EARLY CLOSING. FREEMASONRY in TORQUAY. Recentl Had the Pleasure of Attending a Lod (Continued from P

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EARLY CLOSING. FREEMASONRY in TORQUAY. Recentl Had the Pleasure of Attending a Lod (Continued from P EARLY CLOSING. FREEMASONRY IN TORQUAY. recentl had the pleasure of attending a Lod (Continued from p. 172.) WE y ge, the summons for which bore a notice at the foot , HAVING noticed some details connected with the premises in which the meetings of the Lodge have to the effect that the Tyler's toast would be given at been held for the past 84 years, let us now direct our 10.30 p.m. Pointing out this most unusual announce- attention to that more important feature of our Masonic ment to another Visitor he endorsed our view that it institution, the living stones that form the true Masonic would be very enjoyable if the proceedings were brought Temple, and if we can trace in these records of our to a conclusion at that hour, but, he said, " it is too good Brethren the efforts that have led up to the present happy position that we hold , then it becomes us to follow them to be true." And so we and others thought, especially in the same path that leads to success. The history of as there was an exceptionally long programme of music St. John's Lodge has been marked by several very happy to be gone through, with every prospect of long and incidents, from which it will not be very difficult to varied speeches during the evening ; but the Master discover the cause of its present prosperity. There have proved true to his word, and punctually at half-past ten been other Lodges formed under more ostentatious circumstances and amid a greater display of distinguished the Tyler was summoned to give the conluding toast of patronage, when the grand principles of our sublime the evening, and that, too, without any curtailment of Order have been amply set forth in the most eloquent the programme, or any unseemly haste in the social terms ; yet, alas, some of these Lodges that started under amenities of the meeting. such favourable auspices have soon lost their early zeal The Masonic business being ended at this and Masonic good intentions. The introduction of an reasonable unworthy element in the Lodge has darkened all its hour it was possible to spend a few minutes in friendly prospects for good. The " Morning Star " has ceased to conversation before it was necessary to leave for home, shine ; it is lost for ever in eternal darkness. The and the punctuality of the Worshipful Master was so noontide heat of an unfortunate element extinguished it favourably commented upon by those present as to altogether. That great and good Freemason, the late convince him and others who were Rev. Dr. Oliver, who was the cynosure of the past there, we should Masonic generation, could supply us with ample material, imagine, that Masonic meetings would be much more if we lack it, by which we might gauge the misfortune of enjoyable to ordinary members of the Order if hhey admitting unworthy members into our Order. Take for were brought to a conclusion at an earlier hour. We instance the Apollo Lodge, that he formed at Grimsby; have frequently written on this subject, and have been how well it worked. What a fine prospect appeared to as the worth met with the argument that it is open out before it, y doctor brought around impossible to close thus it his many gifts and graces, but, alas, as soon as Dr. early without considerably curtailing the ordinary pro- Oliver left that part of the country, undesirable candi- gramme of an evening, but the experience gained at the dates were received. Then the Lodge fell, never to rise Lodge we have referred to, and at others where a rigid again. If this was the cause of past failures in Free- observance of punctuality is aimed at, has convinced us masonry, inagurated under such favourable circum- stances how can we wonder at the disasters we that late hours are as unnecessary meet as undesirable, and with nowaday. I remember the oration of W. Bro. L. in saying that we are putting the case very strongly. P. Metham, then D. Prov. G. M. of Devonshire, when Interchange of visits has become so popular among he was addressing the Brethren at the Consecration of Freemasons, and the presence of a number of visitors at the Dawlish Lodge, on the 28th August 1873. He nearly every meeting of a Lodge so common, with a said :—"At all cost, my Brethren, refuse admission to the unworthy and the unfit. Let no ambition to enlarge general desire among the entertainers to do everything your numbers, no eagerness to increase your funds, ever in their power to ensure the enjoyment of the guests, divert you from following the straight and undeviating that we are surprised this phase of the question has not line which should ever mark the footsteps of the true received attention before now, for it is certainly one Mason." The acceptance or rejection of such wise counsel will always determine the success or destruction drawback to frequent visiting that the meetings usually of every Masonic Lodge. In quoting another paragraph end so late, in fact it often happens that guests have to that fell from the lips of the same orator, I will, by that leave before the toast of the Visitors is reached, or put paragraph , reveal to you the secret of the success that themselves to serious inconvenience in order to reach attended the first efforts of this Lodge. It is couched in their homes in the suburbs or some distant part of the these words :— " By examining every block and defective ashlar, b metropolis. All this inconvenience could be prevented y rejecting the unworthy, because they cannot be again rejected if you pass them into the building." if systematic endeavour was made by those in authority From those who could give me information with regard to bring our Masonic meetings to a conclusion at a to the early events in St. John's Lodge, I have been reasonable hour, and if they did so we are convinced assured that the Brethren were scrupulously careful as they would not only enjoy themselves the more, but to the acceptance of candidates for Freemasonry. This excellent Masonic principle was the secret of the would ensure the comfort of very many of those who Lodge being able to hold its own wheu its members were very meet with them at the festive board. few in number. That there were among the founders of the Lodge Brethren of merit and ability we are bound to Mason to take the degree without passing the Craft chair. admit, for the large silver jewel that was presented in the In the United States of America the usage is still in year 1814 , four years after the formation of the Lodge, force to give the P.M. degree, and I remember when I to Bro. John Simms P.M., is proof positive that some of was over in the United States, in 1886, being present at the first Masters were true and zealous Masons. It may a Lodge meeting in Philadelphia, when a Brother passed be of interest to most here present to know that at the the chair. An amusing incident comes out during the time of the Consecration of this Lodge, and for seven ceremony, for on the Brother being installed and years after its Consecration , the Master of a Freemason's presented with the gavel, he is the Master of the Lodge Lodge was only designated or addressed as " Master," pro tem. ; this fact is intimated to the Brother, who the prefix " Worshipful " being added in the year 1817 ; evidently enjoys the peculiar situation ; still, I was that is the reason why we find in the Warrant or charter informed that they never found a Brother who wished to of the Lodge it is expressed that " we do further, at their take undue advantage of the position by attempting to said petition, and of the great trust and confidence rule the Lodge and remain in the chair for the remainder reposed in every of the said above-named brethren, of the evening. hereby appoint the said John Drew to be Master." (To be continued.) The usage also among many Lodges that date back for more than 100 years, was to meet twice each month, and that is the reason why this Lodge met on the first In the question of benevolence, as dispensed by our and third Monday in each month up to a very recent Lodges; of where it should be given and where withheld ; date. The list of P.Ms, is very incomplete. I made a some Lodges are continually on the rack, says " The very diligent search in order to try and compile a perfect Mallet.' I have seldom, however, come across a more list of P.Ms, of the Lodge, but found the Grand Lodge easily classified application than the case which came was not in possession of a perfect list of W.Ms. The before a Lodge recently. Here it is: Made twenty-one most remote record which this Lodge holds is dated for years ago ; got all degrees in one night; went abroad ; the year 1848. I was therefore unable to secure remained out of the country six years ; returned to anything like a perfect list. W. Bro. John Taylor is in Glasgow, and had been in the city during the last fifteen possession of a P.M. jewel that had been the property of years ; had never been in a Lodge except on the one Bro.
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