British Automobile Racing Club Yorkshire Centre

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British Automobile Racing Club Yorkshire Centre BRITISH AUTOMOBILE RACING CLUB YORKSHIRE CENTRE HAREW QOD H I LL C l _ I M B S E P T E M B E R X S > 0 5 PRDV I S X OM ^I— R E S U LTS C L ^ S S 1 BOGEY - 3 0 TOURING CARS RECORD - 1 8 / 8 / 8 3 - T IM E 4 9 . 2 0 UP TO 1 1 5 0 CC J FORAN HILLMAN IMP NO NAME CAR C .C . RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS PO S ’ N 21 BOBBY FRYERS AUSTIN COOPER £ BLNC 107 1 49.67 49.80 17.53 2 2 2 DAVE G IL B E R T AUSTIN NINI 19W EBC 9 9 8 49.46 49.02 1 CLASS 2 B O G E Y < ± ,S . <2»<S TDUR1NG CARS RECORD - 12/5/85 - TIME 4 6 . 7 6 OVER 1150 S. UP TO 1500 CC R N PORTER AUSTIN MINI COOPER S NO NAME CAR C .C . RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS POS’N 2 3 0 L I Z WEARDEN FORD ESCORT SPORT 1 2 9 3 49.93 49.46 15.60 6 2 4 TREVOR PARK NORRIS NINI 1275 ST BL 1 2 7 5 54.13 53.04 8 2 5 D A V ID SEATON AUSTIN NINI COOPER 1 2 9 3 50.98 50.16 7 ENTRANt - FREIGHT EXPRESS OF EDINBURGH 2 6 A R C H IE IN G L IS FDRD ANGLIA 1 2 9 7 55„07 54.75 10.31 10 27 CHARLES CLARKE EL NINI COOPER ’ S’ 1 2 7 5 54.97 55.03 10.09 11 2 8 P H I L I P ENNEW AUSTIN COOPER S BL 1 2 7 5 54.59 54.57 10.49 9 2 9 GEOFF HOVJARTH AUSTIN NINI COOPER S 1 2 7 5 48.08 4 6.26 16.98 4 30 IAN WEARDEN FORD ESCORT SPORT 1 2 9 3 4&.41 48.29 16.77 5 31 N IG E L CLEGG AUSTIN NINI COOPER S 1 2 9 3 46.27 46.37 18.79 1 ENTRANT - STEERHASrER (ROCHDALE) LTD- RALLI EBUIPE- BUS* 32 NEIL JACKSON B L NINI 1275 GT 1 2 9 3 Fail Retired -- ENTRANT - UNION TIVRPAULJN COW ANT 33 NEIL TURNER AUSTIN NINI COOPER S 1 2 7 5 47.94 48.40 17.12 3 34 NICKY PDRTER NORRIS NINI COOPER S 1 2 9 3 46.4? 47.26 18.59 2 CLASS 3 BOGEY <£,2 . 3 3 TOURING CARS RECORD - 10/6/04 - TIME 44.33 OVER 150© CC MR KERR VAUXHAUL CHEVETTE HSR NO NAME CAR C.C. RUN 1 RUN 2 PDINTSPOS’N 2 3 8 D E LY T H MOORE SILBERH INVADER 111 FORD 2 9 9 4 53.92 54.62 8.41 6 ENTRANT - 61LBERN OttHERS CLUB LT1, - HIGHMTE - LONDON 2 4 0 M IK E S M IT H VAUIHAUL CHEWETTE IISR 2 3 0 0 46.24 45.87 - 3 3 7 NIGEL ELLIS G1LBERN INVADER II FORD 3 0 0 0 49.23 F a il 13.10 5 entrant - gilberm owners a m ltb. - highoate - london 3 8 BEV FAWKES GIL8ERN INVADER II I FORD 2 9 9 4 48.11 48.05 14.28 4 ENTRANT - G1LSERN OUMERS CUJ1 LTD. - HI6H6ATE - LONDON 3 9 PAUL SIMSON VAUJHALl CHEVETTE HS 2 3 0 0 44.83 44.36 17.97 1 ENTRANT - SINSON PHOTOGRAPHER - BEVERLEY 4 6 M IK E KERR VAUIHALL CHEVETTE HSR 2 3 0 0 45.30 44.48 17.85 2 EMTSAWT - H0B1L OIL IU./» GROUP CLASS • 4 B O B E Y <t.>3> - S P E C IA L SALOON CARS RECORD - ■ 10/6/84 -- TIME 42.63 UP TO 1300 CC A I COBB SKODA S110R BDH NO NAME CAR C.C. RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS POS’N 244 BILL OWEN B L NI HI COOPER £ 1 2 9 3 48.10 47.33 13.30 4 ENTRANT - SHEFFIELD i HftLLAKSHIRE ROTOR CLUB 248 LYNNE WHITEHEAD CHRYSLER STILETTO -FORD SDH 1 2 9 4 45.89 44.75 15.88 3 41 IA N SCOTT S.L. flINI FORD 1 2 9 7 F a il ■ETTTO 9.53 7 42 DAVID RUDDOCK AUSTIN MINI 1275 GT 1 2 9 3 52.11 5 0 5 a 43 ROB S IN C L A IR nl«l COOPER S BL 1293 f a i l 48.11 12.52 6 44 BOB NEEDHAM S I II[HI COOPER 5 1 2 9 3 47.79 48.02 12.84 5 ENTRANT - SHEFFIELD I HMHWSHIRE MTOfi CLUB 45 MARC CRAMER RELIANT UTTEN FORD 1300 43.75 42.45 18.18 2 46 IAN FI DDE DfiVRIM JAP CHRYSLER 1130 Non Starter ENTRANT - NAILER fiOAD Mil IIOTORSPORT 47 RON GERRARD HA6UIRE IMP HARTNELL 1200 Non Starter 48 DAVE WHITEHEAD CHRYSLER STILETTO -FORD BOH 1 29 4 43.32 42.13 18.50 1 CLASS 5 B O G E Y S O - - 7 1 S PEC IAL SALDON CARS RECORD - 1 9 / 8 / B 4 - TIM E 4C1 .71 OVER 1300 CC B K WALKER SKODA COUPE HART 4 2 5 ft NO NAME CAR C .C . RUN J RUN 2 POINTS P O S'N 5 0 BOB CLAXTON VAU1HALL FIREHZA LOTUS 9H 2 6 0 0 44.30 44.43 ' 14.41 1 CLASS BOGEY _ e> 7 'MARQUE' SPORTS CARS RECORD - 12/5/85 - TIME 46.30 UP TO 1500 CC J A GORNALL MG MIDGET NO NAME CAR C .C . RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS POS’ N 252 STEVE DPENSHAW HG I11D6ET 1275 59.59 58.68 8 254 PAUL GREAVES Hu NID6ET 1 2 7 5 54.17 53.53 5 257 PAT KENYON AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE HKIV 1 2 7 5 F a il 47.91 17.16 3 52 HARRY B R IT T A IN US illOSET 1 2 7 5 62.28 61.43 10 53 D AVID GARDNER FIAT W 1 1 4 9 8 50.76 59.97 5.10 9 54 GERRY GREAVES KG HIDBET 1 2 7 5 55.30 5 5. 65 6 55 K EV IN CARRUTHERS KG HIDEE1 1 2 7 5 55.66 55.86 7 56 I AN CARPENTER HG HIDBET 1 2 7 5 49.04 49.16 16.03 4 57 BR IAN KENYON AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE ISKIV 1 2 7 5 46.52 46.34 18.73 2 58 JOHN GORNALL KS nlDBET 1275 46.33 46.39 18.74 1 ENTRANT - IfRE I DISTRICT NGTOS CLUB - HAHBLETON - BLACKPOOL C L A S S - 7 B O G E Y <£>3 . 2 S 'MARQUE’ SPORTS CARS RECORD - 12/5/85 - TIME 44.98 OVER 1500 S< UP TO 2600 CC M D G OATES LOTUS EUROPA NO NAME CAR C.C. RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS PO S’ 1 6 0 PAU L CLAPHAM LOTUS ESPRIT SI 1 9 7 3 54.08 54.61 9.17 9 61 COLIN ELSTROP TR1UNPH BTt> 1 99 B 52.75 51.52 11.73 6 6 2 RUPERT TURNER FERRARI DINO 246 GT 2 4 1 8 53.22 53.69 7 63 RONNIE CRAIK TOYOTA HR 2 1 5 9 6 S3.60 53.74 9.65 8 6 4 TONY BRIDGEN NORSAN 1956 SERIES 2 FORD 1 5 9 8 51.43 50.59 12.66 5 6 5 DES RICHARDSON LOTUS ELAN SI FORD 1 5 9 4 46.48 46. IT 17.14 ? ENTRANT - LANCS i CHES C.C./H.J. BUCK LTHMKHESTBt 6 6 B R IA N LE E LOTUS ELAN FORD 1 5 5 8 50.13 48.99 14.26 4 6 8 RAY HARPER LOTUS tUROPA SPECIAL 1 5 9 8 46.55 46.27 16.98 3 ENTRMT - RILEYS FUSN1SHIN65 LTD. - HUtDERSflEll 6 9 GRAHAM OATES LOTUS EUROPA 1 5 9 4 45.43 44.80 18.45 1 ENTRANT - LANCS I CHES C.C./H.J.tKJICX LTD. - RANCHESIER CLASSQ B O G E Y < £ > 2 . © e 'MARQUE' SPORTS CARS RECORD - 1 8 / 8 / 8 5 - T IM E 4 3 . 8 6 OVER 2600 CC P GARLAND MORGAN + 8 NO NAME CAR C.C. RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTS POS’I 71 PAUL WATTS KOREAN *8 ROVER 3 5 2 8 Non S t a r t e r 72 JOHN YARDLEY NARCOS FORD 3 0 0 0 47.87 49.60 15.01 1 73 JOHN SWIFT FERRARI 368 STB 2 9 2 6 48.74 48.08 14.80 2 CLASS BOGEY <£>0 . 3 .< L . S T S, MOD SPORTS CARS RECORD - 16/9/79 - TIME 42. 36 UP TO 1 6 0 0 CC L C BARTER DAVRIAN HARTWELL VI MO NAME CAR C .C . RUN 1 RUN 2 POINTSPOS" 2 7 7 SARAH HUTCHINSON 115 HIDSET BL 1 2 7 5 52.00 52.04 8.36 12 2136 MARCUS PYE CATERHAN SUPER SEVEN 1 5 9 8 42.79 41 .86 18.50 2 ENTRANT - C0U6AR DEVELOPMENTS 7 5 CHRIS ROGERS LOTUS SEVEN FORD 1 5 3 0 47.02 46.98 7 76 BARRY HEATH DAVR1AN N« 3 IMP 9 9 8 54.33 52.06 8.30 13 ENTRANT - SHEFFIELD V KALUtKSIURE MOTOR CUU 7 7 DAVID HUTCHINSON US MIDSET 1275 51.50 51 .99 8.86 10 7 8 MIKE BASTIANA NARCOS MINI IL 1 3 8 5 . 50.06 49.57 8 ENTRANT - BLGS90P 1 DISTRICT CM CLU 7 9 TONY H A LL LOTUS SEVEN FORD 1 5 5 8 51.59 51 .85 8.77 11 80., JOHN PRINGLE LOTUS SEVEN 1 5 5 8 49.92 50.15 10.44 9 81 NIGEL ROSCOE AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE BNC A 1 2 9 3 47.24 ■ 46.21 14.15 5 82 GRAYAM BARNES BIOTA k i b.
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