in the domestic market. ject, Gadkari said work on wada and will be The minister urged the several teatment plants exportedfrom there," Gad- PR.ESS INFORMATION BUREAU GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NAGPUR " ******** NAME oF NEwspApER Do; r^.k $\arlkot t- DATE O 3\ Ob\ 18 PLACE NAGPUR. LANGUAGE F\ i.,.o['

' : tr56fr fdrrrd d TS, riffi fu6rn fu orq fr fr ftd TS rFltr artlgr 6 IdITIfriDET6[.^rr

rrorqftHfu laxgt . q? enuqr b fr-itq d ftqat d qiF-gerr xaoqfr .qeqqf iqii.{tlgfr {c6-a-r qmtffi . gt us6t d 6-6t to se dlq $l drq nl t m eiqrqa a +tt, irsiq q.brl ff e{rdqr w 6}$ s6 ilS ff{e rfr angr fi$ rd rilnt t on i tuinrdtisriilfr€rffimotq$sr {qqf{tq*orffidWem 3r4A 3IH gdts fr u-+ar b qrd w 3ft erRr6 +o-{ +1.r€ tr 5a +rffi qrqnr fr ars-o$ d q€ tqqR urqn 3k e-gffi ratr I ,ffi ,wlunr drar Wei or urvro aru qai dz t+q qqtr FqqI + +dtilii ot etfu 3rqfr sqft ,itr * andr dls * Bt i fu nqq{ ii {Ftz qs-* q qir re 6r slq fr qo rcr i qr gslsii dr qqrq n-q'rR Tfr fr-d € S1 F6Is '{qqn-gcr- *+i:i +1fflr++€a}qotqqfiRerct Kabd?d0Ed gp 6qr h r€ qriql qr di qqq,t TT{SR stttrt tt wtd alaorsilotsq-de tr tfl i stsl qtrqqr re rd tr ionqldlTdTBt 'rqdtfrggd qIn"RfurErd turernMd{@Ilt re€ , aBrkdtdlaqaw- i1 qnq{ ii fr6rt r+e, qqe,rFd$' tgqfuril ii , arfiqr6eatqdtqit Yrf{qR *1 wqrsqd Rrd +aq q *irft o ererqr 3s +tt ,.glqmdsdlb ftrqrgeiq*+nut6q 4qcot o rqpil *t iq'rR F-qr t r $ oqq66+reotfr i oar:s +i d so-rqR gqpii*1 ,ilffl 3.50dle 14qq5+r<* i oqqilarEdtolq? q{6rfr qS dr

Ifr--,g'"tberftggral3 stsd-cql ffiqFiar {dfd gIilUTtR qrffoT s 6'let-a ftor*rrcr rn trdrqr E silrset i-q'rR frffifr srd BnB rr({ vo dnr trdrqr uo Frrtr trRrGr +qarrr sqtc€r d-qrrR BCd-cri ercql+d ilifl awrrrdffisfuterftqra qifitcd. cfur0-d srdrFrRi€qr e arsfrqiaiaFftqottnltt

#rr{"rtrroiaEtrtr*rwqt sG. nA q-qlsM +s{r EftFT*T trc-qt Utrsr gopr ftiruna 3fiordT. gEd E Ercorcqr dranfusq-m Rrerurfldl e$r{rd ?o 016 ffi'r ii{ Frfltr] huqrd da e+rBa. tMEqqr sltqT{rqrd} ddqEtT ffiHRrq trq+r gF +d. ld-$sMorqr (wq ? dO>

twdbill 11 fl + f,4 f, i $ fl fl f # # n 1+ I fl + PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NAGPUR _1--4 ******** NAME OF NEWSPAPER RUN tHAR.,AT- DArE*14uw PLACE NAGPUR LANcUAGE l71 nr< AfHl

qfifrdrq ffid qrRF' qffi{r, fud, gd d siqd slcn 'qts ffi EtqqIC cIIR oruqn fu qR Rrsrq ft-{"fu Irs. fuotofifrq6qdutdqn oioqn fc aG. gtt6 dc rirri ilqT{d q€-sln$ Ri* sfrq'd e FIrGr qiffi, *ro=qiatdq {rqrd qrdrqfr \ erdr i-fio-qin d-q oiq{q foqld .3lrd sr{{ ter oran sIrurd Aq drr;6i+qr foqa qurn orrB fu{'rfed iffio,fi ffid srq(t ilrdl qqq euqn wn srorg, qErqfil EIqt 6-54 srq-sdd nRft drff fud. s)ft,.Ed Rrq{-S oflAqcfd ufruaim-d drqnqTi ffi efuqsrofa ' uilrar-Hrs rrrs ..t: Fdirdftd {n€fld sq-e-*ft rrd{-d-d sd t-{Hiqr futrrs sifftil€liil{ Rlrfi-o iryqid i5F{ eT B6pfi frdsr srrFr crtrfr Rd. cnnit qeot* {rff srqi ils sr6-ftd, sr{ft endr Yl dqR ffl+€{ Erfi-$*, rqR qnfrA qagt|.r o-turlttT td sIrd. ro-dicd I q6{d-d errfti tq'TR ftFffr srfrd srq{ €{qrcr6 fi-d-{ Erdur6-i cstcicti ffi qr{r-rrfr qr6 eqn 6{uqrd qR. {d ftFlffi sr-ql sqfudda. 6Ti irrdrd qFrffid turn eG. B-{'Ifd s" erq otdd tiqr Euf qso.fl anrm ffi o-luqn iom snrrft 6rdd fud-sd vs s{rFd, sr0-S fi-frq sG.-ftt om qwlsFrqadqRawqniuTR ,irn qra-A stffi. lrwd-d cfutsd c*i snfrr gF erG. ut or$sl oG qrqFrfrd s? dlsidrdls durn frgd g16qR qqqsqs{Fl dsR 6'-tuIR 610r qFFr ?t"fl{ .fiij. sr"lg gt{ilr dfiglR qtr{iq$ qr {wd an {uf ili+ ffie. 6r <(wqatEr) rdT,RqTfuh-B qIUIR 016 fluqFR rrr {rdurR slre. sifrdd. PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NAGPUR ******** NAME -t- OF NEWSPAPER L- o l< 1"1 A DArE o-3 1 e\* n PLACE NAGPUR LANGUAGE I\1A Q LTHI ffi'fiI6Tf'qsji sqHRfHIffim Fdr rrrofl qid iltrfr : qrd{rd('T dffii+ s5tT GrffiuTR @awtafi+ ltr{Fieflfdr ;IIIFI{ : iern ffi

PIACE LAryG UAG E ll ln o[,' orl bg -'A'*s r9 rh gt6Q ol3t 6i. 4/4'gtrc^r d td N Jf A''g,l.^4 -Ji g,qfll € 9L q,,'si ffli-rlbTfltbilt A4)','4'lll 4 g dl t flt, ltxil*,fla*## wN ,sfl + 9*'.Pl tA&'nlqtl 6) fl E d 9l fl ^tI 9;.sl &i=t a. *;otl ilI ^#fl+rf,l#ntwil+ 4 -llg sl :! 't. 4 eJ,

4 €l ? + 4n ; * 4 4 =P '11 4l g, Crt y{nJ. I' Ot lcl e1 IJ c8l il A u*$ 4. ilrril $p ill--il fl+fl$fl #i # # *Hf, Htrfl$HHf,flfl$fl ,f,H +i$ s$$$3 + r TNF.RMATT'N BUR.EAU " GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ., NAGPUR******** n . I NAME oF NEwsPAenn (\A44 N dJ4.a/U DArE o 3\o 6) 1 t I VI a-- A NAGPUR LANcuAGE a- tn o2orl+^;

!@qfrrifr ;ttrlrK: ridqqHitd mflqiilrtilordffi ftmrurof drctsgs 3rlt. qFl$fifeorctqt dr-fi3ltrs{3IIB. srrdFrfiHilqdqqFqR o-Itrflfdo,nro,rqriw srq{.3rioqrqifrEd . *ffiH:H*H:s-Gqr+eqddq?*q TiTPnrrf{rd3[rcqr3{r6f, FI bqrr{of{iFd ue tq-{otd grio[o,@qrfr drlrd N Utao--*.nqtcrqR'coolAddeqt-sdr'Sfffid3trt i{trqr*q*R ofltd. q-{fiEqgii*sc*rsdQryncqn 3rsdrd6fiqq{Frtr{ o*--f"riu""6}E a"ron-.narqfota.qffiiidl4oooT8, tutn ort'aoo '*a {A emr& ti$ q,lozrn errd qsoflqrfiqiffi. "{.qr ;iiq q.fircdr qn qS Wf qTd 3TIk qrtrfrt q{fir(qT ErrTrqr 6€FIl-gT es rr cql-arfr cf$ rq-{ ifr qrqn }r{T Yrfl-e{qElkT "rnofure gffi fi"qsr& tr{fr gF e+e@d lsfifr qifr c{q t*' *dncifsq-tffitnoenqqq)*srq-t q-tE-qm oild gile. fq-drfr€ +qT qirn $ Sre e{|-{A *[rq{ '6-toqkT +d 3{t bfei gBcr EF€qe 3:fs iFffi qrc{ il{i-{qnqrtrfrtuqldedt. rrqg{r-fr-dffi efql g-fiRT zrs-dl. .re-*-t €unA, fri-c EI ffiduruffitrfr qo-flrd tt eti cqz u-fle{ il{ E8 EqR qq? 3$dl '{ DCFIaq{... 5:l mr

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