南華大學 外國語文學系 Nanhua University Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 Issues of Globalization: English Language Teaching and Learning

Date : Saturday, May 20, 2017 Time : 8:30-16:00 Location : Nanhua University, Room S109

日期:2017/05/20 (六) 時間:8:30-16:00 地點:南華大學 學海堂 S109 Issues of Globalization:

English Language Teaching and Learning

Conference Agenda

2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 議程表

Nanhua University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

南華大學 外國語文學系

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Details 活動內容

8:30 - 9:00 Registration 報到 Nanhua University: Room 學海堂 S109 南華大學學海堂 S109

Morning Session 上午場

 Opening Address 開幕式演講 Dr. Tsong-Ming Lin, President, Nanhua University 9:00 - 9:10 致詞人: 林校長, 南華大學校長

 Keynote 主題演講 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ye-Ling Chang, Professor & Director of Center of Language and Cultural Teaching, National Normal University. 9:10 - 10:40 Topic: Professional English Training for Top Sports Industries 主講人: 張玉玲, 國立高雄師範大學教授兼語言與文化教學中心主任 講題: 以專業英語訓練發展頂尖運動會展產業 [Moderator: Dr. Yu-De Guo 主持人: 郭玉德]

10:40 - 11:00 Tea Break 茶敘

Morning Session (continued) 上午場

 Presentations: Session I 第一場

Presenter 1 - Dr. Pao-Ann Hsiung, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs, National Chung Cheng University Topic: The 3Rs of Internationalization: Resistance, Requirement, and Realization. 發表者 1: 熊博安, 國立中正大學教授兼國際處處長 主題: 國際化的三部曲:探尋阻力、激發需求、具體實現

Presenter 2 - Dr. Shi-Chang Tseng, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Topic: Introduction of Globalization at YunTech 發表者 2: 曾世昌, 雲林科技大學教授兼國際事務處處長 主題: 雲科大國際化簡介 11:00 - 12:00

Presenter 3 - Dr. Chao-Hsien Chiu, Director, Overseas Admissions Center, Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Nanhua University Topic: Introduction to Internationalization of M.A. Program in European Studies at Nanhua University 發表者 3: 邱昭憲, 南華大學國際及兩岸交流處境外招生中心主任 兼歐洲研究所副教授 主題: 南華大學歐洲研究所國際化介紹

[Moderator: Dr. Ye-Ling Chang 主持人: 張玉玲]

Afternoon Session 下午場

 Presentations: Session II 第二場

Presenter 1 - Dr. How-Chiun Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Biotechnology, Nanhua University. Topic: My Journey Teaching ESP in 發表者 1: 吳澔群, 南華大學自然生物科技學系副教授 主題: 我的專業英文教學之旅

13:15 - 14:00 Presenter 2 - Dr. Miao-Chi Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Applied English, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. Topic: The Promotion of International Bachelor Programs from the Perspectives of Campus Internationalization 發表者 2: 吳妙姬, 高雄餐旅大學應用英語系副教授 主題: 從校園國際化看國際學士學位學程之推動

[Moderator: Dr. Chao-Chih Liao 主持人: 廖招治]

14:00 - 14:15 Tea Break 茶敘

Afternoon Session (continued) 下午場

 Presentations: Session III 第三場

Presenter 1 – Dr. Chao-Chih Liao, Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, National Chiayi University.

Topic: ESP Courses in Globalization of English Language Teaching and 14:15 - 15:15 Learning 發表者 1: 廖招治, 國立嘉義大學外國語言學系教授

主題: 全球化的特殊目的英語教學 Presenter 2 - Dr. Hsiao-Wen Chang, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Early Childhood Education, Nanhua University Topic: Export of Confucianism through Preschool Programs 發表者 2: 張筱雯, 南華大學幼兒教育學系副教授兼系主任 主題: 儒家文化幼兒園外銷

Presenter 3 - Dr. Yihsiang Kuo, Associate Professor, General Education Center, National Defense University. Topic: Globalization Opens EFL Learners’ Minds and Eyes to the World 發表者 3: 郭宜湘, 國防大學 通識教育中心副教授 主題:全球化增廣 EFL 學習者的思維與見聞

[Moderator: Dr. Miao-Chi Wu 主持人: 吳妙姬]

 Closing Address 閉幕式 Dr. Yu-De Guo, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, 15:15 - 15:30 Nanhua University 致詞人: 郭玉德, 南華大學外國語文學系 系主任

主辦單位 Organizer: 南華大學 外國語文學系 Nanhua University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 日期 Date: 2017年5月20日 May 20, 2017 時間 Time: 早上八點半至下午四點半 8:30 - 15:30 地點 Venue: 南華大學學海堂S109 Phone: (05) 2721001 Fax: (05) 2427182

2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會

評課教授:張玉玲 教授

國立高雄師範大學 現職 英語學系 教授 兼 語教中心主任


學經歷 Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education (Curriculum and Instruction), University of


教學專長 英語語言史、全語言教學、網路輔助英語教學

1. 張玉玲 (2009). 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練。特色教學研究計畫成果發表 會。國立高雄師範大學。

2. 張玉玲 (2009).從青少年小說之社會面向與權力運作看英語文教學之多元及應用。2009 英 語文學暨教學學術研討會。空軍官校通識中心。

3. Chang, Y. L. (2009). The design and application of English courseware in a jigsaw model: A Case study of e-holidays courseware. 第十三屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高 雄師範大學。

4. 張玉玲 (2009).文學圈在國中英文閱讀教學之應用。高雄市教育局國教輔導團研習會。 5. Chang, Y. L. (2009). Meaning Co-construction in a Taiwan and Boston Video-conferencing。 第二屆應用語言學國際教學研討會。國立成功大學外文系。 相關著作 6. 張玉玲 、彭慧芳及吳政璟 (2009). 應用 Connect 視訊會議系統作跨校英文閱讀教學。高高 屏區教學資源中心教學研討會。國立高雄師範大學。 7. 張玉玲 (2010).英語教育的全球化與在地化。 2010 年英語教師專業成長學術研討會。南台 科技大學應外系。 8. Chang, Y. L. (2010). Composing and application of E-books in Chinese, Taiwanese and English instruction. 第十四屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高雄師範大學。

9. Chang, Y. L. (2011). Internet Technology in English: Reflections on EFL graduate students’ dialogue writing in ESP and EAP. . 第十五屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高雄 師範大學。

10. Chang, Y. L. (2012). Igniting New Literacy - Pastiche Story Writing and Creativity Development for Elementary School Students. 2012 WLU Summer Institute, NCTE Conference. St. Louis,



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2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會

Professional English Training for Top Sports Industries 以專業英語訓練發展頂尖運動會展產業

國立高雄師範大學 英語系 張玉玲

Abstract It has been a big trend for many metropolises to join international conferences as well as exhibition associations currently. By holding mega international events, such as top sports industries, many people have chances to contact with foreign athletes, referees, media reporters, attendants, audience, etc. On the other hand, many metropolis governments usually work hard on gym construction or reconstruction, make the metropolises look beautiful, and then run good business in top sports industries. If some universities or colleges integrate issues on international conferences and exhibition associations of top sports industries into their curricula, they will help students get to know the style, organization as well as many values of the industries (including developing an international friendship, connecting with foreign countries, building exhibition halls, promoting the city image, or increasing job opportunities.) Hopefully, they can help the students expand their world view. The purposes of the current study was to present the effect of a top sports industry, Kaohsiung 2009 from three aspects, including English presentations, English meetings, and the content area instruction of the top sports industry. The subjects in this study were 25 graduate students from the master program of applied English, English Department, in a university. In a project of task-based learning, the graduate students had grown up in five aspects, including (a) promoting their motivations to make English presentations and to hold meetings on their assigned sports and subjects; (b) developing relevant skills, (c) varying the topics on their assigned tasks, (d) becoming familiar with the procedures of English presentations and meetings, (e) expanding their world views. Hopefully, the students would become international experts in different industries in Taiwan or abroad.

摘 要 近年來許多國際都會都加入國際會議及會展協會,以提升知名度,舉辦大型國際活動, 尤其是頂尖運動會,與許多來自世界各國的選手菁英、裁判、媒體人員、服務人員、各國觀 眾. . .等進行溝通交流。該國際都會積極建設,重新整頓市容,帶動光觀產業,一舉數得。 若學校將國際會議及會展協會議題納入課程,讓學生知道國際會展之規模組織架構及價值(如 建立國際友誼、與國際接軌、大量建築展覽會館、提升都市形象、或創造就業機會等),可以 擴展學生視野。 本特色教學研究計畫結合英語簡報、英語會議、及高雄「2009 世界運動會」會展產業, 讓<<應用英語研究所>>學生從做中學習,發展專業英文閱讀、寫作、及口說之能力,並幫忙 推動高雄「2009 世界運動會」會展產業。本特色教學研究計畫目標為(一)培養學生良好之英


語簡報與會議動機,(二)強調英語簡報與會議技巧,(三)變化英語簡報與會議主題,(四)落 實英語簡報與會議進行程序,及(五)擴展學生視野,期許將來成為臺灣國內外各產業所需的 國際人才。












Insert PPT papers 2x3 here (pages 5-15)


3Rs of Internationalization: Resistance, Requirement, Realization Pao-Ann Hsiung 熊博安 Professor and Dean of International Affairs National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Who does not want internationalization? Just because we are involved in internationalization, we think everyone is interested. However, the opposite is often true. In any department, there is always a colleague who refuses to teach in a non-mother tongue language (English in Taiwan). There are colleagues who will not advise international students. These issues can be resolved by creating “requirements,” which is a basic marketing technique. In this presentation, we try to create requirements corresponding to each different type of issues that university internationalization encounters. How to instill a strong desire for internationalization for professors, management staff, and the university is the focus of this presentation.

Talk Objectives 1. To identify issues that can be resolved through inducing requirements. 2. To formulate strategies to resolve the identified issues. 3. To apply the formulated strategies to resolve the issues and obtain reviews on the result of application. 4. To redesign the strategies based feedback.

Talk Contents 1. How to alleviate the resistance from professors in teaching courses in English and in supervising international students? 2. How to alleviate the resistance from students who are not willing to go abroad for studies (especially for long-term) and afraid to collaborate with international students?


Introduction of Globalization at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Dr. Shi-Chang Tseng 曾世昌, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Abstract Founded in 1991, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech) is a flagship technical university in Taiwan. It has four colleges and about 10,000 students and 350 faculty members. Globalization is one of endless objectives for YunTech to work on. Currently, YunTech has 225 sister universities worldwide and more than 700 foreign students on campus. We believe we need to work harder to strengthen international collaborations with our sister universities and industries. We have set up a new international students’ scholarship policy to recruit more excellent students to pursue their degrees at YunTech. More industry internships will be offered as well. The challenges of globalization remain and have to be overcome. Such as providing more courses taught in English, more dual degree programs and enhancing students’ global mobility, etc.


Introduction to Internationalization of M. A. Program in European Studies at Nanhua University

Dr. Chao-hsien Chiu 邱昭憲 Associate Professor, Department of International Affairs and Business Vice-dean, Office of International and Cross-strait Affairs

Abstract The M. A. program in European Studies (former Graduate Institute of European Studies) founded in 1997 has been devoted to doing research on European Studies in the south of Taiwan. The Program focuses on regional and interdisciplinary research on European studies including politics, economy, culture, law, history, society and international relations. The program has offered the latest European studies with macro perspective and introduced the most updated trends in society, economy and politics, which all present on the program’s curriculum.

The faculty line-up in the M. A. program in European Studies contains doctors receiving Ph. D. from European universities, and visiting scholars from Britain, , , Czech, Malta and . Meanwhile, the Graduate Institute of European Studies was the first research institute receiving an EU grant conducting “Jean Monnet Teaching Module” through Jean Monnet Program in 2013. The “Jean Monnet Teaching Module” offers postgraduates with historical and international perspectives to engage in European studies, which has an impact on postgraduates’ career prospects.

The Graduate Institute of European Studies has maintained partnership with European academic institutes and exchanged research and publications. Our faculty members and postgraduates have continuously formed teams to visit prominent European institutes located in , Germany, Britain, , Malta, and EU headquarter. We also successfully help our students to obtain Taiwanese and European governments’ grant, such as MOE’s “Scholarships for Excellent Students to Study Abroad,” Scholarship from Czech government, government, Nanhua’s “Overseas Learning Award,” to study or serve internship in Europe each year.

The Graduate Institute of European Studies has held 1-2 conferences, 6-8 academic symposiums, 8-10 speeches per year sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2005 and co-organized academic activities with domestic and international institutes. We also accept international papers annually published in our journal of International and Public Affairs. M. A students in European Studies organize “International Cultural Club” for exchanges of European languages, customs and

18 culture. All of these events are helpful to widen students’ horizon and get foreign students involved in leaning and life in campus.

In addition to specialized subjects, the M. A. program in European Studies offer European languages, English-taught courses of Europe-Asia topics and seminars of Civil Service Special Examinations for M. A. students. We are hopeful of students’ applying what they have learned in school after graduation. Some of students completing the program further achieve Ph. D. as scholars in academic institutes, some get into public service, and others do European business in domestic or international private enterprise.


My Journey Teaching ESP in Taiwan Dr. How-Chiun Wu 吳澔群,Associate Professor Department of Natural Biotechnology, Nanhua University


My upbringing in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment has given me a diverse perspective of people from different cultures and backgrounds, and a better understanding of how people from different cultures approach their studies, such as learning a foreign language. This has had a profound effect on my perspective in developing ESP teaching and learning strategies in Taiwan. For a person to master a foreign language, having an in-depth understanding of the culture, usage, and mechanics behind the language is essential. Similarly, it is vital for the instructor to understand the culture, mindset and habits of the learner. The reliance of Taiwanese students on rote learning is a good example. ESP in the field of biotechnology is littered with scientific names of organisms and chemicals, as well as terminologies to explain or describe a particular function or process. Being well versed with these terminologies is only half of the challenge, truly understanding the terminologies in a biotechnology context is crucial. Faced with a seemingly insurmountable amount of terminologies, Taiwanese students tend to just rely on rote memorization. In my experience, brainstorming is a particularly effective way to help students visualize and understand concepts in biotechnology. Another method is to simplify the word by breaking down a terminology to get students to focus on the origin of each part of the word and understand how it relates to its definition in the current form. These methods help students to better grasp biotechnology terminologies over the long run and is more effective than rote learning. During my journey teaching ESP in Taiwan, I have had to change my approach to teaching Taiwanese students, and continuously revise, adjust, and improve different methods of teaching. I have come to realize that the culture and unique habits of Taiwanese students play a central role in their studies, and thus, developing a suitable strategy that is tailor-made to suit their needs is vital. I have also come to the conclusion that successfully getting students to not overly rely on rote learning in ESP is already a battle half won. In my view, students in Taiwan need to be encouraged to change their learning habits at an earlier age as most university students are too set in their ways to give up rote learning.


The Promotion of International Bachelor Programs from the Perspectives of Campus Internationalization 從校園國際化看國際學士學位學程之推動

National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism Department of Applied English 國立高雄餐旅大學 應用英語系 Wu, Miao-Chi 吳 妙 姬

This is a preliminary study on two international bachelor programs established in National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT). Both programs were the first government founded educational institution specializing in international travel and tourism as well as Chinese culinary arts. The aim of this research is to discuss the current state of promoting international bachelor programs in NKUHT. The document analysis was adopted in this research due to the documents were a way to reconstruct events or decisions that took place prior to participants’ involvement. While Ellingboe (2005) defines the campus internationalization which is the process of integrating an international dimension into an institution, two international bachelor programs have been achieving comprehensive campus internationalization indicators such as institutional support, campus culture, faculty involvement & engagement and so on. Notwithstanding the efforts of campus internationalization from the programs, it is more tentative to know how to distinguish between normal bachelor programs and international bachelor program without holistic English instructing environment. Additionally, the further impacts on integrating and infusing international, intercultural, and global dimensions into NKUHT from these two programs is another discussible area in future.

Keywords: international bachelor programs, document analysis, campus internationalization


ESP Courses in Globalization of English Language Teaching and Learning (全球化的特殊目的英語教學)

Chao-chih Liao (廖招治) National Chiayi University [email protected]


I wrote the book, A Needs Analysis Study for Improving Instruction of Business English in Taiwan (1990). One NTU (National Taiwan University) professor commented that Business English is very easy English, where nothing is worth further studying and researching at all. Then 20 more years later, ESP (English for Specific Purposes; Business English is one major type) teaching has become one of major studies in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching and learning. I have been teaching ESP for more than 30 years.

In this global village, every undergraduate department in Taiwan (and in the world) talks about globalization. Professors in the Department of Chinese are concerned about the research of Chinese literary works outside Chinese speaking groups; for example, they are happy to learn that scholars and professors around the world are doing research on the Red Chamber Dream (紅樓夢). This is part of globalization for them. In the Department of Law, professors mention the trend of concepts of in , Germany, the , the and so on. They tell students a few legal terms in English, such as due process of law (正當法律程序), pretending that they are good in EFL, which may push students to learn English well.

Likewise, in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (DFL), we talk about the globalization of the department, perhaps by assigning students to read textbooks written by native English speakers. We also focus on ESP, hoping to educate and entertain students, while students have their urgent and/or important issues to manage. As an example, my workplace offers ESP courses of Hospitality English, English Contracts, Legal English, Financial English, Event English, Workplace English, Practice of Secretarial English, English for Tourism, Business Conversation in English, Business Letters in English, and so on.

I have been assigned to teach Legal English for four or five times since 2003. This semester I am teaching Financial English for the first time. I would like to talk about how and what I teach in Legal English and Financial English, including my attitude toward the two courses. I use data in


Taiwan talking about financing and law matters in Taiwan. These data are more relevant to students’ daily lives.

In teaching undergraduates ESP, an EFL professor has to know about the subject matter of hospitality in Hospitality English, of finance in Financial English, of law in Legal English and so on because students are young and inexperienced. An EFL professional without such subject matter knowledge are good for correcting English of drafts to be submitted to English Professional Journals for publication because the non-English expert writers have been experts in the subject matter already.


Export of Confucianism Hsiao-Wen Chang 張筱雯, Associate Professor & Director, Department of Early Childhood Education, Nanhua University


Purpose of the current study The aim of the current study was to present a preschool program in Prince Edward Island, , which is dedicated to promoting moral education based on Confucianism to young children from Chinese families. This study also discussed the challenges confronted by this program and the future of building moral education based on Confucianism abroad. The Current State of Chinese Teaching in Western Countries Over the last century, Chinese culture has taught mainly through weekend Chinese school and after-school Chinese tutoring school. They represent the charitable outpouring of the first generation of Chinese immigrants, allowing their children to put down Chinese roots. By the 1990s, the large influx of students from mainland came to study in the United States and Canada, launch their careers and start families, weekend Chinese schools sprang up like mushroom after rain (Luo, 2016), attracting a large scale of Chinese families. In addition to teaching Chinese, these programs also offered many Chinese culture classes, such as Chinese martial art, traditional Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy, and Chinese chess, to promote Chinese culture. However, none of these programs thus far has dedicated to building moral education through Confucianism. Key Ideas and Fundamental Features of Confucian thinking in Moral Education Seen from a contemporary perspective, the main system of traditional Chinese education is moral education, with Confucianism as its main tenet. It goes without saying that Confucian thinking has a profound and far-reaching influence on every layer of Chinese culture. In this paper I will outline the key ideas of Confucian thinking in moral education. Filial piety is the first and foremost of all virtues Filial piety is the cornerstone of Confucian thinking. For Confucius filial piety was foundation of practicing morality in order to fully realize noble personality. The idea was best presented in The Book of Filial Piety. Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues and the fountainhead wence all moral teachings spring… Our

bodies-from a single hair to a bit of skin-are derived from parents, we must not in the least injure or wound

them. This is the beginning of filial piety. We establish ourselves in the world and are considered successful by

cultivating virtues and observing morality, so as to leave a good name for posterity and to bring glory to our

parents: this is the ultimate realm of filial piety. Hence filial piety begins with the service of our parents,

proceeds to serve the emperor and is consummated in establishing ourselves in the world and achieving virtue 24

and hence success. (Hu, 1996, p. 1) Human nature develops through habit It is believed that long practice makes habit second nature by Confucius followers. As Confucius has pointed out, “Men are close to one another by nature. It is the influence of environment that sets them wide apart”. (Yang, 1980, p. 181) Additionally, “If habit is cultivated when one is young it becomes like one’s won nature, habit is then second nature.” (Wang, 1991, p. 61) According to Mencius, everyone is born with the seeds of the four virtues- benevolence, righteousness, courteousness and wisdom. It is the long period of cultivation and training that makes these moral seeds grow into moral conducts (Wang, 2004). Accordingly, it is believed that the environment and education are essential to cultivating moral character. And the education should start young as it is much easier to change one’s personality when one is young. Benevolence is the paramount virtue of Confucian teaching Confucian moral education aims at cultivating a noble person characterized by benevolence, wisdom and courage. It is often maintained that benevolence is the paramount virtue of Confucian teachings. According to Confucius, benevolence is to love all men. By that Confucius put forward two principles: 1). “A benevolent man, wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; wishing success in everything for himself, he helps others succeed n everything, too.” 2). “Do not do to others what you do not want yourself.” (Wang, 2004)


Globalization Opens EFL Learners’ Minds and Eyes to the World 全球化增廣 EFL 學習者的思維與見聞

Yihsiang Kuo (郭宜湘) e-mail: [email protected] Associate Professor General Education Center National Defense University

The main purpose of this presentation is to share and demonstrate how to bring globalization into my Freshman English course not only to boost my students’ English proficiency but also to broaden their horizons. Two types of “globalization” materials were adopted to achieve above objectives. The first one was Prof. Michael Sandel’s Lessons on “What Money Can’t Buy” and “Justice” (VCDs and some transcripts available on the Internet), which improved my students’ overall English proficiency, developed their critical thinking ability, provided speaking opportunity for them to express their own viewpoints, and opened their minds to different perspectives on controversial issues. The second one was student selected weekly international news, which opened their eyes to the world as well as enhanced their English proficiency and motivation. Hopefully this presentation can offer a valuable and/or practical alternative for EFL teaching at the tertiary education level in Taiwan.



組別 職稱/負責工作項目 姓名

外文系助理 王元采 統籌組 工作人員總召 黃信瑋

證書製作及報告彙整 黃薇瑄 編輯組 手冊編制及海報製作 莊宜縉

文書前置作業 嚴 瑄

庶務組 侯家均 場佈前置作業 吳玉如

接待處 簡郁庭

接待組 郭宜芳 簽到桌及證書發放 陳于絜

張光廷 總務組 機動支援 林輝濠

中文司儀 郭育竹

英文司儀 廖敏如

議事組 場控 吳玉如

電腦操控 張簡宇哲

攝影 莊宜縉