南華大學 外國語文學系 Nanhua University Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 Issues of Globalization: English Language Teaching and Learning Date : Saturday, May 20, 2017 Time : 8:30-16:00 Location : Nanhua University, Room S109 日期:2017/05/20 (六) 時間:8:30-16:00 地點:南華大學 學海堂 S109 Issues of Globalization: English Language Teaching and Learning Conference Agenda 2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 議程表 Nanhua University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 南華大學 外國語文學系 Saturday, May 20, 2017 Details 活動內容 8:30 - 9:00 Registration 報到 Nanhua University: Room 學海堂 S109 南華大學學海堂 S109 Morning Session 上午場 Opening Address 開幕式演講 Dr. Tsong-Ming Lin, President, Nanhua University 9:00 - 9:10 致詞人: 林校長, 南華大學校長 Keynote 主題演講 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ye-Ling Chang, Professor & Director of Center of Language and Cultural Teaching, National Kaohsiung Normal University. 9:10 - 10:40 Topic: Professional English Training for Top Sports Industries 主講人: 張玉玲, 國立高雄師範大學教授兼語言與文化教學中心主任 講題: 以專業英語訓練發展頂尖運動會展產業 [Moderator: Dr. Yu-De Guo 主持人: 郭玉德] 10:40 - 11:00 Tea Break 茶敘 Morning Session (continued) 上午場 Presentations: Session I 第一場 Presenter 1 - Dr. Pao-Ann Hsiung, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs, National Chung Cheng University Topic: The 3Rs of Internationalization: Resistance, Requirement, and Realization. 發表者 1: 熊博安, 國立中正大學教授兼國際處處長 主題: 國際化的三部曲:探尋阻力、激發需求、具體實現 Presenter 2 - Dr. Shi-Chang Tseng, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Topic: Introduction of Globalization at YunTech 發表者 2: 曾世昌, 雲林科技大學教授兼國際事務處處長 主題: 雲科大國際化簡介 11:00 - 12:00 Presenter 3 - Dr. Chao-Hsien Chiu, Director, Overseas Admissions Center, Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Nanhua University Topic: Introduction to Internationalization of M.A. Program in European Studies at Nanhua University 發表者 3: 邱昭憲, 南華大學國際及兩岸交流處境外招生中心主任 兼歐洲研究所副教授 主題: 南華大學歐洲研究所國際化介紹 [Moderator: Dr. Ye-Ling Chang 主持人: 張玉玲] Afternoon Session 下午場 Presentations: Session II 第二場 Presenter 1 - Dr. How-Chiun Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Biotechnology, Nanhua University. Topic: My Journey Teaching ESP in Taiwan 發表者 1: 吳澔群, 南華大學自然生物科技學系副教授 主題: 我的專業英文教學之旅 13:15 - 14:00 Presenter 2 - Dr. Miao-Chi Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Applied English, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. Topic: The Promotion of International Bachelor Programs from the Perspectives of Campus Internationalization 發表者 2: 吳妙姬, 高雄餐旅大學應用英語系副教授 主題: 從校園國際化看國際學士學位學程之推動 [Moderator: Dr. Chao-Chih Liao 主持人: 廖招治] 14:00 - 14:15 Tea Break 茶敘 Afternoon Session (continued) 下午場 Presentations: Session III 第三場 Presenter 1 – Dr. Chao-Chih Liao, Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, National Chiayi University. Topic: ESP Courses in Globalization of English Language Teaching and 14:15 - 15:15 Learning 發表者 1: 廖招治, 國立嘉義大學外國語言學系教授 主題: 全球化的特殊目的英語教學 Presenter 2 - Dr. Hsiao-Wen Chang, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Early Childhood Education, Nanhua University Topic: Export of Confucianism through Preschool Programs 發表者 2: 張筱雯, 南華大學幼兒教育學系副教授兼系主任 主題: 儒家文化幼兒園外銷 Presenter 3 - Dr. Yihsiang Kuo, Associate Professor, General Education Center, National Defense University. Topic: Globalization Opens EFL Learners’ Minds and Eyes to the World 發表者 3: 郭宜湘, 國防大學 通識教育中心副教授 主題:全球化增廣 EFL 學習者的思維與見聞 [Moderator: Dr. Miao-Chi Wu 主持人: 吳妙姬] Closing Address 閉幕式 Dr. Yu-De Guo, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, 15:15 - 15:30 Nanhua University 致詞人: 郭玉德, 南華大學外國語文學系 系主任 主辦單位 Organizer: 南華大學 外國語文學系 Nanhua University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 日期 Date: 2017年5月20日 May 20, 2017 時間 Time: 早上八點半至下午四點半 8:30 - 15:30 地點 Venue: 南華大學學海堂S109 Phone: (05) 2721001 Fax: (05) 2427182 2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 評課教授:張玉玲 教授 國立高雄師範大學 現職 英語學系 教授 兼 語教中心主任 美國密蘇里大學 Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education (Curriculum 學經歷 and Instruction), University of Missouri-Columbia 教學專長 英語語言史、全語言教學、網路輔助英語教學 1. 張玉玲 (2009). 以台灣會展產業導向之英語簡報與會議訓練。特色教學研究計畫成果發表 會。國立高雄師範大學。 2. 張玉玲 (2009).從青少年小說之社會面向與權力運作看英語文教學之多元及應用。2009 英 語文學暨教學學術研討會。空軍官校通識中心。 3. Chang, Y. L. (2009). The design and application of English courseware in a jigsaw model: A Case study of e-holidays courseware. 第十三屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高 雄師範大學。 4. 張玉玲 (2009).文學圈在國中英文閱讀教學之應用。高雄市教育局國教輔導團研習會。 5. Chang, Y. L. (2009). Meaning Co-construction in a Taiwan and Boston Video-conferencing。 第二屆應用語言學國際教學研討會。國立成功大學外文系。 相關著作 6. 張玉玲 、彭慧芳及吳政璟 (2009). 應用 Connect 視訊會議系統作跨校英文閱讀教學。高高 屏區教學資源中心教學研討會。國立高雄師範大學。 7. 張玉玲 (2010).英語教育的全球化與在地化。 2010 年英語教師專業成長學術研討會。南台 科技大學應外系。 8. Chang, Y. L. (2010). Composing and application of E-books in Chinese, Taiwanese and English instruction. 第十四屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高雄師範大學。 9. Chang, Y. L. (2011). Internet Technology in English: Reflections on EFL graduate students’ dialogue writing in ESP and EAP. 第十五屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。國立高雄 師範大學。 10. Chang, Y. L. (2012). Igniting New Literacy - Pastiche Story Writing and Creativity Development for Elementary School Students. 2012 WLU Summer Institute, NCTE Conference. St. Louis, 1 U.S.A. 獲得 98 年國立高雄師範大學特色教學獎助。 獲得 99 年國立高雄師範大學台灣歷史研究學術活動甲等獎。 相關獎勵 獲得 99 年國立高雄師範大學文學院學術活優等獎。 獲得 104 年度教育部華語文教育機構績效管理及獎勵 獲得 105 年度教育部華語文教育機構績效管理及獎勵 電子郵件 [email protected] 2 2017 英語教學國際化議題研討會 Professional English Training for Top Sports Industries 以專業英語訓練發展頂尖運動會展產業 國立高雄師範大學 英語系 張玉玲 Abstract It has been a big trend for many metropolises to join international conferences as well as exhibition associations currently. By holding mega international events, such as top sports industries, many people have chances to contact with foreign athletes, referees, media reporters, attendants, audience, etc. On the other hand, many metropolis governments usually work hard on gym construction or reconstruction, make the metropolises look beautiful, and then run good business in top sports industries. If some universities or colleges integrate issues on international conferences and exhibition associations of top sports industries into their curricula, they will help students get to know the style, organization as well as many values of the industries (including developing an international friendship, connecting with foreign countries, building exhibition halls, promoting the city image, or increasing job opportunities.) Hopefully, they can help the students expand their world view. The purposes of the current study was to present the effect of a top sports industry, Kaohsiung 2009 World Games from three aspects, including English presentations, English meetings, and the content area instruction of the top sports industry. The subjects in this study were 25 graduate students from the master program of applied English, English Department, in a university. In a project of task-based learning, the graduate students had grown up in five aspects, including (a) promoting their motivations to make English presentations and to hold meetings on their assigned sports and subjects; (b) developing relevant skills, (c) varying the topics on their assigned tasks, (d) becoming familiar with the procedures of English presentations and meetings, (e) expanding their world views. Hopefully, the students would become international experts in different industries in Taiwan or abroad. 摘 要 近年來許多國際都會都加入國際會議及會展協會,以提升知名度,舉辦大型國際活動, 尤其是頂尖運動會,與許多來自世界各國的選手菁英、裁判、媒體人員、服務人員、各國觀 眾. .等進行溝通交流。該國際都會積極建設,重新整頓市容,帶動光觀產業,一舉數得。 若學校將國際會議及會展協會議題納入課程,讓學生知道國際會展之規模組織架構及價值(如 建立國際友誼、與國際接軌、大量建築展覽會館、提升都市形象、或創造就業機會等),可以 擴展學生視野。 本特色教學研究計畫結合英語簡報、英語會議、及高雄「2009 世界運動會」會展產業, 讓<<應用英語研究所>>學生從做中學習,發展專業英文閱讀、寫作、及口說之能力,並幫忙 推動高雄「2009 世界運動會」會展產業。本特色教學研究計畫目標為(一)培養學生良好之英 3 語簡報與會議動機,(二)強調英語簡報與會議技巧,(三)變化英語簡報與會議主題,(四)落 實英語簡報與會議進行程序,及(五)擴展學生視野,期許將來成為臺灣國內外各產業所需的 國際人才。 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Insert PPT papers 2x3 here (pages 5-15) 15 3Rs of Internationalization: Resistance, Requirement, Realization Pao-Ann Hsiung 熊博安 Professor and Dean of International Affairs National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Who does not want internationalization? Just because we are involved in internationalization, we think everyone is interested. However, the opposite is often true. In any department, there is always a colleague who refuses to teach in a non-mother tongue language (English in Taiwan). There are colleagues who will not advise international students. These issues can be resolved by creating “requirements,” which is a basic marketing technique. In this presentation, we try to create requirements corresponding to each different type of issues that university internationalization encounters. How to instill a strong desire for internationalization for professors, management staff, and the university is the focus of this presentation. Talk Objectives 1. To identify issues that can be resolved through inducing requirements. 2. To formulate strategies to resolve the identified issues. 3. To apply the formulated strategies to resolve the issues and obtain reviews on the result of application. 4. To redesign the strategies based feedback. Talk Contents 1. How to alleviate the resistance from professors in teaching courses in English and in supervising international students? 2. How to alleviate the resistance from students who are not willing to go abroad for studies (especially for long-term) and afraid to collaborate with international students? 16 Introduction of Globalization at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Dr. Shi-Chang Tseng 曾世昌, Professor & Dean, Office of International Affairs National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Abstract Founded in 1991, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
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