HERALD________________ GLEN COVE _______________ NEW AFFORDABLE RATES Gazette FOR SUMMER ‘19! LOCK IN FOR LIFE WITH OUR FOREVER FAMILY PLAN Maneuvering It’s time to SCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY18/21 FOR THE SUMMER itc OF FGYOUR LIFE! Euro Bungee • Three Swimming Pools • Sports • in the ring play bingo! Jacobson Ninja WarriorDemi Condensed Cooking • Arts • Music • Mini Golf & More CAMPJACOBSON.COM Page 15 Page 9 340 Wheatley Road, OldPage Westbury xx • 516.626.1094 Vol. 28 No. 15 APRIl 11-17, 2019 $1.00 1026036 Heralds earn 20 statewide press awards By SCoTT BRINToN In-Depth Reporting, First Place:
[email protected] The Heralds earned the Thomas G. Butson Award for Investiga- The Herald Community tive and In-Depth Reporting, one Newspapers captured 20 awards of NYPA’s top honors, for the sec- in the New York Press Associa- ond straight year. tion’s 2018 Better Newspaper Judges recognized the Her- Contest, including several top alds’ nearly yearlong series on honors for editorial and adver- guns in Nassau County, called tising excellence. “Safety and the Second.” The Additionally, 13-part, 16,000-word the Heralds’ sister s e r i e s , w h i c h p a p e r i n t h e appeared in all 18 Bronx, The River- t’s an honor editions of the d a l e P r e s s , Heralds, followed received 10 awards. I to have the mass shooting “I’m so proud of at Marjory Stone- our team,” said the team man Douglas High Courtesy Anthony Gallego Stuart Richner, recognized by School in Park- DAMoN GARNER, RIGHT, can often be found working with the city’s youth in any of the three CEO and publisher land, Fla., on Feb.